A powerful love spell at a crossroads. Love spell at a crossroads

Crossroads have long had a bad reputation. There are a lot of signs associated with this feature of intersections. And all because at crossroads they get rid of illnesses and troubles. People go to the crossroads to tell fortunes, punish an enemy, or communicate with evil spirits.

Most people consider this attitude towards intersections to be simple superstition. They believe that if you don’t worry about such fears, then nothing will happen. And those people who have increased sensitivity claim that when crossing an intersection, they feel the presence of a certain force that demands respect.

Don't pick up anything at an intersection - you'll find trouble. This sign is considered fundamental. We can say that this is not even a sign, but a rule that must be strictly observed. In magic, there are a lot of rites and rituals when all sorts of things, money and even jewelry are left at a crossroads in order to get rid of problems and illnesses, from poverty and failures. And the more expensive a thing you pick up at a crossroads, the more trouble you will bring upon yourself. Everything that someone else was freed from, you will take upon yourself, only in a larger volume. Therefore, no matter what you see at the intersection of two roads, never lift it, even if you really need it, otherwise...

Don't eat at a crossroads - you'll swallow a demon. A crossroads is a very energetically powerful zone. And this energy is far from positive. The crossroads are often used in black magic. And every person who is at least a little familiar with the peculiarities of esoteric science knows that when we eat, we absorb not only physical food, but also its energy. That is, during meals, both our physical body and the astral body are nourished. It is to the astral body of our food that lower entities can become attached, which will then live in you and ruin your life. It is extremely difficult to get rid of such settlers, therefore, it is better not to lead to such problems. Eat where the necessary conditions exist for this.

Don't count money at a crossroads - there won't be any. Very often, a person who is in a hurry to catch a bus, trolleybus or other transport tries to prepare money for travel on the go. He doesn't even pay attention to the fact that he is crossing the intersection at the moment. Especially if the intersection is not busy and the danger of colliding with traffic is minimal. You can't do that! First of all, it's still dangerous. After all, a car can jump out at you as if out of the ground, and you will not be ready due to your carelessness. And secondly, monetary energy does not like crossroads. Crossroads have the ability to draw their energy into themselves. And all because very often they throw money at a crossroads in order to pay off something. Therefore, you should not open your wallet at a crossroads, take out money and count them - a crossroads can eat up the monetary energy of your wallet, and sooner or later you will be left with nothing.

Don't yawn at a crossroads - you'll live with the devil. Many people mistakenly associate this sign with their precious half. They think that their husband or wife will behave violently and inappropriately. However, this is not correct. This sign is true for someone who had the imprudence to yawn at an intersection. The explanation is essentially the same as in the legend about food at the crossroads. Only the process of moving in is somewhat different. Even scientists have proven that during yawning, as well as during sneezing, a person experiences a micro faint, or something like a slight trance. By opening your mouth in this state, you open access to evil spirits into your body. Therefore, it is quite possible that you can leave the intersection with your neighbor in your body. Try to be patient until you cross the intersection. Cross yourself and yawn as much as you want. Just remember that you still need to cover your mouth with your hand - this is both a rule of decency and protection from “uninvited guests.”

Make a wish at three intersections and it will come true. Perhaps this is the only positive sign associated with intersections. Some will say that this is superstition. Well, let him continue to think so. But it has already been proven by many generations that if you pass through three intersections in a row and make the same wish at each one, then it will definitely come true. It is only advisable to do this constantly. Firstly, the powerful energy of crossroads gives strength to your desire. And secondly, by constantly making the same wish, you program your subconscious to realize this desire. But each of us knows that if you really want something and constantly think about it, then sooner or later the dream will definitely come true. As you can see, no superstition, only the realities of life.

Don't walk through the center of the intersection - life will change for the worse. Crossroads is a unique place. At the center of the crossroads the forces of the four cardinal directions converge. If you stand in the center of an intersection, knowing certain words, you can attract happiness, luck and prosperity from all sides. But if you stand in the same place when you don’t know what to say, then you can, on the contrary, dissolve your happiness, luck and well-being in all four directions. And what will you be left with? When an ignorant person simply crosses the center of an intersection, he will not immediately lose everything. But by doing this regularly, he loses bit by bit all of the above. Therefore, you should not tempt fate - cross the intersection as expected. In addition, if you cross a car intersection incorrectly, it can also be dangerous.

If you want to get rid of a disease, go to the crossroads. Even in ancient times, when paganism existed in Rus', and no one had even heard of Christianity, this sign existed. The Magi taught how to get rid of the disease of those people who were seriously ill. A sick person had to go to an intersection and, crossing its center, loudly shout out the name of the disease from which he wants to get rid of. This was necessary to do throughout the entire lunar month, from the new moon to the next new moon. If a person did all this with faith, then the disease went away. Perhaps it was from this pagan sign that the sign of making a wish at a crossroads came from, only now it has been adapted to suit modern people. Maybe this sign will help someone today to get rid of a serious illness, if, of course, he does all this with faith.

If you spit at a crossroads, you will spit out your life. Everything that a person leaves behind - a spit, a footprint - he leaves a part of his energy. We have already said that the intersection does not have positive energy. Another thing is that this energy, with the right approach, can be used to your advantage. And spitting at a crossroads means leaving a direct connection with your body and subconscious. The inhabitants of the intersection will certainly be offended by this attitude. And your spitting will allow them to influence you even from a distance, and when you already forget about it. Sooner or later they will be able to bring you to such a state that you will lose your life. Perhaps even at the intersection where they once spat.

As you can see, there are a lot of signs about intersections. And these are not all the signs that exist. It’s just that many of them are similar to each other, so a person who knows how to reason will be able to draw conclusions for himself - what can be done at intersections and what should not be done. Whether you believe in it or not, it depends only on you. Just don’t forget that there are things in the world that we cannot resist because of our ignorance. And if you later wonder where all your luck and prosperity went, then remember how you behaved at crossroads, and everything will immediately fall into place. The magic of crossroads rarely works instantly, especially if you have not crossed the crossroads at which the rituals were performed. But methodically, day by day, you will get closer to collapse if you do not respect the rules of the “window to a parallel world.” And a crossroads is a window that connects different worlds with each other.

A feature of any love spell performed at a crossroads is that the performer must clearly set a goal. A love spell at a crossroads must be carried out very decisively, without any mental doubts.

The most powerful love spell

The love spell described below at a crossroads is very powerful. If something goes wrong, it can harm not only the victim, but also the performer. In this regard, before carrying out it, you need to weigh the pros and cons. According to professional magicians, the effect of such a love spell can last for more than twenty years.

This ritual is conventionally divided into the preparatory part and the love spell itself. Moreover, neither when preparing the ritual, nor when reading the love spell, it is undesirable to make any mistakes. It is important to strictly follow all the recommendations of the ritual.

Preparation period

The preparatory period begins with choosing an intersection. This should be an intersection of dirt roads close to your home. It is optimal if such an intersection is the second one from your home, but it is clear that such coincidences are rare.

On three men's days, which are considered Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, it is necessary to establish contact with the devils. To do this, you need to come to the selected intersection every night from one to three. That is, the procedure for concluding friendship with devils should be carried out before the first crow of the roosters. You need to take candy, cigarettes and paper money with you to the crossroads, and the more, the better.

At an intersection, you must do the following every time:

  • Open a pack of cigarettes and place it on the ground in the center of the road intersection;
  • Light one cigarette, and this must be done, even if you are a non-smoker;
  • Use your cigarette to light three cigarettes from the pack and stick them in the ground;
  • Place candies and money in the center of the road intersection as well.

After this, you need to squat down and start talking to the devils with whom it is important for you to establish contact.

You need to start with the words:

“Little devils, my dear brothers, help me in my work...”

After this, the existing problem should be stated in arbitrary words. For example, you can talk about how you love a person and dream of being with him, but he does not pay attention to you. You need to formulate your request softly in a narrative tone, without using commanding intonations with great respect.

After this, you need to leave the intersection quickly and without looking back, so that you don’t hear someone behind you. If you did everything correctly, then after three night conversations with the devils you will find a certain sign. For example, a gold piece of jewelry may be found at a crossroads. This means that contact with the devils has been established, and they are ready to help you.

After this, you need to prepare directly for the love spell effect. This means:

  • Approximately three days before the ritual, strict fasting should be observed, and alcoholic beverages should be abandoned two weeks before the ritual;
  • Prepare an offering to the devils: good candies and cookies, red wine.

Carrying out the ritual

It is considered a love spell at a crossroads from 12 midnight to three. It is important to remember that before the ceremony you need to remove all Christian attributes from yourself.

The text of the conspiracy is learned by heart and it sounds like this:

“In an open field, on a wide expanse, I call 13 devils to help me. So that they drink here, walk and feast, the Servant of God (name of the chosen one) is remembered. Sit down, devils, on a stone board and make him sad. So that he misses me, the Servant of God (proper name), and grieves heavily. So that without me he would know neither joy nor happiness, neither on a clear day nor on a dark night. I lock the thoughts of the Servant of God (name of the chosen one) according to the Servant of God (own name) with a reliable lock. As long as I am alive, no one can interrupt or change my work. As it was said, it will happen and will never come back. From now on and forever. Amen".

After reading the love spell, a prepared offering is placed in the center of the intersection of roads. After which you need to turn your back to the intersection and throw 13 coins over your left shoulder.

At the same time say:


And again you need to leave the intersection without looking back. Moreover, you should be prepared for the fact that you will hear something unimaginable behind your back. It is very important not to give in to fear and not run away.

When you come home, you will definitely feel a loss of strength if the ceremony was performed correctly. Therefore, you need to eat and go to bed as soon as possible. The ritual should never be remembered and the secret of the magical action must be kept until the end of life.

Magic makes life easier, it turns dreams into reality. If you want money, keep it. If you want love, please! But in magic, as in other areas of human life and activity, you have to pay for the benefits received. Nothing comes easy. Practitioners assure that a magical ritual of repayment after witchcraft is absolutely necessary.

By resorting to magical rituals, we turn to representatives of another space

Ransom as a fee for the dark force

By resorting to magical rituals, with the help of a magician or on our own, we turn to representatives of another space, alien to the human subconscious, inaccessible to the mind. This creates an energy channel that requires a large expenditure of the vital forces of the one performing the ritual (the magician or your own). In order to restore personal energy and prevent dark forces from influencing the course of the ritual, and especially the consequences, a ransom is made.

Sorcerers call a ransom a symbolic payment to otherworldly forces, either for help in achieving a set goal, or for preventing them from bothering you in the future. In other words, this is the price of the love spell, which is given after the ritual. The world of dark forces and the world of people are separated by magic and witchcraft. Having crossed the line, a person is obliged to appease the owners. Therefore, a payoff in magic is an offering of reward, a kind of fee to the forces of the kingdom of darkness and darkness for participation in a magical ritual.

Among the departments and witchcraft, fortune-telling and other simple rituals are not paid off.

Time for buyback

When making purchases or ordering services, we are required to pay for the goods. Payback in magic works on the same principle. If you have turned to the services of dark forces, please provide a receipt. Therefore, it is very important to carry out rituals followed by redemption actions. At the end of each such process, pronounce:

For this reason, sorcerers advise paying off after the ritual, and not in advance, as if we were thanking:

"You helped me, accept payment"

It is necessary to make a buyout immediately, without delaying until later. Nobody, neither people nor devils, likes to wait.

If you get stuck or get too excited during the process of witchcraft, make the offering in the morning before sunrise. Payment is also made when suddenly something interferes with the conspiracy ritual.

Remember the rule: it is better when it is you who make the ransom, not a magician or a practitioner of esotericism, because it was you who disturbed the higher powers and decided on dangerous cooperation.

Instructions for payment for the ceremony

Magical actions require payment. Regardless of whether you turn to white or black magic. In the first case, candles are left in the church as a ransom. In the second case, the offering depends on the degree of complexity of the ritual.

Magicians call the following types of payoffs:

  • rewards in money (coins) are carried out when calling spirits, simple conspiracies;
  • payment in money and vodka - ransom for a love spell, damage to health;
  • repayment of debt in blood - for a ritual performed, where either the blood of the bewitched person or the monthly blood of the girl who performs the ritual is used;
  • ransoming with meat - during complex magical actions, including damage to death.

Magical actions require payment

When planning the ritual in advance, do not forget to prepare for the last step - paying off. What does it mean? In a magical action, you are the customer and the payer. Depending on which of the dark forces comes to your aid, you select the necessary tribute. To do this correctly, follow the instructions:

  1. When using money, select coins of the same denomination. Do not store them in your own pockets; take a special bag or bag for this. When leaving money, say the magic text:

    “This is your ransom, and for me what you have prepared.”

  2. When paying with vodka, practitioners advise leaving the dial closed. Make sure that it is a quality product, something that you yourself use. Magic farming is not the case where you need to save money. Dark forces don't like this.
  3. When paying in blood, take the blood of the sacrificial animal (chicken, calf, etc.). You can buy this blood at a butcher shop. Another option is to buy a fresh piece of meat (beef) so that the blood oozes out of it, and leave it instead of payment. Such ransoming is often done at the grave where the deceased lies.
  4. When buying products at the market or in a store, do not skimp on money, buy fresh goods, but never bargain. Leave the change to the seller.

In what form and volume you will give the dark forces a payoff depends only on you. But if the positive result of the ritual is really important to you, take care of its high level.

Cash reward for dark forces at crossroads

It is customary to make a payoff for conspiracies in the form of coins, which are thrown at the crossroads. At all times, people have known that a crossroads is a magical place. And this is not superstition. The place where roads intersect has strong energy. Therefore, coins are carried to the crossroads for offering.

What will you need during the payment process?

Paying off at a crossroads is one of the simple ways to thank a higher power. To do this you need to have with you:

  • an unpaired number (more often they take three, seven, thirteen) kopecks of the same denomination;
  • a liter of vodka to reward the devils.

The ransom at the crossroads is carried out at night, because this is also the time of dark forces, when they are more active and ready to accept payment.

How to conduct a buyout at a crossroads?

In order not to forget how to properly reward evil spirits with coins, remember the basic steps:

  1. Leave tributes only at pedestrian intersections. Magicians focus on this. Don't choose highways! Go to the intersection that is as far from the house as possible.
  2. In your thoughts, turn to the dark forces and thank them for their help in the ritual.
  3. Hold the coins with your right hand, with which you throw the money at the intersection. Throw pennies over your left shoulder. Say the words:

    “You should drink vodka and go for a walk, but I’ll feast on the victory.”

  4. Do not uncork the bottle, place it as is at the intersection.
  5. Important! Standing at the cross, say out loud:
  6. When you return home, don't look back.
  7. Throughout the entire journey, it is forbidden to talk to anyone, either during a meeting or on the phone.

If someone manages to interfere with you while performing the ransom, be prepared for the fact that the ritual performed the day before will not end in success.

It is necessary to properly reward the evil spirits with coins

Conduct payment at the burial site

In case of complex conspiracies or damage carried out, we bring the ransom to the cemetery. A suitable place is a weaving of trails.

What will be needed to carry out the buyout?

There are no instructions on what exactly should be included in the tribute that is destined to pay off the spirits of the dead, demons and devils in the cemetery. Here the necessary payment is brought to the farm in accordance with the rituals performed:

  • women's jewelry and red wine, if a love spell was cast, the items brought are intended to appease the Black Widow;
  • black bread with milk, if a spoiled ritual was performed on a person, is assigned to the Master of the Cemetery, he is addressed with the words:

    “Your Master, flesh and blood for love”

    ““I have listened, accept it, and do not reject it, then be filled with delight, then be filled with strength, so that my case will come together, even the words spoken are harder than flint. This is a ransom for you, and for me what is indicated. Let it be so!"

  • apples, a spoonful of honey, a piece of white bread, if a love spell or drying spell has been fulfilled;
  • vodka, coins will serve as ransom for demons;
  • vodka, sweets, money - the price for simple spells.

If you don’t know how to pay off, use the universal option - leave a crust of bread with lard, in which a twig is stuck.

To properly carry out the buyout, purchase a new towel; we will discuss its purpose below. Magical payment can be made at the junction of roads, near old trees, or given to the deceased - buried in the grave.

How to pay in the place of the deceased?

Paying off a grave also has its own rules, compliance with which will help avoid the wrath of demons:

  1. When going to the cemetery, wash your face. Using one edge of a new towel, tied in a knot in the middle, wipe your face and hands and say out loud:

    “The way I left (left), I’ll come back like that.”

  2. It is advisable to enter the cemetery not through the main gate. Make sure the gate or gate is open.
  3. You can leave a ransom on the grave near the cross, put vodka and bread, and address the deceased with the words:

    “Remember also you who are sleeping, not those lying in the ground, but walking on the ground, the servants of God (the names of the participants in the ritual).”

  4. Three eggs are also brought to the place where the deceased lies, two are broken and poured onto the grave, and the third is buried in the deceased’s hole.
  5. While walking back, you should not speak to anyone, and you should also not look back.

When you return, wash your face again and dry yourself with the second end of the tied towel.

When you are going to the cemetery for a funeral, wash yourself

How to give thanks in other ways

The ransom ritual is also carried out using other methods. For their help in the white magic ritual, gratitude is offered to the spirits in the form of candles placed in the temple. Or it manifests itself in the form of memorial actions, when bread and sweets are laid at the graves of relatives.

Black magic involves reaching out to those in need, which is why almsgiving is also a manifestation of ransom. But there are rules, violation of which will attract a negative reaction from above:

  1. Do not give things, food, money to the poor. It is better to do this by placing it next to the homeless.
  2. It is acceptable to make a donation in the form of helping stray dogs, feeding them a piece of meat or bread and water.

Necessarily! With every alms, say out loud: “Paid!”

It is forbidden to talk to those to whom you give alms. It will be better if they don't see you. Having found out where tramps and beggars gather in your city, bring the food you brought there closer.

Never think about how much money was spent or how much time was wasted. No wonder! This process will be positive when you do it consciously and with your own will.

What should you prepare for if the tribute is not accepted?

Magic is a mystical process, it is not performed for the sake of making a joke or for fun to try. Once you have decided on witchcraft spells, you need to be prepared for all kinds of kickbacks, that is, unwanted side effects. To prevent this from happening, be sure to follow all rollback rules. As magicians say, when making a ransom, feel for otherworldly forces the feelings they deserve:

  • respect and honor for spirits (occurs when a ransom is brought to the dead);
  • indignation and irritation to hell and demons (making a ransom at a pedestrian intersection).

These creatures from the lower world, they did their part in a dashing business - they received payment for it!

It is difficult to say what the consequences will be if the ransom is interfered with or if one of the passers-by on the street picks up scattered coins, jewelry, or drinks vodka from a bottle. Therefore, remember the following settings:

  1. Avoid intersections.
  2. Do not lift anything out of the way, even if it is valuable.
  3. After the ransom has been made, try not to come to this place for 28 days.
  4. If you saw how someone picked up an abandoned ransom, you cannot tell him about it, such is his fate.

When choosing instructions for the ritual, make sure that it describes how to properly perform the ransom. If this is not the case, then turn to practitioners. Paying off to demons is not only scary, but also dangerous. A mistake will lead to the destruction of the power of conspiracies, weakening your health and energy. Do not remain in debt to representatives of dark forces!

Crossroads have always been considered places of power. At forks in the road, abnormal events often occurred, damage was caused and prosperity was attracted. You can use the magic of these places in the modern world.

It is believed that intersections are fraught with danger. You can use them to make deals with the Devil himself, selling your soul. At the crossroads, fateful issues are resolved, the path to happiness is chosen, and prosperity is attracted. The site team presents to your attention the most effective rituals so that you can leave negativity at the intersection of roads and bring happiness and prosperity into your life. Remember that the most successful places for rituals will be the intersections of old roads. It is useless to rely on the help of intersections created recently. Particularly powerful are places in old towns and villages, rich in history. Look for intersections that are a hundred years old, and then you can be confident that everything you set out to do will be accomplished.

Follow these simple rules that will help you carry out rituals profitably:

  • never pick up things and money at the crossroads, otherwise you will bring upon yourself troubles and illnesses;
  • Do not eat while at a road intersection. The energy of these places is not the most friendly, so along with food you can “eat” negative energy;
  • refuse to count your money. Money energy comes into conflict with the energy of the crossroads and leaves you.
  • Ritual at the crossroads to get rid of want

    To perform this ritual, go to the crossroads at midnight, when the Moon is waning. Prepare a handful of small change, preferably old and worn. Hold it in your fist and walk to the selected intersection in silence. Turn your face towards the house and say:

    “Poverty loomed over me, overpowered me. I don't live a day without fear. Come down, poverty, from my ridge, stay at the crossroads, don’t get to anyone.”

    Throw your change over your left shoulder and go home. Don't look back and don't say a word, no matter what happens behind your back. This way you can get rid of lack of money in your life.

    Ritual to get rid of diseases

    During the period when the Moon begins to grow, you need to go to the crossroads of old roads, stand in the center and loudly pronounce the name of your illness. This ritual must be performed three times, and then the disease will recede. If you don’t have time to wait at all, collect some earth at the intersection and put it in a small container. Write the name of the disease on a piece of paper and place it in the collected soil. The container must be buried in the place where the earth was taken from. Leave without looking back, and don’t tell anyone what you did. The disease will go away after the first rain falls at the intersection.

    Leaving negativity at the crossroads

    You can get rid of a bad streak, bad luck and other troubles if you find the right crossroads and the right conspiracy. Esotericists claim that crossing rural roads not covered with asphalt is perfect for this. At noon, go to the crossroads, silently saying to yourself everything you want to get rid of. At an intersection, stand facing each road in turn and say:

    “I will turn in all directions, I will pray in all directions. My words will be heard, my prayers will be fulfilled. Evil leaves me, blows it away with the wind, illuminates it with the sun. Lord, bless, Lord, save, Lord, help. Amen".

    Then, at home or in church, light a candle in front of the image of the Savior and read the strong prayer “I Believe.” She will help you get rid of any negativity.

    Ritual to fulfill a wish

    You can fulfill your cherished desire if you follow the ritual of our ancestors exactly. This requires a country intersection of four roads without asphalt. On a clear night, when the Moon is visible, go to the intersection in complete silence. Make sure there is no one who can see your actions. Take with you offerings to the spirits of the crossroads: wine for the south side and coins for the west. Having laid out the offerings, turn your face to the Moon and say:

    “I stand neither in a field nor in a forest, but where my dreams come true. The power of the four roads is woven into a knot, and the place is endowed with strength. I don’t steal that power, I don’t borrow it, but I buy it by right. For ringing coins (bow towards the money left) for sweet wine (another bow towards the container with wine). I want my wish to be fulfilled and the ransom to be taken away (say whatever you need).”

    After what has been said, leave without turning around, even if you hear someone calling you by name. If the ritual is performed correctly, then in three days you will get what you want.

    Attracting well-being

    To attract good things into life, you should use the quietest and least crowded intersection, preferably in a forest or park. Go to it before dark, but make sure that no one disturbs you. Stand in the center and say:

    “There is never too much good, but I don’t have enough of it. I will bow to four sides, I will smile on each side. Come back to me, luck, go away, sadness.”

    You need to perform the ritual for three days in a row without interruption. In this case, you will be able to attract positivity into your life.

    It is important to keep each of the rituals in the strictest confidence. Do not try to perform all the rituals at once, otherwise you will be seriously punished for your greed. Perform rituals only if they are necessary. Remember that the strong magic of crossroads does not like selfish people, envious people and those who want to harm others. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, and do not forget to press the buttons and

May 16, 2017

From time immemorial, road intersections have been considered magical places.

Many believed that at a crossroads one could meet a spirit or ghost, get rid of illnesses and troubles, tell fortunes, or bewitch a loved one. Today we consider this attitude towards intersections to be a stupid superstition. But in vain...

To keep the money flowing

Do you want money to be in the house? Do this. On the waxing Moon, at exactly noon or midnight, go to one of these intersections. Stand facing east, cross yourself three times and collect a handful of earth (dust) from four sides (north, south, west and east).
It’s better to do this crosswise, moving from the north side to the south, from the west to the east, saying: “I’m not collecting dust, but wealth.”
When you come home, mix all four handfuls with coins of various denominations and scatter them in the corners of your office or apartment (if you work at home) with the words: “I’m not scattering dust, but wealth.”

Get rid of the miserable lot

At the crossroads you can get rid of poverty. On the waning moon, at exactly midnight, go to a blind intersection. Throw a handful of change over your left shoulder, read the plot and, without looking back, go home.
The latter is very important. Don't look back even if someone calls out to you. Otherwise, lack of money will remain with you.

“My poor thing, my tormented one, get off my ridge.
Get off me and go for some change.
Damn, damn, come and take some pennies.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Before the start

Any new business, be it going to college, getting a job or moving abroad, needs to be started by standing at the crossroads and, as it were, asking for its blessing.
Wait until you are alone. Stand at the intersection facing east, close your eyes and focus on the upcoming events.
Mentally ask the place of power to grant you good luck, bow to the four cardinal directions and leave without looking back. The last one is very important. If you turn around, you will take a bunch of old problems and worries with you to a happy tomorrow. Do you need it?

To fulfill a wish

Do you have a cherished desire that just can’t come true? Make a wish at three different intersections - and it will come true immediately.

So, if you pass through three intersections in a row and make the same wish at each one, then it will definitely come true. It is only advisable to do this constantly.
Firstly, the powerful energy of crossroads gives strength to your desire. And secondly, by constantly making the same wish, you program your subconscious to realize this desire.
But each of us knows that if you really want something and constantly think about it, then sooner or later the dream will definitely come true.

In principle, these “magical” actions are already enough to quickly fulfill your desire, but to enhance the effect, read the following conspiracy:

“I’m not standing in a forest, not in a field.
I stand where my will is done.
Where the power of four roads intertwines into one,
crawls towards me like a snake.
I want… (next you need to voice your desire).
Let it be so".

Now pick up a white stone from the ground that catches your eye, and leave without looking back.

At the second crossroads, do everything exactly the same, just pick up a black stone from the ground. And on the third - gray.
When you come home, wrap all three stones in a handkerchief, hide them in a secluded place and do not take them out until your wish comes true.
When this happens, return all three stones to their places (at the intersections) with a bow and the words: “I took what’s mine, I return what’s yours.”

hold love

Your relationship with your loved one is getting worse day by day, but do you only dream of keeping the person dear to your heart? Perform the same ritual, but do not mix the soil from the crossroads with money and pour it not only into the corners, but also under the threshold.
This needs to be done when your loved one is in the house. If your loved one is absent during the spell, you will achieve the exact opposite result and forever lock the door of your home from him.

By the way, this method can be adopted by those who want to get rid of a boring boyfriend. Do not forget that the love spell should be done on the waxing Moon, and the lapel on the waning Moon.

Getting rid of diseases

If you want to get rid of the disease, again go to the crossroads. Even in ancient times, when paganism existed in Rus', and no one had even heard of Christianity, this sign existed. The Magi advised a sick person to go to a crossroads, stand in the center and loudly shout out the name of the disease from which he wants to get rid of.
This must be done throughout the entire lunar month, from the new moon to the next new moon. If you perform the ritual, firmly believing in a positive result, the disease will certainly recede.

Rules of five "don'ts"

And finally, we’ll talk about what you should never do at an intersection.

✔Don't pick up anything at an intersection - you'll find trouble... This sign is considered fundamental. We can say that this is not even a sign, but a rule that must be strictly observed.
In magic, there are a lot of rites and rituals when all sorts of things, money and even jewelry are left at a crossroads in order to get rid of problems and illnesses, from poverty and failures.
And the more expensive a thing you pick up at a crossroads, the more trouble you will bring upon yourself.
Everything that someone else was freed from, you will take upon yourself. Therefore, no matter what you see at a road intersection, never pick it up, even if you really need to.

✔Don't eat at a crossroads - you'll swallow a demon... You already know that an intersection is an energetically powerful zone. And this energy is far from positive. The crossroads are often used in black magic.
And every person who is at least a little familiar with the peculiarities of esoteric science knows that when we eat, we absorb not only physical food, but also its energy. That is, during meals, both our physical body and the astral body are nourished.
It is to the astral body, along with food, that lower entities can become attached, which will then live in you and ruin your life.
It is extremely difficult to get rid of such settlers, so it is better not to risk it.

✔Don’t count money at a crossroads - there won’t be any... Very often, when we are in a hurry to catch a bus or trolleybus, we count our money as we go, not even paying attention to the fact that we are currently crossing an intersection. You can't do that!
Monetary energy does not like crossroads. And treacherous intersections have the peculiarity of drawing the energy of money into themselves, absorbing it, reducing it...
Therefore, never open your wallet at a crossroads, take out money, or count it. The crossroads will eat up the monetary energy of your wallet, and you will be left with nothing.

✔Don't yawn at an intersection - you'll get a devil in your mouth... The explanation is essentially the same as in the legend about food at the crossroads. Only the process of moving in is somewhat different.
Scientists have proven that during yawning, as well as during sneezing, a person experiences a micro faint, or something like a slight trance. By opening your mouth in this state, you open access to evil spirits into your body. Therefore, it is quite possible that you can leave the intersection with your neighbor in your body.
Try to be patient until you cross the intersection. Cross yourself and yawn as much as you want. Just remember that you still need to cover your mouth with your hand - this is both a rule of decency and protection from “uninvited guests.”

If you spit at a crossroads, you will spit out your life... Apparently, this is due to the fact that usually something is left at a crossroads in order to get rid of the bad, and by recklessly leaving a piece of your own DNA at a crossroads, you can, on the contrary, “bind” the evil spirits from the crossroads to yourself.

For spiritual matters it is better to use temple or theater intersections, and for business and profit - market ones.

To be fair, we note that not all crossroads are endowed with SPECIAL magical powers, but only those that have reached a respectable age - 100, 200, 300 years...
The location of the intersection also matters. Places of power can confidently be called those that are located next to temples, cemeteries, monasteries, and old villages.
The intersections of old cities, such as Moscow, Kyiv, Novgorod, Torzhok, Suzdal, Kolomna, have the greatest power.
But modern intersections are also an energetic “window to a parallel world”

At the center of the crossroads the forces of the four cardinal directions converge. If you stand in the center of an intersection, knowing certain words, you can attract happiness, luck and prosperity from all sides.
At crossroads, any conspiracies are read: for love, for illness, fortune-telling is also performed there and symbolic sacrifices are made.
In Japanese magic, among the Ainu and other eastern peoples, for example, a feast at the “crossroads of seven roads” is popular, which is organized to appease the spirits and obtain a good harvest.
Based on materials