"Dunno in a sunny city." Taking syncwine in class

Event scenario

“Literary drawing room based on the work of Nikolai Nosov

"Dunno in the Sunny City."

(2nd grade)

While everyone is gathering and taking their seats, a song plays"Hymn of Dunno".

Presenter's opening remarks:

Let's open familiar books,
And again let's go from page to page,
It's always nice to be with your favorite hero,
Meet again, become stronger friends.
It doesn’t matter that we’ve known the book for a long time,
Even if you know the hero very well,
And how it will end is also known,
Good books are always interesting.
Hello, dear guys! We have gathered here today to continue the conversation we started a month ago about the wonderful writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov and his best fairy-tale hero Dunno. And now the guys will tell you about interesting facts about this hero.

How did the idea of ​​creating books about Dunno come about?

From Nosov’s memoirs we can learn that the idea of ​​creating “Dunno” was prompted by a book by Anna Khvolson. Nosov came up with his shorties because he had a lot of ideas, but not enough heroes. “I could freely give these characters the character traits that my plan required,” Nosov recalled.

How does the fairyland of short people work?

Nosov has created a country, no, a whole planet of Lilliputians, in which the appearance of something big like a human is categorically not envisaged. The inhabitants of the country are called shorties, they are the size of a small cucumber. By gender, shorties are divided into babies and toddlers. Among the short ones there are wise bearded wizards, learned professors and uncouth youths like Dunno. That is, these are, in fact, tiny adults with the character traits of a child. The plants in the fairy-tale land are “Giant” (a watermelon is the size of a house), insects too (“a collar made of the fur of a black-brown caterpillar”), but the animals are the same small, like the shorties themselves (“a bear the size of a rat”). In the description of the fairy-tale country, the author imposes a ban on the concepts of birth and death (shorties are never born and never die), they always exist as an objective reality.

How tall is Dunno?

Dunno’s height is defined as “a small cucumber,” but the book has an exact definition of his height. In the ninth chapter of “Dunno on the Moon” we will find an accurate description of the parameters of our hero. At the police station they measure him for the criminal file. “Your height, expressed in standard measurement units, is seventy-two. So you are a short man of average height...”; “We measure the circumference of your head... Like this... Thirty units. We see, then, that you have a big head...”; “We measure your nose and see that it is only two and a half units long, that is, short.” We come to the conclusion that Dunno’s height was 72 mm, his nose was 2.5 mm long, and his head circumference was 30 mm.

Technological progress in the fairy-tale world of shorties.

In the first book, the short guys drive a carbonated car and invent a hot air balloon. Returning from the trip, they began to build a bridge, a water supply system and fountains, which they saw in the Green City.

The second book contains a detailed description of all kinds of technical devices and even a factory and printing house in the Sunny City, where Dunno, Knopochka and Pachkula-Pestrenky end up. These are radiolarians, circulins and planetarcs, outlandish buildings, cars and even electronic machines playing chess. Television also appeared in the lives of short people (as in the lives of Soviet people).


Three books about Dunno were published in 1953, 1958 and 1964. Those born after 1960 had them in a timely manner and in full. Such works never become outdated, do not go out of fashion and do not lose their relevance. They begin to read when they master the primer, and finish in the lower grades. “Dunno” is most often quoted by political commentators, economists, or intellectual game hosts.

The main character is UNKNAYA.

He is, of course, the most important
The mischievous naughty guy is funny.
He's wearing a huge blue hat
A bum and a bungler.

The main characteristics of Dunno are boastfulness and ignorance, because he likes to show off and does not like to study, but at the same time he is funny and never discouraged. He is also distinguished by his intelligence and courage. And he always ends up in some kind of story. We can also say that not a single event in the fairy-tale town is complete without it.

Today we will make a second trip together with Dunno to the Sunny City.

We will make our journey in 4 teams, which will have their own name. I suggest you find out by completing the tasks and finding out your name.



3k. Merry Men


Today, each team will score points in the form of sweet candies for correct answers. I will have an assistant, whose name is Reward. He will hand out the candy.

Tasks for teams.

1 task .

When prompted, tell us what you know about Sunny City.

What were the shorties like in Sunny City?


The sunny city is , since there is a complete lack of money with the widest selection of goods and services. Professional activity takes the form of an easy activity based on interests - that is, the principle is fully realized

"From everyone according to abilities, to each according to needs " This means that every short person necessarily works somewhere, and in exchange for this he uses the services of a store, a canteen, a theater, park attractions, etc. for free. buys everything he needs if he needs it now.

Unusual cars, strange architecture, a variety of places to spend your free time.

Most shorties drive private cars. The city suffers from an overabundance of cars, which is why a minor accident, even a non-vehicle incident, turns into a huge traffic jam. The police in the city are mainly involved in regulating traffic, which has increased enormously in recent years. Police departments have a video surveillance system that allows them to monitor the situation at all intersections in the city in real time.

Every year the city celebrates a city holiday, during which residents fraternize with each other, hug, smile, so all the residents are kind, cheerful, polite and well-mannered, since they have no hooligans.

And going there, we must know the laws of the inhabitants of the Sunny City. But the trouble is, a cheerful rain came and washed away the rhymes. Help restore them. (on a piece of paper)

2 exercise Complete the rhyme with a suitable word.

Laws of the inhabitants of the Sunny City

Shorties! Remember these rules:

We cannot live in the world without them.

Who is not friends with a scientific book,

To be unworthy short !

Once you decided to settle in the city of Sunny,

That is due to exact knowledgepursuit !

Let's strive for purity

So that nowhere disgrace yourself .

Boards, pens, books, desks -

Very clean neat.

We will respect the little ones,

As less as possibleoffend .

And if we pull the pigtail,

This is to blame for everything -habits .

Everyone needs strength

For study and labor.

Let's eat cottage cheese and omelet

And compote on dinner.

We love a smile

Always perky

Any adversity

For us nonsense .

These rules needed ,

These rules important .

Only by doing them

Will you look like tomorrow

Even better astronaut!

IN riding : Did you like these laws? Are they difficult to comply with? Try to fulfill them now. The main responsibility of a resident of the Sunny City is to study well, which will help you choose the right specialty when you become an adult. Let's remember what professions the residents of the Sunny City had.


Task 3: Professions of short people.

Leading:Name who owns these words from N. Nosov’s book “Dunno in the Sunny City”

Who owns these words?

    Well, nothing surprising. Magic is magic!

Dunno about the car that appeared.

    And who is this colorful little guy you have there?

Compasses about Pachkula.

    I protest! There is no such rule as to wash your face twice a day!

Patchkulya Pestrenky.

    Here you go! We couldn't wait a little longer. After all, I didn’t tell you the most interesting thing!

Dunno about the dispute with Pestrenky.

    We need to try both, and then we can decide. Motley about what is better: a rug or an escalator.

    I’m about to start torturing you so much that you won’t be happy with life.

Conscience of Dunno.

    I feel sorry for such short people. They themselves do not know what pleasure they are depriving.

A leaflet about those who don't read books.

    It is our custom to keep our promises.


    It’s clear that you don’t know anything about driving. This is not a hat with headphones at all, but a helmet.

Engineer Klyopka.

    Before you have time to put on a new suit, you are told that it has already gone out of fashion.


    This is my first time seeing it too. The main thing is to sleep like at home.


    That's it, friends, we need to celebrate our meeting with something stunning so that it will be well remembered.


    How is it - what's the matter? I want you to be good, and I will always reproach you if you act badly.

Conscience of Dunno.

    Our factory will not produce such trousers. Even if they walk around there without any trousers, we don’t care!

A needle on the demand to produce wide yellow-green trousers.

    I've done all sorts of things here! Ruined everyone's life, and he ran away!


    Again this Klyopka got ahead of me! Well, let me catch him! I don’t really know what I’ll do with him.. Cube.

    Try hitting me with a stick, excuse the expression, on the head.

Karasik. I wanted to try out a rubberized coat.

    You shouldn't drive this car. She's always jumping around like a flea, and every minute she'll turn over, and I wouldn't want to walk around bandaged from head to toe, like a silkworm. Pestrenky.

19. I recognize them immediately as soon as I meet them. They all have such small freckled noses. Dunno.

20. Give you a wand, and you’ll cause another earthquake here! Button.

Leading: After a hard day, you definitely need to relax, and for this, each short man had to choose a vacation spot where he would go

.Task 4:


“The third wheel” to name a vacation spot that did not exist in Sunny City.

Game library disco

Sports rental shop inventory opera zoo

Pizzeria theater sports town

Water park bowling book theater

Aquapark movie Fun Town

Chess town mirror-TV cabinet with fairy tales

“Favorite games of the shorties of the Sunny City” (16 games)

Each team discusses and calls one game.

Lotto, dominoes, checkers, chess, billiards, hide and seek, tag, siskins, classes, cat and mouse, board games, small towns, tennis, football, volleyball, ping pong.

Leading: Life in this city is interesting and fun. And now you are offered the “Running Minutes” competition, where each team will have to answer 7 questions. For each correct answer, he receives a point.

5 competition "Running Minutes"

1 team.

    With whom did Dunno go to Sunny City?

(Button and Pachkulya - Pestrenky)

    What unusual houses were there in Sunny City? (Rotating, aerial, oblique, stepped, in the shape of hemispheres, in the form of musical instruments.)

    Who are carminatives? (Short men who rushed through the streets and knocked down passers-by.)

    What happened when the heroes met Pegasus? How did it end?

(Pegasus doused them with water. Dunno ended up in the police.)

    What magical object did Dunno dream about? (magic wand)

    With what desire did Dunno test the magic wand? (2 scoops of ice cream on a stick)

    Where did Dunno, Button and Pestrenky stay in Sunny City? Name? (hotel "Malvasia")

2nd team.

    What did the shorties take to Sunny City? (Soda car)

    What was the name of the chief architect of the Solar City? (Cube.)

    How did Dunno get a magic wand from the wizard?

(Three good deeds in a row)

    Who was harmed by Dunno's escape from the police station? (To Svistulkin.)

    A vehicle in the Sunny City that has a propeller instead of wheels.

(spiral walker)

    What is Dunno's favorite genre of literature? (Fairy tales)

    What wishes of Dunno did the Wizard fulfill?

(So ​​that everything would be the same as before: Leaf became short, the donkeys became donkeys, and Svistulkin was released from the hospital.)

Team 3

    What did Dunno do when he arrived in Sunny City? (Turned Leaf into a donkey.)

    What did the engineer Klyopka invent? (A car that flew and swam.)

    Why, having arrived in Sunny City, did Dunno use his magic wand less and less?

    What “girlfriend” did Dunno tell Button about? (Conscience.)

    What holiday did Dunno and his friends attend at the end of their journey? (Mitten Festival.)

    Universal circular self-propelled planting harvester in Sunny City.


    A method of dealing with clouds in the Sunny City. (powder)

4 team.

    What were the names of the three donkeys who were turned into little guys? (Caligula, Krykun, Pegasik.)

    What “disease” did Dunno “sick” in Sunny Park?

(Chess fever.)

    Who called the magic wand harmful? Why?

(Policeman Svistulkin.)

    Why did Pestrenky mistake Master Karasik, who worked at a clothing factory, for a madman? (He worked as an actor in the theater.)

    What three bad things did Dunno do?

(Turned short Leaf into a donkey, three donkeys into short ones, teased the monkey.)

    What is another name for Mitten Day? (Feast of the Sun Brothers)

    Why did the Wizard take away Dunno’s magic wand?

(Dunno committed three bad deeds.)

Leading: In Sunny City there was a lot of useful and fantastic technology, which the shorties themselves invented and managed it well.

6th competition " Guess what?

Match the name of the car with the picture. (each team is given a sheet)

What other cars did Dunno, Knopochka, and Pestrenky see in the Sunny City?

(Universal circular landing self-propelled harvester)

Circulina - (planetary, eccentric, concentric, rondosa, snail, mill, spinner, orbit, satellite) autohorse, steam locomotive, train, caterpillar motorcycle, spiral vehicle, roller tube, bus, driverless taxi, commuter route taxi.

Leading: To make reading the book interesting, illustrators helped the writer. And now, based on the illustration from the book, you will need to briefly tell the event.

7 competition. "Sharp Eye"

Flipchart Use the illustration to tell an event from the book.

Leading: To sum up our journey, you are invited to take a test.

Each team takes their own test. (10 questions)

Team check. The answers are called together.

8th competition "Sinquain" » for Dunno, Button, Pestrenky.

Each team reads out their syncwines and receives points.


- Who helped their friends return home? How?

(The wizard laid out the route of the road from Sunny City to Flower City on the taxi’s storage device, and it began to function not as a city taxi, but as an intercity one)

- What did the friends definitely decide to do when they returned to the Flower City?

(Sew on some mittens, scatter them around the city so that the little ones can find their sunny brother. It’s so great to be sunny brothers and become the same as the little ones from the Sunny City).

Would you like to be in the Sunny City? Why?

What would you do if you had it in your hands for one minute?

turned out to be a magic wand?

Awarding the winners with certificates.

Rewarding connoisseurs of N. Nosov’s book “Dunno in the Sunny City.”

The main characters of the fairy tale "Dunno in the Sunny City" and their characteristics

  1. Dunno, inquisitive, but slightly lazy, quick-tempered, but kind and ready to help.
  2. Button, curious and cheerful, kind and sympathetic
  3. Patchkulya Motley, is not surprised by anything and does not like to wash his face
  4. Leaflet and Bukovka, little guys who loved to read.
  5. Caligula, Pegasik, Krykun. Just donkeys that have become short. Hooligans and bullies.
  6. Svistulkin. A policeman, kind but responsible.
  7. Cube, Klepka, Thread, Karasik are Dunno’s friends in Sunny City, friendly, hospitable, kind.
  8. Wizard. Smart, kind, understanding everything.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale “Dunno in the Sunny City” for a reader’s diary in 6 sentences
  1. Dunno unexpectedly performs three good deeds and the wizard gives him a magic wand
  2. Dunno goes traveling with friends and comes to Sunny City
  3. In Sunny City, Dunno turns Leafy into a donkey, and then three donkeys into runts
  4. Donkeys misbehave in the city, and Dunno and his friends get acquainted with the wonders of the Sunny City
  5. Dunno commits three bad deeds and his wand loses its magical power.
  6. The Wizard corrects everything Dunno has done and the friends return to Flower City
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Dunno in the Sunny City"
A donkey will never become a man, but a man can easily become like a donkey.

What does the fairy tale "Dunno in the Sunny City" teach?
The fairy tale teaches politeness, responsiveness, selflessness, and teaches you to do good deeds. Teaches you to be able to admit and correct your mistakes. Teaches you not to give in to anger. Teaches friendship and mutual assistance. Teaches that anything can be achieved through hard work. Teaches you to live according to your conscience.

Review of the fairy tale "Dunno in the Sunny City"
I really liked this fairy tale. Dunno in her is very good and kind, although due to his hot temper he often gets into unpleasant situations. I also really liked the intelligent little Button, who always pulled Dunno back when he went somewhere he shouldn’t.
I also really enjoyed reading about inventions that did not exist at the time the book was written, but that have appeared now. These are flat-screen TVs, prints on clothes, driverless cars, plastic furniture and much more. The author talentedly foresaw the future.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Dunno in the Sunny City"
The need for invention is cunning.
Anger is a bad advisor.
A bad conscience doesn't let you sleep.
The sun paints the earth, and man's labor.
If there was a hunt, any job would work out.

Read a summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale "Dunno in the Sunny City" chapter by chapter
Part 1.
Chapter 1. Dunno dreams.
After traveling to Green City, Dunno’s life changed. He studied with pleasure for some time and read a lot. But since he read mostly fairy tales, he very soon got tired of studying and began to dream.
Dunno became friends with Button, who also loved fairy tales, and together they often dreamed of magic and magic, arguing about which was better - an invisible hat or a flying carpet.
But in the end they came to the conclusion that it was best to have a magic wand.
And then Button told Dunno how to get a magic wand. To do this, you just had to do three good deeds in a row and then a wizard would appear and give you a magic wand.
Dunno decided that this was very easy to do.
Chapter 2. How Dunno did good deeds
The next day Dunno immediately began to do good deeds. He washed his face and it was a good deed. But he had a fight with Avoska and it was bad.
Dunno began to help Pilyulkin grind the powder, and it was a good deed. But when Syrup and Donut started teasing him, he got into a fight with them, and that was a bad thing.
And so on all day.
At night, Dunno realized that his ardor was preventing him from doing three good deeds in a row and decided to improve.
The next day Dunno was very polite, helped everyone and was sure that now the wizard would definitely appear. But the wizard did not appear.
And Button explained to Dunno that good deeds should be selfless, and he does them for the sake of the stick.
Dunno was upset, but he couldn’t help himself. While doing good deeds, he still thought about the wand. And so month after month passed.
Chapter 3. Dunno’s dream comes true
One day, in rainy, cloudy weather, the shorties were sad and Dunno was sad too. He looked at Bulka and thought that he should definitely let him go for a walk after the rain.
Therefore, when the rain stopped, Dunno rejoiced in the sun along with everyone, but did not forget to let Bulka go. Then he sat down to read a book and suddenly heard barking.
He ran out into the street and saw that Bulka wanted to bite some passerby. Dunno pulled the dog away and put it on a chain. Then he went outside and asked a passerby if everything was okay.
The passerby was strange, unfamiliar, wearing a robe covered with stars.
He explained that Dunno did three good deeds and he is the wizard who has a magic wand.
The wizard gave Dunno a magic wand, but warned him that if he committed three bad deeds, the power of the wand would be lost.
Dunno was very happy and ran to Button, even forgetting to thank the Wizard. And when I remembered this and returned, the Wizard was no longer there.
Chapter 4. Dunno and Button meet with Patchkulya Motley
Dunno came to Button and told about the wizard and the magic wand.
The button, of course, didn’t immediately believe it, but when the wand began to fulfill wishes and deliver either a portion of ice cream or a whole box at once, she believed it and was very happy.
Dunno and Button decided that now they can go traveling. And Dunno wished for a car like Vintik and Shpuntik, and of course to be able to drive it.
Then Button saw the baby. It turned out to be Patchkulya Motley.
Pachkuli had two rules in life: never be surprised by anything and never wash your face. That's why he always walked around dirty and for this they called him Patchkuley. But the nickname Motley was given to him by the famous traveler Compass, who saw Pachkulya in the city and, not knowing how to utter offensive words, asked who this Motley was.
Chapter 5. How Dunno, Button and Patchkulya Motley went traveling
Motley was not surprised by either the car or the magic wand, but when he was called to travel, he willingly got into the car.
However, Dunno and Button wanted Motley to wash himself, because they were going on a trip. But Motley agreed to wash only with everyone else, and Dunno conjured soap and towels.
Then they drove straight ahead cheerfully and Knopochka admired the pure Pestenky, and he angrily turned away. Then everyone ate ice cream and Motley ate the most.
Soon the travelers came to a sign that showed the roads to Kamenny, Zemlyanoy and Solnechny cities.
After some debate, the kids decided to go to Sunny City.
Chapter 6. The adventure begins
Dunno and his friends were driving along a flat road and soon a river and a bridge appeared ahead. And a real steamboat was sailing along the river. The short ones stopped on the bridge and looked at the passing ship and the people on its decks.
Motley did not begin to be surprised by the steamer and Dunno was offended.
Then the friends saw a railway and a jet train. And again Pestrenky said that there was nothing unusual in this.
Dunno flared up, because he himself was very surprised by these miracles. Dunno was in a hurry to get to the crossing, but it so happened that he jumped out at the crossing just before the train. And to avoid a collision, he sharply turned the steering wheel, and the car rushed straight along the sleepers in front of the train.
The driver saw the car and began to sound his horn and brake. But Dunno saw that the embankment was becoming less steep and drove off it. Everyone was hit hard, but the main thing is that the box of ice cream was intact and this calmed Pestrenky.
The driver advised Dunno to go to Sunny City on the highway, not on the rails.
Chapter 7. The journey continues
Dunno drove along the highway again and then another car overtook him. Motley, who again turned out to be dirty, said that Dunno would not be able to catch up with this car. But Dunno did not listen and began to squeeze everything possible out of his car.
When the road went downhill and began to descend towards the bridge, the front car braked and stopped right on the bridge, where a truck was already parked.
Thus, the bridge was completely blocked and Dunno had nowhere to turn.
But Dunno managed to grab his magic wand and his car flew over the obstacle. Motley almost fell out of the car in surprise and was hanging, clinging to the bumper.
With great difficulty, Dunno pulled him back in. Then Dunno wished that the car would fall to the ground again.
On the way, Dunno got into a conversation with the driver of another car, who was interested in the type of fuel of the car. Upon learning that Dunno's car ran on syrup, the driver was surprised. His car used alcohol, and there were also smelly cars that ran on fuel oil.
The driver explained that the Sunny City is so called because there is always sun there. After all, when clouds gather, the short ones spray powder among them and the clouds disappear. And it only rains in gardens.

Chapter 8. Circulina and Planetarka
Dunno and his friends rode among colorful multi-colored fields and were surprised by what they saw. Suddenly they noticed a strange car driving around the field in circles and mowing the grass. But this was not enough; behind the car the ground seemed to have already been dug up. Dunno noticed that the car was spinning around a pole to which it was tied with a rope and decided to see what would happen when the rope ran out.
This happened very soon and the car began to make beeps. A short man who turned out to be a mechanic quickly arrived on a motorcycle. He explained that this is Tsirkulin’s machine, which not only mows and plows, but sows, harrows and produces fertilizer. And another similar machine was working nearby - Planetarka. In total, the mechanic serviced ten of these machines.
Chapter 9. Radiolaria
Mechanic Kalachik volunteered to show his friends a radio-controlled combine and took them to another field on his crawler motorcycle. Friends saw a huge number of cultivated fields, which, according to Kalachik, were plowed by his ten machines.
But then they saw a huge field in the center of which stood a yellow building - an elevator. Around him rode Radiolaria, a radio-controlled harvester that plowed, fertilized and sowed wheat. Moreover, while the combine was plowing the distant circles, in the outer circles the wheat had already ripened and was being harvested by the harvester.
All this was controlled from the Sunny City, from the central station.
Chapter 10. How Dunno, Button and Patchkulya Motley arrived in Sunny City
Finally, Dunno and his friends ended up in Sunny City. Here on the streets there were so many cars of the most bizarre design that Dunno could not stand it, stopped his car, and then the friends went on foot to see everything better. They looked at huge houses of strange design, even rode an escalator and a chute along which residents descended from the upper floors.
In one place, Dunno gaped, looking at the firefighters, and his hat fell to the ground. At this time, a short man named Leaf ran into Dunno, who also gaped, reading a book as he walked, and knocked Dunno down.
Dunno got angry, called Leaf a donkey, and then wished that Leaf really turned into a donkey.
And Leaf became a donkey.
No one noticed this, and the travelers stopped near the Malvasia Hotel.
Chapter 11. When the day ended
The friends settled in a hotel and spent a long time getting used to the unfamiliar equipment. Dunno tried out the action of a cabinet vacuum cleaner on himself, and then forced Pestrenky to do it.
Then Motley went to the bathroom to pretend that he had washed himself, but he got confused in the control knobs and was washed all over, along with his clothes. The same fate befell Dunno.
But in the end, the friends figured out the tricky technique and washed themselves.
And then Dunno waved his wand, a self-assembled tablecloth appeared and the friends had dinner.
Chapter 12. How Dunno talked to his conscience
When Dunno went to bed, he saw inscriptions with the names of fairy tales and decided that they were books. But when he pressed the button, a pleasant voice simply began to tell him a bedtime story. After listening to the fairy tale about “Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka,” Dunno remembered about Listik and his conscience began to torment him. He was worried that Leaf might feel bad.
He even started morning exercises in the middle of the night and did several exercises to drown out the voice of his conscience.
But in the end he couldn’t stand it, he woke up Pestrenky and told him about Leafy. Motley was not surprised. And Dunno asked him to scold him and even hit him, which Pestrenky did.
Chapter 13. Leaf and Letter
Leaflet and Bukovka were very good little guys who loved to read books. They met in the library and constantly read books.
They even set up a book theater in the city, where they read books to everyone.
At first this theater was not successful, but gradually the residents fell in love with it and now its performances were always full of people.
That day, Leaflet went to the library, and then had to come to Bukovka. But Bukovka did not wait for Leaf and rushed to look for him. She found out that he was in the library, took the book and left.
Bukovka was very upset and even cried. All her friends tried to help her find Leaflet, and even placed an ad in the newspaper about the loss of the short one.
Chapter 14. Dunno reads the newspaper and finds out where to look for Leaflet
The next morning, everyone in town was reading the newspaper and discussing Leaf's disappearance. Dunno also read the note and realized that Leaflet was the little guy he turned into a donkey.
Button was moved while reading about Listik and Bukovka and even cried. And Dunno found another note, which talked about an ownerless donkey and that he was taken to the zoo.
Dunno suggests going to the zoo to examine the animals. He already understood where to look for Leaf.
Chapter 15. Zoo
Friends came to the zoo and spent a long time looking at different animals. Along the way, they drank a lot of sparkling water, just for the sake of experimentation.
Finally, Dunno saw the donkey, and when Pestenky and Knopochka squeezed through the crowd to look at the elephant, he waved his wand and turned the donkey into a runt. The short guy turned out to be large, with a big lip and yellow-green trousers.
Dunno went back happy, but then Pestenky came up and showed Dunno another donkey. Dunno was surprised and turned the second donkey into a runt. He turned out to be just as large and with a lip.
Dunno admitted that he doesn’t remember what Leaf looked like. And then the friends saw another donkey in the enclosure. Just in case, Dunno turned him into a short one. It turned out to be the largest and immediately asked Dunno where Krykun and Pegasik, the two donkeys that had just been here, had gone.
And then the short donkey gave Dunno a blow and chased after his friends.
When Dunno and Motley met Button, Dunno told her about donkeys and Leaf.
Chapter 16. How Dunno, Button and Pestenky met Pegasik and what came of it
The next morning, Dunno and his friends watched as short Chubchik watered flowers from the sludge. Suddenly Pegasik the donkey appeared and also wanted to water. Chubchik gave him the hose and decided to move away.
Pegasus watered the flowers for a while, but then he saw Dunno and his friends and immediately doused Dunno with water. Then he doused Knopochka. Dunno rushed to take the hose from Pegasik and they doused all passers-by with water.
A crowd gathered and Pegasik ran away quietly, and Dunno was taken to the police.
Policemen Karaulkin and Svistulkin did not know what to do with Dunno. Then they decided to lecture him, apologize so that he would not be offended by them, and let him go.

Part 2.
Chapter 17. Meeting with the Cube
Dunno, not knowing that the police were going to let him go, tried to break out the glass and suddenly saw Knopochka and Pestrenky below. The button showed something to Dunno. And Dunno remembered about the magic wand. He took out his wand and then policeman Svistulkin entered. Out of fright, Dunno wished that the walls of the police would collapse and they collapsed. Svistulkin was hit hard on the head, but he still rushed after the fleeing Dunno. However, the policeman quickly fell behind.
And Dunno and friends sat on a bench and drank soda. At this time, Dunno thought he was dizzy, because the house was spinning behind him.
But the architect Kubik approached with a smile and explained that the house really rotates.
Kubik led his friends through the streets of the city, showing various strange houses. In the form of ledges, musical instruments, in the form of a hot air balloon, and even completely askew buildings where there was not a single straight wall.
But then Kubik remembered about the meeting of the architectural committee and invited his friends to go with him.
Chapter 18. In the architectural committee
Kubik called an automatic taxi, which itself, without a driver, took travelers to Architectural Street. There they entered a beautiful building and found themselves at a committee meeting.
The architects were just discussing a report on rotating houses. They argued heatedly about whether such houses should be built or not.
The discussion captivated Dunno, but Motley simply fell asleep and even began to snore. So his friends had to take him outside.
Chapter 19. In the theater
On the street, friends sprinkled Pestrenky with water and he came to his senses. They wanted to return to the meeting, but were carried away by the musicians who were playing pneumatic instruments. Then they got to the pop theater and stayed to watch the performance.
Dunno and Pestrenky were simply amazed by the transformative artist Pancake, who played different instruments and constantly changed clothes and changed his appearance.
Even when the real singer began to sing, Dunno for some time thought that it was still Pancake, and when he learned the truth he was upset and bored.
He barely made it to the end of the performance.
When it got dark, the friends took a taxi to the hotel.
Chapter 20. How Dunno and his friends met engineer Klepka
The next morning, Kubik came to his friends and offered to continue the tour of the architectural places of the city.
They went outside and a car stopped nearby. A short man in short pants and a helmet jumped out. It turned out to be the engineer Klepka, whose last name Pestrenky began to pronounce as Rivet.
He offered to give his friends a ride.
Everyone got into the car and it sped off at terrifying speed. She simply jumped over oncoming cars, because she was equipped with special boots.
Then the car fell into the river and floated away. Motley, fearing for his life, immediately put on a life preserver.
But Klepka, wanting to amaze the travelers even more, suddenly took off and flew over the river on a propeller.
Chapter 21. Dunno and his friends take an excursion to a clothing factory
Klepka brought his friends to the clothing factory and introduced him to Karasik, a short man who worked at the factory.
Karasik happily took his friends through different floors of the factory, showing how clothes are printed on machines and how various prints are made on T-shirts. The entire process was fully automated.
Then Karasik brought his friends to the design department and the local kids immediately paid attention to Dunno. After all, they were already asked for yellow trousers. They examined Dunno's trousers and made changes to the project.
Finally, Motley begged, saying that he wanted to drink and eat.
Chapter 22. The adventures of policeman Svistulkin
After an unsuccessful pursuit of Dunno, Svistulkin felt bad. During the collapse he was hit hard on the head. Therefore, he did not return to duty, but went home. But the time was inopportune, Svistulkin’s rotating house was turned the other way, and Svistulkin went into someone else’s entrance and someone else’s apartment, where he immediately fell asleep.
Therefore, they could not find him, and all the newspapers published advertisements about the disappearance of Svistulkin.
And Svistulkin slept for a day, woke up, ate and went back to sleep.
But that evening the owners returned to the apartment - Jester and Korzhik. They discovered Svestulkin and realized that there had been a misunderstanding.
Svistulkin quickly got dressed and went out. But by mistake he put on Korzhik’s jacket with a driver’s license in his pocket.
On the street, Svsitulkin tripped over a rope pulled by short donkeys, fell and lost consciousness again. He was taken to the hospital and put into a ward under the name Korzhik.
Chapter 23. Conscience worries Dunno again
Meanwhile, Klepka continued to take friends to different places in the city. They visited a furniture factory, where they studied the process of making plastic furniture and inflatable pneumatic furniture.
Then they toured a TV factory where they made flat-panel TVs of various sizes and mini-headsets. Then the friends visited the book factory and watched how books were printed. Then at the musical instrument factory and many other places.
At the same time, Dunno kept reading in the newspapers about Svistulkin’s disappearance, and his conscience tormented him.
The next morning Klepka and Kubik were late; their friends were taken away by Karasik, who wanted to show them the Sunny Park.
In Sunny Park, Dunno was most interested in the chess town, where many chess players played chess, with themselves, with each other and with the computer.
Button and Pestenky went further through the park, and Dunno stayed to watch the game.

Chapter 24. How Dunno fell ill with chess fever
Dunno played the slot machine several times and lost. Then he met Thread from the clothing factory and they started talking. Dunno told how bad life is in the Flower City, where nothing is automated. He talked about Donut’s hoarding, but then Thread cut Dunno off and said that it was bad to laugh at a sick person.
Then she took Dunno to other chess machines and Dunno finally won one game.
Meanwhile, Knopochka and Pestenky were going on rides and having fun in other places in the park.
Chapter 25. How Svistulkin was found
Meanwhile, Svistulkin saw his name in the newspaper and remembered everything. How he saw Dunno and the magic wand, how he chased him.
He began to tell the doctor that he was Svistulkin, and the doctor claimed that he was Korzhik. In the end, the doctor decided to go to Korzhik’s home. He came and was met by Jester and Korzhik. Seeing the real Korzhik, the doctor realized his mistake.
The doctor called the police and soon all the newspapers reported that Svistulkin had been found.
Dunno was playing chess when Thread came running up to him with a newspaper and showed him an article about Svistulkin.
Dunno got scared when he read that Svistulkin was talking about a wizard in yellow trousers. But Thread, noticing his fear, simply laughed. She said that there are no wizards and the doctor said this correctly in his commentary. In addition, there were already a lot of kids around in yellow trousers - fashion.
Chapter 26. Important Events
At this time, the donkeys, turned into short ones, continued to have fun on the streets of the city. They pulled strings, hosed down passers-by, hit people on the back, played click chess, and did much more.
The donkeys found followers who began to be called carminatives, after a group of short people who in ancient times engaged in similar obscenities.
Meanwhile, the strange clothing of the carminative donkeys attracted attention, and the clothing factory was inundated with requests for wide yellow-green trousers and jackets with narrow sleeves. Dunno's trousers immediately went out of fashion.
There was a debate in the press about carminatives, and some even called for the creation of law enforcement committees.
Chapter 27. At the mercy of carminatives
The carminative movement in the city was gaining momentum. Many short people imitated carminatives, fights began to occur frequently in the city, chess machines were broken, and aerial carousels were pierced. The police caught the violators and put them in the “refrigerator” but then released them because their conscience tormented them.
There were few people on the streets, everyone was in a hurry to go home.
In music, carminatives began to play detuned instruments, and in the theater, spectators were forced to sit on stage while actors played in the auditorium.
Once Dunno and his friends almost drowned on the river when some carminative pierced their boat. And in the theater they poured sawdust down the collar and doused them with water.
Chapter 28. Professor Kozyavkin's discovery
The friends decided to leave the Sunny City, which had become inhospitable. But while Dunno and Pestenky went to look for the car, Button read an article in the newspaper by Professor Kozyavkin, who described the transformation of a donkey into a human and concluded that there are two types of carminatives - wild and domestic. Therefore, he proposed to find a way to turn wild carminatives back into donkeys, and domestic ones themselves would become normal.
There was also an article about Leaf, who has not yet been found.
When Dunno returned, Button refused to leave until he corrected what he had done and showed him the articles in the newspaper.
Dunno realized that instead of Leaflet he had turned ordinary donkeys into runts and decided to return to the zoo to find Leaflet
Chapter 29. Meeting old friends
In the morning, Kubik came to his friends and showed him a new radar that helped detect carminatives in front and behind. Then Thread and Karasik came, who showed rubberized clothing in which blows were not felt. Then a bandaged Klepka appeared, whose carminatives unscrewed his boot on the car and he got into an accident.
Dunno promised that soon there would be no carminatives.
And Kubik offered to introduce his friends to Herring and Fuchsia, who invented a rocket to fly to the Moon and the winter sun.
The friends drove in Klepka's car, but when Kubik found out that Klepka was taking them to the scientific town, he grabbed the steering wheel and the car spun around.
Pestenky became interested in the machine’s engine and Klepka disassembled the machine to show how it runs on bioplastic. A crowd gathered around the car, and everyone decided that there had been an accident. The police arrived and Klepka’s car was towed to the police station.
Chapter 30. How Dunno lost his magic wand
Dunno and his friends came to the zoo and began looking for Leaflet. But he was told that this donkey was given to the circus because he was very learned. Dunno saw a monkey in a cage and stuck a magic wand in there to tease the monkey. But the monkey grabbed his magic wand. Dunno couldn’t get the wand and decided to open the cage.
But a watchman noticed him and drove him away, threatening to call the police.
Therefore, Dunno and Pestenky decided to climb over the fence when the zoo closed.
The zoo at night was completely different from the zoo during the day. Dunno and Pestenky got lost. But finally Dunno saw a familiar barn and climbed into the cage. However, the Moon looked out and Dunno saw a lion in front of him. He and Pestrenky quickly ran away and barely managed to climb over the fence.
Chapter 31. Meeting with the wizard
In the morning, Dunno went to the zoo and, after waiting for the cleaning lady to clean the cage with the monkey and throw out the trash, he found his wand in the trash can.
He and his friends ran to the circus and found the donkey Leafy backstage. Dunno began to wave his magic wand, but Leaflet did not want to turn into a baby.
Dunno tried to order three servings of ice cream, but that didn’t work either.
Dunno was very annoyed; he believed that the stick was of poor quality.
And then the Wizard appeared. He explained to Dunno that he had committed three bad deeds and the wand stopped working. He turned Leaf into a donkey, he turned donkeys into runts, and he teased the monkey.
But the Wizard said that life is beautiful without a magic wand.
Chapter 32. Mitten Day
Dunno asked the Wizard if his wish could come true without a magic wand. The wizard replied that if the wish is good, then it will come true. Then Dunno asked that everything in Sunny City be as before. Button wished to return to the Flower City as soon as possible, and Motley found out what happened to the lion, with his friends Kubik and Klepka, and asked to be clean without washing.
The wizard said that he would feel good only by washing his face.
Then they walked down the street and saw three donkeys returning to the zoo. Then they saw Leaf and Letter, who were walking tightly holding hands. Then mittens began to fall around, because in the Sunny City they celebrated the day of the solar brothers. On this day it was necessary to catch mittens and exchange them.
Dunno exchanged mittens with the kids, and Knopochka exchanged them, and Pestrenky exchanged mittens with Svistulkin.
Then the Wizard took the friends to the automatic taxi station and put them in a taxi to the Flower City.
He waved goodbye to his friends with his beard.
Chapter 33. Dunno, Button and Pestenky become solar brothers
The friends drove back to Sunny City and remembered everything that happened to them. Then they noticed that they could exchange mittens, and then everyone would have the same color. Then everyone fell asleep, and when they woke up, they found themselves already in the Flower City.
Motley quickly left, and Dunno and Button went together. Dunno dreamed that the Flower City would become the same as the Sunny City, and Button said that Dunno should have wished for wisdom.
Then Button said that she wanted Dunno to be good. Dunno said that one of his girlfriends also wants this. And Button asked who this friend was, about whom Dunno had not told anything.
Dunno said that this is conscience. Button said that Dunno was stupid, but good, and Dunno said that she fell in love with him. Then Button got offended and left. And Dunno was surprised that he said such a thing.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Dunno in the Sunny City"

“Nosov's stories” - Samotsvetik. "My first story for children." Annotation. He is friends with the owner, guards the house, lives under the porch, tail in a ring. Guess the story by solving the riddles. “If you think writing funny stories is easy and simple, you are mistaken.” Znayka. Flower. Guess the names of Dunno's friends. And they burn in the beetle's eyes.

“Nosov about the war” - But without looking back, lived to the fullest. And this happens to people... In Christian mythology, the origin of the poppy is associated with the blood of an innocently murdered person. Echoes of war in the works of Evgeny Nosov. The theme of war in Russian literature. Just a few sentences convey the horror of war. There are many legends about the origin of poppy.

“The Works of Nikolai Nosov” - Exercise for the eyes. Proverbs and sayings. Tilts. Task. Guys, read books. Smile. 103 years since the birth of Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov. Jumping. Works by N. Nosov. Excerpts for illustrations. Turns. Tasks for groups. Vocabulary work. Best job. Mood. Satire. Satire and humor.

“Creativity of N. Nosov” - Life prototype of Dunno. Dunno. Adventures of Dunno and his friends. The idea of ​​writing a fairy tale about the state of shorties. Mishka and Kolya. Mid-20th century. "Living Hat" Several stories about school life. A series of fairy tale novels. Nikolai Nosov was born on November 23, 1908. Dunno is a master of making things up. There are so many wonderful, beloved books around.

“Dunno Nosov” - How tall was Dunno? So, there is a place for heroic deeds in the life of every person! In fact, did Dunno have a prototype? Most often with very dubious results. Okay, overall. BOOKS by Nikolai Nosov... Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov. Although, by and large, all the writer’s previous heroes are “dunnos.”

“Nosov “White Goose”” - Determine the genre of the story. Monument to the White Goose. What do you know about geese? Favorite pets. Formation of knowledge. Nosov. Monuments to literary characters. Fine and expressive means of language. Sadness at the end. Monuments to animals. Image of a bird's feat. White goose. Curiosity.

"No. 42 zhanynda boarding schools bar zhalpy orta bilim beretin mektep" KMM
Semey kalasy
Sarkenova Nurzhanat Oralkhanovna
Sanats: ekinshi sanat
Orys tili men adebiet pani mugalimi
Seungeup: 5 "A"
To introduce the work of N. Nosov, to form an individual experience of independent reading, to teach how to determine the main idea of ​​a work, to enrich the vocabulary with new words, to develop a sense of humor, to cultivate kindness, humanity, and the desire to acquire new knowledge.

Lesson topic. N.N. Nosov “How Dunno composed poetry”
(Excerpt from the book “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”) Class: 5 “A”
Goal: to introduce N. Nosov to the works, to form an individual experience of independent reading, to teach how to determine the main idea of ​​a work, to enrich the vocabulary with new words, to develop a sense of humor, to cultivate kindness, humanity, and the desire to gain new knowledge.
- expand and deepen students’ knowledge on N. Nosov’s topic “How Dunno composed poetry”, developing a sense of humor, logical thinking, memory, dialogic and monologue speech, imagination; develop students’ speech.
- correct the students’ acquired knowledge on this topic based on the proposed tasks, expressive reading, enriching the students’ vocabulary with new words in the lesson;
- cultivate a culture of speech, instill an interest in the subject and reading fiction, a respectful attitude towards comrades, and a love of work.
Planned results:
Subject: learn about the author N.N. Nosov and the literary heroes of the fairy tale
- will learn to read a work from sight and from memory in compliance with literary norms, to correlate the actions of the characters with moral standards; will have the opportunity to learn selective retelling.
Regulatory: be able to set a goal and plan your activities in the lesson with the help of a teacher; be able to work in time; be able to express your assumptions based on working with the textbook material; be able to exercise self-control and self-esteem.
Communicative: construct speech correctly when solving communication problems, formulate your own opinion and position;
Cognitive: – be able to navigate the text, highlight essential information in it, construct logical statements, draw conclusions, perform educational actions orally;
Personal learning activities: show interest in new educational material;
- navigate the moral content of both one’s own actions and the actions of other people;
- the ability to self-assess based on criteria for the success of educational activities.
Equipment: Textbook: “Literary reading”, computer; projector; presentation for the lesson, cards for group work; exhibition of books of works by N.N. Nosov, illustrative material, felt-tip pens, explanatory dictionaries, pictures, posters, accounting sheets, hat.
During the classes.
I. Organizational moment. Psychological mood “Jug of Happiness”.
II. Updating knowledge.
Brainstorming technique
1.Read the poem by S.Ya. Marshak. “He’s so absent-minded!”
2.What makes him funny?
3.What funny incidents happened to the main character?
4.The poem not only made us laugh, but also made us think. What do you think about?
5. How does the author relate to his hero?
6.What episode is depicted in the picture?
1. Determining the topic of the lesson:
Immersion in the lesson.
1. Shorty is naughty,
In a bright blue hat.
Ignorant and arrogant
And his name is... Dunno.
Topic: N. Nosov “How Dunno wrote poetry”
“If there is work, there will be success”
- How do you understand the meaning of this statement?
- Let these words be the motto of our lesson.

Additional information about Nosov's trilogy.
- Guys, this new work is just an excerpt from the trilogy of the fairy tale novel “The Adventure of Dunno.” A trilogy is three works united by one idea. The trilogy “The Adventures of Dunno” includes “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”, “Dunno in the Sunny City” and “Dunno on the Moon”.
- Which of these three books do you think our passage belongs to?
(The first book of the trilogy “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”
Consists of several chapters: HOW Dunznayka Was a Musician, How Dunznayka Was an Artist, How Dunznayka Wrote Poems, How Dunznayka Rided a Carbonated Car, etc.)
- Try to find time and read the entire trilogy of the fairy tale novel.
Conversation about the main character.
-Who is the main character of this fairy tale? (Dunno)
- How did you find out? (By name)
"Group Rules"
1. Respect different opinions.
2. Listen without interrupting.
3. Help each other in case of difficulties.
4. Avoid direct instructions.
5. Correct each other's mistakes tactfully.

At home, the leaders of each group completed the task.
Group 1 - biographers, group 2 - artists, group 3 - researchers.
- Wizards, as you know, are different: good or evil. Why is N. Nosov a good wizard? Yes, because he owned the mysterious “golden key” to the hearts of millions of little citizens all over the planet.
- Biographers, tell us, what interesting facts from the writer’s life do you know?
III. Perception and awareness of new materialgroup of biographers
N.N. Nosov - children's writer, playwright, screenwriter (1908-1976) was born in Kyiv on November 23, 1908. For some time the family lived in the small village of Irpen, then returned to Kyiv again. The hobbies of my school years were varied: music, singing, amateur theater, writing for the handwritten magazine "IKS", as well as chemistry, chess, radio, electronics, photography. Later, Nosov sold newspapers, was a laborer, a navvy, a mower, and a log carrier. He dreamed of becoming a musician, then a chemist, but by the age of twenty he entered the directing department, where his older brother Peter studied. He worked as a film director and animator. During the Great Patriotic War he made films on the front line. He produced several training films for the Soviet Army. In 1943 he was awarded the Order of the Red Star. I came to literature by accident: my son was born, and I had to tell him more and more fairy tales, funny stories. In 1969 he was awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR. N.K. Krupskaya for the trilogy about Dunno.

Strategy “Reading with stops” group work
Group of artists Reading an excerpt from a story by students
1. Scene.
2. Conversation based on what was heard:
- Who did Dunno want to become in this scene? (Poet)
- And before this story, who did he want to be? (Hood, music)
- What did you especially like?
-What made you laugh?

Group - researchers
We found words in the explanatory dictionary that meant each word that was unclear to us.
Vocabulary work
Avoska - A mesh bag for groceries or small items, woven from laces and threads.
Mockery - Evil, offensive ridicule, offensive joke.
Teasers - A chanting rhyme that is used to tease someone. An offensive name, nickname, etc., which is used to tease someone.
Rhyme is the consistency and consonance of the ends of poetic lines. Sound repetition at the end of lines of the poem
Humor is a good-natured, mocking attitude towards something, the ability to notice and make fun of the funny and absurd in life phenomena.
Vocabulary work: select – tandapalu; compose – shygaru, zhazu; write poetry - Olenzhazu; meaning – man, magyna
IVReinforcing the lesson
Group - biographers. Exercise
Working on Dunno’s personality. The “Cluster” strategy can be applied
- Dunno deceives everyone, boasts, does not want to learn. Why is he the main character? Let's discuss this? Positive features.
Statements from children. (In addition, Dunno is active, curious, open, sociable and not devoid of talents, capable, versatile, and draws and writes poetry.)
Judge for yourself, for the first time he picked up brushes and paints, and in one night he painted portraits of all his friends...
Or his poetic experiments. After all, literally the day before he did not yet know what “rhyme” was, but he decided to devote himself to literary creativity, and, one might say, he immediately created poetry.
Yes. That's what he is, Dunno! Versatile, inquisitive, cheerful and, most importantly, incredibly similar to any (not even a fairy-tale, but a real) boy.)
Group - artists. Write negative character traits of Dunno
(mischievous, restless, makes fun of others, doesn’t finish things, boastful, lazy, always gets into different troubles, spoiled.)

Group - researchers - Write all the character traits of Dunno
(curious, active, agile, cheerful, smart, capable.)
Dunno is the most famous shorty of the Flower City. This is a lively, charming and recognizable boy. He is such a braggart, a lazy person and a troublemaker that, because of his character, he constantly gets into various troubles. In addition, Dunno is active, curious, open, sociable and not devoid of talents
Judge for yourself, for the first time he picked up brushes and paints, and in one night he painted portraits of all his friends. What he accomplished speaks only about the uniqueness of his artistic gift.
Microphone game
In our fairy tale, Dunno was a poet, and I suggest you become a Dunno correspondent and interview your comrades about the work you read. Students take turns putting on a hat, taking a microphone and asking each other questions. For example. Who is the author of the work? What does the work teach us? Which characters do you remember?
Testing text perception.
- Did you like the work?
- What did you especially like?
- Who taught Dunno to write poetry?
-What made you laugh?
- Did Dunno choose the right rhymes in his poems?
- Which of the heroes did you feel sorry for?
- Re-read the poems that Dunno wrote about his friends.
- What did your friends say? They said that these were not poems, but some kind of teases. Do you agree with Dunno's friends? Explain your opinion?
What can we learn from Dunno?
Working on proverbs.
Collective work on proverbs.
Choose from the proposed proverbs the most suitable one for the work you read.
It’s not enough to want, you have to be able to.
Brag - don't mow, your back doesn't hurt.
You do one thing, don’t spoil another.
And it’s ready, but stupid.
Whoever lied yesterday will not be believed tomorrow.
Conclusion: the proverb reveals the meaning of the read work:
A bad joke won't do any good.
- How do poems differ from prose (stories)? (There is a rhyme.)
- What is rhyme? Sveta, repeat it again.
- How Tsvetik explained it. (page 36)
- Is it possible to immediately find poetry in it without reading the fairy tale? Try this. Open books to read on pages 35-39. You will read this fairy tale at home. Now find the poems in it.
- How did you find them? (Written in a column)
- Read them.
- Do you think it’s easy to write poetry?
- Now let's play rhymes.

Each group selects rhymes for its name.
DAISIES - goosebumps, pocket, shirt, face, blotter, lamb, mongrel, piece of paper, cup, knuckle, cap, piece of wood, old man,
puff, poor thing, goosebumps, tailor, ice, cockroach, triplets
Cornflowers - purses, lights, bubbles, stems, backpacks, caps, knots, trifles, old people, poplars, coals, driftwood, foresters, boys.
MOPIES - dogs signs marriages, fights crayfish darkness lucky tailcoats macaques onlookers cereals zodiacs scribblers lies saigas poles revelers byaki bullies antics biters
Compilation of "Sinquain"
- Well done with the rhyme! Now compose the five-line poem “Cinquain”
1st group:
Famous, funny
Loitering, composing, telling
Dunno wanted to learn
Group 2:
Interesting, capable
Helps, thinks, agrees
Tsvetik is a good poet
Group 3:
Chief, smart
Reads, knows, teaches
Reading is the best learning

Lesson summary.
Teacher: I would like to summarize our work on Nosov’s work today with poems about Dunno:
Before you say a word,
Consider everything and take your time,
To say everything clearly
Think it over and decide.
Be it by chance, or even jokingly,
Always be polite to people.
There is only one truth in life -
Don't talk in vain!
Knowledge is power
Literacy is always needed.
Reason, wisdom, praise -

Guys, what piece did we work on today?
-Who is its main character?
- What is your attitude towards Dunno?
- What would you advise Dunno? (Study, make friends...)
- How to help a person if he made a mistake? (Talk, regret...)
- Can this story be called humorous?
- What does Nikolai Nosov’s story teach?
- What new things did you learn in the lesson?

The motto of our lesson was the words: “If there is work, there will be success.”
Let's summarize our lesson.
-What success has each of you achieved?
Optional homework.
1. Compose and write down a poem about any hero of the Flower City.
2. Read the work and prepare a retelling (pages 88 -92).
3. Complete task No. 1 on page 93, No. 2 on page 93 in the workbook.
Working with the self-esteem scale.
- Write down how you worked in the lesson on the self-assessment sheet. Mark your knowledge of this lesson topic.

Actively participated
- it was interesting
- it was clear
- learned something new

N.N. Nosov Children's writer, playwright, screenwriter (1908-1976) was born in Kyiv on November 23, 1908. For some time the family lived in the small village of Irpen, then returned to Kyiv again.

The hobbies of my school years were varied: music, singing, amateur theater, writing for the handwritten magazine "IKS", as well as chemistry, chess, radio, electronics, photography.

Later, Nosov sold newspapers, was a laborer, a navvy, a mower, and a log carrier. He dreamed of becoming a musician, then a chemist, but by the age of twenty he entered the directing department, where his older brother Peter studied.

He worked as a film director and animator. During the Great Patriotic War he made films on the front line. He produced several training films for the Soviet Army.

In 1943 he was awarded the Order of the Red Star. I came to literature by accident: my son was born, and I had to tell him more and more fairy tales, funny stories.

In 1969 he was awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR. N.K. Krupskaya for the trilogy about Dunno.

9. Professional mini-test
9.1 Working with rhyme
- In what city did the shorties live? (Flower)
-Why was it called that? (There were flowers growing around every house)
- Well done, you are doing a good job, and I can’t wait to hand out the flowers to you right now.
Task 3. “Why”
- Now I will play the role of Why, and you will be Znayka and try to guess and name the other heroes of the fairy tale, explain the meaning of their names.
1 gr.
This hero always answered the question “I don’t know” (Dunno)
This hero heals his friends. (Pilyulkin)

The hero of this role knows the answer to everything. (Znayka)
And this hero loved sweet cheesecakes (Avoska)

This hero had the ability to put words into rhyme. (Tsvetik)
This hero was in a hurry all the time. (Toropyzhka)
Can't we do without this hero? (Nosov)

Task 4.
Choose the proverb that best suits the content of the story: (discuss in a group)
1. If you don’t know the ford, don’t stick your nose into the water 2. It’s not a shame not to know, it’s a shame not to learn
3. Where there is no knowledge, there is no intelligence.

1 gr. Essay “I am Dunno”
2.gr.Essay “I am Tsvetik”
3 gr. Sinkwine "Dunno"
4 gr. Essay “I am the author”

Cinquain was invented at the beginning of the 20th century by Adelaide Crapsey, an American poet. Inspired by Japanese haiku and tanka, Crapsey came up with a five-line poem form, also based on counting the syllables in each line. The traditional one she invented had a syllable structure of 2-4-6-8-2 (two syllables in the first line, four in the second, and so on). Thus, the poem should have had 22 syllables in total.

Didactic syncwine was first used in American schools. Its difference from all other types of syncwine is that it is based not on counting syllables, but on the semantic specificity of each line.

The classic (strict) didactic syncwine is structured like this:

  • , one word, noun or pronoun;

  • second line – two adjectives or participles, which describe the properties of the topic;

  • third line - or gerunds, telling about the actions of the topic;

  • fourth line – four word sentence, expressing the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to the topic;

  • fifth line – one word(any part of speech) expressing the essence of the topic; a kind of resume.

The result is a short, unrhymed poem that can be devoted to any topic.

At the same time, in a didactic syncwine, you can deviate from the rules, for example, the main topic or summary can be formulated not in one word, but in a phrase, a phrase can consist of three to five words, and actions can be described in compound words.

Compiling a syncwine

Coming up with syncwines is quite a fun and creative activity, and it does not require special knowledge or literary talents. The main thing is to master the form well and “feel” it.

For training, it is best to take as a topic something well-known, close and understandable to the author. And start with simple things. For example, let’s try to create a syncwine using the topic “soap” as an example.

Respectively, First line- "soap".

Second line– two adjectives, properties of an object. What kind of soap? You can list in your mind any adjectives that come to mind and choose two that are suitable. Moreover, it is possible to describe in syncwine both the concept of soap in general (foaming, slippery, fragrant), and the specific soap that the author uses (baby, liquid, orange, purple, etc.). Let’s say the end result is “transparent, strawberry” soap.

Third line– three actions of the item. This is where schoolchildren often have problems, especially when it comes to syncwines devoted to abstract concepts. But we must keep in mind that actions are not only the actions that an object produces in itself, but also what happens to it and the impact it has on others. For example, soap can not only lie in a soap dish and smell, it can slip out of your hands and fall, and if it gets into your eyes, it can make you cry, and most importantly, you can wash yourself with it. What else can soap do? Let's remember and choose three verbs in the end. For example, like this: “It smells, it washes, it bubbles.”

Fourth line– the author’s personal attitude to the topic of syncwine. Here, too, sometimes problems arise - what kind of personal attitude can you have towards soap if you are not a fan of cleanliness, who really loves to wash, or not, who hates soap. But in this case, personal attitude means not only the emotions that the author experiences. These could be associations, something that, in the author’s opinion, is the main thing in this subject, and some facts from the biography related to the topic of syncwine. For example, the author once slipped on soap and broke his knee. Or tried making soap yourself. Or he associates soap with the need to wash his hands before eating. All this can become the basis for the fourth line, the main thing is to put your thought into three to five words. For example: “Wash your hands before eating.” Or, if the author ever as a child tried to lick soap with a delicious smell - and was disappointed, the fourth line could be: “The smell, the taste is disgusting.”

And finally last line– summary in one or two words. Here you can re-read the resulting poem, think about the image of the object that has arisen, and try to express your feelings in one word. Or ask yourself the question - why is this item needed at all? What is the purpose of his existence? What is its main property? And the meaning of the last line greatly depends on what has already been said earlier. If the fourth line of the cinquain is about washing your hands before eating, the logical conclusion would be “cleanliness” or “hygiene.” And if the memories of a bad experience of eating soap are “disappointment” or “deception”.

What happened in the end? An example of a classic didactic syncwine of strict form.


Transparent, strawberry.

It washes, it smells, it bubbles.

The smell is sweet, the taste is disgusting.


A small but entertaining poem in which all children who have ever tasted soap will recognize themselves. And in the process of writing, we also remembered the properties and functions of soap.

After practicing on simple subjects, you can move on to more complex, but familiar topics. For training, you can try to compose a cinquain on the theme “family” or a cinquain on the theme “class”, poems dedicated to the seasons, and so on. And a cinquain on the theme “mother”, composed by primary school students, can be a good basis for a postcard in honor of the 8th of March holiday. And syncwin texts written by students on the same topic can form the basis for any class-wide projects. For example, for Victory Day or New Year, schoolchildren can make a poster or newspaper with a selection of thematic poems written in their own hand.

Why make a syncwine at school?

Compiling a syncwine is a rather exciting and creative activity, which, despite its simplicity, helps children of all ages develop systematic thinking and analytical abilities, isolate the main thing, formulate their thoughts, and expand their active vocabulary.

In order to write a cinquain, you need to have knowledge and understanding of the subject - and this, on top of everything, makes writing poems an effective form of testing knowledge in almost any subject of the school curriculum. Moreover, writing a syncwine in biology or chemistry will take less time than a full-fledged test. A cinquain in literature, dedicated to any of the literary characters or a literary genre, will require the same intensive work of thought as writing a detailed essay - but the result will be more creative and original, faster (to write a cinquain for children who have mastered the form well, it is enough 5-10 minutes) and indicative.

Sinkwine - examples in various subjects

Sinkwine in the Russian language can be devoted to different topics, in particular, you can try to describe parts of speech in this way.

An example of a syncwine on the topic “verb”:


Returnable, perfect.

Describes an action, conjugates, commands.

In a sentence it is usually a predicate.

Part of speech.

In order to write such a syncwine, I had to remember what forms a verb has, how it changes, and what role it plays in a sentence. The description turned out to be incomplete, but nevertheless it shows that the author remembers something about verbs and understands what they are.

In biology, students can write syncwines dedicated to individual species of animals or plants. Moreover, in some cases, to write a syncwine on biology, it will be enough to master the content of one paragraph, which allows you to use the syncwine to test the knowledge acquired during the lesson.

An example of a syncwine on the theme “frog”:


Amphibian, chordate.

Jumps, spawns, catches flies.

Sees only what moves.


Synquains in history and social studies allow students not only to systematize their knowledge on the topic, but also to feel the topic more deeply, “pass” it through themselves, and formulate their personal attitude through creativity.

For example, cinquain on the theme "war" could be like this:


Terrible, inhumane.

Kills, ruins, burns.

My great-grandfather died in the war.


Thus, syncwine can be used as part of the study of any subject in the school curriculum. For schoolchildren, writing thematic poems can become a kind of “creative break”, adding pleasant variety to the lesson. And the teacher, having analyzed the students’ creativity, can not only assess their knowledge and understanding of the subject of the lesson, but also feel the students’ attitude to the topic, understand what interested them most. And, perhaps, make adjustments to plans for future classes.

Composing syncwines - short, unrhymed poems - has recently become a very popular type of creative task. School students, students of advanced training courses, and participants in various trainings encounter it. As a rule, teachers ask you to come up with a syncwine on a given topic - a specific word or phrase. How to do it?

Rules for writing syncwine

Cinquain consists of five lines and, despite the fact that it is considered a type of poem, the usual components of a poetic text (the presence of rhymes and a certain rhythm) are not mandatory for it. But the number of words in each line is strictly regulated. In addition, when composing a syncwine, you must use certain parts of speech.

Synquain construction scheme is this:

  • first line – syncwine theme, most often one word, a noun (sometimes the topic can be two-word phrases, abbreviations, first and last names);
  • second line – two adjectives, characterizing the topic;
  • third line – three verbs(actions of an object, person or concept designated as a topic);
  • fourth line – four words, a complete sentence describing the author’s personal attitude to the topic;
  • fifth line – one word, summing up the syncwine as a whole (conclusion, summary).

Deviations from this rigid scheme are possible: for example, the number of words in the fourth line can vary from four to five, including or not including prepositions; Instead of “lonely” adjectives or verbs, phrases with dependent nouns are used, and so on. Usually, the teacher who gives the task to compose a syncwine decides how strictly his students should adhere to the form.

How to work with the syncwine theme: first and second line

Let's look at the process of inventing and writing a syncwine using the topic “book” as an example. This word is the first line of the future poem. But a book can be completely different, so how can you characterize it? Therefore, we need to specify the topic, and the second line will help us with this.

The second line is two adjectives. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a book? For example, it could be:

  • paper or electronic;
  • sumptuously bound and richly illustrated;
  • interesting, exciting;
  • boring, difficult to understand, with a bunch of formulas and diagrams;
  • old, with yellowed pages and ink marks in the margins made by grandmother and so on.

The list can be endless. And here we must keep in mind that there cannot be a “correct answer” here - everyone has their own associations. Of all the options, choose the one that is most interesting to you personally. This could be an image of a specific book (for example, your favorite children's books with bright pictures) or something more abstract (for example, “books of Russian classics”).

Now write down two characteristics specifically for “your” book. For example:

  • exciting, fantastic;
  • boring, moralizing;
  • bright, interesting;
  • old, yellowed.

Thus, you already have two lines - and you already have an absolutely accurate idea of ​​the “character” of the book you are talking about.

How to come up with the third line of syncwine

The third line is three verbs. Here, too, difficulties may arise: it would seem, what can a book “do” by itself? To be published, to be sold, to be read, to stand on the shelf... But here you can describe both the impact that the book has on the reader and what goals the author set for himself. A “boring and preachy” novel, for example, might enlighten, moralize, tire, put to sleep and so on. “Bright and interesting” book for preschoolers - entertains, interests, teaches reading. Exciting fantasy story - captivates, excites, awakens the imagination.

When choosing verbs, the main thing is not to deviate from the image that you outlined in the second line and try to avoid words with the same root. For example, if you described a book as fascinating, and in the third line you wrote that it “fascinates,” you will feel like you are “marking time.” In this case, it is better to replace one of the words with a similar meaning.

Let’s formulate the fourth line: attitude to the topic

The fourth line of the syncwine describes a “personal attitude” to the topic. This causes particular difficulties for schoolchildren who are accustomed to the fact that attitudes must be formulated directly and unambiguously (for example, “I have a good attitude towards books” or “I think books are useful for raising the cultural level”). In fact, the fourth line does not imply evaluativeness and is formulated much more freely.

In essence, here you need to briefly outline what is most important for you in the topic. This may be relevant to you personally and your life (for example, “ Began reading at age four" or " I have a huge library", or " I can't stand reading"), but this is optional. For example, if you think the main disadvantage of books is that they use a lot of paper to produce, for the production of which forests are cut down, you don’t have to write “I” and “condemn.” Just write that " paper books – tree graves" or " book production is destroying forests”, and your attitude to the topic will be quite clear.

If it is difficult for you to immediately formulate a short sentence, first express your thought in writing, without thinking about the number of words, and then think about how you can shorten the resulting sentence. As a result, instead of " I love science fiction novels so much that I often can’t stop reading them until the morning"It might turn out, for example, like this:

  • I can read until the morning;
  • I often read all night long;
  • I saw a book - I said goodbye to sleep.

How to sum it up: the fifth line of syncwine

The task of the fifth line is to briefly, in one word, summarize all the creative work of writing a syncwine. Before you do this, rewrite the previous four lines - almost a finished poem - and re-read what you got.

For example, you thought about the variety of books, and you came up with the following:


Fiction, popular science.

Enlightens, entertains, helps.

So different, everyone has their own.

The result of this statement about the endless variety of books can be the word “library” (a place where many different publications are collected) or “diversity”.

In order to isolate this “unifying word”, you can try to formulate the main idea of ​​the resulting poem - and, most likely, it will contain the “main word”. Or, if you are used to writing “conclusions” from essays, first formulate the conclusion in your usual form, and then highlight the main word. For example, instead of " thus we see that books are an important part of culture”, write simply – “culture”.

Another common option for the ending of a syncwine is an appeal to one’s own feelings and emotions. For example:


Fat, boring.

We study, analyze, cram.

Classic is a nightmare for every schoolchild.



Fantastic, fascinating.

Delights, captivates, deprives you of sleep.

I want to live in a world of magic.


How to learn to quickly write syncwines on any topic

Compiling syncwines is a very exciting activity, but only if the form is well mastered. And the first experiments in this genre are usually difficult - in order to formulate five short lines, you have to seriously strain.

However, after you have come up with three or four syncwines and mastered the algorithm for writing them, things usually go very easily - and new poems on any topic are invented in two or three minutes.

Therefore, in order to quickly compose syncwines, it is better to practice the form on relatively simple and well-known material. For training, you can try to take, for example, your family, home, one of your relatives and friends, or a pet.

Having dealt with the first syncwine, you can work on a more complex topic: for example, write a poem dedicated to any of the emotional states (love, boredom, joy), time of day or time of year (morning, summer, October), your hobby, hometown, etc. Further.

After you write several such “test” works and learn to “package” your knowledge, ideas and emotions into a given form, you will be able to easily and quickly come up with syncwines on any topic.