How to draw a fish - learn to draw different fish. How to draw a shark step by step with a pencil Draw a hammerhead fish step by step

The shark is a ferocious creature that has been terrorizing us in the water for hundreds of years. Over millions of years of evolution from a giant megalodon to an ordinary, average shark, it has undergone virtually no changes - only its size has decreased, and if a megalodon grows up to 16 meters, while a great white barely reaches 12 meters.

We do not take into account the whale shark - although it reaches 23 meters in length, it feeds mainly on plankton and is not dangerous to humans.

How to draw a shark with a pencil? This lesson is good for children and adults who want to improve their artistic skills. Just follow the instructions step by step, first armed with good paper and pencil, and after some time you will be able to perfectly draw a simple shark, and even its hammerhead counterpart.

Classic shark look

Step one

In the center of a sheet of paper, draw an ellipse with a pencil - this is the future part of the body of a predatory fish. We draw a circle from it upward - this will become the head of the creature. At the other end of the ellipse, you should gradually draw two lines converging with each other - the base of the tail.

It remains to draw three more lines from the future body - these will be the fins.

Step two

We outline three fins - two lateral and one tail. Take your time and move the pencil lightly so that you can erase a bad line if something happens.

Now we need to draw the gills. Now the task is more complicated - draw a triangle from the circle and connect it to the intended fin on the back of the fish.

Step three

Drawing the mouth is not that easy, so be patient while drawing the shark step by step. We outline the open mouth of the fish and designate the teeth. Draw a fold in the corner of the mouth with a pencil.

On the head we will draw a small black eye, and it should also be marked with folds. Now we draw more confidently the gills, shark tail and fins. To emphasize the torpedo-shaped shape of the fish’s body, draw a pencil over the drawing, indicating two straight lines that will run along its body.

Step four

We finish drawing the shark - we pay special attention to the teeth. They need to be drawn in the form of cones, and you should know that her teeth grow throughout her life, and in several rows. When one of the teeth falls out, another tooth takes its place, so this fish does not differ in its even smile.

Using an eraser, we erase the lines that were drawn at the initial stage, leaving only clear contours of the fish; using fine shading, you can add volume and shadow.

How to draw a hammerhead shark step by step

The fish, distinguished from its fellows by its interesting flat head shape, similar to a hammer, still belongs to the species of sharks, growing up to 6 meters in length.

Drawing it with a pencil will not be difficult if you already know how to draw the classic look of this fish. Therefore, the lesson will be short.

Step one

By analogy with the lesson presented above, we gradually outline the contours of the body and head, drawing an oval, and adding the outlines of the tail and fins to it, outlining them with four lines, adding straight lines along the body.

We slightly sharpen the ends of the oval - the future body - where the head and tail will be located. We draw two ovals in the area of ​​​​the future head of the creature - the eyes will be located there.

Step two

With a slight movement of the pencil, we draw the tail with fins more carefully; we turn the ovals near the fish’s head into rectangles with rounded edges, drawing the silhouette of a hammer. On the sides of each rectangle we will depict the eyes of a hammerhead shark.

We add shadows and volume to the drawing, emphasizing the shadows on her body with fine shading. We erase the lines with which we only outlined the drawing with an eraser.

The body of almost all fish is oval in shape. Therefore, at the first stage we draw this geometric figure. We draw an axis that will divide the oval in half. Inside the oval, draw the shark’s body using smooth lines.

Sharks, fierce and predatory, attack other fish and sea animals suddenly. They also swim near the surface of the ocean, but can also descend to greater depths.

Thin lines indicate the mouth and eye of the fish. We finish drawing the fins and tail.

Let's color our picture of a drawn shark - a dangerous predator

Hammerhead fish (shark) - how to draw

Draw an oval again. Since the hammerhead fish has a unique shape, the oval should be slightly wider on one side. We divide the oval in half with an axis. We cross it with another line. Draw the body of the fish.

Erase the extra lines. Draw the hammerhead face and tail. Let's add fins and strokes that will give the drawing volume.

This fish is also part of the shark family. Her eyes and nostrils are placed on the sides of the hammer. Therefore, she sees and smells prey better. The hammerhead shark is a very dangerous predator.

When coloring a picture with a drawn shark or hammerhead fish, pay attention to how smoothly the colors of the paint change

How to draw a catfish

Again, draw an oval with an axis. The shape of the catfish's body is similar to other fish. Only his head is big and wide. Let's finish drawing the fins and tail. The head of the catfish is decorated with unusual mustaches. By them, catfish can be easily recognized among other fish. Let's draw them. There are no scales on the catfish's body. But the fins and tail consist of thin plates, like those of other fish. Shade the fins and tail with thin lines.

Catfish is an inhabitant of fresh water bodies. This fish can be up to 5 meters long and weigh up to 300 kilograms. Favorite treats are small fish and frogs.

Picture of a drawn catfish for coloring

How to draw a pike

The pike's body looks like a narrow oval. In it we draw the outline of the fish. Let's finish drawing the fins and tail. Let's make some lines double, so we will add volume.

Let's draw the details of the head - eyes, gills, mouth. Shade the tail and fins. When coloring, pay attention that the pike’s scales are motley.

Pike lives in rivers, lakes, ponds, even swamps. This fish is a voracious predator. Pike are considered the longest-living fish. In the 18th century, a pike that was almost 200 years old was caught near Moscow. In its gills was a copper ring with a date carved into it indicating when the fish was released into the pond.

Picture of a drawn pike fish for coloring with pencils or felt-tip pens

Learn to draw a clown fish

The body of a clown fish is an elongated oval. The dorsal fin of this fish is of an unusual shape. First we draw several arcuate lines. The closer they are to the tail, the shorter they are. The remaining fins and tail are wide and short. We connect the arches of the dorsal fin. Shade the fin and tail. We draw stripes on the body of the fish that will help color it. This fish needs to be painted only according to the sample. After all, it was precisely for this striped coloring that she was nicknamed the clown.

How to draw a clown fish step by step with a pencil

These fish are one of the most popular species of marine fish kept in aquariums. Their homeland is the Pacific and Indian oceans. Clown fish live under the reliable protection of sea anemone tentacles. These tentacles can severely burn any sea creature except the clownfish. By the way, many species of these fish are protected by law and it is prohibited to catch them.

Picture for coloring - drawn clown fish

How to draw an angelfish fish

The angelfish has an almost square body. Therefore, the basis for the drawing is a circle, and the axes intersect in the center of the circle. We draw the body of the fish in relation to them. We draw the fins of the angelfish, they look like wings. The tail of the angelfish is also unusual.

Let's complete the details - the eye, mouth, add volume to the fins. When coloring the fish, pay attention to the unusual shape of the stripes on its body.

The angelfish is a very beautiful and elegant fish. She settled in aquariums almost a hundred years ago. Angelfish are peaceful - they easily get along with other inhabitants of “glass houses”. Scientists believe that angelfish have quite developed intelligence.

Draw an angelfish fish with a pencil step by step

While coloring the picture of this drawn aquarium fish, pay attention to the unusual shape of the stripes on its body.

Picture of a drawn aquarium fish angelfish for coloring

How to Draw Guppy

The guppy's body is the same length as its tail. Therefore, we draw a small oval. The fins and tail are easy to draw - wide and long with wavy edges. Don't forget about the small details - eyes, mouth, gills.

Shade the tail and fins. Let's draw small scales on the body.

The fish was named after the English priest and scientist Robert John Lemcher Guppy, who in 1886 reported that guppies do not spawn, like all fish, but give birth to live young. The scientists laughed at him. However, this fact was soon confirmed by other researchers.

Can be painted. A picture of a drawn guppy in front of you (click to enlarge it)

How to draw a rooster fish

Although the rooster fish's body resembles an oval, its outline is bizarre. Try to repeat the artist's first drawing. Erase all the extra lines and proceed to the tail and fins. They are also unusual in location and shape. Draw the eye and gills.

In Mexico, the rooster fish is also called the parrot fish. The thing is that its second dorsal fin has one spine and several soft rays and resembles a cockscomb.

Shade the fins and tail, draw small scales. Rooster fish is very bright. Try to depict a smooth transition from one color to another. You will succeed!

Sharks are one of the most majestic and attractive fish on our planet. Not a single story related to the sea or ocean, one way or another, is complete without the presence of these creatures in the narrative. Legends are made about them, films and comics are dedicated to them.

A novice author or artist who wants to depict this creature will in most cases ask the question: “How to depict a shark?” In our article we will show you how to do this step by step. However, shark is the common name for more than 300 species of predatory and toothy fish. Therefore, the material contains practical tips for depicting different animals. By the way, in addition to this lesson, there are other manuals on our resource, for example,. In addition, we regularly update our archives. Subscribe if you don't want to miss updates.

Also, before starting the lesson, we want to give you one piece of advice: do not stop there. This text describes only a couple of cases and methods of depiction. If you want to draw a shark simply and easily in any style and image, improve your skills daily.

At the initial stages, of course, find ready-made images of creatures and sketch them. Time after time, drawing after drawing, your work will become better and better. At a certain stage, you will realize that you don’t want to copy other people’s images. At this point, start creating your own creations.

Think over in your head the appearance of the shark and its surroundings. An important element is the elaboration of her behavior model. After all, some sharks feed exclusively on plankton and do not pose much of a threat. Character development is especially important if you decide to portray a cartoon animal.

Any, even the most complex drawing, can be depicted if you break it down into elements, and the drawing process itself into stages:

  • preparatory;
  • basic;
  • auxiliary;
  • editing;
  • final.

At the first, preparatory stage, you need to think about the composition of your work. What shark did you decide to depict? What will she look like? Will it be a static drawing, or will dynamics burst out of it violently? Will the shark be alone, or do you want to depict the surface of the sea or its prey in the background?

All these seemingly little things will greatly increase your chances of a successful result. At first this step will take a long time, but over time your brain and imagination will do it in a matter of seconds. In our case, we decided to depict a calm and well-fed shark swimming along the bottom of a reservoir:

It all starts with the lines

To draw a shark step by step with a pencil, draw two curved lines. They mark the outline of the upper jaw and the front of the creature's face. The angle they form will be to the right and slightly down. However, remember that you can change the position of the figure. But in this case, you will have to depict the shark in a completely different way. This is definitely a good thing. However, if you are taking your first steps in drawing, try doing it as shown in the image.

From the upper end of the line shown, draw another one. It should also be curved, but in this case the angle will point up and to the left. This line will be the fin of our beast. To more believably depict this element, and indeed the entire shark, look at photographs of this animal on the Internet. Look through textbooks and articles about the anatomy of a predator, its habits, and the conditions where it lives. This will help in depicting the animal. The knowledge that you will gain will be useful to you in life in any case, even if drawing is a simple hobby for you.

What is a fish without a tail and fins?

Draw another line from the fin, this time a straight line. However, don't do it with a ruler. The more natural it is, the better. This element is the part of the body that goes into the tail. Therefore, it’s okay if there are roughness and unevenness on it.

To draw a shark with a pencil, do not forget about the tail. Draw it with three curved lines. However, remember that they are all auxiliary. Do not press hard on the pencil. This will make the lines much easier to erase with an eraser. Otherwise, the white sheet may become dirty. And then the whole drawing in general will deteriorate.

Muzzles, fins and gills - these are my documents

Let's return to the initial stage of drawing to the very first two curved lines. You haven’t forgotten that they are only the upper jaw of the beast. Draw another line from the bottom element. This will be the lower jaw. Let us remind you that we are drawing a calm and well-fed shark. She has just eaten and is happy with her life. That's why her mouth is closed. If you use your imagination, it may seem that she is even smiling.

Next, draw another fin. If you don’t look too closely, it will mirror the element that is on the fish’s back. Draw another straight line from it, the end of which tends to the tail of the fish. At a short distance from it, draw a small fin and connect the whole fish.

Then, using a couple of lines, draw a large fin, which is located on the other side, and the belly of the animal. Also don't forget about the creature's eyes and gills. Remember that our predator is calm and well-fed. Therefore, in order to draw a shark step by step with a pencil for beginners, his eyes must express exactly these emotions. Try to depict this part of the body several times on a separate piece of paper until you achieve the desired result. Of course, it is difficult to express emotions to a real shark, so we will depict the eyes as less realistic, if not cartoonish.

Editing and finishing stages

When drawing or any other work, editing is an important step. In our case, it will come down to erasing the rough lines and applying the main, finishing lines. However, if you decide to depict more complex works, for example, this stage will take much longer. Editing is important not so much because your work can be seen by others, but because without it you won't be able to grow and improve your skills. Just as a writer cannot develop without criticism, you cannot become an artist if you do not bring each of your projects to a version close to the ideal.

After that, you only have the final stage. Since our shark calmly walks along the bottom of its pond, draw this very bottom. Add other smaller water abodes. This emphasizes that our predator does not care about other animals, since he is full and enjoying the moment.

Sharks are different

Before you draw a shark step by step with a pencil for children, remember that there are more than 300 species of sharks. Along with the traditional white predator, the hammerhead shark is no less famous. This fish with a bizarre head shape, which is why it was nicknamed, is just as often depicted in various paintings and drawings as its relatives.

The reason for its popularity, as you might guess, lies in the shape of the animal’s head. The hammerhead shark's eyes are positioned in such a way that they can see 360 ​​degrees. That is, it is almost impossible to sneak up on them unnoticed. Although, who would think of sneaking up on a predatory beast? Yes, this fish may seem harmless, but its teeth are just as sharp and deadly as those of its relatives.

Where to begin?

Before depicting a hammerhead shark step by step for beginners, repeat the preliminary stage as in the previous case. Everything is more or less clear with the shape of the animal, but not with the background, pose and other elements. This time we decided to limit ourselves solely to the image of the animal itself without other details. To draw such a fish, do the following:

  1. Draw a horizontal line. From it there are two more curved lines. Their ends should face each other. As a result, you will have a rough version of the fish's head. Remember that our lessons are only recommendations and not mandatory instructions. If you think your work will look better if the shark is looking down, draw it that way.
  2. Draw two more lines from the fish's head. Moreover, one should be longer than the other, so our shark will ultimately look much more dynamic and realistic than, for example, in the previous case.
  3. From that larger line draw a fin. This time our hammerhead shark will be depicted as if we are looking at it from below. Therefore, the fin must be depicted accordingly.
  4. Repeat to draw two more fins. One on the side, the other on the back. The latter, in this case, will be the dorsal fin. At the same stage, draw the mouth of the beast. In this case, we will not draw the teeth, since the drawing itself is small in size. However, if your work is different from ours, please try this.
  5. As in the previous version, draw several lines that will indicate part of the body and tail. Don't forget about small fins and other elements.
  6. On the head of the hammerhead shark, draw a small oval (eye) with a pencil. Immediately mark the gills and belly line.
  7. To add more realism and significantly improve the quality of the drawing, apply shadows. We will soon have a separate lesson on how to do this correctly. If you don't want to miss it, subscribe. This way you won't miss other lessons.

How to draw a shark step by step for children using geometric shapes

In one of our previous lessons, we talked about how everything in our world is made up of geometric shapes. Therefore, a shark can also be depicted with their help. Since these creatures are very elongated and angular, we will use triangles and lines that have become familiar to us.

Where would we be without a frame?

At the very beginning, draw the frame of your future shark. We do not remind you that before this you need to think about its appearance and shape. We will make the frame from one long triangle, one large line and two small ones that come out of the previous one. In this case, the triangle must be divided by a transverse line. This will simplify the process of depicting a predator.

Using several smooth and curved outer lines, connect the triangle and the lines to each other. At the same time, at the top of the frame, draw another small triangle, which will indicate the dorsal fin.

Elaboration of details

Next comes the next stage - working out the details. Focusing on a large triangle divided into two parts, draw the muzzle and mouth of the animal. On the outer lines that connect the main frame, draw small triangles to represent the fins of the animal.

Erase the auxiliary frame and draw a small circle above the mouth - the eye of our shark. As a result, we ended up with some kind of overly cheerful and friendly animal. Let's fix this by drawing rows of sharp and dangerous teeth in the mouth. Our drawing is small in size. Therefore, we apply light and barely noticeable strokes. At this stage, with the same movements, we mark the places where the shadows and reflections of our creation will be located.

In principle, this is where you can finish drawing a shark step by step with a pen for beginners. If you want to make it more realistic, paint the shark in gray tones. But be careful. Proper handling of paint requires appropriate knowledge and skills. Otherwise, your drawing will be irrevocably damaged.


In this material we have provided the most basic but effective tips on how to draw a shark step by step for children and beginners with a pencil or any other tool. If you found them useful and necessary, we will be glad. Share your results in the comments.

Also, if you want to draw something, but don't know how to do it, write to us. Addresses are in the “Contacts” section. We, in turn, will try to find an appropriate lesson for you or create one ourselves.

Also, if you have any advice or comments, if you have suggestions for improving our resource, please contact us yourself. Good luck to you in your endeavors. And don't forget paint!

Drawing animals is not as easy as it seems at first glance. We found several types of lessons that will help you draw a shark simply and step by step.

To start the lesson, I advise you to learn a little about the anatomy of a shark, since every artist knows that in order to draw any object you need to know the external and internal details to create a frame.

A shark's face is made up of a jaw, nose and small eyes.

This is the usual view of an adult shark from the frontal view.

The teeth of some shark species are cone-shaped. The jaw itself has lower and upper rows for catching victims.

How to draw a shark step by step?

This shark is drawn in stages using a simple pencil; use a ruler to draw the frame evenly.

First of all, draw an oval for the body and the shape of a claw, then the nose and the entire head.

We finish drawing the fins and breathing passages of the shark. The second picture shows the entire body.

The next step is drawing the second shark.

Draw an oval and the body of a simple fish.

Let's give the picture the right look.

How to draw a hammerhead shark?