Conjunction of the sun and Lilith in Pisces. Black Moon conjunct Pluto

Since the Black Moon, or Lilith, as it is commonly called, does not have its own energy, it seems to “connect” to one or another planet, modifying its natural energy flow, which introduces qualities that are not characteristic of it into the manifestations of this planet. The action of the Black Moon can be compared to a funnel that absorbs energy emanations located in its field of action. Under its influence, the energy flow of the planet becomes denser and more intense. The properties of each planet are polarized like the signs of the Zodiac, and the Black Moon activates the involutionary manifestations of its active and passive poles. The Black Moon in conjunction with other planets darkens their properties and often gives fatality in manifestation on this planet.

Let's not forget that in real life we ​​are dealing with a complex interweaving of all astrological influences, therefore not a single primary quality of planets and signs appears in its pure form. The individual properties of human nature are a unique synthesis of these primary qualities. Distortions arising from the influence of the Black Moon are also due to the interaction of a number of factors. Most often, several planets in the horoscope are subject to its influence, so in practice, the manifestations of the Black Moon are much more diverse than described below. A special place is occupied by the interaction of the Black Moon (Lilith) with the luminaries - the Sun and the Moon.


In the solar system, only the Sun emits light, the other planets only reflect it. As already noted, according to the original plan, in the human mind the solar influence was supposed to dominate over other influences. As a result of the intervention of the spirits of Lucifer, this did not happen, and man lost the ability to directly perceive the physical actions of the Sun. The interaction of the Black Moon with the Sun means the subordination of those qualities that in astrology are symbolized by the Sun to the lower egoistic principle.

The sun symbolizes the highest principle in man, the center of his being and creative activity. It is connected with a person’s individuality, gives him vitality, will and the need for self-realization, and determines his intentions. If individuality falls under the power of the Black Moon, a person loses contact with his higher principle.

The Sun represents the creative principle, and man, following his true destiny, is the vehicle of Divine creativity. Under the influence of the Black Moon on the active manifestations of a person’s individuality, he falls into the temptation of a “fallen angel” who imagines himself equal to God. He wants to create his own kingdom and rule in it, his motto is “I am the creator and ruler of the world.”

It is necessary to distinguish between the manifestations of Saturn, Mars and Jupiter, which under the influence of the Black Moon give rise to a thirst for power, violence and expansion, and the pseudo-solar desire of the Ego to “create on its own behalf”, to create its own universe according to its own laws and reign unchallenged in it, subjugating those around it and forcing them accept your rules of the game.

Under such influence of the Black Moon, a person does not recognize any laws other than his own. Possessing enormous power of suggestion, he instills enthusiasm in people who obey him, shapes their character and thinking. Sometimes the Black Moon acts in a similar way in the horoscopes of people in creative professions, scientists, political and spiritual leaders. However, people with such influence of the Black Moon are not always bright and noticeable personalities. They often lead an unremarkable lifestyle, and the qualities distorted by the Black Moon appear in relationships with loved ones.

By emphasizing the hidden passive component, the Black Moon blocks the ability to create, generates submission to fate, dependence on the environment. A person follows generally accepted norms, without having his own point of view, becoming suggestible and controlled. If his creative potential is nevertheless realized, it is very difficult to create something of his own: ideas and their implementation will be borrowed from others. At the same time, a person’s will is not suppressed - it can be strong, but it is directed from the outside and is perceived as one’s own.

There can be two types of manifestation of this connection, depending on how Lilith acts, enhances the passive qualities of the Sun, or active ones. If these are active qualities, then a person can indeed be quite a bright and creative person who achieves any goals he sets, but his manner of acting can be too intrusive and oppressive, even if this goal is good. Such a person perceives everything only through his personality.

The connection of Lilith with the Sun always gives the temptation to power, which can make the owner of this connection a kind of despot, and in a particularly negative manifestation, a tough person who goes over his head towards his goal, not taking into account the people around him. If Lilith enhances the passive qualities of the Sun, then such a person is unsure of himself, can achieve little in life, he does not have enough energy, but nevertheless his ambitions are quite high, and this provokes such negative qualities as achieving what he wants by gaining the upper hand over the weaker, since the strong are too tough.

The conjunction of Lilith in Pisces with the Sun in Aquarius in the 4th house may give you the desire to introduce your views and hobbies into your home. You can easily get excited about something new and will most likely want your family to share your aspirations. There is a real risk of doing this too assertively and intrusively, without taking into account the desires and individual characteristics of your family.


The moon symbolizes the instinctive nature of man, the ways of its manifestation, reaction to external influences, and the ability to adapt. The Black Moon is a point in the lunar orbit, one of the hypostases of the Moon itself, that part of the instinctive nature that seeks to involve a person as deeply as possible in matter and delay his evolution. When the qualities symbolized by the Moon fall under the influence of the Black Moon, their manifestations become involutionary. At the same time, emotional imbalance increases, instincts become uncontrollable.

If the manifestations of the Black Moon are active, the distortions caused resemble those that arise when interacting with the Sun - the person is self-willed, strives for power and dominance over others. He is characterized by dictatorial tendencies and emotional excess. With the active influence of the Black Moon, a person does not adapt to the outside world, but tries to change it in accordance with his ideas, regardless of the interests of others. Reactions to external influences are often hasty and impulsive.

The influence of the Black Moon on the passive component leads to excessive suggestibility and controllability. A person easily submits to outside guidance, but if there is no guidance, he becomes completely disoriented. Trying to adapt to those around him, he literally dissolves in them and often loses his own identity. This influence of the Black Moon causes instability of emotions, capriciousness, and slow reactions. Vital forces are directed mainly to maintaining physical existence, there is a tendency to accumulate energy and, as a result, appetite increases. The relationship of the Black Moon with the Moon distorts everything connected with the lunar principle. For women it complicates motherhood, and for men it complicates relationships with their mother and other women.

Selena in the 7th house in Taurus, in conjunction with the Moon, may indicate that you karmically deserve generous and caring partners (marital or not), through whom the Higher Powers help you. They make you feel cozy and comfortable. The conjunction of Selena with the Moon can give a good relationship with your mother, who could have a beneficial influence on you in childhood, but in your home you most likely felt very uncomfortable (presence of Lilith in the 4th house).


Mercury symbolizes interaction and information exchange, the process of concretizing ideas, logical thinking, and the ability to express thoughts in words. Its passive component perceives and assimilates information, while its active component seeks means of self-realization of individuality and establishes contacts with the environment. The human mind connects the world of forms, cognizable through sensations, with the world of higher knowledge, which becomes accessible through intuition. A holistic perception of the world around us is possible with a harmonious, balanced interaction of logical and intuitive thinking. Acting on Mercury, the Black Moon sharply shifts this balance towards logical, concrete thinking. A person tries to comprehend everything with the help of reason, calculates all his actions and even emotions in advance. Reason is placed above all, feelings are subordinated to the mind. From this point of view, irrational means wrong. The existence of everything that cannot be explained using logic is denied. Man tries to understand even spiritual truths with the help of logical thinking. This gives rise to a one-sided perception of the world and interferes with the expansion of consciousness and contact with superphysical worlds. Under the influence of the Black Moon on Mercury, a person easily gives in to suggestions and becomes controllable. With the help of skillful logical justification of any idea, he can be convinced of anything and used for his own purposes.

The influence of the Black Moon on Mercury is associated with excessive curiosity and the desire for mechanical accumulation of knowledge. A so-called “information hunger” may appear and, as a result, illegibility - a person will read everything, watch all TV shows, constantly talk to someone. All this distracts from more important activities and hinders the comprehensive development of thinking, since all the powers of the mind are spent only on processing information received from the outside. There are times when, under the influence of the Black Moon, it is almost impossible to even assimilate information. Then the person begins to “throw it out” of himself, becoming an uncontrollable talker. The Black Moon also imparts to Mercury such qualities as cunning, resourcefulness and a tendency to gossip. A person can say smart, necessary things, but no one will perceive him.

The Black Moon can affect Mercury in the opposite way. In this case, it is difficult for a person to fully use his intellectual potential. He is not capable of analysis, concretization of ideas, he does not think logically, but mainly associatively. Such a person is controlled by feelings, emotions and unconscious instincts; the motivations for actions and their consequences are not realized. Incoming information is perceived with distortions. It is difficult for a person to find a suitable form for expressing a thought: the selection of the right words is accompanied by efforts that entail a loss of energy. A person can say smart, necessary things, but no one will perceive him.


Venus symbolizes beauty and harmony, the forces of attraction and repulsion, sympathy and antipathy. It is connected with a person’s feelings and emotions, makes assessment and choice. Venus is a feminine planet, so its natural manifestations are characterized by depth and magnetism. If Venus occupies a weak position in the horoscope, then it is more superficial, focused on the external, on form. The Black Moon prevents the harmonization of the internal and external manifestations of Venus. As a result of its action, Venus's attachment to form becomes excessive. Increased attention is paid to appearance, a lot of money is spent on clothes and cosmetics, expensive and beautiful, but often unnecessary things are purchased. The love for things gradually turns into mania, hoarding develops, and the acquisition of material values ​​becomes the meaning of life. The choice of a partner is also made on the basis of purely external perception. Judgments become superficial, because due to addiction to form, content is lost. The action of the Black Moon gives rise to a hypertrophied sense of ownership in a person, which extends to relationships between people and becomes the cause of jealousy.

The Black Moon can also cause the opposite extreme - deliberate disregard for appearance, clothing, and material wealth.

Venus is responsible for making choices. The influence of the Black Moon leads to the fact that a person cannot make a choice, leaning towards one or another decision. In doing so, he expends a huge amount of energy, which is absorbed by the Black Moon.

Venus is associated with energy exchange, so vampirism is one of its distorted manifestations. In the process of communication between people, an exchange of energy occurs. Vampirism refers to cases when a person consumes the energy of others in greater quantities than he gives himself, that is, he “feeds” at someone else’s expense. This phenomenon exists in all areas of life. A person can be fueled by other people’s emotions of love, gratitude, hatred, power. Some people feed on sexual energy, others on the energy of quarrels and scandals, deliberately provoking them. There is “mind vampirism” when a person consumes other people’s thoughts. In addition to Venus, other planets also participate in these types of vampirism.


Mars symbolizes will, the ability to embody inner impulses, determination and the ability to act. The Black Moon makes the primary, unorganized force of Mars uncontrollable. Its influence causes attacks of uncontrollable aggression. A person becomes overly impulsive, rude, cruel, and prone to violence. Manifestations of lower human nature and animal instincts are extremely intensified, self-will increases. Under the influence of the Black Moon, persistence in achieving any goal turns into stubbornness. Such a person’s desires are very strong; he knows exactly what he wants and how to achieve it. If an obstacle appears on his way, he sweeps it away, regardless of what is happening around him. The thought concentrates on one aspiration and gains such strength that it is transmitted to others. In the sphere of the mind, Mars is characterized by intolerance towards other views and imposition of its own point of view. In extreme cases, the will can escape the control of the mind.

If the Black Moon distorts the manifestations of Mars in the opposite direction, a person becomes weak-willed, indecisive, and unable to achieve goals. His thoughts and feelings are influenced by the environment. It is convenient for him to manipulate, since he is suggestible and easily obeys the will of others.

Mars is associated with purposeful activity, but under the influence of the Black Moon the original goal is lost. Activity becomes fruitless, turning into an end in itself. All the energy expended on it comes at the disposal of the Black Moon.

Primary eros, libido, and the desire to project oneself outward are associated with Mars. The Black Moon distorts a person’s attitude towards everything related to sex and makes his sex life unbalanced. Hypertrophied sexuality may develop, an exaggeration of the role of sex in life, up to its proclamation as the highest manifestation of the Divine principle. Unnatural forms of sex and sexual perversions are also associated with distorted manifestations of Mars. The influence of the Black Moon on the opposite pole of Mars determines the view of sexual manifestations as “sinful” and “base”, the desire to expel from life everything connected with sex. Sexual coldness may develop, as sexual instincts and corresponding emotions are repressed into the subconscious.


Jupiter symbolizes development, expansion, search for goals, striving for ideals, and abstract thinking. If the Black Moon influences the active component of Jupiter, it gives unlimited expansion and redundancy to all the properties of the planets with which it is associated by management or aspects.

The Black Moon forces a person to exaggerate his role in society, his sense of self-worth turns into delusions of grandeur. Such a person is inclined to think that his destiny is connected with the fulfillment of a special mission in the name of a great goal, to which he strives to subordinate all his thoughts and deeds. Because of such inadequate self-esteem, neglect appears for very prosaic, but sometimes much more important tasks. Sometimes, on the contrary, a person suffers from a feeling of inferiority, but still wants to devote himself to a high idea; then he finds an idol whom he idolizes and selflessly serves its purposes. Sometimes the action of the Black Moon deprives a person of ideals and high aspirations or replaces true ideals with imaginary ones, conditioned by society and the environment.

Jupiter is associated with receiving and transmitting experience and knowledge. Under the influence of the Black Moon, an irresistible desire arises to teach, give advice, impose your ideas and life experiences on others, considering them a role model. At the same time, the knowledge that a person tries to convey to others is sometimes either insufficiently understood and realized by himself, or is biased due to the excessive influence of his mind. There is also another extreme: idealizing one’s teachers and mentors, mindlessly following their opinions.

Jupiter is closely related to Mercury as they both symbolize the two sides of the human mind - the abstract and the concrete mind. Both of these planets simultaneously participate in the thinking process, therefore the Black Moon, distorting the functions of one of them, inevitably affects the functions of the other. Jupiter is associated with the ability to generalize and abstraction. By sharply enhancing these properties of Jupiter, the Black Moon automatically weakens the opposite properties of Mercury. This happens when Jupiter is stronger than Mercury in position in the sign. In this case, under the influence of the Black Moon, a person has difficulty concretizing his thoughts, gets confused in intuitive guesses and unformed ideas, which gives rise to vagueness and confusion of concepts.

If the Black Moon acts on Jupiter, which is weaker than Mercury in sign, then a person, on the contrary, loses the ability to generalize, does not see the connection between phenomena, perceiving only specific information.


Saturn symbolizes compression, structure, form, boundaries, time, law, duty, responsibility. It is associated with individualization. Under the influence of the Black Moon, a person’s unconscious desire to stand out from the community of other people becomes excessive, and a feeling of personal exclusivity arises. The point is not whether a person feels better or worse than others. He is firmly convinced that he is not like everyone else. The more Saturn falls under the influence of the Black Moon, the stronger the boundaries that separate a person from others, the stronger his egocentrism. He can become withdrawn, uncommunicative, concentrates on himself and his inner feelings, sometimes he does not even tolerate any other person next to him, does not tolerate objections or the slightest disobedience. Hypertrophied individualization gives rise to pride and ambition. The desire for a high position and power can become a mania and subjugate all thoughts. A person makes every effort to achieve one single goal to the detriment of the harmonious development of the individual. Under the influence of the Black Moon on the opposite pole of Saturn, a person loses the boundaries of his personality and strives to dissolve in the general mass. It is difficult for him to find his own goal and realize it; he can only obey the instructions of his superiors.

The Black Moon forces Saturn to limit one's horizons, rigidly structure and crystallize existing mental structures and subconscious attitudes. This prevents awareness of motives and slows down the natural development and expansion of consciousness. Under the influence of the Black Moon and Saturn, a person becomes inflexible and conservative, overly respects traditions, cannot tolerate change, and has difficulty changing himself. A person is inclined to formally follow the letter of the law, to put norms and rules above all else, often without understanding their true meaning. The same formal and dogmatic attitude can be towards moral and cultural values, towards religion. The opposite distortion of these qualities of Saturn is a complete lack of discipline, moral restrictions, disregard for traditions, laws and social norms.

The Black Moon distorts the understanding of the sense of duty. It seems to a person that he is in debt to literally everyone and is responsible for everything. The need to constantly fulfill your obligations is depressing and does not allow you to feel free. Life becomes a burden, despondency and pessimism develop. The opposite pole of this distortion makes a person frivolous, irresponsible, and unwilling to commit himself to obligations.

All kinds of fears are associated with Saturn, which, under the influence of the Black Moon, become obsessive.

The Black Moon affects the ability to concentrate and focus. A decrease in concentration dissipates the energy of the planets and makes them easily accessible to the Black Moon. On the other hand, in order to focus on anything necessary, a person expends enormous effort, losing energy, which is absorbed by the Black Moon.

The Black Moon distorts the sense of time. A person is always late or ahead of events, does everything at the wrong time. Often an act done with the best intentions, but at the wrong time and in the wrong place, takes on the opposite meaning. Since all natural processes in Nature occur with the least amount of energy and within a strictly defined time frame, the untimeliness caused by the Black Moon distorts the optimal course of events.


Some astrologers believe that only septenary planets are subject to the influence of the Black Moon. At the same time, its influence indirectly affects the higher planets - the Black Moon distorts the synthetic qualities that arise as a result of the interaction of the higher planets with the septenary planets. This happens when the Black Moon or the septenary planets that fall under its influence aspect the higher planets or are associated with them in governance.

Active distortions of the qualities of Uranus make a person completely unpredictable. He cannot stand the slightest restrictions and avoids responsibility and obligations in any way. Passive distortions prevent the expansion of consciousness and lead to limited and conservative thinking.

Passive distortions of Neptune's qualities increase the desire to escape from the reality of the world around us; a person is constantly in illusions and dreams. To disconnect from reality, he may use alcohol or drugs. Less obvious distortions associated with Neptune are in the area of ​​spiritual temptations. A person experiences pleasure from prayers and meditation and falls into the so-called “sin of acquiring grace.” This often leads him to dubious religious sects or esoteric groups that practice various meditative systems. A person becomes dependent on the ecstatic states that arise in him, which create the illusion of spiritual growth and replace the true desire for God. With active manifestations of the Black Moon, a person himself becomes the organizer of such sects. Distortions associated with Neptune can cause mental disorders, alcoholism and drug addiction.

Active distortions of Pluto's qualities are associated with self-will - a person strives to change the world around him at will. The conjunction of the Black Moon with Pluto is considered the most unpleasant conjunction. Manifests itself in the attraction of fatal situations and disasters. The person has the power of suggestion and easily manipulates people. The aspect of the Black Moon with Pluto can often be seen in the horoscopes of psychics who abuse their will. Passive distortions make a person suggestible, easily susceptible to hypnosis and other psychological influences. In this case, a tendency towards vampirism is possible.

Conjunction of the Black and White Moon
A person has to make a conscious choice between good and evil, between light and darkness. There is a danger for him to constantly replace one thing with another. This is an aspect of Mani, the false prophet who lived in Perseus in the 3rd century, skillfully trying on the concepts of good and evil. He spoke about the equality of good and evil: “Evil in the world is necessary in order for good to be better manifested, just as a shadow is necessary for the Light so that the Light is more noticeable, so the devil is necessary for God, you must treat evil normally, otherwise you will offend. That is, to a person everything is permitted." Therefore, it is easy for the owner of this aspect to get confused in moral and ethical criteria. It is to such people that the expression applies: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions,” and they believe that any means are suitable for good purposes. The task of such a person is to separate the wheat from the chaff, to separate truth from lies.

Opposition between the Black and White Moon
This is the struggle of the light and dark principles for the soul of man. The owner of the aspect faces the problem of spiritual choice. There can be no combination of extremes, no reconciliation of one with the other - only separation, only demarcation. If a person with such an aspect is on the side of the dark forces, then he is completely deprived of support from the White Moon - the Guardian Angel. And the life of the Black Moon in intense aspects is unsweetened and short-lived, then such a person quickly becomes a victim of his own atrocities. And, if there is no fight against evil, against the dark principle, then life may not be short.

If a person has chosen the bright path, then he becomes dangerous for the Darkness, because, as in a mirror, he sees the true nature of their actions. Many in the opposition swing like a pendulum, go to extremes, serious problems arise - and this is accompanied by the concept of “fear of God.” You can’t make mistakes, you have to think through everything.

Lilith and Selena are quite mysterious phenomena that play a fairly significant role in our lives. Without existing as real physical objects, they represent a place of concentration of a certain energy that affects the energy of the signs, the houses in which they are located, and the planets with which they have aspects, in this case a connection. The place in the map (sign and house) where they fall serves as a kind of force field in a person’s life. Lilith gives color to a person’s individuality (strengthening the perception of one’s own “I” as a person, one and only), and Selena dissolves his essence in higher spheres (giving birth to an understanding of unity with the people around him, the concept of “we”, i.e. depersonalizes a person). These points refract the energies of a sign, house, planet, and show the perspective through which a person perceives the world around him.

Lilith shows how and where there can be distortions in a person’s personality, temptations and seductions to which he will be exposed throughout life, and Selena talks about how and through what the help of the Higher Powers will be manifested. Lilith in conjunction with the Sun concentrates a person on his own personality. Such a person can clearly feel his own peculiarity, his significance for the world (in your case for his family, country, since the 4th house is involved), he can often talk about himself, about his achievements, it is important for him to be noticed , appreciated his individuality. But this position provides a real opportunity to eradicate one’s negative qualities and transform them into virtues, since under the influence of the Sun they become manifest and visible to the person himself.

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Since the Black Moon enhances extremes, any unevenness in the horoscope attracts its attention. Planets that stand out against the general background with a strong or, conversely, weak position in the zodiac sign can fall under its influence. The sign of a given planet determines which of its poles the Black Moon will affect. For planets located in the signs of their possession or exaltation, the Black Moon further strengthens the main pole (for male planets it is active, for female planets it is passive) and activates its involutionary component, while distorting its manifestations. For planets that are in the signs of their expulsion or fall, the Black Moon reveals a hidden pole (for male planets - passive, for female planets - active), as if turning inside out the basic principle of their action. True, in the signs of exaltation and fall the action of the Black Moon is somewhat different than in the signs of possession and expulsion: it distorts in this way not all the qualities of the planet, namely those that are exalted or fall in this sign. In addition, a planet in exaltation or debilitation is influenced by its dispositor, which can change the type of influence of the Black Moon. For example, in a man who has a conjunction of the Sun with the Black Moon in Aries and Mars in Taurus in his horoscope, the Black Moon causes predominantly passive distortions of the qualities of the Sun.

If a planet is located in a sign that is neutral to it, then the influence of the Black Moon on it can be both active and passive. In this case, the type of distortion is determined by the position of the dispositor of this planet and other factors of the horoscope.

We must not forget that all planets are not only dual in nature, but also form polar pairs with each other in accordance with their properties. The property symbolized by one planet is opposite to the property symbolized by the other planet. For example, expansion and contraction are the opposite properties of Jupiter and Saturn, generalization and specification are the opposite properties of Jupiter and Mercury, and so on. If the Black Moon excessively enhances any property of one planet, the opposite property of another cannot fully manifest itself. And vice versa, a sharp weakening of the properties of one planet is compensated by the opposite manifestations of its pair. Therefore, due to the influence of the Black Moon, the action of one planet is often replaced by the action of another or disguised as it, which a person may not even realize.

For example, consider the case when the Black Moon strengthens the passive component of Mars in Taurus, which is in opposition to Neptune in Scorpio. Sexual desires are considered sinful and base, suppressed and repressed into the subconscious. Then the realization of sexual desire is distorted: the manifested passive pole of Mars “pretends” to be Venus, the physical desire for self-reproduction is disguised as the desire of the heart, the subconscious attributes high spiritual motives to the choice of a partner, which has nothing to do with reality. Substitution of motivation is a favorite technique of the Black Moon. Therefore, its impact is greatly enhanced if a person is not aware of his true motives.

At first glance, the influence of the Black Moon on the planets is similar to its influence in the zodiac signs that these planets rule. But the zodiac sign represents a certain primary quality, and the planet represents a force that manifests this quality according to its principle. Being in a certain zodiac sign, the Black Moon distorts the very quality of this sign, and by influencing the planet - the way it manifests itself. In practice, the distortions that arise as a result of the influence of the Black Moon on a particular planet take on the shade of the sign in which this planet is located.

The Black Moon in conjunction with other planets darkens their properties and often gives fatality in manifestation on this planet.
Black Moon in conjunction with Mercury. A person can say smart, necessary things, but no one will perceive him.
Black Moon conjunct Venus. No matter how good and subtle this person is, as a rule, no one loves him.
The person will have a great love for symbols, which are quite abstract to him. In general, this is an aspect of a person of art. When working on the Toma-Lilith axis, this may be a person who perceives art very subtly. He loves his symbols and, since Venus is a fairly essential planet, one way or another they will seep into his essence. But at the same time, he will be characterized by contradictions between symbolic and empathic, so to speak, life, since the Venus-Tom opposition will work, which, as a rule, gives great difficulties in his personal life and great difficulties for female self-realization. Essentially expressing your love to a woman with a Venus-Lilith conjunction means balancing her Toma-Lilith opposition, and this will not be very easy; why - think for yourself. If a man has a Black Moon-Venus conjunction, I think he will like magical women with various mysterious accessories.
Black Moon in conjunction with Mars. A person very rarely manages to do as he wants.
Black Moon in conjunction with the Sun. This is a strong catalyst in the horoscope. The fate of such a person is very fatal. The crisis is increasing.
One of the most difficult (for others) options is the conjunction of the Sun - Lilith (by the way, V.I. Ulyanov had it). What does it mean? Initiative and will for this person are primarily symbolic - in essence, he almost does not perceive them. For him, will and fundamental choice always presuppose the inclusion of a symbolic principle: he does not experience his will, he constructs it symbolically, thereby separating himself from his essential state, and at the same time he can do anything he wants - if he has not developed an ethical system.
On the other hand, the Sun-Lilith conjunction can give a person of art. At a high level of elaboration (both Lilith and the axis as a whole), this is an artist whose every stroke of paint on the canvas is a symbolic fragment of a fine mosaic in which his unique essence and individuality will be revealed.
Black Moon in conjunction with the Moon. Characteristic is the terrible state of mind of a person.
Imagine that you meet a young person with such a connection. How will you entertain her? How do you imagine her night table? Most likely, it will be full of all sorts of interesting symbolic objects. The moon is where a person rests, where he feels comfortable. This means that this person is resting among an abundance of different symbols, perceiving them, however, abstractly.
Black Moon conjunct Pluto. It is considered the most unpleasant connection. Manifests itself in the attraction of fatal situations and disasters.
Black Moon conjunct Uranus. It corresponds to the obscuration of human freedom, and this is one of the restrictions for independent study of astrology.
Nonagon of Venus and Lilith may manifest itself as a tendency towards rituals, patterns in relationships and expression of feelings. Here a lot depends on the position of Venus and Lilith in the signs.
Biseptile of the Moon and Venus- the desire for perfection and purity in relationships. If this does not relate to synastry, but takes place in the natal chart, then this can be both a positive personal quality and a factor of internal contradiction. It depends on how it is supported by aspects from other planets. Inner harmony, empathy, understanding - or a guilt complex, excessive responsibility, control.
The type of aspect between Lilith and Selena will show what forces (harmonious, magical, etc.) will be involved to solve the problem of choosing between truth and lies. If there is an aspect, then there are moral and ethical problems and they must be solved with the help of certain forces, as indicated by the type of aspects.
Conjunction of Black and White Moons: a person has to make a conscious choice between good and evil, between light and darkness. There is a danger for him to constantly replace one thing with another. This is an aspect of Mani, the false prophet who lived in Perseus in the 3rd century, skillfully trying on the concepts of good and evil. He spoke about the equality of good and evil: “Evil in the world is necessary in order for good to be better manifested, just as a shadow is necessary for the Light so that the Light is more noticeable, so the devil is necessary for God, you must treat evil normally, otherwise you will offend. That is, to a person everything is permitted."
Therefore, it is easy for the owner of this aspect to get confused in moral and ethical criteria. It is to such people that the expression applies: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions,” and they believe that any means are suitable for good purposes.
The task of such a person is to separate the wheat from the chaff, to separate truth from lies.
Opposition between the Black and White Moon: This is the struggle of the light and dark principles for the soul of man. The owner of the aspect faces the problem of spiritual choice. There can be no combination of extremes, no reconciliation of one with the other - only separation, only demarcation.
If a person with such an aspect is on the side of the dark forces, then he is completely deprived of support from the White Moon - the Guardian Angel. And the life of the Black Moon in intense aspects is unsweetened and short-lived, then such a person quickly becomes a victim of his own atrocities. And, if there is no fight against evil, against the dark principle, then life may not be short.
If a person has chosen the bright path, then he becomes dangerous for the Darkness, because, as in a mirror, he sees the true nature of their actions. Many in the opposition swing like a pendulum, go to extremes, serious problems arise - and this is accompanied by the concept of “fear of God.” You can’t make mistakes, you have to think through everything.
Lilith and Selena are quite mysterious phenomena that play a fairly significant role in our lives. Without existing as real physical objects, they represent a place of concentration of a certain energy that affects the energy of the signs, the houses in which they are located, and the planets with which they have aspects, in this case a connection. The place in the map (sign and house) where they fall serves as a kind of force field in a person’s life. Lilith gives color to a person’s individuality (strengthening the perception of one’s own “I” as a person, one and only), and Selena dissolves his essence in higher spheres (giving birth to an understanding of unity with the people around him, the concept of “we”, i.e. depersonalizes a person).
These points refract the energies of a sign, house, planet, and show the perspective through which a person perceives the world around him.
Lilith shows how and where there can be distortions in a person’s personality, temptations and seductions to which he will be exposed throughout life, and Selena talks about how and through what the help of the Higher Powers will be manifested.
Lilith in conjunction with the Sun concentrates a person on his own personality. Such a person can clearly feel his own peculiarity, his significance for the world (in your case for his family, country, since the 4th house is involved), he can often talk about himself, about his achievements, it is important for him to be noticed , appreciated his individuality. But this position provides a real opportunity to eradicate one’s negative qualities and transform them into virtues, since under the influence of the Sun they become manifest and visible to the person himself.
There can be two types of manifestation of this connection, depending on how Lilith acts, enhances the passive qualities of the Sun, or active ones. If these are active qualities, then a person can indeed be quite a bright and creative person who achieves any goals he sets, but his manner of acting can be too intrusive and oppressive, even if this goal is good. Such a person perceives everything only through his personality.
The connection of Lilith with the Sun always gives the temptation to power, which can make the owner of this connection a kind of despot, and in a particularly negative manifestation, a tough person who goes over his head towards his goal, not taking into account the people around him. If Lilith enhances the passive qualities of the Sun, then such a person is unsure of himself, can achieve little in life, he does not have enough energy, but nevertheless his ambitions are quite high, and this provokes such negative qualities as achieving what he wants by gaining the upper hand over the weaker, since the strong are too tough.
The conjunction of Lilith in Pisces with the Sun in Aquarius in the 4th house may give you the desire to introduce your views and hobbies into your home. You can easily get excited about something new and will most likely want your family to share your aspirations. There is a real risk of doing this too assertively and intrusively, without taking into account the desires and individual characteristics of your family.
Selena in the 7th house in Taurus, in conjunction with the Moon, may indicate that you karmically deserve generous and caring partners (marital or not), through whom the Higher Powers help you. They make you feel cozy and comfortable. The conjunction of Selena with the Moon can give a good relationship with your mother, who could have a beneficial influence on you in childhood, but in your home you most likely felt very uncomfortable (presence of Lilith in the 4th house).

Lilith on the Ascendant

It provides a person with a strong fatality, a craving for crime (very often!), increases the desire for the forbidden and for wine, and creates the ground for the development of sexual complexes.
The action of Lilith, located on the Ascendant, manifests itself in people left to their own devices, deprived of group initiative and having a personal attraction to criminal acts.
Sometimes Lilith on the Ascendant creates pessimists with a broken psyche, because in this situation Lilith is an indicator of mental illness. If Lilith is on the Ascendant in the leader’s horoscope, then the people around him are drawn into his story.
Children with Lilith on the Ascendant, as a rule, are drawn to violating prohibitions and doing nasty things. In this situation, they may experience sexual complexes. If a child tortures animals, then when he becomes an adult, he can break the Law - he is a congenital criminal. Therefore, special attention must be paid to raising children in whose horoscope Lilith is located on the Ascendant. If a person was born during an eclipse of the Sun or Moon, then the events of his life will take place strictly at certain intervals (after 18.5 years, when the eclipse occurs again, and even in the half-phase of this eclipse).
Lilith on the Ascendant is reflected in a person’s appearance, sometimes giving some kind of mark on his face (astrologers Pulis - India - and de Bartolo wrote about this) - this could be, for example, a black spot on the white of the eye. This happens especially often if Lilith is in the 1st house (if she is in the 12th house, then this mark does not appear).

Lilith conjunct the planets

Lilith conjunct the Moon. Absalom the Underwater: “Imagine that you meet a young lady with such a connection. How will you entertain her? How do you imagine her night table? Most likely, it will be full of all sorts of interesting symbolic objects. The moon is where a person rests, where he feels comfortable. This means that this person is resting among an abundance of different symbols, perceiving them, however, abstractly.” I think the home life of such a person will be subject to the system. In the house, everything is strictly in its place, everything is functional, correct, just like people’s. Children live according to a daily routine. Nutrition is based on a scientific approach to tasty and healthy food. Health is maintained using traditional methods of hardening and exercise.

Lilith conjunct Mercury. The principle of Lilith is sympathetic to the principles of Mercury: logical thinking, abstract thinking, systematization, structuring. Mercury makes Lilith strongly emphasized in the Chart. Here a person can be absolutely cold, calculating, insensitive. He will have a worldview, but will not have a worldview. It is very important at what level of development of the axis, Lilith, and Mercury he is. If this is a high level, then it will be a high-class magician who knows how to work with words as a tool. This could be a person whose profession is related to the art of words, a poet, a writer, a consultant, a mediator, a great schemer.

Lilith conjunct Venus . Absalom the Underwater: “A person will have a great love for symbols that are quite abstract to him. In general, this is an aspect of a person of art. When working through the axis, this may be a person who perceives art very subtly. He loves his symbols and, since Venus is a fairly essential planet, one way or another they will seep into his essence. But at the same time, he will be characterized by contradictions between symbolic and empathic, so to speak, life, since the Venus-Tom opposition will work, which, as a rule, gives great difficulties in his personal life and great difficulties for female self-realization. Essentially expressing your love to a woman with a Venus-Lilith conjunction means balancing her Toma-Lilith opposition, and this will not be very easy; why - think for yourself.” Really, why? Because in love this woman will not be a mystic, not a personally, poetically involved being, but a scientist, impersonal, objective, determinate. When it comes to the love of a man and a woman, she has clear ideas about what a man should do and what a woman should do when they are next to each other, what responsibilities and rights they have and exactly how they should play their roles. She knows what types of men there are, how, depending on the type, one should behave with a man, and what attention a man should pay to a woman. At the same time, a woman with a Lilith-Venus conjunction is separated, detached from her partner, instrumental, and has a predetermined external goal. Any deviation from the ritual irritates her. She considers him ugly, unaesthetic. She has the same attitude towards children. Whom she undoubtedly loves: she knows how they should be, how they should behave, and how she herself should express her love for them. In the Lilith-Venus conjunction, the balance of the axis is shifted towards Lilith, Venus accentuates it. To restore balance, a woman must take an ethical position in which another person (or an object, the world as a whole) appears as a living being, in all its nuances and details. And approaching such a creature with predetermined standards is unethical. You need to look at it with fresh eyes all the time and not try to squeeze it into any framework. The same attitude should be towards yourself as an object of love. Absalom the Underwater: “If a man has a Black Moon-Venus conjunction, I think he will like magical women with various mysterious accessories.” “If Venus is in conjunction with the Black Moon, then a person is invulnerable in love, he is protected by his abstract symbols,” but if he works carelessly with them, he will receive a return blow, but not through them, but from a side completely unexpected for him.” .

Lilith conjunct Mars. In work and practical activities, a person will be precise and logical. Detachment in the process of performing practical actions will allow him not to depend on his emotional state. It can abstract from everything on the account and work effectively in almost any environment. In defending his rights and interests, he can be quite cruel and indiscriminate in his methods, since he is goal-oriented and perceives the object of his influence as a symbol on which certain necessary operations must be performed - dismembered or formalized. He can be a very effective master, a professional in the field in which he is realized as a practitioner.

Lilith conjunct Jupiter. Here a person is critical of all kinds of training and teachers. He classifies them, studies them, systematizes them. He studies without unnecessary zeal, according to a certain system, consistently mastering all the symbols and striving to incorporate new knowledge into the system of ideas he already has. He treats new opportunities and situations of luck with detachment, using them rationally. It is difficult to impress him with generosity, breadth of scope, luxury: he knows the price of all this and does not succumb to the charm of the glitter of tinsel, not being seduced by great prospects and loud promises.
Lilith conjunct Saturn. A person is formally responsible. He has a certain idea of ​​a sense of duty, so it is very difficult to arouse in him a false sense of duty or impose any obligations on him. He has the answer to all questions regarding his debts and promises. And this answer, most likely, is documented and endorsed by the signature of the authorities. This person doesn't make promises if he knows he can't keep them. And he knows this very accurately. He is very careful, extremely attentive. He also has a very definite attitude towards internal work on himself: he knows exactly what, when, how, and in what quantities he needs to produce in the inner world in order to get a certain result. Often his inner work is purely symbolic. He has great ability to lead teams, which he perceives symbolically. To solve serious problems and tasks, he has a number of well-established tools.

Lilith conjunct Uranus. Here a person is formal insofar as his individuality, originality, and genius are concerned. He has clear ideas about these things. It is likely that he is interested in tests that can be used to determine what type of personality a person belongs to. Or, for example, he keeps track of all scientific inventions and classifies them, putting them into separate files. This may be a scientist who studies symbolic systems of a high degree of abstraction. Such, for example, as astrology.

Lilith conjunct Neptune. Here a person is detached from matters of faith. He may formally have excellent knowledge of world mythology and religious teachings, being interested in them for the purpose of studying, classifying, and creating a system. It is difficult to mislead him: for any miracle, he first of all looks for a rational explanation. Strong emotional experiences and ecstatic states are alien to him; it is difficult for him to feel a state of euphoria. He knows a lot about such conditions, but does not experience them himself. When developed, he can have an excellent understanding of art, especially painting, music, cinema, and create it himself, relying on knowledge of the laws of creativity.

Lilith conjunct Pluto. Here a person formally refers to transformation processes, marginal states, and crisis situations. The change of egregor for him occurs quite easily, since he does not experience this process essentially, but realizes it logically, remaining not included in the situation. Therefore, in such situations it is easy for him to be effective, not to get confused, not to be crushed by trials. What represents fatal forces has symbolic meaning for him. And he has a set of tools and techniques that he can counter these fatal forces.
The conjunction of a planet with Toma indicates that a person in the spheres of this planet will be very essential. The principles of this planet will be greatly colored by the experiences of man. He begins to manifest these principles - and you feel that he influences you with the help of these principles, conveys to you his essential being. In the spheres of the planet in conjunction with Toma, a person will be extremely vulnerable.

Conjunction of Toma with the Sun. A person essentially experiences imperative circumstances in which he has to make an “either-or” choice, to demonstrate his will, his creativity. If circumstances shocked him, his will may be completely paralyzed by them, suppressed. He can rush around, spontaneously showing his personality here and there, but it is very difficult for him to gather himself.

Toma conjunct the Moon. This man is very impressionable. He essentially experiences everything in general, subtly perceiving all the nuances and subtleties happening around him. He is defenseless in front of the world, extremely vulnerable and touchy. But he enjoys a simple life: he is pleased with food, warmth, comfort, homeliness. His spontaneous instinctive manifestations are very natural. He perceives people empathetically and simply does not catch the eye of those who he feels do not like him. But if you sincerely like him, he will warm you with his affection and warmth so simply and naturally that you will feel good and cozy.
Conjunction of Toma with Mercury. Absalom the Underwater: “The words of this person will be so colored by his experiences that you may find yourself completely unprepared for this - and you will be shocked. He will begin to tell you something, and you will feel that it influences you; with the help of words he will convey to you his essential being.”
Conjunction of Toma with Venus. Absalom the Underwater: “The White Moon is a place where a person is vulnerable. If Venus is conjunct the White Moon, he is very substantial and vulnerable in his love.” This person goes headlong into love experiences. As they say, he loses his mind when he is in love and passionate about the object of his love, be it another person, an idea, a job.
Toma conjunct Mars. Absalom the Underwater: “Mars is work or energetic speech, when a person does not chat, but really works with his words, for example, directs you somewhere, wants to do something with you. So, Mars in conjunction with Toma will give a person a very substantial person in his energetic and laborious manifestations
Conjunction of Toma with Jupiter. Absalom the Underwater: “A person will easily buy into the promises of good uncles, benefactors, noble and a priori high spiritual teachers, he will essentially reveal himself to them, but it is completely unknown what will happen to him next. I don't mean outright deception. Essential perception is essential because it is not mediated by symbolism. It means that a person uncritically perceives what has come to him - he presses it to his chest without considering whether it suits him or not. Sometimes it will fit, sometimes it won't. Look at the aspects in the chart and, most importantly, at the person himself.”
Conjunction of Toma with Saturn. Here a person feels vulnerable in situations of limitation, when he feels responsible, fulfills obligations, and conducts long-term long-term programs. A person's reaction to a field situation here will be fear. Inner work for him is a strong experience. And in everything that concerns his sense of duty, he is very substantial, informal.

Toma conjunct Uranus. A person takes very personally to everything unusual and advanced. He is interested in the subtleties, nuances, details of scientific discoveries, achievements of humanistic thought, the latest technical developments, space exploration, and electronics. He experiences all this essentially and strives to include it in his daily life. He has an inner sense of which ideas are worth developing and which are better to abandon. If the Axis and Toma are not worked out, he will have ideas completely divorced from reality, friendships with strange people, difficulties in finding his place in society.
Toma conjunct Neptune. Here a person is involved in programs related to faith, mysticism, suffering and helping people. It is not difficult to deceive him - he himself is happy to be deceived. He believes in everything that is strange and inexplicable; he is attracted by secrets, other worlds, prophecies, and predictions. He believes in miracles; it is natural for him to be in a state of strong emotional experience, ecstasy. They say about such people: “Exalted person.”

Toma conjunct Pluto. Here a person essentially experiences everything associated with irrevocable losses, fatal circumstances, marginal situations, and deep psychological crises. In these situations, he is completely defenseless, because he feels tragedy in all its nuances and subtleties, and it is very difficult for him to abstract from this.

Absalom the Underwater: “Now imagine this situation: the Sun in the chart is in conjunction with Lilith, and Mars is in conjunction with Toma. How can such a poor person even live? And what is it like for his loved ones and subordinates? Willy-nilly, he will be a magician and a mystic at the same time. His will will be guided by symbolic circumstances; he can calmly bend his soul, fool himself, and pass one thing off as another. And when it comes to action (Mars) and a person begins to create or destroy specific forms, then his essence comes out and says what she thinks and feels about this and what plans and tools she has. A person with such a configuration in the chart can ruin absolutely any business he undertakes if he has not worked out the Tom-Lilith axis and the Sun-Mars opposition it emphasizes has not been worked out, and this is not an easy task, and if there are no significant mitigating aspects in the horoscope , then the probability of ending up in a psychiatric (or regular) hospital from time to time is very high for this person. Maybe he will participate as a puppet in fairly strict social programs. At a low level, it will be something destructive, antisocial, but at a high level, on the contrary, a person will learn to balance on a thin wire connecting essence and symbolism, will and submission, activity and adaptation, and will create a work of art from his very life, from which he will change. world".

The planet that falls at the vertex of the tau square from the Thoma-Lilith axis accentuates the axis. In the sphere of this planet, a person will experience a strong contradiction: on the one hand, he knows that the principles of this planet are distant symbols that can be manipulated. On the other hand, he acutely experiences these principles when suddenly, behind their symbols, their essential content is revealed to him. For example, the Moon at the top of a tau square will create situations in a person’s life when his family life will either be emasculated into a symbol that has no content, or filled with deep essential meaning, forcing a person to experience the problems of parents and household members as inextricably linked with his personal life . When working on the axis and the planet at the top of the tau square, a person in the sphere of this planet receives extraordinary stability: on the one hand, he is able to essentially perceive experiences associated with the principles of the planet, pass them through himself, deeply feel all their nuances and subtleties, and at the same time not die from a broken heart, and at the right moment step back, analyze what is happening, systematize, classify and with a subtle movement of the magician make the necessary changes in the sphere of the principles of a given planet, and at the same time change yourself. Probably, this aspect gives, when worked through, the greatest abilities for mysticism and magic. Because in the sphere of this planet, the magical and mystical qualities of a person will manifest themselves automatically and equally, and will work at the level of everyday life.

Here is the interpretation of the positions of Lilith in the signs

Debauchery and lust are of greatest interest to the public. Therefore, I will continue to analyze its position in the Natal chart, this time in conjunction with the planets.

So, if the position of Lilith in a particular sign is the very nature of “perversion” in a person, then its connection with the planets gives more information about what exactly brings “temptations” to life and which part of the personality is most susceptible to them. By coping with these temptations and learning to recognize them, the “healing” of the soul occurs. Often a person himself is a bearer of the qualities listed below, or he meets on his way characters endowed with them, relationships with whom are difficult to break. As a person “grows up”, he learns to recognize these scenarios in himself and other people, transforming and directing them in the direction he needs.

It is important to take into account the zodiac sign in which the conjunction of Lilith and the Planet occurs - the basic characteristics of the planet will vary depending on it.

Attention: connection with social (Saturn, Jupiter) and, especially, with the Higher planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) should be considered at the deep personal level described below only if these planets are highlighted and manifested in the horoscope.

Lilith conjunct the Sun

Gives a person a kind of charisma and magnetism, which he shamelessly uses for reasons of cold calculation, in order to achieve his dirty goals. It makes the personality “cloudy”, makes it foggy and portray a mystery - to project into the outside world qualities that most likely it does not correspond to. In fact, the native himself does not fully understand who he really is. The reason for this behavior may be an inadequate relationship with the father, whose personality the person is trying to get rid of in himself. In general, distortions occur precisely along the lines of “male” behavior. Awareness of one’s own duality and the inconsistency of the packaging with the contents, however, strains this person and makes him experience bouts of shame. It is these sensations that will help him escape from his own egoism and solve the underlying problem.

Those who often encounter such characters either succumb to provocation and are completely fascinated by them, or categorically do not perceive them. Falling in love with such a person poses a certain risk, especially for women: there is a danger of falling into dirty emotional dependence on him. Or, by consciously entering into a love relationship with this type, a woman herself can provoke him into inappropriate behavior.
A good position for actors and creative people.

Lilith conjunct the Moon

Here the distortion lies in the “feminine” nature of a person, in his relationship with his mother. He periodically experiences bright outbursts of love-hate towards everything “feminine”, with very unstable emotional reactions. By the way, such a connection was in Chikatilo’s map. This, naturally, is not the only thing that made him a maniac, but it gave his crimes a special character.

The attitude towards children and motherhood is also ambivalent and not entirely clear, with a twist.

Inflated hypersensitivity becomes a dominant part of the character and causes a lot of problems, especially during adolescence and puberty. These people may have a tendency to look for a stronger and more mature partner to lean on.

This connection brings more inconvenience to men. There are two possible alternatives here: they are either magnetically drawn to mysterious and dubious ladies who vaguely resemble their mothers, or they become ardent misogynists. In the first case, the distortion is associated with the desire to put oneself in a dependent position and accept the role of a weak child for the rest of one’s life. In the second case - refusal and denial.

These internal demons are obsessive and excessive, therefore it is highly recommended to channel the power into creativity or another activity that requires developed imagination and sensitivity.

I have a friend like this, orbis 3 degrees: she was in Kashchenko, a very difficult relationship with her mother, she doesn’t want children and is afraid. She fully corresponds to the description, she says about herself that she remains in distant childhood and has no plans to grow up. It is curious that such a connection is also in Ivanka Trump’s chart; it would be good to take a closer look at her personality.

The search for a solution to the problem should begin with Saturn - it is growing up and trying to curb one’s emotions and sentiments that disciplines and helps to get rid of the disease.

Lilith conjunct Mercury

There may be problems and delays in communication. There are several options:
1. The strongest need for intense communication is transformed into a thirst for relationships at any cost. This becomes an end in itself, excluding even the role of other people’s participation in the process. This is an exaggerated enhancement of the qualities of Mercury.
2. The role of ordinary everyday communications is downplayed, and a person prefers not to speak out at all, not to spread himself thin, especially on issues that concern him. This is how a feeling of being chosen and unlike others is born, accompanied by an endless search for a soul mate. As a result, the native seems to others to be cold, distant, sarcastic, not making contact, although he himself suffers madly from such an information vacuum - even to the point of serious complexes, distortions in the psyche and nervous system.
Often in childhood there were difficult, ambiguous relationships with a brother and sister, perhaps even a breakup, which is still difficult to survive. They say that Ozhegov was in such a situation; one should read his biography. There is clearly a “skew” in terms of language topics, but the native managed to direct it in the right direction.

The problem should be solved through the power of Jupiter - moral values ​​and the desire to expand, to get in touch with society, will eventually allow one to emerge from the state of social “autism”.

Lilith conjunct Venus

It really spoils sentimental life, filling it with crisis situations and checks for lice. Here such a painful exaltation of love is manifested - the only, absolute, fatal, fatal, destructive. In a normal state of harmony, the native sees boredom, but conquering the object of passion for him involves difficulties and obstacles. The rules of this game are strict, and if a person immerses himself in it, he turns into a seductive manipulator, calculating and cold inside. It seems to him that if he does not give himself entirely to love, then it is not worth it, and he takes pleasure in tormenting the object of failed passion.

With such a connection, all sorts of sexual deviations often occur.

It is difficult for a woman with this position to realize and accept her sexuality, to feel loved and desired. Therefore, she is often attracted to other women endowed with the qualities she lacks. And here we are not only talking about homosexual inclinations - often it comes down to platonic attraction, although the native himself does not understand this. Due to the inability to follow her desires and needs, driving herself into a framework, she creates an ambiguous situation leading to the illusion of desire, but this is rather a fantasy, a desire to obtain the qualities she lacks.

Neptune, as the principle of Higher love and understanding, will help unravel these shackles.

Lilith conjunct Mars

This combination gives the actions and instincts of the native a restless, intermittent, chaotic character. The action is either blocked or carried out on a brutal scale, usually not corresponding to the moment and the expectations of frightened observers. Often people with this position fail to control the flow, or even the fountain, of their energy. This also applies to the sexual sphere. Male power is perceived in a negative way, with a hint of violence (perhaps this was the reason for this in the past). Therefore, they are trying to restrain her until smoke comes out of her ears and until the “victorious” end. As a result, this masculine principle bursts out with a loud explosion and exhaust. On the topic of sex and masculinity, there is a bias - either towards hypertrophied acceptance, or towards complete refusal. Take Freud’s grandfather as an example - he was literally blown away by this topic. Of other examples of owners of such a connection, Nabokov comes to mind - he also scandalously “distinguished himself” in spreading sexual fantasies.

By analogy with Venus, with such a conjunction, men may experience attraction to members of the same sex, based, perhaps, not even on homosexuality, but on a platonic desire to acquire the qualities they lack.

Another option: “masculinity,” on the contrary, acquires grotesque, caricatured features in a person - a kind of hyper-tough, super-brutal super-macho.

Women with this position may be attracted to precisely such exaggerated characters.

Tapping into the qualities of Pluto can help you straighten things out by feeling the depth of your personality and building a healthy relationship with your own instincts.

Lilith conjunct Jupiter

Social aspects of life become the subject of heated discussions. Everything that concerns the norm, justice, and morality becomes paramount, is passionately defended and can become the cause of bloodshed (with special indicators in the map).

Relations with higher-ranking personalities are very ambivalent, and fluctuate between complete rejection of authorities and the desire to butter them up in search of protection. All this, of course, is not without consequences.

Passion for Jovians, professors and foreigners.

In a positive scenario, such a connection can give impetus to personal development and fulfillment.

Lilith conjunct Saturn

A very difficult connection: on the one hand, Saturn itself is heavy, on the other hand, Lilith, inadequate in her manifestation. Life is presented either within the strictest limits and rigor, according to the inflexible rules established by the native himself, or, on the contrary, in complete chaos due to their absence, in hysterical attempts to restore order to what is happening. Despite the difficulties, this connection provides a chance for development and growth, thanks to the strength of character, specificity of thoughts and, often, the ability to look at difficulties from a distance (especially with harmonious aspects of the Higher planets). If, on the contrary, it is not possible to come to terms with reality, the native becomes susceptible to a pessimistic mood, dark depressing thoughts, and puts a spoke in his own wheels.

He is passionately attracted to people older in age and rank, and, in a positive scenario, they help him find ground under his feet.

On the other hand, the responsibility of Saturn can reward a person with serious responsibilities, performed with a not very pleasant feeling of guilt.

Examples of famous people include M. Bulgakov.

Lilith conjunct Uranus

This connection makes it difficult to realize one’s own individuality. Regardless of the level of rebellion, it is difficult for a person to identify himself with other homo sapiens. He is truly special and unusual, as other people can attest to. Here you may want to gather around yourself a group of outcasts and merge with them in the ecstasy of your own uniqueness.

Resigning yourself and becoming like everyone else is not the best option in this case, because it can lead to unexpected explosive reactions. Accepting your own difference from others in this case is important for being able to express your point of view, even if this does not find understanding in the person’s environment.

In an ideal scenario: the native's genius really sets him apart from others, and he finds equally unusual friends.

Lilith conjunct Neptune

A surreal vision of life dominates the native. Imagination is limitless, which provides opportunities for professional fulfillment in relevant industries. The danger lies only in the possibility of drowning in one’s own or collective unconscious, in the chance that this invisible pipe will burst and the native will be flooded. This is a potential risk group for alcohol and drugs, incubi and succubi, astral demons and other evil spirits. A person’s level of superstitions and false beliefs can go off scale.

In a positive scenario: a person is endowed with a high level of empathy, the ability to emotionally merge with others and understand them. This makes it possible to help them with more enthusiasm.

It is undesirable for such people to get involved in occult practices. Beware of water, gas, toxic substances and anything that can cause poisoning.

Lilith conjunct Pluto

Energy impulses are destructive, but deeply pushed into the subconscious.

Pluto brings cleansing and transformation, just like the Black Moon, but with a much deeper wild instinctive force. Lilith, although she brings distortions, does so with relative clarity of consciousness. There are, of course, people who experience clouding and do strange things under its influence, but by the middle of life, many of them begin to understand the “sinfulness” and wrongness of what is happening, and try to avoid its negative influence. With Pluto, the matter is more complicated: it gives wild and often destructive, poorly understood impulses.

The native fluctuates between complex, intense feelings and the desire for complete cleansing, liberation and even “nullification”. This is a rather destructive conflict, leading to serious internal destabilization. It can push a person to dive into the subconscious in order to understand it, master it and guide him along the path of constructive transformation.

Lilith conjunct the North Node (Rahu, Ascending Node)

The connection, although difficult, acts as a powerful compass on the path of soul development. True, it creates a lot of tests and checks. But what cannot but rejoice is that it brings clarity, a clear understanding of what we should strive for, and what, on the contrary, should be thrown out, discarded and sent to the cesspool of the South Node.

Lilith conjunct the South Node (Ketu, Descending Node)

Such a connection forces a person to reconnect with his deeply buried roots, to re-enter the path that was supposedly interrupted in past incarnations. Gradually, you manage to get rid of restrictions, fears and prohibitions, and also recognize the true goals of your development. As a rule, they are first imposed from the outside, and then fully accepted by the native as his own desires, passions and aspirations.

* Do not forget that Lilith is only an additional factor, taken out of context, and drawing conclusions about the personality and essence of an individual based on her is fufufu! For each statement in the map, you need to look for several confirmations!