Why do you dream about a door padlock? Why do you dream about a lock (door) - interpretation of the dream

Seeing a door lock in a dream is a double sign. It all depends on the condition and appearance of the device. On the one hand, the dream means strong family relationships, reliable protection, on the other hand, it symbolizes betrayal, betrayal, and spiritual emptiness. Modern dream books recommend paying attention even to small details in order to understand why you dream of a latch, a deadbolt, or a neat padlock.

Miller's Dream Book and its interpretations

Psychologists' interpretation of a dream with a door lock comes down to some restrictions in sexual life, complexes and indecision. Gustav Miller considers such images a little more broadly than other predictors. And he encourages you to pay attention to the surrounding paraphernalia: keys, awnings and even the door itself. In addition, the dream book describes in detail what the dream means and some actions with it:

  • close - you will have to face prohibitions, difficulties and problems;
  • open - it’s time to embark on an adventurous journey;
  • not finding the key - to disagreements, severance of relations;
  • a broken mechanism means treason.

Unleash your sensuality and sexuality

In Sigmund Freud's dream book, a new door lock in a dream symbolizes the female genital organs. Seeing it, closing it, opening it means a desire to have sex. It’s great if you dreamed that you were successful in any manipulation with the key. Closing the door means finding the right partner, with whom it will be not only interesting, but also reliable.

Overcoming complexes, psychological barriers, and one’s own indecisiveness is exactly what dreams of a new door lock mean. It’s very good if you dreamed that you dealt with it easily. Freud's explanations are intriguing and thought-provoking. Seeing any device for locking a door in a dream means learning to manage your own feelings and emotions.

Beware of intrigue

Why you dream of a rusty, broken door lock is well explained by Nostradamus. The soothsayer's dream book foretells difficulties in business due to the betrayal of partners and the machinations of close friends. The machinations of ill-wishers can result in stagnation in business and depression.

If you dreamed that you saw a broken mechanism, be careful in family matters. Your jealousy and inability to trust your partner can lead to alienation, moral emptiness and mutual coldness.

Leave no chance for family scandals

A padlock on a door in a dream speaks of a period of loss and emotional distress. If you dreamed that you had a chance to hack it, be prepared to witness someone’s secrets that will not please you at all.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see - fulfillment of desires; to enter - unexpected happiness, a wedding with a recently acquaintance; living in a castle means wealth, (for a woman) an unwanted patron; leaving the castle (leave) - breaking promises, breaking personal or business relationships; flaming - good consequences; closed gate - interference, obstacles independent of the sleeper, rock; loss of place (in the old service).

I dreamed about a castle

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself in a castle means that you will be the owner of a significant fortune, enough to live the way you want. This dream will tell you that you have intentions to become a great traveler, there is a thirst for communication with people of many nationalities. Seeing an old castle overgrown with ivy means a penchant for romantic tastes. You must be careful to enter into a suitable marriage or training. After such a dream, your commercial affairs may decline. To dream that you are leaving the castle means that you will be robbed or you will lose someone close to you.

I dreamed about a castle

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a castle in a dream means confusion. If you open or close a lock, it means that you will soon discover that someone is harming you. If you are in love, you will find a way to defeat your opponent. In addition, you will have a successful trip. If you see that the lock does not work, you will be ridiculed and humiliated in love, and the risky journey will not bring you benefits. Fastening the clasp on your bride's necklace and bracelet foretells that you will have doubts about her fidelity, but subsequent events will completely destroy them.

Castle in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

A castle is a symbol of indecision, isolation, barrier, obstacles. A dream in which you lock the door means spiritual emptiness and an attempt to escape from solving problems. Seeing a broken lock in a dream is a betrayal of friends. Seeing a castle without a well in a dream means you are too arrogant, so you may not count on a quick solution to the problem in the near future. If in a dream you saw a castle of an unusual shape, you will witness interesting events. Seeing a fallen castle in a dream means that in reality you will be able to unravel some secret or prophecy.

I dreamed about constipation (deadbolt, lock)

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing constipation, a deadbolt or a lock in a dream, in real life you will feel an acute attack of excessive, downright pathological, unjustified greed.

Seeing keys in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Keys are a symbol of power and might. Losing keys means losing control over the situation, losing the means of access to something. Losing keys means not being able to get something important to complete a task, reach people, or access information. Finding a lost key means establishing yourself in a given situation, feeling like a “smith of your own happiness.” It is interesting to consider the case when you find a key that previously had nothing to do with you, especially if you cannot find a direct use for it, although you feel that it is a very important key. Perhaps you are trying to discover your potential in yourself or in your relationships with others. Who was nearby when you found the key? With whom did you share the news about the discovery? Depending on the answers, the meaning of your dream will be interpreted.

The meaning of a dream about a latch

according to Freud's dream book

Closing the door - soon some event will happen as a result of which you will want to end any relationship with your sex partner. If in a dream you, on the contrary, opened the latch, it means that soon your complex, which poisons your sex life, will finally disappear. This will happen after you are convinced that your doubts and fears are groundless.

I dreamed of a latch

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are closing the latch, this means that you will not respond to someone’s urgent request for help. Seeing a broken latch portends a disagreement with your best friend. This dream could also mean an illness awaiting you.

The meaning of a dream about a deadbolt

according to Freud's dream book

Locking something with a bolt in a dream means that in reality you are trying to avoid the advances of a person for whom you do not feel an ounce of sympathy. He disgusts you just because he dared to “set his eyes on” you. Opening a bolt in a dream - this dream promises you an acquaintance with a person who will make significant changes in your life. It is he who will become the indirect “culprit” of your renewed life, and there is hope that you will have a very close relationship.

Why do you dream about a palace?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

unexpected luck; (for a woman, a girl) - a meeting of a person with a position.

I dreamed about a palace

according to Miller's dream book

Wandering around a palace in a dream and not finding anything magnificent in it means that your prospects are expanding significantly and you will be able to take on a new title. Seeing and hearing beautiful women and men talking and dancing in a dream means that you will join a profitable and pleasant community. A young woman of moderate means dreams that she is an equal participant in brilliant entertainment - this dream foretells success in society thanks to her marriage or the generosity of relatives. This is often a very deceptive and misleading dream, especially for a young person in straitened circumstances, as it fills her lazy, empty mind with unrealistic dreams. She should try to live after such dreams, working honestly and avoiding false ambitions, following the confidential advice of her mother and friends.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

A dream that you live in a palace is a good sign. You will become rich and achieve a high position in society.

I dreamed about a tower

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a tower, it means that you want to achieve a lot in life. If you climb a tower during your dream, you will achieve success. But if the tower collapses as soon as you descend from it, you will be disappointed.

Tower in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The tower is a symbol of power and authority. Seeing a pointed tower, strongly stretched upward, means that the dreamer has power, but uses it imprudently; means that the dreamer overestimated his strength and underestimated his rivals; means a decrease in influence, loss of majority support. Seeing a tower that is impossible to approach means a meeting with a very significant person, a politician or a financial tycoon. Seeing a thoroughly fortified tower is a symbol of strength and great influence. Seeing a collapsing tower is a symbol of great changes in political and other courses. Seeing a tower besieged by armed men is a symbol of a clash between different camps that have great influence, a struggle between opponents, opponents, which will have significant consequences. Seeing a tower with loopholes is a symbol of power, which is based on fear, resigned submission, a symbol of aggression.

Why do you have a dream about a tower?

according to Vanga's dream book

In a dream, a tower symbolizes the sublimity of feelings, overcoming obstacles or an unattainable dream. If in a dream you climb the steps to the top of the tower with great difficulty, this is a sign that in reality you will have to overcome many obstacles before achieving your goal. A dream in which you see a tall, beautiful tower in front of you symbolizes the sublimity of feelings and desires that overwhelm your heart. If in a dream a tower fell and collapsed, and you are standing among the rubble, this means that you will destroy your happiness with your rash decisions and actions. On the river bank you build a tower of sand, which is washed away by the wave - this symbolizes deep disappointment that all your efforts will be in vain and will only come true in your fantasies. A dream in which you jumped from a high tower and did not crash is a sign that you will have to make a very important and responsible decision, the result of which depends only on you. If in a dream you are inside a tower that is about to collapse and wandering along the stairs in search of a way out, in reality you will become a witness or participant in social upheaval. In a dream, you are building a high tower and stacking huge and heavy stones yourself - this means that in reality you will be able to overcome all the hardships of life in order to achieve what you want.

Why do you dream about a tower?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

let; many towers in the city - an unusual enterprise; being in the tower is a betrayal.

I dreamed about a key

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing keys in a dream means unforeseen changes. If you lost your keys in a dream, unpleasant events in reality will sadden you. Finding the keys is a sign that family peace and revival in business await you. Damaged keys portend separation, the cause of which will be death or jealousy. If a young woman lost a clasp from a piece of jewelry in a dream, this promises her a quarrel with her loved one and anxiety because of this. If she sees a door that is not locked with a key, she will make a new submissive admirer. If she sees in a dream that she locks the door with a key, she will get married, and if she sees that she has lost the key, then it is possible that she will damage her reputation by her inability to think and act sensibly.

Key in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The key means finding solutions to problems, wanting to solve problems in an easier way. Opening a door with a key in a dream is evidence that great discoveries will be made in all areas of knowledge in the future. Perhaps a time machine will be invented, with which people will be able to travel to the past and future. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a difficult situation from which he will try to find a way out. Finding a key in a dream is a sign that great things await you. Most likely, you will move up the career ladder, thanks to which you will ensure a comfortable existence for your family. Perhaps you are about to meet a person thanks to whom your life will change for the better. Breaking a key in a dream means that in the future the inhabitants of the Earth will receive a terrible message about a cosmic accident. Most likely, the space station will suffer from this accident. If you dreamed of a bunch of keys, it means that in the not too distant future you will have the opportunity to make an amazing trip to many countries. On this trip you will not only have a good time, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things. Seeing two keys in a dream is an unexpected turn of events. Losing the key means finding yourself in an awkward position. To dream of someone giving you their keys is unexpected help in a difficult situation. A dream in which you see an old man with keys on his belt means that humanity is facing difficult trials. To see a golden key in a dream means that the efforts you have spent searching for the truth will be rewarded as you deserve. Seeing in a dream how you are looking for the keys to your house means in reality trying to find a solution to your personal problems.

Why do you dream about the key?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

answer to something, solution; to lose - squabble in the house, loss of a lover; find - get away from troubles; unlock the door - fall under suspicion; separation due to a quarrel; new love will not live up to expectations; locking the door is a good personal choice; avoid publicity; broke - a false decision or hope; on the table - to a quarrel, clarification of family relationships; clean water is the answer to everything; muddy - you will find out the secret; see Castle.

A castle in a dream is your life plans / your last reserve, something left for a rainy day / enemy camp / something related to politics / a knot of social relations and contradictions.

A pirate or predatory castle, an ominous castle - danger, threat.

Being the owner of a castle in a dream means the benefits of healthy self-confidence.

Visiting a castle means some kind of change in relationship / you will find yourself involved in the sphere of politics.

The drawbridge in front of him is lowering - a favorable prospect.

To see a castle surrounded by water means the inability to influence the course of events.

The revolving castle is your happiness in front of you, you need to master it.

A castle surrounded by a moat without water is power, on the way to which risk and humiliation await you.

To visit a completely empty castle - in deep sleep, the soul observes the body from the outside.

Inspecting the castle at night with a torch means you need to know your body and its capabilities better.

Inspecting a ruined castle means returning to previously abandoned plans.

A burning castle is an alarm, you need to gather all your strength.

There is a big light in the castle - there is a mobilization of forces ahead.

A flock of crows over a castle or a collapsing castle - your life is in danger, your family is in danger of extinction.

A castle in the middle of a serene blue lake or sea is strength in unity / a symbol of friendly alliance and timely assistance.

Sailing on a boat on calm water to the castle means a time of creative work lies ahead.

If you swim through stormy water, you will have to look for salvation.

In the evening, knocking on the castle gates means you will always have reliable help.

Building a castle means harboring false hopes.

To see it on the horizon is to find a goal for yourself.

To go to him, but he retreats, is in vain to try to get out of the circle of the unknown.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

Dreams in which you saw a castle are very informative. By turning to the dream book, you can find out why such a plot is dreamed of and what it promises in real life. In most cases, seeing a castle in a dream means obstacles will arise in current affairs. Whether it was closed or open also plays a big role.

If you dreamed of a door with a closed lock, then according to the Great Universal Dream Book this means great difficulties in business. It is possible that all endeavors will end in failure. Open constipation, on the contrary, means victory over all difficulties and successful implementation of your plans. A broken door lock predicts troubles and grievances. In some cases, such a dream may mean an unexpected turn of events. An event that was supposed to end unsuccessfully will unexpectedly end successfully.

Why do you dream about a castle according to various dream books?

According to the interpreter Vanga, locking the door in a dream indicates a desire to be alone for some time in real life. Even despite a lot of urgent matters, you should definitely set aside at least a day for yourself and spend this time alone with your thoughts, carefully considering your next steps.

Opening a lock with a key in a dream according to Vanga’s dream book means meeting a lonely and rather reserved person in reality. Most likely, you will try with all your might to liberate your new acquaintance, but all such attempts will be in vain and your efforts will not lead to the desired result. The dream book recommends leaving good intentions and minding your own business.

Vanga's dream book explains why an ancient castle of an unusual shape may appear in a dream. If you manage to open it, then in reality you will be able to gain the trust of a very influential person who can positively influence your career. If you dreamed of a door lock without a well, then all the things started in reality will end unsuccessfully, even despite great efforts.

If in a dream you can’t open a lock because not a single key fits, then, according to the dream book, upcoming business negotiations will be useless, and the enterprise where you work will suddenly go bankrupt and close. Another option for why you dream of a similar plot in a dream is the futility of trying to reconcile with a person dear to your heart.

Seeing a lock in a dream that suddenly fell out of your hands means making a mistake in real life that cannot be corrected. The mistake you make will quickly be taken advantage of by ill-wishers who will manage to seriously spoil your current affairs. Another option for why you dream about something like this is the loss of trust of a loved one or relative.

According to Miller's dream book, a castle means confusion. Carrying out some manipulations with the lock in a dream means you will soon discover ill-wishers in your environment. For lovers, such a plot can predict finding a way to defeat an opponent. You can also make a very successful trip soon.

If the key in the lock is broken, then get ready to experience humiliation from your loved one in reality. Difficulties in relationships can result in severe depression. An old castle seen in a dream speaks of the need to remember past mistakes and carefully analyze them. It is quite possible that this analysis will prevent an even greater mistake.

According to the dream book, a blue castle prophesies a journey to distant lands. The journey will be long and very interesting. If you dreamed of a padlock during a night's rest, according to the truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz, in reality you will have to face sadness and longing. The period of worries and tears will not end for a long time.

One of the dream books explains why you dream of a barn castle. Such a plot promises material profit. Peering through a keyhole in a dream means revealing someone else's secret in reality. You will learn this secret unexpectedly for yourself, and it will concern the life of a stranger, not yours. Try to keep this information secret from others. Its publication can significantly harm the keeper of the secret.

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Choose your dream!

Have you ever dreamed about it?


    I dreamed of a guy, I asked him a question: “Am I bothering you?” He replied that I was in the way and with irony and a smile he twisted a strand of hair on my nose (like in the m/f ... "and I lost my mind ...") then I found myself at the gate and the girl (I know her) started shouting at me, I was escorted out the gate, slamming the gate, I was dressed like Cinderella in a cloak with a hood. There was a carriage standing at the gate, and when I approached it I saw the gate lock in my hand, the lock was open and I remembered that I saw the key on the guy’s neck on a cord. I smiled and woke up. Is there a fairy tale waiting for me? Thank you for your reply!!!

    4-Sep-2018 Svetlana:

    I dreamed that my deceased grandmother was alive, and we were talking to her while I could not close the front door with the key. Why such a dream?

    28-Feb-2018 Tatyana:

    I walk through the large rooms and realize that this is my new home. I look at how much repairs need to be done, go outside and realize that this is an ancient castle with towers and a forged fence, and I am perplexed that I purchased the castle.

    I dreamed that my neighbor next door said that my door lock was broken and gave me two mortise locks to replace. I installed one and woke up, the lock was working. Sleep from Thursday to Friday.

    Today I dreamed that I was opening the lock with my key to some empty apartment, some man was with me, we went into the apartment, he put our suitcases and we went out, and I began to close the door and saw that the key in the lock was broken, but I I still closed the door with a broken key. Tell me what does this mean?

    I dreamed from Friday to Saturday that I opened the front door with my key, and suddenly the key broke, it was at nine o’clock in the evening, and early in the morning I had to go to work. I started to worry and woke up. What does this mean?

    Today I dreamed about my sister and me and they left us at home. We were walking as usual and suddenly someone knocked on us once, then twice and left. We continued playing! After some time, he knocked on us again. We were afraid and then heard a loud sound of our parents opening the door, but this sound suddenly changed to a quiet one, it sounded like picking with a needle. However, I immediately realized that this was a lock picking. I wanted to call my mother, but in my thoughts I forgot to do so. They opened the door, and I thought of jumping out with a knife and saying: “Get away from here!”, but I was afraid. As a result, my sister and I ran out onto the balcony, and we hid behind the chairs. Someone opened the door and looked around. He didn't see us. Why is this dream???

  • I dreamed about my grandmother’s apartment, where I lived as a student, I go up to the door, and there are several old locks on it, but they don’t work, they just hang, what’s the point?

Let's figure out why you dream of a lock on the door. The door itself is a sign of closedness and secrecy. A locked door means that you have secrets and secrets even from yourself. Mystery in general is not bad, but withholding information, refusing to perceive reality, and being willing to turn a blind eye to obvious facts is bad.

Not from a moral point of view, but from the point of view of negative consequences for you personally. Indeed, it can be easier to hide some knowledge from yourself and others. But there is always the risk of stupid exposure. Even the fairy-tale character Bluebeard completely deprived himself of the possibility of a happy life for the sake of a secret behind a closed door.

What do people usually hide from themselves behind a door lock in a dream?

Entering doors and looking into rooms, various rooms in a dream means engaging in self-knowledge, opening new horizons. Locked doors mean an internal ban, a strict blocking of self-development.

  • Most often, people hide illnesses and deny obvious symptoms. It is even possible for a fictitious disease to materialize and become quite real. Pay attention to physical activity, find time to visit the gym - you will be surprised how easily the symptoms of constant fatigue and malaise will pass. Go to the doctor, get tested. You should not have secrets from yourself.
  • A lock on a door in a dream can mean betrayal, a secret life. It's not for nothing that they say that love is blind. Anything and a little more is forgiven to a loved one. All actions are interpreted in one's favor. For example, maybe he cheats, but he returns to me and protects only me. Or yes, anything can happen at work, but it’s not serious, because in fact he/she cares about the future. Female and male voices in the background are interpreted as radio, you believe any nonsense. Anything can be justified - going on a picnic while you are sitting at home, refusing to marry, registering real estate in the name of relatives, refusing to take you to a corporate event. Open your eyes and really look at where you are driving yourself. Ask yourself how you would treat a person towards whom you could behave this way. When you tell yourself that a wedding is stupid and formalizing the relationship means nothing, you close the doors in front of you and lock the lock.
  • A person’s past often hides behind a castle in a dream. Something that I don’t really want to reveal. Perhaps there is nothing shameful about it, but it does not fit into the official version of the biography and becomes a source of constant anxiety. Don't be afraid of exposure, especially if the secrets are essentially innocent. There is a trick that will allow you to completely get rid of the past. Take a diary and describe in detail all the details of the past that bothers you. This is not a one-day task. Write a few pages every day until you feel that the past has let go of you. Destroy the diary. Don't be too afraid of exposure. No one will interfere and insist on the truth, including your school friends. The biography of many famous people has 2-3 official versions.

Meanings of a lock on a door according to dream books

  • The women's dream book suggests looking for the keys if you happen to see a castle in a dream. Without a key, according to the interpretation of the dream book, it will not be possible to unlock a heavy padlock. A sign of doom and inevitable punishment hangs above you. If a person takes a crowbar or tries to knock down the lock in other ways, this means a desire for liberation, a search for inner freedom. Unsuccessful attempts to open or knock down the lock indicate that you have chosen the wrong way to solve problems.
  • A rusty and flimsy lock held on by a couple of nails or on shabby boards is a stupid attempt at deception. If you make minimal efforts, you can easily expose the deceivers.
  • A lock with an open shackle, an open lock in a dream means that you are setting obstacles for yourself, but you can completely do without them.
  • Throwing away the keys to locks means you talk too much and blurt out your own and other people’s innermost secrets. If you continue in the same spirit, luck will turn away from you.
  • The Indian dream book has its own interpretation of locks and keys. If you hang a lock on the door yourself, you have a need for privacy. You need to be alone with your secrets and deal with your own secrets.
  • A labyrinth of locked doors means a difficult life situation. It looks like you've fallen into a trap. Ask your friends for help, use out-of-the-box thinking. You are not obliged to act according to the will of the owner of the labyrinth.
  • Freud's dream book interprets the lock on the door as a symbol of the feminine principle. For a woman to see a castle in a dream means having a riddle, the secret of femininity. Freud also interprets the lock as sexual unavailability or virginity. According to Freud, it is impossible to do without the key, or the masculine principle. Overcome your fears, says good grandfather Sigmund, and finally have the desired and wonderful sex. This will solve all problems and unlock the doors. We won’t argue that there are doors that really open in this way, but one can have doubts about solving all problems with the help of sex.


If you look at it objectively, a castle in a dream is a positive signal. You receive information about the presence of a problem, and therefore the possibility of a solution. Think of a dream about a closed lock as a key. Don't hesitate to open a locked door.

Seeing a castle in a dream already means indicating a problem. If you did not experience discomfort from internal secrets and secrets, you would see a completely different dream. Unlock the doors and start ventilating the closets. Bury old corpses and hang beautiful curtains.