Finding a ballroom dancing partner: the right selection. Searching for a sports ballroom dancing partner Looking for a ballroom dancing partner for a girl

It’s a shame that for every ten girls, according to statistics, there are nine guys. As sad as it is, nothing has changed over the years. Girls have always been more interested in dancing than boys. Choreographers scored contemporary and popular television programs that popularized dance. But, nevertheless, such propaganda is not enough, cha-cha-cha is considered to be not as prestigious an activity for guys as football or boxing. Girls often dance alone on the floor, but dancing alone will not bring good results and winning medals. Girls are looking for young guys for joint activities, although sometimes there is a situation where a worthy partner, on the contrary, cannot find a suitable partner. But this is most likely an exception to the general rule.

When a girl comes to dance class for the first time, she is worried that everything will work out. But almost everyone can learn the art of dance, which cannot be said about the art of choreography with a partner. The main thing is that not every man is able to act as a partner. There are a number of criteria that a future partner must meet.

  1. He must be ideally suited to the height of his partner, otherwise performing choreographic elements will be awkward. It is especially bad if the partner is shorter than his dance partner - this is considered a completely unacceptable option in the world of dance.
  2. Years in this case are incredibly important; if the partner is significantly older than his partner, he will accordingly not be able to spend all the necessary time in rehearsals, and may fail directly during the competition.
  3. Among other things, the guy must lead, or rather, be responsible for the dance elements of the couple during the performance.

A guy should be able to start a room, other girls will like him, but at the same time remain faithful to his chosen one. He must feel the music, not be afraid to experiment and be self-confident, and sometimes self-confident. What other qualities should a partner have?

From the above we can conclude that the right dance partner must meet many criteria. Although finding such a person is quite a difficult task, there are still several ways to do it.

Ways to find “your” dance partner

Method 1: love

In dance, it is important to love and feel your partner, so the ideal option would be if the couple for the dance is a couple in life. If we take into account the statistics, then 90 percent of scoring champions are husband and wife, or a guy and a girl. An outsider can never reveal those facets of a woman that no one knows about. Dance is a story that the partner must tell the viewer in a few minutes. The lady should help him with this, but not the other way around.

Such family duets have a number of advantages:

  1. Dancing will give your partner the opportunity to be around more.
  2. The guy can quite legally be in close contact with the dancing couple.

Now imagine for a moment that you have to wiggle your hips and hug the guy you don't like. It's unpleasant, isn't it? Even if you are an excellent actress, dancing will reveal this falseness. Therefore, explain to your husband or boyfriend that dancing is a passion that can return or awaken new feelings, and feel free to go with him to your first training session.

Method 2: help from friends

If a loved one is not nearby, then the dancer needs to stock up on nerves of steel and determination. Don't forget about choreographic etiquette.

Ask all your friends, maybe one of them, or their relatives, dreamed of dancing.

Important: do not behave assertively; tact is important in such a delicate matter. You shouldn’t talk about your dancing achievements and say that you will teach everything yourself, remember: a man should be a man, and you don’t need a mattress as a partner.

Method 3: teacher help

As a rule, girls learn the art of dancing from choreographers. The latter are interested in ensuring that the fruit of their labors can perform with dignity. There is feedback here; the choreographer is interested in his students dancing in competitions and achieving success, since this will be a direct advertisement for his work. Therefore, as soon as the choreographer sees that you are ready to compete with other couples with dignity, he himself, without your help, will find you the best and most suitable partner.

Method 4: Internet resources

We live in a modern world where the Internet has replaced paper newspapers. But if a woman over 40 is looking for a partner, it is best to look for a candidate in local newspapers. As a rule, every printed publication has such a column. If a young girl is looking for a partner, it is better to look for him on the pages of online publications. All you have to do is enter into any search engine: “I’m looking for a partner for dancing.” However, if you start receiving response letters to your request, read them carefully. It often happens that guys look for girls not for dancing, but for other, less serious entertainment.

In addition to narrow dance, special Internet pages, there are also dancers’ forums, where people unite in groups, within which you can start a search and involve thousands of friends in it.

In addition, you can make a game from this within a dance club. For example: “The best dance partner for champion Yulia.” This would also be a great idea for a local television show. In this case, the entire city will be involved in the search for a candidate.

For dance professionals, there are also international forums that bring together the best dancers in the world. You can look for a dance partner there too, if you are not bothered by the language barrier and moving to another country.

5 way: dance hall

You can try to find a partner in the dance hall. Maybe some dance couple is on the verge of breaking up, and the partner wants to find a new partner to practice with. So, why not try it? Maybe everything will work out perfect for you? However, we advise you not to discourage partners from other girls.

If you still don’t want to cause the breakup of a dance couple, you can go looking for a partner at another dance studio. After all, there are probably many more good dance studios in the city.

Method 6: advanced training

Each dancer must improve their skills, and master classes are organized for this. And where else if not there can you find a partner? Moreover, at such events you can personally see how this or that person dances, because you need to choose only the best.

Method 7: grow together

The most reliable and at the same time the most unreliable way is to start a dance career together. So, and often happens, mothers find partners for their children and two little guys go to a dance studio. Where is the insecurity here? Partners will grow and develop together, but there is a risk of growth dynamics and mental development. As we know: no children are alike, and what if after 10 years a girl sees that her partner, with whom she has danced her whole life, is pulling her not up, but down. In addition, boys, when they reach adolescence, begin to skip classes, and thereby let down not only themselves and their partners.

The most reliable way is to start a dance career together

The main rule of finding a partner

Now the main rule will be announced: do not look for a partner, become a dancer yourself who will be hunted.

Finding a partner takes a lot of effort and energy, and in the end, even if you find a suitable person, you may simply not have the energy left to dance. You can dry up, become like an empty vessel. Why not just constantly hone your skills and grow professionally. In the modern world there are so many opportunities for implementation:

  1. Competitions.
  2. Individual sessions.
  3. Master classes
  4. Lectures on YouTube channel.

Why not master all the dance styles by working alone. As soon as you yourself become a whole part, and not a half in search of your soul mate, partners and choreographers will immediately begin to contact you. And here you yourself will begin to choose a suitable candidate.

To summarize, it is worth noting that dance is worth living and devoting your whole life to. Only such dedication to the cause will bring results. You should be creative when choosing a partner, and not get hung up on finding one. As you know, your person will not get away from you and the cards will stack up in such a way that you will still meet. Therefore, slow down and slowly but surely walk towards your goal. After all, while you are surfing the Internet looking for a partner, he may just be starting his workout in your gym.

Video - Dancers. Way to success

About dancing, about money, about partners...

For a very long time and often I had to think about the topic of partners for my students.

First, I’ll tell you a little story from the past, and then I’ll return to pressing issues.

When we started the club from scratch, in 2012, I recruited a group of beginners and we started practicing.

Sasha Revel-Muroz was just in that group. She was the most diligent girl in the group. At the end of her first year, her mom came up and asked if we had any summer camps. I remember how I thought then, “exactly why didn’t I think of inviting beginners to go with us to Cheboksary for the summer training camp”... And Sasha went with us. I remember there was one youth couple and Sasha in the club.

The new season has begun and I submitted an ad to Sasha looking for a partner. The N class (although her level was already D) in the advertisement, apparently, was an eyesore for everyone and there were few calls. Need I say that I didn’t want to let her go to another club?.. But personally, our club has the following opinion: a girl should dance in pairs. Even if not with us.

Once I went with Sasha to see Penguin, since it was not far from us and Sasha would be taken there. The boy was a year older and quite weak. Plus, it was clear that there would be problems with character and goals.

The second time, the coach of another club called them (how I found the phone number, I still don’t understand) and invited them to try out. Moreover, once upon a time I trained with this coach myself for about a year. Anyway.

They went and sent me a video. Again a weak boy. At the same time, compact, smooth and clearly stronger than Sasha, they said something like “well, we’ll call you if we decide that you’re right for us.”

One boy came to try out for our club. They didn’t want to cross and get up. Oh, N-class... Oh, she's kind of big for us...

Even then I thought - “How can parents assess the level, and most importantly the POTENTIAL, of a child, focusing only on first glance and the opinion of NOT a professional...

Then the boy’s dad called from somewhere in Vykhino. I said that she would definitely have to travel a long way there, but the boy seemed to live closer to the center and she could take a look at our place. I tried to hint that Sasha would be a very good partner. But they didn’t hear me.

Needless to say, now all these partners are left far behind, and some have not even moved on to the next class. Although we were ready to take a beginner boy and teach him.

I remember Sasha’s mother came up to me and said - maybe 9 years is already too late to start, and nothing will happen to us? Maybe it's time to quit?

To which I replied that in class N and E the boys are not transportable. I asked you to give us time to do something. We set a goal with Sasha. We studied for a year. At the end of the year a boy appears in our club. He appears by chance, it’s just that his mother was a friend of the mother who was in our club at that time. Ideal for Sasha's height! But…. Very full.

I remember how I approached Sasha and said, “Sasha, he’s very plump, but we’ll lose weight and tighten him up, and he’ll be the coolest for you.” And after 5 minutes the child was happy because she had the best partner in the world.

This is a matter of faith in coaches.

And then we decided to go to Stuttgart for the first tournament.(!) It was before the summer, the partnership on that side was quite shaky, but the boy was still going to go there, since the whole family was going. And I told my mom - we have to go! You are ready?

Yes, we are ready.

We began to prepare for Germany. We made dresses...

And Sasha took third or fourth place. From the end.

It would seem - why was there a need to go? Spend so much money to get eliminated in the first round?

The answer was simple - after the tournament, the boy’s parents said that they were terminating their partnership due to the fact that they were allegedly taking their youngest to another country. Which, of course, didn’t happen in the end.

I understood that this would happen at any moment, not because of Sasha, who plows for three people. And it will just happen. I have a “sense.”

But:) First of all, she danced with her partner for the summer. And this is an irreplaceable experience that cannot be replaced by anything. And not with the coach who carries you, but with a boy of his level. Secondly, we have…. VIDEO:))) Which I immediately posted on Dansport in the advertisements. We have E class and a dance tournament.

Then we started teaching the C class program. Rumba basic, legs, arms. Complex figures. With Andrei Evgenievich they studied standard, also basic, feet, new figures. Yes. She studied individually. 1-2 lessons a day, alternating Latin and standard. not 20 lessons a week. Plus groups.

Well, then what happened happened - Kirill moved. You can say whatever you want on this topic, evil tongues wrote a lot of offensive things on the forums, but the fact is that people sick with dancing began to look for ways to move to Moscow, not seeing further development in their region. As a result, dad transferred to Moscow and took his family with him, renting an apartment nearby in our area. Those who were looking for a partner of any level, as long as they had Goals.

What happened next? Exactly a year later, Sasha and Kirill took 1st place in Germany.

But this post is not about Sasha :)

For two years, one girl hung around without a partner, went on auditions. BUT. At the same time, she did not stop in her studies. I believed in the coaches and worked out. And she didn’t just study, she worked. There were many difficulties. The mood was changing. Faith was shaking. But the child worked. And parents did not chase points and classes, competitions.

Once upon a time we had a girl, a young person, study at our club. Good girl. She came to her partner, her partner left her, she was left alone. I understood that one of our leading youth couples of the club would soon break up, and she was suitable for the boy. I hinted to her - train. It's not even about individuals. Practice and improve your skills. But her position was “if only I had a partner, then I would be a star...”. Needless to say, I did not see a good game for our leading partner in such a position. The girl eventually went to another club and then quit dancing altogether.

I have encountered this position many times during my coaching life. I tell all my girls - but what if the partner comes TOMORROW. And you haven’t worked on anything yet... A high-level boy will come, and you will turn out to be weak for him? Thick? Out of shape? No stamina? Wouldn't it be a shame?...

Yes, he can come in a year. But what if tomorrow? A week later?

And I tell the boys exactly the same thing. This is not only about girls, it is basically about the approach - “I will train seriously if...”.

Why is Sasha where she is now? Because she didn't have that. Yes, she had no experience dancing in pairs, but she had the right brains and had the right base from scratch, on which everything else fell quickly and smoothly.

There is a position that we only have pair dances and there is “NO SENSE”, “USELESS” to practice something alone. If a partner gets sick, then the other half can also rest.

For girls - either you are passionate about dancing and YOU want to be a champion, or you are waiting for your partner to pull you out. And when he comes, so cool, then you will begin to train to your full potential. Yes, sometimes you get lucky. It happens that coaches can convey to their partner’s parents that, believe me, this is the best option and he will succeed. But the coach must be confident in you. Otherwise it's cheating. No matter how much finance you have, it is far from a guarantee of success.

Often, limitless financial conditions only make matters worse. Creates the illusion that you don’t have to work too hard. But this is just an illusion.

Now about why you shouldn’t quit dancing :))

Now in our club boys are looking for partners, two youth, one adult, one even older. If there are a couple more younger, but that’s a different story. So here it is. NO GIRLS! Firstly, of a good level, ready (good and smart stand in pairs). Secondly, girls come looking for a star partner right away. I don't like to schedule my students. I do not know how. I don't think it's necessary. There is a boy, for example, with enormous potential. I’m shocked why he still had such a low class. I'm hinting. I say that he will dance. That the brains are as they should be. That the class will take off in a few tournaments. No, “show me again.” Despite the fact that the girl’s class is higher, then the real level is the same or lower. No, no, we never force anyone, we don’t invite anyone. The problem begins elsewhere - the boy hits his hoof and says - put him at least with someone, I want to dance, train in pairs and go to tournaments! But I do not want. Until someone comes who wants to work and not ride on a partner, we will look.

No need to call. No need to describe it. People who need their EGO to be fed do not stay with us. Somehow they leave on their own.

And again, another story emerges from this story - from time to time, dissatisfaction arises that we are pulling someone over. I declare with full responsibility that this is not so. :)

If they contact us, we take them to the club. But they don’t come because they have a good life; it’s a pity that dissatisfied people don’t understand this. Those who come “for politics” do not stay with us. There are many such stories and they will remain a mystery, since they never happened anyway.

Girls! If you have a dream, a goal - train! Alone, until they sweat, until their feet are worn out. It doesn't matter how old you are or how much you cost without a date. Develop, raise your level. In the end, WHAT DIFFERENCE does it make - whether you train alone (for example, for a year), raise your level, and (as a result) get up with a partner of a higher class, or get up with a partner of your own class and this year raise your class at tournaments. Yes, the first option is without competitions. But the meaning is absolutely the same!

In general, know: those who work will definitely be rewarded. You have to believe in yourself and your dream (or goal, whatever you want). Today, and even tomorrow, dance life does not end. The main category is adults. But not everyone lives to see it. Because they simply simply give up.

I wish you perseverance!

The specificity of sports ballroom dancing is duets. An essential condition for dancers' performance is adequate relationships and interactions between partner and partner. Unfortunately, couples break up for a number of reasons. If we look at children's duets, they break up due to the ambitions of their parents, who believe that the coach understands more about the sport and interferes in the training process. If we consider the separation of an adult couple, then this, of course, is “personal”. Resentments, misunderstandings, antipathy from one dancer to another. One way or another, a problem arises: finding a ballroom dancing partner to continue your career.

Ways to find a partner

There are always girls, but boys are worth their weight in gold in dancing. And there is even less suitable age and height. One of the options is to find acquaintances, friends who are interested in ballroom dancing, or continue practicing on your own, paying attention to newly arrived candidates. Show initiative to friends outside the club, interest them in wanting to dance. As an option, use the Internet, especially ballroom publics on social networks.

The surest way is to place information about yourself in the database of dancers’ profiles and view suitable profiles there. Such databases are posted on dance portals or official websites of dance sports federations.

Database of profiles for searching for dancers
Partner requirements

First of all, when choosing a partner, you should pay attention to the level of skill and physical fitness, age and height. Equally important is mutual sympathy between the participants. Hard work, perseverance and diligence also play a role, because athletes, if they strive for knowledge and devote themselves completely to their passion, can achieve incredible heights. It’s good if social status and financial opportunities are equal.

Do not despair!

There is an opinion that finding a partner for sports ballroom dancing takes a lot of time, a lot of effort and energy, and there is none left for dancing. If you like this sport, then just practice and grow professionally by attending individual lessons and master classes. Participate in competitions in the solo category for programs or individual dances, such as Cup.

You can learn other dance styles by working alone. Don't despair and quit dancing. And the result will not keep you waiting!

Often people give up dancing because they don't have a partner in mind to practice with.

Many choreographers have more than once answered the questions “can I come without a partner?” with a refusal, especially to female representatives.

Everyone knows that the majority of dance school students are girls.

Finding a partner is the main problem, both for the future dancer and for any school that teaches pair dancing.

Finding a partner to go dancing with is not an easy task. But, like any problem, it has a solution.

Today, we will look at several ways to find a partner to attend dance classes.

1. Post an ad on the studio/school forum or in a group that brings together those who are interested in this type of dance.

This method is not as effective as the following, but it works.

Today, there are many thematic groups on social networks and forums where you can find a dance partner.

In a group or forum, you can leave an ad and attach your photo - this will increase the chance of finding a partner.

Maybe your future partner is also looking for you.

2. Attend an open lesson or master class.

As a rule, before enrollment in groups, introductory lessons are held.

In most cases, such lessons are provided free of charge.

They are attended by both couples and those who have not yet found a partner, so you will have the opportunity to meet someone and agree to attend classes together.

If you couldn’t find it during one trial lesson, don’t worry! Visit the following!

In a situation where you have already met someone in class, ask whether your new acquaintance intends to attend classes, whether he liked it, if the answer is positive, then exchange phone numbers - and it’s done!

3. Post an ad around the city.

Indicate all your requirements in the ad and provide contact information.

4. Attend dance parties and events.

If you already attend theme parties, don't hesitate to ask those you're dancing with if they're also looking for company to dance with.

As practice shows, using this method, many dance couples have already been created.

5. Interview everyone you know.

You might be surprised how many people you know dream of dancing, but are afraid to attend dances alone.

6. Dating sites.

Yes, this method is quite adventurous, but it works!

There are a huge number of dating sites on the Internet where people are looking for their soulmate.

In order to find a partner there, you need to fill out the form correctly and clearly state what kind of partner you are looking for.

Yes, perhaps, at first you may receive messages with offers to get acquainted.

Remember, you have your own task - nothing else matters.

Do not try to convince a person who wants to get to know you to go dancing; as a rule, this will not lead to the desired result.

7. Change school or group.

This is the most extreme method if all the previous ones did not help you find a dance partner.

Try changing groups or dance schools, you may find your partner there!

The most important thing is not only to wish, but also to do it, then you will succeed!

It is possible that your partner is also searching and wandering somewhere nearby, but does not dare to ask.

Take a confident step towards the meeting!

I think many people asked this question when starting to dance couples dances. I’ll immediately make a reservation that this article will be intended primarily for dancers of social dances - bachata, salsa, zouk, tango, hustle and others. Although fans of other dance styles will certainly be able to learn many important and interesting things here.

Before looking for a partner (or partner) for dancing, you need to outline your requirements. You, of course, understand that the more requirements, the fewer people will be able to pass through this “sieve”.

The trend in the “partner market” is that there are much fewer dancing men than girls. Even if a girl has no end of fans, it is far from a fact that she will be able to easily find a dance partner. Most likely, you will have to fight.

There are two types of search - active and passive. Active search is when you search for advertisements using suitable criteria. Passive - you create an ad and wait for someone to respond to it. As you may have guessed, it is better to use both.

So, how to write a good advertisement for finding a dance partner?

Here are some tips for you:

  • Competitor analysis. Of course, the best thing to do before writing an ad is to look at other ads in your category and take note of what you liked and what you didn’t.
  • Creativity. A creative approach to business will allow you to stand out and attract additional attention.
  • Photos. Here I think everything is clear - it’s always nice to look at high-quality photographs. And it's even better to dance with a beautiful person.
  • Requirements for a partner. There should not be too many of them and they should not be overpriced. Put yourself in the shoes of a potential partner and ask if you would write to the owner of this ad (or profile).

Advertisements can be placed on the following sites:

  • Traditional dance sites

  • Large VKontakte communities

Clue! Use the “Suggest news” function in communities, this will increase your reach.

  • Various forums and message boards

Now let’s talk about where you can find “that one” partner if you search in “active” mode. Here are some ideas for you:

  • Friends. Ask your friends of the opposite sex if they are interested in dancing. They may be willing to join you.
  • Dance parties. If you dance a little, then after dancing with a good person (!) you can ask if he is looking for a dance partner.
  • Colleagues (classmates, classmates). If you have a good relationship at work (at school, college, etc.) then why not try it? Perhaps this is where you will find the partner of your dreams.
  • Dance schools. If you are studying at a dance school and have not yet found a partner in your group, then you can change the group, or change the dance school.
  • Other people's experience. Ask your dance teacher and your dancing friends for advice. What do they think about this?

Good luck to you in this difficult task!