Winter and summer 1. Winter and summer in the same color? Why are the days shorter in winter than in summer?

“winter and summer in the same color”

Alternative descriptions

. (colloquial) same as spruce, Christmas tree

Both the plant and the children's event decorated with this plant

New Year tree in Rus'

Story by A. Chekhov

Ukrainian-Russian singer of Ukrainian origin

Holiday with the Snow Maiden

Story by Russian writer M. Zoshchenko

What was the man looking for in the cartoon “Last Year’s Snow Was Falling”?

In the White House, all the chandeliers are firmly fixed, with the exception of the chandelier in the Oval Office, since periodically it has to be removed, and what plant is the reason for this?

Santa Claus puts gifts under it

Who gets dressed up once a year?

Prickly beauty

. “What kind of girl is this? Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman, doesn’t sew anything herself, but wears needles all year round” (riddle)

Green beauty

A tree that loves to dress up

New Year's beauty

One of the New Year's joys

Green Queen of New Year's Eve

New Year attribute

New Year's guest

New Year's children's party

Fairy tale by Korney Chukovsky

A story by Russian writer V. Gilyarovsky

New Year's tree

New Year...

Tree in toys

Lights up on New Year's Day

. “and here she is dressed up”

Dressed up like a glove

Tree in tinsel

New Year

There are toys and needles on her

Elegant tree

Dressed up tree

Christmas tree

New Year's celebration

Tree with lights

Trees that sell well in December

. “paws” with toys

New Year is at the gate, kids... waiting

Name of the New Year's party

Winter holiday in the Kremlin

Conifer tree

Holiday with Santa Claus

Tree rhyming with stick

Tree in toys and tinsel

New Year's pincushion

New Year's "warehouse" of gifts

Christmas tree with glass “fruits”

In the forest - spruce, at home -...

Tree in lights

Tree invited to visit

Baby's favorite tree

New Year's sister of cedar and pine

Once a year candies “grow” on it

New Year's elegant beauty


Not a seamstress, but all year with needles

New Year's "luggage storage"

New Year's party

Fluffy New Year's beauty

House tree from the first to the fourteenth of January

New Year's prickly joy

Story by K. M. Stanyukovich

January house guest

Dressed up tree

In the center of the winter round dance

New Year's plant

Singer or tree

New Year decoration object

Tree for New Year

Chekhov's story

A tree that is decorated

Costumed tree

Tree from Santa Claus

New Year's coniferous tree

Tree - everything is in balls

decorated tree

At the New Year's ball - a beauty

Burns until it falls off

Dresses up once a year

star tree

New Year's celebration with dancing and games around a decorated tree

Story by A. Chekhov

Same as spruce

Decorated fir tree for the New Year (or Christmas) holiday

Riddles give an idea about a particular subject. At the same time, the process of guessing gives an understanding of its main features and distinctive features. As a rule, such signs are a mystery. Based on them, a person guesses an object or phenomenon.

The simplest riddle is this: who wears the same color in winter and summer? This riddle is often the first one a child solves. But it is precisely this that contains all the classic signs of a mystery.

How to solve a riddle - in winter and summer with the same color

To correctly guess this riddle, it should be analyzed in detail. This will give an understanding of the general principles of the guessing process:

  • Since an object has the same color regardless of the season, we can only talk about an inanimate object;
  • Natural phenomena should be excluded. For example, wind or a volcanic eruption will not work. As a rule, colors are not used when describing natural phenomena, since they do not have them;
  • color stability speaks volumes about the plant. There are no riddles about stones and other similar objects. Therefore, the riddle is about the plant.

Thus, this riddle contains an indication of the main characteristics of the hidden object. This is the constancy of its color at any time of the year. All that remains is to imagine such an object.

What a clue

The correct answer would be the word “Christmas tree”. It is this plant that is meant in this case. However, there may be several options. After all, the color remains unchanged for many other objects.

But this riddle was created for the word “Christmas tree”. Therefore, it makes no sense to offer other options.

Overall, guessing is an interesting process. It is necessary to correctly use the initial data in the form of the main characteristics of the subject. Moreover, many riddles are metaphorical. They cannot be taken literally. Therefore, you need to have imaginative thinking.

However, in this case, the characteristics of the object are indicated literally. After all, the Christmas tree really does not change color, remaining green both in the summer months and in winter. Meanwhile, the rest of the trees are shedding their yellowed leaves.

Christmas trees, pines and fir trees do not shed their needles for the winter, which is why in our latitudes they have become a symbol of ever-living nature, a symbol of the New Year and Christmas. One of the reasons that conifers do not get rid of their needles for the winter, like deciduous trees from their foliage, is that their needles are not afraid of winter frosts. Natural antifreezes help them not to be afraid of cold weather.

One of these natural antifreezes is glucose and its isomers, the other is an antifreeze protein called dehydrin. The molecular weight of this protein is 60,000 Da (Dalton, atomic mass units), and its content is 1.2 milligrams per 100 grams of needles. The maximum content of glucose and its isomers in needles is 6 mass percent, the average moisture content of needles (water content in it) is 55 mass percent.

It is known that a solution of a substance freezes at a lower temperature than a pure solvent, and the decrease in freezing point can be determined by the formula: Δ t = k × Cm. In this formula k is the cryoscopic constant of the solvent (for water it is equal to 1.86), and Cm- molal concentration (molality), which is the number of moles of a dissolved substance per kilogram of solvent, its unit of measurement is mol/kg (see Concentration of solutions).

Calculate, by how many degrees glucose and dehydrin protein can lower the freezing point of water in the cells of the needles (as a simplifying assumption, we neglect the presence of other substances in the intra- and intercellular spaces of the needles and assume that the decrease in the freezing temperature is additive - that is, we can calculate this value separately for glucose and protein, and then fold). How else Can dehydrin protect needles from frost? Which Of the antifreezes, glucose or dehydrin is more important for protecting needles from frost?

Hint 1

When calculating, please note that the glucose content is given for the entire mass of needles. When determining the molal concentration of glucose, it is necessary to relate it to water.

Hint 2

Review what isomers are and how this can help determine the molecular weight of glucose isomers.

Hint 3

Remember that high-molecular compounds, which include proteins, have a third type of relationship with the solvent, in addition to the “dissolves” and “insoluble” characteristics characteristic of low-molecular substances.


As follows from the data given in the problem statement, 100 grams of pine needles contain 6 grams of glucose and its isomers and 55 grams of water. That is, we determine the decrease in the freezing point of water in a solution consisting of 6 grams of glucose and its isomers and 55 grams of water. Isomers are substances with the same atomic composition and molecular weight, but different chemical structures. This means that to calculate the molal concentration, you can use the molecular weight of glucose (180 g/mol) for all these 6 grams of substances, which are actually other hexose sugars (C 6 H 12 O 6). So:

(C 6 H 12 O 6) = 6/180 = 0.033 mol,

Cm(C 6 H 12 O 6) = 0.033 mol/0.055 kg = 0.6 mol/kg.

Substituting this value of molal concentration into the equation to determine the depression of the freezing point, we obtain:

Δ t cr. = 1.86 × 0.6 = 1.12 K,

that is, a solution of glucose in needles lowers the freezing point of its intra- and intercellular fluids (see Internal environment of the body) by about one degree, which, obviously, is not enough to survive our (and not only our) harsh winters.

ν(dehydrin) = 0.0012/60,000 = 2 × 10 –8 mol,

Cm(dehydrin) = 2 × 10 –8 mol/0.055 kg = 7.2 × 10 –7 mol/kg,

Δ t cr. = 1.86 × 7.2 × 10 –7 = 1.33 × 10 –7 K.

Such a change in freezing temperature is almost impossible to detect with existing instruments. By the way, precisely because solutions of proteins and other macromolecules in water freeze at almost the same temperature as the water itself, proteins were not considered as antifreezes until the 1960s. Their concentrations in the blood of polar animals and in the biological fluids of other life forms that can withstand freezing temperatures are too low for them to lower the freezing point through effects resulting from Raoult's law.

In fact, antifreeze proteins and other biologically active substances that play the role of natural antifreeze do not lower the freezing point of water - their role is somewhat different. For living organisms, including conifers, the very fact of water freezing is not so dangerous. If water turns into a solid state, then metabolic processes in many organisms stop; there are cold-blooded vertebrates that can simply freeze into ice, and in the spring thaw and swim about their business (see picture of the day Frozen frog). The most dangerous thing is the initial stages of freezing of water, which, turning into a solid state, expands (unlike other compounds), forming crystals with six-ray symmetry (see picture of the day Snowflake) and sharp edges that can damage the cell membrane, which leads to cell destruction. The destruction of a certain number of cells is simply incompatible with the life of the organism.

The pine protein dehydrin, like other antifreeze proteins, prevents the formation of sharp-edged ice crystals by swelling. This type of interaction of a substance with a solvent, characteristic only of high-molecular compounds (polymers), consists in the fact that solvent molecules bind to macromolecules, as a result of which the polymer sample remains solid-phase, but changes its shape, increasing in volume. Because of macromolecules, when water freezes, instead of perfectly smooth crystals with sharp edges, it forms a large number of small crystals with smoothed edges, which are not so dangerous for cell walls.

Thus, ice crystals are usually formed in the form of prisms with six rectangular faces and two hexagonal bases, and the area of ​​the bases is less than the area of ​​the side faces. A study of the shape of the crystals formed in the presence of fish antifreeze proteins showed that these proteins bind to the rectangular faces of the ice prism, preventing new water molecules from attaching to them. Only the hexagonal base faces remain accessible to water molecules, which significantly slows down the growth of crystals.


Of course, the ability of our conifers to tolerate low temperatures is due not only to the fact that their intracellular fluids freeze at temperatures below the freezing point of water, and antifreeze proteins reduce the risk of the formation of crystals that can break through cell walls. Another factor protecting needles from cold weather is the wax coating of the needles. Esters of higher carboxylic acids and higher alcohols - cutins - located on the surface of the needles prevent water from leaving the needles, inhibiting the evaporation process (which occurs with cooling), and also, having low thermal conductivity, additionally protect the needles from sudden cooling.

For a long time, all known biological macromolecules-antifreeze were complex proteins-glycoproteins - compounds containing chemically linked protein and polysaccharide chains. However, recently from the body of an Arctic beetle U. Ceramboides, capable of withstanding temperatures down to –60°C, an antifreeze was isolated, which is simply a polysaccharide that does not contain a protein component (K. R. Walters et al., 2009. A nonprotein thermal hysteresis-producing xylomannan antifreeze in the freeze-tolerant Alaskan beetle Upis ceramboides).

For information on the use of antifreeze proteins, see:
, “Chemistry and Life” No. 12, 2016.

Do you want to feel the spirit of Siberia, but are too lazy to travel further than the nearest vape shop? Common situation. It is for such people that today we review ViVA la Cloud, a liquid straight from the taiga - ЁLKA. ">

ЁLKA - Winter and summer in one color

Do you want to feel the spirit of Siberia, but are too lazy to travel further than the nearest vape shop? Common situation. It is for such people that today we review ViVA la Cloud, a liquid straight from the taiga - ЁLKA.

You can purchase this liquid at group YOLKA VKontakte

Appearance and information

The liquid comes in clear glass bottles. First opening control is ensured by a plastic ring under the neck. Child protection is present. Cover with pipette.

Each taste has its own design. All mixes are united by a edging of pine branches along the edges of the bottles. The name of the liquid and flavor are located in the center of the label. Next to it is an indication of the nicotine content. To the right of the logo are the ingredients and legal information. On the left are markings and a mark on voluntary certification.

Tests and sensations

The line arrived to us with a strength of 3 mg/ml. There are also options with 0, 1.5 and 6 mg of nicotine. Volume - 30 ml. Balance - 70/30.

ELKA Mandarin

Nothing goes better with a Christmas tree than a tangerine. The taste of a Christmas tree with notes and aftertaste of tangerine!

  • Sergey Semenov: Good pine taste, a little citrus from tangerine. TX is felt. Nice.
  • Andrey Apraksin: I felt like I was in a Russian bathhouse. Very rich and natural aroma of spruce. I couldn't get enough tangerine. If you love everything spruce and cedar - a must try.
  • Aldian: The taste is nothing special. It is distinguished by a light tangerine aftertaste. I don't want to soar.

ELKA- description from the manufacturer:

Classic taste and smell of pine needles, very natural and natural.

  • Sergey Semenov: Very similar to Mandarin, but, oddly enough, without Mandarin. The same needles and cooler. TX hits the throat just right.
  • Andrey Apraksin: Same as tangerine Elka, but with a higher throat hit and tart flavor.
  • Aldian: TX like a shovel to the head. Needles or eucalyptus - as if from a bathhouse. I have nothing more to say about this liquid. I can’t soar due to a severe blow to the throat.

ELKA Frosty freshness- description from the manufacturer:

Spring has arrived, which means summer is just around the corner! What else can save you in the heat if not ELKA Frosty freshness??;)

  • Sergey Semenov: The bottle smells like pine. And stronger than the previous two combined. Reminds me of a bath balm. TX is very hard, it is almost impossible to take a long breath. Take it if you like a powerful hit to the throat and needles.
  • Andrey Apraksin: The most fierce “Yolka” of all: it just hits you in the throat. Despite this, the “frosty freshness” is not enough - the manufacturer could have added more cooler and/or menthol. I was unable to vape this liquid for a long time.
  • Aldian: Quite an unusual taste for a liquid. This is the smell of “bath” balms. It’s exactly the same - if you forget one, you can pour it in and spray it on the walls with a broom. I won’t steam this after the test - you don’t need much of a good bath. But seriously, the taste is good, but not in the context of vaping.


Appearance and presentation

I liked the original name of the line and the design of the labels. Not the best pipettes: they bite and do not tighten completely. The main question arose when a small piece of rubber was found in the bottle. It is unacceptable. What is this? Where?

Flavor palette

There is nothing to say about the taste palette. These are three pine flavors with different strengths of impact on the throat: from weak in “Mandarin” to killer in “Frosty Freshness”. The needles are good, similar to the truth.

Final opinion.

There are no particular complaints about the taste. Of course, there is no sign of any radical diversity here. But how do you understand a foreign body in a bottle? If this is normal practice for the manufacturer, it is not worth spending the money. RRP for 30 milliliters - 450 rubles.

ViVA la Cloudthanks

This is about a dog lover, or rather, about his walking wardrobe.

We wear a thin windbreaker jacket for 90% of all walks with our dog at any time of the year. Warm - a T-shirt under a jacket, cold - a sweater and vest. Let me explain right away, the heat for St. Petersburg is around 20 degrees, above that it’s hot, the jacket is resting there, and the owners are almost suffering from heatstroke.

What is important when choosing clothes for walking your dog:

· The presence of spacious pockets, if there are none, on the belt of a handbag-wallet.
· Comfortable pants, in which you are not afraid to get dirty and if you need to ride on the slope at the fifth point at any time of the year.
· Shoes without heels, tightly wrapping around the ankle and with a closed toe. Rubber boots with wool socks are our best friends.
· A hat that tightly covers the ears. In summer, wear a cap or scarf on your head to protect you from the sun.
· Gloves for your hands or mittens in winter, you may need a protective glove for catching the leash so as not to burn your fingers if you have a nimble dog. By the way, the most comfortable ones for me in winter are these mittens

· Outerwear should be made of dense, smooth and windproof material, a hood is desirable.

Well, in your pockets you need to have some goodies, napkins, a handkerchief and a phone with a camera to catch an interesting moment while walking.

And the dog has more fun when the owner is dressed correctly. And then a girl in heels walks with a poor dog on a leash, a step to the right, a step to the left, there’s already a squeal and a squeak. It is forbidden!

The right clothes for a dog lover will give you a complete walk with your furry friend. And it’s easy to move, and you’re not afraid to get dirty)

Enjoy your walks and impressions everyone!