The influence of negative emotions on. Emotional state of a person - types, characteristics, features

Our thoughts and feelings are reflected in our lives. Our health is related to our lifestyle, genetics and susceptibility to disease. But beyond that, there is a strong relationship between your emotional state and your health.

Learning to cope with emotions, especially negative ones, is an important part of our vitality. The emotions we keep inside can explode one day and become a real disaster for ourselves. That's why it's important to release them.

Good emotional health is quite rare these days. Negative emotions such as anxiety, stress, fear, anger, jealousy, hatred, doubt and irritability can greatly affect our health.

Getting laid off, a turbulent marriage, financial difficulties and the death of loved ones can be detrimental to our mental state and affect our health.

This is how emotions can destroy our health.

The influence of emotions on health

1. Anger: heart and liver

Anger is a strong emotion that arises in response to despair, pain, disappointment and threat. If dealt with immediately and expressed correctly, anger can have health benefits. But in most cases, anger destroys our health.

In particular, anger affects our logical abilities and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Anger causes blood vessels to constrict, increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and rapid breathing. If this happens frequently, it causes wear and tear on the artery walls.

A 2015 study found that the risk of a heart attack increases 8.5 times two hours after an outburst of intense anger.

Anger also increases levels of cytokines (molecules that cause inflammation), which increases the risk of arthritis, diabetes and cancer.

To better manage your anger, engage in regular physical activity, learn relaxation techniques, or see a psychologist.

2. Concern: stomach and spleen

Chronic anxiety can lead to a variety of health problems. It affects the spleen and weakens the stomach. When we worry a lot, our body is attacked by chemicals that cause us to react with a sick or weak stomach.

Worrying or obsessing over something can lead to problems such as nausea, diarrhea, stomach problems and other chronic disorders.

Excessive worrying is linked to chest pain, high blood pressure, weakened immunity and premature aging.

Severe anxiety also harms our personal relationships, disrupts sleep, and can make us distracted and inattentive to our health.

3. Sadness or grief: mild

Of the many emotions we experience in life, sadness is the most enduring emotion.

Sadness or melancholy weakens the lungs, causing fatigue and difficulty breathing.

It disrupts the natural flow of breathing, narrowing the lungs and bronchi. When you are overwhelmed with grief or sadness, air can no longer flow easily into and out of your lungs, which can lead to asthma attacks and bronchial disease.

Depression and melancholy also damage the skin, causing constipation and low oxygen levels in the blood. People suffering from depression tend to gain or lose weight and are easily addicted to drugs and other harmful substances.

If you're feeling sad, there's no need to hold back your tears because this way you can release those emotions.

4. Stress: Heart and Brain

Each person experiences and reacts to stress differently. A little stress is good for your health and can help you perform daily tasks.

However, if stress becomes too much, it can lead to high blood pressure, asthma, stomach ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.

As you know, stress is one of the main causes of heart disease. It increases blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and encourages bad habits such as smoking, physical inactivity and overeating. All these factors can damage the walls of blood vessels and lead to heart disease.

Stress can also lead to a number of diseases such as:

Asthmatic disorders

· Hair loss

Mouth ulcers and excessive dryness

Mental problems: insomnia, headaches, irritability

· Cardiovascular diseases and hypertension

Neck and shoulder pain, musculoskeletal pain, lower back pain, nervous tics

Skin rashes, psoriasis and eczema

· Reproductive system disorders: menstrual irregularities, relapses of sexually transmitted infections in women and impotence and premature ejaculation in men.

· Diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel

The connection between emotions and organs

5. Loneliness: the heart

Loneliness is a condition that makes a person cry and fall into deep melancholy.

Loneliness is a serious health risk. When we are lonely, our brain produces more stress hormones such as cortisol, which cause depression. This in turn affects blood pressure and sleep quality.

Studies have shown that loneliness increases the chances of mental illness and is also a risk factor for coronary heart disease and stroke.

In addition, loneliness has a negative impact on the immune system. Lonely people are more likely to experience inflammation in response to stress, which can weaken the immune system.

6. Fear: adrenal glands and kidneys

Fear leads to anxiety, which wears out our kidneys, adrenal glands and reproductive system.

A situation where fear arises leads to a decrease in the flow of energy in the body and causes it to defend itself. This leads to a slowdown in breathing rate and blood circulation, which causes a state of congestion that makes our limbs almost freeze in fear.

Fear affects the kidneys the most and this leads to frequent urination and other kidney problems.

Fear also causes the adrenal glands to produce more stress hormones, which have a devastating effect on the body.

Severe fear can cause pain and disease of the adrenal glands, kidneys and lower back, as well as diseases of the urinary tract. In children, this emotion can be expressed through urinary incontinence, which is closely related to anxiety and self-doubt.

7. Shock: kidneys and heart

Shock is a manifestation of trauma caused by an unexpected situation that knocks you down.

Sudden shock can upset the balance of the body, causing overexcitement and fear.

Severe shock can undermine our health, especially the kidneys and heart. A traumatic reaction leads to the production of large amounts of adrenaline, which settles on the kidneys. This leads to increased heart rate, insomnia, stress and anxiety. Shock can even change the structure of the brain, affecting areas of emotion and survival.

The physical consequences of emotional trauma or shock often include low energy, pale skin, difficulty breathing, rapid heart rate, sleep and digestive disorders, sexual dysfunction, and chronic pain.

8. Irritability and hatred: liver and heart

Hateful emotions and irritability can affect gut and heart health, leading to chest pain, hypertension and heart palpitations.

Both of these emotions increase your risk of high blood pressure. Irritable people are also more susceptible to cellular aging than good-natured people.

Irritability is also bad for the liver. When verbally expressing hatred, a person exhales condensed molecules containing toxins that damage the liver and gallbladder.

9. Jealousy and Envy: Brain, Gallbladder and Liver

Jealousy, desperation and envy directly affect our brain, gallbladder and liver.

Jealousy is known to slow your thinking and impair your ability to see clearly.

In addition, jealousy causes symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, which leads to excessive production of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the blood.

Jealousy has a negative effect on the gallbladder and leads to stagnation of blood in the liver. This causes a weakened immune system, insomnia, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, high cholesterol and poor digestion.

10. Anxiety: stomach, spleen, pancreas

Anxiety is a normal part of life. Anxiety can increase your breathing and heart rate and increase concentration and blood flow to the brain, which can be beneficial for your health.

However, when anxiety becomes a part of life, it has a devastating impact on physical and mental health.

Gastrointestinal diseases are often closely related to anxiety. It affects the stomach, spleen and pancreas, which can lead to problems such as indigestion, constipation, and ulcerative colitis.

Anxiety disorders are often a risk factor for a number of chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease.

Our thoughts and emotions directly affect our lives. In addition to lifestyle, genetic predisposition and exposure to external factors, our emotional state also affects our health. Emotions affect a person’s well-being, his communication skills and even his position in society, so it is very important to learn how to correctly express your feelings - if you do not give vent to negativity and other negative emotions, this can ultimately affect your health..

How emotions affect human health

A good emotional state is a rarity these days. Negative emotions can significantly affect health. Unfortunately, it is impossible to protect yourself from negative emotions: dismissal from work, financial difficulties, problems in your personal life and other problems inevitably affect a person’s mood and sometimes well-being.

Therefore, the site will tell you how the following negative emotions affect a person’s health:

  • anger;
  • excitement;
  • sadness;
  • stress;
  • loneliness;
  • fear;
  • hatred and impatience;
  • envy and jealousy;
  • anxiety.

How anger affects health

In “small, controlled doses,” anger is beneficial, but if you experience this emotion too often and also do not know how to manage it, anger negatively affects your ability to reason logically, as well as your cardiovascular health.

Anger triggers the fight-or-flight response, resulting in the release of adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol. As a result, the amygdala (the area of ​​the brain associated with emotions) is activated and promotes blood flow to the frontal lobe (the area of ​​the brain associated with logical thinking). Therefore, anger prevents us from thinking soberly and, when angry, we can commit impulsive actions.

Anger slows down wound healing, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, and impairs logical thinking.

Moreover, when we are angry, blood vessels constrict, blood pressure increases, as does the rate of breathing. Research has shown that anger increases the risk of coronary heart disease in middle-aged people. In addition, the risk of adverse cardiovascular events increases significantly two hours after an angry outburst.

Anger also slows down wound healing by 40% due to cortisol activity, and also increases levels of cytokines (molecules that trigger inflammation), resulting in an increased risk of arthritis, diabetes and cancer.

How does frequent anxiety affect human health?

Frequent worry affects the spleen, weakens the stomach and impairs the function of neurotransmitters, especially serotonin. Therefore, constant worry can lead to nausea, diarrhea, stomach problems and other chronic diseases. Anxiety is also associated with:

  • chest pain;
  • high blood pressure;
  • weakened immune defense;
  • premature aging.

Psychologists also argue that constant worry interferes with a person’s social relationships and leads to sleep disturbances, which in turn negatively affect health.

How does frequent sadness affect your health?

Perhaps sadness is one of the most long-lasting emotions that affects human health, weakening lung function, causing fatigue and difficulty breathing.

When we are very sad, the bronchioles narrow, making it difficult for air to pass into the lungs and back. Therefore, people prone to sadness are more likely to have problems with the bronchi and breathing.

Depression and melancholy also negatively affect skin condition and weight, and also increase addiction to drugs.

If you are sad, it is better to cry - this will help reduce the level of stress hormones and neurotransmitters.

The impact of chronic stress on human health

We react to stress in different ways. Short-term stress helps the body adapt and function better, but under conditions of chronic stress, blood pressure increases and the risk of developing asthma, ulcers, and irritable bowel syndrome increases.

Problems with the cardiovascular system are a common consequence of constant stress due to increased blood pressure, cholesterol levels, as well as a tendency to bad habits and overeating.

Chronic stress is also associated with a number of problems:

  • migraine;
  • bruxism;
  • dizziness;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • hair loss;
  • irritability;
  • pain in various parts of the body;
  • acne;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • disorders of the reproductive system;
  • gastrointestinal diseases

How loneliness affects our health

This emotion affects a person very strongly, causing him to fall into melancholy. This interferes with lung function, blood circulation, and can also lead to sudden outbursts of anger.

When a person feels lonely, the body produces more cortisol, which can increase blood pressure and reduce the quality of sleep.

For older people, loneliness increases the risk of mental illness, cognitive decline, heart disease and stroke, and a weakened immune system.

How fear affects the human body

This emotion affects self-esteem, causes anxiety, resulting in damage to the kidneys, adrenal glands and reproductive system.

Fear most of all affects the condition of the kidneys, worsening their function. Sometimes, among other things, frequent urination is observed as a result of feelings of fear.

As for the adrenal glands, during times of fear they produce more stress hormones, which subsequently negatively affect the functioning of the body.

Also, frequent fear can cause pain in the lower back.

What changes in the body does a state of shock cause?

Shock may occur in response to trauma caused by an unexpected situation that the person is unable to cope with.

The shock affects the nervous system, kidneys and heart. This reaction leads to the release of adrenaline, resulting in increased heart rate, possible insomnia and anxiety.

A state of shock can even change the structure of the brain, affecting the frontal cortex.

On a physical level, shock can cause:

  • lack of energy;
  • pale skin;
  • breathing problems;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased libido;

The impact of impatience and hatred on health

A person prone to hatred and/or impatience often has problems with the intestines and heart.

Such emotions also affect the body because they activate the production of stress hormones, which in turn increase blood pressure and heart rate, as well as:

  • accelerate aging at the cellular level;
  • harm the liver and bladder.

Envy and jealousy: how these emotions affect the body

Jealousy impairs attention and prevents you from concentrating on important things. In addition, feelings of jealousy lead to symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, which can lead to increased production of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the body.

Envy, jealousy and frustration are the enemies of the brain, bladder and liver.

Jealousy, due to the increased production of certain hormones, leads to stagnation of blood in the liver, which disrupts the production of bile in the gallbladder. As a result, the body cannot cope with the elimination of toxins and the following is observed:

  • weakened immunity;
  • insomnia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • increased adrenaline levels;
  • high cholesterol;
  • Digestive problems.

How does frequent anxiety affect your health?

Anxiety is a part of every person's life. When we experience this feeling, blood pressure and heart rate increase, blood rushes to the brain - this is a completely normal phenomenon.

However, constant anxiety, like other negative emotions, negatively affects a person’s physical and mental health.

On a physical level, anxiety can lead to:

  • the appearance of pain;
  • nausea;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • weakness and dizziness;
  • stomach upsets;
  • problems with the spleen and pancreas;
  • indigestion.

In general, frequently experienced negative emotions, according to a study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research in 2000, disrupt the functioning of the entire body. Moreover, anxiety is the most common factor associated with heart disease. In this regard, the site advises you to learn to control negative emotions in order to neutralize the negative impact of this factor on your health and well-being.

Emotions affect people in many different ways. The same emotion affects different people differently; moreover, it has a different effect on the same person in different situations. Emotions can influence all systems of an individual, the subject as a whole.

Emotions and body.

Electrophysiological changes occur in the facial muscles during emotions. Changes occur in the electrical activity of the brain, circulatory and respiratory systems. With extreme anger or fear, the heart rate can increase by 40-60 beats per minute. Such drastic changes in somatic functions during strong emotions indicate that during emotional states all neurophysiological systems and subsystems of the body are activated to a greater or lesser extent. Such changes inevitably affect the subject's perceptions, thoughts and actions. These bodily changes can also be used to solve a number of issues, both purely medical and mental health problems. Emotion activates the autonomic nervous system, which changes the course of the endocrine and neurohumoral systems. The mind and body are in harmony to carry out action. If knowledge and actions corresponding to emotions are blocked, then psychosomatic symptoms may appear as a result.

Emotions and perception

It has long been known that emotions, like other motivational states, influence perception. A happy subject tends to perceive the world through rose-colored glasses. It is common for a person who is suffering or sad to interpret the comments of others as critical. A frightened subject tends to see only the frightening object (the effect of “narrowed vision”).

Emotions and cognitive processes

Emotions influence both somatic processes and the sphere of perception, as well as memory, thinking and imagination of a person. The effect of “narrowed vision” in perception has its analogue in the cognitive sphere. A frightened person has difficulty testing various alternatives. An angry person only has “angry thoughts.” In a state of heightened interest or excitement, the subject is so overwhelmed by curiosity that he is unable to learn or explore.

Emotions and actions

The emotions and complexes of emotions that a person experiences at a given time affect virtually everything that he does in the sphere of work, study, and play. When he is really interested in a subject, he is filled with a passionate desire to study it deeply. Feeling disgusted by any object, he strives to avoid it.

Emotions and Personality Development

Two types of factors are important when considering the relationship between emotion and personality development. The first is the genetic inclinations of the subject in the sphere of emotions. An individual's genetic makeup appears to play an important role in the acquisition of emotional traits (or thresholds) for various emotions. The second factor is the individual's personal experience and learning related to the emotional sphere and, in particular, socialized ways of expressing emotions and emotion-driven behavior. Observations of children aged 6 months to 2 years, who grew up in the same social environment (raised in a preschool institution), showed significant individual differences in emotional thresholds and emotionally charged activities.

However, when a child has a low threshold for a particular emotion, when he often experiences and expresses it, this inevitably causes a special kind of reaction from other children and surrounding adults. Such forced interaction inevitably leads to the formation of special personal characteristics. Individual emotional traits are also significantly influenced by social experiences, especially during childhood and infancy. A child who is characterized by a quick temper, a fearful child, naturally faces different reactions from his peers and adults. The social consequence, and therefore the socialization process, will vary greatly depending on the emotions most frequently experienced and expressed by the child. Emotional responses influence not only the child's personality and social development, but also intellectual development. A child with difficult experiences is significantly less inclined to explore the environment than a child with a low threshold for interest and joy. Tomkins believes that the emotion of interest is as important for the intellectual development of any person as exercise is for physical development.

  • First principle
  • Second principle
  • Third principle
  • Fourth principle
  • Emotion as an accelerator

The importance of emotions in human life is incredibly high. It turns out that emotions are a useful tool that can be actively used. It has been proven that low levels of emotion cause disorganization, while high levels lead to rapid exhaustion.

Basic emotion settings work for each person, but you can organize them for yourself and create optimal modes. Let's see how it works, what are the four main laws in force in this area.

First principle

The higher the emotional arousal, the better the person does his job. The effectiveness of actions increases. Gradually, emotional arousal reaches its peak, which is also known as the optimal emotional state. Then, if emotional arousal continues to increase, work performance decreases. It's confirmed Yerkes-Dodson law. It states that there is an optimal emotional and motivational level to which one must strive. If emotions exceed this level, then a person loses the desire to learn, he is only interested in the result. There is a fear of not getting this result. Too strong emotions become your enemy, they influence the emergence of activities of a different kind, and concentrate your attention on something other than what is needed at the moment.

Second principle

This principle explains the influence of emotions on a person, follows from I. P. Pavlov’s law of force. The law states that excitation can turn into extreme inhibition if the body is exposed to strong stimuli.

One of the most powerful irritants is anxiety. We are all familiar with the situation when, due to anxiety, we cannot concentrate on doing work and forget basic things that previously did not cause difficulties. For example, the first flight of a flight school cadet will be under the strict control of the commander, who voices all actions related to landing the aircraft. Although the cadet knew the whole procedure perfectly, he forgot everything because of his excitement. Joy can also have a destructive influence. Too much joy from an upcoming victory can affect the athlete’s performance, and he will show a worse result than he could have shown.

The second principle is not so simple; there are a number of caveats. A high level of arousal has a positive effect on the performance of simple actions. A person becomes invigorated, ceases to be lethargic and passive. Cases of average complexity should be accompanied by average excitement. And when performing serious tasks, it is worth reducing the influence of emotions on a person’s activities in order to do them well.

If you feel a high level of arousal, then it is better not to start difficult tasks. Switch to something that doesn't require much brain activity. Clean your desk and put your papers in order. In a calm state, you should pay attention to more complex matters. So it is possible achieve maximum concentration and efficiency.

Sometimes increased arousal occurs during a work or school day when complex tasks need to be completed. In this case, anxiety or tension cannot be stimulated. Try to relieve overexcitement. You can briefly switch to simpler actions, joke, and use supportive gestures to relieve the influence of emotions.

Third principle

The higher the emotional stress, the worse the choices we make. Foci of excitation gain strength, they begin to dominate memory. So we stop see the right decisions. Intense emotions make you ignore counterarguments. The person considers himself absolutely right.

Fourth principle

This principle is similar to the rule for driving in the reverse lane. There are two groups of emotions. The first is active, positive human emotions, also called sthenic. This includes those feelings that have a beneficial effect on the body, for example, admiration, joy, surprise. The second group is passive emotions, also called asthenic. Boredom, sadness, apathy, shame. They negatively affect the life processes of our body. Both groups of emotions work on the principle of one-way movement.

The work of sthenic emotions occurs as follows. If a person experiences joy or surprise, then his brain and other organs receive additional nutrition due to the dilation of blood vessels. Fatigue is not typical for a person; on the contrary, he tries to work more and be on the move. We are familiar with this situation when joy forces us to run, scream, jump with delight, laugh loudly and gesticulate wildly. We feel additional energy, strength that makes us move. A joyful person feels a surge of vigor. Moreover, the dilation of blood vessels stimulates the brain to work productively. A person can have bright and extraordinary ideas, he thinks faster and thinks better. In all areas, the positive role of emotions in human life is observed.

The exact opposite influence of emotions on a person is observed with asthenic emotions. Blood vessels narrow, causing internal organs and, most importantly, the brain to experience lack of nutrition and anemia. Sadness (or other asthenic emotions) stimulate pale skin and a decrease in temperature. The person may feel chills and difficulty breathing. Naturally, the quality of mental activity decreases, apathy and lethargy arise. A person loses interest in completing tasks and thinks more slowly. Asthenic emotions provoke fatigue and weakness. There is a desire to sit down, as your legs can no longer hold you up. If passive emotions have a long-term effect on the body, then all life processes begin to experience their negative influence (there may be depression, get out from which it is not always easy).

The one-way rule mentioned above works in the case of unambiguous emotions. There are minor exceptions to this rule. But 90% of unambiguous emotions can either reduce human potential or increase it.

But the influence of emotions on human activity cannot be so simple. There are also ambiguous emotions, which act as stripes with reverse movement. They can have different directions, which determine whether the effect on the body will be favorable or negative.

An emotion such as anger will help you better understand how it works. If anger is used as a psychological influence on the environment, then the effectiveness of the group and its balance are destroyed. The emotions and behavior of a person in a group change. But anger can stimulate a person’s inner strength, which, on the contrary, increases the efficiency of his work.

Anger can have a positive effect on conflict situations when they develop slowly. It stimulates the emergence of disagreements that previously did not appear and were not discussed. Anger escalates the conflict, which leads to its resolution. Therefore, human emotions can be divided into the following groups:

  • unambiguous emotions that positively influence activity;
  • unambiguous emotions that negatively affect activity;
  • ambiguous emotions that have a dual effect depending on their direction.

Emotion as an accelerator

The influence of emotions on human activity can significantly increase its effectiveness. Different emotions are responsible for this. The impact is not only on the intellectual sphere, but also on other areas of life. The group of emotions that have a positive effect on activity includes:

  • Adoption. Trust begins with acceptance. Trust projects security and faith in a person, opinion or situation. If we have trust, we can completely rely on another, free ourselves from the need for control, from studying a certain issue.
  • Confidence. Trust causes the emergence of many emotions, some of them polar. For example, trust can stimulate both love and hate. It can cause various conditions – both comfort and stress. The atmosphere of trust is favorable, but this feeling itself is not motivation. Typically, starting work on many projects begins with acceptance and trust. They go hand in hand with operational efficiency. The lower the trust, the lower the effectiveness. Its presence determines the internal atmosphere in any team. There is a positive influence of emotions on human activity.
  • Expectation. Expectation is related to our ideas about the outcome. It arises even before the result appears, expressing the emotion of anticipation. Expectation is more powerful than acceptance and trust. It stimulates human activity; he is ready to perform any work that will be aimed at achieving the desired result.
  • Joy. This positive emotion causes feelings of satisfaction and activity. It appears very quickly, often bordering on passion in strength. A person feels joy when he receives a desired or pleasant gift, news, and so on. Creativity is strongly associated with joy and interest. These emotions together set us up for a constructive and productive creative process. Even if joy has nothing to do with the work process, the positive influence of this emotion can transfer to the activity and increase its efficiency. Joy is a strong stimulus; only surprise will be more powerful.
  • Astonishment. This emotion is caused by a strong impression of an unusual or strange object or event. Surprise is often called the emotion responsible for clearing the channels, because... It is precisely this that prepares the nerve pathways for activity and frees them. With the help of surprise, we can highlight and celebrate something new and unusual for us. A person distinguishes the old from the new, stimulates attention to an atypical situation, and forces it to be analyzed. This increases the efficiency of mental activity, since the brain wants to fully study the phenomenon or event that aroused surprise in it.
  • Delight. Admiration occurs for a short period of time. Sometimes this feeling is confused with delight. The difference lies in direction - admiration appears for a specific person or object. Of all the emotions described, admiration is the most powerful. It significantly influences activity and activity, makes you work to get results. If a person feels admiration, it means that he sees a certain positive quality. When subordinates observe successful negotiations, they strive to achieve the same heights that their leader has achieved. When a project delights its participants, their responsibility for the result increases. And if admiration coexists with interest, then this symbiosis already becomes a sure recipe for success.

Having understood and understood how emotions affect our activities and life in general, we can learn to control them. Development of emotional intelligence– one of the stages in building internal harmony and a serious step towards great success.

Emotions not only make life brighter, help or, conversely, hinder in business and relationships, but also directly affect our health and beauty. How your anger or joy reflects on your skin and hair - read the article.

Our skin is directly connected to the nervous system. Moreover, if everything is more or less clear with the external side of the emotions reflected on the skin (redness with anger or embarrassment, pallor with fear, “goose bumps” with fear), then what then happens inside the body?

During periods of severe emotional stress, blood flow is directed mainly to those organs that the body considers most important for survival, and blood flows away from all others. The last group includes the skin, which immediately feels an acute lack of oxygen, which is why it acquires an unhealthy yellowish tint. Therefore, prolonged stress can greatly disrupt the functioning of the entire body, and this will be especially noticeable on the skin of the face. Dermatologists believe that stress provokes eczema, psoriasis, and leads to the appearance of warts and papillomas. However, the most common skin reactions to negative emotions are rashes, irritations and acne. Due to strong feelings and worries, a person’s sebaceous glands begin to work much harder than usual, and the products of this activity accumulate and clog the pores, which leads to all of the above.

Doctors who study the causes of aging of skin cells generally believe that pimples are anger and anger that come out. This, of course, does not mean that your pimply classmate is the devil in the flesh, maybe he is just a very insecure person, since this also affects the appearance of skin problems.

It turns out that by taking care of the nervous system, we help the skin get rid of various problems, and vice versa - by tidying up the face and body, we have a positive effect on the nervous system. That is, you can get rid of stress with the help of various cosmetic procedures for the skin, for example, with wraps (chocolate, with essential oils, with algae) or massage, soothing and nourishing face masks, and in general any procedures that lift your spirits and positively affect the condition of the skin.

Psychologists have identified several ways to express emotions that will help you get rid of skin problems.

First, learn to express your emotions out loud. Of course, your boss doesn’t need to know what you really think about him, so it’s better to just say what you’ve accumulated out loud, but so that no one hears.

Secondly, you can keep a diary where you will write everything down, but in this case, make sure that no one reads it. Alternatively, you can keep an online diary or, by joining a community of interests, discuss what you have accumulated with strangers - a sort of modernized “fellow traveler syndrome.”

Third, use the experience of King Solomon. He always wore a ring with an engraving on the inside. During the most difficult periods, the king turned the ring over and read: “This too shall pass.”

Excess stress - excess weight

It is believed that with prolonged depression or stress, a person loses a lot of weight. This is due to loss of appetite. However, with age, everything happens exactly the opposite: metabolism slows down, joy hormones are not produced during depression, so when you start to “eat stress,” then chocolates and almond croissants say hello from your rounded hips. Of course, this further aggravates the situation and spoils the mood, so nutritionists recommend not wolfing down food even in the worst mood, so as not to develop the habit of “eating stress.” Instead, go to the pool or gym, for example. Physical activity copes well with a depressed state, allows you to throw out negative energy, relaxes and tones, and also, of course, has a positive effect on your figure, which in itself lifts your mood.


Anti-flu optimism

Experts conducted a study and found that balanced and cheerful people are much less susceptible to viral infections and flu. If they do become infected, the disease progresses much easier and without consequences. Therefore, try to see something positive in any situation, even a very unpleasant one. Did the heel of your favorite shoes break? This is a reason to finally pluck up the courage and meet the cute guy from the shoe shop opposite your office or just buy those cute blue sandals that you spotted in your favorite store last week. Then there will be more joy in life, and your immune system will become stronger.

Retribution for sins

Negative emotions have a negative impact on all organs of your body. Austrian scientists studied the effect of envy on health for five years and found that, for example, envious people are two and a half times more likely than others to become victims of myocardial infarction and cardiovascular diseases. Even if you don’t say out loud that you envy Katya’s career or Masha’s apartment on Stoleshnikov, this doesn’t mean that Masha, Katya and everyone around them don’t feel it. After all, you feel when someone envies you. If you cannot cope with envy yourself, psychologists advise acting on the contrary - give yourself the attitude that the objects of envy will never become yours if you wish harm to the one who has them. Tough, but effective.

But jealousy is especially dangerous for men, as it can easily cause impotence, which is worth unobtrusively informing your boyfriend about when he once again expresses dissatisfaction with the fact that you are going to a long-planned bachelorette party.

The feeling of guilt eats a person in the most literal sense, as it provokes the development of cancer, and the habit of feeling sorry for oneself can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis or ulcers. Beef greedy animals also need to closely monitor their health - they often suffer from constipation and other diseases of the digestive tract.

If you suppress feelings of anger, then you have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Helplessness, despair and depression can seriously weaken the immune system.

Way of thinking

The body is influenced not only by emotions, but by the way a person thinks as a whole. Constructive, that is, positive thinking and an easy-going attitude towards life lead to the fact that a person does not become obsessed with his health. According to statistics, such people go to the hospital much less often and suffer less from infections, excess weight, stomach and back pain, and migraines. Nutritionists have noticed that they are in control of their eating and are better able to overcome the habit of overeating, if any.

Therefore, it is important to learn to think differently, ignore the bad and let in more good things, start taking care of yourself not only externally, but also internally.

Anna Golenko
Photo by Michael Omm/ACP