Evgeny Rudnev: life after the project. Alexandra Sheva flew to a better life Which couple left home 2

On December 26, without explanation on air, Gleb Klubnichka Zhemchugov left the scandalous television set. A former participant in the reality show “Dom-2”, known under the pseudonym Klubnichka, commented on the scandalous information about his departure from the project. Earlier, rumors appeared that he had been caught using drugs at a television set, writes Dni.ru.

One of the most prominent participants in the television project, 28-year-old Gleb Klubnichka, was known on the show as a rowdy, a rebel and an ever-losing Don Juan. For 6 years, millions of television viewers watched love twists and turns, followed by frequent scandals and fights with project participants. Strawberry repeatedly left the perimeter, and not always of his own free will. In the summer of 2015, Zhemchugov returned to the show in the role of an exemplary family man. Together with his wife and son, he moved into a VIP house and began to get rid of extra pounds in front of television viewers.

According to preliminary information, his addiction to drugs is to blame. Previously, he had already been warned about the consequences of his destructive hobby, but Zhemchugov, apparently, did not react. According to sources of the television project, Gleb was caught using drugs on the set. The producer himself noticed the participant’s ugly prank. After this, tests were carried out that discovered amphetamine in Zhemchugov’s body. The conflict reached such a high boiling point that he was not even allowed on the New Year's edition of the show.

According to a source close to the show’s organizers, chief producer Alexei Mikhailovsky caught Zhemchugov using drugs on the project. According to the source, the editors of Dom-2, as well as Alexey Mikhailovsky personally, repeatedly warned Gleb about the prohibition of drug use. When Strawberry was suspected of prohibited actions for the third time, the man was forced to take tests, the results of which showed the presence of amphetamine in his urine. After the precedent, cooperation with the participant was terminated. By the way, on air “Dom-2” they didn’t say anything about the disappearance of the centenarian. And Gleb himself published a farewell selfie on his microblog, accompanying it with the hashtags #When Yourself is an Enemy and #Time to Grow Up.

At the same time, Gleb himself completely denies such speculation. He admits that he sinned like this in the distant past, but not now. Now he plans to radically change his appearance. The ex-participant of “Dom-2” intends to reduce his size, increase his chin and have a hair transplant.

“This is all complete nonsense. The journalists who wrote this worked unprofessionally and provided absolutely no evidence,” Gleb told the correspondent Dni.Ru. - Of course, earlier, in my youth, I may have made some mistakes, but they are in the past. The saddest thing is that this publication most likely cannot be held accountable.”

According to the ex-participant of “House-2”, he truly regrets that he broke up with his wife Olga Veter.

“This is probably one of the biggest mistakes of my life,” he added. – Perhaps you shouldn’t have come to “Dom-2” with your wife. Olga made a good career on the project, and her needs changed. But maybe we're just tired of each other. I can’t say for sure yet,” he added.

Let us remember that at the end of December it became known that Gleb was leaving the project. Klubnichka’s former “colleagues” on the project, Rustam Solntsev and Mikhail Terekhin, said that he now has nowhere to live, and his wife does not even let him into the doorway.

As Dni.Ru wrote, after separating from his wife, Gleb actively tried to build a relationship at Dom-2, but his efforts were unsuccessful. In addition, the participant in the reality show took great care of his own appearance - he had liposuction on his abdomen. Now Strawberry’s plans are to reduce his knees and thighs, increase his chin, and he is also thinking about a hair transplant on his head.

Let us remind you that Life has already written that the former star of the reality show “Dom-2” May Abrikosov, eight years after leaving the project, made a loud confession. 33-year-old Roman Tertishny (real name of the ex-star. - Approx. ed.) said that while participating in the TV show, he used illegal substances together with the project’s producer, Alexei Mikhailovsky. According to May, it was Alexey who got him hooked on the powder. At the time of publication, Alexey Mikhailovsky refused to contact Life.

The phenomenon of the popularity of the scandalous television project “Dom-2” has for many years surprised not only viewers, but, perhaps, the creators of this reality show themselves. Several times they tried to close the program, but to this day millions of television viewers closely follow the love affairs of their idols.

Let us also remember the brightest participants in the television set and find out how their lives turned out outside the “perimeter”.

Alena Vodonaeva

She was remembered by the audience for her passionate romances with Stepan Menshchikov, stripper Anton Potapovich and the odious May Abrikosov.

After leaving the project, she tried herself as a singer and presenter.

Thanks to the efforts of plastic surgeons, she is quite successfully photographed for fashion glossy magazines. The number of subscribers to her Instagram page is approaching two million people.

She was married to businessman Alexei Malakeev, to whom she gave birth to a son, Bogdan.

Victoria Bonya

She showed herself very clearly on the project and was remembered for her creativity, artistry and powerful charisma.

Even the notorious cynic and devourer of women’s hearts, Stepan Menshchikov, could not resist her charms.

After the project, Bonya plunged headlong into the world of show business, began hosting entertainment shows, starring in music videos, and even received several episodic roles in films.

But her main achievement was her civil marriage with the son of a millionaire from Monaco, Alex Smurfit.

Victoria gave birth to his daughter and really hoped to receive an engagement ring from her rich chosen one. But her dreams were not destined to come true. The couple broke up, and now Victoria is again actively searching for a worthy life partner.

Olga Buzova

Perhaps the most popular participant in the TV show, who was on the project from its first days and returned as a presenter, replacing Ksenia Sobchak.

Even then she attracted attention with her bright appearance, heightened emotionality and irrepressible energy. These qualities helped her subsequently make a dizzying career in show business.

She became a singer, published several books, acts in films, produces fashion collections under her own brand, and most importantly, took the place of the host of a project that gave her a lot in life. She was married to football player Dmitry Tarasov for four years, whose scandalous divorce caused a lot of noise at the end of 2016.

Vlad Kadoni

Another participant who later became the co-host of the project. His arrival plunged both the “household members” and the viewers of the television show into confusion.

Vlad positioned himself as a “black magician”, being the son of the hereditary Siberian sorceress Elena Golunova. He reinforced his mission with periodic appearances in the “Battle of Psychics” project.

The creative participant did not hesitate to use any methods to win the attention of the audience and authority among the participants. He even publicly announced that he was ready to undergo surgery to enlarge his penis.

His quest for fame was crowned with success, and now he feels great as the host of Dom-2.

Stepan Menshchikov

One of the most scandalous guys of all time on television. He shocked both spectators and participants with his sometimes inappropriate behavior, rudeness and rudeness.

At the same time, he was wildly successful with girls, establishing himself as a notorious heartthrob and womanizer.

After the project, he continued his activities in show business as an actor, singer, and event host.

Now he is the owner of an agency for organizing weddings and celebrations, he is married and has two children.

Evgenia Feofilaktova

The audience remembered her as Zhenya “Tru-la-la,” one of the most fanatical fans of plastic surgery.

On the project she built a relationship with Anton Gusev, whom she later married.

At the end of 2016, the couple broke up, Anton went to his ex-girlfriend, also a participant in the Dom-2 project, Victoria Romanets. Now Evgenia is raising her son Daniel alone and actively posts luxurious gifts from wealthy fans on her Instagram.

Natalya Varvina

Perhaps the most serious girl on the project, who really wanted to “find her love.”

She tried to build relationships with Stepan Menshchikov and Andrei Cherkasov, but in the end she married the producer of the Dom-2 project, Alexei Mikhailovsky.

Now he is the chief choreographer and concert director of the television production.

Sergey Pynzar and Daria Chernykh

The strongest couple in the TV industry, who were not only able to build a relationship on the project, but also kept it outside the “perimeter”.

Now the couple has two sons growing up, they run a joint business, and recently moved to a luxurious mansion in the Moscow region.

The Sun (Olga Nikolaeva) and May Abrikosov (Roman Tertishny)

Many viewers remember this strange couple.

Their romance was bright, but more like a creative union of two extraordinary personalities.

The sun left the project, winning an apartment in Moscow as a result of audience voting. Now she is still involved in music, tours as a DJ and singer, and devotes a lot of time to travel, self-development and yoga.

After the project, May tried to find himself in show business.

The young man was haunted by a series of failures, after which he settled in his grandmother’s house in the Voronezh region and practically turned into a hermit.

He earns money by freelancing, raises chickens, grows vegetables in his own garden and tries not to remember his participation in a reality show.

Top 5 couples of “House-2” who maintained their marriage after leaving the project

No one believed that love, much less a family, could be built on “House-2,” but ten years of the project’s life proved the opposite. Moreover, even after leaving the reality show, families remain together and love each other. The editors of Woman`s Day present the top 5 married couples who maintained their marriage after leaving the project.

Sergey Adoevtsev and Maria Kruglykhina

On the project: The couple’s relationship on the project began with the fact that Maria came to “Dom-2” to look for her missing common-law husband, who turned out to be Seryozha. Adoevtsev loved to drink, so the girl was worried whether her ex-lover had fallen into another binge. When I saw him on the air at Dom-2, I immediately went to the casting. The couple reunited and moved into city apartments. Anything happened between them: Maria’s grievances that he did not give her flowers and gifts, and Seryozha’s reproaches that Masha interfered with advice in the conflicts of other participants. Nevertheless, their romance ended with a wedding on July 7, 2010 on the Black Sea coast. The young family lived on the project for some time - Sergei worked part-time as a photographer for a reality show, and Masha created a showroom where she sold beautiful dresses. However, due to completely deteriorated relations with colleagues on the site, the Adoevtsevs had to flee the project.

What now: Maria and Seryozha continue to live together and set up their business. Since 2013, Sergei Adoevtsev has become the leading photographer of Dom-2, and Masha still sells beautiful dresses. Last summer, a joyful event happened in the family - on August 12, 2013, their daughter Lisa was born. The girl's weight was 3 kilograms 310 grams, and her height was 52 centimeters. The couple travels a lot, participates in social events and often appears on the set of reality shows, albeit behind the scenes.

Ilya Gazhienko and Olga Agibalova.

On the project: Ilya Gazhienko returned to the project for the second time to re-build his love with ex-girlfriend Zhenya Feofilaktova. However, she was already in a relationship with another guy and did not want to return. Then Ilya drew attention to Agibalova’s older sister, Olga. On the project, Olya was known as the snow queen with whom no one managed to build a strong relationship. Gazhienko decided to melt the ice in Olga’s heart with the help of her mother Irina Alexandrovna, who also lived on the project. Having won the woman’s sympathy, he attracted Olya’s attention to himself. The couple moved into the VIP room, and after a while Ilya proposed to his beloved on the execution site. Olga and Ilya’s wedding was one of the most beautiful on the project, and the newlyweds spent their honeymoon in the Maldives. A year later, the couple had a son, Kirill, after which they left the project.

What now: Olga and Ilya live a calm family life. They recently purchased an apartment in Moscow, which is now being renovated in full swing. Ilya works, and Olga sits at home with her little son, coming up with culinary masterpieces and sharing them on her Instagram page.

Tigran Salibekov and Yulia Kolesnichenko

On the project: The whole country watched the relationship between Yulia Kolesnichenko and Tigran Salibekov with bated breath. The beginning of their romance was marked by loud scandals, hysterics and quarrels. Tigran often disappeared in nightclubs, after which both presenters and participants accused him of cheating. Julia, in love, endured it for a long time and even moved into a city apartment with Tigran. The situation was also darkened by the fact that Tigran’s relatives did not accept either Yulia or her sister Katya. When Yulia announced her pregnancy, Tigran demanded that paternity be established using a lie detector. After Julia’s conversation with Tigran’s mother, a scandal broke out in the couple, as a result of which Tigran hit the expectant mother and left the project. Pregnant Yulia stayed at Dom-2 with her sister. However, after some time, Tigran returned to the project and proposed to Yulia. The couple got married on February 13, 2011, their wedding was the 13th on the project. Soon the Salibekov family had their first child.

What now: Julia and Tigran are happy parents of two sons - Rolan and Eldar. The youngest, Eldar, was born on October 8 this year. After leaving the project, their family life only improved: from quarrels and scandals they came to harmony and mutual understanding. Business is also thriving: the couple opened a karaoke house “U Tigran” in the capital, and often host entertainment events.

Alexey Samsonov and Yulia Schaulina

On the project: Several times Samsonov left and returned to the project site, then began a relationship with businesswoman Elina Kamiren. As a result, the lovers broke up due to constant scandals, but Lesha was not at a loss and brought a new girl, Yulia Shchaulina, to the project. For a long time, the show participants could not believe the sincerity of their feelings. It would seem, what did the well-read, gentle and calm Yulechka find in the rude and boorish Lesha? When Samsonov staged another scolding and beat up his ex-girlfriend Elina, he was kicked out of the project. Julia left for Samsonov, but no one believed that they would be together.

What now: They shouldn’t have believed it! Lesha and Yulia are still together. They say that Lesha seems to have been replaced: he takes care of Yulia, blows away specks of dust from her and gives her flowers. On their pages on social networks they show kisses, hugs and other romantic events from their life together. Moreover, for the sake of his beloved, Lesha stopped idleness and decided to start a business. Not long ago, the guys founded the online store SAMSONOVSHOP, where they sell clothes, shoes and bags at an affordable price.

Anton Gusev and Evgenia Feofilaktova

On the project: There are not enough fingers on your hands to count all the suitors of Zhenya Feofilaktova on the Dom-2 project. The girl had affairs with prominent participants in the reality show, but parted without regrets. Everything changed when Evgenia met Anton Gusev. Three months later, the guy already proposed to her. The reason is simple - Zhenya and Anton were expecting a child. The wedding took place on June 17, 2012 and was in Spanish style: the guests' outfits, flowers and decorations were red. On December 14 of the same year, the newlyweds had a son, Daniel, and in the summer of 2013, the family literally ran away from the project. In her blog, Zhenya explained this by pressure and bad attitudes towards their family from other participants.

What now: The Gusev family is a strong competitor to the couple from “House-2” - Sergei and Dasha Pinzar with their stores Pinzar.ru. They founded and are successfully developing the Gusevy chain of stores across the country, where they sell fashionable clothes. Zhenya and Anton constantly travel on business trips to different cities, opening their own branches. Family life is also quiet and peaceful: Daniel is growing up, Zhenya is still blooming and smelling, and Anton is building up muscles in his arms. On their second wedding anniversary, Anton gave his wife a huge bouquet of roses and took his beloved to a luxurious restaurant in the center of Moscow.

No one believed that love, much less a family, could be built on “House-2,” but ten years of the project’s life proved the opposite. Moreover, even after leaving the reality show, families remain together and love each other. The editors of Woman`s Day present the top 5 married couples who maintained their marriage after leaving the project.

Sergey Adoevtsev and Maria Kruglykhina

On the project:

The couple’s relationship on the project began when Maria came to Dom-2 to look for her missing common-law husband, who turned out to be Seryozha. Adoevtsev loved to drink, so the girl was worried whether her ex-lover had fallen into another binge. When I saw him on the air at Dom-2, I immediately went to the casting. The couple reunited and moved into city apartments. Anything happened between them: Maria’s grievances that he did not give her flowers and gifts, and Seryozha’s reproaches that Masha interfered with advice in the conflicts of other participants. Nevertheless, their romance ended with a wedding on July 7, 2010 on the Black Sea coast. The young family lived on the project for some time Sergei worked part-time as a photographer for a reality show, and Masha created a showroom where she sold beautiful dresses. However, due to completely deteriorated relations with colleagues on the site, the Adoevtsevs had to flee the project.

What now:

Maria and Seryozha continue to live together and set up their business. Since 2013, Sergei Adoevtsev has become the leading photographer of Dom-2, and Masha still sells beautiful dresses. Last summer a joyful event happened in the family On August 12, 2013, their daughter Lisa was born. The girl's weight was 3 kilograms 310 grams, and her height 52 centimeters. The couple travels a lot, participates in social events and often appears on the set of reality shows, albeit behind the scenes.

Ilya Gazhienko and Olga Agibalova

On the project:

Ilya Gazhienko returned to the project for the second time to re-build his love with ex-girlfriend Zhenya Feofilaktova. However, she was already in a relationship with another guy and did not want to return. Then Ilya drew attention to his older sister Agibalova Olga. On the project, Olya was known as the snow queen with whom no one managed to build a strong relationship. Gazhienko decided to melt the ice in Olga’s heart with the help of her mother Irina Alexandrovna, who also lived on the project. Having won the woman’s sympathy, he attracted Olya’s attention to himself. The couple moved into the VIP room, and after a while Ilya proposed to his beloved on the execution site. Olga and Ilya’s wedding was one of the most beautiful on the project, and the newlyweds spent their honeymoon in the Maldives. A year later, the couple had a son, Kirill, after which they left the project.

What now:

Olga and Ilya live a calm family life. They recently purchased an apartment in Moscow, which is now being renovated in full swing. Ilya works, and Olga sits at home with her little son, coming up with culinary masterpieces and sharing them on her Instagram page.

Tigran Salibekov and Yulia Kolesnichenko

On the project:

The whole country watched the relationship between Yulia Kolesnichenko and Tigran Salibekov with bated breath. The beginning of their romance was marked by loud scandals, hysterics and quarrels. Tigran often disappeared in nightclubs, after which both presenters and participants accused him of cheating. Julia, in love, endured it for a long time and even moved into a city apartment with Tigran. The situation was also darkened by the fact that Tigran’s relatives did not accept either Yulia or her sister Katya. When Yulia announced her pregnancy, Tigran demanded that paternity be established using a lie detector. After Julia’s conversation with Tigran’s mother, a scandal broke out in the couple, as a result of which Tigran hit the expectant mother and left the project. Pregnant Yulia stayed at Dom-2 with her sister. However, after some time, Tigran returned to the project and proposed to Yulia. The couple got married on February 13, 2011, their wedding was the 13th on the project. Soon the Salibekov family had their first child.

What now:

Julia and Tigran happy parents of two sons Rolan and Eldar. The youngest, Eldar, was born on October 8 this year. After leaving the project, their family life only improved: from quarrels and scandals they came to harmony and mutual understanding. Business is also thriving: the couple opened a karaoke house “U Tigran” in the capital, and often host entertainment events.

Anton Gusev and Evgenia Feofilaktova

On the project:

There are not enough fingers on your hands to count all the suitors of Zhenya Feofilaktova on the Dom-2 project. The girl had affairs with prominent participants in the reality show, but parted without regrets. Everything changed when Evgenia met Anton Gusev. Three months later, the guy already proposed to her. The reason is simple - Zhenya and Anton were expecting a child. The wedding took place on June 17, 2012 and was in Spanish style: the guests' outfits, flowers and decorations were red. On December 14 of the same year, the newlyweds had a son, Daniel, and in the summer of 2013, the family literally ran away from the project. In her blog, Zhenya explained this by pressure and bad attitudes towards their family from other participants.

What now:

The Gusev family is a strong competitor to the couple from “House-2” – Sergei and Dasha Pynzary with their Pinzar.ru stores. They founded and are successfully developing the Gusevy chain of stores across the country, where they sell fashionable clothes. Zhenya and Anton constantly travel on business trips to different cities, opening their own branches. Family life is also quiet and peaceful: Daniel is growing up, Zhenya is still blooming and smelling, and Anton is building up muscles in his arms. On their second wedding anniversary, Anton gave his wife a huge bouquet of roses and took his beloved to a luxurious restaurant in the center of Moscow.

One of the brightest and most memorable participants in the popular television series, whose life continues to be followed even after leaving the project, is Evgeny Rudnev. “House 2” became a second home for him, he speaks warmly of the show. The young man came to the project in November 2013, voicing that he wanted to find love.

Evgeny Rudnev. Biography before the project

Zhenya was born in October 1987 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Since childhood, Evgeniy devoted a lot of time to sports and caring for his own body. At the same time, the guy received a secondary education at school, graduating with good grades. After school, Zhenya decided to go to the Northern capital - St. Petersburg. It was in this city that he entered the university in the direction of “International Civil Law”.

However, getting a job during internship and after graduating from a higher educational institution turned out to be very problematic. In most cases, employees with work experience or good recommendations from their place of study were required, but the guy had neither the first nor the second. Then Evgeny Rudnev decided to get a job that was close in spirit - as a trainer in a gym. Despite the fact that he was fascinated by sports and now Zhenya could spend a lot of time in the gym, the pay for the work was small. This money was not enough to pay for housing, utilities, and food. After working as a fitness trainer, Evgeny Rudnev mastered other professions - he produced stands, tried himself on television. Zhenya also worked as a DJ and played electronic music. In his free time, the guy actively spent time with his friends.

Arrival at "House 2"

Rudnev’s relationships with girls did not work out: he had complaints about some of his companions, others themselves rejected Zhenya’s advances.

One day, a guy came up with the idea of ​​going to the casting of the popular show “Dom-2”, where people find love. Evgeny Rudnev came to the construction site in early November, voicing his desire to pursue Tatyana Okhulkina.

Relations with Tatyana did not work out: in the very first hours of their acquaintance, Zhenya voiced his dissatisfaction with his new passion, which led to a scandal. Soon the couple decided to make peace and even move into the same room. From the outside, the relationship looked like some kind of agreement, according to which each of the partners was simply looking for ways to stay on the project territory. When even small kisses stopped, Evgeniy’s mother, Lyudmila Valerievna, intervened in the situation. She came to improve the relationship between Zhenya and Tanya, and she really succeeded. Thanks to Lyudmila’s instructions, the couple began to spend much more time together.

A few weeks later it turned out that Tatyana Okhulkova had relationships outside the television set. The participant left the project and went to live with her man. Lyudmila Valerievna subsequently also became a participant in the project.

Black love

Evgeny Rudnev remained alone on the project, but not for long. His new love was the dark-skinned Liberge Kpadonu. Already on the third day, the couple moved into a separate room. None of the participants believed in the sincerity of this relationship, but later they began to develop. Liber began to talk about children and marriage, and Zhenya did not resist this.

Soon the guys decided to submit an application to the registry office. After this, the situation escalated: Liber was constantly crying because of the failure of the relationship and Evgeniy’s grievances, and he himself did not realize the depth of the problem. This influenced Liber's decision. Rudnev proposed marriage to her four times, but each time there was a refusal.

After breaking up with Liberzh Kpadonu, the guy began dating Kristina Deryabina. The relationship did not work out due to Rudnev’s excessive temper and Christina’s constant manipulation. The girl crossed all boundaries: she tried to blackmail Zhenya with a non-existent pregnancy, but the truth was later revealed.

Life after the project

After the “House 2” project, Evgeny Rudnev did not earn more and does not work in a prestigious company. He works in a job he loves, and considers his feelings for a girl to be his main achievement. Evgeniy has finally found a life partner with whom he feels good and comfortable. At the same time, it is easy and calm for him to be with his beloved, and he himself has changed his character.

The project that brought him fame and popularity is still watched by Zhenya. Most often this happens over dinner over the Internet. Sometimes he is outraged by what is happening on the television set and does not understand why the participants receive money. He is also grateful to the producers of “House-2” for putting up with his nervous attacks. The former participant admits that he has not forgotten anyone from the previous lineup and is grateful to everyone for the love and kindness shown. He also treats Liberge’s ex-girlfriend well, but he despises Christina and Tanya and doesn’t want to talk to them.