The fast of Ramadan ends for the year. Muslim Ramadan - what is it? Ramadan holiday: history and traditions

When Ramadan 2016 is celebrated in Russia, what dates mark the beginning and end of this extremely important religious event for Muslims, people who want to broaden their horizons and respect the traditions of other faiths want to know. For them, we will tell you in detail what it is - the holy month of abstinence among the faithful followers of Allah and what the schedule of rules that must be followed during the 30 days of Ramadan looks like.

Ramadan - what is it and why is it called sacred?

What is the month of Ramadan and why adherents of Islam call it sacred, say ancient religious texts. According to these records, Ramadan or Ramazan is the name given to the ninth month of the traditional Islamic calendar. The ancient legends tell us that it was during this period that the heavenly angel Jibril suddenly appeared to the Prophet Muhammad and conveyed to him the very first and most important divine revelation. The famous Muslim prophet at that time lived in a secluded cave in the Mecca area and performed various rituals there. The holy man based the revelation received from above as the basis of the Koran, the main book of the entire Islamic movement.

Ramadan - schedule of rules

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During Ramadan, the faithful fast strictly from dawn until sunset, pray fervently, perform godly deeds, cleanse their hearts from sinful feelings, and their souls from wicked desires. The date of the fasting period is calculated according to the lunar calendar and falls on a different date each year. The month lasts, usually from 29 to 30 days, and ends with the beautiful and bright holiday of Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr).

During Ramadan it is strictly prohibited:

  • drink water and eat any food between the morning Fajr prayer and the evening Maghrib prayer;
  • perform marital duties during daylight hours.

Mentally ill people and children who have not reached the age of puberty are exempt from harsh rules. Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, the seriously ill and travelers are allowed to temporarily abandon fasting. However, you will still have to go through the test, but at the moment when the objective reasons that prevented you from observing the tradition on time disappear.

Very decrepit old people and people suffering from incurable diseases do not fast. In the name of atonement for sins, they care for the disadvantaged in shelters and feed the poor.

Ramadan 2016 - the beginning and end of the holy month in Russia

Today it is already known for certain when Ramadan 2016 will take place in Russia. The beginning and end of the holy period will fall in the summer months and the faithful will have to fast from June 11 to July 10. The period of abstinence will begin in the early morning, when the believer pronounces niyat (declares out loud his intention to give up food and carnal pleasures for the glory of Allah). After this action and until nightfall, food and other joys of life will be strictly prohibited.

Ramadan 2016 - schedule for the period of abstinence in Moscow

The schedule of the holy month of Ramadan 2016 in Moscow exactly corresponds to the dates relevant for all of Russia. The strict period also begins on June 11, and its logical end comes on July 10. After successful fasting and spiritual purification, the faithful visit the mosque and pray together for peace, prosperity and a happy life under the protection of Allah.

Ramadan 2016 - the beginning and end of the traditional Muslim fast in Tunisia and the UAE

In Tunisia and the UAE, the beginning and end of Ramadan 2016 falls on June 6 (full moon day) and July 5 (birth of the new moon). The difference in dates is due to the fact that in some countries only astronomical indicators are used for calculations, in others - direct observations of the Moon, and in others - they are based on the opinions of authoritative religious figures and influential public figures.

Ramadan 2016 - fasting calendar

Ramadan - congratulations for friends in verse

Now you know exactly what it is - the holy month of Ramadan, when it begins in Russia and at what time it ends. Having this useful information, you can prepare in advance for this event and choose beautiful, gentle and touching congratulations in verse for your Muslim friends. Your friends will be pleased at such an important and significant moment to hear warm, bright, solemnly inspired words, complemented by sincere and good wishes. This will make your relationship more sincere and trusting, help you become closer to each other and give your communication additional cordiality.

Forgive the sins of your enemies,

Be righteous and pure.

Let troubles fly away like smoke,

The whole month will pass quickly.

In fasting and righteous deeds,

In thoughts and prayers,

May Allah help us

Fight with Shaitan!

In the name of light and goodness,

Be firm in decisions

Holy month of Ramadan

Given to us for purification.

The month of Ramadan is coming:

An hour of fasting, spirituality, aspiration.

We wish truth and goodness

And indulge in fasting with rapture.

May prayers, labor, the Holy Quran

You will be tuned to spirituality and repentance.

And the soul will be cleansed that hour,

Understanding the mystery of the universe.

May Allah take care of you

And it will reward you for your patience.

May all the blessings descend upon you

And your soul will find peace!

Happy Ramadan!

May your fast pass easily.

For all devotees of Islam

Fasting is not a question.

This ancient bright holiday

Purifications and prayers.

At this time all hearts

Open to spirituality.

Don't forget these days

And don’t be sorry yourself

About lunch that is not eaten.

Ramadan (Ramadan) is the holy month of Muslims, during which all believers, with the exception of certain categories of the population, adhere to a very strict fast. This month, the ban applies, in particular, to eating and drinking during daylight hours, making love, using foul language and drinking alcohol. In addition, devout Muslims should spend all their free time in prayers and good deeds. Ramadan precedes one of the main holidays in Islam - Eid al-Adha, which ends the fast and marks the beginning of a new month. We will talk further about when the beginning and end of Ramadan in 2016 in Russia, Tunisia, the UAE and other Muslim countries, as well as what kind of holiday it is and its traditions. You will also find here the best congratulations in verse on the holy month of Ramadan and a prayer schedule for Moscow.

Ramadan - what kind of holiday is this?

To a person far from the Islamic faith, it may seem strange with what joy Muslims greet the beginning of Ramadan. In fact, this month represents a difficult test for every believer and carries many restrictions. Nevertheless, the beginning and end of Ramadan, like the entire holy month, is a huge holiday for Muslims. The fact is that adherents of Islam believe: it was in Ramadan that an Angel appeared to the great prophet Muhammad and told him the first sacred commandment, which later formed the basis of the Koran. At the time Muhammad received this revelation from Allah, he was in the desert in search of spiritual enlightenment. The Prophet led an ascetic lifestyle and spent almost all his time in prayer. Therefore, during Ramadan, Muslims try to follow the example of Muhammad and thus get closer to Allah, develop their spirituality and find harmony. Now that you know what kind of holiday Ramadan is, you can congratulate your Muslim friends on this holy month.

Ramadan 2016 - beginning and end in Russia (dates)

As mentioned above, the start and end dates of Ramadan celebrations vary each year depending on the lunar calendar. The first new moon of the month determines the beginning of Ramadan, as well as its duration, which can vary from 29 to 30 days. Since approximately 10% of the population of our country are Muslims, many are interested in when Ramadan will take place in Russia in 2016. According to the lunar calendar, the start and end dates for the celebration of Ramadan 2016 in Russia have already been determined and will differ slightly from the dates in the countries of the Muslim world. Thus, in Russia, Ramadan 2016 will begin on June 8 and last until July 6.

When does the month of Ramadan 2016 begin and end in Muslim countries?

If we talk about Muslim countries, then the beginning and end of Ramadan may not coincide not only with such multinational countries as Russia, but also with the states of the Middle East. The fact is that almost every Muslim country has its own ways of determining when the month of Ramadan begins and ends. They are based on traditions, peculiarities of geographical location and the maintenance of the lunar calendar. Therefore, in some countries the beginning of Ramadan is determined “by eye” based on observations of the moon, in others the date is set based on complex astronomical calculations, and in others the beginning of Ramadan is announced by an authoritative citizen of the state. When does the month of Ramadan begin and end in Muslim countries in 2016? In most countries in 2016, the holy month will begin on June 6 and last until July 5.

Ramadan 2016 - beginning and end in the UAE

The UAE is a Muslim country with a developed tourism infrastructure. And since Ramadan is a very strict fast with serious restrictions, many tourists worry whether it is worth visiting the UAE during this period. We can say with complete confidence that it is worth it, since the restrictions on the beginning and end of Ramadan do not apply to hotels. If you are wondering when the beginning and end of Ramadan 2016 in the UAE, then this year these dates coincide with most countries of the Muslim world. In the UAE, Ramadan 2016 will last from June 6 to July 5.

When is the beginning and end of Ramadan 2016 in Tunisia?

Tunisia is another Muslim country that is popular with tourists in early summer. When does Ramadan 2016 start and end in Tunisia? This year, the celebration of Ramadan in this country coincides with the UAE.

Ramadan 2016 - the best congratulations in verse

Congratulations for Ramadan 2016 in verse or prose are an integral part of this month. As a rule, Muslims congratulate each other on the beginning and end of Ramadan. The best congratulations for Ramadan 2016 in the verses that you will find below will help you beautifully and with dignity to congratulate your Muslim friends.

Patience and prosperity to you

Happy Ramadan!

Pass the test with dignity

I sincerely wish you

Blessings of Allah,

And let the heavens hear

The words you whisper are hot,

Lifting his eyes prayerfully.

And there's a revelation in your heart,

Inspiration for a better life!

Today is a Muslim holiday -

Start of Ramadan.

May your spirit be strengthened in faith

By unceasing prayer.

Patience, strength to get through

You have a month of cleansing.

May the Lord, seeing the work,

Grants you forgiveness.

The great holiday of Ramadan,

It is sacred to Muslims

Live praying and not sinning,

May your soul be bright!

May there be happiness and peace,

Let joy flow into the house like a river,

May Allah protect you from troubles,

And it will strengthen faith in the heart!

In the glorious month of Ramadan

The Koran was sent to people,

To carry the truth

With an explanation of the path.

As recorded in the Koran,

In this month Muslims

In memory of your shrine

They are fasting from now on.

For believers, fasting is a help,

To be closer to God,

To grow spiritually,

Tame your passions.

Ramadan 2016 - prayer schedule (Moscow, local time)

The ninth month of the Muslim calendar is called Ramadan or Ramadan, and it is sacred, since, according to legend, it was in this month that the angel Jibril conveyed the first divine revelation to the Prophet Muhammad. At this time, the Prophet Muhammad lived in a cave near Mecca, where he performed religious rituals. It was the first revelation received by the prophet that became the basis of the holy book of Islam - the Koran. In Turkic languages, Ramadan is most often called Uraza and Saum.

The month of Ramadan lasts from 29 to 30 days, depending on the lunar calendar. And since the lunar calendar is shorter than the Gregorian calendar, every year the month of Ramadan moves back by about 11 days. Moreover, in different Muslim countries, Ramadan can begin at different times, and this depends on the method of astronomical calculation or direct observation of the phases of the Moon.

In 2016, Ramadan in most Muslim countries begins on June 11 and ends on July 10. The fast begins at dawn and ends after sunset on the specified day. Before the beginning of each day, when a Muslim believer intends to fast, he must pronounce his intention (niyat) out loud, which indicates that the fast is for the sake of Allah.
Celebrating Ramadan in Moscow

Muslim believers consider Ramadan to be their main duty of the year, because this holy month is accompanied not only by pious behavior and frequent prayers, but also by strict fasting, which is obligatory for all Muslims. First of all, fasting is intended to pacify the soul and body, as well as to accurately fulfill the instructions of Allah.

Muslim mass prayer during Ramadan

Throughout Ramadan, Muslims must read the Quran, devote their time to pious thoughts and actions, work and charity. In addition, to the usual five prayers a day, one more is added at night.

Rules of Ramadan

  • enter into intimate relationships during daylight hours;
  • smoking (including hookah and other smoking mixtures);
  • swallow liquids that enter the mouth (including water while bathing or brushing teeth);
  • take food and water during daylight hours;
  • indulge in any entertainment and listen to music loudly.

Who is exempt from fasting?

Only children, travelers, warriors, pregnant women, sick people and old people who are physically unable to fast are exempt from these regulations. But it is obligatory to replace the fast in another, more favorable period.

If a Muslim breaks his fast, he must pay the needy a certain amount in money or give away his sin in food, thus making up for the fast. One of the most serious violations is entering into intimate relationships during daylight hours, for which a Muslim must pay either by 60 days of continuous strict fasting or by feeding 60 poor people.

The last ten days of fasting are especially strict and responsible, during which, according to legend, the Prophet Muhammad received his first revelations from an angel. During this period, Muslims pray especially diligently and adhere to the instructions of Allah. It is believed that Allah repays the good deeds done during Ramadan to believers a hundredfold, giving them good luck, prosperity and health.

With the onset of Ramadan, it is customary for Muslims to congratulate each other in words or in the form of postcards, because this particular holiday marks the birth of the holy book the Koran, which plays a special role in the life of every believer.

Greeting card for the holiday of Ramadan (Ramadan)

Ramadan ends with the second most important holiday - Eid al-Fitr (Ramadan Bayram), or the so-called Feast of Breaking the Fast. This holiday occurs after sunset on the last day of Ramadan. At this time, Muslims should indulge in reflection on spiritual values ​​and rethinking life during the period of fasting. This day is considered a holiday of salvation from hell, as well as a day of reconciliation, love and friendly handshakes. On the day of Ramadan Bayram, it is customary to visit the disadvantaged and care for the elderly.

Fasting Ramadan is a holy holiday in Islam, lasting a whole month. This is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. It received its name in honor of the sacred month of the calendar.

Let's figure out what this sacred holiday is and why it is so important for its believers. Ramadan is famous throughout the world because, according to tradition, it is spent in strict fasting and prayer. Fasting means abstaining from food, drink, entertainment and bad thoughts, and leading the believer in thought and prayer.

This holiday helps a person get closer to God. Rapprochement occurs through several types of cleansing:

Physical, which involves restricting food and drink intake.
Spiritually, while fasting, entertainment, pleasure, sex, and thoughts about sinful deeds are prohibited.

The main meaning of this holiday and compliance with all restrictions is the opportunity to show loyalty to Allah and pacify the negative qualities in a person that push him to commit evil. It is believed that by limiting oneself in the joys of life, a person has time to think about his evil and insidious actions committed over the year, which entail everything negative in his life.

It is worth noting that Ramadan does not coincide with other holy holidays. Its onset is strictly due to the fact that the Islamic calendar is lunar, and all months begin from the moment of the new moon. Since Islam is a world religion, the timing of Ramadan in different countries will be different, with the appearance of the moon.

What is prohibited to do during Ramadan:

With the onset of Ramadan, conscious consumption of food and drink during the day, smoking of various tobaccos, including hookahs, are prohibited, and quenching sexual thirst is strictly prohibited.

What is allowed to do during Ramadan:

During Ramadan, unconscious eating, kissing, caresses that will not lead to ejaculation, bathing and brushing teeth, donating blood, and involuntary vomiting are allowed.

Muslims are sure that during Ramadan the importance of performing good deeds and pilgrimage increases 700 times. During this month, the shaitan is chained, and good deeds reach Allah faster and better. At this time, Muslims approach prayers more responsibly than usual, read the holy book of the Koran, do good deeds, give donations to the poor and distribute obligatory alms.

While fasting, it is obligatory to pay alms (zakat al-filter). This payment is obligatory for Muslims and has an exact measurement. The alms amount is 1 saa. Saa is a measure of weight equal to 3500 g. Different cities use different products for donation. So in Europe they pay zakat al-filter with wheat and barley, in the Middle East with dates, in Southeast Asia with rice.

How to eat during Ramadan:

The basis of fasting in Ramadan is quite simple; you should not consume food or water while the sun is shining in the sky. The morning meal - suhoor - should be eaten until glimpses of the sun appear in the sky. The evening reception (iftar) can begin only when the sun disappears behind the sky. The meal usually starts with dates and water. Before eating, it is obligatory to read a prayer.

And of course, a prerequisite for fasting is niyat (intention) to commit it. It manifests itself in reading prayers and performing rituals. The intention is pronounced every day between night and morning prayers.

Who may be exempt from fasting during Ramadan:

Fasting is mandatory, but certain categories of people may be exempt from the strict conditions of saum. Minors and people with mental disabilities are exempt from fasting. If a believer goes on a trip, he begins to fast upon his return. Pregnant women, women breastfeeding children, and menstruating women are also exempt. Elderly people who cannot control their food prepare food for the poor.

Breaking the fast in Ramadan and its consequences.

It may happen that a believer breaks his Saum due to a serious illness or due to Haida (menstruation). In this case, the believer can rehabilitate himself before Allah, and he must fast for one day until the next Ramadan, or must give a certain amount to the poor. If a believer has sexual intercourse during the daytime, he must compensate for this violation with six ten days of continuous fasting, or feed sixty poor people. Breaking fasting without a valid reason is considered a sin.

End of Ramadan

The last ten days of fasting are the most important for Muslims. Many of them follow the example of Muhammad and retire to say prayers. To do this, they hide in the mosque.

Glorious holiday of Ramadan

After the end of the restrictions, Ramadan ends, three days of holiday begin, which are accompanied by breaking the fast. The first day is considered a non-working day, and schools can have holidays for all three days.

Cohabitation of several religions and conditions for non-fasters
It should also be noted that during Ramadan, for people who do not fast, out of respect for Muslims, it is not advisable to demonstratively eat food during the day, smoke, chew gum, or play music loudly in public places. This unspoken rule also exists in countries with mixed religions, for example in Israel, as well as in cities where Arabs and Jews live together.

Ramadan 2019: when

In 2019, Ramadan begins from May 5 to June 3. It should be noted that people await the onset of this holiday with impatience and reverence, because Ramadan is not just a great holiday, but a personal miracle of the soul and body of every Muslim.

The month of Ramadan 2016 beginning and end. Schedule and calendar in Russia (Moscow, Ufa, Kazan, Astana). Fasting time for Ramadan for Muslims. For Muslims all over the planet, the holy month called “Ramadan” began.

When does Ramadan start in 2016?

In 2016, the beginning of Ramadan begins on the night of June 5-6. Thus, the first day of fasting is June 6, 2016. The month of Ramadan will last less than 29 days. On July 5, at sunset, the month of Shawwal will begin, and Muslims around the world will celebrate one of the two greatest Muslim holidays - Eid al-Fitr (Uraza Bayram, Eid al-Fitr), Eid al-Fitr will be on September 13, 2016.
  • Start: June 6, 2016;
  • End: July 4, 2016;
  • Holiday: July 5 (Uraza Bayram - day of breaking the fast).

Ramadan prayer schedule by city

During Lent:
1. Finish eating 20 minutes before. until the time of Fajr;
2. MAGHRIB time - you can start eating. The following schedule is sorted by city, All times indicated in Moscow. If your city is not on the list, write its name in the comments (and we will add it to this page), or just go by the Moscow schedule.

  • Memo for fasting people with all the rules(lots of text).

General information about Ramadan 2016

During this month, good deeds performed are considered the most important. Taking into account the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, Allah will increase the significance of each of your good deeds 700 times. Given the advent of Ramadan, the tourist regime in Muslim countries is changing. For example, state institutions will switch to a reduced work schedule, and a Ramadan menu will be introduced on the planes of some airlines. Tourists are advised to respect the rules and traditions of Ramadan as much as possible, otherwise they may end up in prison (or worse)... In Ingushetia, the sale and, especially, the consumption of alcohol is prohibited during the holy month. Violators will be subject to fines.

Persons exempt from fasting

  • Pregnant and postpartum women, women during menstruation;
  • Breastfeeding women who fear for their health and the health of their child;
  • Travelers who are far from their home;
  • Elderly people, if they do not have enough strength to fast or are seriously ill. This category is obliged to give alms daily (in the amount of the daily food requirement for 1 beggar). However, if their condition improves, they are obliged to fast on a general basis.
Devout Muslims fulfill the following fasting requirements:
  1. Niyat is the intention to fast for the sake of Allah;
  2. Abstinence from eating, smoking and sexual intercourse from the beginning of morning prayer until sunset.
During Ramadan, Muslims try to curb their instincts and passions. The last 10 days of Ramadan are considered a period of special spiritual strength, when Muslims try to serve Allah as often as possible (pray and read the Koran) and do more good deeds.

Five pillars of Islam:

  • Shahada - recognition of the prophetic mission of Muhammad and monotheism;
  • Zakat – helping those in need;
  • Uraza - fasting during the holy month of Ramadan;
  • Namaz – five daily prayers;
  • Hajj is a pilgrimage to Mecca.
If you violate the requirements of fasting, you must repent and continue to fast. Violation of fasting is considered to be the use of medications and blood transfusions. At the end of the month of Ramadan, breaking the fast is held. During Uraza Bayram, believers conduct a holiday prayer and give alms, which is obligatory for everyone.

Most Muslims who have not performed prayers before try to return to the traditions of their religion from this month.