A person after death is a clairvoyant psychic. Real stories: is there life after death or the phenomenon of electronic voices?


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Have you ever thought about what exactly happens to that creature, which is usually called a person, after death? As for the physical shell, everything is very clear: option No. 1 is burial, option No. 2 is cremation (burning of the body). But a person’s personality is determined not only by its physical body. Does it really fade away after the human body stops functioning? What..

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Have you ever thought about what exactly happens to that creature that is commonly called a human being? after death? As for the physical shell, everything is very clear: option No. 1 is burial, option No. 2 is cremation (burning of the body). But human personality is determined not only by it physical body. Does it really fade away after human organism stops functioning? What happens after a person dies?

It is to these questions that the answers of the best minds on the planet are collected in our article. However, not only scientists, psychics and philosophers expressed their opinions. Ordinary people also thought about the soul.

Let's take a look into the past

Psychics about a person It is said that there is an assumption that in ancient times people were interested in more than just ways of surviving and methods of subsistence. They were also interested in such a concept as the soul. It was these thoughts that became something of a prototype of modern religion. Of course, every person who has been to a lesson at school at least once And knows that everything that a person could not explain before, he deified. But only about what exactly occurs after death With his soul, he could only guess. It was the doctrine of the transmigration of souls that formed the basis of esotericism. Afterwards, the church took over to explain the issue. In the end, it looked very interesting, because adherents of the faith were forbidden to talk about the origin human soul and what exactly happens to her after death of the physical body. Various church teachings give their explanation for this or that phenomenon and it is recommended to take them as a basis and postulates. Probably, such pressure from religion in those dark and distant times was justified. Of course, human life was incredibly complex and death seemed commonplace.

Up until the twentieth century, the question regarding the soul and the human astral body remained shrouded in darkness. The attitude towards the soul changed only after technology developed and more and more new social ideas appeared. It was at that moment that life was proclaimed as the universal value of man. For this reason, people began to wonder what exactly would await a person after death overtakes him.

Changes in society

Psychics about death and life say that questions regarding the development of these aspects and, of course, their understanding will always remain relevant among people. But the approach to these issues changes every day, because society develops and receives more and more information about the world around it.

In the Middle Ages, people thought of death as something terrible, because the priests of that time made them think that all people were sinners and would definitely end up in prison. after death to hell. All this was invented specifically to keep people in fear. After all, the church then practically ruled the world. This is how people were held back. Huge masses of people were afraid that someday they will be put in a large frying pan and fried. And if people obey the church and the people in power, then they can count on a good future.

Human development

Psychics about the development of humanity they say that not only the technical side of progress, but also culture, science, and other aspects began to have a huge impact on human consciousness. but there are questions that never leave the brain: are there others intelligent beings in the universe or what will happen to soul after death? Moreover, today it is much more difficult to dissuade people with ordinary legends that “the devils will burn her at the stake” or, for example, that angels will take her to heaven. Man learned many different concepts: the astral body, subtle matter, aura and much, much more. People don't believe in devils anymore. Moreover, the last words are not some kind of criticism of religious teaching. This is a statistical fact. There is no escape from him. As a result, church workers run away from reasoning of this kind, and even more so from the physics of their explanations.

What is a person?

Psychics about the soul they say that before thinking about what will happen to her after death, you should think about what is the essence of human existence, i.e. his life. How should we consider a deceased person as a physical body that is endowed with special capabilities used to interact with the outside world, or is it something more?

In fact, there are a huge number of theories of this kind. But the truth, according to psychics, is that not all people believe in them, but each individual person. If your worldview does not exclude the presence of a soul, then it is recommended to think about what exactly will happen to it after death.

From a physical point of view, the body ceased to exist. Consequently, there is no longer any reaction to external factors. Therefore, everything is the end! Psychics about death in this case they say that it is the end point and nothing more.

It goes without saying that this theory has its followers and those who think differently. But this option cannot explain many phenomena that even conservative sciences do not deny today.

If a person believes that life is not limited only by its physical course and the work of the brain, then it is worth continuing to dig further. After all, after the physical body stops working, some part of the personality continues its activity.

It is this remnant of personality that continues to interact with the world. In this case, we will take into account exactly this option and proceed from it. As a result, we come to the fact that there is something called the soul. Precisely that which does not die and does not disappear. What then happens to her after the disappearance of the human body?

Science of the Soul

It should be said right away that scientists around the world consider this issue to be the most difficult. In fact, any modern science is very conservative. And it’s not entirely clear what exactly should be called this very soul?

From the point of view of science, the soul is a clot of energy that can carry certain information. This is where the understanding of the human soul from a scientific point of view ends.


But there were also those people who were able to bypass science and began to look for ways to release this very energy. First of all, psychics ask you to pay attention to weight. Yes, man before death has one mass, and after death its weight decreases by a certain mass.

It is these indicators and multiple experiments allowed us to loudly declare the presence of a soul. Here's just the answer to what exactly is happening after death, has not yet been given by science.

However, these experiments, according to psychics, cannot be considered one hundred percent scientific confirmation. Not found yet today authoritative husband, whose opinion would become a priority and would be considered correct.

Witness's testimonies

It is this point, according to psychics, that is the most interesting. After all, today there are those who were able to return from the other world back to life. After all, today medicine is incredibly developed. For now clinical death doesn't count as anything supernatural. And even more so, it is not a reason for holding a funeral. As a result, churchmen and saints are tearing their hair out. Scientists are not far behind them. Especially after returned from the other world they talk out loud about the tunnels that lead to the light. Other people say that they saw everything that was happening from the outside. It turns out that the physical body dies, and the soul continues to live. Of course, such a life may not last so long, but still. This proves the existence of life after death.

Folk traditions

It should not be surprising that among ordinary people there is also an opinion regarding souls. After all, those rituals that are directly related to the fact of death also have great meaning.

So, for example, Orthodox Church requires that memorial days be held for the deceased on the third, ninth and fortieth day. What is the reason for such a tradition?

According to psychics, however, and priests too, for some time the soul remains in the human body. She does not want to leave her world. For the first three days the soul continues to hover directly above the body. After the realization of the inevitable comes, the soul begins to look for a way to the other world. But over the next forty days the soul can still return to the physical body. It is likely that this does not let go of her craving for family and friends, and perhaps it is banal nostalgia. But today this is still unknown.

After a year has passed, the soul finally leaves the Earth. Yes, of course, religion does not reject this. But what to do next? What then? Where does the soul go, and what exactly awaits it after. According to the Orthodox, the essence of immortality comes down to the fact that the human soul goes to Lord God.

The Almighty conducts a trial and determines exactly where to send the soul: to heaven or to hell. Over the next year, the relatives of the deceased should pray for him soul. This is the only way they can help a person cleanse himself and go to heaven.

This is exactly the answer that a person who turns to a solution to this issue receives. clergymen. This is how a person finds his place after he gets to God's judgment.

Edgar Cayce's theory

Edgar Cayce- This is one of the most famous seers and soothsayers. He believed that the world is a very shaky structure, which is constantly in motion and looking for support. It is for this reason that people who want to find answers to their questions seek help from various psychics, etc.

In my time Edgar Cayce He said that the time would come when death would not become a secret to man. The fog will clear and people will understand its essence. Another great soothsayer said that true immortality awaits man, only it will manifest itself not in the physical, but in spiritually.

In his opinion, death is nothing more than a transition to a new life. Actually, this shouldn't be a tragedy. This is just another stage in human development. Today people cannot realize this for the simple reason that they cannot overcome the barrier that separates these very periods. It is likely that insight came only to a few.

Attention! According to Edgar Cayce, after the death of a person, communication can be maintained with his soul. It was precisely this supernatural gift that the great seer Vanga.

Esoterics and soul

Psychics about the multidimensionality of space they say that this idea arose incredibly long ago. According to esotericists, a human being is capable of existing in several worlds at the same time. But clearly today, due to the reduced threshold of sensitivity, a person can only understand the world of physical manifestation. It was the esotericists who introduced such a concept as thin body or subtle matter. According to experts in this category, they are creating this very subtle reality factors such as emotions, feelings and thoughts. Moreover, every person can boast of such a multidimensional space. It is precisely this that is not subject to destruction. Moreover, everything happens in exactly the opposite way. The more people are born, the more it spreads energy universe. In fact, esotericists imagine it as a huge number of transparent spheres that are located in an infinite type of space.

All these new formations interact: they overlap, collide, and form new clusters. While a person leads his physical life, he fills it with emotions, his decisions and thoughts. And as soon as the physical body ceases to function, it immediately enters the world formed from human feeling. It turns out that what a person creates for himself, that will become for him. home in the afterlife.

It turns out to be a completely full-fledged idea about human sin and retribution. The more a person enjoys life and prays, the more light there will be in his world. And as soon as he starts to get angry, he immediately forms a dark space in his world. It is torture for the soul.

The question of whether there is life after death worries the vast majority of people on the planet. Many of them are prompted to such thoughts by a true belief in the existence of a soul and in its immortality. This question has been repeatedly asked to psychics. The answers did not take long to arrive.

Man forges his own happiness. Natalia Vorotnikova

The leading Russian astrologer of one of the well-known magazines, as well as a participant in the television project “Battle of Psychics,” Natalya Vorotnikova, believes that the answer to this question will be individual for each person. The psychic explains this by the religious preferences of the person himself, based on the immortality of the soul. Most religious teachings recognize and clearly separate two parallel existing worlds called “good” and “evil.” For example, in Christian teachings this is heaven and hell.

Psychic Natalya Vorotnikova does not quite understand how people who survived talk about the fact that there really is life after death. After all, if their heart started working again, then the brain did not completely turn off, which means there was no fact of death. The psychic explains the stories of those who returned “from the other world” by the usual nervous reaction of an inflamed consciousness and the release of adrenaline into the blood. Vorotnikova is sure that death is an irreversible biological process.

If we consider that clinical death is what most people talk about, it turns out that death is an open passage through which every dying person can return back if they want. “Most likely, this is not so,” says the psychic. Summarizing the above, Natalya Vorotnikova summarizes: “It is impossible to speak with confidence about the existence of the afterlife.” In her opinion, belief in the immortality of the soul is a fiction that helps humanity realize the reality and inevitability of the hour of death, and at least somehow sweeten the pill.

There is life after death. Bruce Robert and Robert Monroe

Bruce Robert is considered one of the successful out-of-body specialists according to the American magazine Enlightenment Next. Bruce claims that he has repeatedly come into close contact with the souls of dead people. It was from them that he allegedly learned that life after death is not fiction. He believes that after his death a person remains in the world of the living for some time. His stay depends on how quickly the physical energy dissipates. Unfortunately, the soul of the deceased is deprived of all ability to influence anything.

The psychic claims that instead of purgatory, heaven and hell, souls end up in the so-called “hospital”. This is the place where, under the supervision of “elder” souls, they are cleansed, healed, restored and moved into new bodies. Another famous but now deceased psychic, Robert Monroe, argued that souls, after their physical death, reside in a certain Garden, which is the most beautiful and most mystical place in the entire afterlife. There they meet other kindred and kindred souls, from where they begin their gradual development before moving into a new body.

An interview with a clairvoyant largely clarified the mystery that humanity has been trying to solve for centuries: “What happens when you die”? Sofia Mashina received the gift of clairvoyance from her mother, and has lived with it for many years. Many things that are closed to the average inhabitant of our planet are not difficult for her to see.

— Sofia, do you think there is an afterlife?

- It depends what you mean. The existence of the energy world has already been proven by scientists, and it is closely related to the physical. The entities of this world manifest themselves in different ways in our space; for an ordinary person these can be simply inexplicable things, for example, for some reason all the books suddenly fell from a shelf that was firmly nailed to the wall. Psychics see this as a manifestation of the activity of other forces...


- There is no power higher than God. Man is created in his image and likeness, we are given great powers and opportunities, and no force in the world can surpass man in his greatness. Therefore, energy entities are in any case weaker and lower in status than us, and even theoretically they cannot be higher. Only God is higher than man.

So what awaits a person after death?

By faith it will be given to everyone. Our universe is designed in such a way that it responds to any of our thoughts. The consciousness of a person who believes in the existence of another reality forms one, and the soul of the person who wants to continue existing in the physical and energetic cosmos will find life after death. Moreover, we have the power to imagine ourselves in a future life, we ourselves are free to choose who we will be born as, a man or a woman, poor or rich, with whom to live and communicate, and to determine the tasks that we will have to solve.

So life after death is simply the rebirth of the soul? How does she exist in between lives?

— When dying, a person leaves his physical body. The souls of those people who have not realized their purpose in this world simply decompose into energy atoms. More enlightened individuals with great will will certainly retain their consciousness in the vastness of infinity, existing there, and then allow their soul to find a new body on our planet, such as they wanted in a previous life. Therefore, what awaits a person after death is determined by the person himself.

Sofia, many psychics express completely opposite opinions about life after death, for example, that a person dies and his soul goes to heaven and lives there forever or to hell.

— Life on Earth is a paradise given to us by God. But not everyone realizes this. We can use our consciousness to turn our existence into hell. As for whether there is an afterlife, I can answer as follows. Many great personalities who have risen to high levels of knowledge have left and are leaving through meditation into the universe of their own free will, without subsequently having the opportunity to be reborn. This is how the yogis leave, and our Slavic ancestors went through dolmens into space. For many living people this is not news. Psychics are very familiar with such facts. The soul of these individuals wants to open the eyes of humanity to eternal questions, and any of us can get answers to them by coming to the dolmen or the place where the person left. Unfortunately, for most people this information is still closed, and the task of all enlightened people is to convey the truth to them.

Many people want to know what psychics say about life after death, the afterlife and the further journey of the soul. Mediums make various assumptions about what happens after the death of a person. Unfortunately, today it is very difficult to understand which of them is right.

In the article:

What do psychics say about life after death?

Many people talk about the afterlife and the journey of the soul after the death of the physical body. These are ordinary people, scientists and, of course, famous clairvoyants. Each person has his own idea of.

In most cases, such a view is influenced by a person’s religious worldview. However, different. Therefore, it is difficult to believe in such information.

So what do mediums say about life after death? Today, the clairvoyants from the show “Battle of Psychics” are very popular and well-known. Season after season, viewers learn about new, strong and talented mediums, tarot readers, clairvoyants who are trying to give answers to exciting questions. Including shedding light on the secrets concerning the world of the dead.

For example, he adheres to the theory that there is a subtle world - the astral plane. If there are physical bodies in our world, then souls move to the astral world after the death of a person. Almost any soul that lives in this astral world can be contacted. However, this requires certain abilities.

He did not reveal the secrets of the other world, but said that souls from the other world can really make contact. For this, it is very important to use images of deceased people. When working with photographs, you can really get in touch with souls that are already in the other world.

However, there are so many people, so many opinions. Describing the other world in which they were, some psychics say that its inhabitants are not at all like people, but like some kind of substance. But, despite this, other clairvoyants claim that the souls of the dead retain their human appearance.

In fact, it is very difficult to say what happens to a person after death. Most people believe that the human soul goes to another world either. However, psychics are inclined to believe that human souls are capable of moving after the death of the body to another world, the astral, which really exists.

How else can we explain the fact that various mediums regularly use the services of souls and turn to them to receive the necessary information. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to verify the authenticity of similar stories, because not every person can enter the astral plane and see everything with their own eyes.

Despite the fact that all psychics see the afterlife in their own way, they agree that human death is not the end point. This is just another stage in a person's life. The human soul actually exists and it continues its journey. Some are sure that she ends up in the astral plane, others - that she is reborn, and others - that she goes to Heaven or Hell.

However, today we are still not able to say with exact certainty which of these theories is the only correct one and reflects real events. Perhaps some of the psychics are right, and perhaps some of the skeptics are right, and in fact, this whole afterlife that clairvoyants draw for us is nothing more than a human fantasy.

Japanese writer Haruki Murakami correctly speaks about people’s attempts to understand what will happen beyond death:

I decided not to think about such things... No matter how much you think, you still won’t find out the truth, and even if you do find out, you won’t be able to check it in any way. You'll just be wasting your time.

Edgard Cayce on life after death

Edgar Cayce - the sleeping prophet

On our website you could get acquainted with his views. Today he is one of the most famous psychics and clairvoyants. He was sure that the human world can be represented as a shaky structure that is constantly moving in search of support.

The clairvoyant believed that one day the day would come when death would no longer be something secret for people. Casey was convinced that people would learn to understand its essence. In addition, the clairvoyant believed that true immortality really awaits man. However, this will be immortality not for the body, but for the soul.

If we talk about the life of the soul after death, Edgar was sure that the death of the physical body is just an opportunity to move on to another life. And in fact, such incidents should not be a tragedy, because a person simply moves on to the next stage of development.

The medium assured that when insight comes to most people, it will be much easier for them to realize that such a transition is actually joyful and there is no need to grieve. Also, according to Edgar, contact her.

The famous American seer was sure that, while living life, a person can rise, or he can fall. The clairvoyant believed that some souls have a very large experience of earthly life, while others have very little.

What did Vanga say about life after death?

Wang was often asked about what happens after death, whether there is an afterlife and what is the further path of the human soul. Such questions have always bothered people. Therefore, it would be unwise not to ask a famous clairvoyant about this.

Vanga said that death only overtakes the physical body and the human spirit continues its life in eternity. It is possible that this soul returns to earth again and again, where it is reincarnated in new forms.

Thanks to experiencing several lives on earth, the soul can become older, smarter, gain new knowledge and move to the so-called “new level”. The more times a soul has been reborn and the better the life it has lived, the higher the level it occupies.

In the human body, the soul appears from space. Vanga believed that, like a ray of sunshine, she enters the fetus that is in a woman’s womb. The clairvoyant said that the birth of the soul occurs 3 weeks before the birth of a child. If this does not happen, then the baby is born dead. Vanga believed that the soul could descend through a silver cord into the human body. When this cord breaks, the person dies.

Such a silver thread is described not only by this clairvoyant. They talked about her Carlos Castaneda And Charles Lebdieter. If we talk about rebirth, Vanga assured that this does not happen to all souls. Especially evil and hate-filled spirits cannot reincarnate or go to heaven.

Vanga also noted that after physical death, personality remains, and the strongest connection between people is spiritual, not family. This suggests that most likely the deceased will come into contact with the person who was close to him in spirit, and it does not matter whether they were blood relatives or not.

More than once, many of us have heard from our relatives and friends about cases when people close to them, who have already died, come to them in a dream. Most often this happens when relatives begin to “kill” for the dead. The same phenomena, according to esotericists, also happen when the dead on earth still have unfinished business that is important to them. These could be their young children, etc. All this, as psychics say, binds the dead to the earth, preventing them from leaving for a higher sphere.

Perhaps this is why many popular beliefs say that you should not mourn your deceased too much or hysterically, or throw yourself on his body in grief. The supposedly deceased person who is being “interfered with” may suffer from this and not be able to truly leave. And as a result, he will return and begin to “appear.”

And esotericists have a completely reasonable explanation for this. They believe such warnings are fair. It’s as if precisely at that moment when a person is boundless in his own emotions, his personal astral or, in a special language, energy-informational body begins to “throw out” energy “threads” invisible to the naked eye, which begin to entangle the soul of the deceased. This “cocoon” can only be seen by psychics.

They say that in certain cases, such an energetic connection may well bring to the grave in a few months a completely healthy and cheerful relative.

Perhaps this is why traditionally Russian funerals consist of a huge number of rituals that are designed to pay the last tribute of love and respect to the deceased, and at the same time ward off hated death.

Death has long been designated as a transition to another world in which a person continued to live, although no longer visible to living people. Therefore, during burial, our ancestors sought to remove the deceased from the house, while simultaneously providing him with a comfortable afterlife, living in the form of a beneficent ancestor.

In general, the funeral rite in the old days pursued two goals at once: firstly, to make the path to the world of the dead easier for the deceased, and secondly, to help loved ones more easily overcome the bitterness of loss.

Esoteric scientists say that in some cases a special necrotic connection may arise and be further fueled by longing for the departed, which does not go away over time, as well as a feeling of guilt before the deceased. This connection may well, having initially given rise to depression, then turn into a health disorder, accompanied by indifference to life and affairs, and even to the people around him.

The deceased, they say, very often appears in the dreams of loved ones, calling for them or warning about something. And very often the health of the victim of the emerging anomaly is completely upset, the psyche, of course, is also disturbed, and what this could mean is not worth telling.

Popular wisdom regarding this situation recommends doing the following: if a dead person constantly “comes” to visit, then it is necessary to immediately order a forty-day funeral service for him. Moreover, this is done in accordance with the lifetime religion of the deceased, and a small aspen cross is buried in the ground on his grave. At the same time, exactly the same cross must be hung on the victim’s neck, and the threshold and window sills must be sprinkled with poppy seeds throughout the house.

And psychics give one more piece of advice to relatives of the deceased. Of course, when performing any such rituals, one must maintain deep respect for the deceased. They believe that a necrotic connection can become quite dangerous, but if all precautions are taken, its negative and mystical effect can be completely nullified.

The mystery of death, like the mystery of birth, has haunted humanity for many centuries. If scientists have already practically figured out the second problem, then they have still not been able to obtain reliable ideas about the afterlife.

As you know, curiosity is not a vice, apparently, therefore human curiosity has no boundaries. And in order to satisfy it, a person is able to step over the age-old prohibition and even overcome his own fear. Despite the warnings of experts, people, as before, are looking for the opportunity to come into contact with the souls of the dead and use the power that is given to them in order to receive answers to their questions.

In the nineteenth century, the hobby of spiritualism became popular. With the help of mediums - a kind of intermediaries between the two worlds, those interested had the opportunity to communicate with otherworldly forces.

Whether to believe in such things or not is up to each person, since many famous mediums and spiritualists have been accused of fraud.

And in world literature, such plots are not uncommon: either the shadow of Hamlet’s father cries out for retribution, or the Reveler from the novel by Jorge Amado does not want to leave his young wife. It is the spirit of the husband that warns the old woman from P. Coelho’s work entitled “The Devil and Signorita Prim” that their town is in danger of trouble. And there are many such examples.

Almost each of us, having dug thoroughly into the annals of memory, will certainly remember a similar incident that took place in him or in the life of his immediate circle.

Here, for example, is a story that happened in 1998 in one of the St. Petersburg communal apartments, where an old woman living alone lived next to a large family. By this time she was already eighty years old, however, despite such an advanced age, she was quite sane and cheerful.

At first her neighbors, being brought up in the traditions of atheism, laughed at her strangeness, although over time they got used to it and no longer paid attention. The strange thing about the old woman was that every year for the past twenty years since she was widowed, on her husband’s birthday, she would cook his pasta naval style, locking herself in her room and not coming out until midnight struck. She said that on this day the spirit of her late husband came to her, and at a set table they slowly recalled the past, and sometimes he gave her advice for the future. Her skeptic neighbors were able to appreciate the usefulness of one of these pieces of advice when, at the end of one of the “family holidays,” the widow in the common kitchen said in the most casual voice that it was better to convert big money into foreign currency. Her neighbors recently sold their car, and they had a fairly round sum in rubles. The head of the family, despite his disbelief, for some reason decided to follow the old woman’s advice. More than once after the default that occurred a month later, he gratefully remembered his neighbor and her deceased husband.

Nobody knows whether any supernatural abilities are really needed to communicate with the dead? Or maybe it’s about the strong ties that bind loving people to each other so much that even death is unable to completely break them?

Humanity has yet to learn this.

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