Aquarius dog horoscope for January. What should Aquarius do with their health in the year of the yellow pig?

The horoscope for January 2017 promises Aquarius a lot of joy, fun, love and other emotions that have an exclusively positive connotation. Even though many will criticize behind your back that you are carrying out this stage too directly and frivolously, you should not pay any attention to this criticism! In the end, you can allow yourself fun, noisy holidays, and the excitement with which you will begin to build your love relationships. What about things? But things will have to wait, because January is traditionally a month not very suitable for major career achievements (and January 2017 will not be an exception to this rule).

The personal life of Aquarius in the middle of this winter will acquire a number of unique features. If you are a family person and are already accustomed to the fact that all the most important events in life take place within the walls of your home, this situation will undergo major changes in January. Firstly, you will find it much more interesting than being surrounded by close family members to attend all kinds of entertainment events (and you will not always invite your significant other to take part in one or another New Year’s party!). Needless to say that your January behavior will not be very popular with your household and that in order to avoid a number of problems you will still have to give up your role as a “socialite” or “lioness”? But Aquarians, who have not yet gotten married, will be able to “have a blast” to the fullest in January! A series of entertainment events, meetings and romantic acquaintances will make your head spin so much that you will stop thinking about anything other than your one-day romances. It’s good that your frivolity will not bring you much trouble (your phone will suffer much more, as it gets tired of being interrupted by calls from your new acquaintances).

As for the work direction, it will not receive the due amount of strength and attention from Aquarius in January. Those Aquarians who do not work for themselves will be especially negligent in their official duty. Knowing full well that, even without showing enthusiasm for work, you will receive exactly the same salary as in the past, you will only actually be present at work throughout January. Aquarians engaged in the field of free enterprise will not be able to afford this kind of negligence. However, gradually you will find ways to openly idle without harming your enterprise. You will put a person at the helm whom you completely trust, and you yourself will only begin to control the activities of your company from the outside. Fortunately, in January no major problems will arise around your business, and therefore your “strategic plan” will not result in any problems.

While Aquarians are so actively enjoying the rest and bustle inherent in the New Year holidays, their health is in danger of only one problem. Of course, the source of this trouble will be alcohol and regular overeating, which you will allow yourself during corporate events and endless friendly feasts. Hence the advice - as soon as this protracted “feast” comes to its logical conclusion, carry out a series of cleansing procedures or, as an option, use a low-calorie diet.

Let the sunbeam within you light the way even on cloudy days. Your patron Uranus will help in difficult times and suggest a solution. It's time to take a fresh look at your life and do what needs to be done.

Forecast for Aquarius by time of year


The flame of creativity gradually flares up, you feel a surge of strength and enthusiasm. Load yourself less with things. This is a time for inspiration and creative exploration.


This is a period of correcting mistakes, correct conclusions and returning what was lost. While you have time, work on your mistakes. Don't spare any effort, you will be able to do more than you expected.


Much seems unclear. Lunar eclipse in your
sign (August 7) ​​will present you with a tricky and unusual task. It won't be easy, but you'll handle it just fine.


Look for like-minded people, explore new horizons. You need not just an assistant, but also a mentor. Otherwise, you will get confused in the labyrinth of things that you invent for yourself.

Kaleidoscope of happy days

You have all the necessary abilities and opportunities to become happy and deserve universal recognition. Let your talents shine!

✓ Love: a novel with a sequel

At the end of spring, Venus harmonizes relationships with those with whom you were in a quarrel. This is a very good period for reconciliation. Be very attentive to the needs of older relatives; at the end of the year they may need your support.

✓ Friendship: go with the flow

Your immediate environment will change. People you know well will surprise you and make you think about the prospects for future relationships. Suddenly, people will appear in your life with whom you have long and, as it seemed, parted forever.

We will have to interact again, look for common ground. Those people whom you consider like-minded people will bring a lot of worries. Don't try to overcome circumstances, just go with the flow.

Those people who are loyal to you will stay by your side. Those who are afraid of difficulties and leave are not worth your pity.

✓ Health: movement is life

Try to protect yourself as much as possible from negative news, at least in the first ten days of the year. The only thing that seriously threatens your health during this period is psychosomatic illnesses. Maintain inner balance, learn meditation and visualization. Mentally create a cocoon of calm around yourself.

From the beginning of June, internal energy will increase, but in the summer months there is a risk of allergies. During this period, you need to carefully monitor your diet and drink more water.

At the end of the year there will be a unique opportunity to make an interesting trip. Don't hesitate, hit the road!

Born from January 21 to January 31

The troubled time has passed, you are confidently walking along the bright side of the street. However, if you relax, you can easily fall under the influence of a stupid person. Stay alert to what's happening and don't be too hard on yourself. At the end of autumn, pleasant changes await you in your personal life. Just not the ones you expect.

Born from February 1 to February 10

Before you start anything, make sure you are doing the right thing. Until June, you tend to make hasty decisions. It’s hard to swim against the current, but you can overcome everything and catch a fair wind. Forward to adventure! Don't stop until you feel inspired.

Born from February 11 to 19

Do not give away your intentions in any way and be more reserved. Until you have accumulated enough information and feel confident, hide. An unusually important event will happen in your life, to which you may not at first attach any importance. In order not to miss an important moment, rely on intuition. She will give you a sign when it is time to act.

Forecast for men

The Aquarius man will give up unnecessary business, gain even more freedom and meet his love.

You have been dealing with an issue for a long time that has lost its relevance. Now you will find the strength to give it up.

In spring, there will be less fuss and work to do, and you will be able to more realistically assess the situation. Calmly and confidently face the truth, do not lie to yourself and make a serious decision. If you do everything right, a miracle will happen. You will feel that by giving up what you thought was important, you will become free. More opportunities and strength will appear.

Autumn will spin you around in the dance of falling leaves and bring love with it. The feeling will develop gradually. You will begin to look closely at your partner for a long time, perhaps even check her, but at the end of the year you will understand that this person was sent to you by fate and you do not intend to refuse such a generous gift.

Born from January 21 to January 30

Short but burdensome worries will bother you until the beginning of summer. There will come a time when you decide to make drastic changes. You are at the start of a new life. It is extremely important now to remain true to your convictions. Then everything will work out the way you need. And there will be someone nearby who will always understand and support.

Born from February 1 to February 10

Indecision is your enemy in business and personal life. The slightest difficulties can unsettle you at the beginning of the year. But with the beginning of spring, new perspectives will appear, and you will easily part with your previous goals and objectives. And even with those people with whom you have had a long relationship. But all changes will be for the better, you have nothing to worry about.

Born from February 11 to February 20

One date follows another, but it doesn’t make you happy. Stop and think about what you really want. If you are not yet ready to make a decision, do not give in to the pressure of your loved ones. At the end of summer, be sure to rest, preferably alone, this will help you sort everything out. By the beginning of winter, expect a new addition to your family.

Forecast for Aquarius born in the year...

The traffic light of life turns yellow: rest a little and start preparing for the start.


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Don't be confused by the fact that the movement is too slow. For now, there is no need to rush for more successful colleagues. Start only those relationships in which you are confident. This is a time of gaining experience.


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

You have every chance to succeed. But for this you will have to work hard and change something in your life. Do not be afraid of anything, but do not go straight, but take roundabout paths. You will find what you need in the most unusual place.


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Plans, ideas, bold proposals - this is the basis of the coming year. Be in the thick of things and share your dreams. Unite people around you. Among them there will be someone who will become the most important person in your life.

A rabbit

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Encourage those around you right now. There is so much energy that it is enough for several people. Dedicate this year to yourself. Pamper, entertain, give gifts. And get more rest. You
deserve it!


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

You are too much of an addict. In pursuit of profit, you can run past an important person. Stay calm, then you will be able to find what you have been looking for and see something that will surprise you.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Share your success with those who helped you. Pay off debts, return what does not belong to you. And remember, now you are clearing the way for new events. There is no need to make any sudden movements or change anything yet.


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Even if you feel overwhelmed by your strength, don’t take risks. Now it’s better to wait, look around and calculate everything again. Otherwise, you will become a hostage to your own illusions. Pay attention to detail.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Good luck awaits you. But not at all where you expected. Everything will turn upside down, and you will have to join the game that fate plays. However, if you are lazy, you will lose a lot. Be prudent and do not take unnecessary risks.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

A dizzying takeoff awaits you. Take safety precautions once you reach the peak. Do not do or take anything that is in excess. And do not strive to go where the path is closed to you. Be happy with what you get.


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

This year all your connections will come in handy. Opportunities will surround you anywhere and everywhere. Connect your friends and don't miss a single chance. Spin, run and enjoy the endless change of impressions.


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

Be generous and avoid excesses. This is the year of comprehending the highest wisdom, finding oneself. If you decide to make changes, then be consistent. Even if others don't believe in your luck, go ahead and win.


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

You will be able to recognize the plans of those who set traps for you, and you will come out of even the most difficult situation with honor. Tenacity and perseverance are all you need this year. There are no obstacles that you cannot overcome.

Children's horoscope

Beware, experiment! He will have to grow up and develop those traits that are now missing. Summer is the time for experiments. The baby will rush from one hobby to another. This is also a time of learning. The child will become assiduous. But don’t expect fantastic success from him; look realistically at his capabilities.

Thanks to the influence of Saturn and Jupiter, 2017 will start very favorably for Aquarius. Throughout the month, representatives of your zodiac sign will stubbornly pursue their goal. In making all important decisions, Aquarians will be guided solely by their intuition, without changing their life beliefs and principles. During this period, you will be entrusted with great responsibility and entrusted with the implementation of serious projects. Don't be afraid to take full responsibility. You have all the necessary qualities to successfully complete the projects you have started, and this is an excellent opportunity to prove yourself as a first-class professional in your field. Luck will accompany you throughout January, so try to make the most of the situation and benefit. Plan your every day to increase productivity and get better results. Now it is important for you to understand yourself and reconsider your life values. In January, you need to show persistence and boldly achieve your goal, regardless of minor troubles and all distractions. Perseverance and self-confidence will help Aquarius win the respect of those around them and increase their authority. Be prudent and reasonable. Listen to the voice of reason, and do not make decisions in an emotional outburst. In the second half of January, pleasant meetings and acquaintances with very interesting and creative personalities await you, who will significantly influence your attitude towards life.

The first ten days of January 2017 is a favorable period for solving business issues and tasks. Most likely, you will establish yourself as an irreplaceable and extraordinary employee, for which you will be entrusted with leading the implementation of a large-scale project. All doubts are gone and forward to a bright future. Your practicality and pedantry will do their job, and you will achieve stunning results. This will open up good prospects for career growth and even create some kind of platform for starting your own business. With every obstacle overcome and task solved, your confidence in your abilities will grow and your self-esteem will increase. The people around you will admire you, which will greatly flatter you. Listen to the opinions of other, more experienced people, gain useful knowledge that will help you avoid many mistakes. Your financial situation will begin to stabilize and grow, which will greatly expand your opportunities. At the beginning of January you will be offered to sign several contracts for further cooperation. But before accepting all the conditions, carefully consider and evaluate your options. The risk must be justified. It is better to postpone investing and large purchases until a more favorable period.

In the second ten days of January 2017, the stars promise a quiet and calm relationship in the Aquarius family. Under the influence of the aspects of Venus, representatives of your zodiac sign will be overwhelmed with tender romantic feelings. Aquarians will show their feelings towards their significant other in a wide variety of ways. Under such pressure, your partner will not be able to resist and will reciprocate. Frequent mutual gifts and surprises will be provided to you. Temperamental and ambitious Aquarius will need to learn to restrain their emotions and find compromise solutions. Then your marriage will truly be like in a fairy tale. Single representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign can expect to meet people who will give them great love and wonderful friends. But don’t judge a person by his words, let his actions tell you about him. Your new acquaintances must actually prove that you can rely on them and trust them.

In the third decade of January 2017, start arranging your family nest and creating comfort. Start changing your life from your home and yourself. Very soon you will experience big changes that will benefit you and your household. Be bolder, improve, gain experience and increase your self-esteem. Happiness is not far away.

The Year of the Red Rooster will be a kind of excursion into the past for Aquarius. They will have to face issues and matters that they have long left in the past. There is also a high probability of meeting friends with whom contact has long been lost. As he says for Aquarius, from the outside you will look like the darling of fate, but only a truly close person will understand how hard you really are going through the events of this year.

Horoscope for Aquarius for 2017

A year of great meetings and adventures awaits Aquarius. At the very beginning, you will meet an old acquaintance or classmate who will unexpectedly make you an interesting offer. Most likely it will be associated with a change of job. Keep your ears open, even if it seems to you that your friend’s actions are disinterested, do not delude yourself, she has her own interest in this event.

In general, you should take a closer look at your surroundings, because at work, until the end of spring, very tense relationships with colleagues await you. Perhaps someone is spreading vile rumors about you. However, if you control yourself and your emotions, few people will dare to discuss you behind your back. Do not be influenced by the symbol of the year and do not get involved in disputes.

The horoscope for the zodiac sign Aquarius does its best to dissuade you from any kind of financial adventures: have you decided to earn extra money through mediation or the difference in exchange rates? You will spend more nerves than you actually earn. Don't waste your time and energy on this. Try to be guided by arguments, not intuition or other people's advice when it comes to money.

Don't be afraid to ask for help or accept what's offered. This will not make you weak in the eyes of others; on the contrary, I will consider you wise enough to turn to you for help or advice next time. Don't refuse to return the favor. But remember that the Rooster values ​​sincerity, and the more frank you are this year, the more successful it will be for you.

Aquarius horoscope: for men

For you, the year will pass under the sign of struggle: with yourself and for yourself. You will be constantly given advice on how to behave, what to do and what to strive for. But when choosing a direction, listen only to your desires, otherwise you risk becoming a puppet in someone else’s game. The first half of the year will be marked by the desire for big and drastic changes: from changing jobs to changing addresses. If your impulse does not pass before the summer, seriously think about whether it’s time to implement this plan?

Your leadership will expect new and bold decisions from you; be prepared to appear with them as a hero-savior at the right time. This way you will raise your authority in the eyes of management and colleagues. But be careful with your colleagues, envy can harm you. And the horoscope for men says that you don’t need unnecessary troubles. You will have plenty of your own.

Take care of your health closer to mid-autumn: go for diagnostics, prevent chronic diseases and beware of accidents. You can become a victim of an accident or get injured in any situation, even the simplest one. The warning also applies to Aquarius drivers: be careful while driving.

You should also remember about your significant other: they will expect you to act. Whether it will be a parachute jump in the name of love or a marriage proposal - only you know, because this is your love in the end. But in any case, ask yourself whether your lady is worth the effort you are making. If the answer is yes, push, otherwise they may take her away from under your nose and make her look like a fool.

Aquarius horoscope: for women

The beginning of the year will be a very dangerous period for personal relationships. Deeply immersed in work, you run the risk of not noticing how everything in your house is collapsing. There is a high probability of adultery. Don't get upset in advance and don't try to prevent it. Most likely you will just delay the inevitable. Enlist the support of your loved ones and try to get through this with dignity.

You yourself need to understand that part of the blame for betrayal will lie with you. The mistrust sown at the end of last year will grow between you and slowly destroy the relationship, and your hidden meeting with an old acquaintance will only spur your spouse to take revenge. But the horoscope for women is still favorable and promises you an improvement in the situation on the love front by mid-summer. You will meet your true love, so look around carefully so as not to miss your chance for happiness.

The stars also advise you to be ready for any home renovations by the end of the year. Literally. Your family is planning to renovate a house or country house and this will require your participation. So save up some money, the pleasure won’t be cheap, and be patient. Just discussing new options for the appearance of your home will take a lot of moral strength. If possible, take a rest in the summer to protect yourself and your nervous system.

Financial horoscope for Aquarius for 2017

At the beginning of the year, you will be haunted by the thought that you have lost your luck somewhere. In fact, she was simply delayed on the way. The expenses and losses that you incur in the first winter months will be replenished at the beginning of spring, when bonuses and additional profits await you. Try to save money rather than spend it on necessary little things. This time is good for large purchases, and the best time to make them is in the fall.

Since your financial situation will not be as dire as that of other signs, do not boast loudly to your friends about your success. There will be many people who want to borrow money from you, or even take possession of it without your knowledge. Beware of thefts and scams.

The horoscope for 2017 for the zodiac sign Aquarius promises progress only by the end of the year, but you will have to work for this at the beginning. Show yourself as a valuable employee, remind them that you are able and ready to take on any responsibility and that you will be promoted in December. But try not to go over your head: your colleagues will not only not appreciate this, but will also try to take revenge on you or interfere with you. Tension in the team will be noticeable from the first months of the year; try to stay away and not get into the center of serious scandals.

Financial horoscope for men for 2017

The horoscope advises you to be careful in everything that concerns papers and concluded transactions. Even the oldest partners are now capable of deceiving you, because they believe that you can cope with any trouble. Try to rely more on facts and figures, rather than on many years of experience in cooperation, and especially friendship. The risk of deception is too great.

Be patient and do not invest money in risky projects: you will not receive money from them soon (if you receive it at all), but the risk of being left without any savings is very high. If you have a desire to spend money on something, spend it on yourself. But don’t waste your time on material trinkets: sign up for personal growth or time management training, learn a new process, or deepen your knowledge in an old one. Become your best financial investment.

At the end of the year you will have enough money for a major purchase. If you've been wanting to update your furniture or change your car, the time has come.

In your work, you will be expected to have initiative, diligence, and special zeal in completing the assigned task. Show your best side and by December 2017 you will be sitting in the new chair of the head of the department. You'll have to work hard, but isn't the new position worth your efforts?

Financial horoscope for women

You need to plan your purchases more carefully and watch your wallet, avoiding unnecessary expenses. Avoid sales and fairs; an item bought on impulse will not bring joy the very next day, and the money will be spent. You'll need all your savings in early spring, so try to increase them rather than lose them.

This year will be the best year for furnishing your own home, and since this will require large financial investments, try to set aside a small amount marked “for repairs” from the beginning of the year. It is best to start improving the family nest in the fall, but do not delay, otherwise cosmetic repairs risk developing into long-term construction for several years.

So that your financial flow does not become narrower and you do not have to tighten your waist, think about additional income. A small part-time job, overtime at your main place of work, consulting - any way to get additional income will suit you.

But you shouldn’t forget about your main job: show your best side, offer a creative solution to an old problem, lead a risky project and see it through to completion. Your bosses will appreciate your efforts and reward you with a cash bonus or promotion. It may not be a big leap up the career ladder, but it is still a way up.

Love horoscope for Aquarius for 2017

Emotions will prevail this year. This is evidenced by the horoscope for 2017. Contrary to the voice of reason, you yourself will get involved in disputes and scandals with loved ones, instead of nipping them in the bud. Succumbing to the influence of the Rooster, you will become overly hot-tempered and suspicious. Your significant other may not be able to withstand such pressure and either give a real reason for a scandal, or break off all relations with you. The beginning of the year will be the most dangerous period for this; try to rein in yourself and your emotions if you truly value the person.

You will also have to maneuver between relatives, acting as a kind of bridge connecting two opposing sides. Old conflicts that you thought had long since burned out will intensify. Have arguments for each side, but don't try to reconcile them. This is not your purpose.

In summer there will be a high probability of a holiday romance. If you are a family man, beware of this time: you risk completely ruining your relationship with your spouse, which will ultimately lead to divorce. But the stars favor free Aquarius and promise a whirlwind romance full of new impressions. It's just a pity it's short-lived.

  • Love horoscope for men says that the year will be full of stormy emotions: new loves, experiences and scandals await you at the beginning of the year. You will plunge headlong into the whirlpool of a showdown, while forgetting to maintain composure and restraint. Your impulsiveness and harshness in expressions can lead to your partner finally breaking up with you. If this is what you are striving for, go for it, but remember that it will no longer be possible to improve the relationship.

This is also a time of whirlwind romances and many connections. In an effort to get distracted and have as much fun as possible, you risk getting bogged down in random one-night stands. Slow down on this, otherwise you will miss out on your true love in the fall.

The horoscope advises Aquarius family men to devote more time to their family and especially to their children. Spend time together: whether you do homework or take a walk with your child, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you will be close.

  • Love horoscope for women quite favorable, although it promises a difficult period in relationships at the beginning of the year. Strive to strengthen your family: arrange a joint celebration, go on a common trip, spend time on a picnic. In a word, in any available way, gather the whole family as often as possible. This year, the responsibility of the keeper of the family hearth will fall on your shoulders. Show your imagination in choosing joint leisure time and you will be guaranteed a lot of new impressions.

Pay attention to your husband; left unattended, he can easily be tempted to cheat. Try not to deprive him of your warmth and affection, so that you don’t have to bite your elbows later. Your rival is unlikely to agree to give it to you without a fight.

Free Aquarians can easily succumb to the temptation of new relationships and not just one, because they will be in the attention of the opposite sex. Don’t advertise your connections too much, and don’t change men like gloves. This will ruin both your reputation and your pleasure. But remember that you must constantly keep your libido under control; your looseness can play a cruel joke on you.

Children's horoscope for Aquarius for 2017

Try to praise your little Aquarius more often, they will jump out of their pants to earn your approval and praise. And if there is no reason for this, rest assured, they will come up with one themselves.

The smallest Aquarians will surprise you with their rapid development of intelligence. Introduce as many educational games as possible in your home, and you will almost immediately notice a sharp jump in your child’s level of knowledge. Of course, he won’t start studying quantum physics, but keep your young physicist’s kit ready. Try to be close to him and encourage all his endeavors.

Schoolchildren will turn into researchers. But they will study themselves and their potential. Your child will embark on a zealous search for himself and will try almost everything that catches his eye. Today he wants to become a chef, and tomorrow - a computer genius. Take any of his ideas seriously, explain all the pros and cons of his chosen profession, and feel free to go with him in search of a new one.

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The beginning of the year will be hectic for Aquarius women; they will have to plunge headlong into various problems. However, the stars promise: already in February 2017 it will become clear that most of all adversity will turn out to be completely insignificant. So you should just relax and not take the upcoming difficulties of life seriously.

Work and finance

During the New Year celebrations, Aquarians will finally be able to relax. Fortunately for them, they will not be called to work urgently. Representatives of this sign will be able to plunge into everyday life and, ultimately, take care of their family responsibilities. But immediately after leaving the holidays, work will come and come, as if from a cornucopia, and with it problems will come.

Ordinary Aquarius employees will find themselves in the thick of gossip and intrigue. However, it is categorically impossible to choose someone’s position - it is fraught with serious consequences. It’s better to stay away so that all the big shots don’t fall on the representative of this zodiac sign.

The planets will turn away from female bosses and businesswomen. January will be rich in numerous checks, audits, and inventories. It is worth putting neglected affairs in order already in December of the outgoing year.

Difficulties will also arise for those Aquarius who work with partners from other regions and countries. Long-awaited deals may be disrupted. Difficulties in communicating with companions will be resolved only by the middle of the first quarter.

For Aquarius women who have reached the boiling point, the stars advise them to rely on old, trusted friends or patrons. The likelihood of a positive result from outside help is extremely high.

Difficulties in the professional sphere, however, will not in any way affect the finances of the representatives of the sign. Income will be quite stable. Peak inflows of money are expected in the third ten days of January. The most significant expenses should be expected in mid-January. Money may be needed to resolve both business and personal issues.

Relationships with loved ones

In the first month of 2017, Aquarius women will want to try on monastic robes and become a recluse. A period of soul-searching and introspection will begin. Reflexive moods will benefit from criticism coming from family and friends. The stars recommend that representatives of the sign of burdensome relationships press pause, take a deep breath, be alone, and take up a hobby that has been put off due to family and work concerns. Already in February, Aquarius will want to return to society. The return will be well received by others.

The stars recommend that representatives of the sign pay attention to the problems of their closest relatives, who may become seriously ill or find themselves in a difficult financial situation. Do not refuse help; gratitude will be returned a hundredfold.

Conflicts and quarrels with close relatives are also likely in January 2017. The reason may be some old family problem. The stars urge you not to take everything to heart. Alas, in the coming months the questions of the past will remain unresolved.

Health status

The stars urge Aquarius women not to worry too much about problems that have arisen in the family and professional spheres. Unfortunately, this may not have the best effect on your health. If a representative of the sign knows of any chronic diseases, then it is worth visiting specialists in December of the outgoing year and taking a course of medications. There is no point in putting things off for a long time.

For those who do not complain about their own health, the stars advise to beware of accidents: be careful when driving a car, walk carefully on the street in icy conditions. Vigilance will help you avoid trouble.

The reason for the troubles for Aquarius is the conflict between two planets - Pluto and Uranus, distinguished by their aggression and unpredictability. You need to be careful while resting too. You should not try extreme sports and recreation, you should not try exotic dishes and food in dubious street outlets. Moderation in desires will allow you to survive the period without any problems or difficulties.