Ballet on the Mount of the Cross. The love stories continue

On June 24, the theatrical landscape festival “Secrets of Mount Krestovaya” will be held for the sixth time in Gubakha on the slope of Mount Krestovaya.

This year the festival will be held for the sixth time. The audience will be presented with the legendary work “Romeo and Juliet” performed by the Evgeniy Panfilov Ballet, staged by the choreographer himself. “One of our most important tasks is to go uphill,” said Armen Garslyan, a member of the project’s organizing committee, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Metafrax PJSC. – The festival attracts many tourists from the Perm region, regions of Russia and other countries to Gubakha. We have caught the trend towards the cultural aspect in geo-branding and intend to use it further. This is an opportunity to show the beauty that we have through art.”

The production will be adapted to the landscape, and the ballet itself will be shortened from three to one act and will last 1 hour and 15 minutes. Thus, the culmination of the work will occur at the moment of sunset. Alexey Kolbin, performer of the role of Mercutio in the play “Romeo and Juliet,” recalled that this is an original production that differs from the classical version of the story. Evgeny Panfilov introduced the character of Queen Mab (in Shakespeare's text she is mentioned in the words of Mercutio), whose beauty hides the image of an evil, demonic obsession. This production received three nominations for the national theater award "Golden Mask".

We welcome all lovers of road trips and connoisseurs of the beauty of our native land! Our story today will be about Mount Krestovaya, stretching on the outskirts of the Ural city of Gubakha. Why it is interesting, how to get there and what to see - we will tell you in this article.

Last summer, my friends and I made a very interesting weekend trip to the city of Gubakha. During this short road trip, we had the opportunity not only to visit the local history museum with a well-known exhibition dedicated to the mining of coal in the Kizelovsky coal basin, not only to walk along the streets of this interesting working city, but also to climb one of the peaks belonging to to the mountains of the Middle Urals. I'm talking about Mount Krestovaya, rising not far from the residential areas of Gubakha.

This extraordinary mountain occupies a worthy place among the other Ural Mountains, both due to its rich history, beauty, and accessibility for unprepared tourists.

It is not known for certain when the first people appeared on the slopes of Mount Krestovaya. Most likely, these were hunters of the nomadic Mansi or Vogul tribes. But we have much more information about what animals were found in those places many millennia before people, thanks to paleontological excavations in the Dvortsovy Grotto, located in the vicinity of the mountain.

Local children had long been aware of a small cave on the mountainside. But only in our time did someone come up with the idea of ​​​​trying to look for evidence of ancient history there. The result exceeded all the wildest assumptions. A group of young paleontologists managed to find a large number of bones of animals that lived here during the Ice Age. Now these finds are exhibited in a separate room of the local history museum. Even specialists from the University of Cambridge in the UK assisted the young searchers in identifying the remains.

But let's return to the goal of our hike - Mount Krestovaya. In the 18th century, the Ural region began to be actively developed thanks to the enthusiasm and wealth of the Stroganov merchants. The discovered deposits of copper, iron and other minerals are turning the Urals into an actively developing industrial region. Iron ore was also discovered on the slopes of Krestovaya. They say that from the first cast iron produced at the Kosvinsky plant, a cross was cast that crowned the mountain until the beginning of the 20th century and gave it its corresponding name. Now it has been restored again, but for now in a wooden version.

What is metallurgy without fuel? In the vicinity of Kizel, coal adits have been in operation since the end of the 18th century. In 1825, coal was found in the depths of Mount Krestovaya. The mining settlement that appeared on the northern slope gave rise to the future city of Gubakha. And the vast area with deep deposits of coal was called the Kizelovsky Coal Basin (KUB). Even today the drifts of the mine named after them go deep into Mount Krestovaya. 1st of May. Unfortunately, coal mining in KUB was low-profit, and today it could not withstand competition with the quarries of Kuzbass. But in the first post-war years, when industry was in dire need of fuel, the KUB mines replaced the destroyed Donbass and provided the country with coal!

Now coal mining in KUB has practically ceased. And the slopes of Mount Krestovaya, which has convenient transport accessibility, can be considered as a natural landscape park located on the outskirts of Gubakha.

Read about how to get there and what you can see in the city itself in our first article (). And I move on to the story directly about the hike to the mountain.

Our route began at the intersection of Lenin and Oktyabrsky avenues. If you walk along the latter in the direction of the nine-story dormitory building of the Ural College of Chemical Technology, you will very soon find yourself on the outskirts of a residential area. The asphalt road gives way to a gravel dirt road, which, after the last private houses, dives into a low-growing forest covering the slopes of the mountain.

On your way there will be two equipped springs where you can quench your thirst. But something else is more interesting. From the lower source begins a trail called “Gubakhinsky Promenade”. A sign with a route map and designations of various natural attractions is present right there.

The total length of the trail is about 7 km. Someday we will definitely walk along it to see the kurumnik placers, the karst hole, and a real cave. But for now we continue our way up.

The road is not very steep, because the height of Mount Krestovaya is only 471.3 meters. On the western side, from where we rise, it is simply a hill, decorated along the top with a ridge of rocky outcrops. This formation is also called “sing”. And Mount Krestovaya is part of the Rudyansky Spoy ridge, which stretches for tens of kilometers to a place known to all Permians as the “Stone City”.

After a kilometer and a half of leisurely steps, we reach a wide plateau, on which there are rock outcrops on the surface of the mountain. The height of the remains ranges from 10 to 20 meters. They have multiple signs of erosion and are accessible to all those who like to climb higher.

From the height of these cliffs there is a magnificent view. In the west, the new quarters of Gubakha are white, and in the east, the slope is slowly plunging into the green sea of ​​the Ural Parma.

The proximity to the city and the favorable location of the mountain led the Gubakha residents to the idea of ​​using the rocks at the top as an impromptu concert hall. This is how the tradition of holding the “Secrets of Mount Krestovaya” festival every June appeared. When a stage is installed on the top of the mountain, and the best theater groups of Perm perform their productions on it against the backdrop of the evening sunset sky.

In our walk along Krestovaya Mountain, we did not reach its actual peak, on which there is a wooden cross. From the cross downwards, the mountain has a rather steep northern slope, where there are now ski slopes, which are very popular among all residents of the Perm region in winter. The Gubakha ski base is located below, on the banks of the Kosva River, not far from the place where the first mining settlement was founded.

Well, we will go down along another road that will lead us to Degtyarev Street. From there it’s already a stone’s throw from the center of Gubakha – Red Square.

The total length of the route is about four kilometers and requires a leisurely acquaintance with the sights of Mount Krestovaya for about two hours.

Climbing Mount Krestovaya can be considered as an independent weekend trip, or it can be combined with an acquaintance with the city of Gubakha.

Despite the presence of a wide, well-worn road, you will not be able to get to the very top by car, because... The roads are blocked with concrete blocks, and there is not enough space to park cars in front of them. But honestly, it is better to leave the car below and climb the mountain on foot in order to better experience the beauty and uniqueness of the Ural nature.

On June 24, 2017 at 21:00 on Krestovaya Mountain (Gubakha) the performance “Romeo and Juliet” to the music of Sergei Prokofiev, directed by Evgeny Panfilov, will begin.

This year the festival will be held for the sixth time. The audience will be presented with the legendary work “Romeo and Juliet” performed by the Evgeniy Panfilov Ballet, staged by the choreographer himself. " One of our most important tasks is to go uphill, said Armen Garslyan, a member of the project organizing committee, Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Metafrax. – The festival attracts many tourists from the Perm region, regions of Russia and other countries to Gubakha. We have caught the trend towards the cultural aspect in geo-branding and intend to use it further. This is an opportunity to show the beauty that we have through art.».

The production will be adapted to the landscape, and the ballet itself will be shortened from three to one act and will last 1 hour and 15 minutes. Thus, the culmination of the work will occur at the moment of sunset. Alexey Kolbin, performer of the role of Mercutio in the play “Romeo and Juliet,” recalled that this is an original production that differs from the classical version of the story. Evgeny Panfilov introduced the character of Queen Mab (in Shakespeare's text she is mentioned in the words of Mercutio), whose beauty hides the image of an evil, demonic obsession. This production received three nominations for the national theater award "Golden Mask".

As Lyubov Zaitseva, the author of the festival idea and artistic director of the Youth Studio-Theater “Dominanta”, noted, the standard for the festival is so high that organizing the event becomes more and more difficult every year. “We studied the repertoires of many leading theaters in Russia and came to the conclusion that this year the voice of our beloved “Evgeni Panfilov Ballet” should “sound” with the production of “Romeo and Juliet,” because our festival is a conversation about love,” - said Lyubov Fedorovna.

According to Armen Garslyan, as a result of recent events, every effort is being made to ensure maximum safety for the artists and spectators of the festival. In addition to traditional security measures by private security companies and the introduction of control using metal detectors, additional specialists will be involved in the event. The updated transport network should ease the traffic load and make the festival more comfortable.

The festival would not be possible without stable financial support. According to the organizers, they are as close as possible to the public-private partnership format. The main contribution to the festival from the very first event has been made by FORA-BANK. According to the manager of the FORA-BANK branch in Perm, Vasily Shilov, five years ago, supporting the “Secrets of Mount Krestovaya” was an opportunity to prove the reliability of the financial institution to a new region for the bank. Today this project has become a landmark for the entire FORA-BANK federal network.

In 2017, the festival coincides with the 35th anniversary of the Basegi Nature Reserve (Mount Krestovaya is part of the ridge) and the Year of Ecology in Russia. At the press conference, a commemorative photo album was presented, which was worked on throughout the year to show the special beauty of Basegov in each season. It will also be possible to visit a special photo exhibition in the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory and the Organ Hall of the Perm Regional Philharmonic.

The organizers and authors of the idea of ​​the theatrical landscape festival “Secrets of Mount Krestovaya” are the MBUK Youth Studio-Theatre “Dominanta”. The festival was first held in the summer of 2012, when it had European status. 12 creative works were presented to the audience of Gubakha and nearby cities, which were watched by more than 9,000 spectators. All festival performances were presented in open areas: a forest belt, rocks, an abandoned town, a river bank, etc., which create an excellent backdrop for acting that has been tested for compatibility with wildlife. One of the creative components that gave rise to the festival was the “Ballet at Sunset” project at the top of the “Rudyansky Sing” ridge of Krestovaya Mountain. Perm Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky presented two one-act ballets choreographed by Mikhail Fokine: Choreographic Suite to the music of F. Chopin “Chopiniana” and a ballet fragment from the opera by A.P. Borodin “Prince Igor” “Polovtsian dances”. Since then, every year in the summer, the theatrical landscape festival “Secrets of Mount Krestovaya” is held in Gubakha.

June 24, 2017 at 9:30 p.m. The festival “Secrets of Mount Krestovaya” will begin, which has become a geocultural brand not only of the Gubakhinsky district, but also of the region as a whole.

The festival will take place for the sixth time and will traditionally take place on the Rudyansky mountain of Krestovaya Mountain (Gubakha). The audience will be presented with the legendary performance "Romeo and Juliet" performed by the Evgeni Panfilov Ballet Theater. The performance is considered one of the best choreographic productions of Romeo and Juliet in the world; it became a laureate of many Russian and international festivals, as well as the winner of the All-Russian Golden Mask Award.

The cost of a ticket to the “VIP parterre” is 1000 rubles. Other places are free. Voluntary “Green Fee” contribution for spectators - 100 rubles.

Additional information about the festival can be obtained from the organizing committee: +7 (342-48) 4-37-12, for purchasing tickets by phone: (342-48) 9-09-09, online tickets can be purchased on the theater website http

Program of events dedicated to the celebration of City Day
June 24, 2017

New Gubakha

Sports festival dedicated to City Day:

Parade of participants: stadium MBOU secondary school No. 2,

Football competitions: stadium MBOU secondary school No. 2,

Streetball competition: stadium MBOU secondary school No. 2,

Swedish relay race (for employees of PJSC Metafrax): stadium MBOU secondary school No. 2,

Beach volleyball competition: city park named after. Yu. Gagarin.

Regional competition of research works “Cadet Researcher”: assembly hall of MAOU “General Educational School No. 2”.

Founders of the competition: All-Russian Union of Public Associations “All-Russian Youth Center “Olympus””, Moscow State University named after N.E. Bauman, Moscow Polytechnic University, Russian State University named after. A.N. Kosygina.

Opening of the exhibition from the funds of the Spoon Museum (Nytva) “The Spoon that Unites”: Gubakhinsky City Museum of History and Local Lore, Lenin Ave., 38.

Operation of interactive platforms:

master classes “City of Masters”: “Mountain Country” public garden

Sports program (demonstration performances of young athletes): square in front of the Department Store shopping center

Football competition among employees of local governments of the Perm Territory “Administration Cup - 2017” of the Soyuz association: REC stadium, st. Kosmonavtov, 13.

Children's illusionary entertainment and educational program “Miracles with a Smile” (Perm Regional Philharmonic and the Illusion Theater “Smile”): square in front of the Department Store shopping center

Congratulations from the head.

Concert of creative groups in Perm: square in front of the Department Store shopping center

Concert program “Dance is a little life”: Palace of Culture named after. Kirova, Children's modern dance studio "Oh, Kay", Theater "59.Pa" (Perm): square in front of the shopping center "Univermag"

Retro disco “Dancing to the gramophone”: Central Library, st. Degtyareva, 9.

Tourist center "Gubakha".

Kite Festival “Color the Sky!”:

Master classes on making windmills, paper kites and wings,

Master classes on painting kites,

Kite competition for the most original design,


Competition program

Raffle prizes,

Mass kite flying.

Mount Krestovaya, Rudyansky spoi

"Sunset on Krestovaya"

Music living rooms work

A ceremonial event dedicated to the opening of the festival “Secrets of Mount Krestovaya”. Performance of the Evgeni Panfilov Ballet Theater “Romeo and Juliet”


The mountain spoke. We were dumb.
They let grief judge.

M. Tsvetaeva, “Poem of the Mountain”

Six years ago, when conceiving and for the first time implementing the landscape festival “Secrets of Mount Krestovaya”, its organizers - the youth studio-theater “Dominanta” led by Lyubov Zaitseva, most likely did not imagine that the performances at the top of the Rudyansky mountain would become annual, but the culminating The event of the festival - “Ballet at Sunset” - will be eagerly awaited by residents not only of Gubakha, but also of many other cities and towns of the Perm Territory.

Photo: Olga Shur

This year, declared the Year of Ecology in Russia and the anniversary year for the famous Basegi nature reserve, despite the vagaries and quirks of the weather, was no exception, and for the sixth time music began to sound over the Rudyanskoye village.

On Saturday, June 24, the baton of performances on the top of Mount Krestovaya at the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater, the Theater-Theater and the Moscow Musical Theater of Alexei Rybnikov was taken over by the Evgeniy Panfilov Ballet with the play “Romeo and Juliet”. Numerous spectators relived the eternal love story to the music of Sergei Prokofiev. It is the theme of love, as the organizers of the landscape festival - the artistic director of the youth studio-theater “Dominanta” Lyubov Zaitseva and the chairman of the board of directors of PJSC Metafrax Armen Garslyan - mentioned more than once, is the main one for the festival.

For the theater-studio "Dominanta" the current performance is also dear because at the first festival "Secrets of the Mountain of the Cross" Shakespeare's play was performed by the forces of "Dominanta" itself. Then the story of the Verona lovers unfolded among the streets of the Stone Town, and then the play “Ronnie - the Robber’s Daughter” was performed at the Rudyansky Playground, which Lyubov Zaitseva called a continuation of the story of immortal love.

"Romeo and Juliet" in the version of the theater by Evgeniy Panfilov - a ballet three times nominated for the National Theater Award "Golden Mask" - has long been firmly established in the repertoire of this theater. Several generations of Perm residents and visiting theatergoers fell in love with this deep ballet, staged with impeccable taste by Evgeniy Panfilov himself, and now residents of small towns in the Kama region have the opportunity to see a truly legendary performance.

Photo: Olga Shur

This event is for Gubakha, Chusov, Kizelov, Berezniki, Solikamsk and even Perm residents, who are not lazy to come hundreds of kilometers every year for an hour and a half miracle, long-awaited and anticipated long before the announced date. The unpredictable Ural weather rarely spoiled the participants and spectators of the festival. This year, too, the rainy summer did not promise much hope. It had been raining in Gubakha since the morning, and it was not hot. By evening the weather had cleared up slightly, the lush clouds were no longer frightening, but pleasing to the eye. The anticipation of the holiday was enhanced by the airy figures of ballerinas and colored paper lanterns hung on the trees on the sides of the road leading to the theater clearing, and at the very entrance the guests were greeted by a young man and a girl in medieval Venetian costumes.

Tens of thousands of spectators of all ages, avid theatergoers and neophytes, who filled the huge space in front of the improvised stage, became one for a while. With bated breath, people tensely watched the well-known story of love that overcomes any obstacles. They also sincerely worried about the artists, whose light theatrical costumes, created according to the sketches of Evgeny Panfilov himself, did not at all correspond to the harsh weather on Krestovaya.

The performers of the main roles in the play - Elizaveta Chernova and Sergei Kurochkin - won the hearts of the audience with impeccable professionalism, subtle lyricism, amazing plasticity and real human beauty. However, each participant in the performance had a bright personality, so they attracted attention and were certainly good.

Photo: Olga Shur

Despite the fact that the theater presented a shortened version of the play (one act instead of three), the integrity of its perception and emotional impact on the audience did not suffer from this. The well-known music of Sergei Prokofiev sounded alarming and especially powerful in this unusual “auditorium”. The natural scenery made what was happening on stage almost real; it seemed that this was not a theatrical show, but living life. Among the spectators there were many children who were not familiar with either Prokofiev’s music or the plot of Shakespeare’s play. But with what attention and interest they followed what was happening on stage!

...The sun rolled like a golden disk behind the quickly darkening treetops, magical music disturbed souls, bewitched and beckoned. The finale of the performance caused a storm of applause. The grateful audience did not let the artists go for a long time, the organizers presented them with souvenirs made by the children especially for this event, and flowers, and a magnificent fireworks display burst over the mountain - according to tradition, Gubakha City Day, during which the “Secrets of Krestovaya Mountain” festival is held, ends this way .

Photo: Olga Shur

Organizing such a large-scale performance, which seemed to take place easily and smoothly, was not at all easy. Many people paid attention to the clear organization of the festival’s infrastructure: this included reliable provision of safety for spectators and artists, the almost complete absence of transport problems in the city and on the mountain, and the organization of shopping arcades where those who wished could eat delicious food and buy memorabilia.