How to resolve conflict at work: five ways. Toxic colleague

No one is immune from a conflict situation at work. Any employee has at least once been a participant in such a conflict, or observed it from the sidelines. Not everyone thinks about how to resolve conflict at work and prefers to act impulsively. But every employee needs to acquire such knowledge: someday it will come in handy.

How to prevent work conflict

To begin with, here are a few rules that, if you adhere to, will most likely help you avoid conflict situations at work.

  1. Choose the right place to work. Many conflicts arise due to the fact that the employee is not satisfied with the low salary, lack of career growth, and so on. When you are at the interview stage for a company, you need to thoroughly find out all the important points for you. At the very least, you can definitely find out about the possibility of career growth.
  2. Know your responsibilities. Conflicts often arise when an employee misunderstands his job responsibilities. Or one of his colleagues is blatantly trying to push his work onto him. Therefore, you need to understand your job responsibilities well. As a rule, all positions have a job description and, of course, it must be adhered to. But, as they say, “if you want to anger everyone, act within the instructions.” Therefore, periodic assistance to colleagues in their work, periodic fulfillment of requests from superiors “to do something that is not part of their direct duties” cannot be ruled out. Here it is important not to allow someone to sit on your neck and to be able to gently refuse.
  3. Learn to listen to other people's points of view. Conflicts often arise due to differences in the points of view of colleagues on a particular work issue. It is important to be able to listen to someone whose opinion is different from yours.
  4. Don’t give reasons for conflict: exclude lateness, rudeness, and rudeness on your part.
  5. Don't participate in gossip. Gossip can give rise to the most unpleasant conflict - interpersonal. Unlike the worker, it is much more difficult to overcome it. If you don't gossip at work, you will significantly reduce the likelihood of interpersonal conflict.

If a conflict does occur, try following the recommendations below.

Conflict with a colleague

Often, a conflict with a colleague ends in mutual alienation. This is not so scary, because the job is created in order to work, and not to make friends. It’s much worse when they start to be rude, rude, and even set you up. In this case:

  1. Don't try to repay in the same coin. Cold politeness will suffice. On the other hand, this does not mean that you need to tolerate direct insults. If a colleague goes beyond all boundaries, you need to calmly answer something like: “Sorry, Maria Ivanovna, I can’t continue talking to you in this tone. I’m ready to continue after your apology.” Such a phrase will confuse the offender, since the insults are aimed at arousing emotions in you.
  2. Don't discuss what happened with your colleagues. Work is work, and even a colleague whom you thought was a friend may not be that at all.
  3. Don't react too emotionally. It's difficult to contain your emotions, but you try. What now, because of every fool, cry and quit? If you feel like you are about to cry or commit a rash act, leave the office to neutral territory. For example, to the toilet. Calm down.
  4. Talk to your superiors. This is in case one of your colleagues openly mocks you or begins to set you up. Don't be afraid that you will be considered an informer. It is important to present the information correctly here. For example, start with how your work is dear to you, and you are very upset that due to disagreements in the team, your work productivity may decrease.

If you work in a large company, then it may have a special conflict resolution service - compliance. Find out about its availability and, if anything, contact us there.

Conflict with the boss

When you have a conflict with your boss, things are a little more complicated. As soon as you understand that a conflict has occurred (let’s say your boss yelled at you rudely), do not try to object and yell back. Don’t try to prove to your boss that you are actually a good employee and that he shouldn’t treat you like this. Listen to the end and leave silently (do not slam the door). Analyze the situation. Perhaps you actually made a mistake somewhere.

The main signs by which one can determine whether the authorities are right:

  1. Only your work is criticized, not your personality;
  2. You were regularly made comments about the same shortcomings in your work (for example, about the deadlines for completing the work);
  3. Other colleagues have expressed dissatisfaction with your work;
  4. The boss is dissatisfied because your actions lead to negative consequences for the company (for example, it receives fines for late work);
  5. You are not scolded in front of all your colleagues, but only face to face.

If you yourself are to blame, then later go to your boss and tell him that you realized your mistakes and will try not to make them in the future. If possible, offer solutions to the problem. Understand the criteria for evaluating work. If necessary, ask for help if you don’t understand something about the work.

But it also happens that you received undeserved treatment from your superiors. It may well be that the boss was simply out of sorts. Especially if the conflict occurred for the first time. Therefore, if you come in some time after the conflict and say something like “Ivan Ivanovich, could you once again express your complaints about my work?”, it may turn out that there are no complaints.

It may also happen that your boss simply doesn’t like you. The following may indicate this:

  1. It is not only and not so much your work that is criticized, but your personality. For example, you speak wrong, look wrong, and so on.
  2. There is contempt in the boss's voice; you feel how your boss gets pleasure from his comments.
  3. Dissatisfaction with you is expressed regularly, but on different occasions and at different times.
  4. Your boss yells at you in front of your colleagues.
  5. The boss cannot adequately say by what criteria he evaluates the work.

It is not easy to get out of such a situation. The main thing is not to become an eternal victim. Try to stop attempts to criticize your personality. And most importantly, always remain calm. By responding to aggression with aggression, you give your boss a reason to yell at you again and again. Try to clarify more often the boundaries of your work area, your responsibilities, work evaluation criteria, and deadlines for completing the work.

If you can’t get out of the conflict, you can involve your boss’s superiors in the matter. But this only happens in large companies. If your company doesn’t have this, well, you’ll probably have to look for a new job. Don’t be nervous all your life because of your tyrant boss.


The videos will help you understand how to resolve work conflicts.

Good day, our dear readers! Again with you, Irina and Igor. The work process is a complex mechanism, especially when many people are involved in it. And conflicts here are inevitable; this is not the case when truth can be born in a dispute. As a rule, in work conflicts only hostility between colleagues is born.

How not to quarrel with colleagues, how to respond correctly to their attacks and much more we will discuss today in our article.


One of the reasons for quarrels in the workplace can be a banal division of territory. “Your table is in a cozy corner, but there’s always a blow at my back,” these and other statements in an aggressive manner are aimed at causing a defensive reaction in you.

The second reason may be the envy of colleagues. Have you recently been praised by your boss for a job well done? Are you the best performer in your department? All this inevitably causes envy, which means causeless anger from colleagues and a desire to ruin your mood.

Another reason is the difference in views on how it should be. Your colleagues want to instill in you exclusively their rules and principles, and they perceive any deviation from their usual routine as a “red rag”. Moreover, such principles can reach the point of absurdity, and even affect your everyday work clothes.

Another cause of conflict can be emotional aggressors. Such people get a kind of satisfaction from the process of swearing, which is why they strive to “suck any scandal out of their fingers.”

The same behavior can be observed in anticipation of layoffs; everyone here is nervous about the upcoming possible departure from work; naturally, this emotional overload is reflected in some kind of scandal.


Now let's talk about your reaction to what is happening.

What should you do and what should you not do? Let's make a small list:

  • Don't be overtly aggressive. Even if everything you want to say directly to your colleague at that moment, try to restrain yourself. You won’t be able to have a constructive dialogue, and therefore it will be pointless
  • A conflict is always the “fault” of both participants. Therefore, if you have received any accusations, analyze them; perhaps they have a basis in reality, and you have something to work on
  • Don't respond to provocations. A video course can help you with this "In the Line of Fire"
  • Try to control your emotions, take a few deep breaths. Step back from the situation and look at it from the outside
  • Humor is the most effective way to reduce the intensity of a conflict. But you shouldn’t laugh in your opponent’s face. It’s better to fantasize in your thoughts about what your colleague is like when he’s angry, but don’t voice your fantasies. Just keep them in your head, and the flow of your colleague’s negativity will dry up during this time
  • Many quarrels are caused by the condition. You can use the video course here “How to manage stress to live and work comfortably” . Tell your colleague that you are both tired and need a break, suggest taking a video course together
  • If an employee furiously bombards you with complaints, then be sure to answer them. But do this after a pause, mentally count to 100, and then explain to your colleague that you do not intend to continue the dialogue in the same tone, but you are always ready to discuss problems after he calms down. After this, try to leave the place of conflict, make sure that there is a significant distance between you to catch your breath. What to say after? Use the book by Jean-Marie Boisvert, Madeleine Baudry “I always know what to say! How to develop self-confidence and become a master communicator"
  • The last piece of advice is that if you feel like you can’t cope with the situation on your own, try seeing a psychologist. This is not a sign of weakness, it is an opportunity to learn to control your emotions and correctly respond to attacks from colleagues.

Admitting mistakes

There are situations when you are wrong or have made a mistake in your work, and you are well aware of this yourself. But the colleague is not averse to “poking you at her like a kitten” or going into a scream, scolding you.

When the emotional storm has subsided, talk to your employee: admit your mistake, but you will express dissatisfaction with his manner of communication, set the framework within which a colleague can contact you.

Don't be afraid to bring up the problem; everyone makes mistakes, but that doesn't mean you have to listen to people yell about it.

Getting personal

Often in an emotional outburst, your employee may forget the initial reason for the quarrel and move on to an aggressive discussion of your personality.

Such conflict is not constructive. That is why, in the event that you feel a personal shift from your colleague, immediately leave the dialogue and declare that you do not intend to discuss you.

The same goes for your dissatisfaction, speak only according to the situation, and as calmly as possible, but do not use phrases where you offend the employee’s personality.

Emotional release

Any quarrel leaves us with a lot of anger, and unreleased anger is destructive to our body and mental state.

  • "Letter of Anger" Write down on paper everything you feel, put as much of the accumulated negativity into words as possible, you can even press harder on the pen or pencil if it helps. Then burn the letter
  • Water not only cleanses our body, but cleanses us emotionally. Therefore, after a quarrel, try to take a shower or at least wash your hands, imagining how you wash away all the splashed out negativity, and at the same time your anger
  • Express everything without being shy about your emotions. You can do this using a mirror, imagine your offender in the reflection and start
  • You can throw out emotions by turning them into. Go to the gym: hit a punching bag, if necessary, imagine your opponent in an argument in its place, or just take out your anger on the treadmill
  • Screaming relieves us of negative emotions, but we don’t want to do it around our colleagues. So find a secluded place and just scream

What do you do in a situation of work conflict? Tell us in the comments. See you soon!

Best regards, Irina and Igor

Often the most insignificant situational conflict can escalate into a protracted war, which will poison the lives of not only those in conflict, but also everyone around them. Understands this problem psychologist Natalia Isaicheva.

Almost everyone faces conflict situations at work. Conflict is a contradiction, disagreement between people and teams that arose in the process of work due to opposing interests and lack of agreement between the parties. It can be compared to a disease - if measures are not taken in time, it can affect more people, thereby causing the organization to suffer losses. It must be taken into account that the conflict also has a destructive effect on the health of the participants.

Some conflicts arise for objective reasons and relate to work, others for subjective reasons, affecting emotional and personal relationships. The main causes of conflict situations are the inability to communicate, differences in qualifications, goals, values, upbringing and behavior. A leader can also be a source of conflict if he shows vanity or rudeness towards subordinates, thereby violating work ethics. If the boss violates labor laws and cannot fairly evaluate the work results of each employee.

What are some ways to resolve conflicts at work?

1. Avoiding conflict

Its meaning boils down to the fact that one side does not want to participate in the conflict, ignoring the situation. If the conflict arose for subjective reasons, then this approach can have positive consequences. The other side can rethink the situation, calm down, and an open clash can be avoided.

But if the conflict arose on professional grounds, then avoiding it can only aggravate the situation, since the reason that caused the conflict has not been eliminated. In this case, the situation cannot be left unattended.

2. Smoothing out or adapting to conflict

The main goal of smoothing is to quickly prevent conflict through agreements, apologies, and demonstrations of humility. If a conflict situation arises between a manager and a subordinate, and no one is interested in the duration of the conflict, then this tactic, where one side gives in and allows the other to get what they want, can be positive.

The conflict is quickly resolved, the situation is comprehended, work is restored and good relationships can be maintained. In this situation, the cause of the conflict should be eliminated in order to avoid recurrence of the problem in the future.

3. Forcing to resolve the conflict

The initiator of the conflict, using power, subjugates the employee to his will, while not taking into account his opinion. This is usually accompanied by blackmail, intimidation and other pressure techniques.

This is the most unpleasant way to resolve a conflict, as the other party feels humiliated and tension remains. Coercion can be justified: a) when there is a shortage of time; b) in emergency cases; c) with subordination.

4. Compromise

A complex but effective way to resolve conflict. Here the interests of each party are taken into account and alternatives are discussed. Compromise assumes that each party, to some extent, gets what they want while maintaining a good relationship. The goal of this method of conflict resolution is to gain something rather than lose everything.

5. Conflict resolution

This is the most effective way when the parties acknowledge differences of opinion and are willing to listen to other points of view in order to resolve the cause of the conflict and take actions acceptable to all parties. Here, disagreement is accepted as a normal phenomenon, which, through analysis and dialogue, leads to an optimal solution.

In resolving a conflict, the maturity of the parties and the art of communication with people play a big role, so it is very important to maintain restraint so as not to aggravate the situation. Give the party the opportunity to speak out “to the end”, using a therapeutic effect. Frank dialogue and a friendly atmosphere contribute to the speedy resolution of the conflict and its elimination.

There may be fewer conflicts in a team if everyone knows their rights and fulfills their responsibilities.

In any conflict situation, you need to radiate calm: confident intonation, without notes of arrogance or irritation in your voice; moderate rate of speech and low timbre of voice, which are most pleasant to the ear; a straight back, which puts you in a positive mood and gives you confidence.

And conflicts need to be resolved immediately, there is no need to hesitate and do it in a friendly atmosphere.

Conflict at work is commonplace. According to studies, disputes take up about 15% of working time. The most common reason is complete incompatibility between employees due to a discrepancy in their views on life or a certain situation. What is absurd for one is acceptable for another.

But sometimes conflict at work can be beneficial. They help to come to a common decision. In such a stressful situation, employees can see each other's true colors. But the main positive result is to find a solution to the problem and end the quarrel.

Causes of conflicts

The work team is selected spontaneously. First of all, the professional skills of the employee are important. Personal qualities come second. This is why employees cannot always find a common language and maintain normal relationships.

The main reasons for disputes at work:

  • differences in culture, status, level of power;
  • illiterate and unclear tasks;
  • violations of management principles by managers;
  • poor attitude of superiors towards subordinates;
  • psychological incompatibility of employees;
  • lack of an objective system for assessing the success of work;
  • differences in professional goals;
  • different salary levels;
  • the importance of each employee to varying degrees;
  • distortion of information (rumours, gossip), etc.

In many ways, the microclimate in a work group depends on the leader. His task is to create a cohesive team built on trust and respect.

Otherwise, there will be tension and misunderstanding in any work situation.

Types of conflicts

The parties to conflicts at work can be different. The most common tandem is a quarrel between 2 employees. And also, conflict at work often arises between one employee and the team or with management. The main thing is to stop in time.

Between 2 workers

The main reason is the difference in views on work activity. One believes that it is enough to do one’s job well; for another, self-development and improvement of skills are also important. It happens that one employee underworks, while another overfulfills the plan. The first considers his colleague to be lazy and a bad employee, the second calls the enemy a despot obsessed with work.

Conflict between two employees

Another popular cause of conflict is the cleanliness of the workplace. For some, it is important that everything around them is tidy and neatly folded. For others, the norm is chaos and slight disorder. In this case, it is better to create separate workplaces for workers and seat them further away from each other.

Between employee and team

Occurs when a new employee joins an established team. He finds it difficult to make contact. Any violation of norms of behavior is a cause for conflict.

Another typical situation is a newly arrived boss. People often react negatively to changes, so at first they may not perceive the new leader.

Between employee and superiors

Competent bosses are sensible people. They will not create conflict situations over trifles. Most often, a quarrel arises due to professional incompetence. The employee failed to meet the sales plan, made a serious mistake in the report, submitted all the work after the deadline - the reasons are very different.

In this case, the positive aspects of the conflict:

  • desire to make the employee a professional;
  • employee training;
  • eliminating a systematic problem;
  • clarifying relations with the boss with a positive outcome, etc.

But there is another popular reason for conflict with managers - personal hostility. If the boss is tolerant, he will not attach any importance to this. Otherwise, he will not hide his irritation from being next to such an employee. His comments will concern appearance, gait, demeanor, pronunciation and other things.

Conflict with boss at work

The solution to conflict situations in this case is dismissal. The boss may not do this himself, but will in every possible way push the employee to take this step. If an employee loves his job and wants to stay, he needs to know how to behave during conflicts.

Basic Rules:

  • respond to reproaches with dignity and politeness;
  • keep your distance (don’t lose your temper, restrain your emotions);
  • ask for a specific reason for the conflict;
  • offer to resolve the conflict;
  • listen carefully to the leader.

If the boss’s work is controlled by a person with a higher position, you can contact him. Personal hostility is an indicator of poor competence, because a manager must be tolerant of every employee. The only caveat is that the employee must have counterarguments and evidence of the boss’s guilt.

Between groups in a team

In this case, conflicts arise in a team with an unhealthy microclimate. Personal antipathies have a very clear and negative impact on relationships between employees. They begin to divide into small warring groups. Most often, they are united by the same views on professional activities.

Subsequently, the race begins for the title of “best group” in the form of increased productivity, successfully completed projects, etc. For management, this is a positive aspect, because there is an opportunity to increase profits. But such competition will negatively affect other, less successful groups.

Group conflict

Another situation is the presence of an informal leader. He gathers around himself active, enterprising people who are ready to work for the idea.

But there will always be those who are categorically opposed to such an outcome. For them, leaving their comfort zone and working in a stressful situation is an unacceptable option. Therefore, hostility arises between activists and passive workers.

Types of behavior in conflict situations

Some people keep social distance. They practically do not make contact, and accordingly, in conflict situations they can take a neutral position. Such employees do not understand why they should waste time and energy on others, so they direct it into work. Any conflicts are considered meaningless.

Another behavioral strategy is aggressors. Most often, it is they who provoke conflicts, fiercely defending their interests. They completely refuse to take into account the reasoning of others. By temperament type, aggressors are choleric. For them, conflicts, quarrels, scandals are energy recharge.

Characteristics of aggressors:

  • do not get pleasure from work;
  • the main goal is to receive a salary and increase personal income;
  • productivity is low, because they are often distracted by extraneous matters.

Another participant in conflicts at work are intriguers. They compare their salaries with those of others. If their income is lower, envy appears. The victim is ridiculed and reproached. Any manifestation of humiliation on their part brings great pleasure. Promotion, transfer to a better office, a separate office and other successes cause irritation and hatred among colleagues.

Professional conflict due to jealousy

The oppositionist is the boss's favorite. Few people notice him, but he watches everyone. He knows all the details of his personal life and work issues, which he reports to management. Such a person is not liked in the team and they are trying to “survive”. He does not build friendly relations with anyone. Does not enter into conflict situations, otherwise remains silent and neutral.

Consequences of conflicts

Most often, conflict has negative consequences. But there are situations when it has a positive effect on all parties to the dispute. First, it allows you to identify a diversity of views, learn the peculiarities of thinking and opinions of colleagues. It provides useful additional information regarding the cause of the conflict.

Consequences of conflicts that were promptly resolved and eliminated:

  1. Employees feel involved in the team and in the discussion of important work topics. They feel important. In the process of solving a problem, hostility and injustice are eliminated.
  2. Employees become more cooperative. They develop their own position and strategy of behavior. They understand how not to behave so as not to become the initiator of another quarrel.
  3. Reduces the likelihood of groupthink. Employees learn to express their opinions tolerantly and competently. In the process of discussing a conflict situation, they learn to respect each other.
  4. But if the conflict is not resolved immediately, the outcome will not be very happy. A person will form a certain opinion about the other participant in the dispute, as an enemy and adversary. He will perceive his decisions as correct and logical, and the actions of the other side as absurd and stupid. Subsequently, such an employee will become self-centered and will react negatively to other people's suggestions and ideas. It is especially dangerous if this person is a boss.

Ways to resolve conflicts

The first correct decision is to find out the original source of the deterioration in relations with colleagues. This is done during the discussion process. Gather all participants in a dispute or conspiracy together. The disputing parties explain their positions. They analyze what exactly does not suit them in the current work situation.

Resolution of a quarrel occurs only if every dissatisfied employee takes an active part. Next, possible options for resolving the conflict are proposed and the one that suits everyone is selected.

Chief's position

It is necessary to have only reliable information. Rumors and gossip are something you can never rely on. The second rule is not to reward for denunciations! This significantly lowers the image and worsens the reputation of the boss in the eyes of his subordinates.

If some adversities have been noticed in the conflict, it is better to observe the employees. This will allow you to determine the initiator of the quarrel and the cause of the next dispute.

  • Don't start public fights. If there are problems with only 1 or several employees, it is better to have an individual conversation.
  • Do not take sides in a conflict. Have your own position and explain it competently to the team.
  • Don't put yourself above others. Despite a high position, you need to know your place and not cross boundaries. It is better to follow the collective rules (if there is no smoking in the room, then the manager should not do this either).
  • Initially, you need to realize that a conflict is brewing. In this case, you need to be able to control your emotions and think about the consequences. If the situation allows, it is better to leave the office or get away from the aggressor.
  • Another effective method is touch switch manipulation. The point is to distract colleagues from the conflict so that it does not achieve its goal.
  • If the conflict is provoked by 2 people, you need to analyze the strengths of the enemy. You can ask to evaluate the work from the point of view of a professional or find out his opinion about some work moment (if this was not the cause of the quarrel). Remember, a compliment is the best weapon.

Conflict resolution is mandatory

Other ways to resolve conflict with employees:

  • Sniper technique. Pretend that you didn’t hear the provoking phrase.
  • You can ask again indifferently. In most cases, the initiator of the conflict is lost, and the dispute does not develop further.
  • Intimate talk. Ask your opponent directly what exactly irritates him. This is how the argument turns into a constructive conversation. Most often, the conflict exhausts itself, and people learn to analyze their own mistakes and behavior.
  • Ignoring. If hostility is not substantiated in any way, then it is better to simply ignore it and react neutrally to the aggressor. He will see that he is not of interest to the enemy and will calm down.
  • Admitting a mistake. If the cause of the conflict is poor quality work, the employee should apologize and redo the work.

Remember, in any conflict situation you need to remain calm.

Confident intonation, moderate rate of speech, low timbre of voice, straight back are the main tools.


Conflict situations at work can arise at any time and for various reasons. The main thing is to prevent their development in time or completely eliminate them.

Do not forget to remain human in any situation. People are different, and this is worth taking into account. Learn to remain calm in any situation, and conflicts will not take up precious working time. Focus your energy on increasing your productivity.

Conflicts at work are a typical situation from which no one is immune. In fact, at least once in his entire career, a company employee becomes either a participant in a conflict situation or an eyewitness to it.

In most cases, an employee who has fallen under the magical effect of a “clash of views” does not even try to escape the intensity of passions. But on the contrary, he acts impulsively: such behavior simply cannot end happily.

Find out from our material how to resolve conflict nuances, what tools and techniques psychologists recommend using.

Reasons for disagreement

Unfortunately, a conflict-free life - both in the format of personal relationships and in a business environment - is practically impossible. The primary sources of all problems lie in the people themselves: in their views and needs, values ​​and habits.

Some eagerly rush into the maelstrom of the communication war, trying to remain the only “right holders”, others try to pass the storm, avoiding, but not extinguishing conflict at work.

How do they do this? First of all, wise people strive to find out the cause of the conflict, and then “build” the optimal chain of how to behave in a particular situation.

Let's consider the main causes of “work” conflicts:

  1. Elementary psychological incompatibility employees working on one thing: for example, choleric and melancholic people.
  2. Incompetent distribution of work functions: shifting direct powers and responsibilities onto the shoulders of a colleague can lead to serious disagreements.
  3. The presence of interpersonal relationships in the work team: a participant in a conflict, supported by most of his colleagues, behaves more confidently and aggressively towards his opponent. The approval and support of comrades stimulates the continuation of “collision” relapses: a conflict situation at work will become commonplace in this case.
  4. Standard misunderstanding: This is due to typical speech and social barriers. The conflict grows on the fertile soil of a painful difference in social status: it is quite difficult for a professor with his inherent format of thinking and professional experience to explain an idea to a simple worker.


There have been and will be quarrels between employees - this must be understood. However, you should be aware of the following: either an unpleasant event completely takes over you, or you yourself control the situation.

If a conflict at work with a colleague has been going on for months, and you don’t know how to eliminate it, try to use the following methods to neutralize your opponents:

  • Awareness what happened is the first and main action that should be taken in a conflict situation. Evaluate the event rationally and calmly. If you have enough level and skills, try to walk away from a quarrel with dignity: speak slowly and calmly.
  • Breaking the pattern. If there is a disagreement with your superiors, to neutralize your superior opponent, use a cunning method of sensory switching: accidentally drop your pencil, cough, say something not related to the conflict. In this case, aggression will not reach you.
  • Attack with questions and “conciliation”. Did the conflict happen directly with the head of the company? In this case, using justified agreements and clarifying questions asked in a calm tone, try to find out exactly where you made a mistake. Ask your boss to explain the situation “without shouting.”
  • Complementarity. Consult with the person opposed to you, appeal to his competence and professional skills, ignoring - in a good way - possible attacks from him.
  • Sniper technique. How to resolve a conflict at work if a colleague is trying to bully you? Just don’t take his provocations, and when he tries to insist on his point of view, indifferently repeat the last phrase, citing the fact that you “didn’t hear it.” This usually distracts the opponent and reduces the degree of aggression.
  • Constructive dialogue– the most civilized method of communication. Invite the employee who dislikes you for a cup of coffee and calmly question him about the reasons for his negative attitude towards you.

Calm down and warn!

Have you encountered a hot-tempered and picky boss? Don’t even try to “set him on the right path”! This man is well-established, with his own “cockroaches” and internal complexes. Better quit.

If you don’t intend to leave your warm work “nest,” then you’ll have to adapt. Try to prevent conflicts with colleagues and superiors. Be aware of the situation: when you come to the work team for the first time, try to identify all the created coalitions and their informal leaders.

If there is a conflict at work with your superiors: prayer and some wise techniques will help you eliminate it. With aggressive leadership, it is recommended to be fully armed around the clock. Start preparing for everyday work at home: mentally read a prayer to your Angel, and at work - a pacifying petition to the prophet David to tame anger.

Augmented image

  • Confident and calm intonation: sustained tone.
  • Medium voice timbre and smooth speech tempo.
  • A glance between the eyebrows: disarms the enemy and suppresses an aggressive attitude.
  • Straight, relaxed back: will give you confidence.

Remember that you shouldn’t worry about conflicts, they need to be resolved! Either it can be settled peacefully, preserving your nerves and health, or, if there is no other option, you can always find a new place of work! Take care of yourself and maintain your and others' peace of mind!