Reading list for the middle group! An approximate list of literature for reading to children according to the program of education and training in kindergarten, ed. M

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Folklore tales: “The Man and the Bear”, “The Fox and the Crane”, “The Fox with a Rolling Pin”, “Tereshechka”. Author's fairy tales and stories: V.I. Dahl “The Old Man of the Year”, “The Crane and the Heron”; L.N. Tolstoy “The Lion and the Mouse”, “The Ant and the Dove”; B.S. Zhitkov “The Brave Duckling”, “Jackdaw”. Realistic stories:

N.I. Sladkov “Forest Tales”; E.I. Charushin “About the Hares”, “What kind of animal?”, “Why doesn’t Tyupa catch birds”; I.I. Akimushkin “How is a rabbit different from a hare.”

Fox with a rolling pin (Russian fairy tale)

The fox was walking along the path and found a rolling pin. She picked it up and moved on.

She came to the village and knocked on the hut:
- Knock-knock-knock!
- Who's there?

- It’s cramped here without you.
- Yes, I won’t displace you: I’ll lie down on the bench myself, my tail under the bench, the rolling pin under the stove.

They let her in.
So she lay down on the bench herself, her tail under the bench, the rolling pin under the stove.
Early in the morning the fox got up, burned her rolling pin, and then asked:
- Where is my rolling pin? Give me some chicken for her!
Man - there is nothing to do! - I gave her a chicken for a rolling pin.

The fox took the chicken and walked and sang:
- A fox was walking along the path,
I found a rolling pin
I took the chicken by the rolling pin!
She came to another village:
- Knock-knock-knock!
- Who's there?

Me, little fox-sister! Let me spend the night!
- It’s cramped here without you.
- Yes, I won’t push you aside: I’ll lie down on the bench myself, tail under the bench, chicken under the stove.
They let her in.

The little fox lay down on the bench, her tail under the bench, and the chicken under the stove.
Early in the morning the fox slowly got up, grabbed the chicken, ate it, and then said:
- Where is my chicken? Give me a piece for it!
There was nothing to be done, the owner had to give her a piece of chicken for the chicken.

Tereshechka (fairy tale)

The old man and the old woman had no children. They lived a century, but did not have children.
So they made a little block, wrapped it in a swaddle, and began to rock and cradle it:
- Go to sleep, go to sleep, child Tereshechka, -
All the swallows are sleeping
And the killer whales are sleeping,
And the martens sleep
And the foxes are sleeping,
To our Tereshechka
They tell me to sleep!
They rocked him like that, rocked him and rocked him to sleep, and instead of a block, his son Tereshechka began to grow - a real berry.
The boy grew and grew up and came to his senses. The old man made him a shuttle, painted it with white paint, and the merry people painted it red.
Tereshechka got into the shuttle and said:

Shuttle, shuttle, sail away.
The shuttle sailed far, far away. Tereshechka began to catch fish, and his mother began to bring him milk and cottage cheese. He will come to the shore and call:
- Tereshechka, my son,

I brought you something to eat and drink.
Tereshechka will hear her mother’s voice from afar and will swim to the shore. The mother will take the fish, feed him, give him something to drink, change his shirt and belt, and let him go fishing again.
The witch found out about it. She came to the shore and called in a terrible voice:
- Tereshechka, my son,
Swim, swim to the shore,
I brought you something to eat and drink.
Tereshechka recognized that it was not his mother’s voice and said:
- Shuttle, shuttle, sail far away,
It’s not my mother calling me.
Then the witch ran to the forge and ordered the blacksmith to reforge her throat so that her voice would become like Tereshechka’s mother.
The blacksmith reforged her throat. The witch again came to the bank and sang in a voice exactly like her dear mother:
- Tereshechka, my son,

Swim, swim to the shore,
I brought you something to eat and drink.

Tereshechka identified himself and swam to the shore. The witch grabbed him, put him in a bag and ran.
She brought it to the hut on chicken legs and told her daughter Alyonka to turn on the stove hotter and fry Tereshechka.
And she herself went to get some money again.
Here Alenka has heated the stove hot and hot and says to Tereshechka:
- Lie down on the shovel.
He sat down on a shovel, spread out his arms and legs, and couldn’t fit into the oven.
And she told him:
- I didn’t lie down like that.
- Yes, I don’t know how - show me how...
- And as cats sleep, as dogs sleep, so you lie down.
- And you lie down yourself and teach me.
Alenka sat down on the shovel, and Tereshechka pushed her into the stove and closed the damper. And he himself left the hut and climbed a tall oak tree.
The witch came running, opened the stove, pulled out her daughter Alenka, ate her, gnawed the bones.
Then she went out into the yard and began to roll and roll on the grass. Rolls and rolls around and says:

And Tereshechka answers her from the oak tree:
- Ride and lie around, having eaten Alenka’s meat! And the witch:
- Aren’t those leaves making noise? And herself again:
- I’ll ride, I’ll lie around, having eaten Tereshechka’s meat.
And Tereshechka is all hers:
- Ride and lie around, having eaten Alenka’s meat!
The witch looked and saw him on a tall oak tree. She rushed to gnaw the oak. She gnawed and gnawed, broke two front teeth and ran to the forge:
- Blacksmith, blacksmith! Forge me two iron teeth.
The blacksmith forged two teeth for her.
The witch returned and began to gnaw the oak tree again. She chewed and chewed and broke two lower teeth. She ran to the blacksmith:
- Blacksmith, blacksmith! Forge me two more iron teeth.
The blacksmith forged two more teeth for her.
The witch returned and began gnawing the oak tree again. He gnaws - only splinters fly. And the oak is already cracking and staggering.
What to do here? Tereshechka sees geese and swans flying. He asks them:
- My geese, my swans!
Take me on your wings
Take it to your father, to your mother!
And the geese-swans answer:
- Ha-ha, they are still flying after us - they are hungrier than us, they will take you.
And the witch will gnaw and gnaw, look at Tereshechka, lick her lips - and again get to work...
Another herd is flying. Tereshechka asks...
- My geese, my swans!
Take me on your wings
Take it to your father, to your mother!
And the geese-swans answer:
- Ha-ha, a pinched gosling is flying after us, he will pick you up and carry you.
And the witch already has little left. An oak tree is about to fall. A pinched gosling is flying. Tereshechka asks him:
- You are my goose-swan! Take me, put me on your wings, take me to my father, to my mother.
The pinched gosling took pity, put Tereshechka on his wings, perked up and flew, carrying him home.
They flew to the hut and sat down on the grass.
And the old woman baked pancakes to remember Tereshechka and said:
- This is for you, old man, damn it, and this is for me, damn it. And Tereshechka under the window:
- What about me?
The old woman heard and said:
- Look, old man, who’s asking for a pancake there?
The old man came out, saw Tereshechka, brought him to the old woman - a hug ensued!
And the pinched gosling was fattened, watered, and released into the wild, and from then on it began to flap its wings widely, fly ahead of the herd and remember Tereshechka.


Tale of the Fox and the Crane

The Fox and the Crane is a children's folk tale as told by A. Afanasyev, a famous literary historian and researcher of Russian folk art. The fairy tale The Fox and the Crane will introduce your child to good Russian humor. Firstly, you can read the fairy tale online for free and role-play it with your child. Secondly, while mom is preparing dinner, the child can choose suitable dishes for fairy-tale characters. And don’t just stop at the fox and the crane: give space to your child’s imagination - and the largest basin will become a plate for a giant, and the smallest saucer will do for Thumbelina.Reading the fairy tale The Fox and the Crane online for free can become a reason for a serious conversation about the fact that if a child wants to have real friends, then his attitude towards others should be appropriate.

What does the fairy tale The Fox and the Crane teach?

This fairy tale teaches you to be attentive to others, because this is the key to strong friendship! It shows the short-lived friendship between a cunning fox and a wise crane.Once a cheat invited a feathered friend to visit, and she put the treat on a flat plate so that he could only knock with his beak. The crane repaid his friend in kind for such hospitality, offering the red-haired guest a treat in a narrow jug...

The fox and the crane became friends. She even became his godfather when the she-bear gave birth to a cub.So one day the fox decided to treat the crane and went to invite him to visit her:- Come, kumanek, come, dear! How I can treat you!

The crane is going to a feast, and the fox made semolina porridge and spread it on the plate. Served and treated:- Eat, my dear kumanek! I cooked it myself.

The crane slammed its nose, knocked and knocked, but nothing hit. And at this time the fox is licking the porridge for itself and licking it all off itself. The porridge is eaten; the fox says:- Don't blame me, dear godfather! There is nothing more to treat!- Thank you, godfather, and that’s it! Come and visit me now.

The next day the fox comes, and the crane prepared okroshka, put it in a jug with a small neck, put it on the table and said:- Eat, gossip! True, there is nothing more to treat.

The fox began to spin around the jug, and would come in this way and that, and lick it and smell it; nothing is enough! My head won't fit into the jug. Meanwhile, the crane pecks and pecks until it has eaten everything.- Don't blame me, godfather! There is nothing more to treat.

The fox was annoyed: she thought that she had enough to eat for a whole week, but she went home as if she was slurping unsalted food. As it came back, so it responded. Since then, the fox and the crane have been apart in their friendship.

Man and bear

(Russian folktale)

A man went into the forest to sow turnips. He plows and works there. A bear came to him:

- Man, I'll break you.

- Don’t break me, little bear, better let’s sow turnips together. I’ll take at least the roots for myself, and I’ll give you the tops.

- “Be so,” said the bear. - And if you deceive me, then at least don’t go to the forest with me.

He said and went into the oak grove.

The turnip has grown large. A man came in the fall to dig turnips. And the bear crawls out of the oak tree:

- Man, let's divide the turnips, give me my share.

- Okay, little bear, let's divide: the tops for you, the roots for me.

The man gave all the tops to the bear. And he put the turnips on a cart and took them to the city to sell.

A bear meets him:

- Man, where are you going?

- I'm going to town, little bear, to sell some roots.

- Let me try - what's the spine like?

The man gave him a turnip. How the bear ate:

- Ahh! - roared. - Man, you deceived me! Your roots are sweet. Now don’t go to my forest to buy firewood, otherwise I’ll break it.

The next year the man sowed rye in that place. He came to reap, and the bear was waiting for him:

- Now, man, you can’t fool me, give me my share.

The man says:

- Be so. Take the roots, little bear, and I’ll take even the tops for myself.

They collected rye. The man gave the roots to the bear, put the rye on a cart and took it home.

The bear fought and fought, but could not do anything with the roots.

He got angry with the man, and from then on the bear and the man began to have enmity.

The Man and the Bear is a Russian folk tale that explains why animals stopped making friends with people. This story is about how a bear helped a man plant a garden twice, and each time the cunning man deceived him. In the first one they planted turnips. The man took all the roots for himself and gave the tops to the poor bear. The dissatisfied bear didn’t want to take the man’s tops the next time. But again he made a mistake: the man, having collected the wheat, took the “delicious” tops for himself, and gave the useless roots to the clubfoot. The bear got angry with him and did not help him anymore. Would you split the harvest equally with the bear?

An old one-year-old man came out. He began to wave his sleeve and let the birds fly. Each bird has its own special name. The old man waved for the first time - and the first three birds flew away. There was a whiff of cold and frost.

The old man, a year old, waved a second time - and the second troika flew off. The snow began to melt, flowers appeared in the fields.

The old man waved for the third time - the third troika flew away. It became hot, stuffy, sultry. The men began to reap rye.

The old man waved for the fourth time - and three more birds flew. A cold wind blew, frequent rain fell, and fog settled in.
But the birds were not ordinary. Each bird has four wings. Each wing has seven feathers. Each feather also has its own name. One half of the feather is white, the other is black. The bird flaps once - it becomes light-light, the bird waves another time - it becomes dark-dark.

What kind of birds flew out of the old man's sleeve?
What kind of four wings does every bird have?
What are the seven feathers in each wing?
What does it mean that every feather has one half white and the other half black?

An owl flew - a cheerful head; So she flew, flew and sat down, turned her head, looked around, took off and flew again; she flew and flew and sat down, turned her head, looked around, but her eyes were like bowls, they couldn’t see a crumb!
This is not a fairy tale, this is a saying, but a fairy tale lies ahead.

Spring and winter have come and well, drive it with the sun and bake it, and call the grass-ant out of the ground; The grass poured out and ran out into the sun to look, and brought out the first flowers - snow flowers: blue and white, blue-scarlet and yellow-gray.
Migratory birds reached out from across the sea: geese and swans, cranes and herons, waders and ducks, songbirds and a titmouse. Everyone flocked to us in Rus' to build nests and live with families. So they dispersed to their own lands: through the steppes, through forests, through swamps, along streams.

The crane stands alone in the field, looks around, strokes its head, and thinks: “I need to get a housekeeping, build a nest and get a mistress.”

So he built a nest right next to the swamp, and in the swamp, in the hummocks, a long-nosed heron sits, sits, looks at the crane and chuckles to himself: “What a clumsy one he was born!”
Meanwhile, the crane came up with an idea: “Give me, he says, I’ll woo the heron, she has joined our family: she has a beak and is tall on her feet.” So he walked along an untrodden path through the swamp: he hoe and hoe with his feet, but his legs and tail just got stuck; when he hits his beak, his tail pulls out, and his beak gets stuck; pull out the beak - the tail will get stuck; I barely reached the heron’s hummock, looked into the reeds and asked:

- Is the little heron at home?
- Here she is. What do you need? - answered the heron.
“Marry me,” said the crane.
- How wrong, I’ll marry you, the lanky one: you’re wearing a short dress, and you yourself walk on foot, live frugally, you’ll starve me to death in the nest!
These words seemed offensive to the crane. Silently he turned and went home: hit and miss, hit and turn.
The heron, sitting at home, thought about it: “Well, really, why did I refuse him, isn’t it better for me to live alone? He comes from a good family, they call him a dandy, he walks with a tuft; I’ll go to say a kind word to him.”

The heron set off, but the path through the swamp is not close: first one leg gets stuck, then the other. If he pulls one out, he gets stuck in the other. The wing will be pulled out and the beak will be planted; Well, she came and said:
- Crane, I’m coming for you!
“No, heron,” the crane tells her, “I’ve changed my mind, I don’t want to marry you.” Go back where you came from!
The heron felt ashamed, she covered herself with her wing and went to her hummock; and the crane, looking after her, regretted that he had refused; So he jumped out of the nest and followed her to knead the swamp. He comes and says:
- Well, so be it, heron, I’ll take you for myself.
And the heron sits there, angry and angry, and doesn’t want to talk to the crane.

“Listen, madam heron, I take you for myself,” repeated the crane.
“You take it, but I’m not going,” she answered.

There is nothing to do, the crane went home again. “So good,” he thought, “now I’ll never take her!”
The crane sat down in the grass and did not want to look in the direction where the heron lived. And she changed her mind again: “It’s better to live together than alone. I’ll go and make peace with him and marry him.”

So I went to hobble through the swamp again. The path to the crane is long, the swamp is sticky: first one leg gets stuck, then the other. The wing will be pulled out and the beak will be planted; She forcibly reached the crane’s nest and said:
- Zhuronka, listen, so be it, I’m coming for you!
And the crane answered her:
- Fedora won’t marry Yegor, but Fedora would marry Yegor, but Yegor won’t marry.
Having said these words, the crane turned away. The heron has left.
The crane thought and thought and again regretted why he could not agree to take the heron for himself while she wanted it; He quickly got up and walked through the swamp again: hoe, hoe with his feet, but his legs and tail just got stuck; If he pushes his beak, if he pulls out his tail, the beak will get stuck, but if he pulls out his beak, the tail will get stuck.
This is how they follow each other to this day; the path was paved, but no beer was brewed.


Lion and mouse

The lion was sleeping. A mouse ran over his body. The lion woke up and caught her. The mouse began to ask: “If you let me go, I will do good to you too.” The lion laughed that the mouse promised to do good to him, but let it go.One day, hunters caught a lion and tied it to a tree with a rope. The mouse heard the lion's roar, came running, gnawed the rope and said: “Remember, you laughed, did not believe that I could do good to you, but now you see, good can come from a mouse.”



The brother and sister had a pet jackdaw. She ate from her hands, let herself be petted, flew out into the wild and flew back.
Once my sister began to wash herself. She took the ring off her hand, put it on the sink and lathered her face with soap. And when she rinsed the soap, she looked: where is the ring? But there is no ring.
She shouted to her brother:
- Give me the ring, don’t tease me! Why did you take it?
“I didn’t take anything,” the brother answered.
His sister quarreled with him and cried.
Grandma heard.
- What do you have here? - speaks. - Give me glasses, now I’ll find this ring.
We rushed to look for glasses - no glasses.
“I just put them on the table,” the grandmother cries. -Where should they go? How can I thread a needle now?
And she screamed at the boy.

- This is your business! Why are you teasing grandma?
The boy got offended and ran out of the house. He looks, and a jackdaw is flying above the roof, and something glitters under her beak. I took a closer look - yes, these are glasses! The boy hid behind a tree and began to watch. And the jackdaw sat on the roof, looked around to see if anyone was watching, and began pushing the glasses on the roof into the crack with her beak.
The grandmother came out onto the porch and said to the boy:
- Tell me, where are my glasses?
- On the roof! - said the boy.
Grandma was surprised. And the boy climbed onto the roof and pulled out his grandmother’s glasses from the crack. Then he pulled out the ring from there. And then he took out pieces of glass, and then a lot of different pieces of money.
The grandmother was delighted with the glasses, and the sister was delighted with the ring and said to her brother:
- Forgive me, I was thinking about you, and this is a thief jackdaw.
And they made peace with their brother.
Grandmother said:
- That's all them, jackdaws and magpies. Whatever glitters, they drag everything away.

Every morning the housewife brought out a full plate of chopped eggs for the ducklings. She put the plate near the bush and left.

As soon as the ducklings ran up to the plate, suddenly a large dragonfly flew out of the garden and began to circle above them.

She chirped so terribly that the frightened ducklings ran away and hid in the grass. They were afraid that the dragonfly would bite them all.

And the evil dragonfly sat on the plate, tasted the food and then flew away. After this, the ducklings did not come to the plate for the whole day. They were afraid that the dragonfly would fly again. In the evening, the hostess removed the plate and said: “Our ducklings must be sick, for some reason they are not eating anything.” Little did she know that the ducklings went to bed hungry every night.

One day, their neighbor, the little duckling Alyosha, came to visit the ducklings. When the ducklings told him about the dragonfly, he began to laugh.

What brave men! - he said. - I alone will drive away this dragonfly. You'll see tomorrow.

“You are bragging,” said the ducklings, “tomorrow you will be the first to get scared and run.”

The next morning, the hostess, as always, put a plate of chopped eggs on the ground and left.

Well, look, - said the brave Alyosha, - now I will fight with your dragonfly.

As soon as he said this, a dragonfly began to buzz. It flew straight from above onto the plate.

The ducklings wanted to run away, but Alyosha was not afraid. Before the dragonfly had time to sit on the plate, Alyosha grabbed its wing with his beak. She forcibly escaped and flew away with a broken wing.

Since then, she never flew into the garden, and the ducklings ate their fill every day. They not only ate themselves, but also treated the brave Alyosha for saving them from the dragonfly.

K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief”

The sieve gallops across the fields,

And a trough in the meadows.

There's a broom behind the shovel

She walked along the street.

Axes, axes

So they pour down the mountain.

The goat got scared

She widened her eyes:

"What's happened? Why?

I won’t understand anything.”

But like a black iron leg,

The poker ran and jumped.

And the knives rushed down the street:

“Hey, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it!”

And the pan is on the run

She shouted to the iron:

"I'm running, running, running,

I can’t resist!”

Here's the kettle behind the coffee pot

Chatting, chattering,


The irons run and quack,

Through the puddles, through the puddles

jump over.

And behind them are saucers, saucers -

Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!

They rush along the street -

Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!

On the glasses - ding -

bump into

And the glasses - ding -

are broken.

And he runs, strums,

the frying pan is knocking:

"Where are you going? Where? Where?

Where? Where?"

And behind her are forks,

Glasses and bottles

Cups and spoons

They jump along the path.

A table fell out of the window

And he went, he went, he went,

went, went...

And on it, and on it,

Like riding a horse,

The samovar sits

And he shouts to his comrades:

“Go away, run, save yourself!”

And into the iron pipe:

"Boo Boo Boo! Boo Boo Boo!"

And behind them along the fence

Fedora's grandmother gallops:

"Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

Come home!”

But the trough answered:

“I’m angry with Fedora!”

And the poker said:

“I am not Fedora’s servant!”

And porcelain saucers

They laugh at Fedora:

"We have never, never

We won’t come back here!”

Here are Fedorina's cats

Tails are dressed up,

We ran at full speed,

To turn the dishes:

"Hey you stupid plates,

Why are you jumping like squirrels?

Should you run behind the gate?

With yellow-throated sparrows?

You will fall into a ditch

You will drown in the swamp.

Don't go, wait,

Come home!”

But the plates are curling and curling,

But Fedora is not given:

“We’d better get lost in the field,

But we won’t go to Fedora!”

A chicken ran past

And I saw the dishes:

“Where, where! Where-where!

Where are you from and where?!”

And the dishes answered:

“It was bad for us at the woman’s place,

She didn't love us

She beat us, she beat us,

Got dusty, smoky,

She ruined us!”

“Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!

Life hasn’t been easy for you!”

“Yes,” said

copper basin -

Look at us:

We are broken, beaten,

We are covered in slop.

Look into the tub -

And you will see a frog there.

Look into the tub -

Cockroaches are swarming there.

That's why we are from a woman

They ran away like from a toad,

And we walk through the fields,

Through the swamps, through the meadows,

And to the sloppy mess

We won’t come back!”

And they ran through the forest,

We galloped along the stumps

and over bumps.

And the poor woman is alone,

And she cries, and she cries.

A woman would sit at the table,

Yes, the table left the gate.

Grandma would cook cabbage soup

Go and look for a saucepan!

And the cups are gone, and the glasses,

There are only cockroaches left.

Oh, woe to Fedora,

And the dishes go on and on

He walks through fields and swamps.

And the saucers cried:

“Isn’t it better to go back?”

And the trough began to cry:

“Alas, I am broken, broken!”

But the dish said: “Look,

Who's that behind there?

And they see: behind them

from dark boron

Fedora is walking and hobbling.

But a miracle happened to her:

Fedora has become kinder.

Quietly follows them

And sings a quiet song:

“Oh, my poor orphans,

The irons and pans are mine!

Go home, unwashed,

I will wash you with spring water.

I'll clean you with sand

I'll douse you with boiling water,

And you will be again

Shine like the sun,

And I'm the filthy cockroaches

I'll bring you out

I am Prusaks and spiders

I’ll sweep it up!”

And the rolling pin said:

“I feel sorry for Fedor.”

And the cup said:

“Oh, she’s a poor thing!”

And the saucers said:

“We should go back!”

And the irons said:

“We are not Fedora’s enemies!”

I kissed you for a long, long time

And she caressed them,

Watered, washed,

She rinsed them.

“I won’t, I won’t

I will offend the dishes

I will, I will, I will do the dishes

And love and respect!”

The pots laughed

They winked at the samovar:

“Well, Fedora, so be it,

We are glad to forgive you!”

Let's fly,

They rang

Yes, to Fedora straight into the oven!

They began to fry, they began to bake,

They will, they will at Fedora's

and pancakes and pies!

And the broom, and the broom is cheerful -

She danced, played, swept,

Not a speck of dust on Fedora

didn't leave it.

And the saucers rejoiced:

Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!

And they dance and laugh -

Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!

And on a white stool

Yes, on an embroidered napkin

The samovar is standing

It's like the heat is burning

And he puffs, and at the woman


“I forgive Fedorushka,

I treat you to sweet tea.

Eat, eat, Fedora Egorovna!”

K. Chukovsky “Cockroach”

Part one

The bears were driving

By bike.

And behind them is a cat


And behind him are mosquitoes

On a hot air balloon.

And behind them are crayfish

On a lame dog.

Wolves on a mare.

Lions in a car.

On a tram.

Toad on a broom...

They drive and laugh

They are chewing gingerbread.

Suddenly from the gateway

Scary giant

Red-haired and mustachioed


Cockroach, Cockroach,


He growls and screams

And he moves his mustache:

"Wait, don't rush,

I'll swallow you up in no time!

I’ll swallow it, I’ll swallow it, I won’t have mercy.”

The animals trembled

They fainted.

Wolves from fright

They ate each other.

Poor crocodile

Swallowed the toad.

And the elephant, trembling all over,

So she sat on the hedgehog.

Only bully crayfish

They are not afraid of fights;

Even though they are moving backwards,

But they move their mustaches

And they shout to the mustachioed giant:

"Don't scream or growl,

We ourselves are mustachioed,

We can do it ourselves

And the Hippopotamus said

Crocodiles and whales:

"Who is not afraid of the villain

And he will fight the monster,

I am that hero

I'll give you two frogs

And I’ll give you a fir cone!”

"We are not afraid of him,

Your giant:

We are teeth

We are fangs

We are hooves of it!”

And a cheerful crowd

The animals rushed into battle.

But, seeing the barbel

(Ah ah ah!),

The animals gave chase

(Ah ah ah!).

Through the forests, through the fields

ran away:

They were scared of the cockroach's whiskers.

And the Hippopotamus cried:

“What a shame, what a disgrace!

Hey bulls and rhinoceroses,

Leave the den

Lift it up!”

But bulls and rhinoceroses

They answer from the den:

"We would be the enemy

On the horns

Only the skin is precious

And horns aren’t cheap these days either.”

And they sit and tremble under


They hide behind the swamps

Crocodiles in nettles

clogged up

And there are elephants in the ditch

buried themselves.

All you can hear is teeth

All you can see is the ears

And the dashing monkeys

Picked up the suitcases

And quickly as fast as you can

She dodged

She just waved her tail.

And behind her is a cuttlefish -

So he backs away

That's how it rolls.

Part two

So the Cockroach became


And the ruler of forests and fields.

The animals submitted to the mustachioed

(So ​​that he fails,


And he is between them


Gilded Belly


“Bring it to me, animals,

your children

I'm having them for dinner today

Poor, poor animals!

Howling, crying, roaring!

In every den

And in every cave

The evil glutton is cursed.

And what kind of mother is that?

Will agree to give

Your dear child -

Teddy bear, wolf cub,

baby elephant -

To an unfed scarecrow

The poor baby was tortured!

They cry, they die,

With the kids forever

say goodbye.

But one morning

The kangaroo galloped up

I saw a barbel

She shouted in the heat of the moment:

“Is this a giant?

(Ha ha ha!)

It's just a cockroach!

(Ha ha ha!)

Cockroach, cockroach, cockroach,

Liquid-legged booger-

little bug.

And aren't you ashamed?

Aren't you offended?

You are toothy

You are fanged

And the little one

Bowed down

And the booger


The hippopotamuses got scared

They whispered: “What are you, what are you!

Get out of here!

No matter how bad it would be for us!”

Only suddenly, from behind a bush,

Because of the blue forest,

From distant fields

Sparrow arrives.

Jump and jump

Yes, chirp, chirp,


He took and pecked the Cockroach -

So there is no giant.

The giant got it right

And there was no mustache left from him.

I'm glad, I'm glad

The whole animal family

Glorify, congratulate

Daring Sparrow!

The donkeys sing his glory according to the notes,

Goats sweep the road with their beards,

Rams, rams

They're beating the drums!

Trumpeter Owls

Rooks from the tower

The bats

They wave handkerchiefs

And they dance.

And the dandy elephant

So he dances dashingly,

What a ruddy moon

Trembling in the sky

And on the poor elephant

She fell head over heels.

Then there was the concern -

Dive into the swamp for the moon

And nails to heaven


D. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Tale about Komar Komarovich - Long Nose and about Hairy Misha - Short Tail”

This happened at midday, when all the mosquitoes hid from the heat in the swamp. Komar Komarovich - Long Nose curled up under a wide leaf and fell asleep. He sleeps and hears a desperate cry:

- Oh, fathers!.. Oh, carraul!..

Komar Komarovich jumped out from under the sheet and also shouted:

- What happened?.. What are you yelling at?

And the mosquitoes fly, buzz, squeak - you can’t make out anything.

- Oh, fathers!.. A bear came to our swamp and fell asleep. As soon as he lay down in the grass, he immediately crushed five hundred mosquitoes; As he breathed, he swallowed a whole hundred. Oh, trouble, brothers! We barely managed to get away from him, otherwise he would have crushed everyone.

Komar Komarovich - Long Nose immediately got angry; I was angry with both the bear and the stupid mosquitoes that squeaked to no avail.

- Hey, stop squeaking! - he shouted. - Now I’ll go and drive away the bear... It’s very simple! And you are only yelling in vain...

Komar Komarovich became even more angry and flew away. Indeed, there was a bear lying in the swamp. He climbed into the thickest grass, where mosquitoes had lived from time immemorial, lay down and sniffled, only whistling, as if someone was playing a trumpet. What a shameless creature! He climbed into a strange place, destroyed so many mosquito souls in vain, and still sleeps so sweetly!

- Hey, uncle, where did you go? - Komar Komarovich shouted throughout the forest, so loudly that even he himself became scared.

Furry Misha opened one eye - no one was visible, he opened the other eye - he barely saw that a mosquito was flying right over his nose.

- What do you need, buddy? - Misha grumbled and also began to get angry: “Why, I just settled down to rest, and then some scoundrel squeaks.”

- Hey, go away in good health, uncle!..

Misha opened both eyes, looked at the impudent man, sniffed and became completely angry.

- What do you want, you worthless creature? he growled.

- Leave our place, otherwise I don’t like to joke... I’ll eat you and your fur coat.

The bear felt funny. He rolled over to the other side, covered his muzzle with his paw, and immediately began snoring.

Komar Komarovich flew back to his mosquitoes and trumpeted throughout the swamp:

- I cleverly scared the Shaggy Bear... He won’t come another time.

The mosquitoes marveled and asked:

- Well, where is the bear now?

- I don’t know, brothers. He got very scared when I told him that I would eat him if he didn’t leave. After all, I don’t like to joke, but I just said straight out: “I’ll eat it.” I'm afraid that he might die of fear while I'm flying to you... Well, it's my own fault!

All the mosquitoes squealed, buzzed and argued for a long time: what should they do with the ignorant bear. Never before had there been such a terrible noise in the swamp. They squealed and squeaked and decided to drive the bear out of the swamp.

- Let him go to his home, in the forest, and sleep there. And our swamp... Our fathers and grandfathers lived in this very swamp.

One prudent old woman, Komarikha, advised to leave the bear alone: ​​let him lie down, and when he gets enough sleep, he will go away; but everyone attacked her so much that the poor woman barely had time to hide.

- Let's go, brothers! - Komar Komarovich shouted the most. - We'll show him... Yes!

Mosquitoes flew after Komar Komarovich. They fly and squeak, it’s even scary for them. They arrived and looked, but the bear lay there and didn’t move.

“Well, that’s what I said: the poor fellow died of fear!” - Komar Komarovich boasted. - It’s even a little pity, what a healthy bear...

“He’s sleeping, brothers,” squeaked a little mosquito, flying right up to the bear’s nose and almost being pulled in there, as if through a window.

- Oh, shameless one! Ah, shameless! - all the mosquitoes squealed at once and created a terrible hubbub. “He crushed five hundred mosquitoes, swallowed a hundred mosquitoes, and he himself sleeps as if nothing had happened.”

And Shaggy Misha is sleeping and whistling with his nose.

- He's pretending to be asleep! - Komar Komarovich shouted and flew towards the bear. - Now I’ll show him!.. Hey, uncle, he’ll pretend!

As soon as Komar Komarovich swooped in, as soon as he pierced his long nose straight into the black bear’s nose, Misha jumped up. Grab your nose with your paw, and Komar Komarovich is gone.

- What, uncle, didn’t you like? - Komar Komarovich squeaks. - Go away, otherwise it will be worse... Now I’m not alone Komar Komarovich - Long Nose, but my grandfather Komarishche - Long Nose, and my younger brother Komarishka - Long Nose came with me! Go away, uncle!

- I won’t leave! - the bear shouted, sitting down on his hind legs. - I will hand over you all!

- Oh, uncle, you’re boasting in vain...

Komar Komarovich flew again and stabbed the bear right in the eye. The bear roared in pain, hit himself in the face with his paw, and again there was nothing in his paw, only he almost tore out his own eye with a claw. And Komar Komarovich hovered just above the bear’s ear and squeaked:

- I'll eat you, uncle...

Misha became completely angry. He uprooted a whole birch tree and began to beat mosquitoes with it. It hurts all over his shoulder... He beat and beat, he was even tired, but not a single mosquito was killed - they all hovered over him and squeaked. Then Misha grabbed a heavy stone and threw it at the mosquitoes - again to no avail.

- What, did you take it, uncle? - Komar Komarovich squeaked. - But I’ll still eat you...

No matter how long or how short Misha fought with the mosquitoes, there was just a lot of noise. A bear's roar could be heard in the distance. And how many trees he tore out, how many stones he tore up! He kept wanting to grab the first Komar Komarovich: after all, right here, right above his ear, he was hovering, but the bear grabbed him with his paw - and again nothing, he just scratched his whole face into blood.

Misha finally became exhausted. He sat down on his hind legs, snorted and came up with a new trick - let's roll on the grass to crush the entire mosquito kingdom. Misha rode and rode, but nothing came of it, but only made him even more tired. Then the bear hid his face in the moss - it turned out even worse. The mosquitoes clung to the bear's tail. The bear finally became furious.

- Wait, I’ll ask you! - he roared so loudly that it could be heard five miles away. - I'll show you a thing... I... I... I...

The mosquitoes have retreated and are waiting to see what will happen. And Misha climbed the tree like an acrobat, sat down on the thickest branch and roared:

- Come on, now come up to me... I’ll break everyone’s noses!..

The mosquitoes laughed in thin voices and rushed at the bear with the whole army. They squeak, circle, climb... Misha fought and fought, accidentally swallowed about a hundred mosquito troops, coughed and fell off the branch like a bag... However, he got up, scratched his bruised side and said:

- Well, did you take it? Have you seen how deftly I jump from a tree?

The mosquitoes laughed even more subtly, and Komar Komarovich trumpeted:

- I'll eat you... I'll eat you... I'll eat... I'll eat you!

The bear was completely exhausted, exhausted, and it was a shame to leave the swamp. He sits on his hind legs and only blinks his eyes.

A frog saved him from trouble. She jumped out from under the hummock, sat down on her hind legs and said:

“You don’t want to bother yourself, Mikhailo Ivanovich, in vain!.. Don’t pay any attention to these crappy mosquitoes.” Not worth it.

“It’s not worth it,” the bear rejoiced. - That’s how I say it... Let them come to my den, but I... I...

How Misha turns, how he runs out of the swamp, and Komar Komarovich - Long Nose flies after him, flies and shouts:

- Oh, brothers, hold on! The bear will run away... Hold on!..

All the mosquitoes got together, consulted and decided: “It’s not worth it! Let him go, because the swamp is behind us!”

V. Oseeva “The Magic Needle”

Once upon a time there lived Mashenka, a needlewoman, and she had a magic needle. When Masha sews a dress, the dress washes and irons itself. He will decorate the tablecloth with gingerbread and sweets, lay it on the table, and lo and behold, sweets will indeed appear on the table. Masha loved her needle, cherished it more than her eyes, but still did not save it. Once I went into the forest to pick berries and lost them. She searched and searched, went around all the bushes, searched all the grass - there was no trace of it. Mashenka sat down under a tree and started crying.

The Hedgehog took pity on the girl, crawled out of the hole and gave her his needle.

Masha thanked him, took the needle, and thought to herself: “I wasn’t like that.”

And let's cry again.

The tall old Pine saw her tears and threw her a needle.

- Take it, Mashenka, maybe you will need it!

Mashenka took it, bowed low to Pine and walked through the forest. She walks, wipes away her tears, and thinks: “This needle is not like that, mine was better.”

Then she met a Silkworm, he was walking, spinning silk, and was wrapped all over in silk thread.

- Take, Mashenka, my silk skein, maybe you will need it!

The girl thanked him and began to ask:

“Silkworm, Silkworm, you’ve been living in the forest for a long time, you’ve been spinning silk for a long time, you’ve been making golden threads from silk, do you know where my needle is?”

Silkworm thought and shook his head:

“Your needle, Mashenka, belongs to Baba Yaga, Baba Yaga has a bone leg.” In a hut on chicken legs. Only there is no path or path there. It's tricky to get it out of there.

Mashenka began to ask him to tell him where Baba Yaga, the bone leg, lives.

Silkworm told her everything:

— You don’t have to go there to follow the sun,

and behind the cloud,

Along the nettles and thorns,

Along ravines and swamps

To the oldest well.

Even birds don’t build nests there,

Only toads and snakes live,

Yes, there is a hut on chicken legs,

Baba Yaga herself sits at the window,

He embroiders himself a flying carpet.

Woe to him who goes there.

Don’t go, Mashenka, forget your needle,

Better take my skein of silk!

Mashenka bowed to the Silkworm at the waist, took a skein of silk and walked away, and the Silkworm shouted after her:

- Don’t go, Mashenka, don’t go!

Baba Yaga has a hut on chicken legs,

On chicken legs with one window.

A big Owl guards the hut,

An owl's head sticks out of the pipe,

At night Baba Yaga sews with your needle,

He embroiders himself a flying carpet.

Woe, woe to him who goes there!

Mashenka is afraid to go to Baba Yaga, but she feels sorry for her needle.

So she chose a dark cloud in the sky.

The cloud led her

Along the nettles and thorns

To the oldest well,

To the green muddy swamp,

To where toads and snakes live,

Where birds don't build their nests.

Masha sees a hut on chicken legs,

Baba Yaga herself sits at the window,

And an owl's head sticks out of the pipe...

The terrible Owl saw Masha and howled and screamed throughout the forest:

- Oh-ho-ho-ho! Who is there? Who is there?

Masha was scared and her legs gave way.

because of fear. And the Owl rolls its eyes, and its eyes glow like lanterns, one is yellow, the other is green, everything around them is yellow and green!

Mashenka sees that she has nowhere to go, bowed low to the Owl and asks:

- Let me see Baba Yaga, Sovushka. I have something to do with her!

The Owl laughed and groaned, and Baba Yaga shouted to her from the window:

- My owl, Sovushka, the hottest thing comes into our oven! “And she says to the girl so affectionately:

- Come in, Mashenka, come in!

I myself will open all the doors for you,

I’ll close them behind you myself!

Mashenka approached the hut and saw: one door was closed with an iron bolt, a heavy lock was hanging on the other, and a cast chain on the third.

The Owl threw her three feathers.

“Open the doors,” he says, “and come in quickly!”

Masha took one feather, applied it to the bolt - the first door opened, applied the second feather to the lock - the second door opened, she applied the third feather to the cast chain - the chain fell to the floor, the third door opened in front of her! Masha entered the hut and saw: Baba Yaga was sitting at the window, winding threads on a spindle, and on the floor there was a carpet with wings embroidered with silk on it and a machine needle stuck into the unfinished wing.

Masha rushed to the needle, and Baba Yaga hit the floor with a broom and screamed:

- Don't touch my magic carpet! Sweep the hut, chop the wood, heat the stove, when I finish the carpet, I’ll fry you and eat you!

Baba Yaga grabbed the needle, sewed and said:

- Girl, girl, tomorrow night

I'll finish the carpet with the Owl-Owl

And you make sure you sweep the hut

And I would have been in the oven myself!

Mashenka is silent, does not respond, And the black night is already approaching...

Baba Yaga flew away just before dawn, and Mashenka quickly sat down to finish sewing the carpet. She sews and sews, does not raise her head, she only has three stems left to finish, when suddenly the whole thicket around her began to hum, the hut began to shake, tremble, the blue sky darkened - Baba Yaga returned and asked:

- My owl, Sovushka,

Did you eat and drink well?

Was the girl tasty?

The Owl moaned and groaned:

- The owl’s head did not eat or drink,

And your girl is very much alive.

I didn’t light the stove, I didn’t cook myself,

She didn't feed me anything.

Baba Yaga jumped into the hut, and the little needle whispered to Mashenka:

- Take out the pine needle,

Place it on the carpet like new,

Baba Yaga flew away again, and Mashenka quickly got down to business; she sews and embroiders, does not raise her head, and the Owl shouts to her:

- Girl, girl, why doesn’t smoke rise from the chimney?

Mashenka answers her:

- My owl, Sovushka,

The oven does not light well.

And she lays down the wood and lights the fire.

And Owl again:

- Girl, girl, is the water boiling in the cauldron?

And Mashenka answers her:

— The water in the boiler does not boil,

There is a cauldron on the table.

And she puts a pot of water on the fire and sits down to work again. Mashenka sews and sews, and the needle runs across the carpet, and the Owl shouts again:

- Turn on the stove, I'm hungry!

Masha added firewood and smoke started to flow towards the Owl.

- Girl, girl! - shouts the Owl. - Sit in the pot, cover with the lid and climb into the oven!

And Masha says:

- I would be glad to please you, Owl, but there is no water in the pot!

And she keeps sewing and sewing, she only has one stalk left.

The Owl took out a feather and threw it out the window.

- Here, open the door, go get some water, and look, if I see that you are about to run, I’ll call Baba Yaga, she’ll quickly catch up with you!

Mashenka opened the door and said:

“My owl, Sovushka, go into the hut and show me how to sit in a pot and how to cover it with a lid.”

The Owl got angry and jumped into the chimney - and hit the cauldron! Masha closed the door and sat down to finish the carpet. Suddenly the earth began to tremble, everything around began to rustle, and a needle escaped from Masha’s hands:

- Let’s run, Mashenka, hurry up,

Open three doors

Take the magic carpet

Trouble is upon us!

Mashenka grabbed the magic carpet, opened the doors with an owl feather and ran. She ran into the forest and sat down under a pine tree to finish sewing the carpet. The nimble needle turns white in your hands, the silk skein of thread glistens and shimmers, Masha only has a little bit left to finish.

And Baba Yaga jumped into the hut, sniffed the air and shouted:

- My owl, Sovushka,

Where do you walk

Why don't you meet me?

She pulled the cauldron out of the stove, took a large spoon, eats and praises:

- How delicious the girl is,

How fatty the stew is!

She ate all the stew to the very bottom, and she looked: and there were owl feathers on the bottom! I looked at the wall where the carpet hung, but there was no carpet! She guessed what was going on, shook with anger, grabbed her gray hair and started rolling around the hut:

- I you, I you

For Sovushka-Owl

I'll tear you to shreds!

She sat down on her broom and soared into the air: she flies, spurring herself with a broom.

And Mashenka sits under the pine tree, sews, hurries, the last stitch remains for her. She asks Tall Pine:

- My dear pine,

Is Baba Yaga still far away?

Pine answers her:

- Baba Yaga flew past the green meadows,

She waved her broom and turned towards the forest...

Mashenka is in an even greater hurry, she has very little left, but has nothing to finish it with, she has run out of silk threads. Mashenka cried. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Silkworm:

- Don’t cry, Masha, you’re wearing silk,

Thread my needle!

Masha took the thread and sewed again.

Suddenly the trees swayed, the grass stood on end, Baba Yaga flew in like a whirlwind! But before she had time to descend to the ground, Pine presented her branches to her, she got entangled in them and fell to the ground right next to Masha.

And Mashenka has finished sewing the last stitch and laid out the magic carpet, all that remains is to sit on it.

And Baba Yaga was already rising from the ground, Masha threw a hedgehog needle at her, the old Hedgehog came running, threw himself at Baba Yaga’s feet, stabbed her with his needles, and did not allow her to get up from the ground. Meanwhile, Mashenka jumped onto the carpet, the magic carpet soared right up to the clouds and in one second carried Mashenka home.

She began to live, to live, to sew and embroider for people’s benefit, for her own joy, and she took care of her needle more than her eyes. And Baba Yaga was pushed into a swamp by hedgehogs, where she sank forever.

E. Moshkovskaya “Polite Word”

The theater is opening!

Everything is ready to start!

Tickets available

For a polite word.

At three o'clock the cash register opened,

A lot of people gathered,

Even the Hedgehog is elderly

Came in a little alive...

- Come on over,

Hedgehog, Hedgehog!

You've got a ticket

In which row?

- Closer to me:

See bad.

Well, thank you!

Well, I'll go.

Sheep says:

- I-e-e-one place!

Here is my THANK YOU -

Good word.

First row!

For me and for the guys! —

And the Duck got it



Unless you're too lazy,

Dear cashier,

I would really like to ask

Me, my wife and daughter

In the second row

Give me the best places


Yard Dog says:

- Look what I brought!

Here's my HEALTHY -

A polite word.

- Polite word?

Don't you have another?

Give it a HELL! Give it up!

- Quit! Quit!

- Please! Please!

We get tickets -

Eight! Eight!

We ask for eight

Goats, Elks.


We bring it to you.




Suddenly Clubfoot burst in,

Squeezed off the tails and paws,

Knocked an elderly hare...

- Cashier, give me a ticket!

- Your polite word?

- I do not have that.

- Oh, you don’t have that? Don't get a ticket.

- I have a ticket!

- No and no.

- I have a ticket!

- No and no.

Don't knock is my answer

Don't growl is my advice

Don't knock, don't growl,

Goodbye. Hello.

The cashier didn't give me anything!

The clubfoot began to cry,

And he left with tears,

And he came to his furry mother.

Mom spanked lightly

Clubfoot son

And took it out of the chest of drawers

Something very polite...


And shook it

And sneezed

And sighed:

- Oh, what words there were!

And haven't we forgotten them?

allow me...

They have long since been eaten by moths!

But please...

I could have saved them!


What's left of him?

This word

This word

I'll patch it up! —

Alive and alive

I put it down

Two patches...

Everything is fine!

All words

Washed it well

Gave the bear cub:





And a dozen in reserve.

- Here, dear son,

And always carry it with you!

The theater is opening!

Everything is ready to start!

Tickets available

For your polite word!

This is the second call!

Teddy bear with all his might

Runs up to the cash register...




And the cashier gives tickets -

Not one, but three!




And the cashier gives tickets -

Not one, but five...




And the cashier is delighted

Stand on your head!

And to the cashier

With all my might

I really want to sing:


Very polite Bear!”



- Good guy!

- I'm trying.

- What a clever girl! —

Here comes the Bear

And she's worried

And glows with happiness!

- Hello,



Your son is a nice bear,

Even we can't believe it!

- Why don’t you believe it? —

The Bear speaks. —

My son is great!

Olga Stukalova
Fairy tale week in the middle group


Main goals:

1. Fostering in preschool children the position of an active reader, interest and respect for the book as a source of culture and information.

2. Maintenance and development of children's emotionality.

3. Activation of children's speech and mental creativity.

4. Development of memory, attention, basic cognitive and speech skills of preschoolers


Meeting children with buffoons

Conversation about the theater.

Folder “Theatrical activities for preschoolers.

Physical Culture

Drawing "Favorites fairy tales» . Target: teach children to draw the plot of a friend fairy tales, conveying images and actions fairy-tale heroes.


Watching the wind

Modeling from snow "Snow Maiden"

Round dance "Burn, burn clearly".

Jumping over a symbolic fire (remember fairy tale"Snow Maiden".)

Work before bed

"Which fairy tales presented in the design of our groups». Target: Develop children's powers of observation and reinforce names fairy tales.

Raising children. Awakening gymnastics

Visiting fairy tales". “Kolobok” is a flat theater.

Meeting children with the cat Basilio and the fox Alice.

Dolls-toys and dolls-artists. “The Three Little Pigs” is a mitten theater.

Memorizing and dramatizing poems about professions: mechanic, shoemaker, driver, cook

Mathematics: Count to 3. Target: Consolidate knowledge of counting within 3. Remember the number of heroes in the RNS. Come up with a fairy tale with the heroes of RNS so that their total number is 3


Observing the clouds, their shape,

Physical entertainment "Visiting Aibolit". Target: develop acquired physical skills; bring joy from movement and communication.

Work before bed.

Introducing children to the works of K. Chukovsky. Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about the works of K. Chukovsky, develop speech activity, activate vocabulary,

"Teremok" Construction game “Modern Teremok”

"Masha and the Bear". Book exhibition - this fairy tale in different editions


Children meeting Masha and the Bear.

Where they make dolls." Playing out A. Barto's poems with children.

Three Bears”, “Little Red Riding Hood” - reading fairy tales

Application using paper tearing technique "Turnip".

Didactic game "Telephone".Target: develop verbal dialogue using content knowledge fairy tales, develop intonation expressiveness.


Observation of snow and its properties.

Modeling from snow "Zayushkina's hut".Target:develop the ability to sculpt from snow, reinforcing the content fairy tales"The Fox and the Hare"

Role-playing game "journey".Target: teach how to distribute roles, develop the plot of the game.

Work before bed.

Composition fairy tales for children,Target: develop creative thinking, imagination, speech.

"Swan geese" Collective Job: drawing an illustration for fairy tale

fairy tales “At the Bear in the Forest”, “Geese-geese.”

Children meeting Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena.

"The Fox and the Hare" ("Zayushkina's hut") Exhibition books

Ecology « Fairytale flowers» .Target: remember the names fairy tales, where the names of the colors appear.

Develop memory and observation skills. Fix the names of the colors. To cultivate love and interest, respect for the plant world,

Physical Culture.

Little Goats and the Wolf” is a flat theater.


Bird watching.

Outdoor game "Mitten_girlfriend",Target: help Cheburashka find a mitten, develop observation skills.

Outdoor game "Golden Gate". Target: develop dexterity, bring joy from playing together. Decorating a winter tree with ice fruits.

Work before bed

Repetition of familiar fairy tales"Teremok", Name the characters fairy tales.

Didactic game "Find out fairy tale with illustrations» . Target: consolidate content knowledge fairy tales,

develop memory, imagination, thinking, speech,

"Fear has big eyes". Exhibition books: works about cowardice and courage. Conversations on the content of the exhibition.

Games based on Russian folk songs fairy tales “At the Bear in the Forest”, “Geese-geese.”

“Ryaba Hen” Exhibition books: given fairy tale in different editions

Little Mouse” – modeling.

Game - dramatization "Under the mushroom" V. G. Suteeva


Watching the winter sun

Outdoor game "Ice".Target: develop dexterity, bring joy from playing together,


Work before bed

Remember friends with children fairy tales"Turnip", Name the characters fairy tales.

"Who said meow V. Suteev Photo exhibition of cats "Who said meow

Activities with parents:

1. Drawing your favorite literary characters.

2. Individual conversation, “What books do they read at home?”

3. Printed information for parents ( “How to teach a child to love books”, “How to teach a child to read”, “Recommendations for cultivating love and interest in books”, “So that a child loves to read

4. Making baby books.

Sample list of reading materials for children in the middle group

Russian folklore

Songs, nursery rhymes, chants . “Our goat...”; “Little cowardly bunny...”: “Don! Don! Don!”, “Geese, you are geese...”; “Legs, legs, where have you been?..” “The bunny is sitting, sitting...”, “The cat went to the stove...”, “Today is the whole day...”, “Little lambs...”, “A fox is walking along the bridge...”, “The sun is a bucket. ..”, “Go, spring, go, red...”.

Fairy tales. “About Ivanushka the Fool”, arr. M. Gorky; “The War of Mushrooms and Berries”, arr. V. Dahl; “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, arr. L. N. Tolstoy; “Zhiharka”, arr. I. Karnaukhova; “Sister Fox and the Wolf”, arr. M. Bulatova; “Zimovye”, arr. I. Sokolova-Mikitova; "The Fox and the Goat", arr. O. Kapitsa; “The Picky One”, “The Lapotnitsa Fox”, arr. V. Dahl; "Cockerel And bean seed", arr. Oh, Kapitsa.

Folklore of the peoples of the world

Songs. “Fish”, “Ducklings”, French, arr. N. Gernet and S. Gippius; "Chiv-chiv, sparrow", trans. with Komi-Permyats. V. Klimova; "Fingers", trans. with him. L, Yakhina; “The Bag”, Tatars., trans. R. Yagofarov, retelling by L. Kuzmin.

Fairy tales. "The Three Little Pigs", trans. from English S. Mikhalkova; "The Hare and the Hedgehog", from the Brothers Grimm's Fairy Tales, trans. with him. A. Vvedensky, ed. S. Marshak; “Little Red Riding Hood”, from the fairy tales of C. Perrault, trans. from French T. Gabbe; Brothers Grimm. "The Bremen Town Musicians", German, translated by V. Vvedensky, edited by S. Marshak.

Works of poets and writers of Russia

Poetry. I. Bunin. “Leaf Fall” (excerpt); A. Maikov. "Autumn leaves in the wind

circling..."; A. Pushkin. “The sky was already breathing in autumn...” (from the novel “Eugene Onegin”); A. Fet. "Mother! Look from the window...”; Ya. Akim. "First snow"; A. Barto. "We left"; S. Yeast. “Walking in the street...” (from the poem« In a peasant family"); S. Yesenin. “Winter sings and screams...”; N. Nekrasov. “It is not the wind that rages over the forest...”(from the poem “Frost, Red Nose”); I. Surikov. "Winter"; S. Marshak. “Luggage”, “About everything in the world”, “He’s so absent-minded”, “Ball”; S. Mikhalkov. "Uncle Styopa"; E. Baratynsky. “Spring, spring” (abbr.); Yu. Moritz. "Song about

fairy tale"; “The gnome’s house, the gnome is home!”; E. Uspensky. "Destruction"; D. Harms. "A very scary story."

Prose. V. Veresaev. "Brother"; A. Vvedensky. “About the girl Masha, the dog Cockerel and the cat Thread” (chapters from the book); M. Zoshchenko. "Demonstration child"; K. Ushinsky. "Caring Cow"; S. Voronin. "Warlike Jaco"; S. Georgiev. "Grandma's Garden" N. Nosov. “Patch”, “Entertainers”; L. Panteleev. “On the Sea” (chapter from the book “Stories about Squirrel and Tamara”); Bianchi, "The Foundling"; N. Sladkov. "Not hearing."

Literary fairy tales. M. Gorky. "Sparrow"; V. Oseeva. "Magic needle"; R. Sef. “The Tale of Round and Long Men”; K. Chukovsky. “Telephone”, “Cockroach”, “Fedorino’s grief”; Nosov. “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” (chapters from the book); D. Mamin-Sibiryak. “The Tale about Komar Komarovich - Long Nose and about Hairy Misha - Short Tail”; V. Bianchi. "First hunt"; D. Samoilov. "It's the baby elephant's birthday."

Fables. L. Tolstoy. “The father ordered his sons...”, “The boy was guarding the sheep...”, “The jackdaw wanted to drink...”.

Works of poets And writers from different countries

Poetry. V. Vitka. "Counting", trans. from Belarusian I. Tokmakova; Y. Tuvim. "Miracles", trans. from Polish V. Prikhodko; “About Pan Trulyalinsky”, retelling from Polish. B. Zakhodera; F. Grubin. "Tears", trans. from Czech E. Solonovich; S. Vangeli. “Snowdrops” (chapters from the book “Gugutse - Captain of the Ship”), trans. with mold. V. Berestova.

Literary fairy tales. A. Milne. “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all” (chapters from the book), trans. from English B. Zakhodera; E. Blyton. "The Famous Duckling Tim" (chapters from the book), trans. from English E. Papernoy; T. Egner. “Adventures in the forest of Elki-na-Gorka” (chapters from the book), trans. from norwegian L. Braude; D. Bisset. "About the Boy Who Roared at the Tigers", trans. from English N. Sherepgevskaya; E. Hogarth. "The Mafia and His Merry Friends" (chapters from the book), trans. from English O. Obraztsova and N. Shanko.

For learning by heart

“Grandfather wanted to cook fish soup...”, “Legs, legs, where were you?” - Russian adv. songs; A.

Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are mighty...” (from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”); 3. Alexandrova. "Herringbone"; A. Barto. “I know what I need to come up with”; L. Nikolaenko. “Who scattered the bells...”; V. Orlov. “From the market”, “Why does the bear sleep in winter” (chosen by the teacher); E. Serova. “Dandelion”, “Cat’s Paws” (from the series “Our Flowers”); “Buy onions...”, shotl. adv. song, trans. I. Tokmakova.