Romantic stories about love. Short stories for the soul - small emotional stories with meaning Short romantic love stories

Love stories, if it is true love, are not so easy to find. Just as it is difficult to find a person without weaknesses, it is also difficult to find love, without the vices of passion and selfishness. But there is love in this world! We will try to fill this section with love stories - from our time, and from more distant times.
All these short stories about love, except for the story by Yulia Voznesenskaya, are documentary, true evidence of how beautiful love can be. Love stories you've been looking for.

Love Story: Love is stronger than death

Tsarevich Nicholas and Princess Alice of Hesse fell in love with each other at a very young age, but the feeling of these amazing people was destined not only to take place and last for many, many happy years, but also to be crowned with an end, terrible and at the same time beautiful...
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"Love story"

It would seem that what I, a jumping firefly, could have in common with this quiet man! Nevertheless, we sit together whole evenings, talking. About what? About literature, about life, about the past. Every second topic he turns to talking about God...
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Love of a Russian soldier

In a deep forest near Vyazma, a tank was found buried in the ground. When the car was opened, the remains of a junior lieutenant tankman were found in place of the driver. In his tablet there was a photograph of his beloved girl and an unsent letter...
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Love Story: Man is like a blooming garden

Love is like a sea sparkling with heavenly colors. Happy is he who comes to the shore and, enchanted, harmonizes his soul with the greatness of the whole sea. Then the boundaries of the poor man’s soul expand to infinity, and the poor man then understands that there is no death...
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"Isaiah, rejoice!"

It was so funny at the marriage registration, after which we had to appear before the altar: the aunt at the registry office, having read out a ritual address to the newlyweds, invited us to congratulate each other. There was an awkward pause because we just shook hands...
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Love Story: A Boring Marriage

A married wife is like a Motherland or a Church, I have her, she is far from ideal, but she is mine, and there will be no other. The point is not that I myself, a far from perfect person, cannot count on a perfect wife, and not even that there are no such people in the world. The point is rather that the spring near your house is water, not champagne, and it cannot and should not be champagne.
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Love Story: Abdullah's Beloved Wife

Beautiful, smart, educated, kind and wise. She always admired me with her actions and dignity. She never liked it when people said about her: “Oh, how unfortunate!” “Why am I unhappy? I have a wonderful husband, famous, strong, I have a grandson. What, do you want a person to be absolutely happy?!”
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Moments of love

We don't know the names of these couples or their entire story, but we couldn't resist including these short stories about moments in the love story of these real people.
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Margarita and Alexander Tuchkov: fidelity to love

Fyodor Glinka in his “Essays on the Battle of Borodino” recalls that two figures wandered across the night field: a man in monastic attire and a woman, among huge bonfires on which peasants of the surrounding villages with blackened faces burned the bodies of the dead (to avoid epidemics). It was Tuchkova and her companion, an old hermit monk from the Luzhetsky Monastery. The husband's body was never found.
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“The Tale of Peter and Fevronia”: a test of love

Many people are familiar with the love story of Peter and Fevronia from school textbooks. This is the story of a peasant woman who married a prince. A simple plot, a Russian version of “Cinderella”, containing colossal inner meaning.
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Together on an Ice Floe (Little Summer Tale)

The conference room of the clinic at the Institute of Pediatric Oncology was located on the ground floor, where there were no hospital rooms, only a waiting room and offices, it was located far from the lobby, and therefore was never locked...
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Real life love stories that will not only make you think, but will warm your heart and even make you smile.

  1. Today my 75-year-old grandfather, who has been blind for 15 years due to cataracts, told me: “Your grandmother is the most beautiful woman on earth, isn’t she?” I thought for a second and said: “Yes, she is exactly like that. You probably really miss this beauty, now that you don’t see it.” “Darling,” my grandfather answered me. - I see her every day. To be honest, I see her much more clearly now than when we were young.”
  2. Today I married my daughter. Ten years ago, I rescued a 14-year-old boy from a minivan that was engulfed in flames after a serious accident. The doctors' verdict was clear - he would never be able to walk. My daughter visited him several times with me in the hospital. Then she started going there without me. And today I saw how, contrary to all predictions and smiling widely, he put the ring on my daughter’s finger - standing firmly on both feet.
  3. Today, as I approached the door of my store at 7 o’clock in the morning (I’m a florist), I saw a soldier in uniform waiting outside. As it turned out, he was on his way to the airport, from where he was supposed to fly to Afghanistan for the whole year. He said: "I usually bring my wife a beautiful bouquet of flowers every Friday and I don't want to let her down just because I'll be away from her." After these words, he ordered 52 bouquets of flowers from me and asked me to deliver them every Friday evening to his wife’s office until he returned. I gave him a 50% discount on everything - such love filled my whole day with light.
  4. Today I told my 18-year-old grandson that in all my school years I never went to the school prom because no one ever invited me there. And imagine - this evening, dressed in a tuxedo, he rang my doorbell and invited me to the school ball as his partner.
  5. When she woke up from her 18 month coma today, she kissed me and said, “Thank you for staying with me, for telling me these beautiful stories, and for always believing in me... And yes, I will marry you.”
  6. Today, while passing through the park, I decided to have a snack on a bench. And as soon as I unwrapped my sandwich, the car of an elderly couple stopped under an oak tree nearby. They rolled down the windows and turned on jazz music on the record player. Then the man got out of the car, opened the door and offered his hand to the woman, and after that they slowly danced under that same oak tree for half an hour.
  7. Today I performed surgery on a little girl. She needed blood of the first group. We didn't have her, but her twin brother also had the first group. I explained to him that this was a matter of life and death. He thought for a moment, and then said goodbye to his parents and offered his hand. I didn’t understand why he did this until after we took his blood, he asked, “When will I die?” He thought he was really sacrificing his life for his sister. Luckily, they will both be okay now.
  8. Today, my father has become the best father I could ever dream of. He's my mom's loving husband (and always makes her laugh), he's come to every soccer match I've been to since I was five (I'm 17 now), and he provides for our entire family as a construction worker. This morning, when I was looking through my dad's toolbox for pliers, I found a dirty piece of paper folded at the bottom. It turned out to be a page torn from my father's old diary, and it bore the date a month before I was born. It read: “I am nineteen years old, an alcoholic, a college dropout, an unsuccessful suicide, a victim of childhood abuse and a former car thief. And next month a “young father” will be added to all this. But I swear, I will do everything to make sure everything is fine for my baby. I will become for her the kind of father that I myself have never had.” And... I don’t know how, but he succeeded.
  9. Today my 8 year old son hugged me and said, “You are the best mom in the whole world.” I smiled and asked him: “How do you know this? You haven’t seen all the mothers of the whole world.” My son, in response to this, hugged me even tighter and said: “And you are my world.”
  10. Today I saw an elderly patient with Alzheimer's disease. He barely remembers his own name and often forgets where he is or what he said just a few minutes ago. But by some miracle (and I think this miracle is called love), every time his wife comes to visit him for a few minutes, he remembers who she is and greets her with “Hello, my beautiful Kate.”
  11. My 21 year old Labrador can barely stand up, can't see or hear much, and doesn't even have the energy to bark. But still, when I enter the room, she happily wags her tail.
  12. Today is the 10th anniversary of our marriage. My husband and I were recently laid off from our jobs, and so we agreed not to spend money on gifts for each other. When I woke up this morning, my husband was already up. I walked downstairs and saw that our entire house was lovingly decorated with beautiful wild flowers. I counted more than 400 of them - and he really didn't spend a cent on them.
  13. Today I met up with a guy I dated in high school and whom I never expected to meet again. He showed me a photo of the two of us, which he kept in the lining of his helmet for those 8 years while he served in the army far from me.
  14. Both my 88-year-old grandmother and her 17-year-old cat have long since gone blind. Grandma got herself a guide dog to help her move around the house, which is generally normal. But lately he has started leading the cat around the house too! When she meows, he comes over and rubs against her, then leads her to her bowl, sandbox, or wherever she sleeps.
  15. Today I was horrified to see through the kitchen window as my 2-year-old daughter slipped and fell into our pool. But before I could reach her, our retriever Rex jumped after her and pulled her by the collar of her shirt to where it was shallow and she was able to stand up.
  16. My older brother has already donated bone marrow to me 15 times to help me fight cancer. He talks directly to my doctor about it and I don't even know when he does it. And today the doctor told me that it seems that the treatment is starting to help. "We're seeing sustained remission," he said.
  17. Today I was driving home with my grandfather when he suddenly turned around and said, “I forgot to buy flowers for your grandmother. Now let's go to the corner store and I'll buy her a bouquet. I quickly". “Is today some special day?” I asked him. “No, I don’t think so,” my grandfather replied. “Every day is special in some way. And your grandmother loves flowers. They make her smile."
  18. Today I was rereading the suicide note I wrote on September 2, 1996, two minutes before my girlfriend knocked on my door and said, “I'm pregnant.” Suddenly I felt that I wanted to live again. Today she is my beloved wife. And my daughter, who is already 15 years old, has two younger brothers. From time to time I reread my suicide note to remind myself how grateful I am to have a second chance to live and love.
  19. Today, like every day since I returned from the hospital two months ago with burn scars on my face (I spent almost a month there after the fire that burned down our house), I found a red note taped to it on my locker. rose. I still don’t know what it takes to come to school early every day and leave me these roses. I even tried a couple of times to come early myself and catch this man - but every time I found the rose already there.
  20. Today 10 years have passed since my father's death. When I was little, he often hummed a short tune to me when I went to bed. When I was 18 and he was lying in a hospital room, fighting cancer, I was already humming that same melody to him. I have never heard it since then, until today in bed with my fiancé we looked at each other and he started humming it to himself. It turned out that his mother also sang it to him as a child.
  21. Today, a woman who lost her vocal cords due to cancer enrolled in my sign language class. Her husband, four children, two sisters, brother, mother, father, and fourteen of her best friends signed up with me to be able to communicate with her even though she had lost her voice.
  22. My 11-year-old son speaks ASL fluently because his friend Josh, with whom he grew up since infancy, is deaf. It makes me so happy to see their friendship blossom every year.
  23. Due to Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia, my grandfather no longer always recognizes his wife in the morning. A year ago, when it first started, she was very worried about it, but now she understands what is happening to him and helps him as much as she can. She even plays with him every morning, trying to get him to propose to her again before breakfast. And every time she succeeds.
  24. Today my father died of natural causes at the age of 92. I found his body in a chair in his room. On his hip lay three framed 8 x 10 photographs - these were photographs of my mother who died 10 years ago. She was the love of his life, and most likely, feeling his death approaching, he wanted to see her again.
  25. I am the proud mother of a 17 year old blind boy. Although my son was born blind, this did not stop him from becoming an excellent student, an excellent guitarist (the first album of his band has already exceeded 25,000 downloads online) and a great guy for his girlfriend Valerie. Today his little sister asked him what attracted him to Valerie and he replied, “Everything. She's beautiful."
  26. Today I served an elderly couple in a restaurant. The way they looked at each other... it was immediately clear that they loved each other. My husband mentioned that they were celebrating their anniversary today. I smiled and said: “Let me guess. You have been together for many decades.” They laughed and the wife said, “Actually, no. Today is our fifth anniversary. We both outlived our other halves, but fate gave us another chance to love and be loved.”
  27. Today my father found my sister chained to the barn wall. She was kidnapped near Mexico City almost 5 months ago. A week later, police called off the active search. Mom and I came to terms with the loss and arranged a funeral. Our family and her friends came to them - everyone except my father. All this time he, without ceasing, searched for her. He said he loved her too much to give up. And now she’s home again because he didn’t let them go then.
  28. There are two high school boys at my school who are openly in love with each other. In the last two years, they had to endure a lot of insults, but they continued to walk hand in hand. And, despite threats and frequent break-ins of their school lockers, they came to the school prom today in identical suits. And they danced together, smiling from ear to ear, in spite of all the envious people.
  29. Today my sister and I were in a car accident. At school, my sister is Miss Popularity herself. She knows everyone, and everyone knows her. Well, I’m a bit of an introvert - I always talk to the same 2 girls. My sister immediately posted on Facebook about the accident. And while all her friends left comments and expressed sympathy, two of my friends showed up at the scene of the accident even before the ambulance arrived there.
  30. Today my fiancé returned from an overseas military assignment. But just yesterday he was just my boyfriend... well, that is, that’s what I thought. Almost a year ago, he sent me a package that he asked not to open until he returned home in two weeks - but then his business trip was extended by almost 11 months. Today, when he finally returned home, he asked me to open that same package, and when I found a beautiful ring inside, he knelt in front of me and proposed to me.
  31. Today, for the first time in months, my 12-year-old son Sean and I stopped by the nursing home on our way home. I usually go there alone to visit my mother, who has Alzheimer's disease. As we walked into the hallway, the nurse said, “Hi, Sean,” and let us inside. I asked my son: “How does she know your name?” “Oh, yes, I often pop in here after school to visit my grandmother,” he answered. And I had no idea about it.
  32. Today I found in our papers my mother’s old diary, which she kept in high school. It contained a list of qualities she hoped to someday find in her boyfriend. This list is an almost exact description of my father, but my mother only met him when she was 27.
  33. Today at school I was doing a chemistry experiment with one of the most beautiful (and popular) girls in the whole school. And although I had never worked up the courage to even talk to her before, she turned out to be very kind and sweet. We spent time in the laboratory talking, joking, and in the end we still got straight A's (yes, she turned out to be smart too). After that, little by little we started communicating. Last week, when I found out that she had not yet chosen who to go to the school prom with, I wanted to ask her if she would go there with me, but again I didn’t have the courage. And today, when I was sitting in the school cafe, she herself came up to me and asked if I would like to go there with her. I agreed, and she kissed me on the cheek and whispered: “Yes”!
  34. Today, on our 10th anniversary, my wife gave me a suicide note that she wrote when she was 22, the very day we met. And she said: “All these years I really didn’t want you to know how stupid and impulsive I was then. But even though you didn’t know it before... you saved me. Thank you for everything".
  35. My grandfather always kept on his nightstand an old, faded photograph from the 60s of him and my grandmother laughing happily at a party. My grandmother died of cancer when I was 7 years old. Today I looked into his house and my grandfather saw me looking at this photograph. He came up to me, hugged me and said: “Remember, just because nothing lasts forever doesn’t mean it’s not worth it.”
  36. Today I tried to explain to my two daughters, ages 4 and 6, that we would have to move from our four-bedroom house to an apartment with just two until I found a new well-paying job. The daughters looked at each other for a moment, and then the youngest asked: “Are we all going to move there together?” “Yes,” I replied. “Well, it's all right then,” she said.
  37. Today on the plane I met the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Realizing that after landing we might not see each other again, I told her how beautiful she was. She smiled charmingly at me and said: “No one has said that to me for 10 years.” It turned out that we were both in our early thirties, unmarried, neither had children, and lived literally 5 miles from each other. And next Sunday, after we get home, we have a date.
  38. I am the mother of 2 children and grandmother of 4 grandchildren. At the age of 17 I became pregnant with twins. When my boyfriend and friends found out that I was not going to have an abortion, they all turned their backs on me. But I didn’t give up, didn’t drop out of school, got a job, graduated from college, and there I met a guy who has loved my children like his own for 50 years.
  39. Today, on my 29th birthday, I returned home from my 4th and final military deployment to distant lands. The little girl who lives next door to my parents (who, to be honest, is not little anymore - she's 22) met me at the airport with a beautiful long rose, a bottle of my favorite vodka, and then asked me out on a date.
  40. Today my daughter agreed to marry her boyfriend. He is 3 years older than her. They started dating when she was 14 and he was 17. I really didn’t like this age difference then. When he turned 18 a week before she turned 15, my husband insisted they end the relationship. They remained friends, but dated other people. But now that she's 24 and he's 27... I've never seen a couple so in love with each other.
  41. When I found out today that my mother came down with the flu, I stopped at the supermarket to buy her some ready-made soup. I ran into my father there, whose cart contained 5 cans of soup, nasal spray, tissues, tampons, 4 DVDs of romantic comedies and a bouquet of flowers. It made me stop and really think about everything.
  42. Today I was sitting on the hotel balcony and saw a couple in love walking along the beach. It was clear from the way they moved that they were crazy about each other. When they came closer, I was surprised to see that they were my parents. No one would say that 8 years ago they almost got divorced.
  43. I'm only 17, but my boyfriend, Jake, and I have been dating for 3 years. Yesterday we spent the first night together. No, we didn’t do “this” either before or this night. Instead, we baked cookies, watched two comedies, laughed, played Xbox, and fell asleep holding each other. Despite my parents' concerns, he turned out to be a true gentleman and the best guy.
  44. Today, when I tapped my wheelchair and told my husband, “You know, you are the only reason I would like to be free of this squalor,” he kissed my forehead and replied, “Honey, I don’t even notice him.”
  45. Today my grandparents, who were already over ninety and who had lived together for 72 years, both died in their sleep, not having lived without each other for an hour.
  46. Today my father came to my house for the first time in six months since I told him that I was gay. When I opened the doors, he hugged me with tears in his eyes and said, “I'm sorry, Jason. I love you".
  47. Today my 6 year old autistic sister said her first word - my name.
  48. Today, 15 years after my grandfather's death, my 72-year-old grandmother is getting married again. I am 17 years old, and in my entire life I have never seen her so happy. How nice it was to see two people so in love with each other, despite their age. And now I know it's never too late.
  49. Today in a jazz club in San Francisco I saw two people madly passionate about each other. The woman was a dwarf, and the man was two meters tall. After a few cocktails they went out onto the dance floor. To slow dance with her, the man knelt down - and they danced all night.
  50. This morning I was woken up by my daughter calling my name. I was sleeping in a chair in her hospital room, and when I opened my eyes, I saw her beautiful smile. She was in a coma for 98 days.
  51. On this day almost exactly 10 years ago, I stopped at an intersection and another car rear-ended me. Her driver was a University of Florida student - like me. He looked very guilty and constantly apologized. While we were waiting for the police and the tow truck, we started talking and soon we were laughing uncontrollably at each other’s jokes. As a result, we exchanged numbers, and the rest, as they say, is history. We recently celebrated our 8th anniversary.
  52. Today, when I was working in a cafe, two gay men walked in holding hands. As one might expect, a fair portion of the visitors began to openly stare at them. And then a little girl sitting at a table not far from me asked her mother why these two men were holding hands. Mom replied: “Because they love each other.”
  53. Today, after 2 years of living apart, my ex-wife and I finally settled our differences and decided to meet for dinner. We chatted and laughed for 4 hours on end. And before leaving, she gave me a large, plump envelope. It contained 20 love messages that she wrote over these two years. The envelope was signed “Letters I Didn’t Send Because I Was Stubborn.”
  54. Today I had an accident that left a deep abrasion on my forehead. The doctor wrapped a bandage around my head and told me not to take it off for a week - although I didn’t like it at all. Two minutes ago, my little brother came into my room - and his head was also wrapped in a bandage! Mom said he didn't want me to feel unhappy.
  55. Today, after a long illness, my mother died of cancer. My best friend, who lives 2000 miles away from me, called on the phone to at least somehow console me. “What would you do if I showed up at your house now and hugged you tightly?” - he asked me. “Well, I would definitely smile,” I answered. And then he rang my doorbell.
  56. Today, as my 91-year-old grandfather (military doctor, medal bearer and successful businessman) lay in his hospital bed, I asked him what he considered his greatest achievement. He turned to my grandmother, took her hand and said: “That I grew old with her.”
  57. When I saw my 75-year-old grandparents today acting like 14-year-olds in love and laughing at each other's stupid jokes, I realized that I had caught a brief glimpse of what true love is. I hope someday I will be able to find her.
  58. On this day exactly 20 years ago, I risked my life to save a woman who was being swept away by the fast current of the Colorado River. That's how I met my wife - the love of my life.
  59. Today, on our 50th wedding anniversary, she smiled at me and said, “I wish I had met you sooner.”
  60. Today my blind friend told me at length and colorfully how beautiful his new girlfriend is.

1. “My husband sometimes talks in his sleep.
One late evening I was reading a book in bed, my husband had already fallen asleep, and then I heard him having a funny dialogue with someone: “I love her very much. Everyone would like a wife like mine. Just don’t fucking even look in her direction!”
However, I got married successfully))"

2. “I’m one year older than my husband. When we met, we were teenagers and this difference seemed big, so we were just friends. They realized that they were made for each other when they saved each other’s lives within a week. First, in the recreation area, the boys, not knowing that he could not swim, pushed him into the pool. He began to drown, and I jumped after him and pulled him out. They barely pumped it out. Five days later we were on the bus, I was sitting, he was standing. A truck crashed into us, and he managed to pull me out of the place. Broke my arm, but saved my life.”

3. “I am a tetradophile: I adore paper stationery in all its forms, but I have the greatest passion for squared notebooks with a clip and always 48 sheets. There must be a perfect design outside and inside. Every time I choose a new favorite, I count the sheets in it, because I am afraid that it is not “virgin”. My girlfriend caught me doing this and had to explain everything to her, to which she calmly replied that she adores pencils. As a result, we were stuck in the bookstore for an hour and a half. Love her. And notebooks."

4. “There lived in our yard a guy who had cerebral palsy. He could walk, but his movements were chaotic, which made a terrible impression on me at the time. I was always a little afraid of him. One day, in high school, returning home, I saw him hobbling towards his wife with the same illness, who met him at the entrance every day. I will never forget the smiles of these people at the moment when they hugged. They found each other and were really happy together."

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5. “We have four children, and we accidentally went twice. And the wife has a secret place where she sometimes hides from the outside world with the cat - in the closet. I specifically bought her a huge sliding wardrobe, where she created a nook with a lamp, pillows and a coffee stand. Now my beloved has been admitted to the hospital for all sorts of procedures, and with grief I have put the children to bed, I am sitting in her closet with the cat, inhaling my favorite smell and bored like a boy.”

6. “My favorite man is a surgeon. And it just so happened that he performed the operation on me. After this action, he comes into my room, barely lying on the bed, sits down next to me and says: “Darling, you even have cute intestines.” I almost died there from emotion.”

7. “We don’t live richly. Enough to pay for housing and food. Well, we dress, barely making ends meet, and save money. This New Year I decided to give my husband a gift that he had long dreamed of. This is quite a large amount for us, more than my monthly salary. I saved for three months - I walked, I denied myself some things. When he took the box out from under the tree, his hands began to tremble. He paused and asked: Loan? Me: No, I was saving. For the first time I saw his tears flow. It’s moments like these that make life and love worth living.”

8. “In our city, in the warm season, on Sundays, dances are held in the cultural park. Old grandparents go there, my neighbor is a regular at the dance hall. She is 78, her husband died about 15 years ago. I recently received an invitation to a wedding from her. It turned out that she met her 84-year-old love at the dance. First they danced, and then he asked me to get married. She says that it is the strongest love of her life. We are thinking through tasks for the “bride price” with the whole house and are incredibly happy for our neighbor.”

9. “I work in an Italian lingerie store. A guy and a girl came, both about 25 years old. The guy held her hand the whole time and talked to me himself - he described the model of panties that he wanted for his girlfriend, and emphasized exactly how they should feel to the touch. Soft, lace. And only when I brought different models, I realized that the girl was BLIND. He let her feel the underwear, described the color, shape... all the while gently holding her by the shoulders. In the end they chose a few models and left. He led the girl by the hand, and she walked confidently next to him, although just five minutes ago she stood afraid to move in the store when he briefly released her hand. A tall, handsome guy and a blind girl."

10. “By nature, the owner of a shock of jet-black hair and very pale skin, if I brightly paint my eyes, I look like a real witch. Once I was riding on the subway to work, an old lady came in, looked at me and started crossing herself. I decided to make fun of it, began to pretend that I was doing magic and loudly enough to be heard, speak like Latin and make magical movements with my hands. The guy sitting next to me saw the chip and began to shake and roll his eyes, saying that he felt that something was possessing him, the grandmother was in shock, I could hardly hold back my laughter, the people in the carriage were choking with laughter... At my station the guy ran out after me . We’ve been married for 5 years, at the wedding the first toast was to the superstitious granny in the subway!”

11. “My grandparents are already about 70. I talked with my grandfather about his youth. Suddenly my grandmother came in and he said to me: “Here comes my universe!”
My grandfather compliments my grandmother better than my boyfriend compliments me.

12. “I was walking with my dog ​​in the courtyard of high-rise buildings, and I saw an elderly man walking around and asking everyone about one woman. He knew her last name, her place of work, and her dog. Everyone brushed it off, and no one wanted to remember this certain woman, but he walked around and asked and asked. It turned out that this was his first love, he arrived many years later in his hometown and the first thing he did was go to find out if she lived in the house where he first saw her and fell in love. In the end, a couple of guys about 14 years old called this woman. You should have seen their look when they met! Love doesn’t just disappear!”

Only true experts on the human soul can create short stories about love. It is not so easy to depict deep-seated experiences in a work of short prose. The Russian classic Ivan Bunin did an excellent job with this. Ivan Turgenev, Alexander Kuprin, Leonid Andreev and other writers also created interesting short stories about love. In this article we will look at authors of foreign and domestic literature, whose works contain small lyrical works.

Ivan Bunin

Short stories about love... What should they be? In order to understand this, you need to read Bunin's works. This writer is an unsurpassed master of sentimental prose. His works are examples of this genre. The famous collection “Dark Alleys” includes thirty-eight romantic stories. In each of them, the author not only revealed the deep experiences of his characters, but was also able to convey how powerful love is. After all, this feeling can change a person’s destiny.

Such short stories about love as “Caucasus”, “Dark Alleys”, “Late Hour” can tell more about a great feeling than hundreds of sentimental novels.

Leonid Andreev

Love for all ages. Talented writers dedicated short stories about love not only to the pure feelings of young people. For an essay on this topic, which is sometimes asked at school, the material can be the work of Leonid Andreev “Herman and Martha”, the main characters of which are extremely far from the age of Romeo and Juliet. The action of this story takes place in one of the cities of the Leningrad region at the beginning of the century. Then the place where the tragic event described by the Russian writer took place belonged to Finland. According to the laws of this country, people who have reached the age of fifty can marry only with the permission of their children.

The love story of Herman and Martha was sad. The closest people in their lives did not want to understand the feelings of two middle-aged people. The heroes of Andreev’s story could not be together, and therefore the story ended tragically.

Vasily Shukshin

Short stories about, if they are created by a real artist, are especially heartfelt. After all, there is nothing stronger in the world than the feeling that a woman experiences for her child. Screenwriter and director Vasily Shukshin told about this with sad irony in the story “A Mother’s Heart.”

The main character of this work is in trouble through his own fault. But the mother’s heart, although wise, does not recognize any logic. A woman overcomes unimaginable obstacles to free her son from prison. “A Mother’s Heart” is one of the most heartfelt works of Russian prose dedicated to love.

Lyudmila Kulikova

Another work about the most powerful feeling is the story “We Met.” Lyudmila Kulikova dedicated it to the love of her mother, whose life ends after the betrayal of her only beloved son. This woman breathes, talks, smiles. But she no longer lives. After all, the son, who was the meaning of her life, did not make himself known for more than twenty years. Kulikova's story is heartfelt, sad and very instructive. Mother's love is the brightest thing a person can have. To betray her would be to commit the greatest sin.

Anatoly Aleksin

A short story called “Homemade Essay” is dedicated to both maternal and youthful love. One day, Aleksin’s hero, the boy Dima, discovers a letter in an old thick encyclopedia. The message was written many years ago, and its author is no longer alive. He was a tenth grade student, and the addressee was a classmate with whom he was in love. But the letter remained unanswered, because the war came. The author of the letter died without sending it. The girl for whom the romantic lines were intended graduated from school, college, and got married. Her life went on. The mother of the author of this letter stopped smiling forever. After all, it is impossible to survive your child.

Stefan Zweig

The famous Austrian prose writer also created long and short stories about love. One of these works is called “Letter from a Stranger.” When you read the confession of the heroine of this short story, who all her life loved a man who did not remember her face or name, you become very sad. But at the same time, there is hope that a real sublime and selfless feeling still exists, and is not just an artistic invention of a talented writer.

Deep night. Somewhere a quiet breeze runs through, dispersing the last dust on the damp asphalt. A little rain at night added freshness to this stuffy, tortured world. Added freshness to the hearts of lovers. They stood hugging each other in the light of a street lamp. She is so feminine and gentle, who said that at 16 years old a girl cannot be feminine enough?! Here age does not matter at all, only the one who is nearby, the closest, dearest and warmest person on earth is important. And he is most glad that she is finally in his arms. After all, it is true that they say that hugs, like nothing else, convey all the love of a person, no kisses, only the gentle touch of his hands. Each of them in this minute, the minute of hugs, experiences unearthly feelings. The girl feels safe knowing that she will always be protected. The guy shows care, feels responsible - an unforgettable feeling towards his beloved and only one.
Everything was like the finale of the most beautiful film about happy love. But let's start from the beginning.