How to draw Ezio Audite with a pencil. How to draw Assassin from Assassins Creed step by step (lesson on drawing a full-length man)

Who are the assassins? In the Middle Ages, this term was used to describe people who committed murders on political and religious grounds. Today we will draw Altair ibn La-Ahad, who is such an assassin in the computer game Assassin’s Creed. The drawing is quite complex, not everyone can draw it, but with the help of step-by-step tips, we have significantly facilitated the drawing process.

Altair, whom we will draw in this lesson, has dark skin, a scar on his lip, which is his distinctive feature. He is dressed, like all assassins, in a long white and gray robe, something like a cloak, a red belt, and his face is always half covered with a hood. Altair, with his rude and arrogant character, was far from the most flexible student, but despite this, his teacher Al Mualim valued him very much, because he saw great potential in him, in which he was right.

Before you start drawing the Assassin, be patient, as drawing him will take a long time and be difficult. If you are ready, let's move on to drawing:

Stage 1. We will begin our drawing by constructing an auxiliary frame, which will consist of several lines and looks like this:

Stage 2. After you have drawn this auxiliary frame, we move on to drawing the assassin himself. To begin with, we will draw his head; it is at this stage that we will begin to draw a large hood, under which the assassin’s face is partially hidden, which we will draw in the next stage.

Stage 3. So, draw the assassin’s face. His facial features are quite courageous, a menacing look, a large nose, clear lines of lips, all this is characteristic of our assassin.

Stage 4. The face of the assassin Altair is ready, let's move on to drawing his right hand. Particular attention should be paid to drawing what is below the bend of the elbow, that is, the lower part of the sleeve.

Stage 7. Then we draw the Assassin's belt, on which two blades are attached. Here's what it looks like:

Stage 8. Our Assassin is simply hung with all sorts of weapons. At this stage we draw the Assassin's large sword, which is attached to his belt.

Stage 9. Then we draw the hem of Altair’s robe, as well as his hands. Notice that he has another blade in his left hand.

Stage 10. Draw Altair’s legs, which are shod in boots. So, our Assassin is almost ready.

Stage 11. Now we need to carefully erase with an eraser all the auxiliary lines (that is, the auxiliary frame), which was depicted in purple.

You may be wondering how to draw an assassin? Nothing could be simpler. In this article we will show you step by step the simplicity of this process.

Many people are simply afraid to even try to draw not only complex illustrations, but sometimes even banal drawings. Let us hasten to reassure you that creating a beautiful drawing is very easy, especially using our step-by-step instructions, which will explain in detail the procedure and the principle of operation of the animation. And so let's get started.

Let's try to understand in detailhow to draw an assassin with a pencil. Initially, we will need to draw the outline indicated in the figure. We draw a vertical line, which will be the axis of our entire drawing. Parallels should be drawn, which will be the edges of the head, shoulders, waist and lower legs. Don’t forget to include a quadrangle in our drawing, which will subsequently serve as a kind of support from which we will build upon to create a further composition.

When the contour sketches have already been created, we can safely move on to the next stage. You should have absolutely no problems with this. Assassin pencil drawing step by step will allow you to demonstrate your creative skills in front of your friends and gain an unforgettable and valuable experience in artistic development.

Drawing an assassin step by step is extremely simple and even enticing.As you can see, our character is beginning to acquire a more or less recognizable image. Using the above outline sketches, we can safely draw the outlines of the helmet, arms, waist and legs. Don’t try to draw identically; your skill and imagination will only help you develop your creative and artistic potential.

It is worth noting that the contours should not be drawn with very rough thick lines. We should erase the extra strokes. This way you can create a beautiful and colorful picture.

Next, using a pencil, we begin to draw out the details. From the top to the base of the legs, we smoothly draw out all the fragments of our character, outlining more and more detailed segments of the composition. PaintAssassin Creed pencil drawings can be done both independently and with adults. Many of the details that are indicated in the illustration are important due to the fact that the character is already recognizable and your own adjustments may be inappropriate. When drawing the contours of fingers, shoes, waist and helmet, focus on the general concept of the drawing. Our hero should not be overweight or thin. When creating a picture of an assassin drawing in pencil, you need to take into account all the factors of growth, proportions and symmetry.

How to draw an assassin with a pencil step by step can only be understood when you get to work. Practice and you will definitely succeed.

Here we are coming to the final stage of our master class lesson "Let's draw an assassin with a pencil." As you can see, you should apply shadows, thin strokes, and finish drawing the belt. Our character is almost ready. At this stage, you can use an eraser and remove unnecessary strokes, sketches, and schematic proportions with which the drawing of our hero began. You already understand how to draw an assassin step by step. A minimum of effort and a maximum amount of diligence will lead you to success.

Now you know how to draw an assassin with a pencil. We hope that our article helped you draw a beautiful and rich composition.

How to draw an assassin with a pencil

Draw an assassin with a pencil.

Especially at the request of our reader Stas the Great, I prepared a lesson on how to draw an assassin with a pencil. There are probably many more Assassin’s Creed fans among our readers, and I hope the lesson will be interesting to you. And I was once fond of this game and am looking forward to the release of the next part. According to Ubisoft director Yves Guillemot, the next part of the game will be even more interesting and with unrealistic graphics. The game is promised to be released, if not this year, then certainly in 2013. If you are a true connoisseur, I recommend reading the biography of Ezio Auditore de Ferenze.

I would like to note right away that he is not an easy character to draw, so be patient and have pencils. The main difficulty in drawing lies in Ezio Auditore's costume. I took the photo from Wikipedia:

Look closely atEzio Auditore costume. It consists of many parts, including metal parts, fabric items, in general, it has everything that a killer needs. But many designers and computer scientists have worked on this image, and we are just beginners. Therefore, I will try to simplify it a little to make it easier for you to draw. Let's start studying the step-by-step instructions.

How to draw an assassin with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's draw the position of Ezio's body. The circles are where the head and arms are, the body is in the shape of a trapezoid, and there are two lines where the legs are.

Step two. Pictures of Ezio Auditore da Firenze Very highly detailed, there are a lot of shadows and colors. We will try to highlight only the main elements. Start drawing out the details of the costume. Step three. Below the circle that marked the head, draw an oval face. On the face draw a nose and lips. We have already seen how to draw a nose with a pencil in the previous lesson. Make a few strokes to highlight the neck. Next draw the hood and move on to the shoulder part. Step four. We draw sleeves and a belt on the stomach. Step five. Draw the hands. Note that he has two hidden blades in his sleeves. They are reinforced in a special mechanism, and, if necessary, extend along the palm. Next we draw the costume as in the picture. Step six. Let's add a few details to the suit, according to the picture. Let's move on to drawing the legs. I don’t think there should be any particular difficulties here. Step seven. We remove the auxiliary lines using an eraser and highlight the contours of the drawing with a bold line. This is how it should work out for us. I decided to add some more shadows using a simple pencil. If you have any further questions, how to draw Ezio write them in the comments. Show off your drawings.

Our today's lesson is devoted to how to draw an assassin with a pencil. Assassin is a hired killer whose goal is justice! He finds criminals and tyrants and kills them. You have all played the video game Assassins Creed and know well what your hero looks like. He travels through time and finds the truth. The Assassin brings justice anywhere in the world. Let's try to draw an assassin using a pencil!

First, let's draw the outline of the head and the line of the neck.

We begin to draw the hood covering the assassin's head. We will make the hood up to the shoulders.

In this step we will detail the hood and add symbols in the center of it. Let's sketch a face.

Now it's time for the costume. Let's draw the clothes on the chest, show the belts and show the collar of the clothes.

Let's add hands and clothes to them. Using a pencil, draw the assassin's weapon. Let's detail his costume.

Let's draw a bow, add arrows and buttons on clothes. Let's show the folds on the clothes. Next, use the eraser to erase the extra lines.

So we drew an assassin with a pencil! Now you can color it to make the drawing look complete.

Assassin's Creed is one of the most popular games of our time, the plot of which revolves around the centuries-old confrontation between the Assassins and the Templar Order. The main character is the assassin Desmond Miles, and his personality has become the basis of a wide variety of fan art. If you also want to try your hand at something like fan art, then it will be very useful to learn how to draw an Assassin.

Drawing the main character

If you are a fan of the game Assassin’s Creed and decide to learn how to draw an Assassin step by step, then you should proceed as follows:

First of all, let's outline all the main axes - the line of the spine, limbs, head. The head can be detailed immediately - depict the line of the hood, facial features. The head will be turned to the side, so we will draw the face in profile.

Then we will draw the shoulders on which the triangular edge of the hood will fall.

After this, we will draw the arm closest to us, slightly bent at the elbow. Particular attention should be paid to folds in clothing. We will also draw part of the torso, adding straps crossed on the back.

Then we will add knives and a pouch on the belt.

Now there is a hanging sword in a sheath, as well as a hand in which a dagger is clamped.

After that we will add legs with leggings.

And feet in durable boots.

Now all auxiliary lines can be erased - they are no longer needed.

Let's do the color. It is important here to exactly match the game version of the character. The cloak will be white, the belt will be red, the pants will be blue, and the gloves, belts, leggings and boots will be brown. As for the background, let's make it two-color - the deep blue at the bottom of the picture will smoothly flow into light blue.

That's all, the drawing is done.

Front view

In the previous section, we depicted our hero in profile, now let’s take a full-face perspective. This way we will better learn how to draw an Assassin with a pencil.

First, let's make a general sketch. For now we will use the most common shapes - circles, lines, trapezoids. We immediately draw the hood in detail - it will consist of two layers.

Let's work with our heads. First, let's take care of the facial features. They will be characteristic of the inhabitants of the East: plump lips, a wide nose. We will also draw the hood in detail, with all the folds and patterns.

After that, let's do the torso. A special leather pad will be attached to the character’s left shoulder (for us it’s the right one), and a belt will also go across the chest. At the same time, we will depict the upper part of a beautiful patterned belt.

Then - hands, belt and cloak. The sleeves will be wide, with cuffs - it is very convenient to hide hidden blades in them, which can rightfully be called the calling card of an Assassin. We will also depict the blades themselves - they will lie comfortably in the palms of our hero.

Now let's depict the long multi-layered tails of our hero's robe.

And, of course, you can’t do without knee-high boots. They will consist of two parts.

After that, we’ll remove the extra lines and draw the rest.

Let's do the color. The shades here will be traditional: white cloak and shirt, brown boots and shoulder pad, scarlet belt. Only the glove on the hand and the trousers will be black.

That's it, we completely completed the task.

Beginner version

The appearance of the main character of Assassin's Creed was worked out in great detail and, of course, it turned out very well. But if you are afraid that you will not be able to accurately depict all the details of the costume, you should not abandon the drawing completely - now we will learn how to easily draw an Assassin.

First, let's outline the character's pose using auxiliary figures. The Assassin will be turned half-turn towards us.

Then we’ll erase the auxiliary lines a little and start working on the head in detail. A masculine face with a prominent chin will be hidden by a hood with a sharp corner.

After this, we will depict the torso and hand with a hidden blade - the long robe will be intercepted by a wide belt, and the hand will be protected by a well-fitted bracer. The hero will have a hidden blade in his hand.

Then we will add colors: the clothes will be white, the belt will be red, and the leather parts of the vestment will be brown.

The drawing is ready - you must admit, it wasn’t that difficult to complete.

Mark of the Assassin - a mark for the chosen ones

All brotherhoods and orders have always had their own symbols, and assassins in this sense are no exception. So let's figure out how to draw the Assassin sign.

First, we make an auxiliary sketch - a semicircle with an arc downwards and a long vertical line dividing it in half.

Then we enter a symbol similar to the letter “A” into this form. The lower edges of the symbol are curly and angular.

At the bottom we add a crescent with a sharp edge in the center.

Then we remove the extra lines and paint the figure with black.

Now the sign is completely ready.