State Republican Center of Russian Folklore. State Republican Center of Russian Folklore Official Center of Russian Folklore

On November 28, the Ministry of Culture actually put an end to many years of research into Russian folklore: by its order, without any approval or prior notice, the huge archive of the State Center of Russian Folklore (SCRF) was removed from its premises.

Soon the entire archive, consisting of about 170,000 unique works of folk art collected during expeditions, the center’s library and the results of its scientific research, will be transferred to the disposal of the State Russian House of Folk Art named after V.D. Polenov - an organization that has never been engaged in scientific activities. By decision of the director of the department of state support of art and folk art, Andrei Malyshev, employees of the Folklore Center were verbally asked to submit a letter of resignation of their own free will.

“In fact, this is a raider takeover of the Folklore Center,” says its deputy director, famous musician and folklorist Sergei Starostin. “Without an archive, our activities are impossible, and the Ministry of Culture understands this.”

Rumors of an imminent final disbandment filtered into the center in mid-November. A year earlier, the State Center for the Russian Federation was deprived of its legal personality by the Ministry of Culture and placed at the disposal of a structure called Roskultproekt. There is very little information about this structure in open sources; it is known that it is headed by Oleg Ivanov, who previously held the position of deputy chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia Nikita Mikhalkov and has never had anything to do with the study of traditional heritage.

Roskultproject cut the center's staff by half, cut its funding many times over, evicted it from its premises and sent it, along with the archive and library, to the basement of one of the buildings owned by the ministry. Then the final disbandment of the center was stopped, but its work was virtually paralyzed.

Of the remaining employees, some were forced to leave the center within a year under pressure from the new management, and the rest were not even provided with shelves to unpack the archive and restore the center’s work. A few days before the information about the dissolution of the center appeared, tenders were placed on behalf of Roskultproekt for the purchase of material support worth several million rubles. It was also not possible to find information about whether the structure is administered by other organizations besides the State Center for the Russian Federation in open sources.

On November 15, a petition from the center appeared on the website, addressed to the head of the Ministry of Culture, Vladimir Medinsky, with a request to stop the disbandment of the center. It said that the employees became aware that they were planning to transfer the center to the House of Folk Art, a federal network of Houses and Palaces of Culture that had never been involved in research activities.

“They don’t even have such areas of activity in their charter,” says Starostin about the prospects of merging with the House of Creativity. “To do this, you need to rewrite the charter, change the structures... I have a question for the officials: why create all this confusion and mix two structures if we are doing completely different things?”

The center's petition is addressed directly to the Minister of Culture, since the center's employees believe that the officials directly in charge of this area in the ministry deliberately avoid meetings with the center's employees and remain silent about what is happening. To the logical question about the degree of awareness of Medinsky himself, Starostin answers as follows:

“Medinsky is not obliged to be informed. He has both advisers and department directors who can explain to him popularly what is happening in their areas. The director of our department, Andrei Malyshev, is simply incompetent in his matter; he believes that this is an optimization that will benefit everyone.

I understand that ministerial officials do not read petitions, but I think that at this time it is important that the public begins to speak out on this topic.”

Over the 26 years of activity, the State Center of Russian Federation has earned a special reputation not only for its research, but also for music festivals, courses on local musical techniques and advocacy for the preservation of traditional heritage. According to Starostin, one can only guess about the motives for merging it with a non-core organization - maybe someone in the ministry simply liked the center’s premises, and in the absence of a relevant department, none of the officials began to defend it.

“The scientific study of folklore is an extremely important task that must be solved at the state level. The approach to folklore as an amateur activity is unacceptable,” Maria Nefedova comments on the news about the imminent disbandment of the center. She has been heading the Dmitry Pokrovsky Ensemble for twenty years. One of the oldest and most authoritative folk groups in the country managed to raise a huge wave of interest in authentic folk music in the eighties. On this wave, not only many other groups arose, but also the research center of the State Center for the Russian Federation.

“A wave of interest in folklore has been and is going from city to village,” says Maria Nefedova. “She helped in many ways to raise the self-awareness of the village youth, who began to be interested in and understand folk music. During one of the expeditions to Kuban, in response to a request to introduce us to local performers, we were asked, “What kind of groups are you interested in—authentic folklore or folk?”

Until recently, among professional folk performers, the attitude towards this dichotomy was relatively calm. Amateur clubs have long existed in parallel with the world of authentic music; there is no direct competition between them, and different cultural centers often provide their venues for folk groups. During the Soviet period, however, the situation was somewhat different, says Starostin:

“For ten centuries, Russia was a country of peasants who had their own intangible culture. It was expressed through words, music, rituals and other things. After 1917, it was necessary to get rid of this thing that was kept in the depths of the people. Perhaps this task was not posed directly, but throughout the years of the existence of Soviet power, this culture was replaced by images that could be ordered from a composer, asking him to compose “something a la folk.” Thus, a whole layer of collective farm culture appeared, which took its place in the villages despite the existence of the root culture. The people tried as best they could to hold on to their heritage, understanding the falsity of what was being offered to them, feeling this substitution. This can be sustained for one generation or two, but three or four generations have already passed since the revolution.

This whole folk music movement in the eighties began largely with researchers and performers starting to give voice to the archives. The intelligentsia then realized that in the depths of our culture there are absolutely fantastic things, that our culture is not a collective farm culture.”

In addition to the petition, which collected 18,000 signatures in less than two weeks, Sergei Starostin published a video message calling for the disbandment to be stopped. The community of folklorists responded immediately - videos began to appear on social networks under the hashtag #supportfolk, in which groups of performers and researchers of traditional heritage performed folk songs and made their video messages in support of the center.

Not a single written order or order with a signature was received from the Ministry of Culture. According to Starostin, when Andrei Malyshev called the head of the House of Folk Art Tamara Purtova today with an order to remove the archives of the State Center for the Russian Federation, she was no less surprised than the center’s employees.

Action to support folk.


The State Republican Center of Russian Folklore was formed in accordance with Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 188 dated June 8 of the year. The Resolution defines as the main target of the Center’s activities the task of preserving and reviving folklore, fuller use of spiritual values folk culture in modern all-Russian cultural life.

Organization structure

General Director of GRTSRF - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member RANS Anatoly Stepanovich Kargin. The structure of the Center includes scientific departments, a department for the preparation and distribution of scientific and periodicals, a department for computerization, technical means and a folklore fund (archive), an organizational, creative and international department. The following scientific departments operate within the Center: folklore and ethnographic department, modern folklore department, musical and choreographic folklore department, regional program coordination department. In its practical activities, the Center relies on extensive cooperation with foreign and Russian scientific institutions, creative unions, leading universities of culture and art, regional centers of the Russian Federation, and international folklore organizations.

Scientific activity

In the field of research activities, the Center is preparing a multi-volume collection of fundamental anthologies on various genres of musical folklore. GRTSRF employees regularly go on expeditions where they work with folklore speakers in different regions of Russia. The result of expeditionary activities are unique materials that make up the folklore fund of the Center. The Center of Russian Folklore is the organizer of a number of scientific and scientific-practical conferences and seminars. The most popular is the annual international conference "Slavic Traditional Culture and the Modern World" (organized by V.E. Dobrovolskaya), which takes place in May and coincides with the Day of Slavic Literature. Since 2011, the Department of Contemporary Folklore has been holding the annual scientific conference “Folklore of the 21st Century”. The First All-Russian Congress of Folklorists, held by the Center in February 2006, became a notable event in domestic scientific life. The Second All-Russian Congress of Folklorists was held in February 2010.

Publishing activities

The Center for Russian Folklore is the founder and publisher of the magazines “Folk Creativity”, “Living Antiquity”, scientific almanac “Traditional Culture” - the only specialized publications in Russia that contain materials about folk traditions and culture, publish previously unknown scientific materials about spiritual and material folk culture. GRTSRF also publishes a series of scientific collections ("Slavic traditional culture and the modern world", "Preservation and revival of folklore traditions"), scientific monographs, collections of folklore texts, and teaching aids.

The most significant publications

  • Firsthand: The Great Patriotic War through the eyes of eyewitnesses. M., 2010.
  • From congress to congress: Towards the Second All-Russian Congress of Folklorists. Collection of materials. M., 2010.
  • Internet and folklore. Digest of articles. M., 2009.
  • Laughing man. Collection of scientific articles. M., 2009.
  • Dobrovolskaya V.E. Subject realities of Russian fairy tales. M., 2009.
  • Traditional clay toy of the Russian North. Collection of articles and folklore materials. M., 2009
  • Traditional culture of the Murom region. Expeditionary, archival, analytical materials. In 2 vols. M., 2008.
  • Traditional culture of Ust-Tsilma. Lyrical songs. Scientific publication. M., 2008.
  • Folklore of small social groups: traditions and modernity. Digest of articles. M., 2008.
  • Folklore studies in the context of sciences about traditional spiritual culture. Issues of theory and methodology. Collection of materials from the thematic block of the XIV International Congress of Slavists (Macedonia, Ohrid, 2008). M., 2008.
  • Traditional Russian feast. Digest of articles. M., 2008.
  • Folk-Art-Net: new horizons of creativity. From tradition to virtuality. Digest of articles. M., 2007.
  • The First All-Russian Congress of Folklorists. Collection of reports. In 4 vols. M., 2005-2006.
  • Traditional culture of the Gorokhovets region. Expeditionary, archival, analytical materials. In 2 vols. M., 2004.
  • Russian wedding: In 2 volumes. M., 2000.
  • Folklore of the Sudogodsky region. M., 1999.
  • Banin A.A. Russian instrumental music of folklore tradition. M., 1997.
  • Russian ditty. M., 1992.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    Varvara Evgenievna Dobrovolskaya Date of birth: October 3, 1968 (1968 10 03) (44 years old) Place of birth: Moscow Country ... Wikipedia

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10.00 - Registration of participants

Opening of the conference

Greetings to conference participants

· from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

· from the State Republican Center of Russian Folklore

Performance by Moscow folklore groups


Ekaterina Anatolyevna Dorokhova

Varvara Evgenievna Dobrovolskaya

Andrey Nikolaevich Vlasov (St. Petersburg)

Vyacheslav Alekseevich Pozdeev (Kirov)

The problem of realities and nominations in the ethno-folklore material of the Vyatka contact zones

Alexander Vasilievich Chernykh (Perm)

« A mi tozhӧ russkojӧs, miyan nation russkoj, permyakies mi eg loӧ“[And we are also Russians, we are a Russian nation, we did not become Permians.”]. Interethnic interaction and ethnic processes in the contact zones of Russians and Komi-Permyaks

Agaverdi Sarkhan oglu Khalilov (Baku, Azerbaijan)

The concept of border in Russian and Turkic folklore

Alexander Nikolaevich Rozov (St. Petersburg)

Orthodoxy in Russian epic

Zurab Jotovich Japua (Sukhum, Abkhazia)

Notes on the depiction of the border in the Nart epic

Dmitry Viktorovich Morozov (Moscow)

Methods of interdisciplinary research in ethnomusicology


14.40 – 15.30

Opening of the exhibition-fair

"May Fair in Kolomenskoye"

Evening breakout session

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian and General Philology of the Institute of Humanities at Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin, Head of the Scientific and Educational Center (REC) “Spiritual Culture of the European North of Russia”

Tatyana Stepanovna Kaneva

Candidate of Art History, Leading Researcher scientific and methodological department GRTSRF

Andrey Gennadievich Kuleshov

Ekaterina Anatolyevna Dorokhova (Moscow)

Spring songs of the Russian-Ukrainian borderland

Varvara Evgenievna Dobrovolskaya (Moscow)

Fairy tale / “not a fairy tale”: genre transformations of one plot in the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian traditions

Natalia Evgenievna Kotelnikova (Moscow)

The plot of a change in the treasure's spell: between an epic and a fairy tale

Irina Nikolaevna Raikova (Moscow)

Boundaries and diffusion of genres in children's folklore

Sergey Viktorovich Alpatov (Moscow)

Conceptual dyad “center – border” in parafolklore genres of the 18th century

Madonna Frikanovna Pilia (Sukhum, Abkhazia)

Subject realities of the Abkhaz fairy tale, creating border space

Roman Pavlovich Bilanchuk (Vologda)

The image and functions of the “border” in local texts telling about the events of the Time of Troubles at the beginning of the 17th century. (based on materials from the Russian North)

Naala Sergeevna Bartsits (Sukhum, Abkhazia)

Border space in the Abkhaz historical epic (using the example of the heroic matchmaking motif).

Presentation of regional Centers of traditional culture


Palace of Alexei Mikhailovich in Kolomenskoye

2nd street Dyakovo Gorodishche, 27

Morning breakout session

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head. Department of Russian and Foreign Literature of MarSU

Tatyana Arkadyevna Zolotova

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Department of Regional Scientific Programs

Alexandra Borisovna Ippolitova

Marina Sergeevna Altshuler (Moscow)

The border between winter and spring in the musical traditions of the southwestern regions of the Kaluga region

13.00 – 14.00


Andrey Nikolaevich Vlasov

Candidate of Art History, Deputy Director of the State Center for the Russian Federation


Palace of Alexei Mikhailovich in Kolomenskoye

2nd street Dyakovo Gorodishche, 27

Zurab Jotovich Japua

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Head. Department of Regional Scientific Programs of the State Research Center for the Russian Federation


Alexander Nikolaevich Rozov

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Deputy editor-in-chief of the scientific almanac “Traditional Culture”

18.00 - 19. 00

Creative Laboratory

Tatyana Arkadyevna Zolotova (Yoshkar-Ola)

Folklore school-seminar: from experience in multicultural zones.

Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

State Republican Center of Russian Folklore

The State Republican Center of Russian Folklore is in danger of being disbanded or repurposed.

The final decision on the issue by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation is expected within three days. Director of the GRTSRF A.V. Efimov was fired due to the expiration of his contract.

The center is perhaps the only federal-level institution engaged not only in the study, but also in the preservation and promotion of authentic folklore. In the event of the closure or repurposing of the State Center for Russian Federation, many projects significant for Russian culture and science will be under threat of failure: the IV All-Russian Congress of Folklorists, the XI International Social and Cultural Forum “Living Tradition”, the I All-Russian Children and Youth Forum “Heirs of Traditions”, work on Catalog of objects of intangible cultural heritage.

Today, in front of the building of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, employees of the Center held a picket to protest against the destructive actions of officials.

It is at the Center of Russian Folklore under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation that the most famous performer of Russian ethnic music, Sergei Starostin, works as a folklorist and ethnomusicologist, presenting many educational programs about Russian folklore on TV and radio.

Together with other employees of the Center of Russian Folklore, he signed the Open Appeal of the State Center for Russian Federation employees to the public. We publish it in full.

“We ask for your support. The State Center of Russian Folklore (GRTSRF) is threatened with actual destruction - they are going to abolish it and repurpose it into a kind of federal center for the examination of theatrical, cinematic and circus projects.

The Folklore Center is the only organization that, on a scientific basis, with the involvement of leading scientists of our country, works to study and preserve the intangible cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia. By closing or repurposing it (which is essentially the same thing), officials from the Ministry of Culture grossly violate the provisions contained in the Fundamentals of the State Cultural Policy of our country - a document in which the preservation of the national cultural heritage is declared one of the priorities. Such actions are not only unacceptable, but also criminal.

The State Republican Center of Russian Folklore is currently the only organization in which work on the study, preservation and actualization (promotion in society) of the national cultural heritage is carried out on a serious scientific basis. Dozens of leading Russian scientists - philologists, ethnologists, ethnolinguists, ethnomusicologists, and art historians - collaborate with the Center. In addition, this is the only organization that unites cultural theorists and practitioners who master the basics of folk singing, dance, and decorative and applied arts. All these people are united by the high idea of ​​preserving the national cultural heritage.

Over the years of operation of the Center, hundreds of expeditions have been carried out to all corners of Russia, a rich archive of folklore audio and video recordings has been created, hundreds of scientific works, methodological literature, music and sound collections of folklore texts have been published. The Center considers one of its main tasks to be coordinating the activities of scientists and practitioners in the regions and providing them with comprehensive assistance.

The center organized and held three All-Russian Congresses of Folklorists, each of which was attended by several hundred people. Every year, the State Center of Russian Federation holds major folklore events, including the international forum “Living Tradition”, the All-Russian festival of traditional Russian dance “Pereplyas”, the festival of traditional epic songs “You Caucasian Mountains”, the interregional festival-competition of traditional instrumental culture “Street”, the International Scientific Conference “Slavic traditional culture and the modern world” and many others.

All the many years of experience of our scientific staff, among whom there are many well-known major scientists, our unique archive, our conferences and congresses, our publications (and this is the magazine “Living Antiquity” and the almanac “Traditional Culture”) have become of no use to anyone. The results of many years of expeditions, painstaking work to study and update folklore tomorrow will simply be thrown away as unnecessary trash. Numerous scientific projects and programs will be curtailed. Many books and articles will remain unpublished. On the street there will be an archive containing thousands of reels and audio cassettes with unique recordings of authentic folklore, many of which were made long before the founding of the Center itself.

Thus, the State Republican Center of Russian Folklore is an organization that is most responsive not only to the idea of ​​reviving Russian spirituality, but also to the main provisions of the Fundamentals of National Cultural Policy - a document in which the preservation of national cultural heritage is declared one of the priorities.

Therefore, employees of the State Republican Center of Russian Folklore consider the actions of officials of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation to repurpose (and practically destroy the Center) unacceptable and criminal.

We call on the public to respond and prevent this blatant lawlessness.”

Right now the Deputy Minister of Culture has arrived at the Center. We will monitor the development of the scandalous situation. Folklorists intend to hold pickets near the Ministry of Culture building every day until the situation is resolved.