How to start teaching a small child to draw. How to teach a child to draw: advice from a teacher

We draw animals Smeshariki Drawing from 4 years old from 4 years old from 5 years old from 2 years old New Year Drawing from 5 years old Development Drawing objects Sketching Drawing from 1 year old from 1 year old Drawing from 6 years old Drawing from 2 years from 6 years

Drawing lessons for children

This section contains original drawing lessons for children. Thanks to its clear structure, you can find educational materials for children of any age. Each lesson is divided into small stages, and step by step, mother and baby will draw their first masterpieces.

For what age are drawing lessons?

This section contains educational materials for preschool children, starting with finger painting for two-year-olds and ending with creating stained glass for children 5-7 years old. However, the division by age is arbitrary here. A preschool child can draw all the drawings in turn, so he can develop his drawing abilities and deep creative personality.

How is drawing useful for children from 1 to 7 years old?

  1. The child's creative thinking develops. He begins to show imagination, as a result of which his own opinion is formed.
  2. Fine motor skills develop. The child coordinates his movements with his vision.
  3. Independence and organization develop, and a desire to improve one’s works of art appears.
  4. Talent develops. Perhaps talent cannot be taught. But it can be grown!
  5. Step-by-step drawing lessons for children will teach you how to correctly decompose a creative goal.

This section is constantly updated with new drawing lessons for children from 2 to 7 years old. The goal of our portal is to cover all drawing topics step by step, so that each lesson brings you a lot of benefit and a good mood.

Preschoolers love to draw. At the age of 4-6 years, the child has already mastered the basic skills of handling a pencil, felt-tip pens, brushes and paints. How to teach a child aged 4, 5, 6 to draw simple but realistic drawings, what step-by-step schemes to use, what to stock up on for the child’s creative explorations, and how to teach him to create story-based pictures?

We will try to answer all questions.

The benefits of drawing for children

Many parents have heard about the benefits of drawing.

Drawing for children 4, 5, 6 years old helps:

  • stimulate fine motor skills;
  • develop speech;
  • correctly formulate thoughts and put them into sentences;
  • express yourself;
  • assert oneself;
  • develop a creative approach;
  • develop attentiveness, perseverance, and hard work.

Among other things, drawing can:

  • give positive emotions;
  • strengthen memorization of material;
  • signal to parents about the child’s complexes and problems;
  • overcome the fear of starting work from scratch;
  • lay the foundations of aesthetic perception.

You can get a lot of benefits from drawing if you do it correctly. The main thing is not to overdo it and not discourage the child from wanting to draw anything at all.

What to buy a child for drawing

The key to good drawing lessons is proper preparation of the process. Children don’t like to wait, and if a creative impulse happens, you need to be 100% ready:

  • Paper. Take A3 sheets. Children aged 4-6 are just developing their eye and, carried away by drawing the head of the animal, forget to leave room for the body.
  • A simple pencil. Children use it to create basic outlines. Take the one marked HB, it does not crumble and is not too greasy.
  • Eraser. This is an indispensable thing for erasing unnecessary borders and lines. You can buy it, or you can make it exclusive using special plasticine. For one thing, remember classes in plasticine modeling, which is good for variety of activities.
  • Colored pencils and markers. The wider their palette, the happier the child.
  • Sharpener. Don't skimp, buy a good, professional one. This way the baby won’t be angry that she doesn’t sharpen, breaks the rod, etc., but will be happy to draw.
  • Wax crayons. They are good for painting over contours.
  • Paints. If the child is 4-5 years old, this is gouache. At 6 years old, you can give your child watercolors. These paints are transparent and vibrant, but require certain skills.
  • Brushes. Choose large (for the background), medium (for wide lines) and small (for drawing outlines). Select the diameter of the shaft to be the same as that of a writing pen - the child’s fingers will begin to prepare for writing letters and numbers.
  • Jar for water. You can use a regular glass or buy a special one.
  • Palette. Your child will definitely need to mix colors.
  • Colored crayons. Who knows, maybe inspiration will strike a child while out for a walk?
  • Soap and towel. No matter how neat a child is, if he works with paints, his arms will be covered up to his elbows, his cheeks, and his nose. Believe me.

When everything is purchased, pay close attention to the child’s creative corner:

  • Lighting. The place for drawing should be well lit - no one needs vision problems at such a young age.
  • Availability. The child must get all art supplies without getting up from the chair.
  • Practicality. Make sure that all surfaces are easy to clean and that the child is able to clean up after himself.

When everything is ready, you can start working!

How to teach a child to draw trees step by step

A tree is the simplest drawing that a child can be taught to draw even at 4 years old, using a step-by-step diagram as a basis. The baby is already familiar with the depiction of trees using straight lines and geometric shapes. Let's complicate the problem and add realism to the tree. Here's how we'll draw a deciduous tree:

  1. Draw a tubercle, a circle above it and connect the two objects with straight lines (this is the trunk).
  2. Draw a smile on the circle that goes through the top points of the straight lines. Draw branches to it.
  3. Make the edge of the crown uneven, highlight the places where the branches enter, draw the trunk and grass on the tubercle. The tree is ready!

Using the same principle - from simple schematic outlines to the desired contours - draw a spruce and birch tree, as shown in the following pictures.

Conveniently, the trunk and branches can be drawn with a pencil, and the child is free to create the crown as he wishes. Fingerprints, brush pressure, pencil strokes. In any case, the tree will turn out to be alive and real.

How to teach a child to draw animals step by step

For drawing animals with children 4-6 years old, use the same method. Draw the frame using geometric shapes and give it a shape.

Let's look at this point using the example of man's best friend - a dog:

  1. Draw a circle and an irregular oval - this is the head and body of the dog.
  2. Connect two roundnesses with smooth lines - this is the neck.
  3. Add a muzzle and tail.
  4. Draw the ear and paws.
  5. We paint over the ear, draw the nose, eyes and tongue, add the outline of the second pair of paws, erase unnecessary borders - the dog is ready to guard the yard!

The yard can be drawn around the dog later. Add a house, a booth, a fence - and the plot drawing is ready!

Using the dog principle, try to depict:

  • kitten;
  • duck;
  • horse;
  • pig.

If your child wants a running horse, simply lift the front of the body higher when drawing and “bend” the horse’s front legs at the knee, allowing the mane and tail to flutter in the wind.

How to teach a child to draw a person step by step

One of the first desires of a child is to draw a picture of mom, dad and himself. At first these are stick men, but this option will not suit a 4-year-old child, and an angular man ceases to seem like a good drawing already at 5 years old. And the child also wants a person to do something on paper.

Let's try to draw a boy about to play chess:

If a child is seriously interested in drawing people and what you offer him does not suit him due to disproportionateness, show the little artist the following diagram:

Here are the proportions of people of different ages; a child may be interested in this, and he will try to draw a real proportionate person. This information is relevant for children 6 years old.

Autumn landscape - step-by-step drawing for children

The easiest way for 4-5 year old children to paint is to create a landscape.

Let's take autumn - it is the most colorful:

  1. Don't force a 4 year old child to draw. If he doesn’t want to, replace drawing. Bored? Try to switch his attention to . For him, drawing can be a completed stage, and he realizes himself through other activities.
  2. If a child at 5-6 years old is completely “showy”, distract him from his favorite activity or introduce elements of such games into his gatherings with the album. The baby must develop harmoniously.
  3. Talk to your child about his drawings. A simple “wow, beautiful” is not enough. Ask what is happening in the picture, why everything is this way and not otherwise - the baby will appreciate your attention.
  4. Do not compare your child’s work with one example. The sun can be depicted in a hundred different ways. Don’t instill in your child the complex that he won’t succeed this way; encourage the individuality of his work.
  5. Keep your child's work. And he will be pleased, and in your old age you will have something to look at and remember.

Drawing for children - video

This video shows how to draw a person. They tell you how to calculate the proportions of a person.

This video shows a detailed lesson on painting with watercolors. It describes in detail how to prepare for such an event.

Drawing is a useful activity for children. By drawing, the child trains attention, memory and hand, and by talking about what he has drawn, he practices speech. For some children, drawing is a real outlet, their own world from which they cannot be torn away. Not all children become artists, but all children's drawings are masterpieces for their parents.

Does your baby draw a lot? What does your child like to draw most? If you have interesting ideas for children's drawings or experience on how to teach drawing to children 4-6 years old, share it with us in the comments!

Not every mother knows how to draw beautifully, but she will still have to teach her child. In order to help your child learn this difficult task, you should pay attention to the step-by-step educational images. Some children develop talent from childhood. They can draw whenever and wherever they want. Other kids need to be nudged to help them learn something new. Before you begin the learning process, prepare all the necessary materials - pencils, eraser, paper.

We will divide the entire drawing process into several stages. First, we will learn to draw an oval, which will act as a head.

Then we draw a rectangle, which we connect to the oval. Thus, we have a body.

We begin to work on the overall picture - draw all the elements.

Now let’s “put” pants on the character.

Don't forget your ears! Add two semicircles on both sides of the head.

Now let's get to the hairstyle. You can draw ordinary hair, or you can come up with something intricate.

Let's start with the face - eyes, nose, eyebrows, lips. If you haven't worked on your neck yet, now is the time.

In addition, you can add a shirt or other clothes you like.

We work on the palm and fingers - on each one separately.

For realism, add pleats on the panties, since the knees are convex. Don't forget your shoes.

Now you can get rid of the auxiliary lines and add bright colors to the illustration.

Ready! Any kid can handle this drawing. You can complicate the task and add dynamics to the picture by depicting the hero in motion.

Along with this they search and read:

Video: Learning to draw a human face

Drawing a girl's face step by step

This lesson is intended for older children who can already boldly depict a human figure. Study several pictures to decide what style you will work in. It is best to start with cartoon characters, as it will be easy and interesting for the little one. Let your child dream - let him go beyond the usual lines and come up with something of his own.

Stage 1. Draw an oval, which we divide into two halves with a horizontal line - the upper part should be larger than the lower. Using a vertical line we divide the face into equal halves. We draw another horizontal line, as in the example. The lines represent the girl's nose, eyes and mouth. At the end we'll just erase them.

Stage 2. Now we mark the nose, mouth area, lips. Please note that the lower lip should be larger than the upper lip.

Stage 3. Mark the place for the eyes. We depict the inner part of the eye focusing on the edges of the nose - these parameters should be parallel. Pay attention to the distance between the eyes - it should not be less than the length of the eye itself. Draw neat eyebrows.

Stage 4. Working on the mouth and lips. In order to determine the length of the mouth, draw two lines down from the inner corners of the eyes.

Stage 5. Erase the auxiliary lines, you can add shadows to give the image volume.

Stage 6. Add realism - cheekbones, shadows, darken the wings of the nose and chin. Paint over the pupil of the eye and add highlights. Don't forget about eyelashes! Ready.

Such a drawing will not be difficult for schoolchildren to repeat, especially if their talent is clearly visible. Experiment with characters and drawing materials. First, study the proportions, direction of lines, shadows, and then feel free to break the rules and come up with something of your own.

If you decide to take up drawing with your baby, remember that in the first years of life a little person actively learns and discovers the world around him. And drawing for him is also a kind of game, an experiment, a way of realizing his childhood fantasies.

After all, you can play not only with cubes and dolls. You can invent and draw interesting stories on paper, make paper clothes, beds and furniture for the same paper dolls, draw road maps for toy travel, etc.

Show your child as many ways of drawing as possible, and soon you will notice manifestations of his own imagination.

What do drawing lessons give a child?

  • Your baby will develop fine motor skills and hand coordination, and this is directly related to the development of intelligence. This means that your child will learn to reason logically, he will have a good memory, attention and coherent speech.
  • Drawing prepares a child's hand for writing.
  • While playing drawing, the little artist will learn to distinguish colors and shades, size and number of objects.
  • Not being able to express his feelings in words, your baby will be able to express them through creativity. Knowing this, psychologists successfully help children get rid of their fears through drawing.

When to start drawing lessons?

Children develop an interest in drawing very early. They see how older children and adults draw and write, and try to imitate them. You can stimulate this interest and not wait for the child to ask you for pencils or paints, but specifically invite him to draw.

At first, let him just watch you draw. After all, his hands are still quite weak to hold a brush or pencil. From about 4 months, you can invite your child to paint with his fingers and palms. And when his hands get stronger, that is, closer to the second year of life, first offer him a brush, then pencils and felt-tip pens.

Don’t rush to teach your child to draw from the very first lessons. Let him just scribble funny doodles on paper. This is the first stage of drawing that your baby goes through. Experts call it soiling stage. Until about 2 years of age, your little artist will play with a pencil, simply scratching it on paper and not creating specific images.

How to teach a child to hold a pencil correctly?

A correct three-finger grip needs to be developed gradually. And you can start long before the baby starts drawing with a pencil.

First, the child learns to grasp objects with his thumb and forefinger. This skill is formed at approximately 9-10 months. Special games will help him develop.

  • With loose objects- mosaics, small stones, buttons, beads. You can simply sort them out, or you can place them in containers with two fingers.
  • With clothespins. Cut out various shapes from cardboard (for example, a Christmas tree, a hedgehog, the sun, etc.) and invite your child to attach clothespins to them. Clothespins can also be attached to the rim of a bucket, to each other and, of course, to clothing and rope.
  • With tweezers. Teach your child to use tweezers to transfer small toys, pieces of foam rubber, and pasta from one container to another.

Choosing pencils and markers

So, short and triangular pencils will teach your baby to hold them correctly.

In addition, the first pencils for drawing should be very soft so that they can leave a mark on the paper without strong pressure. These can be wax and plastic pencils, water-based pencils. They are easily sharpened with ordinary sharpeners, leave soft and even strokes, and the designs are rich and bright. Such pencils do not stain your hands, are easily washed off clothes, and have no odor.

And of course, your baby can easily draw with felt-tip pens. Now on sale there are harmless markers with ink based on food coloring. They also sell felt-tip pens that can be easily washed off your hands and clothes.

Where to start drawing?

First, show your baby how to use the new item correctly. Draw something simple and understandable to the baby - lines, simple figures, a house, a cloud, the sun. After this, give the pencil to the child and be sure to praise him if he draws at least a couple of strokes or dots.

Take the baby's hand in your hand and slowly draw together with him, first straight and wavy lines, circles, ovals, then gradually complicate the image. This way you will help your child master basic movements faster and use his muscle memory.

The lesson will be interesting and educational if you read poetry or sing a song and at the same time draw what you are talking or singing about. The more songs, poems, fairy tales, and jokes you know, the easier it will be for you to come up with a plot for the drawing.

Don’t forget about Suteev’s fairy tales “The Mouse and the Pencil”, “The Rooster and the Paints”, “The Capricious Cat”. All kids, without exception, love these fascinating fairy tales in pictures. In addition, they show step by step how to draw, for example, a cat.

Learn to draw lines

In order for the child to be able to draw what he has in mind, he simply needs to learn how to draw a variety of lines with a pencil - straight, wavy, close them into a circle, oval, etc. And if it costs us, adults, nothing to draw any line with a pencil, then for a child it is real work. The child has not yet learned to control hand movements and it is still difficult for him to handle writing instruments.

So one of the first things you can teach a young artist is to draw lines. To do this, invite him to play the following games.

"Connectors". This game not only gives you the opportunity to practice drawing straight lines on paper, but also develops logical thinking. You need to prepare for it in advance. Draw or stick images on a piece of paper and ask your child to connect them with lines, following a certain logic. You can give your child the following tasks:

  • Connect identical butterflies (cars, flowers, berries...) with lines.
  • Connect cookies of the same shape with lines.
  • Connect the fruits to the plate with lines.
  • Connect objects of the same color.

You can gradually make the tasks more difficult.

"Complete the picture." Invite your child to fill in the missing details. Let them be just straight lines at first, for example:

  • mushroom stems;
  • umbrella handles;
  • tree trunks;
  • rays of the sun, etc.

Let the baby connect the flower heads with the vase, the balls with the man’s hand.

Draw a cloud and make it rain with your child. Draw the ground, and let the child draw the grass.

Stencils. Teach your child to draw using a stencil. Nowadays, stores offer a wide selection of stencils on different themes - animals, vegetables, fruits, sea creatures, etc. You can also use the edges of a sorter cube as stencils.

This activity trains muscle memory. By tracing stencils, the child learns to draw closed lines and shapes.

"Circle the object." Place cups, cubes, frames and inserts on a piece of paper and trace with a colored pencil. Then match the corresponding object with the figure drawn on the paper. This game teaches you how to trace flat shapes, as well as relate a flat image to its outline.

And of course, don’t forget to trace your baby’s hands - this activity brings great joy to little artists.

"Paths". Draw paths on paper - two parallel lines. Invite your child to first trace them with his finger and then run a pencil over them.

You need to trace with your finger so that the baby understands the task. It also develops muscle memory. If you remember, at school students first write letters and numbers in the air with their hands and only after that - in their notebooks.

To make it interesting for your little one, come up with a plot. For example, draw a ladybug at the beginning of the path, and a house at the end. Now, together with your child, help the ladybug get to the house. You can also help the truck get to the garage, the ship to sail to the island, and the butterfly to fly to the flower.

Learn to do shading

Hatching helps develop the skill of continuous writing. It is always done from left to right, just as we read and write.

"Cat and mouse" For this activity you will need a toy cat. Draw houses on paper and mice in them.

Ding-ding-bom, ding-ding-bom,
A cat walks with a bell.
The mice immediately heard
They quickly ran into the hole.
Close the windows quickly
You will save the mice from the cat.

Show your child how to hide mice from the cat by shading them.

For the first lessons, draw small houses so that the child’s hand does not get tired and he does not get tired of drawing. You can use other characters - bunnies and a wolf, chickens and a fox. Or you can not save anyone, but just play hide and seek.

As you can see, you can teach your child the basics of drawing, even if you don’t know how to do it yourself. There are many techniques with which you can create original works, even without any drawing ability.

If your child refuses to complete your tasks, do not insist. Let the baby draw whatever and however he wants. After all, it is much more important to support his imagination and independence, and not to teach drawing techniques.


I place the child’s hand on my fist with a pencil and move it. Patience doesn't last long. Thanks, we'll try it too!

really interesting, we are also 2 years old, we will definitely try this method.

How I would like to love doing this with a child! But I don’t want and I don’t like. Nausea and boredom. Well done mommies - they enjoy drawing with their children and developing them!

Not a bad article, you can read it with pleasure in addition to Tyulenev’s system of real early development, Nikitin’s “parental pedagogy”. But there are several errors, both fundamental and technical. First of all, it is striking that the author avoids the axioms of early development established and discussed here. For example, in “real early development” it was found that it is easier for a child to call a square a square the first time than to associate it with a house. ...
The author does not write anything about the theory and practice of dynacesses, although they are already 20 years old! :(
It is clear that the author, more or less conscientiously, but without reference to the classics and founders of early development, goes from an older age to an early age of a child...
And yet it is clear that the “author of books and trainings” lacks serious familiarity with books on early development. What is worth at least this phrase: “There are many techniques with which you can create original works, even without any drawing ability” (!). The author, it seems, does not even suspect that it is “real early development” that is engaged precisely in forming the inclinations and developing the ability to draw using scientifically based methods of intellectual development (accepted abbreviation: WORLD). And so on, etc. P. However, I will not criticize too much a good article, in general, relative to many others - let people read it, start studying - well, and then we’ll talk! :)

My son will be 1.3 years old, but somehow I never thought before that it’s time to teach him to draw, although he already draws with a pencil or pen, especially on cardboard; he’s not particularly comfortable on thin paper. I'll try to get more serious about drawing with him one of these days.

Very interesting article. Before reading this article, I didn’t even think that a child at a young age should and can be taught to draw with the help of games. My son is 2 years old, but as a teaching method, I simply moved his hand over the sheet, showing him how to draw various shapes. Thank you! Now I will use various games from your article.

04/01/2013 17:23:35,

Comment on the article "Drawing with your baby: first games and activities. When to start?"

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Time passes, but the baby is silent or, at best, “mumbles” something in the only language he understands, why? It is not easy to answer this question unequivocally; the reasons may be unfavorable ecology, poor health of the mother during pregnancy, immaturity or insufficiency of the sensorimotor sphere, neurological diseases of the child himself, hearing problems... Or maybe your baby lacks communication. Do you talk to him, do you comment on your and his actions, do you discuss everything...

list from the previous post: what needs to be discussed with the nanny when she starts working in your family. 7. Communication with strangers. It is best to write a list of those who can open the apartment door (this could be your relatives, friends, neighbors), discuss the possibility of the nanny receiving her own guests, how and when she should coordinate this with the employer. Tell her that during walks she must carefully choose children (parents, nannies) to communicate with from the point of view of lack of...

Kids really like to draw, but by middle preschool age their works of art barely resemble anything realistic. How to organize drawing classes for children 4-5 years old in such a way as to instill in the little ones a love of fine art and teach them how to draw simple drawings? We'll tell you where to start, what the benefits of such lessons are, and what art supplies you can use.

The benefits of drawing

Creative activities are an important element in the development of a child. Preschool children are characterized by visual-figurative thinking, so drawing lessons are of great importance at this age stage.

Drawing helps in the development of:

  • imagination;
  • abstract logical thinking;
  • fine motor skills;
  • logic;
  • creative thinking;
  • attentiveness.

Drawing is also a reason to spend more time with your baby, which has a significant impact on his psycho-emotional development.


What supplies you need for class depends on what you plan to draw with. And you can do this in different ways:

  • fingers;
  • palms;
  • tassels;
  • pencils;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • cotton swabs;
  • cotton wool

You can use coloring books or just landscape sheets.

To make drawing for children as effective as possible, use a variety of objects and forms of lessons. For example, you can show your child several creative techniques using colored pencils, and the next day reinforce these techniques by drawing with crayons on the asphalt, etc. Children 4-5 years old may not like the monotony of drawing with felt-tip pens or pencils, so it is important to periodically change the methods training.

5 learning ideas

To teach a child to draw, you need to know a few interesting techniques that will instantly get your little one excited about learning. Consider them and start with the most suitable one.

  • Blots.

This is a simple method, but kids love it very much. You will need a landscape sheet, paints and brushes. Fold the sheet in half, draw a butterfly wing on one side, then press the halves tightly together so that the wing is imprinted on the empty part. In this way you can draw not only a butterfly, but also a leaf, a flower, two friends, etc.

  • Geometric figures.

Use geometric shapes familiar to your baby. For example, to draw a girl step by step, use a circle, line and triangle. First, we draw the head (show the baby how to draw a circle), from the circle you draw a dress in the form of a triangle, the legs and arms are drawn, respectively, with lines.

  • Stencils.

Prepare in advance various stencils that the child will first trace and then paint. Gradually he will remember the image and shape, and he will no longer need a stencil to draw a certain object. If the baby has a stencil of a square, triangle and rectangle, then he will be able to draw a house. Then he will begin to imagine what else he could draw from these figures.

  • Prints.

At 5 years old, children love to color in something and then make prints. You can start with your palms, then take prints from convex surfaces. Curly seals are now being sold, from which a child can create images. From the flower prints you get a flower field, and above it you can draw a sun from a geometric figure - a circle.

  • Applications.

Combine drawing with other creative techniques. You can draw a background (blue sky, mountains, rocks, etc.), and cut out other objects (stars, clouds, trees) from paper, color them and glue them to the background. You can also use colored sand or beads.


Drawing with children is part of your communication with them. During classes, you constantly talk to your child, ask leading questions, and when he thinks about them, he comes to certain conclusions. This is how his ideas about the world are formed. When drawing the sea, the child may have never seen it, but he already knows what color it is and that there are waves on the sea. By depicting a tree, the baby remembers what it is made of and that the time of year can be determined by the foliage. Be sure to include drawing lessons in your child’s activities, because it contributes to the full formation of his personality.