Physical experiments for children at home. Cool physics! Entertaining physics experiments for children

Can be used in physics lessons at the stages of setting the goals and objectives of the lesson, creating problem situations when studying a new topic, applying new knowledge when consolidating. The presentation “Entertaining Experiments” can be used by students to prepare experiments at home or during extracurricular activities in physics.



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Scientific work

"Entertaining physical experiments

from scrap materials"

Completed: 7a grade student

Korzanov Andrey

Teacher: Balesnaya Elena Vladimirovna

Bryansk 2015

  1. Introduction “Relevance of the topic” ……………………………3
  2. Main part ………………………………………………...4
  1. Organization of research work………………...4
  2. Experiments on the topic “Atmospheric pressure”……………….6
  3. Experiments on the topic “Heat”…………………………………7
  4. Experiments on the topic “Electricity and Magnetism”…………...7
  5. Experiments on the topic “Light and Sound”……………………………...8
  1. Conclusion ……………………………………………………...10
  2. List of studied literature……………………………….12

Physics is not only scientific books and complex laws, not only huge laboratories. Physics is also about interesting experiments and entertaining experiences. Physics means magic tricks performed among friends, funny stories and funny homemade toys.

Most importantly, you can use any available material for physical experiments.

Physical experiments can be done with balls, glasses, syringes, pencils, straws, coins, needles, etc.

Experiments increase interest in the study of physics, develop thinking, and teach students to apply theoretical knowledge to explain various physical phenomena occurring in the world around them.

When conducting experiments, you not only have to draw up a plan for its implementation, but also determine ways to obtain certain data, assemble installations yourself, and even design the necessary instruments to reproduce a particular phenomenon.

But, unfortunately, due to the overload of educational material in physics lessons, insufficient attention is paid to entertaining experiments; much attention is paid to theory and problem solving.

Therefore, it was decided to conduct research work on the topic “Entertaining experiments in physics using scrap materials.”

The objectives of the research work are as follows:

  1. Master the methods of physical research, master the skills of correct observation and the technique of physical experiment.
  2. Organization of independent work with various literature and other sources of information, collection, analysis and synthesis of material on the topic of research work.
  3. Teach students to apply scientific knowledge to explain physical phenomena.
  4. To instill in school students a love for physics, concentrating their attention on understanding the laws of nature, and not on memorizing them mechanically.
  5. Replenishment of the physics classroom with homemade devices made from scrap materials.

When choosing a research topic, we proceeded from the following principles:

  1. Subjectivity – the chosen topic corresponds to our interests.
  2. Objectivity – the topic we have chosen is relevant and important in scientific and practical terms.
  3. Feasibility – the tasks and goals we set in our work are realistic and achievable.

The research work was carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Formulation of the problem.
  2. Studying information from various sources on this issue.
  3. Selection of research methods and practical mastery of them.
  4. Collecting your own material – assembling available materials, conducting experiments.
  5. Analysis and synthesis.
  6. Formulation of conclusions.

During the research work the following were usedphysical research methods:

I. Physical experience

The experiment consisted of the following stages:

  1. Clarification of the experimental conditions.

This stage involves familiarization with the conditions of the experiment, determination of the list of necessary available instruments and materials and safe conditions during the experiment.

  1. Drawing up a sequence of actions.

At this stage, the procedure for conducting the experiment was outlined, and new materials were added if necessary.

  1. Conducting the experiment.

II. Observation

When observing phenomena occurring experimentally, we paid special attention to changes in physical characteristics (pressure, volume, area, temperature, direction of light propagation, etc.), while we were able to detect regular connections between various physical quantities.

III. Modeling.

Modeling is the basis of any physical research. During the experiments we simulatedisothermal compression of air, propagation of light in various media, reflection and absorption of electromagnetic waves, electrification of bodies during friction.

In total, we modeled, conducted and scientifically explained 24 interesting physical experiments.

Based on the results of research work, it is possible to makethe following conclusions:

  1. In various sources of information you can find and come up with many interesting physical experiments performed using available equipment.
  2. Entertaining experiments and homemade physics devices increase the range of demonstrations of physical phenomena.
  3. Entertaining experiments allow you to test the laws of physics and theoretical hypotheses that are of fundamental importance for science.


Experience No. 1. "The balloon won't deflate"

Materials: Three-liter glass jar with a lid, cocktail straw, rubber ball, thread, plasticine, nails.


Using a nail, make 2 holes in the lid of the jar - one central, the other at a short distance from the central one. Pass a straw through the central hole and seal the hole with plasticine. Tie a rubber ball to the end of the straw using a thread, close the glass jar with a lid, and the end of the straw with the ball should be inside the jar. To eliminate air movement, seal the contact area between the lid and the jar with plasticine. Blow a rubber ball through a straw and the ball will deflate. Now inflate the ball and cover the second hole in the lid with plasticine, the ball first deflates, and then stops deflating. Why?

Scientific explanation

In the first case, when the hole is open, the pressure inside the can is equal to the air pressure inside the ball, therefore, under the action of the elastic force of the stretched rubber, the ball is deflated. In the second case, when the hole is closed, air does not come out of the can; as the ball deflates, the volume of air increases, the air pressure decreases and becomes less than the air pressure inside the ball, and the deflation of the ball stops.

The following experiments were carried out on this topic:

Experience No. 2. "Pressure Equilibrium".

Experience No. 3. "The air is kicking"

Experience No. 4. "Glued Glass"

Experience No. 5. "Moving Banana"


Experience No. 1. "Soap bubble"

Materials: A small medicine bottle with a stopper, a clean ballpoint pen refill or a cocktail straw, a glass of hot water, a pipette, soapy water, plasticine.


Make a thin hole in the stopper of the medicine bottle and insert a clean ballpoint pen or a straw into it. Cover the place where the rod entered the cork with plasticine. Using a pipette, fill the rod with soapy water and place the bottle in a glass of hot water. Soap bubbles will begin to rise from the outer end of the rod. Why?

Scientific explanation

When the bottle is heated in a glass of hot water, the air inside the bottle heats up, its volume increases, and soap bubbles are inflated.

The following experiments were carried out on the topic “Heat”:

Experience No. 2. "Fireproof scarf"

Experience No. 3. "Ice doesn't melt"


Experience No. 1. "Current meter - multimeter"

Materials: 10 meters of insulated copper wire 24 gauge (diameter 0.5 mm, cross-section 0.2 mm 2 ), wire stripper, wide adhesive tape, sewing needle, thread, strong bar magnet, juice can, galvanic cell “D”.


Strip the wire from both ends of insulation. Wind the wire around the can in tight turns, leaving the ends of the wire 30 cm free. Remove the resulting coil from the can. To prevent the coil from falling apart, wrap it with adhesive tape in several places. Secure the spool vertically to the table using a large piece of tape. Magnetize the sewing needle by passing it over the magnet at least four times in one direction. Tie the needle with a thread in the middle so that the needle hangs in balance. Stick the free end of the thread inside the spool. The magnetized needle should hang quietly inside the coil. Connect the free ends of the wire to the positive and negative terminals of the galvanic cell. What happened? Now reverse the polarity. What happened?

Scientific explanation

A magnetic field arises around the current-carrying coil, and a magnetic field also arises around the magnetized needle. The magnetic field of the current coil acts on the magnetized needle and turns it. If you reverse the polarity, the direction of the current is reversed and the needle turns in the opposite direction.

In addition, the following experiments were carried out on this topic:

Experience No. 2. "Static glue."

Experience No. 3. "Fruit Battery"

Experience No. 4. "Anti-gravity discs"


Experience No. 1. "Soap Spectrum"

Materials: Soap solution, a pipe brush (or a piece of thick wire), a deep plate, a flashlight, adhesive tape, a sheet of white paper.


Bend a pipe cleaner (or a piece of thick wire) so that it forms a loop. Don't forget to make a small handle to make it easier to hold. Pour the soap solution into a plate. Dip the loop into the soapy solution and let it soak thoroughly in the soapy solution. After a few minutes, carefully remove it. What do you see? Are colors visible? Attach a sheet of white paper to the wall using masking tape. Turn off the lights in the room. Turn on the flashlight and direct its beam at the loop with soap suds. Position the flashlight so that the loop casts a shadow on the paper. Describe the full shadow.

Scientific explanation

White light is a complex light, it consists of 7 colors - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. This phenomenon is called light interference. When passing through a soap film, white light breaks up into individual colors, the different light waves on the screen form a rainbow pattern, which is called a continuous spectrum.

On the topic “Light and Sound” the following experiments were carried out and described:

Experience No. 2. "On the edge of the abyss".

Experience No. 3. "Just for fun"

Experience No. 4. "Remote control"

Experience No. 5. "Copier"

Experience No. 6. "Appearing Out of Nowhere"

Experience No. 7. "Colored spinning top"

Experience No. 8. "Jumping Grains"

Experience No. 9. "Visual Sound"

Experience No. 10. "Blowing out the sound"

Experience No. 11. "Intercom"

Experiment No. 12. "Crowing Glass"


Analyzing the results of entertaining experiments, we were convinced that school knowledge is quite applicable to solving practical issues.

Using experiments, observations and measurements, the relationships between various physical quantities were studied

Volume and pressure of gases

Pressure and temperature of gases

The number of turns and the magnitude of the magnetic field around the coil with current

By gravity and atmospheric pressure

The direction of light propagation and the properties of a transparent medium.

All phenomena observed during entertaining experiments have a scientific explanation; for this we used the fundamental laws of physics and the properties of the matter around us - Newton’s II law, the law of conservation of energy, the law of straightness of light propagation, reflection, refraction, dispersion and interference of light, reflection and absorption of electromagnetic waves.

In accordance with the task, all experiments were carried out using only cheap, small-sized improvised materials; during their implementation, 8 home-made devices were made, including a magnetic needle, a copier, a fruit battery, a current meter - a multimeter, an intercom; the experiments were safe, visual, simple in design.


* - Fields are required.

Pour water into the glass, making sure to reach the very edge. Cover with a sheet of thick paper and, holding it gently, very quickly turn the glass upside down. Just in case, do all this over the basin or in the bathtub. Now remove your palm... Focus! still remains in the glass!

It's a matter of atmospheric air pressure. The air pressure on the paper from the outside is greater than the pressure on it from the inside of the glass and, accordingly, does not allow the paper to release water from the container.

Rene Descartes' experiment or pipette diver

This entertaining experience is about three hundred years old. It is attributed to the French scientist René Descartes.

You will need a plastic bottle with a stopper, a dropper and water. Fill the bottle, leaving two to three millimeters to the edge of the neck. Take a pipette, fill it with some water and drop it into the neck of the bottle. Its upper rubber end should be at or slightly above the level in the bottle. In this case, you need to ensure that with a slight push with your finger the pipette sinks, and then slowly floats up on its own. Now close the cap and squeeze the sides of the bottle. The pipette will go to the bottom of the bottle. Release the pressure on the bottle and it will float again.

The fact is that we slightly compressed the air in the neck of the bottle and this pressure was transferred to the water. penetrated the pipette - it became heavier (since water is heavier than air) and drowned. When the pressure stopped, the compressed air inside the pipette removed the excess, our “diver” became lighter and surfaced. If at the beginning of the experiment the “diver” does not listen to you, then you need to adjust the amount of water in the pipette. When the pipette is at the bottom of the bottle, it is easy to see how, as the pressure on the walls of the bottle increases, it enters the pipette, and when the pressure is loosened, it comes out of it.

Entertaining experiences.
Extracurricular activity for middle school.

Extracurricular event in physics for middle classes “Entertaining experiments”

Objectives of the event:

Develop cognitive interest, interest in physics;
- develop competent monologue speech using physical terms, develop attention, observation, and the ability to apply knowledge in a new situation;
- teach children to communicate in a friendly manner.

Teacher: Today we will show you interesting experiments. Watch carefully and try to explain them. Those who excel in their explanations will receive prizes - good and excellent grades in physics.

(9th grade students show experiments, and 7-8th grade students explain)

Experiment 1 “Without getting your hands wet”

Equipment: plate or saucer, coin, glass, paper, matches.

How to do it: Place a coin on the bottom of a plate or saucer and pour in some water. How to get a coin without even getting your fingertips wet?

Solution: Light the paper and place it in the glass for a while. Turn the heated glass upside down and place it on a saucer next to the coin.

As the air in the glass heats up, its pressure will increase and some of the air will escape. After some time, the remaining air will cool and the pressure will decrease. Under the influence of atmospheric pressure, the water will enter the glass, releasing the coin.

Experiment 2 “Lifting a plate of soap”

Equipment: plate, bar of laundry soap.

Procedure: Pour water into a plate and drain immediately. The surface of the plate will be damp. Then, pressing the bar of soap firmly against the plate, turn it several times and lift it up. At the same time, the plate will rise with soap. Why?

Explanation: The lifting of the dish with soap is explained by the attraction of the molecules of the dish and soap.

Experiment 3 “Magic water”

Equipment: glass of water, sheet of thick paper.

Conduct: This experiment is called “Magic Water”. Fill a glass with water to the brim and cover it with a sheet of paper. Let's turn the glass over. Why doesn't water pour out of an upside down glass?

Explanation: Water is held by atmospheric pressure, i.e. atmospheric pressure is greater than the pressure produced by water.

Notes: The experiment works better with a thick-walled vessel.
When turning the glass over, the sheet of paper must be held with your hand.

Experiment 4 “Untearable paper”

Equipment: two tripods with couplings and legs, two paper rings, a staff, a meter.

Carrying out: We hang the paper rings on tripods at the same level. We'll put a rail on them. When struck sharply with a meter or metal rod in the middle of the rack, it breaks, but the rings remain intact. Why?

Explanation: The interaction time is very short. Therefore, the rack does not have time to transfer the received impulse to the paper rings.

Notes: The width of the rings is 3 cm. The rail is 1 meter long, 15-20 cm wide and 0.5 cm thick.

Experience 5 “Heavy Newspaper”

Equipment: strip 50-70 cm long, newspaper, meter.

Conduct: Place a slate on the table and a fully unrolled newspaper on it. If you slowly apply pressure to the hanging end of the ruler, it goes down, and the opposite one rises along with the newspaper. If you sharply hit the end of the rail with a meter or a hammer, it breaks, and the opposite end with the newspaper does not even rise. How to explain this?

Explanation: Atmospheric air exerts pressure on the newspaper from above. By slowly pressing on the end of the ruler, air penetrates under the newspaper and partially balances the pressure on it. With a sharp impact, due to inertia, the air does not have time to instantly penetrate under the newspaper. The air pressure on the newspaper from above is greater than from below, and the rail breaks.

Notes: The rail should be placed so that its end hangs 10 cm. The newspaper should fit snugly against the rail and table.

Experience 6

Equipment: tripod with two couplings and legs, two demonstration dynamometers.

Carrying out: Let's attach two dynamometers - devices for measuring force - on a tripod. Why are their readings the same? What does this mean?

Explanation: bodies act on each other with forces equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. (Newton's third law).

Experience 7

Equipment: two sheets of paper identical in size and weight (one of them is crumpled).

Carrying out: Let's release both sheets at the same time from the same height. Why does a crumpled piece of paper fall faster?

Explanation: A crumpled piece of paper falls faster because there is less air resistance acting on it.

But in a vacuum they would fall simultaneously.

Experiment 8 “How quickly a candle goes out”

Equipment: glass vessel with water, stearin candle, nail, matches.

Conduct: Light a candle and lower it into a vessel with water. How quickly will the candle go out?

Explanation: The flame appears to be filled with water as soon as the section of the candle protruding above the water burns and the candle goes out.

But, as it burns, the candle decreases in weight and floats up under the influence of Archimedean force.

Note: Attach a small weight (nail) to the end of the candle from below so that it floats in the water.

Experiment 9 “Fireproof paper”

Equipment: metal rod, strip of paper, matches, candle (alcohol lamp)

How to carry out: Wrap the rod tightly with a strip of paper and place it in the flame of a candle or alcohol lamp. Why doesn't the paper burn?

Explanation: Iron, having good thermal conductivity, removes heat from the paper, so it does not catch fire.

Experiment 10 “Fireproof scarf”

Equipment: tripod with clutch and foot, alcohol, handkerchief, matches.

How to do it: Hold a handkerchief (previously moistened with water and wrung out) in the tripod foot, pour alcohol on it and set it on fire. Despite the flames engulfing the scarf, it will not burn. Why?

Explanation: The heat released during the combustion of alcohol was completely used to evaporate the water, so it cannot ignite the fabric.

Experiment 11 “Fireproof thread”

Equipment: tripod with coupling and foot, feather, regular thread and thread soaked in a saturated solution of table salt.

How to do it: Hang a feather on a thread and set it on fire. The thread burns and the feather falls. Now let’s hang a feather on a magic thread and set it on fire. As you can see, the magic thread burns out, but the feather remains hanging. Explain the secret of the magic thread.

Explanation: The magic thread was soaked in a solution of table salt. When the thread is burned, the feather is held on by fused crystals of table salt.

Note: The thread should be soaked 3-4 times in a saturated salt solution.

Experiment 12 “Water is boiling in a paper pan”

Equipment: tripod with coupling and foot, paper pan with strings, alcohol lamp, matches.

How to do it: Hang the paper pan on a tripod.

Is it possible to boil water in this pan?

Explanation: All the heat released during combustion is used to heat the water. In addition, the temperature of the paper pan does not reach the ignition temperature.

Interesting questions.

Teacher: While the water is boiling, you can ask the audience questions:

    What grows upside down? (icicle)

    I swam in the water, but remained dry. (Goose, duck)

    Why don't waterfowl get wet in water? (The surface of their feathers is covered with a thin layer of fat, and water does not wet the fatty surface.)

    Even a child can lift him from the ground, but not even a strong man can throw him over a fence. (Pushinka)

    The window is broken during the day and put back in place at night. (Ice hole)

The results of the experiments are summed up.



For many schoolchildren, physics is a rather complex and incomprehensible subject. To interest a child in this science, parents use all sorts of tricks: they tell fantastic stories, show entertaining experiments, and cite biographies of great scientists as examples.

How to conduct physics experiments with children?

  • Teachers warn that acquaintance with physical phenomena should not be limited only to the demonstration of entertaining experiences and experiments.
  • Experiments must be accompanied by detailed explanations.
  • First, the child must be explained that physics is a science that studies the general laws of nature. Physics studies the structure of matter, its forms, its movements and changes. At one time, the famous British scientist Lord Kelvin quite boldly stated that in our world there is only one science - physics, everything else is ordinary stamp collecting. And there is some truth in this statement, because the entire Universe, all planets and all worlds (alleged and existing) obey the laws of physics. Of course, the statements of the most eminent scientists about physics and its laws are unlikely to force a junior school student to throw aside his mobile phone and enthusiastically delve into the study of a physics textbook.

Today we will try to bring to the attention of parents several entertaining experiences that will help interest your children and answer many of their questions. And who knows, maybe thanks to these home experiments, physics will become your child’s favorite subject. And very soon our country will have its own Isaac Newton.

Interesting experiments with water for children - 3 instructions

For 1 experiment you will need two eggs, regular table salt and 2 glasses of water.

One egg must be carefully lowered into a glass half filled with cold water. It will immediately end up at the bottom. Fill the second glass with warm water and stir 4-5 tbsp in it. l. salt. Wait until the water in the glass becomes cold and carefully lower the second egg into it. It will remain on the surface. Why?

Explanation of experimental results

The density of plain water is lower than that of an egg. This is why the egg sinks to the bottom. The average density of salt water is significantly higher than the density of an egg, so it remains on the surface. Having demonstrated this experience to your child, you can see that sea water is an ideal environment for learning to swim. After all, no one has canceled the laws of physics even at sea. The saltier the sea water, the less effort is required to stay afloat. The Red Sea is considered the saltiest. Due to the high density, the human body is literally pushed to the surface of the water. Learning to swim in the Red Sea is a real pleasure.

For experiment 2 you will need: a glass bottle, a bowl of colored water and hot water.

Using hot water, warm up the bottle. Pour hot water out of it and turn it upside down. Place in a bowl of tinted cold water. The liquid from the bowl will begin to flow into the bottle on its own. By the way, the level of colored liquid in it will be (compared to a bowl) significantly higher.

How to explain the result of the experiment to a child?

The pre-heated bottle is filled with warm air. Gradually the bottle cools and the gas contracts. The pressure in the bottle decreases. The water is influenced by atmospheric pressure and flows into the bottle. Its inflow will stop only when the pressure does not equalize.

For 3 experience You will need a plexiglass ruler or a regular plastic comb, wool or silk fabric.

In the kitchen or bathroom, adjust the faucet so that a thin stream of water flows from it. Ask your child to rub the ruler (comb) vigorously with a dry woolen cloth. Then the child must quickly bring the ruler closer to the stream of water. The effect will amaze him. The stream of water will bend and reach towards the ruler. A funny effect can be achieved by using two rulers at the same time. Why?

An electrified dry comb or a plexiglass ruler becomes a source of an electric field, which is why the jet is forced to bend in its direction.

You can learn more about all these phenomena in physics lessons. Any child will want to feel like the “master” of water, which means that the lesson will never be boring and uninteresting for him.

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How can you prove that light travels in a straight line?

To conduct the experiment, you will need 2 sheets of thick cardboard, a regular flashlight, and 2 stands.

Progress of the experiment: In the center of each cardboard, carefully cut out round holes of equal diameter. We install them on stands. The holes must be at the same height. We place the switched-on flashlight on a pre-prepared stand made of books. You can use any box of suitable size. We direct the flashlight beam into the hole of one of the cardboards. The child stands on the opposite side and sees the light. We ask the child to move away and move any of the cardboards to the side. Their holes are no longer at the same level. We return the child to the same place, but he no longer sees the light. Why?

Explanation: Light can only travel in a straight line. If there is an obstacle in the path of the light, it stops.

Experience - Dancing Shadows

To carry out this experiment you will need: a white screen, cut out cardboard figures that need to be hung on strings in front of the screen and regular candles. Candles need to be placed behind the figures. No screen - you can use a regular wall

Progress of the experiment: Light the candles. If the candle is moved further away, the shadow of the figure will become smaller; if the candle is moved to the right, the figure will move to the left. The more candles you light, the more interesting the dance of the figures will be. Candles can be lit one at a time, raised higher or lower, creating very interesting dance compositions.

Interesting experience with shadow

For the next experiment you will need a screen, a fairly powerful electric lamp and a candle. If you direct the light of a powerful electric lamp onto a burning candle, then a shadow will appear on the white canvas not only from the candle, but also from its flame. Why? It’s simple, it turns out that in the flame itself there are red-hot, light-proof particles.

Simple experiments with sound for younger students

Ice experiment

If you are lucky and find a piece of dry ice at home, you may hear an unusual sound. It is quite unpleasant - very thin and howling. To do this, put dry ice in a regular teaspoon. True, the spoon will immediately stop sounding as soon as it cools down. Why does this sound appear?

When ice comes into contact with a spoon (in accordance with the laws of physics), carbon dioxide is released, which is what causes the spoon to vibrate and make an unusual sound.

funny phone

Take two identical boxes. Poke a hole in the middle of the bottom and lid of each box using a thick needle. Place regular matches in the boxes. Thread a cord (10-15 cm long) into the holes made. Each end of the lace must be tied in the middle of the match. It is advisable to use a nylon fishing line or silk thread. Each of the two participants in the experiment takes his “tube” and moves to the maximum distance. The line should be taut. One puts the tube to the ear and the other to the mouth. That's all! The phone is ready - you can have small talk!


Make a pipe out of cardboard. Its height should be about three hundred mm and its diameter about sixty mm. Place the clock on a regular pillow and cover it on top with a pre-made pipe. In this case, you can hear the sound of the clock if your ear is directly above the pipe. In all other positions the sound of the clock is not audible. However, if you take a piece of cardboard and place it at an angle of forty-five degrees to the axis of the pipe, then the sound of the clock will be perfectly audible.

How to conduct experiments with magnets at home with your child - 3 ideas

Children simply love to play with magnets, so they are ready to get involved in any experiment with this item.

How to pull objects out of water using a magnet?

For the first experiment you will need a lot of bolts, paper clips, springs, a plastic bottle with water and a magnet.

The children are given the task: to pull objects out of the bottle without getting their hands wet, and of course the table. As a rule, children quickly find a solution to this problem. During the experiment, parents can tell children about the physical properties of a magnet and explain that the force of a magnet acts not only through plastic, but also through water, paper, glass, etc.

How to make a compass?

You need to collect cold water in a saucer and place a small piece of napkin on its surface. We carefully place a needle on a napkin, which we first rub on the magnet. The napkin gets wet and sinks to the bottom of the saucer, and the needle remains on the surface. Gradually it smoothly turns one end to the north, the other to the south. The accuracy of a homemade compass can be verified for real.

A magnetic field

To begin, draw a straight line on a piece of paper and place a regular iron clip on it. Slowly move the magnet towards the line. Mark the distance at which the paperclip will be attracted to the magnet. Take another magnet and do the same experiment. The paperclip will be attracted to the magnet from a further distance or from a closer one. Everything will depend solely on the “strength” of the magnet. Using this example, you can tell your child about the properties of magnetic fields. Before telling your child about the physical properties of a magnet, you must explain that a magnet does not attract all “shiny things.” A magnet can only attract iron. Metals such as nickel and aluminum are too tough for him.

I wonder if you liked physics lessons at school? No? Then you have a great opportunity to master this very interesting subject together with your child. Find out how to spend interesting and simple ones at home, read another article on our website.

Good luck with your experiments!

Experiment is one of the most informative ways of learning. Thanks to him, it is possible to obtain diverse and extensive titles about the phenomenon or system being studied. It is experiment that plays a fundamental role in physical research. Beautiful physical experiments remain in the memory of subsequent generations for a long time, and also contribute to the popularization of physical ideas among the masses. Let us present the most interesting physical experiments according to the physicists themselves from a survey by Robert Kreese and Stoney Book.

1. Experiment of Eratosthenes of Cyrene

This experiment is rightfully considered one of the most ancient to date. In the third century BC. The librarian of the Library of Alexandria, Erastophenes of Cyrene, measured the radius of the Earth in an interesting way. On the day of the summer solstice in Siena, the sun was at its zenith, as a result of which there were no shadows from objects. 5000 stadia to the north in Alexandria, at the same time, the Sun deviated from the zenith by 7 degrees. From here the librarian received information that the circumference of the Earth is 40 thousand km, and its radius is 6300 km. Erastofen obtained figures that were only 5% less than today’s, which is simply amazing for the ancient measuring instruments he used.

2. Galileo Galilei and his very first experiment

In the 17th century, Aristotle's theory was dominant and unquestioned. According to this theory, the speed at which a body falls directly depends on its weight. An example was the feather and the stone. The theory was wrong because it did not take into account air resistance.

Galileo Galilei doubted this theory and decided to conduct a series of experiments personally. He took a large cannonball and launched it from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, paired with a light musket ball. Given their close, streamlined shape, air resistance could easily be neglected and, of course, both objects landed simultaneously, refuting Aristotle's theory. believes that you need to personally go to Pisa and throw something similar in appearance and different in weight from the tower in order to feel like a great scientist.

3. Galileo Galilei's second experiment

Aristotle's second statement was that bodies under the influence of force move with constant speed. Galileo launched metal balls down an inclined plane and recorded the distance they traveled over a certain time. Then he doubled the time, but during this time the balls traveled 4 times the distance. Thus, the dependence was not linear, that is, the speed was not constant. From this Galileo concluded that motion is accelerated under the influence of force.
These two experiments served as the basis for the creation of classical mechanics.

4. Henry Cavendish's experiment

Newton is the owner of the formulation of the law of universal gravitation, in which the gravitational constant is present. Naturally, the problem of finding its numerical value arose. But for this it would be necessary to measure the force of interaction between the bodies. But the problem is that the force of gravity is quite weak; it would be necessary to use either gigantic masses or small distances.

John Michell was able to come up with, and Cavendish to conduct in 1798, a rather interesting experiment. The measuring instrument was a torsion balance. Balls on thin ropes were attached to them on a rocker arm. Mirrors were attached to the balls. Then very large and heavy ones were brought to the small balls and the displacements along the light spots were recorded. The result of a series of experiments was the determination of the value of the gravitational constant and the mass of the Earth.

5. The experiment of Jean Bernard Leon Foucault

Thanks to the huge (67 m) pendulum, which was installed in the Paris Pantheon in 1851, Foucault experimentally proved the fact that the Earth rotates around its axis. The plane of rotation of the pendulum remains unchanged with respect to the stars, but the observer rotates with the planet. Thus, you can see how the plane of rotation of the pendulum gradually shifts to the side. This is a fairly simple and safe experiment, unlike the one we wrote about in the article

6. Isaac Newton's experiment

And again Aristotle's statement was tested. It was believed that different colors were mixtures of light and dark in varying proportions. The more darkness, the closer the color is to purple and vice versa.

People have long noticed that large single crystals split light into colors. A series of experiments with prisms were carried out by the Czech naturalist Marcia English Hariot. Newton began a new series in 1672.
Newton performed physical experiments in a dark room, passing a thin beam of light through a small hole in thick curtains. This beam hit the prism and was split into rainbow colors on the screen. The phenomenon was called dispersion and was later theoretically substantiated.

But Newton went further, because he was interested in the nature of light and colors. He passed rays through two prisms in series. Based on these experiments, Newton concluded that color is not a combination of light and darkness, and certainly not an attribute of an object. White light is made up of all the colors that can be seen by dispersion.

7. Thomas Young's experiment

Until the 19th century, the corpuscular theory of light dominated. It was believed that light, like matter, consists of particles. Thomas Young, an English physician and physicist, conducted his experiment in 1801 to test this claim. If we assume that light has a wave theory, then the same interacting waves should be observed as when throwing two stones onto water.

To imitate stones, Jung used an opaque screen with two holes and light sources behind it. The light passed through the holes and a pattern of light and dark stripes was formed on the screen. Light stripes formed where the waves reinforced each other, and dark stripes where they extinguished each other.

8. Klaus Jonsson and his experiment

In 1961, German physicist Klaus Jonsson proved that elementary particles have a particle-wave nature. For this purpose, he conducted an experiment similar to Young’s experiment, only replacing the light rays with electron beams. As a result, it was still possible to obtain an interference pattern.

9. Robert Millikan's experiment

Even at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the idea arose that every body has an electric charge, which is discrete and determined by indivisible elementary charges. By that time, the concept of an electron as a carrier of this same charge had been introduced, but it was not possible to detect this particle experimentally and calculate its charge.
American physicist Robert Millikan managed to develop an ideal example of grace in experimental physics. He isolated charged drops of water between the plates of a capacitor. Then, using X-rays, he ionized the air between the same plates and changed the charge of the droplets.