“I became a grandmother after giving birth”: Kudryavtseva horrified her subscribers with a photo without makeup. Labor activity of actors in the duet “New Russian Grandmothers”

TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva always looks perfect, well-groomed and almost flawless.

Many fans call the forever young Lera a “superwoman.” And we can agree with them, because at 47 years old, Lera recently became a mother for the second time. Only a little time has passed since the birth, but she has already gotten into great shape and looks slim and fit.

And just the other day, Lera decided to shock her loyal fans with a natural or, as they say now, “naked” photo. In the photo that the TV presenter posted online, she looks 20 years older. There are huge bruises under the eyes, problematic skin, tired and dull eyes.

“Guys, you asked me to somehow show you myself without makeup. Now I’m without makeup,” Lera told her subscribers quite seriously.

Many people actually believed this, but as it turned out, Lera simply decided to play a prank on everyone. This photo was taken during the filming of one of the television projects, and Kudryavtseva’s face, of course, is wearing makeup.

Lera hoped that her prank would quickly be revealed and that her sense of humor would be appreciated, but it didn’t turn out that way. Fans believed the photo was real and were horrified.
“After giving birth, I lost my beauty... I became a grandmother,” they wrote, and they are right in some ways, Lera is indeed already a grandmother, because her eldest son, Jean, had a son not so long ago.

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Date of birth: May 31, 1966.
Place of birth: Tolyatti.
Childhood: Parents were divorced, Igor was with his father, who worked as a factory worker, his sister was with his mother, who worked as a merchandiser. As a child, Igor, oddly enough, did not show creative abilities and did not participate in school amateur performances. Moreover, he had a lot of complexes about his appearance. In one interview, Kasilov admitted: “I was very calm, and also red-haired and freckled - just like an ugly duckling. My time began after six in the evening, when it got dark and I stopped being ashamed of my appearance.”
Studies: Study at the Togliatti Polytechnic Institute, was a member of the Komsomol Komsomol, in the 2nd year he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army, after service he entered the 3rd year of the polytechnic in which he met his future wife Elena Nazarenko and Sergei Chvanov, with whom they performed together at student stage of the institute, in parallel, Igor worked as an actor in the Wheel Theater. Igor Kasilov’s student nickname was “Kasya”
He graduated from GITIS theater courses at the Wheel Theater under the direction of Gleb Drozdov.

Career: After completing the courses, Kasilov became the leading actor of the Wheel Theater under the direction of the same Drozdov. He played all the main male roles and began to stage plays himself. After some time, he graduated from Pyotr Fomenko’s theater courses in Moscow.
In the early 1990s, together they hosted the humorous program “Dessert” on the LIK channel in Tolyatti, starred in Igor Ugolnikov’s program “Both-on!”, and flew to Moscow once a month for filming. Worked as entertainers for various celebrities.
Together, working on Samara television, they created the duet “New Russian Grandmothers”. They achieved local popularity on the air of the Tolyatti “radio station August”. At first they played small screensavers in the form of granny dialogues, and a few months later Chvanov and Kasilov already went live. At the peak of their popularity, the video cassette “150 mules from grannies” appeared
In 1999, Yuri Galtsev and Andrey Danilko, laureates of the same competition, performed in the Evgeniy Petrosyan Cup of Humor. At the same time, the first solo concert of “grandmothers” took place at the Moscow State Variety Theater
Together with Sergei Chvanov he moved to Moscow. He worked at the Moscow Theater of Variety Miniatures named after Evgeniy Petrosyan and performed on the TV show Crooked Mirror. In 2009, together with Sergei Chvanov, he left Crooked Mirror. The joint duet of Sergei Chvanov and Igor Kosilov “New Russian Grandmas” hosted the TV show “Saturday Evening” on the Russia-1 channel.

Interesting facts, personal life: Igor himself is married, his wife is Elena Kasilova, her maiden name is Nazarenko. son Egor. Currently lives with his family and mother in Moscow, his sister in Togliatti.
Currently: Igor is a Russian actor, director, comedian. Member of the Russian pop duet “New Russian Grandmothers”: Klavdia Ivanovna Tsvetochek.

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The artist Igor Kasilov, beloved by millions, was born in Tolyatti on May 31, 1966. His parents are simple workers and had nothing to do with acting. Since childhood, the boy was not distinguished by his bright appearance, so there was no need to think about a career as an artist. However, his talent began to manifest itself in his youth. He constantly participated in amateur performances; since school, almost no significant event could take place without him. Igor Kasilov’s wife, Elena, was also involved in acting, but for the sake of her family, she left the stage and began raising her son.

After graduating from school, Igor became a student at the Togliatti Polytechnic Institute, where he received a degree in engineering. However, during his student years, the guy became seriously interested in the stage and devoted almost all his free time to it. During his studies, he also joined the ranks of the Komsomol. However, from his second year, Igor was drafted into the army. After conscientiously completing his service, the guy returns and continues to study in his third year.

After returning from the army and returning to college, Igor meets his future partner Sergei Chvanov and his future wife Elena Nazarenko. They begin performing together on the student stage and enjoy extraordinary success. However, this is not enough for the novice artist: at the same time, he gets a job at the Wheel Theater.

While working in the theater, Igor felt a lack of professional knowledge and skills. This prompted him to complete acting courses at GITIS, which were held at the Wheel Theater. After their successful completion, the young talent became a leading artist in his native theater. He had the opportunity to play almost all the main male roles. However, the guy didn’t stop there. He began staging his own performances. However, again the lack of theoretical knowledge forced him to take theater courses as well.

Since the early 1990s, Igor and Sergei began working on local television in Tolyatti and at the same time starring in Igor Ugolnikov’s program. To do this, they needed to fly to the capital every month for filming. In addition, the guys worked as entertainers for celebrities. A little later, the guys dared to create their own project, “New Russian Grandmas.” It was he who brought them that unprecedented popularity, on the waves of which they are currently riding.

At first, “Babok” was shown only on local Togliatti television, and only in the form of small humorous screensavers. However, after some time they were already given a live broadcast. Babkas have gained popularity not only in their native region, but throughout the country. Now they are already known and loved far beyond its borders. It is difficult to imagine any humorous program without these two extraordinary personalities.

Now Igor and Sergey have moved to live and work in Moscow. They worked in major television projects and toured the country with their concert programs. In addition, Igor, together with Andrei Belyanin, became the author of the book “Gavryusha and the Beautiful.”

Igor was brought up in a single-parent family, since his parents divorced quite early. The boy stayed to live with his father, and his younger sister with his mother. My father worked at a factory, and my mother held the position of a merchandiser.

The personal life of Igor Kasilov has been arranged for a long time. He married his fellow student Elena Nazarenko, who gave him a son, Yegor. Now they all live in Moscow together with the artist’s mother, and his sister lives in Tolyatti.

The concerts of this pop comedy duo are always sold out. They have been incredibly popular for 15 years. Not always even the most devoted fans can recognize their idols on the street and get an autograph, because actors do not give interviews or take photographs outside of their stage image. Have you guessed who we are talking about yet? Of course, about the actors of “New Russian Grandmothers”. But today we will talk not only about the concert image, but about these actors without makeup.

about the project

Two young comedians - Igor Kasilov and Sergey Chvanov - created their unrivaled duet many years ago. He appeared at a time when young people were working on Samara television. The actors spent their filming in the village, and it was here that they came up with the idea of ​​​​reincarnating as grandmas. They sat down on a bench next to the village grandmothers, first listened to their conversations, after which they began to imitate their speech.

Soon a project called “New Russian Grandmas” appeared. The creators themselves became the actors. Real fame came to them thanks to their participation in Yevgeny Petrosyan’s program “Crooked Mirror”. Cheerful and perky, keeping up with the times, the grannies are reminiscent of the duet of Mavrikievna and Nikitichna, extremely popular in the Soviet Union.

“New Russian grandmothers”: biography of actors

Extraordinarily talented, popular actors, loved by a huge number of fans, do not like to make their personal lives public. But we still have some information, and we will be happy to share it with you. Let's find out what the actors of “New Russian Grandmothers” are like without makeup.

This artist performs in the image of Matryona Ivanovna Nigmatullina, or simply Matryona.

In the city of Chistopol, Tatar Republic, on January 19, 1965, Sergei Chvanov was born. He received his education at the Tolyatti Polytechnic Institute. There he met Irina Fedorova, who later became his wife. Here I met my stage colleague I. Kasilov. Their first performances (together with Igor) took place on the student stage of the institute. Later, Sergei Chvanov worked at the local variety theater in the duet “Deficiency”. The actor has a son and daughter, whose names, according to media reports, are Danya and Manya.

His character is Flower Klavdia Ivanovna. Kasilov is a native of the city of Togliatti, Samara region. May 31, 1966 is his birthday. When his parents decided to separate, Igor was still just a child. He stayed to live with his father, who worked at the factory. Igor’s sister lived all the time with her mother, who worked as a merchandiser. Currently, my mother lives in the same territory as Igor.

The actor graduated from the Tolyatti Polytechnic Institute and was a member of the Komsomol committee. From his second year he was drafted into the army. Served in the missile forces of Kazakhstan. After returning from the army, Igor is reinstated in his third year at the Polytechnic University. There he meets his future wife, Elena Nazarenko. While performing on the stage of the institute, he simultaneously worked in the “Wheel” theater, in which he was a leading actor and played all the main roles. He graduated from GITIS theater courses at the Wheel Theater, and a little later from P. Fomenko’s courses in the capital. Has a son, Yegor.

Labor activity of actors in the duet “New Russian Grandmothers”

On one of the Togliatti television channels (“Lik”) in the nineties of the last century, the actors were the hosts of the humorous program “Dessert”. In parallel with this, they starred in I. Ugolnikov’s original program “Oba-na,” which was very popular in those years, and flew to the capital once a month for filming. In addition, they worked part-time as entertainers for celebrities.

Working on local television, we created an interesting project called “New Russian Grandmas.” Later, he brought S. Chvanov and I. Kasilov unprecedented popularity, on the waves of which the actors are currently riding. The “grandmothers” first gained fame on the air of the local radio station “August”. However, at first this project was used in the form of small humorous screensavers. Noticing the interest of listeners in the new project, the management allocated a live broadcast to the actors. In an incredibly short time, “Babki” gained enormous popularity not only in its native region, but also in all regions of the country. Nowadays it is difficult to imagine any humorous evening without the participation of these two extraordinary personalities.

Conquest of Moscow

In 1999, the actors took part in the E. Petrosyan Cup of Humor. At the same time, the first solo concert of “New Russian Grandmothers” took place in their lives (in the photo are the actors in the images already loved by the Russian audience). This event took place at the State Variety Theater in Moscow.

Igor and Sergey, together with their families, moved to Moscow for permanent residence. They worked for Yevgeny Petrosyan and performed on the TV show “Curves Mirror”. By 2009, they decided to leave this project. In the image of “New Russian Grandmothers”, the actors led such television projects as “Saturday Evening”, “Veselaya Street”. They have worked and are working in all major television projects, and tour throughout the country with a concert program.

First, the Ponomarenko brothers, the “rabbits”, and the duo Bandurin - Vashukov left “Mirror”. And recently there was a rumor that “New Russian Grandmothers” also refused to participate in the program. Allegedly, because of the crisis, the “grandmothers” had their money cut off.

Without these artists, the project risks running aground. The crowd started talking about the fact that the fate of “Curves Mirror” was hanging by a thread. His new releases are not on the television network. What happened?


We called the producer of “Crooked Mirror” Maxim Maximov:

When will new episodes of “Distorted Mirror” appear on screens?

I guess late January - early February. We have already prepared them, the word belongs to the Rossiya TV channel - it manages the broadcast network.

And I was told that the break in broadcasts was due to the conflict between Petrosyan and the leaders of the Rossiya channel.

There is no conflict. We have good human relations. There is some delay - this is due to the crisis.

Last year, on December 31, the New Year’s “Curves Mirror” ran for six hours. And this time there was no program at all during the holidays. Why?

The New Year’s “Curves Mirror” has gotten a little boring over the years. And, given the economic situation, it was impossible to make a full-fledged New Year's project.

During the crisis, many producers cut the budget of film projects. Have you reduced comedians' fees?

The crisis has not spared us, but I cannot give you a trade secret. Yes, you have to adapt to new conditions. Some projects were closed altogether, but “Distorted Mirror” was preserved; no one is going to close it.

But, they say, it was precisely because of the reduced fee that the “New Russian Grandmothers” left the project?

They will not participate in the February recording because they are bound by contractual obligations with film production.


There is no final decision whether the “grandmothers” will participate in “Curves Mirror,” the director of the duet explained to KP. - We are not giving any comments yet. You can write that Chvanov and Kasilov are not participating in the filming of “Mirror” because they are filming a big movie. This will be their debut work.

I got through to one of the “grandmothers” - the artist Igor Kasilov.

Serezha and I are finishing filming the feature film “Two Ladies in Amsterdam,” which will premiere in the spring,” Igor told KP. - The film stars Misha Gorevoy, Dasha Moroz, and Yosif Budraitis. The plot is cool: two grannies accidentally end up in Amsterdam, and all sorts of incidents happen to them. In the film we also play male roles. Interesting! We can’t film “The Crooked Mirror” - 18 hours of rehearsals a day in the studio, it’s hard.

Won't you return to Distorting Mirror?

Don't know. Maybe we'll come back!

Is Petrosyan unhappy with your departure?

I dialed his mobile phone, he didn’t pick up. He probably has some emotions. We asked the producer of the project for leave, and not the artistic director Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan.

Did they say that you don’t want to work because of the reduced fees?

Nothing like this! Yes, we are normal guys. If we are interested, we can work without fees. The main thing is not to have a boring life. As long as we don't get bored! And our fees are not that huge.

You've probably outgrown "Mirror" already?

We are 40 years old, we have long outgrown everything. It's time to retire! Closer to children. By the way, my second son was born in 2008.

Aren't you afraid of losing your job?

If we lose our jobs, we’ll come up with our own numbers and change our roles. You know how talented I am! (Laughs contagiously.)