Drawing Cheburashka with children. Subject drawing "Cheburashka" outline of a drawing lesson (senior group) on the topic

Technological map of direct educational activities in the senior group.

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development."

Integration of educational areas: “Socio-communicative development”, “Speech development”.

MBDOU combined type kindergarten "Topolek".

Educator: Ochichenko I.V.

Topic: "Cheburashka".

Target: to develop children’s ability to create in a drawing the image of their favorite fairy-tale hero: to convey the shape of the body, head and other characteristic features.


    learn to draw an outline with a simple pencil (do not press too hard, do not trace the lines twice).

    consolidate the ability to carefully paint over an image without going beyond the outline, evenly, without gaps, applying strokes in one direction: from top to bottom or from left to right, or obliquely, with continuous hand movements.

Material: Landscape sheet of paper, pencil, colored pencils, crayons, Cheburashka toy.

- Guys, look at each other and smile, you go to the Iskorka kindergarten together and live in the same village.

I see all my friends standing in a wide circle. We will now go to the right, and then we will go to the left, we will gather in the center of the circle, smile, wink and we will begin to work.

Introductory and organizational

- Guys, do you like riddles?

Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it, just listen very carefully!

This sweet, strange darling

With a nameless toy

I was once in a store

He was waiting for a fairy tale in the window

And he waited. Became famous

With your wonderful fairy tale

Listen to me, baby:

He has a big ears,

It's brown

Everyone in the world loves him!

Every mongrel knows

Friend Gena………(Cheburashka)

That's right, well done! Of course, this is Cheburashka! You guessed it!

Children's answers


Motivational and incentive

Guys, you know, this same Cheburashka doesn’t have a mirror in his house, and he can’t look at himself. He never saw himself! And not even what color he is, and that he is very cute and handsome!

How can I help him?

Maybe we can help him?

Children's answers.

Children's answers.

Updating. Perception and assimilation of new things, expansion of existing ideas.

- Let's think together about what needs to be done to make him see himself.

Yes guys, he can see himself in the reflection of the water or look

cartoon “About the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka”, you can give him a mirror, and he will see himself in it, or you can draw him.

What do we need to draw Cheburashka?

Children's answers.

Updating. Perception and assimilation of new things, expansion of existing ideas

What color do you think we should take a pencil?

Zhora, where do you start drawing Cheburashka?

What should you draw next?

Guys, while we were talking about Cheburashka. He sat on the shelf and us

listened. Let's take him to our lesson?

Now you can take a closer look at it. Notice what his ears are like.

How many legs does he have?

What else do we see from him?

Does he have a tail?

Why is Cheburashka so sad?

Children's answers.

Children's answers.

Children's answers: large, located on the sides of the head, reminiscent

semicircle shape.


Children's answers: he has kind and beautiful eyes, a triangle nose.

- No.

Children's answers.

Independent work of children.

So let's quickly get to work. Let's draw Cheburashka and

we'll give it to him. You just need to remember one important rule: first we draw the outline with a simple pencil, and then very carefully paint over the image.

I remind the children: we apply strokes, not in one direction.

going beyond the contour.

- Take your pieces of paper, pencils and get to work.

Children draw.

The final stage

Review of works.

Do you think Cheburashka liked your work?

Which Cheburashka did you like best and why?

Guys, who did we draw today?

Why did we draw it?

Do you think we helped Cheburashka?

Let's say goodbye to Cheburashka, let him show his friend Gene

What artists are in our group?

Children's answers.

Children's answers.


Children's answers.

Lesson in the senior group on the topic of object drawing “Cheburashka”

Goal: Teach children draw Cheburashkafrom geometric shapes(ovals and circles)

Tasks : Learn to create an image of your favorite character in a drawing, conveying the shape and size of the head, torso and other characteristic features.

Strengthen the ability to convey position subject in space on a sheet of paper, taking into account its proportions((the object is elongated in height, so we place it vertically on the sheet)

Learn to draw outline with a simple pencil with light pressure so that when painting there are no hard lines left to stain the drawing.

Material for work: a sheet of white A-4 paper, simple pencils (for drawing the outline of the Cheburashka) and colored pencils (for coloring)

Visual material: portrait of Cheburashka or toy Cheburashka.

The song about Cheburashka plays, the children sit down at the tables

Children guess the riddle.

This sweet, strange darling

With a nameless toy

I was once in a store

He was waiting for a fairy tale in the window,

And he waited.

Listen to me, baby:

He has a big ears,

It's brown

Everyone in the world loves him

Every mongrel knows

Friend Gena...


Educator: Guys, let's all watch the cartoon “Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka” together.

After watching the cartoon, invite the children to draw Cheburashka.

We inform you that we will draw Cheburashka from geometric shapes. Examination of the sample.

Questions from the teacher - answers from children

1. What parts does Cheburashka consist of?(head, paws, torso)

2. What shape is the head?(round)

3. What else is Cheburashka round in shape?(y Cheburashka round ears and eyes)

4. Which is larger, head or ears?(head larger than ears)

5. What can we say about our friend’s torso? What shape is it(oval body)

6. What can we say about the size of the torso?(the body is larger than the head and it is oval)

7. Look carefully at what geometric figure Cheburashka’s legs look like? (legs look like ovals)

8. Cheburashka’s paws also resemble… . (ovals)

9. Are the legs and paws the same?(legs larger than paws)

10. Correct. Cheburashka's pawslook like elongated ovals.

11. Let's take a closer look at what else is on Cheburashka's head(eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows)

12. Correct. The eyes, mouth and nose are located on the face of our guest. What shape is the muzzle(round muzzle)

13. Look carefully at the body of our guest, what detail have we not mentioned yet?


14. Which breast? (The breast is small, oval, orange.)

15. What is Cheburashka’s body covered with?

(Cheburashka's body is covered with fur.)

16. What color is the wool?(The fur is dark brown.)

17. Is Cheburashka all brown?(No, his face and chest are orange)

We will draw the outline of Cheburashka with a simple pencil.

I suggest turning the sheet of paper vertically, since the hero is elongated in height.

1 step. At the top of the sheet draw a large round head(big circle).

Inside this circle, a smaller circle is the muzzle.

Step 2 On both sides of the head we will draw ears: two circles slightly smaller in size than the head.

Step 3 Below the head we will depict a large, oval body(large oval) .And then we draw the chest in the form of a small oval; Cheburashka has no neck.

4 step. Then we will draw two small ovals at the bottom of the body - these are the legs.

Step 5 All that remains is to draw the paws. They will resemble elongated ovals. Paws can take anything position : be lowered, directed to the sides, hidden behind the back.

There are cocottes on its paws, with which it clings to tree branches.

Look, our Cheburashka is ready.

All that remains is to color it.

Finishing the details.

The works are placed at the exhibition for consideration.

Guys, what is another name for our drawings?(Our drawings are also called portraits.)

Svetlana Makarova

This year we held masterclass on subject drawing in the senior group. Bulatova N.M. clearly taught step by step draw colleagues. After this event, I showed my colleagues lesson on the topic"Subject drawing Cheburashka"

Master class on subject drawing in the senior group.

Drawing« Cheburashka» .

1. Creating interest and desire in children draw Cheburashka. (Game moment).

Children enter group, there is a package on the table in front of them. The teacher opens the package together with the children.

"Orange, more orange, lots of oranges"- says the teacher.

“Who is this guy hiding here?”.

“Do you guys know who it is?”

"This, Cheburashka» .

2. Motivation.

-Cheburashka: "I've never seen what I look like".

-“Guys, what should we do for our friend?” (Problem situation).

- "Look at the mirror,

Look into the puddle

We can have it draw».

-"Amazing. Cheburashka, guys are ready to help you, we will draw you.

3. We inform you that draw Cheburashka we will be made of geometric shapes.

4. Examination of the sample.

Questions from the teacher. Expected student responses(children).

1. What parts does it consist of? Cheburashka or What Cheburashka has? (head, paws, torso)

2. What shape is the head? (ROUND)

3. What else do you have Round cheburashkas(y Cheburashka round ears and eyes)

4. Which is larger, head or ears? (head larger than ears)

5. What can we say about our friend’s torso? What shape is it (oval body)

6. What can we say about the size of the torso? (the body is larger than the head and it is oval)

7. Look carefully at what geometric figure the nlgi look like Cheburashki? (paws look like ovals)

8. Paws Cheburashkas also remind.... (ovals)

9. Are the legs and paws the same? (legs are larger than paws)

10. Correct. Paws Cheburashki look like elongated ovals.

11. Let's take a closer look at what else is on the head Cheburashki(eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows)

12. Correct. The eyes, mouth and nose are located on the face of our guest. What shape is the muzzle (round muzzle)

13. Look carefully at the body of our guest, what detail have we not mentioned yet?


14. Which breast? (The breast is small, oval, orange.)

15. What the body is covered with Cheburashki?

(Body Cheburashka covered with wool.)

16. What color is the wool? (The fur is dark brown.)

17. Touch and tell me what the fur feels like (The fur is soft and fluffy.)

18. Is it all Cheburashka brown(No, his face and chest are orange)

Game problem situation « Cheburashka I've never seen what he looks like".

We invite children to find a solution, how to help. (Look in the mirror, look into the puddle, draw it.)

We invite you to go to the tables, to draw our guest.

We use the method of step-by-step depiction of the teacher together with the children.

Draw the outline of Cheburashka Let's use a simple pencil.

Paper I suggest rotate vertically, since the hero is elongated in height.

1 step. At the top of the sheet draw a large round head (big circle).

Inside this circle, a smaller circle is the muzzle.

Step 2 Let's draw on both sides of the head ears: two circles slightly smaller in size than the head.

Step 3 Below the head we will depict a large, oval body (large oval).And then we draw the breast in the form of a small oval, the neck No Cheburashka.

4 step. Then we will draw two small ovals at the bottom of the body - these are the legs.

Step 5 All that remains is to draw the paws. They will resemble elongated ovals. Paws can take anything position: be lowered, directed to the sides, hidden behind the back. I'll draw Cheburashka with paws down.

There are cocottes on its paws, with which it clings to tree branches.

Look, our Cheburashka is ready.

All that remains is to color it.

We have two types of paints to choose from, what kind of paints are they? (Gouache paints and watercolors.)

We still have two brushes in front of us. (Hard bristles and soft bristles.)

What brush will we use to create our Cheburashka turned out soft and fluffy?

(We'll be using a stiff bristle brush, a stiff brush.)

That's right, the brush should be hard and semi-dry.

If you choose watercolor for your work, then you previously you need to prepare the paint.

How will you do it (Using a soft brush we will drop a drop of water into the brown paint “let’s give her some water”.)

Very good. Gouache paint is ready to go.

We put paint on a brush and use the method "poke" We paint over the image without going beyond the outline. In order to paint the breast we need to change the paint. How do we do this (We will rinse the brush and dry it thoroughly on a cloth.)

Right. If possible, you can use another hard brush.

We paint the muzzle with a regular brush using movements from top to bottom or from left to right.

What is missing?

(It remains to depict the mouth, eyes, nose)

We can draw eyes right away, nose and mouth (no, the colors will run)

While the drawing dries, guess the riddle.

This sweet, strange darling

With a nameless toy

I was once in a store

He was waiting for a fairy tale in the window,

And he waited.

Listen to me baby:

He has a big ears,

It's brown

Everyone in the world loves him

Every mongrel knows

Friend Gena...

(Cheburashka) .

Finishing the details.

The works are placed at the exhibition for consideration.

Guys, what is another name for our drawings? (Our drawings are also called portraits.)

Which portrait did you like best and why?

To summarize lessons on behalf of Cheburashka.

All the portraits turned out wonderful.

Attention is drawn to errors.

(My ears could have been draw by - more) .

Now I know what I look like. Thank you guys. I, in turn, want to treat you to oranges.

Or evaluation of work by children.

Which Cheburashka did you like it the most and why?

I liked the portrait drawn by Dasha because on it Cheburashka is the fluffiest.

I like it Cheburashka, which drawn by Fun, because he turned out to be cheerful, he has fluffy fur.

I like it Cheburashka Alyosha U. because Alyosha I drew it large, in full sheet, at Cheb. Large, round head, oval body, paws with claws, he turned out to be very cheerful. Well done boys. Everything is very tried, were attentive and handled materials carefully. You guys are kind, sympathetic, and helped our guest see himself.

Abstract drawing classes in the senior group

Subject drawing« Cheburashka»

Target: Teach children draw Cheburashka from geometric shapes (ovals and circles)

Tasks: Learn to create an image of your favorite character in a drawing, conveying the shape and size of the head, torso and other characteristic features.

Strengthen the ability to convey position subject in space on a sheet of paper, taking into account its proportions(( the object is elongated in height, so we place it vertically on the sheet)

Learn paint outline with a simple pencil with light pressure so that when painting there are no hard lines left to stain the drawing.

Strengthen the skill paint different brushes ways: wide lines with the entire bristle, thin lines with the end of the brush.

Introduce the technique of painting with a semi-dry brush.

Learn to analyze and evaluate the finished work of yourself and your comrades. Tell your opinion. Develop coherent speech, enrich and activate children's vocabulary (portrait, oval, circle, geometric shapes, watercolor, gouache, pile, bristles, soft and fluffy)

Materials: Tape recording

Parcel with oranges and Cheburashka

2 brushes per child (soft and hard)

Sippy cup


There is a song about Cheburashka, children go to group on chairs placed in a semicircle.

There is a package in the center of the hall.

Teacher Children (suggested answers)

Guys, what is this? What do you think could be there? -(What's in the box?

Candies, toys)

Let's open the package and take a look (open the parcel)

This is an orange, another orange... Lots of oranges

And who is it (takes out Cheburashka) -(Cheburashka)

How do you think Cheburashka ended up in the box -(- Cheburashka I wanted to eat some oranges and climbed into the box. And people took and loaded all the boxes onto the ship. That's how he came to us.)

Guys, look Cheburashka is very sad, why do you think? - (He wants to go home. There are no friends)

Guys, he wants to say something in my ear.

The guys are sad because he has never seen what he looks like. How can we help him guys? -(-Look in the mirror

Look into the puddle

-Draw it(portrait)

Great idea! Now Cheburashka children will try to draw you. And you will see what you look like.

Guys what is the name of the image? Cheburashki in a word? (Image Cheburashka is called a portrait)

-Cheburashka Please sit down on a chair, and the guys and I will look at you carefully. What parts does it consist of? Cheburashka? (-Head, torso, arms, legs.

We bring children to the answer (paws)

Right! Well done!

What shape is the head? Cheburashki? -(Head Cheburashka round)

What's on your head? - (The head has large rounded ears, eyes, nose and mouth)

What shape is the torso Cheburashki-(torso Cheburashki oval shape)

What else do we see on the body? Cheburashki?-(Round orange breast.)

Let's look at what shape and size are our friend's upper paws? (Oval shape, there are claws on the paws)

What about the lower paws? (They are small, smaller. Oval shaped)

What kind of Cheburashka eyes?-(Large, black and white around.)

What else is there on the face? (Triangular spout mouth)

Look Cheburashka How interesting the guys told you about you.

Now let’s go to the tables to draw our friend.

And you, Cheburashka, make yourself comfortable and see how our children can paint.

Guys we will draw Cheburashka from geometric shapes. Remind me what they are called? - (ovals and circles)

We will draw with me.

leaf I suggest put it vertically and take a pencil.

We draw the outline with a simple pencil.

1) At the top of the sheet draw a large rounded head. Inside the circle we will place a smaller circle - this is its muzzle.

2) On both sides of the head draw big ones, round ears.

3) Under the head we draw a large oval - the body. No neck Cheburashki.

4) Below we will depict two small paws in the form of ovals.

5)Draw the upper paws in the form of elongated ovals. There are small claws on the paws. With them he clings to trees.

6)U Cheburashkas are big, round eyes, there is another circle inside them, it will be black.

We will also draw raised eyebrows and a smiling mouth.

How wonderful you are drew. It's time to color it.

What is the body covered with? Cheburashki?-(Body covered with fur)

Right. Feel what it feels like. - (soft, fluffy)

What color is she? (The fur is brown.)

You have two different brushes prepared on the table. Look at them and tell us which brush we will use to decorate the fur Cheburashki to make it fluffy (hard)

And my face and chest I suggest you paint with a soft brush with smooth movements from top to bottom or left to right with orange or light brown.

Now let’s change the brush and start painting the fluffy fur.

Remind me of what a brush with stiff bristles is afraid of? (water)

First, we lightly wet it with water and wipe it dry. like a towel.

That's right, so if we need paint of a different color, then we will wash it and?

(Wipe it dry with a cloth.)


And so now using the poking method with a semi-dry brush we will paint over the body Cheburashki, let's make it fluffy.

Left draw eyes, eyebrows and nose. Is it possible to do this right away?

Why (the paint is not dry and the image will blur)

In the meantime, while it dries, we will solve riddles.

This strange, sweet darling

A nameless toy

I was once in a store

He was waiting for a fairy tale in the window

And waited until he became famous

I tell you my fairy tale is wonderful.

Listen to me baby:

He has a big ears

It's brown

Everyone in the world loves him.

Every mongrel knows

Friend Gena ---

Well done guys, you guessed the riddle correctly. The time has come finish drawing our Cheburashka.

I suggest Place your finished works at our exhibition and view them.


Cheburashka, look with the guys at the resulting work.

What else can you call your drawings? - (Portrait)

Guys. look at the portraits and tell me which one you liked best and why? - (I liked which one drawn by Rita. Because he is beautiful and fluffy. He has a big head and ears. Oval body and claws, etc.)

And you Cheburashka Which portrait did you like? (All works are good. Guys they tried, well done! Thank you very much everyone. Now I know how beautiful, fluffy I am with beautiful kind eyes. For being such great guys. let me treat you to oranges.

Summary of GCD for drawing in the senior group on the topic

“My favorite toy is Cheburashka,” 12/07/2015.

Target: developing the ability to draw a fairy-tale character;


Learn to convey the shape of the body, head and other characteristic features;

Learn to draw an outline with a simple pencil;

Strengthen the ability to carefully paint over an image without going beyond the outline;

Develop attention, perseverance, fine motor skills;

Strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational point:

Listening to a song about Cheburashka.

2. Main part:

Showing toys.

How did you recognize him? (He is small, but his ears are big, etc.)

Consideration of Cheburashka.

Teacher's story about the appearance of Cheburashka.

Far, far away, in the rainforest, people were collecting oranges in crates and boxes. Cheburashka wanted to eat oranges, climbed into the box, ate oranges and fell asleep. People took all the boxes, loaded them onto the ship and brought them to us on the Black Sea. This is how Cheburashka came to us.

Cheburashka asks riddles about her friends:

1. He plays the harmonica,

He sings the song cheerfully.

And without losing heart,

All the people love to listen.

He will promise you too

Something that will work for you once a year.

(Crocodile Gena)

2. Long nose, sly look,

Loves all the guys very much

Karabas is not afraid

And he is ready to fight him (Pinocchio)

3. Here's a funny little man

There's a motor on his back

He lives under the very roof,

Loves to eat delicious cake.

He flies to visit the children,

And eats everyone at a party


4. The little bear loves honey,

Sings a song loudly

Bees hear - they won't understand

Who's singing so loudly here?

(Winnie the Pooh)


I was once strange

A toy with no name

Which one in the store

Nobody will come. (half squats with the body turned left and right, arms bent at the elbows, thumbs pressed to the ears, the remaining fingers spread, palms facing forward (Cheburashka’s ears)

Now I am Cheburashka,

I like every mongrel

When meeting, he immediately gives his paw. (In a stand with legs apart, turn with stepping, tilting left and right, arms to the sides)

Practical part: drawing.

Playback: We will draw Cheburashka using geometric shapes. Which ones? (Circle and oval)

Playback: Right. What parts of the body will we draw using a circle? (Head, ears)

And which ones using an oval? (torso, paws)

Playback: Well done boys. Now look at the order in which we will draw. Teacher's demonstration.

3. Final part. Bottom line.

Farewell to Cheburashka to the music. Treat from Cheburashka.

“I was once a strange, nameless toy, Which no one would approach in the store...”

In this lesson you will learn how to draw Cheburashka with pencil. But first I'll puzzle your brain and make it fuss a little:

  1. There is a book called “Gena the Crocodile and His Friends.” Its author, Eduard Uspensky, came up with a funny furry creature with big ears.
  2. But Cheburashka did not want to live long in the dusty pages of books. And with the presentation of Roman Kachanov, we all saw touching, compassionate eyes on the screens of the zombie box... And since it was in 1969, it was really a box. As a rule, even the black and white image made everyone crazy happy.
  3. By the way, the words of the drawn-out song about a strange toy were rhymed by Uspensky himself.
  4. And Vladimir Shainsky made these words sound to the chords. Talent!!! By the way, at 86 years old, he is still cheerful and cheerful. You and I weren't even close.
  5. Our big-eyed friend speaks in the voice of Klara Rumyanova... Yes, yes, yes! J speaks in a woman's voice, not in a man's bass voice.
  6. In general, since 1969, an animal unknown to science named Cheburashka has been living in the world, and the most advanced people argue about its gender. And there are no arguments in either direction... Probably a Cheburashka of a special gender.

How to draw a Cheburashka with a pencil step by step

Well, now let's start drawing... Just five steps. Step one Let's start with the head. At the top of the sheet, in its center, draw a large circle. On the left and right sides of it are ears. They are also round and quite large, but smaller than the head. Let's draw the body - it's a large oval. All that remains are arms and legs.
Step two Transform the outlined figures into body parts. Let's outline the head and then the ears. One leg of the Cheburashka is hidden behind the back. Let's draw a T-shirt and legs.
Step Three Let's outline the outline of the head to get the face. Let's show two big eyes. High above them are small rounded eyebrows. All that remains is to outline the triangular nose and small mouth. A finger reaches to the mouth. Now let's pay attention to the ears.
Step Four Let's draw the eyes, or rather the pupils. Now let’s dress our Cheburashka in a fur coat. At the same time, pay attention to the bangs and ears.
Step five Let's draw a small ornate design on our hero's T-shirt. Well, almost ready. All that's left to do is color it.
I look forward to your comments and new ideas for writing lessons! Do you also want to draw other cartoon characters? Try it.