Step-by-step instructions for receiving monthly payments from maternity capital funds. All about receiving and spending maternity capital funds

Today, maternal capital is one of the very popular and sought-after government social programs, the main task of which is to support families who have decided not to have or adopt a second and subsequent children. Agree, the appearance of a child in a family is always associated with a large number of troubles, worries and problems, and most of them are inextricably linked with the financial side. It was precisely in order to overcome the existing barrier and level out the expenses of young families that a program called “Maternity Capital” was adopted.

Probably everyone well understands and is aware of the fact that, like any other social program, maternity capital also experiences all the hardships of inflation and economic instability, while it has already become known that for this year the budget of the Russian Federation is simply There is no provision for indexation or other options for increasing the amount of capital. But you shouldn’t get too upset and panic right away, since as an anti-crisis measure the Government decided to make a one-time payment from maternity capital, and the period for transferring such a payment will be 10 days. In order to fully understand all the features, subtleties and nuances of this issue, you should dwell on the topic of a lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2018.

How much will the payment be?

Today, the situation with a one-time payment from maternity capital is as follows - the amount is 25,000 rubles. It is this amount that is established and prescribed in Law No. 181-F3 of 2016. According to this legislation, each family that is a participant in the Maternity Capital program has every right to apply for a one-time lump sum payment, the amount of such benefit is exactly 25,000 rubles, and initially this payment was 20,000 rubles. But many families have another question: are they entitled to a payment if they have already used it at least once?

The law states and establishes that even if parents used the method provided by the state to compensate for their expenses for children, no one takes away their right to re-payment.

Although it is worth remembering that those families who received a certificate before September 30, 2016 and have not yet spent or directed it to targeted needs have the right to payment, remember that this payment is made directly from the principal amount of capital, the size of which was last 2017 year was 453,026 rubles. And it is from this amount that you can quite legally take 25,000 rubles. But the remaining balance after receiving a one-time payment can continue to be spent in one of four directions.

How and where to receive payment?

In order to receive a one-time payment from maternity capital, you must write and submit a special application to the Pension Fund authorities, as well as attaching the certificate for social benefits to it.

In order to become more familiar with all the rules and requirements for filing the relevant application, as well as the submission procedure and the list of required documents, you can simply go to the official website of the Ministry of Labor, where all this information is posted in full. The most important thing to remember is that these Rules imply the simultaneous submission of an application for the issuance of the certificate itself and an application for the announced amount from it. But, the time for filing such an application is always limited by the time frame, so you should not delay this issue too much, since most likely the filing deadline will only be until November 30. But the payments themselves will be made until the New Year holidays.

Will there be a payment?

Another very interesting and controversial question is whether there will be this payment at all in 2018, since the issue of the extension and existence of the program itself is not entirely clear. Today, there has been no official statement about the cancellation of such a payment, so most likely this program will be extended. But deputies from the LDPR introduced a bill for consideration, according to which the size of the one-time payment should be doubled and amount to 50,000 rubles. But this project was rejected and sent for revision. It is worth saying that rumors about upcoming payments, about their cancellation or increase or even decrease, are constantly circulating, since there is a fairly logical and simple explanation for everything, because the country’s economy is not going through the best of times, so many are afraid and worried about their money and the certificate simply did not burn out.

It was expected that a law would be adopted, according to which payments from maternity capital in cash would become possible. A similar law was in force until 2017, when it was possible to obtain 25 thousand rubles. The Liberal Democratic Party of Russia came up with a similar initiative. The deputies proposed: Each family has the right to withdraw 50 thousand rubles a year from the maternity capital account for household needs specified in writing. Moreover, if a corresponding application is submitted, the amount could be increased. There was no need to wait until the child was three years old.

Many in the country were confident that the law would be adopted as early as 2019, and families could withdraw cash annually and use it at their discretion. But the State Duma is in no hurry to approve such an initiative. According to the latest news, the project has been returned to its developer. Now there is no chance that it will be adopted in the form proposed by the LDPR.

What is currently known?

In 2019, families will not be able to withdraw cash and use it for household needs. Recent news coming from various media outlets indicates that the law simply was not adopted.

It was not even submitted for consideration in the first reading. But to pass a bill, seven important points are required:

  1. Consent of the majority of State Duma deputies who are present at the meeting at the time the decision is made.
  2. Approval of the project (and in each reading, and there are several of them).
  3. Adoption of the law. Then it will be necessary to introduce the adopted amendments to the current legislation.
  4. Signature of the President of Russia under this document.
  5. Publication of the decision in various sources, including regulations. The adopted law must be publicized through the media.
  6. Adoption of various by-laws, if required.
  7. Adapt the adopted law to the new budget expenditure item for the coming year.

That is, you don’t need to be a lawyer or know well the specifics of the adoption of laws to understand how far the project was from consideration. Therefore, payments from maternity capital (50 thousand rubles in cash) for family needs are impossible.

Russian President's proposal

Vladimir Putin closely watched the developments. Therefore, the president proposed replacing the annual payment of 50,000 rubles under the certificate with a payment once a month to families who have a second child. The amount depends on the cost of living at the time of payment.

According to the president’s initiative, once a month a family that has a second child will receive an amount not exceeding one and a half times the subsistence level.

At the moment, this option is considered the only one when it comes to receiving money from the certificate that Russian families receive for the birth of a baby.

The president's initiative was received positively, including for the reason that the family can spend the amount received for a variety of purposes. At your own discretion. It is planned that parents will receive payments for the birth (or adoption) of a second child until he turns one and a half years old. For this to happen, it is necessary to fill out the appropriate application before the baby reaches the age of six months. If for some reason mom and dad missed the moment, and the application was submitted later than the established deadlines, then payments will begin only from the month the request was submitted.

This initiative has a much better chance of being accepted. As for the project of 50 thousand rubles from maternity capital, it no longer has a chance of advancement. The deputies who initiated such a project assumed that 50 thousand rubles would be enough to solve various everyday problems. For example, funds could be spent at any time on:

  • Treatment of daughters and sons, including payment for trips to various sanatoriums.
  • Renovation work in one or more rooms. For 50 thousand rubles you can purchase building materials for major repairs.
  • Purchasing a vehicle. This will ensure ease of movement and save money if children have to be transported to different schools and kindergartens. In addition, deputies proposed legalizing cash payments so that the family could quickly get to a medical facility in their own car.
  • Quick debt liquidation in an MFO or bank. Plus, it was possible to pay off the debt for housing and communal services.

The deputies who initiated this law believe that monthly payments are not a good alternative to receiving cash from maternity capital. If they receive a small amount once a month, they will be able to solve some minor problems. There will be enough money, for example, to buy groceries. But to eliminate debt and get rid of the burden of a loan, a large amount is needed.

The size of the maternity capital next year

In 2019, the amount will remain the same – just over 450 thousand rubles. Indexation, which was previously carried out regularly, will be resumed only from 2020. The amount is expected to increase to 470 thousand rubles in two years, and to 490 thousand rubles in three years. Experts noted that recently the amount has increased slightly. The last time significant growth was recorded was almost ten years ago. In 2009, the amount was increased by 14 percent. And if we take the entire period of existence of such capital, then the amount increased by 200 thousand rubles. In 2007 it was 250 thousand.

How can families spend maternity capital?

As before, in 2019, funds from maternity capital can be spent in targeted areas. The list has not changed when compared, for example, with 2018. The list contains five items:

  1. Improving living conditions. This includes:
    • Purchasing an apartment/house under a sales contract.
    • Construction of a private house. Or renovation of old housing. With or without a contractor, it doesn’t matter.
    • Compensation for building a house or updating (reconstruction).
    • Payment of the down payment on a loan for the purchase or construction of your own home. It is not necessary that we are talking about mortgage lending. Funds from maternity capital can be spent, for example, on obtaining a loan specifically to pay the down payment.
    • Elimination of debt on a loan product associated with the purchase or construction of new housing.
    • Payment of the cost of the participation agreement for shared construction, as well as the entrance fee if we are talking about cooperative construction.
  2. Payment for education of sons and daughters. This includes:
    • Training in paid educational institutions. An important point: the institution must operate in our country and have the appropriate license to provide this type of service.
    • Payment for a place in a dormitory for the period while a citizen receives education at one of the universities or secondary educational institutions of the Russian Federation.
    • Payment for studies in various preschool institutions.
  3. Formation of mother's pension savings.
  4. Social adaptation of a child who is disabled.
  5. Receiving benefits for the birth of a second child, or his official adoption.

When will it be possible to receive funds from maternity capital?

As in previous years, it will be possible to use funds under the certificate three years after the birth of the second child or his official adoption. However, the country's legislation provides for a number of exceptions. According to them, a family can apply for money immediately after the rights to maternity capital are registered. The exceptions are as follows:

  1. Payment of the starting fee for a mortgage product, or for a loan issued for the purchase of a home (or its construction). In addition, payment of the principal debt on loans associated with the purchase or construction of housing also falls under the exception.
  2. Payment for child care services in kindergartens, nurseries, and various preschool educational institutions.
  3. Payment of benefits once a month in connection with the birth or adoption of a second child. The amount is equal to the cost of living (a specific subject of the Russian Federation has its own). There is an important point: the family’s monthly income (average per capita) does not exceed this very minimum subsistence level.
  4. Payment for various means and services related to the adaptation of a disabled child. More detailed information on how to receive money is described in the law.


There are two positive changes. Firstly , now the decision on issuing maternity capital to the family will be made within half a month. That is, the waiting period will be reduced by half. Secondly , the family has the right to spend money on building housing on a plot that fits the definition of “garden land”. Previously, we were talking exclusively about a summer cottage. At the same time, there is a nuance: the object on which the family spends maternity capital money should not belong to the category of garden houses or outbuildings.

Let's summarize: You cannot receive cash under a maternity capital certificate (similar to the law in force before 2017) in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. The law, which was initiated by LDPR deputies, was not considered. The President proposed an alternative: payment once a month of an amount that does not exceed one and a half living wages (set separately for a specific region). As for the purposes for which maternity capital can be spent, they have not changed when compared with 2018. The list contains the same five items.

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Monthly payment from maternity capital for the second child born (adopted) in 2019

The essence of the innovation:

Since January 2018, two presidential initiatives have been launched to support the demographic program - for needy families in which, starting in 2018, a first or second child will be born or adopted, the state will pay a monthly payment in the amount of the child’s subsistence level in the region until the age of 1.5 years. family residence.

Payments can be received by families who need additional support. Families whose income for the 12 months before applying was below 1.5 times the subsistence level of an able-bodied citizen in their region of residence received the right to payment.

The payment in connection with the birth of the 2nd child is made from maternal (family) capital. The payment for the first child is also provided with funds from the federal budget and is made by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising the powers of social protection of the population.

Who is entitled to the monthly payment?

Families whose average per capita income does not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence level of the working-age population for the 2nd quarter of 2018, established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Monthly payments in connection with the birth (adoption) of a second child are made by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The size of the monthly payment in each subject of the Russian Federation is individual and is equal to the subsistence level of the child in the region of residence of the family.

Families permanently residing in the Russian Federation have the right to receive a monthly cash payment if:

1. The child and mother are citizens of the Russian Federation;

3. The amount of income per 1 family member for the 12 months before applying, not

exceeds 1.5 times the subsistence level of the working-age population established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the 2nd quarter of 2018.

A citizen has the right to submit an application for a monthly payment in connection with the birth (adoption) of a second child at any time within one and a half years from the date of birth of the child.

How long will the family receive the monthly payment?

A monthly payment is paid to the family until the child reaches 1.5 years of age:

1. From the date of birth of the child, if the application was made no later than six months from the date of birth of the child (the amount of monthly payments for the past months from the birth of the child until the application for payment will be transferred to the citizen in full);

2. From the date of application, if the citizen applied for payment later than 6 months.

The monthly payment is assigned for 1 year; after this period, the family can re-apply and the payment will be assigned again until the child reaches 1.5 years of age.

Where should the family go?

An application for a monthly payment is submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia or through the MFC. It can be submitted simultaneously with the application for a state certificate for maternity capital. The family will receive a certificate for maternity capital within a month, and payment from maternity capital funds (subject to a positive decision on the appointment of a monthly payment, payment will be made monthly until the 26th of the month).

Calculation of average per capita family income when assigning a monthly payment in connection with the birth (adoption) of a second child

The calculation takes into account family income (parents (guardians, adoptive parents) of minor children, spouses of parents of minor children, minor children) received in cash:

1. Salary, bonuses;

2. Pensions, benefits, sick leave, scholarships, alimony;

3.Payment of pension savings to legal successors;

4. Compensations paid by a state body or public association during the performance of state and public duties;

5. Monetary compensation and allowances for civil service employees.

The following are not taken into account: amounts of one-time financial assistance from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets and other sources in connection with a natural disaster or other emergency circumstances, as well as in connection with a terrorist act.

When assigning a monthly payment, the income per family member is calculated based on the amount of family income for the 12 previous calendar months.

The family composition taken into account when calculating the average per capita family income does not include the following persons:

Adult children;

Those serving a sentence of imprisonment;

In respect of whom a preventive measure in the form of detention was applied;

Those undergoing compulsory treatment by court decision;

Deprived of parental rights;

Fully state supported.


Family - Irina (accountant), Nikolai (electrician at a housing company) and their son Dima, 5 years old.

In 2018, Irina earned 330 thousand rubles (salary - 27.5 thousand rubles per month), and Nikolai earned 480 thousand rubles (salary - 40 thousand rubles per month). There was no other income. The annual family income in 2018 is 810,000 rubles. The living wage for a working-age citizen in the Kaliningrad region in the 2nd quarter of 2018 is 11,894 rubles, and for a child - 10,926 rubles.

1.5 subsistence minimum for an able-bodied person - 17,841 rubles.

Family income is divided into 12 months and 4 people: 810,000/12/4=16,875 rubles. for 1 person per month.

That is, in the family of Irina and Nikolai in 2018, the income per family member was less than 1.5 times the minimum wage for a working-age citizen in the Kaliningrad region in the 2nd quarter of 2017. The family is entitled to a monthly cash payment from maternity capital in the amount of 10,926 rubles per month. Upon application, the Pension Fund will issue a certificate for maternity capital and will make a monthly cash payment from MSC funds.

The monthly cash payment assigned in January will be paid for 12 months. Mom, if she wants, will contact the Pension Fund in January 2020 and a monthly cash payment will be assigned for another 6 months until the child reaches 1.5 years old, provided that the family income in 2019 will be less than 1.5 times the minimum minimum for a working-age citizen in the Kaliningrad region in the 2nd quarter of 2019.

Amount of monthly payment in the Kaliningrad region

What documents must be submitted to assign a monthly payment:

Birth (adoption) certificate of the child (children);

An extract from the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority to establish guardianship over the child;

Documents confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation of the applicant and the child;

Documents confirming the death of a woman, declaring her deceased, deprivation of her parental rights;

A document confirming the divorce;

Information about the income of family members;

Certificate from the military commissariat about the conscription of the parent (parent's spouse) for military service;

A document confirming the details of an account with a credit institution opened in the name of the applicant.

The Maternity Capital program was developed to improve the demographic situation in Russia. The program is aimed at families in which a second and subsequent child was born (adopted).

We all know that with the advent of children comes not only joy, but also additional expenses from the family budget. Recently, due to the unstable financial situation in the country, some social programs have suffered, but matkapital 2018 and lump sum payment including maintaining their positions.

Due to the crisis, indexation for many target programs is not provided. Of course, this state of affairs upsets the Russians. Prices for products, services, things are growing at an irresistible speed, but the money required by law remains at the same level. But thanks to the anti-crisis measures taken, one-time compensation from maternity capital is being made to all families in need.

Modern realities

As you know, the state program “Maternity Capital” involves a one-time payment in the amount established by law. Law No. 181-F3 dated June 23, 2016 stipulates that the amount of a one-time payment for families is 25 thousand rubles.

It is known that all families who submit standard application forms to the relevant authorities can take advantage of the right to receive these funds. Please note that financial assistance is provided to persons who received certificates no later than September 30, 2016 and have not spent the entire stock of maternity capital for targeted needs.

Of course, everyone is interested in the fate of the one-time cash benefit in 2018, but so far there have been no clear decisions from the government. It is likely that by this period something will change and the amount of the benefit will increase slightly, although in our time it is difficult to believe in such improvements.

In addition, the public is afraid that the payment may disappear altogether due to the deteriorating economic situation of the country. So, in 2017 they should consider extending this opportunity, but so far the deputies are not too concerned about this problem.

The Prime Minister of Russia instructed the Ministry of Finance and other financial departments to consider the possibility of further payments from maternity capital to families with two or more children. Officials must make a final verdict by April 2017.

Package of documents for receiving one-time compensation

First of all, everyone in need of a one-time payment must contact the local Pension Fund with an application, attaching a certificate for the right to receive maternity capital. In addition, the applicant must provide:

  • identification document (passport of the certificate holder, passport of the authorized person and power of attorney);
  • bank account details.

A more detailed list of all required applications and documents can be found on the Ministry of Labor website. At the same time, it is possible to simultaneously apply for both maternity capital and a one-time benefit.

Documents for obtaining a maternity capital certificate:

  • passport;
  • birth certificate of existing children;
  • if there are adopted children, an adoption certificate is required;
  • papers for the child confirming his Russian citizenship;
  • statement.

Maternity Capital program

This social target program was approved in 2006. Its implementation is associated with the provision of financial assistance to families where a second child and the subsequent child appeared. Please note that the child’s legal guardians do not receive the entire amount in their hands - they are provided with a certificate that guarantees and confirms receipt of funds.

A family in which the child was born no earlier than January 1, 2007 can apply for the designated certificate. The use of funds is possible only when the child reaches 3 years of age.

What needs does “Matcapital” go to:

  • Improving living conditions (purchase of new housing, major repairs in a private house).
  • Maintenance and training of a child in an educational or educational institution.
  • Social assistance and adaptation of disabled children.
  • Funded pension for the mother of a child.

Let us recall that initially the program operated until December 31, 2016, but it was successfully extended until December 31, 2018.

State payment amount

At the beginning of the program’s implementation, the amount of maternity capital allocated to Russian families was 250 thousand rubles. Taking into account the level of inflation, parliamentarians indexed the cash benefit every year and by 2014 its size was equal to 429.50 thousand rubles.

As you know, indexation of maternity capital was not carried out in 2016, but already in 2017 the amount of social payments will be 480 thousand rubles, and by 2018 it promises to rise to 504 thousand rubles.

  • The family is granted the right to use family (maternal) capital only once.
  • If indexing occurs, then replacing the certificate is not required.
  • Parents can contact the Pension Fund authorities with an application for the issuance of a certificate for maternity capital after the birth of the second, third and subsequent children at any convenient time. The law does not provide a time frame.
  • not subject to personal income tax.
  • The certificate can only be cashed with proof of identity (passport).
  • The certificate is canceled in the event of the death of the owner, deprivation of the owner of parental rights in relation to the child for whom maternity capital was issued, or the commission of criminal acts in relation to a minor.
  • If the certificate has been lost, the owner can obtain a duplicate.
  • The funds provided by maternity capital can only be received by bank transfer. Schemes that involve receiving cash using a certificate are fraudulent. If the certificate holder agrees to such manipulations, he becomes an accomplice to the crime of misuse of funds allocated by the state.

As we see, the relevance of this social program is fully justified, so Russians continue to rely on the prudence of the modern government and on the fact that in 2018 this targeted program will continue to function. This will definitely be the best