Write a letter to the choir master. Priest Andrei Tolkien

Modern Zen Master Mystic
(psychologist, psychophilosopher, psychoanalyst),
creator of evolutionary-meditative teachings and the Practice of HORA

“The masters of mysticism did not invent anything. All that the masters brought with them were the Divine laws of evolution...” Master CHORA ®,

Author of books and brochures

Master as a bearer of internal knowledge

Three types of knowledge:

1. Awareness. You know the names of the objects that surround and accompany us in life, what they are needed for: a poker, a vacuum cleaner, an airplane, mathematics, a banana, spirituality, balance, psychological stability, etc.

2. External knowledge. You know and know how to create any object that surrounds us in life. That is, you are either a metallurgist, or a designer, or a mathematician, or a farmer, or a confessor, or a psychologist, or an instructor in psychological professional training, etc.

3. Inner knowledge. Mystic, metaphysician, alchemist, psychophilosopher - master.

If he says the word “balance,” he proves it with himself at the body level.

If this does not happen, it means that he is a knowledgeable person in these areas. And any form of external knowledge is an advanced form of awareness.

Thus, you can define three types of knowledge for yourself: informed, external knowledge, internal knowledge - then it will be easier and simpler for you to navigate the information chaos of this world.

HORA within the Master's family

The family of the Master of the CHORUS is quite ancient. At the same time, HORA - as a quality, as Knowledge - was transmitted exclusively within the clan, the family of the Master from father to son. We can say that this is a certain genotype, somewhat different from the human one.

And with appropriate upbringing, in due time, in such a family it is possible to awaken a master who has the right to speak outwardly. And he also has the right to teach and transfer this knowledge and quality to others. This is what happened to the Master of the CHORUS.

As an example, both the father and grandfather of Master CHORUS were guardians of ritual and bearers of principles, but they were not awakened...

Master of the CHORUS about himself

Since childhood, I have sometimes found myself in unusual states in which the world changed. In such cases, my body also changed and its movements on land and in water acquired a slightly different character. I didn’t pay much attention to this, since in my father’s house this was considered quite normal.

In the end, I’m talking about those dynamic meditations that I knew and did naturally, almost from birth. And the seed of these meditations is carried within all people, regardless of race, nation, etc.

Everything I write and say comes from more than a long experience.

What does the word "HORA" mean?

Any word denotes an object, from sensation to ideas.
The word comes alive with speech. It includes intonation, gestures, etc. Thus, the word becomes alive.
You can learn any language; but only the language in which you think is living.
I am Armenian by nationality. One of my acquaintances asked an Armenian a question: is there a word “hora” in the Armenian language? If yes, what does it mean?

He fell into thoughtfulness - he was looking for an opportunity to explain one word to a Russian person in Russian, so that he would understand what this word could mean. What you need to understand: translating a word is not a problem. The problem is for it to be alive.

I will try to explain to you the essence of the “choir” - it is deeper than all ideas; source, beginning began.

This is a translation not of the word, but of what stands behind it. Depending on who I’m talking to, I speak at the maximum depth at which the person asking the question is still able to understand. And so on step by step.

What does the word HORA mean, where all the letters are capital? Simply putting your hand on your heart, such a CHORUS cannot be explained. In ancient language we can say:

1) creation as such, as it is
2) the creation of man as such and as it is
3) the implementation of transformation - as such and as it is
4) what is behind all this

It sounds grand and beautiful. How can a modern person explain all this in such language? And what will come of it? I don't think it's good.

As a Master of the CHOIR, I explain the CHOIR in modern language, and what it carries with it and within itself:

1) evolution as it is
2) human evolution
3) method for implementing the next evolutionary step
4) And what is behind all this?

In modern, accessible language, I explain HORA through evolution; practice is aimed at it. Man will take the next evolutionary step consciously; HORA carries all this.

Question five of six:“Not all people who try drugs become drug addicts, not everyone gets a “high” either, many get sick from drugs. Do such people need trance HORA? Won’t it make them feel as bad as from drugs?”

Master's Answer

You just asked a question, " why don't they get tired".

It gets worse from weakness and when you get tired, resulting in dizziness, nausea, etc. And when they don’t get tired, it means there is no weakness, that means it’s good. The demonstration of the track proved that this is ultra-endurance training.

There are always strange glitches in your logic: " won't they feel as bad as drugs?". It seems like we ourselves understood, we saw that people do not get tired where they should get tired - that is, their own body on the track inside itself, found protection from wear and tear in itself, not in a pharmacy, not in medicine, not in shamanism, not in intricate eastern methods of absorbing energy, but bypassing everything, bypassing generally accepted thinking. These are the conclusions you should draw - that on this track another person is born, hardy, calm, relying on his inner reliability.

You were there, there were participants there, unprepared, you had the opportunity to ask them questions and get an answer, and the answer was simple: After almost an hour of dancing, “it felt like five minutes had passed.” And after some time you ask: “Won’t they feel as bad as drugs?”.

Two of your sentences next to each other: " Why is the end of the HORA dance not accompanied by fatigue? and literally two sentences later: " Will it make them feel as bad as drugs??".

You don’t trust people, and your eyes deceive you - you’ve seen everything. You saw that a person was standing in front of you and did not fall from fatigue, and no one was tired, for everyone it seemed like five minutes had passed. People's own bodies have encountered a different mental, energetic, biological time. Their own sense of time - physical time, mental time, biological time - has shifted, i.e. they were in a real trance. This is what is behind these words. Their actual physical, mental, biological sense of time was radically changed by the track.

They were led along the track by a professional, and this professional is not a shaman or a specialist in Indian, Chinese or any other yoga, but a normal modern person.

You don’t believe your eyes, you don’t understand that you saw an incredibly beautiful endurance training. The efficiency of a person—and society—can be increased at minimal cost. And the person becomes effective. Somewhere, whether here, in the East, or in the West, this practice will still be in demand - because it has proven itself, it has proven its effectiveness. And where efficiency is in demand, that’s where it will flourish.

Track is more than anti-drug practice. The track is needed so that young people can bypass “technical support” at discos, have fun and train their health at the same time.

However, let's do it this way. In order not to reach the point of complete absurdity, I will slightly change your last question and ask it to myself: there are people who get seasick in a boat, won’t they feel bad from practicing Trek? I answer - I don’t know.

Moreover, when the anti-drug action took place, I set the condition that there would mainly be people from the CHORUS Practice, because I am not worried about their heart activity - everything is in order there, and everyone else who wants to actively participate should ensure that their cardiac activity is normal. General sportiness will not be enough. Athleticism does not guarantee that everything is normal with the heart.

The practice of CHORA trains the endurance of the heart, transfers the load from the heart to the whole body, the whole body becomes like one heart, and the type of breathing is such that it includes the whole body, all muscles - because all exercises are instinctively done in ideal support, all exercises are done without reasoning, instinctively.

A little deeper: ideal instinctive support does not violate the laws of gravity. But your attention is not capable of grasping such subtleties. People's consciousness has been led away from the laws of life and gravity into eastern “surrealism”, into sophisticated shamanism.

Everything that I have described is done at the first stage of Practice, where everything is built bypassing human fantasies.

I list:

  • The ideal instinctive support is individual;
  • Individual instinctive breathing in such support;
  • And all this is done bypassing any fantasies, any imaginary structures.

Thus, neither you can brainwash yourself, nor can anyone brainwash you, and sooner or later it will dawn on you that in a person there is a center of living gravity, and Practice is guaranteed to train this center, and your upright walking skills are destructive, as in fact for yourself and for the human species.

The track through a professional forces the gravitational center of life in a person to awaken, and the evolutionary experience of survival awakens.

If these simply stated thoughts, together with the Track, are understood, then more complex things begin - the life of man, the planet, the cosmos, their gravitational timeless unity in infinite space-time.

A very close person asked me to post an article on a blog by Snow White’s comrade-in-arms in the Odessa underground. I agreed with pleasure, since this is the only way I can help. I now give the floor to the author of the article.

Troubled times give rise not only to heroes, but also to dark personalities. This fact has long been well known from history, and today anyone who follows the events taking place on the territory of Ukraine can be convinced of its validity.
Over the past year and a half, a fair number of very shady types have surfaced on the surface of Ukrainian public life. They, taking advantage of the current moment (or rather, its uncertainty), successfully began to catch not only fish in troubled waters, but also much more significant assets. Of course, dregs stick to dregs. And one of these types, who only a year and a half ago was known only to a narrow circle of limited people, lives in Odessa.

His name is Mark Gordienko - a former massage therapist and part-time master of the so-called. “CHOR practice”, which its adherents call nothing less than “The practice of human development using the method of evolutionary-meditative consciousness.”

Before the Maidan, everything was quite predictable.
Once upon a time there lived a relatively modest man, but at the same time very fond of banknotes. Slowly I taught myself classes in this very “CHOR practice”, encouraging those who wanted to evolve and get rid of diseases and at the same time excess financial resources. And if the events of late 2013 - early 2014 had not happened, I would still be living like this now. Well, perhaps by continuing to educate its limited contingent with a greater or lesser degree of success.

Here's how it began modestly four years ago:

“Leader of the “HORA” practice, biker, psychohistorian". In general - hello, Hari Seldon! This is who you are!

Then came the continuation:

And here is a clear step forward. “If you want to earn a lot of money, create your own religion” (L.R. Hubbard). Mark is clearly not mature enough for religion, but he is quite ready for his own school.

What is this “choir practice”? Let's give the floor to Mark himself.
About the nature of the genetic code, Evolutionary health practice from the Master of the CHORUS
Humanity is facing global challenges. There are many of them... But they are all secondary to the main problem - the degradation of the human species.

The human genetic code has entered a phase of systemic failure, which is steadily leading to the degeneration of the human race. Proof of this thesis is the genetic epidemics that primarily affected the countries of the “golden billion” - Europe and America.
This crisis is only deepening; attempts to cope with it through the development of new drugs or “correct” a gene with the help of science are doomed to failure. Moreover, these attempts do not correct, but aggravate the situation, accelerating the degradation of the natural, divine man, turning him into a new genetic species - artificial man.

This man is artificial, a being who has violated the plan of divine development, cut off from natural grace and deprived of vitality, constantly falling into hysterics in an attempt to return to the Path of Life. This hysteria in society and in people is expressed in different ways: wars, revolutions, murders, suicides, alcoholism, drug addiction, the promotion of the psychosis of mass consumption and production, the widespread dissemination of various psychopractices and other spiritual foolishness...

An artificial person is constantly in a state of depressed mind and stressed body. In a state of spiritual crisis - I have lost my way, and spiritual crisis - I don’t trust anyone.

Why are the attempts of man and humanity as a whole doomed to failure? Why can't artificial man find a way of life?

Because in the very nature of everything that exists there is a constant possibility of accumulation of small failures. On the one hand, Strength accumulates, on the other hand, Failure. But a failure in nature is monitored; when the failure reaches a critical mass, a reformatting of the species occurs. This reformatting occurs through the Force - giving birth to a new species. This is how Nature lives.

Man's problem: He does not know how to rely on the Force; all his actions are aimed at cultivating a failure. The path of external knowledge through medicines, through science is the cultivation of failure... This medicine is artificial man.

Evolution is the reformatting of a species based on the Force - the development of a new, more stable species. Degradation is the reformatting of a species based on failure—the extinction of the species.

Can an artificial person return to the Path of life?

Yet yes. There is a system of internal Knowledge. This is an evolutionary healing practice from the Master of the CHOIR. The uniqueness of this system is that it connects East and West, left-hemisphere and right-hemisphere thinking and does not contradict any of the currently existing systems related to human development. Not only does it not contradict, but it strengthens them, combining science, religion and mysticism into one whole. And most importantly, at the heart of the system is the bearer of living knowledge - the Master of the CHORUS. As a particular example of the power of practice, this powerful effect on the human gene, strengthening it, preventing failures from accumulating. Thus, returning life, health and clarity of consciousness to a person, working to strengthen, strengthen and develop the species - natural, divine man.

The global nature of this task requires the involvement of as many understanding, socially successful, sensible people as possible in this project.

But these people are under incredible pressure from the artificial environment created by man himself. A person is captured not only by illnesses and stress, but his clarity of consciousness is blocked and shaped by ideas, habits, and ingrained reactions imposed on him. Not only has the genotype of an artificial person been created, but an artificial psychological, cultural, and spiritual environment has also been formed for this person.

A person is not aware of his own mutation, because this process goes unnoticed for many centuries. Due to scientific and technological progress, this process has accelerated incredibly.

In essence, there is a war between the Divine and Natural Man against the Artificial Man (Golem). Only this war goes on inside us. A system has been created that makes it possible to win this war.

Health, active longevity, youth, clarity of consciousness, vitality and endless expansion of one’s capabilities are the results that those who practice this system achieve. And this is just the top layer...

In general, don’t hide your money, but bring it to us. Otherwise, the Artificial Man will defeat the Natural Man within you and complete chaos will ensue. The right hemisphere will be confused with the left, the East will replace the West... well, you get the idea. So bring more money. And then you will be able to endlessly expand your capabilities, open or close your chakras, go to nirvana (underline as necessary).

Some comments from there:
I studied until it came to me - a pure sect + exercise therapy. Yes, exercise therapy exists without sectarian dogmas, it’s worth worrying about... Pumping out money under the sauce of a great spiritual mission.
That everyone there looks 15 years old is rare nonsense. Ordinary people. Exercise therapy is good exercise, but it has the same relation to youth as a correct daily routine - it gives overall tone.

...my mother walks, it seems to have helped her with back pain, but the fact that they are pumping out money is so shocking, and she doesn’t want to hear anything, that you can do therapeutic exercises for your back at home + go for massages, the conversations are really there some lead, and as for me, the opinion of the same Gordienko is imposed on politicians and in general they tell how to live, as for me, it’s some kind of nonsense, why discuss this in classes to improve physics. state? Well, Gordienko distributed his book, I didn’t read it, after I opened it and saw a bunch of advertisements in the middle, all the desire to open it again disappeared.

This is the book, by the way.

According to the testimony of Odessa book lovers, it could rightfully be called “Elusive Bill.” Because no one knew her and no one was interested in her.

By the way, do you know what’s especially spicy? The fact that in those days - four years ago, citizen Mark Gordienko could well be considered a bad quilted jacket. Don't believe me? Well, then here are his posts on the death of M. Gaddafi, about the tactics of the Russians, and even urged not to pray for money! (although he was already very bad at it).

But then the “revolution of dignity” happened. And away we go...

In an environment of chaos, it turns out that money can be cut to the fullest. And don’t even share it with your colleagues. Just like it was last summer.

If Sergei Kivavalov breaks into parliament, “big trouble” will happen. Responsible for this, the chairman of the public organization “Civil Security Council” is sure, will only be "degenerates, slaves and serfs those who voted for him.”

In general, Mark Gordienko would have been an ordinary swindler who was lucky to catch the wind in his sails. But that’s not all he’s known for. And also by his most active participation in the events of May 2, 2014, which led to the death of at least several dozen people.

Almost at the very end. From about 16.10. Mark Gordienko calls for going to Kulikovo Field. Since this all started.

So he ruined his karma completely and irrevocably, and no amount of practice can save him.
By the way, the first bell recently rang...

Mark Gordienko's heart began to ache
The head of the RSL, Mark Gordienko, was urgently called for an ambulance - the activist’s heart was racing
According to the correspondent of “Odessa. Comments”, last night Mark suddenly became ill.
“Fell down on the bed. My heart hurts. High blood pressure, hatred of all these degenerates. Everything came together - the funeral, the situation with the Krug television company, the explosion at Rezvushkin, and the pressure from the prosecutors and judges. It’s okay, we’ll survive them all. You just need to lie down,” comments Mark Gordienko.

Well, let's see if he survives. You can even place bets if you want. Will his beloved CHORA help him?

In general, I will summarize.
Personally, I don’t know what kind of “CHORUS practice” this is, but I already categorically condemn it. Otherwise you’ll start doing it - once! and this is how you will become Mark Gordienko. And then you’ll turn into a dill...

“Man as a species will take the next evolutionary step consciously - this is my awakening. The method is evolutionary meditative consciousness, in a new style: Trans-gravity Man is my enlightenment.”

“Since childhood, I sometimes found myself in unusual states in which the world changed. In such cases, my body also changed and its movements on land and in water acquired a slightly different character. I didn’t pay much attention to this, since in my father’s house this was considered quite normal.

In the end, I’m talking about those dynamic meditations that I knew and did naturally, almost from birth. And the seed of these meditations is carried within all people, regardless of race, nation, etc. Everything I write and talk about comes from more than a long experience.”

In the video “CHORUS: from dynamics to TRACK” you can see what can be obtained from a child’s unusual movement of the Master in space, not only as a personal skill, but also as learning - fast, at speeds not accepted, not existing in the world (time-consuming training other people in the dynamic techniques of the Master - no more than three months).

Watch this video, combine it with the text “Failed Christian Yoga” - and you will see two incompatible, conflicting cultural codes that were combined in the Master - Western and Eastern, the unity of the dominant left hemisphere and the dominant right hemisphere. These are incompatible things, but in the Master of the CHORUS they are combined, and there is no conflict.

“If you want to develop yourself, develop society, develop your civilizational code, you need to be open to the WHOLE world. Because the Human code is not located in one point or in some half of the world, eastern or western.

Be open to all the best civilizational experiences of humanity, as well as everything progressive in today's world.

There is no place in the future for those who are selfishly closed in on themselves. Be it in the West or in the East, be it in the North or the South."

- Master of the CHORUS

Master Hora is a highly realized person and has been called a modern Zen mystic master. Creator of evolutionary-meditative teachings and the Practice of the Choir. Author of more than a dozen articles and the book “Zen Tales from the Master Choir.”

The family of Master Choir is quite ancient. At the same time, Hora - as a quality, as Knowledge - was transmitted exclusively within the clan, the family of the Master from father to son. With appropriate upbringing, in due time, in such a family it is possible to awaken a master who has the right to speak outwardly. And he also has the right to teach and transfer this knowledge and quality to others. This is what happened to the Master of the Chorus. Both Master Chorus's father and grandfather were guardians of ritual and bearers of principles, but they were not awakened.

Master Chora came to St. Petersburg in the early 90s, he was about 35 years old. From this moment the tradition of the Choir outside begins.

In 1994-95, Master Hora began to give a healing system based on special principles.

Books (2)

Conversations with the master of Chora. Either I - or the whole World

Either I - or the whole World. This is both a question and an answer at the same time. This is essentially a Zen koan. This book is unusual from the very beginning.

What is Divine justice? What is fair government? How can atheists and believers reconcile? How are inanimate and living matter interpenetrated? What do Darwinian evolution and Genesis have in common? How to resist the challenges of modern techno-civilization?..

By reading this book, you will get answers to these and many other questions. You will gain a new perspective on such concepts as freedom, immortality and eternity, love and sex, hatred, friendship and fidelity.

The teachings of Krishna, Buddha, Jesus will come to life before you, and at the end of the book, perhaps you will figure out what it means: “either I - or the whole World.”