Essay "my profession is a music director." Music directors

Essay “I am the music director in kindergarten!”

Once upon a time, after graduating from music school, I didn’t even imagine that I would connect my life with music. Moreover, I could not even imagine that my profession would be connected with teaching, and especially with working in a kindergarten. If you had once told me that I would be a music director, I would not have believed it.

For the sake of respect for the teacher of the music school, who believed in me and persuaded me to try to pass the entrance exams to the Khanty-Mansiysk Pedagogical School, I came to the exams. And so, as it turned out, I entered the music department and graduated from college. According to distribution, in 1993, I was sent to the city of Langepas to work in a school as a music teacher. This is how my teaching career began.

Due to current family circumstances, I went to work as a music director in a kindergarten. I didn’t fully understand who the music director was even when I came to work at the Brusnichka kindergarten. After all, I just had to study and understand this complex, multifaceted, but very interesting profession. Now, looking back, I see that a lot has been done, a lot has been understood and rethought. Never, during the years of my music teaching practice, have I regretted choosing my profession. And only many years later I can now say with confidence that for me “music director” is not just a profession or a job - it is a vocation, a state of mind, a way of life.

I don't work as a music director, I live as a music director, I love being a music director. And, despite all the difficulties and my husband’s attempts to dissuade me from choosing this “thankless” profession, I work and live in this profession.

It’s difficult to say that work is an everyday holiday, yet we deal with different characters every day. It can also be very difficult. Sometimes you just give up, but as soon as your child smiles at you and that’s it, you understand that you simply cannot betray them. It’s not for nothing that children, when they meet you on the street and tell everyone - this is our Irina Nikolaevna, and happily run up and hug you, and when you enter a group in the garden, it turns out to be “a heap of small things” until everyone hugs you and tells you the news doesn't go away. Isn't this the highest level of trust?

Music director is not a position, it is a calling! It is impossible to teach to love and understand what you do not love and do not understand yourself. The profession that I have chosen is devoid of routine, monotony and boredom. It allows you to constantly absorb inexhaustible vital energy, feel yourself in constant movement, search, requires the disclosure of your inner world, and makes it possible to reveal versatile creative potential. I give all this to my students. I try, through music, to contribute to the formation of a comprehensively developed harmonious personality, to give children the opportunity to give birth to those emotions and feelings that would make them dream, think, create, empathize, and help them distinguish the beautiful from the “ugly”, the good from the bad.

All this requires enormous preparation, daily emotional state, and constant improvement of self-education. Preschoolers are the most sincere students, my little friends. Without pretense, they truthfully express their desires, show interest, love to sing, look forward to new encounters with music, and are waiting for me! Knowing that my favorite activity is play, I turn any task or exercise, even learning a complex dance or song, into a game. And then this difficult task becomes not so difficult. I see how the guys “grow” before my eyes, accumulate knowledge and experience, and show creative abilities. Creativity is what distinguishes my profession from any other in kindergarten. And if this is the creativity of children and adults, then this is a joint result. And when you see these results during the holidays, it brings you to tears. Every time, saying goodbye to graduates in May, tears involuntarily well up - after all, we are seeing off the children to another life, because we are putting the basics into the kids, teaching them to see the beauty around them and be kind to people. Yes, music undoubtedly awakens feelings. Preschool children are inquisitive “little people.” They always demand something new, interesting to them, and emotional. Therefore, you always have to keep up with the times, look for new methods, approaches, technologies. This is required by both modern life and modern education. The main task of the music director of a preschool educational institution is the development of musical abilities in children. I try to teach them to perceive and understand music, various types of art, teach them to sing, dance, teach them self-expression, the ability to show their unique individuality, and create beauty.

The musical director is a universal teacher. He is at the same time a musician and singer, sculptor and reader, screenwriter and director - stage director, artist and choreographer. The two simple words “music director” carry a deep meaning. “Musical” - beautiful, sensual, affectionate, playful; “leader” - giving a hand, leading into the unknown and the beautiful... I know that many more interesting discoveries await me ahead, because the profession of a music director is an endless journey into two wonderful worlds - the World of Music and the World of the Child, and I really want to continue this wonderful journey !

Now I can say with a feeling of pride and respect for myself: “I am a music director in a kindergarten!”

“... Everything that we pawn will all come back to us,

When we sow good things, we will reap good things.

Let your heart smile with joy again,

Having met the spring from his spring.”

Pavlova Ekaterina Alexandrovna

"Why am I a teacher..."

“...And every day is like a premiere

I enter a quiet kindergarten.

I'm not coming here for a career -

Every child here is happy to see me!

To be in the midst of joyful events...

And so on over the years...

My destiny is children's souls!

There is no better life on earth..."

I don’t know who is the author of these beautiful lines that reflect the essence of my profession. Once, as a child, walking past the music hall on a walk, I heard Yulia Pavlovna Komarova, the music director of the kindergarten I attended, quoting these lines. An emotional, sensual, proactive person, with a huge supply of creative ideas. Her activities and holidays remained in the memory of children and their parents for a long time. Yulia Pavlovna, unknown to herself and to me, played a special role in my life. Since then, answering the popular question from adults for every child, “What do you want to become when you grow up?”, I answered: “I want to be Yulia Pavlovna!” I was five years old then. At the age of six, my parents enrolled me in a music school. I studied violin there for seven years. Additionally, I played the piano, sang in the choir, and participated in string ensembles and orchestras. From all my successes and achievements, my parents and I experienced indescribable joy and satisfaction with the results. I graduated from music school with honors. Soon after finishing the eleventh grade of school, I decided to enter a pedagogical college. It seemed that it was obvious then that I would apply to the music department, but the unpredictable happened. Due to the characteristics of my age, the contradictions that arose within myself, the desire to try myself in everything, sent me to the doors of the preschool department. I successfully passed the competition and enjoyed studying. During practical classes in kindergarten, I wrote the following poems:

...And today I understand

And I'll tell you all,

That, although it is not easy,

I find an approach to children.

We draw and play

We perform at concerts.

I'm very happy friends -

The students like me...

...I'm working successfully

And I confess to you, friends,

In our business without a smile

Well, it’s absolutely impossible.

And parents all need

Please with a kind word,

And to the kids, even scolding,

Never be rude...

But the music did not leave me. My piano at home was never left unattended. During home holidays, evenings of meetings with relatives, my musical sketches always remained the main component of these events. I especially liked performing romances with my mother, who is a laureate of the “Autumn Voice of Romance…” competition.

After graduating from pedagogical college, I began working as a teacher. During music classes, matinees, and entertainment, I was always slightly envious of the role of the music director in these types of children’s activities. I wanted to say, “I know this too...”, “And I can play like that...”, “Let me draw up a script...”...

At that time, I received a higher pedagogical education in absentia, which helped me more fully and deeply understand the psychological characteristics of children, but music still accompanied me: it cheered me up, calmed me down, and encouraged me to think. And I realized that my childhood dream does not leave me.

Now I am a musical director and must be a magician for children, give them what they are waiting for.And in childhood everyone expects magic, a fairy tale. Every day, seeing the delighted eyes of the kids, I realized that I have no right to take away the expectation of a miracle from these devoted creatures. And life took on a new meaning! A new stage in my development as a “sorceress” has begun, leading me into a fairy tale.

I began to learn, together with the kids, to understand music in a new way, through the eyes and heart of a child. Sincerely, without deception. Unfortunately, it is not possible for an adult to sincerely, like a child, believe, love and understand. Where else, if not in kindergarten, can an adult meet Childhood again? Such meetings give me the opportunity to look at the world like a child, forgetting about everyday bustle and problems.

It is a great happiness to see the happy faces of children during music lessons, when through a fairy tale and a game they begin to understand the language of music and become acquainted with new concepts such as “genre”, “timbre”, “rhythm”. At entertainment and holidays, they sincerely rejoice at everything that happens, so that any adult can envy. The musical director is a universal teacher. He is at the same time a musician and singer, sculptor and reader, screenwriter and director - stage director, artist and choreographer.

To the magical sounds of music, children express themselves, their inner state silently... without words, only with movements. One flap - and the beautiful bird of happiness flew... The second flap - a light breeze blew... One step, two steps and the amazing, mysterious journey through the world of music continues. This is dance... Beauty... The fusion of body, soul and music. And what would a matinee be without a bright, fiery dance!

It can be confidently noted that it is the music director who encourages and guides children to creativity, which in the future will result in the desire to create and think independently. The two simple words “music director” carry a deep meaning. “Musical” - beautiful, sensual, affectionate, playful; “leader” - giving a hand, leading into the unknown and beautiful...

All children are individual, each of them is unique and you need to find the key to each one. My work is creative, it is a constant transformation from one image to another. Depending on the circumstances, the music director has to play different roles: sometimes an ecologist, sometimes an architect, sometimes a rescuer, or a doctor. He is both a teacher who knows everything and teaches everything, and a playmate, and a close person who will understand everything and help in difficult times. I think that I can do a lot so that in the future they will appreciate not only me, but most importantly, my students. Here I would like to recall the words of L.N. Tolstoy“Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has the inner confidence that he is, must be and cannot be otherwise. This confidence is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices a person makes to his calling.”

I consider the main goal of my pedagogical activity to be the creation of a single space “family - kindergarten”, in which all participants in the pedagogical process will feel comfortable, interesting, safe, useful and prosperous. I believe that a music director in a kindergarten must have high moral qualities, deep knowledge, culture and, of course, respect and love for people. “If you don’t love, then you don’t have the right to educate,” said the great teacher G. Pestalozzi. Love for children is love for every child without exception.

I know that many more interesting discoveries await me, because the profession of a music director is an endless journey into two wonderful worlds - the World of Music and the World of the Child, and I really want to continue this wonderful journey!

And although I did not become a famous singer or ballerina, for a large number of children I became a “Sorceress”. Now I can say with a feeling of pride and respect for myself: “I am a music director in a kindergarten!”

“Love childhood, be attentive to its games and amusements, to its little instinct! Who among you has not regretted that age when a smile never leaves your lips, when your soul constantly enjoys peace?”

J.J. Rousseau

Tatyana Zolnikova
Essay “I am a music director!”


"Musical education-

this is not the education of a musician,

and above all - the education of a person"

V. Sukhomlinsky

The world surrounding man is the world of nature with a limitless wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. My main purpose is to convey this beauty to every child, so that he can see, understand and feel all the charm of this wonderful world. Music is the main means in the education of morality and aesthetics. Education with beauty ennobles souls, refines the child’s feelings so much that he becomes receptive to words, painting, and music. Sometimes this does not happen right away, but you have to wait, believe in the child, and then he will definitely fall in love with beauty. I, like a good sorceress, open the door to the mysterious and mysterious world of music, captivating the imagination of children with new dazzling colors.

“Music is like rain, drop by drop

seeps into the heart and revives it"

What a joy it is to see the delighted eyes of children when for the first time in their lives they begin to understand the language of music, its speech, intonation... Soon concepts: timbre, rhythm, form, genre... become close and simple for them, which means that every child gradually becomes an educated, intellectually developed and cultured person.

Having worked in a kindergarten for 19 years, I increasingly became convinced that I had made the right professional choice. The difficulties encountered along the way only strengthened my character and taught me to be strong and purposeful. I love my job, I love my students. The attentive glances of the kids, their genuine interest in everything I say and do, cannot leave me indifferent. Yes, children are our future!

“...Everything that we pawn will all come back to us,

When we sow good things, we will reap good things.

Let your heart smile with joy again,

having met the spring from his spring.”

Desire to become musical head appeared in preschool childhood. In the city of Nefteyugansk, in one of the kindergartens where I was raised, a wonderful teacher worked - a musician. Unfortunately, I don’t remember her name, but I will forever remember the sparkle in her eyes, her friendly smile, her kind heart and her great love for children. Probably, then for me it was an Idol! Yes Yes! After all, I wanted to become as beautiful, musical, and kind as my first music teacher. I attended music classes with special joy and great desire, and at the graduation party I told my mother that I would definitely go to study at a music school. At drawing lessons on the topic "Who do you want to become?" I always depicted a piano, a pianist sitting behind it and rows of chairs with babies. This is how I pictured myself in the future! And it happened! Behind me are many years of studying music and pedagogy. And here I am in kindergarten.

Preschoolers are the most sincere students, my little friends. Without pretense, they truthfully express their desires, show interest, love to sing, look forward to new encounters with music, and are waiting for me! Knowing that my favorite activity is play, I turn any task or exercise, even learning a complex dance or song, into a game. And then this difficult task becomes not so difficult. I see how the guys "grow" before my eyes, they accumulate knowledge and experience, and demonstrate creative abilities. Creativity is what distinguishes my profession from any other in kindergarten. And if this is the creativity of children and adults, then this is a joint result. And when you see these results during the holidays, it brings you to tears. Every time, saying goodbye to graduates in May, tears involuntarily well up - after all, we are seeing off the children to another life, because we are putting the basics into the kids, teaching them to see the beauty around them and be kind to people. Yes, music undoubtedly awakens feelings. The strongest and most necessary of them, perhaps, is love for one’s native land. My main task as a teacher is to develop respect for the traditions and culture of my people, to develop national self-awareness, to teach people to understand the role of the family and their place in it.

Raising worthy citizens, true patriots of their country is another one of those important tasks that I have identified for myself. I really hope that holidays, concerts, themed evenings dedicated to Mother’s Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, and Victory Day help me with this.

It’s my responsibility to be able to separate the important from the secondary, the good from the bad, the beautiful from the ugly, and teach the kids this. Modern music is an integral part of our daily life. And I have to keep up with the times. Music is usually close and understandable to children, but special care must be taken when selecting modern pieces of music or songs.

Musician, screenwriter, artist, director, decorator, and of course teacher - this is how I would define my unique profession. I am musical supervisor! Giving joy to children is my purpose. Music is my main assistant. Together we lead the kids along the steps of life, rising higher and higher.

Publications on the topic:

Essay “I am a music director” My profession is music director. It sounds dry, soulless, faceless... However, if you think about the meaning of this phrase, you can understand.

I wrote about my family in previous publications! I have two sons and as soon as my boys started growing up, I realized that I had to.

My essay: “Magical profession - Music director” I am proud of my profession! There is nothing better and more difficult in the world. Boundless love lives in me For the youngest - our dear children. How many.

"Musical KVN" Cheerful music sounds, teams enter the hall. Ved: Good afternoon, dear friends! I am glad to welcome you to the musical.

Stepanov Vladimir - “What do we call Motherland?” To the words of V. Stepanov, the song "Motherland" music by Elena Osmanova "Musical Director" No. 4-2004.


“Music director – what an amazing profession!”

“It’s not difficult to make an instrument sound,

It’s more important to capture that cherished moment
When the strings of children's hearts begin to sound,
Then the teacher is a real creator.”

A. Tolokonnikova

Why did I choose the profession of kindergarten music director? The answer is very simple.In my profession, two of the greatest miracles are combined - children and music. I stand at the origins of the birth of a child’s personality. It depends on me whether music will help me develop my best qualities: spiritual sensitivity, the ability to sense the harmony of the world around me, kindness, sensitivity to beauty...

Musical director... It sounds dry, soulless, one-faced... However, dig deeper and you will find out that the truth lies in these two words. “Musical” - beautiful, sensual, affectionate, playful. “Leader” - giving a hand to the ignorant, the fearful and leading into the new, unknown, beautiful... We give light. We teach to love, understand, empathize, feel.

A person very close to me played an important role in choosing my profession. This is my MOTHER, for me a person with a capital P, she devoted her whole life to raising children. When I remember the kindergarten where I went as a child, the kind eyes of the teachers who greeted me every morning come to mind, and one of them was my MOTHER. Years go by, I graduate from the Atyrau Pedagogical University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov and do an internship in my own and close kindergarten, where the same kind eyes of my teachers become my mentors and teachers. Their kindness and care will forever remain in my heart. So much time has passed, but I still remember the names of my teachers. Maybe that’s why even then, I decided that I really wanted to be like them.

Kindergarten is the most amazing country, where every day is different from the previous one and the main inhabitants of this country are children. They are the ones who force us to be who we are. And I am grateful to them for this. After all, they “temper” me and teach me a lot. They teach you to accept them as they are, to be more tolerant of the mistakes of others, but more demanding of yourself. Based on my experience, I can say with confidence: in order to become a good music director, desire and effort are not enough. It is necessary to patiently and consistently master pedagogical skills, anticipate possible difficulties in mastering educational material, and take into account the characteristics of children. In this variety of points of view, positions, approaches, it is important to choose the right one for yourself. And I'm learning. I'm always learning. I study everywhere. And I like to study. My motto is: “Education throughout life.”

Time is changing rapidly. In our complex computer age, children grow up quickly, are less surprised and admired, and receive information about the world around them through television channels and a computer. A preschooler, with his little life experience, learns about the world visually. Who will help the baby? Who else but me, the music director of the kindergarten, will help convey an emotional and imaginative understanding of the world around us, form the qualities necessary for a further fulfilling life, an active life position, and creative self-realization.I carefully select methods and techniques, technologies and techniques for my work, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children. The main thing is not to harm the child!

Every day, when getting ready for work, you involuntarily ask yourself questions: What awaits me today? How will the kids greet and appreciate me? How will learning a new dance go? Will the rehearsal for the musical performance go well? I receive answers to all these questions during work or at the end of the working day. Sometimes I can’t find answers to the questions that arise on my own, then I resort to the help of colleagues and look for answers in the literature.

Preschool children are very inquisitive little “people”; they demand everything new, interesting and emotional. At the same time, you need to become a child yourself and learn to express music in their “children’s musical language”, immerse yourself in their children’s world of experiences and understandings of everything around them.

What does a music director mean in kindergarten? How many new abilities this profession has revealed in me! The specialty of a music director is surprising and unique in that it combines different professions: musician and artist, screenwriter and director, costume designer and actor, make-up artist and sound engineer. He designs a music hall, writes scripts, and hosts numerous holidays. The musical and creative development of children and the atmosphere of joy in kindergarten largely depend on how interesting, professionally literate and talented you are.And it’s especially nice to see children’s delight when they succeed. Receiving words of gratitude from parents, my colleagues, and the children themselves is real happiness for me and the main achievement in my work.

Thanks to organizational educational activities in music, where all types of musical activities are necessarily present: listening, singing, musical rhythmic movements, games, dramatizations, playing children's musical instruments, creativity, children receive various knowledge, skills and abilities. The children develop their hearing, sense of rhythm, singing and dancing skills, and their performing abilities are revealed. In addition, vital tasks are also solved, the child improves not only spiritually, but also physically, musical activities have a positive effect on his health. Speech is corrected, the functioning of the nervous, respiratory systems, and musculoskeletal system is improved, movements are coordinated, for this I use health-saving technologies in my organizational and educational activities. Therefore, to some extent, I am also a “music doctor.”

ByWhy am I a music director?

Even though my work is very hard, there is a big plus in it, I have no time to count my years, I am like a battery that is charged by children with their laughter, energy, smiles and desire to learn everything. I am very pleased and happy when, before my eyes, a child opens up and becomes a little “artist”; he eagerly runs to my music classes and excitedly asks to play, dance or sing. Even if they do not become great artists and do not sing like nightingales, I am pleased to know that I introduced them to the world of the beautiful, living and emotional, because how much effort needs to be made to understand this “musical world”. After all, we are teachers, we educate the individual, imbuing the child with all the most beautiful things. I find confirmation of this in the wise words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “Musical education is not the education of a musician, but the education of a person.” My profession is the music director of a kindergarten! This is an amazing profession! And I'm proud of it!


I have been working as a music director in a kindergarten for over 35 years. Of course, I already have enough experience, but I continue to learn, try to learn and keep up with important events in the field of preschool education.

Why did I become a music director? The reasons for choosing this profession are the example of my mother, who worked with preschoolers all her life. I love being with children, watching them develop, grow, become more skillful, knowledgeable and confident. Work brings me satisfaction and joy. Why? Because it is very joyful and pleasant to meet grown-up pupils and hear that the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in kindergarten have made their lives more interesting and fuller.

At work, daily self-education occurs in communication with colleagues and children. Every day I plan and implement something. Everything in our life is running, and sometimes I can’t keep up with it. In my work I want to give children as much musical and performing experience as possible. And in my free time I like to grow flowers. I have a lot of them both at home and in the country.

Musical - didactic game for children to identify musical genres


I am the music director. How many new abilities this profession has revealed in me! My work is unique in that it combines different professions: musician and artist, screenwriter and director, costume designer and actor, make-up artist and sound engineer. The music director designs the music hall, writes scripts, and conducts numerous holidays.

I have been working in my own kindergarten relatively recently - I was lucky enough to get here immediately after graduating from music college. But already in these short 3 years I have managed to fall in love with my wonderful, incredibly kind and talented colleagues and, of course, children. Children are a powerful life engine for me, they force me to discover and learn new things, stimulate me to become better, and charge me with their excellent mood and spontaneity.

My, albeit small, experience allows me to conclude that working with children, of course, presupposes the creativity of the teacher himself, without which it is impossible to imagine the creative development of children. Consequently, the musical and creative development of children and the atmosphere of joy in kindergarten largely depend on how professionally literate and talented you are.

Every day, when getting ready for work, you involuntarily ask yourself questions: What awaits me today? How will the kids greet and appreciate me? How will learning a new dance go with older students? This mystery allows me to make every day different from the other. My workdays are not a routine at all, but a daily holiday, which combines two great miracles - children and music.

I really love our kindergarten and am proud of my profession. It is honorable because it leaves a good feeling and allows children and society to feel useful. Only a teacher receives the world's greatest reward - a child's smile and a child's laughter.

Information and advisory material


for parents

The influence of music on the child's psyche

Music heals

Training auditory attention

Memo for parents

Consultations for teachers

Fun games for kids

Interaction between the teacher and the music director

Musical education of children with speech development disorders

Pedagogical technologies for listening to music

Game programs for children

Sounds of musical instruments for children


Musical game – Yablonka


Musical and didactic game for preschoolers - What they do in the house


Musical and didactic game for preschoolers – Musical Animals


Russian folk instruments

Sounds of musical instruments for children

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Musical game – Yablonka

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Musical and didactic game for preschoolers - What they do in the house

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Musical and didactic game for preschoolers – Musical Animals

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I am a musician! And I'm proud of it!

My profession is music director. It sounds dry, soulless, one-faced. However, dig deeper and you will find that there is truth in these two words. “Musical” - beautiful, sensual, affectionate, playful. “Leader” - giving a hand to the ignorant, the fearful, and leading into the new, unknown, beautiful. We give light. We teach to love, understand, empathize, feel. Thus, we, musicians, create a harmonious personality, which in the future will always find a way out of any situation with dignity and honor. We inspire, give the opportunity to soar above the world and see all the beauty of the universe. Of course, not in the literal sense. Music guides us...

Once upon a time, 30 years ago, my mother took me to a music school. I didn’t know what it was. I only knew that they would teach me music. This was a new world for me. A world of miracles, magic, fabulous transformations. I learned to feel the universe around me... not just see, touch, but also feel inside myself, passing through my heart and soul. I learned to merge with the music. Having matured a little, I realized that music is an opportunity to analyze certain situations from the point of view of beauty and uniqueness.

Years passed, and fate brought me to school, I worked as a music teacher for 10 years, and after the birth of my child I ended up in kindergarten No. 199. And life took on a new meaning! A new stage has begun. The stage of my formation as a magician who gives fairy tales to children. On the very first day, seeing the delighted eyes of the kids, I realized that I had no right to deceive the hopes of these devoted creatures who completely believed in an adult. I have to give them what they expect from me. Namely: magic, fairy tale, love, faith, hope...

And I began to learn, together with the kids, to understand music in a new way, through the eyes and heart of a child. Sincerely, without deception. And, you know, I think kids teach me a lot to this day. The music director is directly responsible for the “construction” of the little man’s soul, his little inner world. We make it richer, brighter, more saturated. What a joy it is to see the delighted eyes of a child when he begins to understand the language of music and becomes acquainted with new concepts such as “genre”, “timbre”, “rhythm”. And all this, of course, through a fairy tale, a game.

It is a great happiness for a teacher to see the happy faces of children, their sincere, genuine joy when they make a discovery for themselves. This is precisely the main principle of my work. After all, having made the discovery himself, the child is very proud of himself and his achievement. In this way, in my opinion, a confident personality develops. “I am myself!” - this is a step towards a fully developed person, both physically and mentally.