Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin divorce. Leonid Agutin: “Anzhelika and I have been sleeping in different bedrooms for a long time! How it all began

Everything happens in life, and patience comes to an end!

The personal lives of all stars will always remain the main object of gossip and all kinds of speculation from media representatives and celebrity fans. And this time the center of attention was the couple of Angelica and Leonid Agutin.

Let us remember that the stars have been married for almost 20 years. They were able to go through a wide variety of problems and conflicts. Of course, there were situations when it almost came to divorce. Moreover, at that moment Leonid was the culprit.

Surprisingly, almost the same situation happened this time. A discussion has appeared online that Agutin has a secret affair with one of his charges, Elina Chaga. It is worth noting that they spend a lot of time together.

And that is why rumors appeared on the World Wide Web that the artist became interested in the young future star. Soon after this, Angelika Varum published her own poem. It talks about a painful separation from her lover.

Many fans immediately began to sound the alarm and suspect that this particular verse was published for a reason. However, Anzhelika Varum still remains silent on this matter. But Leonid decided to comment on this situation!

He noted that this was just and that everything was very good in their family. The artist added that he still has many young and beautiful charges who will soon appear on air. And then journalists will have even more reasons for discussion!

Only after Leonid Agutin’s statement did Varum join him. The singer laughed, saying that journalists are even too lazy to read more than the first two lines of the poem. The artist decided to joke and said that now it was clearly time to switch to hockey.

We hope that there really are no problems in this wonderful family! And in order to learn more about the current situation, we recommend watching the joint performance of Angelika Varum and Leonid Agutin!

Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum went through fire, water and copper pipes. The stars have been divorced more than once, but, despite everything, they have been together for 20 years. Today, May 26, Leonid will have a reason to once again confess his love to his wife - it’s Angelica’s birthday. The day before, the musician shared with StarHit that he still considers himself unworthy of Varum, and also told why his daughter Lisa is not interested in communicating with him and at what moments she “feels like a grandmother.”

Eternal tenderness

Leonid, how do you and Angelica manage to stay afloat for so many years?

Your romance developed mysteriously. Why did you not go beyond what is permitted for a long time?

He probably thought he was unworthy. Too frivolous for her. And I still think so, by the way. Then we started going to concerts together. And when I returned, I felt empty. I began to find reasons to see and hear her. Called for meetings, called. Essentially he was courting me, but I didn’t think it was for real. We kind of talked. She had a boyfriend, a decent man. I treated him well. I didn’t realize that I was actually beating the girl off. It doesn't seem like he intended to. I missed her like air. But people find what they are looking for. This is the law. Once a void is created, it is filled whether you like it or not.

The wedding with Angelica was not your first marriage...

I went through both marriage and affairs. I had a great, devastating experience of stellar permissiveness. And then I met a woman I didn’t expect to meet.

How did you win it?

Later, when we were together, she admitted that she expected active actions from me, and not going to a billiards club, where she did not understand anything, or a restaurant in which she did not like. Rumors about us were already spreading. But we pretended - as if we were not together. They took pictures of us, but we were still apart. And this was not a deception of journalists. Only later did I realize that playing that game was terribly interesting. And when they started living together, they hid from everyone.

"Old Performers" Performances

By the way, about children. Your 18-year-old daughter Lisa plays hard rock. How did this happen?

When I was her age, I also listened to similar music. Hard rock is kind of cool, a kind of environment. Her boyfriend is also an orthodox rocker - hairy, wears bell-bottoms. I went to concerts with Lisa - it’s scary! I almost got trampled. Four little girls come out in front of the crowd and sing rock music. At the same time, Lisa has a beautiful timbre of her voice, but when she screams, all the color disappears. Now she has switched from guitar to keyboards, started using complex chords, and began to sing closer to Amy Winehouse or Adele. I felt how people went crazy when she performed the lyrics.

On what issues does she turn to you for advice?

When you need to buy something. For her birthday we had to buy her an electric guitar combo amp. Let's go choose. I tried a $700 combo, Marshall, it’s good! But no, they took the largest Orange for $3500. They barely made it there. Her friends were filled with envy.

Is the eldest daughter Polina - from her marriage to ballerina Maria Vorobyova - different from Lisa?

Lisa is not easy. She is bohemian and creative. He takes photographs, shoots mini-films, and draws. She has a special vision, a humanitarian mind. Everything should be talented and not poppy. But Polya is simpler in this sense - without creative quirks. Plays the guitar, but without pretensions. Her main talent is intelligence. The whole mind goes into science and study. Speaks five languages ​​fluently. Switches in a minute. Currently learning Japanese. I think he will achieve his goal.

What is her education?

She is studying law at the Sorbonne. She entered the philology department, but she found it too easy. It was repurposed, and in such a way that only four were selected from their stream, including Polya. In general, we have her – Sofya Kovalevskaya. I look at both of them and don’t understand: where do their talents come from? Why they are smart and kind is clear. But why so much? Who did it come from? Mystery...

Are they communicating?

They see each other extremely rarely. After all, Polya lives with her mother and stepfather in France, Lisa lives with Angelica’s relatives in the USA: we bought an apartment in Miami. But the girls communicate in absentia all the time - texting, talking. Several times in the summer we all went to France together. Organized the fields. This is another talent of hers. This year we are thinking about a trip to London. The children are dreaming, dad is puzzled.

Is it difficult for you when your daughters are growing up?

The further you go, the harder it gets. Everyone is smart and emotional. Lisa will always outsmart us. She doesn't really like to explain things, she just dodges things that are inconvenient. As I! Parents sometimes irritate with their “old-time” ideas about life. But I love them. Crazy. And then I scold myself: “Well, how is that possible? Go and be with mom and dad. They are waiting". It’s the same with Lisa: she’s not very interested in communicating with me, but she loves me. I'd rather spend time with a guy. However, dad called, which means we need to meet. “Okay,” she probably thinks, “I’ll sit with my father in the cafe. Now I’ll have to tell everything again, read poetry.” And I feel like a grandmother: “Come on, daughter, show me what you wrote.” Lisa takes out her phone and opens the poem. I read and admire... My wife says: “The main thing is to praise her!” And that’s how I do it. But someone has to criticize.

On the set of the project “Old songs about the main thing-3” they played in the scene where Stirlitz meets the woman he loves in a cafe, accompanied by another man. Shots from the cafe are accompanied by flashbacks to the past: they are kissing, he gently runs his hand along her back...

“Hug her, why are you so wooden?!” the producer of “Songs” Konstantin Ernst swore. He, like all artists, like the whole country, was sure: Agutin and Varum were having an affair. And by that time they had never even kissed.

Muscovite and Ukrainian

Their path to the stage and success simultaneously became the road to personal happiness. If not for the music, what were the chances of a meeting between a native Muscovite and a girl from Ukrainian Lvov? Almost zero.

But Agutin and Varum chose an activity from childhood that led them to each other.

Little Masha (real name Anzhelika Varum) played the piano and guitar from the age of 5, performed in the school theater and brilliantly performed Ukrainian folk songs. After school she moved to Moscow, where her father Yuri Varum left after his divorce from Angelica’s mother. I tried to enter the theater institute, but failed in the exams. And she began working as a backing vocalist for Russian pop stars.

Finally, the father (at that time the artistic director of Valery Leontyev’s collective) decided to take a closer look at his daughter’s creative destiny and wrote the song “Midnight Cowboy” for her. She quickly became a hit and Angelica a celebrity.

Soon there was not a person in the country who would not sing along with her “La-la-fa” and the legendary “Town”.

And at the same time, her future husband began his career. Leonid also played the guitar since childhood: he was a welcome guest in any company, a favorite of girls, a ringleader. After serving in the army, I decided to take up music seriously.

To record the first song in the studio (it was “Sea Etude”) they raised money together with their mother. The studio employee liked the work of the unknown boy so much that he promised to help promote his songs on the radio. And he kept his word.

In January 1994, when Varum was already a recognized star, Agutin gave his first solo album and then released an album.


Three years later, the “barefoot boy”, who was rapidly gaining popularity, decided that a duet with a popular singer would not interfere with his musical career. The fragile Angelica with her piercing songs suited this role perfectly.

Leonid bought flowers and a bottle of cognac and came to visit the Varums. Angelica's father, Yuri Varum, continued to play an important role in her work: he wrote her songs, supervised the recording of albums and the tour schedule. He respected the singer Agutin - so the cognac was quickly drunk, and agreements were reached.

That evening they only exchanged mutual greetings with Angelica.

And then the work began. They recorded the song “Queen”, shot a video, and began performing together at concerts. Brutal Agutin and graceful Varum looked so good together that fans immediately concluded: this is not just a game for the public, but real feelings!

And they were not far from the truth. They really felt mutual attraction, but they themselves were afraid of it. Both already had unsuccessful experiences in relationships: Agutin had a daughter growing up with ballerina Maria Vorobyova, Varum, in principle, considered herself a loner and did not want to get married.

“We had already sung the song “Queen” together, had already gone on tour together, and were not yet husband and wife, or lovers. During the six months that we existed in this way, rumors simply put pressure on us. Everything has already happened in the newspapers - nothing has happened with us yet,” Leonid later recalled.

The first kiss happened literally on the set of “Old Songs about the Main Thing.” After that, both stopped holding back and gave vent to their feelings: they spent all their free time together, settled in a rented apartment as secret lovers. Even the directors of the artists did not know about the novel.

I had to open up when Angelica became pregnant. If you continue to deny everything, then rumors will spread about who the child is from - and he cannot allow this, Leonid reasoned.

A difficult tale

And their beautiful fairy tale became public knowledge. The song “Everything is in your hands,” which Agutin wrote for Angelica, became his declaration of love, a story about the first awkward steps towards each other.

The wedding took place after the birth of her daughter Lisa - they say that Angelica did not accept marriage proposals for a long time, and did not consider the stamp in her passport something obligatory. “I definitely wouldn’t have gotten married, and it’s unlikely that I would have had a child,” says the singer.

But Agutin turned out to be the very man who was able to convince her. Their wedding celebration in Venice formed the basis for the video “Half of a Heart.” Love, success, beloved daughter - it seemed that everything one could dream of had come true.

Being a couple of some of the most popular artists in the country and at the same time being husband and wife raising a child turned out to be very difficult.

“I will never forget how I flew back from a tour and, in a semi-fainting state, got to our house near Moscow... I had neither strength nor energy. And now I’m sitting, like I’m playing with these dolls, the child is bored, and I’m starting to fall asleep while walking. Lisa shouts: “Mom, don’t sleep. Well, play with me." It was a nightmare!” Angelica said in an interview.

At the same time, rumors spread in the press: not everything is fine in the Agutin-Varum couple, on tour they live in different rooms and will soon get divorced... Several times they tried to explain: they do not live, but sleep - Leonid gets enough sleep only in a cool room with the windows open, heat-loving Angelica can't stand it.

But it was not easy for many to believe that pop stars could live a quiet family life without serious conflicts. They solved the problem radically: one day they packed up their things and moved their daughter to Miami, where Angelica’s father and his wife Lyuba had already settled.

Here Lisa Varum began to live the ordinary life of a small child, without the annoying attention of the press. Dad and mom visited their daughter for several months in the summer, a month in the winter, and a couple of weeks after the fall tour of the United States.

Fans sounded the alarm after information appeared in the media that the artist exchanged his wife for his young lady, performer Elina Chaga. In addition, earlier Anzhelika Varum herself published the poem “I’m leaving forever” on the microblog.


After fans suggested that the “Voice” mentor had acquired a new lover and was considering getting a divorce, Agutin’s wife herself criticized such discussions. “It’s true, brevity is the sister of talent! Well, journalists have no time to read as many as twelve lines! They are limited to the first two or four. Conclusion: you need to switch to haiku!” – noted Varum.

Leonid Agutin also supported his wife. “Guys, what are you doing?! What kind of storm out of the blue?! Angelica published the poem “I’m leaving forever.” Someone, without reading to the end and not understanding the meaning, was upset, but someone was happy - hurray! There is a reason to mock ! To pull out all the dusty skeletons that existed or not, to draw attention to your yellow page,” the singer commented on the rumors.

According to Agutin, he ruined his evening by reading tales about his family life. “Allegedly, people from close circles are telling ... and then absolute fiction begins,” the performer said.

The fans breathed a sigh of relief. “I knew it, it’s a hoax!!! Agutin and Varum are one whole!!!”, “You are the best! I’ve admired you since childhood! An example for many! Good luck to you”, “I didn’t immediately believe these rumors! great couple and role model!!! Love and happiness to you!" – followers wrote.

Everyone knows the couple - Agutin and Varum; they have been serving as a prototype of family happiness and fidelity for twenty years. But recently a rumor appeared on social networks that Agutin and Varum had divorced. And Elina Chaga is supposedly to blame for the breakup.

Leonid Agutin

Beloved by many rock and pop musician, author and performer of his own songs in the Latin style, Leonid Agutin was born in 1968 in the capital. His dad is also a creative person, musician and performer, and was a soloist in many popular VIA bands in those years.

Perhaps Leonid inherited musical abilities from him. Mom is an Honored Teacher of Russia, an elementary school teacher. In her youth, she performed with various dance groups.

Her parents separated when Lena was fourteen years old. N. Babenko, a doctor by profession, became his stepfather; he gave his stepson his apartment. The boy showed musical talent early; he went to music school and composed music since childhood. Then Lenya graduated from jazz school. His love for jazz music began in his childhood.

After completing his studies at school, the future singer served as a border guard in the Soviet army. Upon his return, he went to study at the Institute of Culture, graduating with a degree in theater production. Then for seven years he traveled around the country giving concerts. This was his artistic training.

Success and fame came to him in 1992 after participating in the Yalta competition. He performed his song “Barefoot Boy,” which quickly gained fame. The following year, his talent was also noted at a competition in Jurmala. And a year later, the singer had already recorded his album.

His most popular songs were:

  • “Hop hey la la lay”;
  • "Doors to Heaven";
  • "Island";
  • "The Voice of the Tall Grass"

In 1996, Agutin was awarded the Golden Gramophone Award for the first time. In total, the singer received this award ten times during his life. He has released fourteen solo discs. In 2008, he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. Leonid also writes poetry and prose; he has published three of his own books.

Leonid performs in solo concerts and duets. His performance of the song “Airports” together with Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. is known. The singer was awarded the Song of the Year award several times.

In 2012, Agutin decided to take part in the TV show “Two Stars”, his partner was Fedor Dobronravov. They received first prize. In the same year, Agutin became a mentor for the popular show “The Voice”. He was on the jury for two years, then there was a break, and in 2017 he was called back to this position. The most popular was his work with his wife, singer Angelika Varum. He writes songs for her and sings duets with her.

Leonid was married three times, officially twice. He lived with his first wife Sveta Belykh for 5 years. The second actual wife, ballerina Maria Vorobyova, gave birth to the singer’s daughter Polina.

Angelica Varum

Pop singer, charming woman Angelika Varum (her real name is Maria) was born in 1969 in the city of Lvov. Masha's parents were people of art: dad was a composer, and mom was a theater director. Her family has its own history: the surname “Varum” (translated from German - “why”) was taken by Angelika’s great-grandfather, a Pole by nationality, during the war years.

Since childhood, Maria showed musical abilities; she sang and danced well. She was sent to a music school. At the age of five she already knew how to play the piano, and then mastered the guitar. Soon she was already performing, singing songs, accompanying herself on the guitar. After graduating from school, the girl decided to go to the Shchukin School, but she was not accepted into the theater university because of her Ukrainian dialect.

Then Angelica devoted herself to music: she worked in her dad’s studio, singing backing vocals for various singers. At the age of twenty, at the insistence of her father, she sang the songs “Hello and Goodbye” and “Midnight Cowboy,” which immediately became popular. The next year she already recorded her solo disc.

But real fame came to the singer after performing the hit “La la fa”. In 1993, she received the Song of the Year Award. Then Angelica recorded a new disc, which bore a similar name. Soon the singer starred in the first video, “The Artist Who Paints the Rain.” In 1995, she received the title “Best Singer”.

The album “Winter Cherry” was popular thanks to the songs it included, performed by Angelica:

  • "Another woman";
  • "This is all for you";
  • "Winter Cherry" and others.

In 1997, Angelica decided to fulfill her old dream - to become an actress. She played in the play “Emigrant Pose”.

For this role she was awarded the Seagull Award. Later she played Ellochka the cannibal in the musical “The Twelve Chairs.” Angelica also starred in the television series “Kamenskaya”.

In 1997, Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin met, after which their professional and marital union began. In total, Angelica recorded fourteen solo discs, starred in 13 films, and was awarded the Golden Gramophone award seven times. In 2011, she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. In the project “Two Stars” she performed together with Sergei Zhilin, they took 3rd place.

In 1996, the perfume “Angelika Varum” was released.

As for her personal life, Varum was married to M. Nikitin for 8 years before meeting her current husband.

How it all began

This couple is considered the strongest in the history of show business. But their family happiness did not develop at first sight, as is usually believed. They first saw each other at Luzhniki in 1989, and since then they have encountered each other many times under various circumstances. Leonid noticed that it was as if someone had deliberately brought them together.

Angelica recalled how she saw him on stage in Yalta. He performed the song “Barefoot Boy” and was barefoot, with his shirt unbuttoned. She says the performance left a lasting impression on her. She realized that he was a real revolutionary in show business, and it’s always difficult for people like that. For some reason she felt sorry for him in a purely feminine way, she wanted to hug him and feel sorry for him, to support him morally.

Leonid expressed his first impression of his future wife as follows: a fragile, gentle creature with huge eyes, completely defenseless. He liked her right away, but he assures that the desire to possess her as a woman appeared much later. Leonid remembers the first time he approached Angelica and gave her his first CD, she was delighted. But they did not get to know each other better.

And then the moment came when fate wanted to bring them closer. Leonid had known Angelica’s father for a long time; in a conversation one day he even joked: “What if I marry your daughter!”

But it was taken as a good joke. Then Leonid invited her father to create a duet with Angelica. In order for him to agree, the singer even brought a bottle of expensive cognac, which dad loved so much. And this played a role: the father, after some doubt, agreed. All that remains is to inform Angelica.

The singer will never forget how one day she came home and heard from her dad: “And we have Agutin at home!” She was very surprised, but when she found out what was the matter, she was even more surprised. It turns out they decided everything without her.

This news took her by surprise and she had no choice but to agree. Then discussions began about everyday trifles, organizing concerts, etc. And in the conversation it was said: “Rumors will immediately spread that you are a couple! This is PR!”

After this, their joint performances began, the first they recorded was the song “Queen”. The success was stunning! And indeed, rumors spread about their intimate relationship, but at that time there was nothing between the artists. They began touring and performing.

Leonid saw Angelica quite different: in faded jeans on the train, in a robe in the hotel and in an evening dress on stage. And he admitted that most of all he liked her not in the dazzling image of the singer, but in simple, everyday clothes.

He became more and more attached to her with his soul, he wanted to become something more than an employee. And then Leonid unexpectedly confessed his love to her. Angelica then immediately realized that she loved him too. A whirlwind romance broke out, but the desire to get married was not born immediately.

Probably because they were far from young, the time for the mistakes of youth had long passed. Both had several unsuccessful marriages behind them, so the lovers were in no hurry.


Even when Angelica found out about her pregnancy, she did not go to the registry office. And this despite the fact that her lover persuaded her for a long time and tirelessly. In 1999, the couple had a daughter, who was named Lisa.

The birth of a child also did not affect Angelica’s desire to legitimize the relationship, but she was a little alarmed by the fact that her beloved had stopped persuading her to get married. When she asked about it, he replied: “I’m waiting.” And indeed, this tactic played a role: Angelica herself suggested that her lover go to the registry office.

The wedding took place in July 2000, when their daughter was already one year old. A magnificent celebration took place in the city of Venice. After this, ordinary family life began, which the spouses were able to color with their feelings for each other.

2 parallels: family life and creativity

This is one of the rare cases when married life not only does not interfere with artists, but helps. There is a belief that it is impossible for two creative personalities to get along together: tours, fans, etc. will interfere. But Angelica and Leonid successfully debunked this myth. They managed to create an unbreakable creative and marital union. They are always together: at work, on stage and at home.

Of course, they have separate projects, for example: “The Voice” with Agutin, concerts and video shooting with Varum. But they always spend weekends and vacations together. The couple have a custom: every year after New Year's concerts, the whole family goes to the States. There Agutin and Varum relax, communicate with their daughter and feel completely happy.

Leonid publicly admitted that he is very loving and enjoys the attention of women. He loves to relax and drink good wine, but for the sake of his wife, who hates alcohol and noisy companies, he has to humble himself. Angelica has a strong character, she is quite optimistic and does not like to whine.

It was thanks to her persistence that Leonid changed his stage image. He admitted that no one had ever succeeded in doing this. She made him cut his hair and put on a normal men's suit.

Once, when Leonid was recording his CD in Miami, as a joke, he decided to ask around how much housing cost there. It turned out that it was much cheaper than Moscow apartments. Then the couple bought a house there in a hurry, as they say, because Angelica’s dad was then seriously ill. But no one imagined then that this disease would lead to death.

When Angelica's dad died, she became depressed because he meant so much to her. She developed as a singer under his guidance. Leonid courageously stood next to his beloved wife at this difficult moment and supported her in every possible way.

As for the joint work of the spouses, their first disc was recorded at the beginning of the century and was called “Office Romance.” Their program “Half a Heart,” with which the singers successfully toured the country, brought the duo great fame. The following year, American guitarist Al Di Meola joined their performances. In 2002, the couple released a new joint program, “Roman Holiday.”

In 2004, the couple toured abroad; the next year they created a new concert program, “You and Me,” which was also a success at performances in the country and abroad. In 2007, their joint song “Two Roads, Two Paths” gained great popularity. The next year they shot the video “Where are you.”

In 2010 and subsequent years, the couple also successfully toured together. They also created a quartet with another married couple: Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. and Natalya Podolskaya.

In 2013, the couple toured with a new concert program, “How Not to Think about You.” In addition, Angelica performs and records her husband’s songs on discs.

Scandal in Jurmala

This happened in 2011 after the festival in Jurmala. Agutin, together with other musicians, decided to celebrate the end of the performances and relaxed, as they say, “to the fullest.” He drank too much that evening. Angelica went to her room, because she doesn’t like noisy parties and alcohol. Leonid insisted that he had no idea that he was being filmed, he did not remember what was happening at all, and was not aware of it.

A video circulated on the Internet in which he quite boldly pestered an unfamiliar girl, opened his arms and even kissed her passionately. When the wife found out about the betrayal, she packed her things and left. For some time, Leonid did not even know where she was hiding.

But then, having found her, he begged on his knees for forgiveness for his stupid act. Oddly enough, Angelica’s parents were on his side; they persuaded their daughter to forgive her unreasonable husband for his mistake, because they saw how he loved her and suffered.

But she did not want to forgive her unfaithful husband. The pause in their relationship was short-lived; one day, in the corridor between concerts, they accidentally looked into each other’s eyes, and a wave of feelings overwhelmed both of them. They realized how hard it was for them without each other, and tears flowed from their eyes. The couple were never separated again.

Car accident

In 2014, while on tour near Kemerovo, the car in which the singers were traveling skidded on a slippery road. They crashed into the vehicle in front, but the impact seemed insignificant to them. Both did not find any injuries and decided not to go to the hospital.

However, upon arriving at her room, Angelica developed such a migraine that she was unable to participate in the concert that evening. Leonid urged the public to treat this with understanding.

It turned out later that Angelica not only suffered a headache after the blow, but also had damaged vocal cords and was unable to sing. Then she went abroad for several months for treatment, after which she fully recovered.


Agutin has two daughters: the first is Polina Vorobyova, the second is Elizaveta Varum. Polina Leonidovna was born in 1996 from Agutin’s second wife, Maria Vorobyova. After divorcing her, Leonid stopped communicating with his daughter. It is known that she lived for some time with her mother and stepfather in Italy, then they left for France, where they still live.

Leonid Agutin’s second daughter, Elizaveta Leonidovna Varum, currently lives in Miami. There she goes to school and learns to play various musical instruments. The girl took after her parents' musical talent. Angelica is worried that she rarely sees her daughter, whom she loves very much.

Couple now: 20 years together

The divorce of Agutin and Varum turned out to be nothing more than a rumor. Both spouses stated this in an interview. There were also false rumors that Angelique had returned to her ex-husband. The couple continues to live in perfect harmony and delight their fans.

This year, Angelica surprised everyone with her latest video, filmed for her birthday. Agutin warned that you should watch it to the end. In it, the singer hugs a handsome young man with a naked torso and sings a song. Suspicions of Angelica’s infidelity arise naturally, but the ending is very unexpected: the guy leaves her with the words: “Bye, mom.”

The artists’ joke was a success, but sympathetic comments appeared on the Internet that they were missing their son.

Last year the couple celebrated their twentieth anniversary of marriage. The couple are still happy together, talented and full of plans for the future.