Drawing a library. Children's library: “We draw all year round Photos on the theme library

Below we consider libraries in C/C++ that can be used to develop a library for generating 2D financial charts and technical analysis indicators.

The main requirements are:

  • Availability of C/C++ API.
  • Availability of adequate documentation with examples.
  • Availability of a Python package for experiments.
  • Relatively high speed of the Python package when drawing >30,000 lines.
  • Correct work with fonts, support for pixel fonts and the ability to disable anti-aliasing.

Summary to consider:

  • Pillow for working in Python - fast, documentation available.
  • gMagick++ or Magick++ for C/C++ extension are fast and well documented on the ImageMagick website.
  • SKIA or Cairo for working with vector graphics.

GraphicsMagic (Magick++)

Extension for the C++ fork of the GraphicsMagick library of the ImageMagick library. Using the library, you can draw, process pictures and save in various formats. Unlike its parent (IMagick), the developers focus on performance, optimization and security.

The PgMagick Python package can work with both GraphicsMagick and ImageMagick. The library is integrated into Python using Python-Boost. Unlike Wand-Py, it works tens of times faster, but at the same time has worse documentation for Python (you need to look for everything in the documentation of the Magick++ C++ extension).

ImageMagick (Magick++)

Extension for C++ of the popular ImageMagick (IMagick) library. Using the library, you can draw, process pictures and save in various formats.

Wand-Py is extremely slow compared to Pillow (a fork of the standard PIL library for Python). Could not solve problems with fonts (adds anti-aliasing and blurring).


Library written in C for rendering vector graphics. Contains functions for drawing 2D images. An advantage noted (on forums) is good documentation. It works slower than SKIA (there is a comparison on the Internet).


Graphics library written in C++ for rendering vector graphics. Used in Google Chrome, Chrome OS, Mozilla Firefox, Android. Supported by Google. The documentation is scant, but there are examples. Compared to Cairo it works faster.

AGG (Anti-Grain)

A raster graphics library written in C++. The latest version was released in 2006. There is speculation that this library is the basis of PIL for Python (and Pillow).

Dear Colleagues!

Preparations for the start of the new school year are in full swing. It is very important that the school library meets its readers clean, beautiful, and updated. But what if there was no repair, no new books were received? You can always find a way to attract and surprise readers! Firstly, to restore order, secondly, to plant landscaping (tidy up existing flowers and plant new ones), and thirdly, to arrange beautiful exhibitions. Today I'll talk about creating reference bibliographic aids that will attract the attention of readers.

Bibliographic index is a bibliographical manual of quite a significant volume with a complex structure and reference apparatus. Its main part is bibliographic records of books and articles, often annotated, which are organized in a certain way. Most often, in indexes designed for children and adolescents, the material is grouped into topics, which are arranged in a logical order depending on the problem being covered.

Bibliography is a bibliographical guide of small volume with a simple structure without auxiliary indexes. Lists for children are often


Bibliographical aids-toys- not a new, but still relevant form of bibliographic aid for schoolchildren. Anyone who works with children can come up with a library toy. Library toys bring brightness and imagery that is attractive to children to the information environment of the library, help enhance its visibility, and make it child-friendly.

The reader recommends...

All photos from the Internet
Colleagues! I wish you good luck in creating library toys! I would be glad if you share your ideas! Write N [email protected]

Literature brings new knowledge and fills us with unforgettable impressions. Undoubtedly, in the era of technology, it is difficult for a paper book to withstand competition, but as Baurzhan Toyshibekov noted, “A civilized person spoils his eyesight with TV, and a cultured person with a book.” Today you will learn step-by-step instructions for depicting this treasure trove of humanity.

Step by step

Draw with a pencil

Open book

Closed book #1

Closed book #2


For children

For beginners

Stack of books


How to draw a book step by step

Drawing this storehouse of knowledge is quite simple. Let's look at everything step by step.

Stage 1
Make a sketch of the future volume. Draw a rectangle slightly at an angle. Draw a vertical line in the middle of the rectangle.

Stage 2
As you already understand, the volume will be open. Therefore, it is necessary to depict slightly folded pages. To do this, draw 2 curved lines from the vertical line at the top and bottom, as shown in the figure. Also note that at this stage you need to draw the crust of the binding.

Stage 3
Now add details, such as a bookmark. On the sides and bottom, using light hand movements, draw lines that recreate the sides of the publication. Erase all extra lines.

Stage 4
Apply light and dark strokes for greater realism. Can be supplemented with pictures and lines.

How to draw a book with a pencil

As mentioned earlier, it is easy to depict a book. The pencil drawings are simple in execution, but look decent and believable.

Using a non-greasy pencil, draw the axis. The entire drawing will be based on it. Next, make a sketch of the pages that are unfolded in front of you. They can be depicted using slightly bent quadrangles.

At the bottom, draw an arc and straight lines from it, diverging in different directions. This is how you outline the cover and binding. Draw the remaining pages in the form of rectangles, as shown in the example.

Draw the cover with a thicker pencil and erase unnecessary lines. Your drawing is ready!

Open book

To create the feeling of inspiring bliss from reading your favorite book, picture it open.

As you know, there are soft and hard covers. The main differences are in how the sheets of paper are assembled, how they are held together, and the material from which the cover is made. Hardcover editions look more prestigious and are more practical than paperback books.

When depicting an unfolded volume, it is necessary to take into account the type of binding, look at the example.

Sketch with light strokes.

Draw the binding crust, the fold of the pages and the main body.

Erase the auxiliary lines. Trace the outline of the book. Complete the lines and pictures. Create a shadow effect with crisscrossing strokes.

Closed book

In principle, the closed edition is a parallelepiped, so it is quite simple to depict it.

Do not press too hard on the pencil and sketch out the sketch. Take a look at the example below.

Using a thicker pencil, outline the main features of the textbook and draw the pages with strokes of different lengths. Write the title of the textbook on the cover. Use short strokes to convey the shadow.

One more example

Here is another example of an image of a closed textbook. The principle is the same, so the explanations are not repeated.

Antique book

The ancient edition is particularly beautiful; not only the text, but also their whole soul was put into each page. They applied all sorts of patterns, frames and pictures. And the cover is a whole work of art.

In the unfolded edition, the cover itself is not visible, so it is easier to depict it this way. Take a look at the following step-by-step instructions and try to imitate such an antique.

Don't be afraid to experiment and improvise.

Add bright colors to the finished drawing! That's how interesting it turned out.

Drawing example for children

You need to instill a love of reading from childhood. Therefore, read fairy tales to your child, and then offer to draw a book.

The story is read, the book is closed. And on top lies a reward - an apple. Start your drawing with it.

Then draw parallel lines as shown in the example. To make it easier for your child, offer to draw under a ruler.

Color as you wish. That's how great it turned out!

Drawing example for beginners

Below is an example of an image that even a novice artist can master.
Start with the side crust. Draw parallel lines to create a closed textbook array.

Then draw the outline of the entire volume. Add some light touches to present the pages. That's it, ready!

Drawing a stack of books

When you have already learned to draw one textbook, try to draw a whole stack of textbooks lying on the table. Follow the diagram below.

Make the covers multi-colored. It will be brighter and more interesting.

Drawing a bookshelf

When we look at a bookshelf, we only see the side crusts. Essentially, you draw rectangles of different sizes. For realism, you can draw a couple of textbooks at an angle.

The most difficult process is to apply chiaroscuro correctly. Look at how the books are depicted in the sample.

Write the names on the sides. It is not necessary to write words, it is enough to make the appearance of some kind of inscription. You can also depict an unfolded book on a nearby shelf.

Video lessons

Mom-reviewer Daria Vasilevskaya and four-year-old son Maxim talk about their impressions of the book by the Japanese artist Taro Gomi, in which you can and should draw on 365 pages!

“We paint all year round. 365 days of creativity" from the publisher "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" is a thick, weighty album from Japanese artist Taro Gomi in the “invent and draw it yourself” style and as many as 365 pages with creative tasks to develop the imagination. For example: “What’s in this cup?”, “Come up with a topping for pizza”, “What can you see from your window?”, “Paint a T-shirt for a boy”, “Create labels for these cans”, etc.

Probably, when parents see these drawings they will say “uh... what an incomprehensible doodle,” but children should like it, because the Japanese artist Taro Gomi draws in the style of children’s doodles. Many readers liked his unusual style, because Gomi is a popular author of more than 400 books for children, translated into 15 languages. His “Stories” were published in Russia. Album for the development of creativity" and "Animals. Album for the development of creativity."

I’ll tell you how the book “Drawing All Year Round” is organized. On each page there is a black and white drawing, a lot of free space and an assignment with various questions, for example: what are you having for dinner (a plate is given); what he is holding in his hand (the hand is shown); what flowers are in the vases (several vases are given); come up with a hairstyle for her (a face without hair is shown).

A real haven for little dreamers - you can color it, you can finish it, and, if you can, figure out what to depict.

The tasks are different - for any age and level of difficulty. An example of a difficult task: “what word starting with the letter O can describe this day”, “draw an incredulous expression on his face”, “what is she singing about”.

The book is marked 3 years and older. However, in my opinion, you shouldn’t open it before the age of five or six, otherwise instead of circles, animals, hearts and birds there will be only colored strikethroughs and strokes. All children, of course, are different, but it seems to me that a child of five or six years old can more consciously and clearly draw the mood of a character, animals, a family portrait - then the album will be more useful for the development of creative skills.

From cons I can note that there are several drawings of hieroglyphs for Japanese children, for example: “this is how the word strength is written in Japanese.” But if you're being picky, the book is Japanese! And perhaps not all parents will like the author’s illustrations in the “children’s doodles” style.

From advantages: This is an excellent gift edition, a useful album for developing imagination, which can be used when traveling on public transport. Will I buy more albums by this artist? Definitely yes! (in a whisper: and I’ll give it to the child at 5 years old, not earlier).

Our drawings:

*to enlarge – click on the picture

In the first days of winter, a demonstration course “Drawing a Library” was held at the branch library No. 17 named after A. S. Green. The talent and creative energy of the library's friends created a special atmosphere of the creative workshop. Here, students of the OKRA art studio worked on an unusual graphic series, under the guidance of the talented artist and teacher Nadezhda Mikhailovna Kavulich.

The young artists were faced with a difficult task: to capture the interiors of the “Grinovsky” library, the atmosphere of its cozy halls, the surroundings and paraphernalia of the world of books and reading using lines and color, tonal method and various techniques.

Surprisingly, everyone has their own library: catalog boxes, pianos, book exhibitions, paintings on the walls, shelves... Creative reading of the environment is an extremely important skill for an artist, and mastering it is not so easy. Therefore, the professional guidance of a master, the advice of an experienced mentor, the ability to observe, listen and hear, to work thoughtfully and painstakingly are honed in such “studies”. It is also an invaluable experience in the socialization of an artist.

The “OHRAvtsy” studios have already participated in sketch sessions and exhibitions within the framework of the library project platform AZBUKART, and now, at the end of this fruitful and very interesting year, a new object for the joint development of urban and cultural space.

It is wonderful that the city’s library system is becoming a place of attraction for creative people of different ages, a kind of creative co-working space, convenient not only for reading artistic, journalistic or specialized texts, but also for visual context. This is a continuation of the best library traditions and innovations that give a lot of impressions, become for all of us an experience of interaction and the daily achievement of the most excellent results.

Thus, the drawings of the guys from the OKRA art studio will complement the second digital catalog of reportage drawings, which will be available for viewing by everyone on the official website of the Centralized Library System and in library branch No. 17 on the North Side.

Allow yourself the pleasure of creativity!

M. I. Trukhan, head of library-branch No. 17 of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Sevastopol “Central Library for Adults”