Kovalkov's diet - scientific advice on restoring intestinal microflora. Kovalkov's diet - proper nutrition according to Kovalkov - three stages

I’m studying stage 2 of the diet, getting ready... Here’s a rough description:
You can’t explain it in a nutshell...let’s try, BUT THIS IS ONLY THE BASIS!!!

In the morning, breakfast, as in stage 1: a glass of Activia, bran (at stage 2, bran is gradually reduced to 20-30 g per day), only almonds - 8 pcs.

Apples or grapes are left as a snack. But now other fruits are allowed EXCEPT bananas, grapes and oranges. Tangerines - occasionally.
Still one type of fruit per day!
Any carbohydrates only until 17 - 18.00.

You can use any vegetables except POTATOES, BEET, CARROTS.
Zucchini, eggplant, and pumpkin are not recommended.
Preferably fresh, and boiled or stewed no more than 2 times a week.
You can eat lentils, beans (any kind: green beans, legumes, just not canned ones, and remember that this is not a vegetable, but a vegetable protein, so you can, for example, replace chicken day with it, i.e. beans instead of chicken)

For vegetables, either cottage cheese, or fish, or chicken breast (white meat), each person calculates the quantity using the formula on page 177 of the Book.
One type of protein per day! Divide the daily protein intake into 2 doses! It is advisable to eat protein foods before 18:00, so that there are still 4 hours left before bed!
Start stage 2 with 3 cottage cheese days - for 3 days in a row we eat one type of protein - low-fat cottage cheese, all other prescribed foods remain.
Per week: 3 cottage cheese days, 2 fish days and 2 chicken days - alternate.
Occasionally you can have lean meat, for example, rabbit or lean beef, but only occasionally, during the KD - we need iron these days.
We can't eat liver (entrails) or liver - there are too many hidden fats. I’m generally silent about semi-finished products, all kinds of sausages.
It is better to steam meat and fish, or grill, or bake... occasionally fried, but it is better not in oil, but in a non-stick frying pan.

In the evening, a salad with a tablespoon of oil (olive should prevail in the diet, but it can sometimes be alternated with other vegetable oils). Oil separate from chicken and fish.

Leave the whites from 2 eggs overnight or use Protein Isolate instead - half a measuring cup!
If you don’t get enough protein, you can always compensate with isolate!

Soups are not advisable, in general they do not contribute to healthy digestion... but occasionally, if you can’t do without soup at all.....
just make sure you don’t add any potatoes or tomato paste, which contains sugar, by accident... and don’t put in any canned food (we can’t have any canned food), if you make it with broth, then it’s better to drain the first broth and skim off the fat from the surface. And no dice.

This is just a rough basis for the beginning of the 2nd stage...

(And another almost complete description):

In the morning, on an empty stomach: a glass of water and go for a walk. Move in an aerobic mode (see book) for 40 - 70 minutes.
After the walk, shower and eat nothing for two to an hour and a half!
You can only use bran and water.

Then breakfast:
It is advisable that the first breakfast consist of a protein isolate and bran cocktail.

After about one hour - a glass of Activia (or any low-fat kefir with bifido- or lacto-bacteria) without sugar, eight almonds, a handful of bran (or fiber). Add one capsule.

Lunch: The first three days of the second stage, you should eat cottage cheese for lunch (one pack of 180-200g. fat content up to 7%). Cottage cheese can be combined with vegetables and herbs. If you use zero-fat cottage cheese, you can add three dried apricots or three prunes or two figs, while removing one fruit from the daily diet.

From the fourth day of the second stage, at lunch we replace cottage cheese with 200-300 g of low-fat fish (cod, pollock, hake, etc.). The fish can be boiled, stewed or fried without the use of oil (over charcoal, in an air grill) . Only two fishing days.

You can safely use fatty fish (trout, salmon, etc.) for lunch, but do not use oil in the evening (in salad)! You have already exhausted your fat allowance. Vegetables, spices, herbs for fish without restrictions.
Fish can sometimes be replaced with seafood (shrimp, squid, etc.) in the same quantities.

After fish days, meat days begin. 200-300 grams of white skinless chicken meat (chicken breast). We eat chicken for two days. Vegetables and greens for it (as a side dish) are not limited.
Chicken meat can be replaced with rabbit meat, beef or veal. It is better to cook any meat stewed or boiled, but you can also grill it over charcoal (in an air grill, without using oil), or stew it with garlic and other spices. Meat goes as a side dish - fresh vegetables without restrictions (cucumber, tomato, cabbage, lettuce, radish, herbs, bell pepper, onion, garlic). You can use a couple of tablespoons of sugar-free sauce (make your own from tomatoes, garlic, herbs and black pepper).

Starting from the second week, you can determine the sequence of protein lunches yourself. The main thing is that the general proportion is maintained - three days of cottage cheese, two of fish and two of meat.
Lunch does not need to be divided into two meals, as we reduce the portion by enriching the diet with protein isolate. If you do not add isolate, then increase the portion of meat according to the calculation of the required protein (see the calculation principle in the book) and divide it into two doses. The same applies to cottage cheese and fish. At the same time, we regulate the amount of fat by limiting the oil in the evening (maximum - 30 g/day).

Dinner: fresh vegetable salad. One tablespoon of olive oil per serving. If you really want to, sometimes you can have 100-150 g of meat. (but the total amount of fat is no more than 20 - 30 g/day, taking into account the fat of protein products and the fat of nuts).
After the salad, take one capsule of Coenzyme CoQ10

Before bed: the whites of two boiled eggs.

During the day: up to 700 grams of any fruit except grapes, oranges, bananas. Fruits can be eaten immediately after protein isolate and evenly distributed throughout the day, until six o'clock in the evening. The main thing is not to eat them before (half an hour or earlier) a protein lunch. Drink 1.5-2 liters of raw water.

1. Eat fruits no later than half an hour before the main meal, or half an hour after it.
2. Chicken should be alternated with low-fat fish and low-fat cottage cheese. During the week there should be three cottage cheese days, two chicken days and two fish days. Fish can be replaced with an appropriate portion of squid or shrimp by weight.
3. In the evening at dinner (salad) you can drink half a glass of good dry wine (150-200 g).
4. The daily protein requirement is calculated individually for each person according to the formula given in the book, but it should not be less than 70 grams. pure protein per day!!!
5. If you cannot accurately calculate the amount of protein or you doubt your calculations, or the amount of fat exceeds 30 grams per day, feel free to replace part of your protein lunch with a serving of protein isolate. It includes only pure, easily digestible protein, without fats and carbohydrates.
6. A more accurate diet of the second stage is determined and calculated individually by a nutritionist based on bioimpedance analysis of body tissues, and determination of the biological need of a particular person for proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
7. For women of “Balzac age”, a necessary condition is the additional intake of PerFem Forte and Camosten
8. The second stage can be started only when at least 5 kg have been “lost”! (the rule only applies if there is a large excess of adipose tissue).
9. For men with significant fat mass, an additional dose of the drug is recommended - 6-OXO Extreme

At the end of the second stage, when less than 10% of the desired weight loss remains, strength training should be introduced three times a week (on the remaining days we continue with aerobic exercise). These loads can be carried out both in the gym and at home using ordinary dumbbells.

When introducing strength training in the morning, add porridge to the diet (rolled oats, pearl barley, buckwheat, brown and wild rice).

It is advisable to carry out strength training in the afternoon, on an empty stomach. Before class, take NO-Xplode.
Immediately after strength training we take Syntha-6 protein.

To get rid of the last 5 - 7 kg of excess weight at the end of the second stage (not earlier), you can start taking Thermonex (see contraindications).

The diet of Russian doctor Alexey Kovalkov is not innovative; it is based on the basic axioms of classical dietetics. The diet became quite popular and in demand because the doctor managed to harmoniously combine well-known rules into a nutritional system that was complete from a medical point of view, which he tested on himself, as a result of which he lost 52 kg in six months.

The theory of proper weight loss: the effect of a compressed spring or the Kovalkov diet versus any diets

Dr. Kovalkov does not accept current methods With weight loss, all kinds and others, suggesting a sharp and,. A period of great food restrictions will certainly be replaced by a period of irresistible gluttony. Weight lost too quickly has an unpleasant tendency to come back even faster than it went, taking with it a few extra pounds in addition. This expresses the so-called compressed spring effect.

Dr. Kovalkov's diet is not a diet, but a dietary nutrition system that implies a certain lifestyle.

From theory to practice: aerobic physical activity

The doctor pays special attention to aerobic exercise, namely walking. He considers daily walking to be the main key to a slim body; this type of physical activity does not require any effort or expense and provides an optimized load on the body. At the second stage, you will have to add to walking, otherwise you will not get rid of the already accumulated kilograms, but at the third stage and for the rest of your life you can limit yourself to walking only. This factor is given such great importance that it is recommended to purchase a pedometer.

Doctor Kovalkov's diet: menu and main stages

1. Preparatory stage. Duration 2-4 weeks

The first stage is considered the most difficult, since the withdrawal of simple carbohydrates and animal proteins may cause the body to experience withdrawal symptoms. Take food 5-7 times a day, evenly distributed over time, in small portions.

Example of a menu at the preparatory stage:

8.00 - Breakfast. A glass of low-fat kefir. A handful of nuts and bran.

10.00 - Second breakfast. Apple.

12.00 - Lunch. Half a grapefruit.

14.00 - Second lunch. The second half of the grapefruit.

16.00 - Afternoon snack. Apple.

18.00 - Dinner. Greek salad (vegetables + cheese).

For the night. A glass of milk or boiled egg whites.

Eliminate from your diet:

  • animal proteins - fish, poultry, pork, beef and any other meat;
  • products with a value exceeding 60, such products include, for example, bakery, confectionery, white rice, pasta, potatoes, carrots, beets;
  • strong alcohol, beer, sweet soda;
  • honey, chocolate, dried fruits.

  • - 100 g daily - drink with water or fermented milk products;
  • 5 glasses of water daily;
  • legumes;
  • coarse grains;
  • egg whites (no more than two eggs per day);
  • a handful of nuts for breakfast - walnuts, pine or almonds;
  • fermented milk products, feta cheese, Adyghe cheese;
  • fats - up to 30 g;
  • fruits, preferably apples - from morning to lunch;
  • Dry red wine is allowed - 250 g for dinner.

It is necessary to increase the duration of walking daily; in a month, the number of steps taken per day should reach 16 thousand. To make it easier to endure the first stage, it is recommended to spend more time in the sun.

2. The main stage is cruising mode. Duration from one month to a year or more

When observed in Dr. Kovalkov’s diet clinic, the main stage is calculated individually. There are still five meals.

  • cabbage,
  • radish,
  • cucumbers,
  • garlic,
  • spinach,
  • salad,
  • parsley,
  • apples,
  • pears,
  • citrus fruits, especially grapefruit,
  • berries,
  • nuts,
  • low-fat fermented milk products,
  • bran,
  • buckwheat.

Gradually, lean meat, low-fat cottage cheese, fish and seafood are introduced into the menu. Be sure to have a handful of nuts for breakfast, bran for lunch, and two egg whites at night. Strength exercises are added to walking, and to the diet. The second stage lasts until a normal weight is achieved.

It happens that the weight stops and never goes away. In this case, Alexey Kovalkov recommends organizing “loading” days 1-2 times a month, the essence of which boils down to a sharply increased volume of food by one and a half times. It should be cereals, vegetables and fruits rich in fiber. A “loading” day increases metabolism. From time to time, once a month, it won’t hurt to unload. To do this, you will have to eat only all day or two days - only.

3. Support stage

The essence of the final stage is to learn to maintain your normal weight throughout your adult life. It is allowed to gradually introduce previously prohibited foods, such as potatoes or butter. The serving size can also be increased slightly. Walking several kilometers every day should not be neglected.

Today it is considered one of the most effective diets. The technique includes not only reducing excess body weight, but also restoring metabolism with a subsequent transition to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. This method of losing weight was developed by a nutritionist from Russia, whose name is Alexey Kovalkov. The diet, the menu of which is difficult to tolerate in the first days, has entered the top ten most popular weight loss systems in the world.

Principle of the technique

According to the nutritionist, it is simply impossible to get rid of extra pounds without physical activity, so fitness, running or at least walking is recommended for all patients.

The main principle of this method of losing weight is low in calories.

Bad carbohydrates are high, which is why fat deposits appear, says Alexey Kovalkov. A diet whose menu completely excludes the consumption of “bad” carbohydrates not only fights these deposits, but normalizes the functioning of internal organs as a whole.

This method does not require any serious financial expenses; it can be used by people of any age category, with the exception, of course, of children. Kovalkov’s method is considered one of the most popular weight loss systems not only because of its effectiveness, but also precisely because of its accessibility.

There are three stages of this diet in total.


Losing excess weight with the help of this weight loss system is possible only on the condition that the patient follows all the rules and restrictions without exception, which in fact can be called quite strict. So, what does this diet involve?

  1. First of all, the patient must be healthy. If you have any chronic or acute diseases, it is better to abandon this technique or at least use it under the strict supervision of a specialist.
  2. All foods must be prepared correctly. Frying is completely excluded. It is allowed to eat only boiled and steamed foods. In addition, the Kovalkov diet allows recipes for baked and stewed dishes without adding any fat. Fat means not only oils, but also mayonnaise and other products.
  3. Avoiding simple carbohydrates. They are one of the reasons for weight gain and the occurrence of subcutaneous fat deposits. Such easily digestible carbohydrates are found in confectionery products, as well as sugar and products containing it. Nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov claims that excess weight can only be overcome by switching to a low-calorie diet. However, sometimes eating a small amount of dark chocolate is allowed.
  4. Maintaining water balance in the body. While losing weight, the patient should drink at least 2-2.5 liters of clean water per day. Moreover, water should not be washed down with food; it should only be consumed on an empty stomach. At the same time, salt intake should be limited. Such restrictions help improve metabolism and trigger the mechanism of removing toxins, toxins and other harmful substances, so that weight begins to fall off faster.
  5. Consumption of natural products. Dr. Kovalkov's diet, the menu of which involves eating only those foods that have not undergone industrial preparation, completely prohibits the consumption of any canned foods. In addition, it is not allowed to consume: alcoholic beverages, smoked products, semolina, baked goods and bakery products made from premium flour, and soda. Vegetables are allowed (with the exception of potatoes, beets, carrots), fruits, excluding bananas, cereals, etc.
  6. Presence of fermented milk products in the diet. This is also a mandatory condition. The daily diet should include the consumption of yoghurt, kefir and other products.
  7. Replacing any animal fats with vegetable ones.
  8. No feeling of hunger. This method of losing weight involves a fractional diet, without a ban on eating after 18.00, the only restrictions are “bad” carbohydrates. Up to five meals are allowed, no snacks between them. This diet is ideal for people who have difficulty with portion reductions and other dietary restrictions.
  9. Separate meals. In addition to the fact that meals should be fractional, it is also necessary to comply with the conditions of separation. This technique recommends not combining carbohydrates with fats or proteins during meals. That is, it is prohibited to combine eggs and meat with starchy foods, in particular potatoes, bread and butter, etc. However, it is allowed to combine so-called “good” carbohydrates with butter.
  10. Daily physical activity. A prerequisite for using the Kovalkov technique is regular exercise, which tightens the skin, which usually sags during weight loss, accelerates the burning of excess subcutaneous fat, and improves the health and general condition of the body. If it is difficult for the patient to exercise or go to the gym, long walks or running are suitable at the initial stage. Classes are carried out on an empty stomach, immediately after them food intake must also be limited for at least 2 hours.


The Kovalkov diet, the reviews and results of which are inspiring, requires preliminary preparation. Therefore, before starting to lose weight directly, patients should be aware of a number of restrictions that they will have to face throughout all three stages. The preparatory stage of the Kovalkov diet plays no less a role than the system of losing excess weight itself. Thanks to it, the body does not plunge into a state of shock, but gradually gets used to the necessary diet; in addition, the duration of this stage usually lasts about 2-3 weeks.

You need to start the morning with a glass of warm water, maybe with the addition of lemon, so that the body wakes up and starts working with the gastrointestinal tract.

Authorized Products

During this stage, Dr. Alexey Kovalkov advises eating bran, starting with 2-3 tablespoons. You can drink them with unsweetened tea or clean water.

In addition, the following products are allowed:

  • natural yogurt, yogurts with various additives and flavor enhancers are strictly prohibited for consumption at any stage of the diet;
  • skim milk and cottage cheese;
  • low fat cheese;
  • mushrooms;
  • seafood;
  • nuts;
  • chicken eggs - it is recommended to eat only the white; it is better to avoid the yolk altogether.

Despite the fact that this is only preparation, even during this period you can easily get rid of 4 kilograms of excess weight.

Weight Loss Factors

This happens due to the following factors:

  • stimulation of metabolic processes in the body, which is facilitated by the presence of water, apples, grapefruits and other products in the diet;
  • refusal of polished rice, baked goods, bakery, pasta and confectionery products, potatoes. Replacing them with vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes, as well as cereals with a low glycemic index;
  • limiting the consumption of animal proteins;
  • refusal of easily digestible carbohydrates.

Stage 1

The Kovalkov diet, the 1st stage of the menu is slightly shorter than the preparatory one and lasts about 10 days (can be extended up to 14), helps to get rid of 4-5 kilograms of excess weight.

As at the preparation stage, bran is recommended for consumption, the amount of which must be gradually increased to 100 grams. In addition, the diet should contain:

  • protein, at least 60 g per day;
  • fats, no more than 30 g;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • L-carnitine.

Kovalkov's diet, stage 1: menu

So, let's go directly to the menu:

  1. The morning should start with a jog or walk, followed by the first breakfast. The meal includes: natural yogurt or kefir in the amount of 1 cup, 1 tablespoon of nuts and a tablespoon of bran.
  2. After 2 hours you can eat one apple, this will be considered a second breakfast.
  3. For lunch, it is recommended to eat ½ grapefruit or an apple again, raw or baked.
  4. Afternoon snack. Similar to lunch, involves eating an apple or grapefruit.
  5. Dinner. For your evening meal, you can eat a salad of fresh vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil, preferably olive oil, to which you can add low-fat cheese and spices.
  6. Just before going to bed, you are allowed to eat the whites of two chicken eggs or drink a glass of low-fat milk.

The Kovalkov diet, the 1st stage of the menu of which already has a fairly large number of restrictions, prohibits any snacks between main meals. This limitation is due to the fact that the body needs time to readjust and establish normal metabolism.

The main goal of such nutrition is to prevent and overcome discomfort from restrictions in food consumption. The Kovalkov diet, the reviews and results of which exceed the expectations of many losing weight, is truly unique.


As a result of this weight loss system, you can get rid of up to 9 kilograms of excess weight in just the first month, everything depends only on the initial body weight and, of course, compliance with all nutritional rules. After the first stage, you can add lean meat and fish to the menu.

Very often, the other side of the coin for effective weight loss is deterioration in health. Based on this, the famous Russian nutritionist Alexei Kovalkov has developed a special therapeutic diet, which, if followed, will not leave you feeling well along with the extra pounds.

Dr. Kovalkov’s special diet is divided into several parts, including a preparatory one. It also necessarily implies the right exit. We will take a closer look at the stages and menu for the month in the following material.

Kovalkov's diet - all stages in detail

Kovalkov's diet has a mass useful properties:

  • normalizes intestinal function;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • relieves nervous tension;
  • includes a balanced diet;
  • eliminates obesity;
  • consists entirely of healthy food;
  • varied menu;
  • the serving size completely saturates the body until the next meal;
  • removal of harmful toxic substances from the body;
  • strengthens nails and hair;
  • rejuvenates skin cells;
  • effective in the fight against cellulite and double chin;
  • restores normal blood circulation and water-salt balance in the body;
  • lowers blood sugar levels;
  • saturates the body with fiber.

The monthly menu for the Kovalkov diet is divided into 4 stages, including preparatory stages. In this article we will look at each in detail.

Principles of nutrition

If you follow the rules perfectly, thanks to the diet of Dr. Alexei Kovalkov, you can get rid of 7 to 10 kg of excess weight in a month.

It is very difficult to call this action a diet, since using the above method of losing weight you can eat for the rest of your life. Nutrition principles according to the Kovalkov diet are as follows:

  • exclude foods containing light carbohydrates from your diet;
  • It is preferable to eat vegetables during this period;
  • replace animal fats with vegetable ones;
  • It is permissible to eat food after 18:00, but in moderation;
  • you need to be constantly psychologically prepared for this kind of nutrition;
  • no need for physical activity.

Regarding psychological attitude towards losing weight, Dr. Alexey Kovalkov suggests doing this as follows:

  • find the cause of excess weight;
  • take responsibility for this process;
  • Set a goal that will result in you losing all excess weight.

If you follow the above Kovalkov diet, categorically prohibited for use the following Food:

  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • potato;
  • White bread;
  • sweet;
  • sugar;
  • semolina and rice cereals;
  • corn;
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • canned food;
  • salt;
  • smoked meats;
  • spices.

Having become familiar with the basic principles of nutrition for weight loss according to Kovalkov’s method, let’s move directly to the stages of the diet. Let's start with the preparatory part.

Preparatory stage

The preparatory stage of the Kovalkov diet is the most difficult, since during this period you must completely “change” from your usual diet to a healthy one. At this time it is necessary to use Low glycemic index foods:

  • all vegetables except beets, potatoes and carrots;
  • all fruits except bananas;
  • greenery;
  • beans;
  • grain that has not undergone processing.

Sample menu for the day preparatory stage for weight loss looks like this:

  • Breakfast: stewed tomatoes and peppers, a cup of unsweetened black tea with lemon;
  • Lunch: buckwheat soup;
  • Dinner: fresh vegetables.

Also, during the preparatory period, it is strongly recommended to drink a lot of purified water, without gas. In addition, soups and cereals must be present in the diet for weight loss.

The preparatory stage can last from two to three weeks, depending on how quickly you get used to this kind of food.

First stage in detail

Next, we will consider in detail what the essence of the first phase is. So, Kovalkov diet - stage 1 allows in detail the following diets for weight loss purposes: products:

  • skimmed milk;
  • yogurt;
  • nuts;
  • eggs.

Duration the first phase of weight loss according to Kovalkov’s method may vary between one month and two. Of course, the timing of the above period depends on your initial weight.

Menu for the first week according to the diet of Dr. Alexey Kovalkov designed to normalize intestinal function:


  • Breakfast: 200 g of nuts and a green apple;
  • Lunch: pureed cabbage and broccoli soup;
  • Dinner: boiled egg, 200 ml of kefir.


  • bran;
  • vegetable salad, cucumber juice;
  • zucchini and eggplant stew.


  • two-egg omelet with tomatoes and herbs;
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • baked peppers.


  • cabbage and cucumber salad;
  • stewed zucchini, kefir;
  • natural yogurt with nuts.


  • green apple;
  • fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, radishes;
  • broccoli puree soup.


  • steamed omelette, a cup of tea with lemon;
  • tomato and boiled eggs;
  • onion and pepper stew.


  • two boiled eggs, 150 ml low-fat yoghurt;
  • cucumber-zucchini smoothie with nuts and herbs;
  • braised cabbage.

Second phase

Stage 2 of the Kovalkov diet
designed to help you lose more weight and can last from one month to three. During this period you need to use the following products:

  • any types of lean meat and fish;
  • skim cheese;
  • mushrooms: chanterelles, champignons, boletus;
  • seafood: shrimp, mussels.

Based on the above list of food products, detailed diet menu of Dr. Alexey Kovalkov at the second stage as follows:


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with dried fruits;
  • Lunch: boiled chicken;
  • Dinner: baked trout, generously sprinkled with lemon juice.


  • mushrooms with shrimp, a glass of kefir;
  • baked rabbit meat with herbs;
  • grapefruit, two boiled eggs.


  • cottage cheese with sour cream and orange juice;
  • stewed peppers;
  • baked cod, orange.


  • yogurt with nuts, green tea;
  • chicken soup with vegetables;
  • lean beef patties.


  • fruit smoothie;
  • low-fat fish cutlets, 200 g champignons;
  • stewed rabbit meat and kefir.


  • cottage cheese and fermented baked milk;
  • salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes with low-fat sour cream;
  • baked peppers.


  • green apple, tea;
  • stew of chicken, peppers and tomatoes;
  • champignon and shrimp salad, orange juice.

Third stage

Stage 3 of the Kovalkov diet is consolidation of the results obtained. During this period, sweets and wine are allowed in moderation. It is not recommended to combine fats with carbohydrates. let's consider detailed menu for the third stage of the diet of Dr. Alexei Kovalkov:


  • Breakfast: bran and tea with honey;
  • Lunch: millet porridge with prunes;
  • Dinner: 250 g of boiled rice, green tea.


  • oatmeal with milk;
  • buckwheat soup;
  • cottage cheese with honey.


  • fruit smoothie;
  • black coffee with cream, cottage cheese;
  • cucumber and tomato salad dressed with vegetable oil.


  • oatmeal, orange juice;
  • buckwheat and kefir;
  • baked peppers.


  • two boiled eggs, grapefruit;
  • citrus and apple salad;
  • stewed zucchini.


  • orange and black tea;
  • cottage cheese casserole with raisins;
  • 2-3 baked potatoes, 200 ml low-fat kefir.


  • yogurt, green apple;
  • buckwheat soup with low-fat meatballs;
  • 200 g of dark chocolate and a glass of red wine.

The right way out

Leaving the diet of Dr. Alexey Kovalkov involves returning to your usual diet, but in moderation. In order to consolidate the results obtained, it is forbidden to consume high-calorie foods containing sugar and large amounts of fat.

The Kovalkov diet is an original weight loss method developed by nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov. It contains not only a program for normalizing body weight, but also a program that allows you to completely restore your metabolism.

The Kovalkov diet is also interesting because it was tried, first of all, by the author himself, who lost more than 50 kilograms with its help.


Dr. Kovalkov’s diet has a number of clear advantages. The first is its focus (normalization of the general level of metabolism). The second difference is that adherence to the technique in question allows the body not to fall into an acute state of stress.

The third advantage is that food is consumed in quantities that allow the person losing weight not to suffer from hunger. All this allowed the diet to firmly enter the top ten effective and best methods in the world.

The essence of the technique

Dr. Kovalkov’s weight loss method is based on the principle of consuming foods with a low glycemic index (value below fifty). According to the doctor, obesity is provoked by precisely these “bad” carbohydrates, the index of which is very high.

According to Kovalkov’s concept, “good” carbohydrates, consumed in any quantity, are not stored in reserve. On the contrary, they are the reason for smooth weight loss, if any.

The basis of the doctor’s technique is a well-structured menu, which must be combined with the introduction of active physical activity into the daily routine. Training, on the advice of a nutritionist, should last at least 40 minutes (duration per day). Eating is prohibited for the next two hours after the end of physical activity. The exceptions are bran and water. According to this highly qualified specialist, the attitude towards beauty is also important.

Conventionally, Kovalkov’s diet is divided into several stages, each of which has its own important functional load.

Preparatory and first stages

Dr. Kovalkov’s diet has four phases: preparatory and three main. The diet of the preparatory stage consists of recipes prepared from grain crops that have not undergone deep processing, vegetables (excluding beets, potatoes and carrots), herbs, fruits (except bananas), and legumes.

The first stage of Dr. Kovalkov’s method of promoting weight loss is conventionally called preparatory. Its duration is 3 weeks, after which they usually lose about 6 kg. For this to happen, the diet should not contain foods that have been subjected to certain processing (for example, polished rice). The list of prohibited items also includes recipes that use any type of sweets, potatoes, corn and alcohol.

During the preparatory and first stages of this method, fish, meat, and any products classified as fried, canned, highly salted, spicy and smoked are also prohibited.

The preparatory phase can last 14-25 days. According to many, this time is the most difficult period to go through. Often, those who are losing weight experience severe psychological discomfort at this time. The body “objects” to changes. The discomfort will disappear after a while, as the body “comes to terms.” Doctor Kovalkov’s diet implies that the preparatory stage should consist of eating according to a five-meal plan and limited only to the consumption of the above-mentioned ingredients.

Alexey does not prohibit forming a diet according to one’s own taste and desire, the main thing is that it contains cereals, soups and sources of protein (legumes). An example would be the following menu:

  • breakfast: a dish of stewed vegetables (excluding starchy ones, carrots and beets) with some beans (the total volume of all products is 200-300 g) and herbs, a glass of green tea with lemon;
  • second breakfast: vegetable juice (freshly squeezed) in the amount of 300 ml;
  • lunch: a serving of buckwheat porridge without milk (the addition of unfried onions, olive oil and herbs is allowed), puree soup from 150-200 g of beans;
  • afternoon snack: several (2-3) medium-sized green apples;
  • dinner: cucumber salad with tomatoes and bell peppers, which can be seasoned with vegetable oil (amount of salad - 300-400 g).

Sample first stage menu:

  • breakfast: natural yogurt (1 glass), to which you can add any nuts or bran, green tea;
  • second breakfast: green apples (2 pcs);
  • lunch: vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, olives and others allowed) with the addition of vegetable oil;
  • afternoon snack: natural vegetable and fruit juice (1 glass), apple (small, 1 pc);
  • dinner: boiled eggs (2 pcs), unsweetened weak tea.

The first stage of the Kovalkov method should last 1-2 months (depending on the initial weight level).

Second stage

According to Dr. Alexey Kovalkov, the basis of the second phase of the fight against excess weight should be water. It is no coincidence that the doctor brings this recommendation to the fore, since this particular period is the time of intestinal cleansing, accompanied by weight loss. In addition to water, you are allowed to drink no more than three cups of green tea (unsweetened) during the day and additionally consume no more than 2-3 apples.

When the second stage is over, the diet can be supplemented by introducing boiled potatoes (not fried), olive oil, fiber-rich vegetables (fiber will soften the effect of “bad” carbohydrates and prevent the deposition of fats). You can even use red wine in small quantities at the end of this stage.

Example of a second stage menu:

  • breakfast: yogurt or fermented baked milk with nuts or bran, one slice of bread (preferably coarsely ground);
  • second breakfast: vegetable juice (1 glass);
  • lunch: stewed vegetables with fish or chicken fillet, low-fat cottage cheese (200 g);
  • afternoon snack: fruit (300 g);
  • dinner: vegetable or fruit salad with vegetable oil, the whites of two boiled eggs.

The approximate duration of the second stage is a month. Weight loss at this stage does not occur very intensively, so you can “maintain” it for quite a long time. It must be remembered that it should not exceed 3 months. Do not worry if after this phase the weight is still not normal, since the final correction remains with the third stage, which acts quite slowly, but very effectively.

Third stage

The last – final – stage of the doctor’s diet is an effective way to consolidate the achieved result. At this stage, it is forbidden to eat potatoes, peeled rice, flour and sweets. After six in the evening, it is undesirable to eat foods that include complex carbohydrates. In addition, at the third stage, Alexey Kovalkov’s diet involves the separation of fats and carbohydrates, which cannot be mixed in one meal. The maximum daily amount of fat is 60 g.

The secret of the third stage is that it is designed for the rest of their lives for those who want to always maintain their figure in perfect condition. The body, accustomed to a certain diet during the first and second stages, completely restores active metabolism, weight normalizes and remains stable.

At the same time, at this stage, Alexey allows himself to periodically treat himself to chocolate or a fresh bun and take part in festive feasts. True, after such “violations,” Kovalkov recommends returning to the first stage of the diet for a while in order to somewhat relieve the body.

  • fruits;
  • fish;
  • chicken;
  • vegetables;
  • low-fat dairy products.

The menu at this stage is practically no different from the menu of the second stage, only the second breakfast is removed. For lunch, you can eat chicken, fish or cottage cheese in quantities of no more than three hundred grams and any raw vegetables that do not contain starch. Dinner can consist of a vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil. Just before bed, you can eat two egg whites.
