Dishonored codes for safes in the game by location. Codes for safes in dishonored death of the outsider

There are ten combination locks in Dishonored - on nine safes and one door. Below you will find codes for each, as well as tips on where to find them.

Number of safes - 1.

Safe No. 01.
Location: Dunwall catacombs

Combination: 451

How to get it: This safe is perhaps the only thing of interest you can find during the first mission. There you will find no runes, no amulets, no paintings by Sokolov. Just rats, empty bottles and expired canned goods. After you find the equipment left for Corvo by the Loyalists, look around. Behind the bars immediately after the save point is a safe. Well... rather, it's lying on the floor. Behind the safe there are shelves with bottles, and if you remove them, you can see the combination drawn in chalk. In the safe, however, there is nothing particularly interesting, but it’s still nice.

Number of safes - 3.

Safe No. 02.
Location: Dr. Galvani's office

Combination: 287

How to get it: we go to Clevering Boulevard and after the first wall of light we find the good doctor’s office. The safe is located on the second floor, in a room with folding glass doors, but the combination to it can be found in Dr. Galvani's office on the third floor. The code is written in chalk on one of the boards with drawings and other displays. There is gold waiting for us in the safe.

Safe No. 03.
Location: High Overseer's Kennels

Combination: 217

How to get: Remember how we stormed Campbell's hiding place? We take the same road again: we pass the main hall on the first floor and turn into the door to the left of the partition, it leads to the kennels. In the kennels in front of the first doorway there is a note that says a code, namely: "lying tongue", "wandering eye" and "absent-minded mind". Each of these sins has its own number, and they are all listed in the book at the entrance to the main hall. We correlate the sins with numbers and get a code. After that, go through the opening, turn left and go all the way until you hit the crematorium door. The cage with the dead wolfhounds contains your supplies.

Safe No. 04.
Location: High Overseer Security Barracks

Combination: 203

How to get: The last safe in this mission is in the security barracks. Friends with masks and kind wolfhounds on a leash are still walking nearby. For reference: the entrance to the barracks is located exactly opposite the door to the workshop (we also looked for the rune there, remember?). It is quite interesting to obtain the code combination. To do this, go from Holger Square to the backyard and, nearby in the alley, save the caretaker’s sister, accused of witchcraft, from reprisals by the guards. To celebrate, the brother and sister will tell you the code to the safe with wishes for successful plunder of the territories. In the safe you will find ammunition, including darts and an elixir. Another option to get hold of a code is to go to the canteen. The letter about changing the code will lie on the table, crushed, it seems, by a pear. We don’t get fired, gentlemen guards, well, we don’t get fired even once!

Number of safes - 1.

Safe No. 05.
Location: house of an art dealer in the Wine Quarter

Combination: 879, 138, 656, 679 or 696

How to get it: in the third mission there is only one safe, but what a one! To get the code from him, you first need to go to the “Golden Cat” and there, in a room with a sort of electric chair, have a good conversation with the art dealer. After the switch knocks out the desired combination from this masochist, go to the merchant’s house and go up to the third floor. The dealer is a good guy, he has a safe - that's a whole room! A lot of tasty things await you there, for example, a rune, a painting by Sokolov and a bunch of other little things. By the way, Slackjov will really want to know the combination to this safe (and, by the way, will promise for it the disappearance of the Pendleton brothers without a trace). The most cunning ones, however, clean out the safe, and then go to feed the poor bandit with the treasured numbers. Comedians..

Number of safes - 2.

Safe No. 06.
Location: Pratchett's house

Combination: 473

How to get it: once you get to Pratchett’s house (how you do this is up to you: you can kill the guards, move into them, or, like a real hero, bypass them altogether), find paintings on the first, second and third floors. Each of them will have a number on it. In a painting with city streets there will be 4, in a painting with a whaling - 3, and 7 - in a painting with a whaling ship. The safe is located on the third floor, and the sequence you need is encrypted in the letter next to it: streets, ship, whaling. Putting two and two together, we go to take the safe. Gold bars and a rune await us there.

Safe No. 07.
Location: dilapidated house

Combination: 294

How to get: On the north side, on the way to Sokolov's house, you will find a ruined house and several prisoners who are locked behind a wall of light. If you heed their requests and free them, they will tell you the combination to the safe. The safe is located here, behind the painting on the third floor. Using Transfer, get to it and receive your gold bars as a prize. There is nothing complicated here, you definitely won’t miss it.

Number of safes - 1.

Safe No. 08.
Location: Lord Regent's chambers in the Tower

Combination: 935

How to get it: If you plan to complete the game without a single corpse, you simply need this safe. The combination you are looking for, however, will be given to you not by the lord himself (alas!), but by a propaganda officer who broadcasts to all of Dunwall from his radio room at the very top of the tower. That's where I recommend starting. From the main stairs, turn right twice and go up to the broadcasting station. If you spare the contact, he will share with you not only the access code for the safe, but also useful information about its contents. In the safe, the Lord Regent hides an audio recording that exposes his vile essence. And if you turn it on for the whole city, there will be nothing good left from the bastard. I hope you remember where the Lord Regent's room is: on the third floor, after the main staircase and then the second, less formal staircase. Having obtained the necessary record from the Lord Regent's safe, you will receive the achievement "Political Suicide", and Comrade Hiram will be led straight to the galleys. And happiness to everyone. Apart from the Lord Regent, of course!

Number of safes - 2.

Safe No. 09.
Location: Flooded apartment in central Rudshore

Combination: 428

How to get: This is, in my opinion, the most difficult safe in the game. First you need to find the code for it. It is indicated in a letter that can be found on the third floor of a dilapidated house in the Rudshora market location (your guide will be cute spitting plants, as well as the balcony where you were still looking for Sokolov’s painting). Taking the letter, stomp into the killers' lair. After this, deal with Daud's first assassins not far from his lair and teleport to the corner of the roof of the house. If you look down from the roof, you need the lower left sector. We jump like a swallow, open the back door and swim down and to the left of the entrance. Luckily for us, there will still be a place to catch our breath. And then we open the treasured safe, which contains a figurine of a whale. Hooray!

Safe No. 10.
Location: catacombs of the Old Port

Combination: 528

How to get it: to get to this safe, follow your main road. Along the way you will meet two groups of spitting plants. We go around the first ones from below, and shoot the second ones (there will be a bathtub and several corpses nearby), for example, from a crossbow. After that, we go up the stone stairs on the left and there we find a hint about the month of wind, the month of seeds and the month of ice. Nearby, which is convenient, there is a decoder book. We break the safe and enjoy life. By the way, there’s not just anything waiting for us there, but a bone amulet!

DLC: "The Knife of Dunwall"

Combination: 943, 775, 763, 187, 876, 937, 588

The first safe of this DLC can be found in the whaling yard. To get to it, you need to find a balcony that faces the sea, under it there is a man in a boat. There you will find the treasured safe.

Location: Rothwild Whaler.

Combination: 876, 512.

The second safe is located in the same location. You will need to make your way past 2-3 guards to Rothwild's office. There should be either a bone amulet or a rune waiting for you (I don’t remember).

Kittens, hello everyone!

Although my passion for Dishonored has faded a little (which may have coincided with my return to the kingdom of horned demons ^_^), I continue to understand the secrets and goodies of the game with pleasure and interest. Bone amulets are in progress (but I’m already tired of taking screenshots and going through missions for the hundredth time), but writing a guide to safes turned out to be much easier and faster. Actually, subject.

Beware, bad spoiler!

Although Dishonored is a game about revenge and a plague on both your houses, it periodically shines through the historical progenitor aka Thief. Agree, when, if not when breaking into a safe, can you remember the gentleman Garrett and complain about the stubborn lock? Of course, no one forbade you to crack the safe using banal brute force... but this is somehow completely bad manners. If there is a lock, then there is a key, and leave the “brute force” to the newcomers. ^_^

So, the revelations of the great schemer (literally) in action, let's go! There are a total of 10 safes in the game, and I will tell you how to get to each of them. By tradition, all safes are tied to missions, during which they need to be searched and broken. Please note that in missions number 5, 8 and 9 ("Lady Boyle's Last Reception", "Loyalists" and "Guiding Beacon") there are no safes, so there is nothing to open there in this sense. In addition to the location of the safes, there is also a description of where to find the codes for them. To make it easier to navigate, additional hints are provided for several complex safes. So, Hulk break!


Number of safes - 1.

Safe No. 01.

Location: Dunwall catacombs

Combination: 451

How to get a: this safe is perhaps the only thing interesting you can find during the first mission. There you will find no runes, no amulets, no paintings by Sokolov. Just rats, empty bottles and expired canned goods. After you find the equipment left for Corvo by the Loyalists, look around. Behind the bars immediately after the save point is a safe. Well... rather, it's lying on the floor. Behind the safe there are shelves with bottles, and if you remove them, you can see the combination drawn in chalk. In the safe, however, there is nothing particularly interesting, but it’s still nice.


Number of safes - 3.

Guide to Safe Cracking in Dishonored

Guide to Safe Cracking in Dishonored

Safe No. 02.

Location: Dr. Galvani's office

Combination: 287

How to get a: We go to Clevering Boulevard and after the first wall of light we find the good doctor’s office. The safe is located on the second floor, in a room with folding glass doors, but the combination to it can be found in Dr. Galvani's office on the third floor. The code is written in chalk on one of the boards with drawings and other displays. There is gold waiting for us in the safe.

Guide to Safe Cracking in Dishonored

Guide to Safe Cracking in Dishonored

Safe No. 03.

Location: High Overseer's Kennels

Combination: 217

How to get a: remember how we stormed Campbell's hiding place? We take the same road again: we pass the main hall on the first floor and turn into the door to the left of the partition, it leads to the kennels. In the kennels in front of the first doorway there is a note that says a code, namely: "lying tongue", "wandering eye" and "absent-minded mind". Each of these sins has its own number, and they are all listed in the book at the entrance to the main hall. We correlate the sins with numbers and get a code. After that, go through the opening, turn left and go all the way until you hit the crematorium door. The cage with the dead wolfhounds contains your supplies.

Guide to Safe Cracking in Dishonored

Guide to Safe Cracking in Dishonored

Safe No. 04.

Location: High Overseer's guard barracks

Combination: 203

How to get a: The last safe in this mission is in the security barracks. Friends with masks and kind wolfhounds on a leash are still walking nearby. For reference: the entrance to the barracks is located exactly opposite the door to the workshop (we also looked for the rune there, remember?). It is quite interesting to obtain the code combination. To do this, go from Holger Square to the backyard and, nearby in the alley, save the caretaker’s sister, accused of witchcraft, from reprisals by the guards. To celebrate, the brother and sister will tell you the code to the safe with wishes for successful plunder of the territories. In the safe you will find ammunition, including darts and an elixir. Another option to get hold of a code is to go to the canteen. The letter about changing the code will lie on the table, crushed, it seems, by a pear. We don’t get fired, gentlemen guards, well, we don’t get fired even once!


Number of safes - 1.

Guide to Safe Cracking in Dishonored

Guide to Safe Cracking in Dishonored

Safe No. 05.

Location: house of an art dealer in the Wine Quarter

Combination: 879, 138, 656, 679 or 696

How to get a: in the third mission there is only one safe, but what a one! To get the code from him, you first need to go to the “Golden Cat” and there, in a room with a sort of electric chair, have a good conversation with the art dealer. After the switch knocks out the desired combination from this masochist, go to the merchant’s house and go up to the third floor. The dealer is a good guy, he has a safe - that's a whole room! A lot of tasty things await you there, for example, a rune, a painting by Sokolov and a bunch of other little things. By the way, Slackjov will really want to know the combination to this safe (and, by the way, will promise for it the disappearance of the Pendleton brothers without a trace). The most cunning ones, however, clean out the safe, and then go to feed the poor bandit with the treasured numbers. Comedians..


Number of safes - 2.

Guide to Safe Cracking in Dishonored

Guide to Safe Cracking in Dishonored

Safe No. 06.

Location: Pratchett's house

Combination: 473

How to get a: Once in Pratchett’s house (how you do this, decide for yourself: you can kill the guards, move into them, or, like a real hero, go around them altogether), find paintings on the first, second and third floors. Each of them will have a number on it. In a painting with city streets there will be 4, in a painting with a whaling - 3, and 7 - in a painting with a whaling ship. The safe is located on the third floor, and the sequence you need is encrypted in the letter next to it: streets, ship, whaling. Putting two and two together, we go to take the safe. Gold bars and a rune await us there.

Guide to Safe Cracking in Dishonored

Guide to Safe Cracking in Dishonored

Safe No. 07.

Location: ramshackle house

Combination: 294

How to get a: on the north side, on the way to Sokolov's house, you will find a ruined house and several prisoners who are locked behind a wall of light. If you heed their requests and free them, they will tell you the combination to the safe. The safe is located here, behind the painting on the third floor. Using Transfer, get to it and receive your gold bars as a prize. There is nothing complicated here, you definitely won’t miss it.


Number of safes - 1.

Guide to Safe Cracking in Dishonored

Guide to Safe Cracking in Dishonored

Safe No. 08.

Location: Lord Regent's chambers in the Tower

Combination: 935

How to get a: If you plan to complete the game without a single corpse, you simply need this safe. The combination you are looking for, however, will be given to you not by the lord himself (alas!), but by a propaganda officer who broadcasts to all of Dunwall from his radio room at the very top of the tower. That's where I recommend starting. From the main stairs, turn right twice and go up to the broadcasting station. If you spare the contact, he will share with you not only the access code for the safe, but also useful information about its contents. In the safe, the Lord Regent hides an audio recording that exposes his vile essence. And if you turn it on for the whole city, there will be nothing good left from the bastard. I hope you remember where the Lord Regent's room is: on the third floor, after the main staircase and then the second, less formal staircase. Having obtained the necessary record from the Lord Regent's safe, you will receive the achievement "Political Suicide", and Comrade Hiram will be led straight to the galleys. And happiness to everyone. Apart from the Lord Regent, of course!


Number of safes - 2.

Guide to Safe Cracking in Dishonored

Guide to Safe Cracking in Dishonored

Safe No. 09.

Location: flooded apartment in central Rudshore

Combination: 428

How to get a: This is, in my opinion, the most difficult safe in the game. First you need to find the code for it. It is indicated in a letter that can be found on the third floor of a dilapidated house in the Rudshora market location (your guide will be cute spitting plants, as well as the balcony where you were still looking for Sokolov’s painting). Taking the letter, stomp into the killers' lair. After this, deal with Daud's first assassins not far from his lair and teleport to the corner of the roof of the house. If you look down from the roof, you need the lower left sector. We jump like a swallow, open the back door and swim down and to the left of the entrance. Luckily for us, there will still be a place to catch our breath. And then we open the treasured safe, which contains a figurine of a whale. Hooray!

Safes in Dishonored serve as an additional source of money and expensive things. Coins in the game are used to buy ammunition, elixirs, potions, upgrades for weapons and equipment, which Pierrot makes in his workshop next to the Dog Pit pub. The more valuable the contents of the safe, the more difficult it is to get to it. The safes are reliably protected from burglary by combination locks. The only way to quickly open the lock is to find out the secret three-digit code, otherwise you will have to go through the combinations yourself, counting on chance or luck. Almost every safe in Dishonored has a clue that is carefully hidden within the location. Most often, clues are found in notes, books, characters, but can also be found, for example, on walls. If there is no great desire to scrutinize the game world, crack safes in Dishonored You can do it without prompts, by immediately entering the exact lock codes. The result will not change, but it will save time. The only exception to the rule is the art dealer's safe in Dunwall's Wine District, where the correct combination is constantly changing. This was done, apparently, due to the fact that he is connected with a secondary task from Slackjov. If none of the codes match, you should wait until you meet the merchant in the silver room on the second floor of the Golden Cat, when Corvo goes to save Emily. A couple of electric shocks will make the stubborn person more accommodating, and the secret will come true.

There are no master keys or devices for breaking into safes or doors in Dishonored. All actions occur in manual mode: entering numbers from a combination - the [F] key, moving around the lock - moving the mouse. There is no need to look for mined jewelry in your inventory, they are immediately converted into coins. You can return to skipped safes within the same level, but not between chapters, since the plot of the game directly depends on the actions taken and decisions made, so it’s better to crack safes right away.

Hints and codes for safes in Dishonored:

  1. Catacombs(Innocently convicted):
    • Safe location: in the next compartment after receiving the crossbow and reading the note to the "Lord Protector" on the way to Samuel.
    • Hint location: "Jelly's Share" note - lying on the chair next to the safe. The correct combination is written on the wall behind the safe behind the empty whiskey bottles.
    • Contents of the safe: Sokolov's healing elixir, a case for jewelry of the Moray family.
    • Safe code: 451 .
  2. Wine Quarter(High Overseer):
    • Safe location: on the second floor of Dr. Galvani's office, where Old Rags sends for rat guts.
    • Hint location: on the board with sketches of a whale on the third floor of the house. The key to the laboratory can be obtained from the city guard sergeant.
    • Safe code: 287 .
  3. Wine Quarter(High Overseer):
    • Door location: in the kennel under the High Overseer's office.
    • Hint location: in the note on the bed behind the wolfhound cages.
    • Safe contents: wallet with 50 coins, mounting tool, Sokolov's healing elixir, Pierrot's spiritual balm, darts.
    • Safe code: 217 .
  4. Wine Quarter(High Overseer):
    • Safe Location: In the barracks in the backyard of the High Overseer's Office.
    • Hint location: the guard Berthold will tell you if you save him and his sister Elsa from the caretakers in the backyard, or you can find out from the note that lies in the kitchen behind the barracks.
    • Safe contents: purse with 50 coins, Sokolov's healing elixir, sleeping darts.
    • Safe code: 203 .
  5. Wine Quarter(House of Delights):
    • Safe location: on the third floor in the art dealer's house.
    • Hint Location: Art Dealer in the silver room on the second floor in the Golden Cat. A few electric shocks will force you to share the code.
    • Contents of the safe: a painting by Sokolov, an invitation to a reception with the Boyle family, healing herbs, Pierrot's spiritual balm, the Carmine family urn.
    • Safe code: 879 , 696 , 679 , 656 , 606 , 138 (the code is constantly changing).
  6. Kaldwin Bridge(Royal Physician):
    • Safe Location: On the third floor of Pratchett's house on Broadbridge.
    • Hint Location: In Pratchett's note on the table, to the left of the safe. The numbers are applied to the paintings from the first to the third floor.
    • Safe contents: two gold bars worth 100 coins each.
    • Safe code: 473 .
  7. Kaldwin Bridge(Royal Physician):
    • Safe location: behind a painting on the third floor of a dilapidated house in the Northern part of the bridge, where prisoners are kept behind a light wall, on the way to the main entrance to Sokolov's house.
    • Hint location: the woman will give the code after neutralizing the guards and freeing her from captivity near the collapsed wall of the house, above which the safe is located.
    • Safe contents: two gold bars worth 100 coins each.
    • Safe code: 294 .
  8. Dunwall Tower(Return to the tower):
    • Safe Location: In a chest in the Lord Regent's chambers.
    • Hint location: The propaganda officer from the broadcast station will tell you.
    • Contents of the safe: an incriminating audiogram with the Lord Regent's confession, a note from Daoud, a case for the emperors' jewels.
    • Safe code: 935 .
  9. Flooded Quarter(Flooded Quarter):
    • Safe Location: In the basement of a flooded house in the courtyard on the way to Daud's lair in Central Rudshore, next to where a crowd of assassins are keeping watch. There is a vent in the room above the safe.
    • Hint location:-
    • Contents of the safe: figurine of a whale of the emperors.
    • Safe code: 428 .
  10. Flooded Quarter(Flooded Quarter):
    • Safe location: in the room next to the first group of river crunches in the old catacombs of Dunwall on the way to Staraya Vetosha.
    • Hint location: in the note "Jelly's New Task" and the book "Thirteen Months" next to the safe.
    • Safe contents: bone amulet, gold bar worth 100 coins.
    • Safe code: 528 .

An additional source of money and necessary things in the Dishonored game are safes that must be opened by typing special three-digit codes. Almost everyone has a specific hint that helps you find out the given combination and open the metal box you need. In total, there are ten safes in the game scattered across different locations; they are opened using a combination of the (F) key and moving the cursor over the lock with the mouse.

Dishonored codes for safes by location.

  1. Catacombs. Innocently convicted. After receiving the crossbow and the note to the Lord Protector, the clue is on the chair next to the safe in the note, and the combination is written on the wall behind the row of bottles. code: 451
  2. Wine Quarter. Supreme Overseer. On the second floor of Dr. Galyani, following Staraya Vetosha, we go to the top. The clue is on the third floor on the board with a picture of a fish. We take the key to the laboratory from the guard sergeant. code: 287

3. Wine district. Supreme Overseer. In the kennel above the office of the Supreme Overseer. The clue is in the note on the bed behind the cages. code: 217

4. Wine district. High Warden . In the barracks in the backyard of the office. The clue is in the note in the kitchen behind the barracks. code: 203

5. Wine Quarter. House of pleasures. On the third floor in the house of an art dealer. The merchant will tell you the code after several electric shocks. code: opening options are constantly changing 879 , 696 , 679 , 656 , 606 , 138.

6. Kaldwin Bridge. Royal physician. On the third floor of Pratchett's house in Broadbridge. The clue is in the note on the table to the left of the safe. code: 473

7. Kaldwin Bridge. Royal physician. On the third floor of the house where the prisoners are kept. The code will be given by one of the freed women. code: 294

8. Dunwall Tower. Return to the tower. Safe in a chest in the Lord Regent's chambers. The tip will be given by an officer from the broadcast station. code: 935

9. Flooded Quarter. In the basement of a flooded house next to the bridge where the hero is waiting for an ambush from assassins. The room has a noticeable vent directly above the safe. code: 428

10. Flooded area. At the very beginning of the advance, the first group of river crunches is in the room. The clue is in the note next to the safe. code: 528

These are all the known codes for the Dishonored safes in the game, please note that one of them is opened using the random code posted above.

There are ten safes in this game that, when opened, will give you additional items such as ammo, coins, or various equipment upgrades. In principle, there are clues to the codes in the game, they are scattered throughout the location and can be found. But why run around and waste time when you can simply find out the codes from our article and open them without any problems.

Safes open according to the principle - walk up, press F, a panel with numbers appears, enter the required code using the mouse. And now I will tell you the codes and contents of the safes.

First safe. in the compartment next to the one where you received the crossbow. The clue will be located next to the safe on a chair, and the code itself will be written on the wall behind a pile of empty bottles. In the safe you will find an elixir and a jewelry case. Code – 451.

Second safe. You will find it on the second floor of the building that Old Rags will send you to. The clue will be written on the board where the whale sketches were made. The safe will contain gold bars. Code – 287.

Third safe is located downstairs under the office of that same Supreme Overseer. There will be a kennel there, and in it you will find a safe. There will also be a hint, you will find it on the bed. The safe will contain coins, a mounting tool, an elixir with balm and darts. Code – 217.

Fourth safe It will be not far from the third, in the barracks. The clue will be somewhere in the kitchen. The safe contains darts, elixir and coins. Code – 203.

Fifth safe the most difficult one, its code is constantly changing, so there are two options. You can find the merchant in the silver room and give him a good shock, after which he will tell you the code. Or you can simply go through the valid options and the safe will open on one of them. The safe will give you an invitation to dinner, a painting, a rune, a balm, healing herbs and an urn. Codes – 879, 696, 679, 656, 606, 138.

Sixth safe will be in Pratchett's house on the third floor. The hint is in the note on the table, and the code itself will be in the paintings from the first to the third floor. The safe will give you gold bars and a rune. Code – 473.

Seventh hidden behind the picture. The painting is on the third floor of a destroyed house, which is located in the Northern part of the bridge. You can find out the code from it if you save the woman from the guards. There are coins in the safe. Code – 294.

Eighth the safe will be in the chest in the lord's bedroom. You can find out about the clue from the lieutenant at the broadcasting station. In the safe you will find the emperors' case, incriminating evidence on the lord and Daud's note. Code – 935.

Ninth the safe will be in the flooded basement of the house, which is located on the road to Daud's lair. Clue unknown. Contents: whale figurine. Code – 428.

And finally tenth safe is located in the river crunch room, in the catacombs on the way to Staraya Vetosha. The clue can be found in the book “Thirteen Months” and in the note “Jelly’s New Task”. The safe contains a gold bar and a bone amulet. Code – 528.

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