Photos with jokes about what you miss. A selection of cute pictures “I miss you”

The happiest and most memorable event in the life of any person is, perhaps, his wedding. On this day, the newlyweds are given gifts, money and heartily congratulated from all sides, wishing great human happiness and family well-being. And along with pleasant speeches from neighbors, relatives and acquaintances, future spouses receive words of instruction from their parents. Read our article about what parting words are given to newlyweds.

When congratulations are said from parents

Congratulatory words from parents are something that no wedding celebration can do without. However, when deciding organizational issues The question becomes in which part of the wedding script to include them. Ideally, there should be a certain sequence among congratulations, but more often this happens in free form and directly depends on the desire of the presenter or toastmaster. We will present examples of congratulatory speeches from parents later in the text.

Wishes and nice words from the bride's parents

In most cases, parents of young people prefer not to prepare long and mournful speeches, but to improvise. Moreover, during of this event Both the bride's parents and the groom's relatives can speak. They do this one by one. Here is an approximate farewell message to the newlyweds from their parents: “Our dear newlyweds! We are pleased to finally congratulate you on this wonderful event - your wedding day! At this momentous moment you became husband and wife. It is up to you to lay a strong and reliable foundation for your future. family life. And the well-being and strength of your relationship will depend on what it is like. Therefore, we wish you good luck in this difficult and time-consuming task! Build your destiny with intelligence, kindness and love!”

Bright wishes for your daughter

Often moved by the wedding, the mother of the bride is the first to speak and, of course, immediately turns to her daughter. Here is an approximate parting word from the mother to the newlyweds:

“My dear daughter! On this significant day, you are preparing to leave your father’s house and step onto the threshold of someone else’s. It won't be easy for you. Therefore, I wish you to have great patience. It will help you solve all everyday problems and, like a key, will open any door. Let your husband support you in this, become support and support for you, surround you with affection and love. Let him be your sun, sky, reliable friend, love and respect you all your life!”

Congratulatory words from the father of the bride

During a series of congratulations pouring, as if from a cornucopia, onto the shoulders of the newlyweds, the father of the bride gets up from the table and says his parting words to the newlyweds in prose: “Dear and beloved children! Today you have become one family - legal husband and wife! Now you will have everything in common. You have become one. We sincerely congratulate you! We wish you happiness, love, kindness and affection. May you have heroic sons similar to your father, and smart daughters with the beauty of your mother. Live together. Advice and love to you!”

Congratulatory parting words in verse

Sometimes parting words for the newlyweds from the bride's parents can be delivered in verse. For example:

You have become husband and wife,

Now you are one!

You've been waiting for this time for a long time,

And finally it has arrived!

May sorrows go away on this day,

Sorrows and misfortunes will disappear!

Today you have become kinder

We wish you love and patience,

Don't let adversity bother you!

And we respect your choice,

The budget will only contain income!

You'll be lucky, we know it!

You can either come up with your own parting words for the newlyweds, or use a ready-made version of the poem.

Congratulations from the groom's parents

Congratulatory words are not only parting words to the newlyweds from the bride’s parents, but also pleasant wishes from the relatives of the groom himself. For example, the spouse’s mother may say the following: “My dear son! Today you set foot on a new road adult life. Now you have a new family. Keep her and take care of her, as I once did for you. Today is your wedding day. This is a radiant and bright time that will bring you only joy and positive emotions. May happiness always reign in your home, and may your life be like a fairy tale. Be patient and caring, love each other in wealth and poverty, in sickness and in health. Bitterly!"

The second version of wishes from the groom’s parents: “We are happy to congratulate you! You are the most valuable thing we have. Now you have become one. May your happiness give joy to others, bring smiles and positive emotions. Let your couple stand out from the crowd with their radiance and uniqueness. Cherish your love throughout your life. She will help you walk your path and overcome all difficulties and obstacles. Appreciate, love and support each other! Advice and love to you!”

Parting words for parents on your doorstep

Parting words to newlyweds from their parents are not always heard during festive feast. Often such words are spoken on the threshold of a house. It is believed that beyond the threshold young people begin new life and your own path. Therefore, before letting their children go “free swimming”, parents give their blessing and say parting words. For example: “Children! You grew up so quickly that we didn't even notice it. Now you are adults and are free to choose between good and evil for yourself. You met each other and fell in love. This is a sign from above. Now you can join the knot and become husband and wife. We wish you to love, support, respect and be faithful each other. We bless you! Advice and love to you! Be happy!"

Often, parting words to newlyweds are accompanied by certain actions. In particular, we're talking about about the icon of the Mother of God or Christ the Savior. It is these that, based on custom, are carried out by parents at the very moment of blessing.

At this time, the young people kneel down. Parents must walk around them three times with the icon and make the sign of the cross. After this, parents and children kiss the shrine and each other, and then everyone goes to a full wedding ceremony.

Words of instruction in the wedding palace

Another important meeting of parents and newlyweds takes place directly in the wedding palace. This happens after the painting ceremony. As a rule, a beautifully painted towel and a towel are laid before the feet of the bride and groom, and the newlyweds stand on it. And at this moment, the parents give their parting words to the newlyweds: “Our dear and beloved young people! You became new family! Now you have everything in common: home, everyday life, budget, children. A bright road opens before you life path. Pass it with dignity and with your head held high!”

After these words are spoken, the bride and groom step over a towel or towel, kiss and hug their parents, and also accept congratulations from relatives and friends.

Parting words from parents with bread and salt

The next moment when parting words from the parents sound to the newlyweds is the meeting of the already married spouses with bread and salt. Usually this action takes place in front of the entrance to a restaurant or cafe, where a ceremonial feast in honor of the wedding is expected. All this happens in the following way: the young people arrive, leave, and are met by their parents, who carry bread and salt on a towel, a small icon of the Virgin Mary.

“Well, hello, now young spouses! Congratulations on your wedding and education day new family! Now you will live together and share all the joys and hardships in half. Let this bread be the first dish you taste as husband and wife!”

At this moment, when parting words are given to the newlyweds, the husband and wife simultaneously break off a piece of bread, dip it in salt and eat it. For variety, you can invite your spouse to feed his piece to the other half and vice versa.

“Advice and love to you. Bitterly!"

Solemn speech of parents to newlyweds when presenting a gift

And finally, the third option for parental speech is words of instruction spoken during the presentation of gifts. For example, as a gift - a certain amount of money. In this case, the relatives say the following: “We are glad to welcome you to this hall as husband and wife. You are a new “cell of society” that is being born before our eyes. On this wonderful and sunny day of your wedding, we want to wish you happiness. Let your eyes sparkle with joy and your hearts beat in unison. This envelope will be your first joint capital acquired in your family union. Spend it wisely, and most importantly, together!”

Dear ones, you are now with us
Married - married.
We want to wish now
You can live as a friendly family.

Who wants to be the main one in the family?
Hold the board in your hands.
But this fact is for happiness
Does it matter?

For happiness, only warmth is important,
Care and attention.
We wish you to live a hundred years
In love and understanding!

Happy wedding day to you, dear children.
May you be lucky, may the sun shine.
Let the family be just cool!
A little better even than ours.

Free us from boredom as soon as possible -
We are ready to babysit our grandchildren.
We will help you in all matters,
It’s no good for us to stand on the sidelines.

Live in love, in an eternal fairy tale,
Celebrate every day as a holiday.
There is no need to wait for happiness for years,
Look around - happiness is with you!

I have known you from the cradle,
From childhood, from adolescence.
So my child has grown up,
IN wedding dress dressed

Wonderful couple
Just can't take your eyes off!
You will accept it as a gift
Everything you meet along the way.

Although the path together is difficult -
You walk slowly
True, devoted and honest
Holding a friend's hand!

Today - great holiday in the world,
Today is the beginning of a happy family,
We congratulate you, dear children,
We wish you joy and prosperity ahead.

Let the minutes be filled with happiness,
Hearts burn with tenderness and warmth,
And may the routes be successful,
And family life will give miracles!

Our dear children,
We sincerely congratulate you!
And we want to live as a family
You are at least a hundred years old.

More is possible, we don't mind.
Together, remember, you are strength.
Love united you,
Save this light.

Let the wife be obedient
The husband is the support and the head.
Never the road to home
Let it not be overgrown with grass.

Let your children be born
How can you live without them in this world?
You only live together.
And today we will shout: “Bitter!”

Our dear Children!
We want to congratulate you
On these most beautiful days -
Good morning to your wedding!

We love you very much
And we will always support you.
We will always be next to you,
We will never leave!

Be happy you are married,
And trust each other.
With understanding, without fighting
You solve all problems.

Let the hearth be filled
And love and kindness.
Let it be supplemented with children's laughter
He will be there very soon!

We are your children today,
Dear ones, beloved ones.
We give light from the hearth,
Stored for many years.

May your bright light
It's just flaring up.
The light of peace and goodness,
Your house is filling up.

Let the cheerful children's laughter
It will be your reward.
The path, mastered by two,
Inspires, pleases.

Two hearts met once
And they fell in love once and for all.
And on this day, it is very important for you,
We wish you never to be separated!

Live happily and together
Children will bring comfort to your home,
We wish you to live one hundred years in perfect harmony!
So let’s shout “Bitter!” - guests are waiting!

Our dear children,
You are now one family,
It’s not for nothing that on the planet
Love is given to all people.

Let it soar in your home
Respect and comfort.
And your soul plays,
Angels sing in the heart.

And of course we wish you
Sweet little children,
To watch them at night
They're snoring so cute in the crib.

Help each other,
Divide everything into two
And hold your hand tightly
Keeping the feelings for a long time.

Today the wedding is ringing
Plays until the morning.
Parent word
It's time for you to listen.

We bless you
Keep your hearth
Let the feelings be strong
And a strong family!

Let there be joy in the house,
And boredom doesn't come
Love lives in hearts...
And we want grandchildren so much!

We congratulate you today, hurray!
Listen to these words from your parents:
We wish you to live in peace,
Avoid all problems.
You should never swear,
Stay young.
So that your health does not suffer,
And there should be little hassle.
And love will be eternal,
Tender, warm, endless!

Today, this is a beautiful day
Hearts unite
Let it be in the sky
Your star always shines.

And don't ever forget
What about your parents, you help
You can always ask!

Love each other as we love you,
Please accept an immodest gift from us.
We want to tell you about this without flattery,
Appreciate everything you have together.

Let in hard time you will be close
This is such a great reward.
And you will have a lot of children,
Healthy and cute girls and boys.

Dear, beloved children!
You're walking down the aisle now,
Be the best couple in the world,
The strongest union of hearts!

Always find compromises
And try to understand each other
So that you have neither problems nor crisis
They couldn’t crush and crush it.

So that you freeze with happiness,
Waking up together in the morning,
To ardent feelings and passions
We haven’t lost an ounce of energy in our souls.

Let the kids grow up - a sight for sore eyes,
There will be prosperity and comfort in the house,
And blessings to the parents
Protect from any misfortunes.

Happy wedding day, our children,
We congratulate you!
The most beautiful in the world
Today you are with us!

We are so proud of you
You couple are just awesome!
Let's secretly shed a tear
With joy for you!

May the sky be clear
Live in love.
Happy and beautiful
May your days be yours!

The day is full of joy, full of excitement,
And generous investments in family life -
Pride for parents - after all, the family has become
More, we wish you to prosper
You, our children! Happy wedding, dear ones,
Go through any obstacles together,
We congratulate you - and share our happiness
We wish you success, wealth,
Lots of patience and love - strong
Every day there was joy - so that it’s stable,
So that there is comfort, warmth, affection in the house,
May you live every day like in a fairy tale!

Our dear children,
Please accept your wishes:
On this bright day of life
You take care of each other.

You have united forever
And hearts and souls.
Now there are two of you in the world
And you just have to listen to yourself!

Your wedding is our pride:
We raised you, we tried.
And we wish you prosperity,
So that you love and laugh.

New additions to the family
We still wish you
To be grandparents
Soon everyone was calling us!

Be happy, dear ones,
And take care of each other.
Every moment, every moment is nearby
You are cherished and appreciated!

Our dear children,
You have become quite big -
You are now spouses,
Let the illnesses run away!

Enjoy your “fairy tale”
And fall in love even more deeply,
Don't hide, don't be ashamed,
Plunge into the feeling of passion!

Give birth to sweet children
And inspire each other
Take care of your feelings
You will live together for a long time!

Today you kids have grown up,
Leave your native yard.
While the bride and groom are still
And tomorrow there will be a strong family.

You have united your hearts forever
Soar together like two wings.
Today our children take an oath,
That they will be together forever.

On your wedding day we wished you a lot
And remember the words from your parents:
No matter what obstacles you encounter
Always stay together, you are family!

Our dear children,
Congratulations on your wedding day!
And with all my heart today,
We wish you peace in your family.
Prosperity in the house and goodness,
May happiness last forever.
The most beautiful thing is to be a family,
Love each other tenderly, forever!
Give birth to healthy, cute children,
Just as beautiful as you!

Wedding, wedding is a unique holiday,
It's time for us to say goodbye to childhood,
And although he is a little sad,
Let joy enter the house in the morning.

A wedding is the union of two hearts,
Two roads converge into one,
And there is only one family, just a birthday,
Eternal spring begins.

Let everything in the world celebrate around you,
Two paths embraced on the path,
You guys got engaged today,
To walk hand in hand.

May you have light in this world,
May God bless your union,
Let summer always sparkle in your soul,
If it's cold outside the window.

So follow the same road
If it’s difficult, then there’s no need for words,
Don't look for the right excuses
Let love do the talking for you

Our young children,
Growing up so quickly
At the wedding table
Loved and tender.

Parent word
Accept it from us quickly,
With light and love
Live in your soul.

Be sudden in your feelings
Take care of each other
And future children
Bring us babysitting!

Dear children, congratulations!
We wish you happy days from the bottom of our hearts,
Let any dreams come true,
Be God, you are always protected.

Trust, love sincerely,
Don't take your eyes off each other
So that any trick of fate
It only connected you more tightly.

Wonderful, children, is your union!
We congratulate you on him.
Let your pulse beat in unison,
Great love preserves.

Let every moment be warm
Caring and participation
And let the family brig sail
Towards harmony and happiness.

Our dear children -
You are the best in the whole world,
You keep love forever
And take care of each other

So that your family hearth
It did not go out and did not wither.
We wish you from our hearts
Always live in family paradise

Be tolerant, forgive
And accept each other.
We wish you many years
Live in harmony, without troubles.

Be rich in soul
Have a big wallet
Can't go without each other
And we can give birth to grandchildren!

Dear blessed children!
From now on you have become husband and wife.
From now on, sacred bonds bind you
From now on, today - and forever.
You will know no sorrow or grief.
Walk hand in hand, with love in your eyes.
May wisdom come to you
And with it comes patience.
May the angel guard your family hearth.

We're sending you on your way,
What is called "Life"
Experience comes little by little,
But don’t reproach the world!

We want to wish you strength,
May everyone get through adversity.
To always be shoulder to shoulder
You've walked all the roads.

To have a smile on your face
Always beamed proudly.
May you be at your best.
They stood firmly, firmly.

May good luck be on your way
Always accompanies
And no weaknesses
They don't win the fight.

Our dear children,
It's hard to believe us
What are these two rings?
You should wear it already.

You will already be on your own
A new separate family,
But don't be afraid with us
Share any trouble.

We are ready to help you
And you - take care of love,
Let her again and again
Warms your blood.

You wear rings
As a symbol that you are family,
And may your hearts
They will always be happy.