OGE in the Russian language option 23269. Demonstration versions of the OGE in the Russian language (grade 9)

Basic general education

Russian language

Analysis of the OGE-2018 in the Russian language: tasks 2-14

We bring to your attention an analysis of tasks in the Russian language OGE-2018.
This material contains explanations and detailed algorithms for solving the tasks of the second part (2-14 tasks), as well as recommendations for the use of reference books and manuals that are relevant in preparing for the OGE. And for registered users the material is available for downloading.

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 2–15.

“(1) Grandma, this is for you,” Tanechka said, entering the apartment
accompanied by two girls and one serious boy. (2)Blind
Anna Fedotovna stood on the threshold of the kitchen, not seeing, but knowing for sure that
the children shyly huddle at the threshold.
- (3) Go into the room and tell us what business you came for, -
she said.
- (4) Your granddaughter Tanya said that your son was killed in the war and that
he wrote letters to you. (5) And we took the initiative: “There are no unknown heroes.”
(6) And she also said that you were blinded by grief.
(7) The boy blurted out everything in one breath and fell silent.
(8) Anna Fedotovna clarified:
- (9) The son managed to write only one letter. (10) And I wrote the second one after
his death his comrade.
(11) She extended her hand, took the folder from its usual place and opened it.
(12) The children joked for a while, and the big girl said openly
- (13) This is all unreal!
- (14) That’s right, these are copies, because with real letters I’m very
I value it,” Anna Fedotovna explained, although she didn’t really like the tone. -
(15)Open the top drawer of the dresser. (16)Get the wooden box
and give it to me.
(17) When they put the box in her hands, she opened it, carefully
I took out priceless leaves. (18) The children looked at the documents for a long time,
whispered, and then the boy hesitantly said:
- (19) You must give these documents to us. (20) Please.
- (21) These letters concern my son, why should I give them to him?
to you? - she was almost cheerfully surprised.
- (22) Because at our school they are creating a museum for the Great Victory Day.
- (23) I will be happy to give your museum a copy of these letters.

the older girl intervened in the conversation, and Anna Fedotovna was surprised,
how officially inhuman a child’s voice can become. - (25)Museum
will not take copies.
- (26) He won’t take it, and you don’t take it. - (27) Anna Fedotovna is very unhappy
I liked this tone, defiant, full of a claim that was incomprehensible to her. -
(28) And please return all documents to me.
(29) They silently gave her the letters and funeral. (30) Anna Fedotovna
I felt each piece of paper, made sure that they were genuine, carefully
put it in a box and said:
- (31) Boy, put the box in its place. (32) And close the drawer tightly,
so that I can hear.
(33) But she heard poorly now, because the previous conversation
greatly worried her, surprised and offended her.
- (34) Unlucky coward, - suddenly clearly, with incredible contempt
said the big girl. - (35) Just make a noise with us.
“(36) It’s still impossible,” the boy whispered hotly and incomprehensibly.
- (37) Better shut up! - the girl interrupted him. - (38) Otherwise we tell you this
We'll make sure you cry.
(39) But this loud voice apparently flew past Anna’s consciousness
Fedotovny. (40) She was waiting for the creaking of the drawer being closed, she was all
concentrated on this creaking and when it finally sounded, she sighed
- (41) Go, children. (42) I'm very tired.
(43) The delegation silently left.
(44) Bitterness and not very clear resentment soon left Anna Fedotovna...
(45) In the evening, the granddaughter, as usual, read her son’s letter to her, but Anna
Fedotovna suddenly said:
- (46) He didn’t want something, but they threatened and frightened him.
(47) Tanya! (48) Look in the box!
“(49) No,” Tanya said quietly. - (50) And the funeral is in place, and photographs,
but no letters.
(51) Anna Fedotovna closed her blind eyes, listened intently,
but her soul was silent, and her son’s voice no longer sounded in her. (52) He faded away, died,
died a second time, and now is lost forever. (53) Letters using her
blindness, they were not taken out of the box - they were taken out of her soul, and now she is blind
and not only she, but also her soul became deaf...

(According to B. Vasiliev*)

* Boris Lvovich Vasiliev (1924–2013) - Russian writer. The theme of war and the fate of the generation for which war became the main event in life became the main one in his work and was reflected in many works, such as “And the dawns here are quiet...”, “Not on the lists”, “Tomorrow there was war " and etc.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why did Anna Fedotovna not want to give the children the documents?”

1) These were copies, not real documents.

2) The children’s behavior offended Anna Fedotovna.

3) The documents were dear to Anna Fedotovna as the only memory of her son.

4) Anna Fedotovna was afraid that the documents would be replaced.

  • Read the text carefully
  • Find in it confirmation or refutation of this or that statement
  • Choose the correct answer

Let's consider how this algorithm can be applied to complete this task.

  • These were copies, not real documents. The first answer is incorrect because... Anna Fedotovna wanted to donate copies of documents to the museum. (23) “I will be happy to give your museum a copy of these letters.”

  • The children's behavior offended Anna Fedotovna. The second answer option is incorrect. Despite the fact that the children’s behavior really offended Anna Fedotovna (“Anna Fedotovna marveled at how officially inhuman a child’s voice could become,” “Anna Fedotovna really didn’t like this defiant tone, full of claims that were incomprehensible to her”), she was ready to give it to the children copies of documents.

  • Anna Fedotovna was afraid that the documents would be replaced. The answer is incorrect. Anna Fedotovna treated the guys with confidence and allowed them to look at the original documents. (15)Open the top drawer of the dresser. (16) Take out the wooden box and give it to me.

  • The documents were dear to Anna Fedotovna as the only memory of her son. The answer is correct. We will glean this information from sentences 9 and 10. (9) The son managed to write only one letter. (10) And the second was written after his death by his comrade.

Answer: 3

3. Indicate a sentence in which metaphor is the means of expressive speech.

1) “You unfortunate coward,” the big girl suddenly said clearly, with incredible contempt.

2) Taking advantage of her blindness, the letters were not taken out of the box - they were taken out of her soul, and now not only she, but also her soul has become blind and deaf...

3) Anna Fedotovna really didn’t like this tone, defiant, full of claims that were incomprehensible to her.

4) But she heard poorly now, because the previous conversation greatly disturbed her, surprised and offended her.

Algorithm for completing the task:

  1. Remember what a metaphor is. Metaphor is the transfer of a name from one object or phenomenon of reality to another based on their similarity in some respect or contrast. To find a metaphor, you should see the points of contact of two objects or phenomena in something, feel a hidden comparison.
  2. Read the suggested fragments Identify the specified lexical unit “to take the letters out of the box is to take the letters out of the soul”, “she became blind and deaf - her soul became blind and deaf.”
  3. Choose the correct answer.

Answer: 2

4. From sentences 1–7, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “approximation”.

Algorithm for completing the task:

  • Let's read the suggested fragment:
    “(1) Grandma, this is for you,” Tanya said, entering the apartment, accompanied by two girls and one serious boy. (2) Blind Anna Fedotovna stood on the threshold of the kitchen, not seeing, but knowing for sure that the children were shyly huddling at the threshold. “(3) Go into the room and tell us what business you came for,” she said. - (4) Your granddaughter Tanya said that your son was killed in the war and that he wrote letters to you. (5) And we took the initiative: “There are no unknown heroes.” (6) And she also said that you were blinded by grief. (7) The boy blurted out everything in one breath and fell silent.

  • We find words that have prefixes. Eliminate unchangeable prefixes (in, s, you, for, with, y...), in Z, S (told) and others. This step can be omitted.

  • Let us remember the spelling of which prefixes depends on the meaning. In the Russian language there are prefixes pri- and pre-, the use of which depends on their meaning:
  1. APPROACH (arrive);

  2. ADD (add);

  3. ACCESSION (pin, add, gallop);

  4. Spatial proximity or contiguity (homestead, seaside);

  5. Incomplete action (sit down, open slightly);

  6. Bringing an action to a certain result (slam);

  7. Associated action (to stomp, whistle);

  8. An action committed in one’s own interests, an intensified manifestation of an action (to attract, to lure).
  1. It is written in words that mean a high degree of quality, or if the prefix can be replaced with the word “VERY” (excellent, succeed);

  2. When the prefix PRE- means the prefix PERE-, or you can replace it without losing the meaning (block = block, transgress = step over).
  • We find a word with the meaning “approximation”

Answer: they came

5. From sentences 14–16, write down a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​an exception to the rule.

Algorithm for completing the task:

  • Let's read the suggested fragment:
    “(14) That’s right, these are copies, because I value real letters very much,” Anna Fedotovna explained, although she didn’t really like the tone. - (15)Open the top drawer of the chest of drawers. (16) Take out the wooden box and give it to me.

  • Which words have a spelling in the suffix? Box, wooden We reason: box-box, the vowel does not drop out, so we write the suffix IR. This suffix follows a rule.

  • Wooden- this is a denominate adjective, because derived from the noun "tree". In the suffixes of denominative adjectives (in adjectives that are derived from nouns) it is written:
In the suffixes -in-, -an-, -yan-: goose, leather, silver. Exceptions: tin, wood, glass. Formed from noun. with a base on -n- using the suffix -n-: pocket - pocket.
In adjectives with the suffix -n-, if there is no n at the base: school, trial. Formed from noun. in -name: name – nominal.
In suffixless adjectives: young, crimson, green, united, drunk, spicy, zealous, ruddy, mutton, buffalo, crow, boar, monkey, peacock, pork. In the suffixes -enn-, -onn-: morning - morning, station - station. Exceptions: windy, mad.

Answer: wooden

A study guide for preparing for the main state exam (OGE) in grade 9, which contains 40 practice versions of exam papers, is offered to the attention of schoolchildren and teachers. Each option is compiled in full compliance with the requirements of the state final certification and includes tasks of different types and levels of complexity. A significant bank of examination materials provides an excellent opportunity for intensive training and mastery of the skills and abilities necessary to successfully pass the exam. The book contains answers for self-testing to all tasks in part 2, information about the text of the condensed presentation and recommendations for completing tasks in part 3.

6.Replace the colloquial word “husked” in sentence 12 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

Algorithm for completing the task:

  • Let's read this sentence:
    (12) The children joked for a while, and the big girl said with undisguised disbelief...

  • Let's remember what synonyms are.
    Synonyms are words of the same part of speech, different in spelling and sound, having a similar lexical meaning (student - schoolboy, run - rush, difficult - complex).

  • What does a “stylistically neutral” word mean?
    This means that the word does not carry a stylistic or emotional load. It is not attached to a specific style of speech: bookish, colloquial (“look” - in comparison with “glance”; “eyes” - in comparison with “eyes”, “head” - in comparison with “head”, etc.) .

  • The word “whispered” refers to a conversational style (try using it, for example, in the sentence “The director joked about something with the teacher and continued the meeting.” It is more appropriate and correct to use the word “whispered”, because it does not carry any stylistic connotation .

Answer: whispered

7. Replace the phrase “wooden box”, built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the control connection. Write the resulting phrase.

Reasoning algorithm:

  • What is a phrase? A phrase is a word that is related to each other in meaning and grammatically or only in meaning. A phrase consists of a main word and a dependent word. The main word is the word from which the question is posed to the dependent: a (what kind of) wooden box. Box is the main word, wooden is the dependent word.

  • Remember the types of phrases.

Wooden box(adj. + noun) - agreement Wooden box(noun + noun) - control

Answer: wooden box

8. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 22.

Algorithm for completing the task:

What is the “grammatical basis of a sentence”?
The grammatical basis of a sentence is formed by the main members of the sentence: subject and predicate (two-part sentences) or only the subject, or only the predicate (one-part sentences).

  • The grammatical basis includes ALL the main members of a sentence, so omitting one of them is a clear mistake. If you omit a subject, predicate, or one of the homogeneous subjects or predicates in your answer option, your answer will not be counted.

  • The subject is in V.p. ( Who? What?)

  • The appeal is not part of the proposal!

  • Words from participial or adverbial phrases are never included in the grammatical basis.

  • Don't forget about compound predicates. Words possible, impossible, necessary, necessary and others are included in compound predicates.

Let's read this sentence:
(22) Because at our school they are creating a museum for the Great Victory Day. Who? What? There is no subject. (they create who? what? the museum is V.p.) Therefore, this is a one-part sentence with the predicate “create”

Answer: create

A new manual for preparing for the main state exam in the Russian language is offered to graduates of the 9th grade of educational organizations. It is devoted to the most difficult and highly rated topics in the exam - writing a summary (task 1) and an argumentative essay (task 15).

9. Among sentences 24–28, find a sentence with isolated homogeneous definitions. Write the number of this offer.

Reasoning algorithm:
To complete this task you need to understand:

  • What is the definition;

  • Which definitions are homogeneous;

  • What does "separate" mean?

Definition- this is a minor member of the sentence, answering the questions “which?” "whose?" "which?"
Definitions can be agreed upon or inconsistent.
Agreed Definitions. They agree with the defined member in the form (case, number and gender in singular), are expressed by adjectives, participles and participial phrases, ordinal numbers, pronouns:
Large(adj.) trees grow near paternal(adj.) house.
IN our(local) no class lagging behind(adv.) students.
He decides this(local) task second(number) hour.
Glades, strewn with leaves, (verb) were full of sun.

Inconsistent definitions. Does not agree with the defined member in the form. Expressed by nouns in indirect cases, comparative degrees of adjectives, adverbs, infinitives: The leaves rustled (which ones?) birch trees(noun). He liked evenings (what kind?) at grandma's house(noun). Choose fabric (which one?) more fun with a picture(noun, comparative degree adj.) They gave eggs for breakfast (what kind?) soft-boiled(adv.). They were united by a desire (what?) see you(verb infinitive).

Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions:

Each definition refers to one defined word: The cheerful, uncontrollable laughter of children was heard from all sides. What kind of laughter? cheerful, unrestrained. The closest definition refers to the noun, and the second to the resulting combination: On this frosty January morning I didn’t want to go outside for a long time. Morning (what?) January (March). January morning (what?) frosty (sunny).
You can insert a connecting conjunction AND: For the craft, you needed white, (and) red, (and) blue sheets of paper. You cannot insert a connecting conjunction AND: large stone castle, third intercity bus.
Expressed by one part of speech. Exception: adjective + participial phrase or inconsistent definitions after a noun. On Katyusha’s shoulder hung a beautiful bag, a gift from her mother. Refer to different parts of speech: Finally we waited for the first (number) light (adj.) frost.

Let's remember what “separated” means.

Separation- this is the semantic and intonation highlighting of sentence members. In oral speech they are distinguished by intonation, and in writing they are separated or highlighted by punctuation marks.

Isolation of agreed definitions:

agreed definitions, standing after the word (noun) being defined, if they are expressed by a participial phrase or an adjective with dependent words; The clearing /strewn with leaves/ was full of sun. There was a deep darkness, /full of crickets and stars/. (V. Kataev)
several single modifiers appearing after the noun being defined, especially if there is already a definition in front of it; The March night, /cloudy, foggy/, fell to the ground.
an agreed definition placed before the defined noun, if it has an additional adverbial meaning (reason, concession or time); /Tired/, the mother could not go further (meaning of the reason). /Usually calm/, the speaker was worried today (meaning concession).
any definition referring to a personal pronoun and coming before or after it; He, /confused/, stood in the middle of the room. /Confused/, he stood in the middle of the room.

Isolation of inconsistent definitions:

inconsistent definitions if they refer to a proper name(stand before or after); Alena, /with cheeks red from the heat/, ran into the garden, then into the house, then into the cellar. (A. Chekhov) /In a silk hat/, Irina entered the living room.
inconsistent definitions if they refer to a personal pronoun(stand before or after); She /in this dress/ seemed younger. /In this dress/, she seemed younger.
in fiction, other inconsistent definitions are often isolated. With the help of isolation, the author emphasizes and highlights some feature of a person or object. The kitten /with multi-colored eyes/ looked at me carefully.

Working with a text fragment:
- (24) Why do we need your copies? - with defiant aggression suddenly
the older girl inserted herself into the conversation, (1) and Anna Fedotovna was surprised, (2)
how officially inhuman a child’s voice can become. - (25) The museum will not take copies. - (26)
He won’t take it, (3) and you don’t take it. - (27) Anna Fedotovna really didn’t like this tone, (4) defiant, (5)
full of claims incomprehensible to her. - (28) And please, (6) return all the documents to me.

Let's try to understand some punctuation marks:

The 1st comma separates two stems in a complex sentence (coordinating connection).

The 2nd comma separates two bases in a complex sentence (subordinate connection).

The 3rd comma separates two stems in a complex sentence (coordinating connection).

The 4th comma separates the definition that comes after the word being defined: Tone (what?), defiant.

The 5th comma separates homogeneous definitions: Tone (what?) defiant, (Which?) full of claims incomprehensible to her.

The 6th comma sets off the introductory word Please, it is used in the meaning I ask you to.

Answer: 2, 7

A study guide for preparing for the main state exam (OGE) in the Russian language, which contains 450 thematic training tasks, is offered to the attention of graduates of the 9th grade of educational organizations.

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas in the introductory word.

But even this loud voice flew, (1) apparently, (2) past Anna Fedotovna’s consciousness. She was waiting for the creaking of the drawer being closed, (3) she was all focused on this creaking and, (4) when it finally came, (5) she breathed a sigh of relief: - Go, (6) children. I'm very tired.

Execution algorithm:

Let's remember what it is introductory words, what is their peculiarity. Introductory words do not enter into a syntactic connection with the members of the sentence and are not themselves members of the sentence. They serve to express a certain attitude towards a message or its characteristics. They can also serve as a means of logical presentation of thoughts, a reference to a source, etc.

Classifications of introductory words by meaning:

1. Confidence, authenticity. Of course, of course, indisputably, undoubtedly, without a doubt, certainly, really, in fact, truly, of course, naturally, truly and etc.
2. Uncertainty, assumption, uncertainty, assumption. Probably, it seems, as it seems, probably, in all likelihood, right, tea, obviously, perhaps, perhaps, it is visible, apparently, as it seems, it is true, maybe, it should be, it seems, I think, I believe, one must believe, I hope , in some way, in some sense, suppose, suppose, let's say, if you want, one way or another and etc.
3. Joy, approval. Fortunately, to happiness, to joy, to the joy, to the pleasure of someone, what is good, what is even better and etc.
4. Regret, disapproval. Unfortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately, to the shame of someone, to regret, to annoyance, to misfortune, as if unfortunately, as if on purpose, by a sinful act, what is even worse, what is offensive, alas and etc.
5. Surprise, bewilderment. To surprise, amazing, amazing thing, to amazement, strange, strange thing, incomprehensible thing and etc.
6. Concern. The hour is uneven, God forbid, whatever happens and etc.
7. General expressive nature of the statement. In conscience, in justice, in essence, in essence, in soul, in truth, in truth, in truth, one must tell the truth, if the truth is to be told, it is funny to say, to say in honor, between us, speaking between us, there is nothing to say in vain, I confess, except jokes, actually and etc.
8. Source of message. According to someone, according to someone, in my opinion, according to you, according to someone, according to someone, according to rumors, according to a proverb, according to legend, from the point of view of someone, I remember, one can hear, they say, they say, as one can hear, as I think, as I think, as I remember, as they say, as they believe, as is known, as was pointed out, as it turned out, as they said in the old days, in my opinion and etc.
9. The order of thoughts and their connections. Firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, so, therefore, therefore, thus, on the contrary, on the contrary, for example, for example, in particular, in addition, in addition, to top it all off, in addition, moreover, on the one hand, on the other hand, however, by the way, in general, in addition, therefore, the main thing, by the way, by the way, by the way and etc.
10. Assessment of the style of expression, manner of speech, ways of forming thoughts. In a word, in one word, in other words, in other words, directly speaking, roughly speaking, in fact, in fact, in short, in short, more accurately, better to say, directly to say, easier to say, so to speak, how to say, so to speak, what's called and etc.
11. Assessment of the measure, the degree of what is being said; the degree of commonality of the facts presented. At least, at least to one degree or another, to a large extent, as usual, as usual, it happens, happens, as usual, as always, as it happens, as it happens, as it happens sometimes and etc.
12. Drawing the interlocutor’s attention to the message, emphasizing, emphasizing. Do you see, know, remember, understand, believe, listen, allow, imagine, imagine, can imagine, believe, imagine, admit, believe, believe, not believe, agree, notice, do me a favor, if you want to know, I remind, we remind, I repeat, I emphasize what is important, what is even more important, what is essential, what is even more significant and etc.

Signs of introductory words:

  1. They cannot be asked questions from other members of the proposal.
  2. They are not members of the proposal.
  3. Can be replaced with another introductory word or construction.
  4. Can be easily removed from a sentence without losing meaning.
  • We can replace the word “apparently” with the introductory words “probably”, “obviously”, “probably”. They have the meaning of uncertainty, assumptions.

  • Let's try to remove this word from the sentence:
    But even this loud voice flew past Anna Fedotovna’s consciousness. The meaning of the sentence has not changed.

  • For control, we can explain other punctuation marks.
    The 3rd comma separates homogeneous members.
    The 4th and 5th highlight the subordinate clause.
    The 6th comma is used when addressing.

Answer: 12

11.Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 51. Write the answer in numbers.

For the reasoning algorithm, see task No. 8

(51) Anna Fedotovna closed her blind eyes and listened intently, but her soul was silent, and her son’s voice no longer sounded in her. First basis: Anna Fedotovna covered, listened; Second basis: the soul was silent; Third basis: the voice did not sound.

Answer: 3

12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between parts of a complex sentence connected by a subordinate connection.

They silently gave her the letters and funeral. Anna Fedotovna felt each piece of paper, (1) made sure, (2) that they were genuine, (3) carefully put them in the box and said: - Boy, (4) put the box in its place. And close the drawer tightly, (5) so that I can hear.

Execution algorithm:

  • We read the sentences and find complex ones among them (those that have two or more grammatical stems).
    1) They silently gave her the letters and funeral.
    A simple sentence: one base (they gave it away).

    2) Anna Fedotovna felt each piece of paper, (1) made sure (2) that they were genuine, (3) carefully put them in a box and said: There are two bases in this sentence.
    First: Anna Fedotovna felt, made sure, folded and said; second: they are genuine.

    3) Boy, (4) put the box in its place.
    A simple sentence with an address: the grammatical basis is “put.”

    4) And close the drawer tightly, (5) so that I can hear.
    There are two bases in this sentence. First: shut it, second: I heard.
    Therefore, this sentence is complex.

  • Let's remember what a subordinating relationship is.
    A subordinating relationship is observed between parts of a complex sentence. From the main clause to the subordinate clause you can ask a question. The subordinate clause is attached to the main clause using subordinating conjunctions or allied words.
    Subordinating conjunctions:
    Causal: because; because of; because; due to the fact that; thanks to; due to the fact that; due to the fact that, etc.;
    Target: so that (so that); in order to; so that etc.;
    Temporary: When; only; just; Bye; barely, etc.;
    Conditional: If; if; once; whether; how soon, etc.;
    Comparative: How; as if; as if; as if; exactly, etc.;
    Explanatory: What; to; like others;
    Concessive: although; Although; no matter what, etc.

  • We work with 2 and 4 sentences (complex) Anna Fedotovna felt each piece of paper, (1) made sure, (2) that they were genuine, (3) carefully put them in a box and said...
    From the main clause to the subordinate clause, you can ask the question: ... made sure (of what?) that they are genuine, (3).
    The second sentence is joined to the first by the subordinating explanatory conjunction “what”. Therefore, this is a complex sentence. The connection between the parts is subordinate.
    And close the drawer tightly, (5) so that I can hear.
    From one sentence to another you can ask a question:
    ... push it in (how?), so that I can hear.
    The second clause is joined using a subordinating conjunction to. This is a complex sentence. There is a subordinating relationship between the parts of a complex sentence.

Answer: 2, 3, 5

The collection contains tasks that help you master the meaning and form of syntactic units: phrases, simple and complex sentences, text, and on this basis develop the ability to correctly construct oral and written speech.

13. Among sentences 1–6, find a complex sentence
with uniform subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this

Reasoning algorithm:

  • Let’s remember which sentences are called complex (see comments to task 12)

  • Let's remember the ways of subordinating subordinate clauses

An IPP sentence can have several subordinate clauses. There are three methods of subordination: sequential, parallel (heterogeneous) and homogeneous.

The main features of homogeneous subordination:

  • all subordinate clauses refer to the main clause or to the same word in the main clause;

  • the clauses have the same meaning and answer the same question, that is, they are clauses of the same type;

  • connected by coordinating conjunctions or non-unionally;

  • pronounced with enumerative intonation;

  • the second subordinating conjunction may be omitted.

Let's look at the following snippet:

(1) Grandma, this is for you,” Tanya said, entering the apartment, accompanied by two girls and one serious boy. (2) Blind Anna Fedotovna stood on the threshold of the kitchen, not seeing, but knowing for sure that the children were shyly huddling at the threshold. “(3) Go into the room and tell us what business you came for,” she said. - (4) Your granddaughter Tanya said that your son was killed in the war and that he wrote letters to you. (5) And we took the initiative: “There are no unknown heroes.” (6) And she also said that you were blinded by grief.

The first sentence is with direct speech. Direct speech is a simple sentence with an address. The author's words are a simple sentence with an isolated circumstance, expressed by an adverbial phrase.

Second proposal of the SPP. The main sentence is complicated by two homogeneous circumstances (not seeing, but knowing for sure)

Third sentence with direct speech. Direct speech - SPP with one subordinate clause (tell us about what? Why did you come), the author’s words represent a simple sentence.

The fifth and sixth sentences are also not suitable.

Let's look at the fourth sentence in more detail:
Your granddaughter Tanya told (what?) that your son was killed in the war and (what?) that he wrote letters to you. Subordinate clauses relate to the main sentence, have the same meaning, answer the same question (what?), that is, they are clauses of the same type (expository); are connected by the coordinating conjunction AND, therefore, according to the rule of homogeneous subordination, they are not separated by a comma. Consequently, this is an SPP with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

Answer: 4

The workbook, created in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards LLC in the Russian language, will help the teacher to objectively diagnose the subject and meta-subject results of schoolchildren mastering the academic discipline in the format of input, thematic and final control, students - to prepare for the final certification in the Russian language, resorting to self-test, and parents - to organize work on students’ mistakes at home.

14. Among sentences 44–53, find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and a conjunctive coordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

Algorithm for completing the task:

  • Let's remember the types of complex sentences:

We need to find a complex sentence with a non-union and allied coordinating connection between the parts.

  • Let's look at the proposed fragment.

PP - simple sentence, SSP - complex sentence,
SPP - complex, BSP - non-union complex.

Offer View
44 Bitterness and not very clear resentment soon left Anna Fedotovna PP
45 In the evening, the granddaughter, as usual, read her son’s letter to her, but Anna Fedotovna suddenly said: SSP
46 He didn’t want something, but they threatened and frightened him. SSP
47 Tanya! PP
48 Look into the box! PP
49 “No,” Tanya said quietly. With direct speech
50 And the funeral is in place, and there are photographs, but there are no letters. SSP
51 Anna Fedotovna closed her blind eyes and listened intently, but her soul was silent, and her son’s voice no longer sounded in her. SSP
52 He faded away, died, died a second time, and now he is dead forever. SSP
53 Taking advantage of her blindness, the letters were not taken out of the box - they were taken out of her soul, and now not only she, but also her soul has become blind and deaf... Complex sentence with coordinating (1 and 2) and non-conjunctive (2 and 3) connections

Published on the official website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) demo versions of the OGE in the Russian language (grade 9) for 2009 - 2018.

Demo versions of the OGE in the Russian language consist of three parts.

The first part is a short written work based on the listened text (condensed presentation).

The second and third parts contain tasks that are performed based on the same text read. The second part contains tasks of two types: tasks where you need to choose one of the proposed answers, and tasks where you need to give a short answer yourself.

In the third part, you need to choose one of three tasks and give a detailed, reasoned answer to it (you need to write an argumentative essay).

The correct answers are given to the tasks of the second part, and the assessment criteria are given to the tasks of the first and third parts.

IN demo version of the 2018 OGE in Russian compared to the 2017 demo version no changes.

Demo versions of the OGE in the Russian language

Note that demo versions of the OGE in the Russian language are presented in pdf format, and to view them you must have, for example, the free Adobe Reader software package installed on your computer.

Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2009
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2010
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2011
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2012
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2013
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2014
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2015
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2016
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2017
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2018

Scale for recalculating the primary score

  • for completing the examination work 2018 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2017 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2016 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2015 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2014 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2013 to a mark on a five-point scale.

Changes in demo versions for Russian language

IN demo version of the OGE in Russian language 2009 The evaluation criteria have undergone changes.

In 2013 in demo version of the OGE in Russian the following were introduced changes:

  • was task C2 changed,
  • was alternative task excluded (C2.2)

In 2014 in demo version of the OGE in Russian There were no fundamental changes compared to the 2013 demo version.

In 2015 in demo version of the OGE in Russian The following changes have been made:

  • The number of tasks in the work was abbreviated With 18 before 15 .
  • The maximum score for completing the work was reduced With 42 before 39 .
  • Numbering tasks became through throughout the entire version without letter designations A, B, C.
  • The form for recording the answer in tasks with a choice of answers has been changed: the answer now needs to be written down number with the number of the correct answer(not circled).
  • Were two alternative tasks added 15.2 and 15.3 (essay-reasoning)

IN demo versions of the OGE 2016-2018 in the Russian language compared to the 2015 demo version there were no changes.

Main State Exam (OGE) - This is an exam for graduates of 9th grade in a secondary school in the Russian Federation. Passing the OGE is required to enter 10th grade. OGE in Russian is a mandatory exam. By and large, the OGE can be considered a dress rehearsal before taking the Unified State Exam.

OGE in Russian language consists of:

— Written part

— Oral part

Written part of the OGE

When working with a ticket, schoolchildren will have to demonstrate their skills in using written language, as well as language skills of a linguistic, analytical and classification nature, understanding the rules of grammar, style, punctuation and spelling, and the ability to communicate with others through writing. The ticket consists of three parts, which contain 15 tasks of varying difficulty levels:

  • Part 1. Presentation. One task (1), writing a concise summary of the text read. Maximum - 7 points;
  • Part 2. Questions and answers. 13 tasks (2-14) with choosing one option from those proposed or writing a short answer - numbers, sequences of numbers, words, phrases. Maximum - 13 points;
  • Part 3. Essay-reasoning. One task (15), writing a detailed, reasoned answer to one of the questions. Maximum - 9 points.

Oral part of the OGE (speaking)

Speaking is aimed at identifying the communication skills of schoolchildren. It will test the ability to conduct a monologue and dialogue, the ability to read texts with intonation and emotional coloring, as well as retell what you read, justifying your statements.

The oral part consists of four parts, each of which is a separate task:

  • Part 1. Reading. Reading a scientific journalistic fragment. For this part you can score 2 points;
  • Part 2. Retelling. The student will have to retell what he read, drawing on additional information and commenting on his statements. This task can also earn you 2 points;
  • Part 3. Monologue. Monologue on a chosen topic. It can be assessed with a maximum of 2 points;
  • Part 4. Dialogue. Dialogue with the examiner, who can award up to 3 points for the answer.

Compliance with literary language norms when completing the first and second tasks is assessed separately - here you can earn up to 2 points. The verbal presentation of the answer when working with tasks number three and four is scored another 3 points. The maximum primary score for speaking is 14.

The scale on which scores for the written part of the exam are converted into certification marks is as follows:

  • from 0 to 14 points - a solid “two”;
  • from 15 to 24 points - score “three”;
  • from 25 to 33 points - score “four”. In this case, at least 4 points must be obtained for literacy. If less than 4 points are scored for literacy, the student is given a “satisfactory” grade;
  • from 34 to 39 points - mark “five”. However, getting an A also requires meeting a certain condition: if a student received less than 6 points for literacy, he receives a “B”.

When assigning students to specialized linguistic classes, preference will be given to children who score 31 points or higher for the written part of the work.

At the OGE, students will be able to use the spelling dictionary provided to them in the classroom. This concludes the list of subjects allowed in the Russian language exam. Do not take smartphones with you, do not take notes with rules and exceptions, do not try to bring a headset or mini-earphones, hoping to deceive observers and cheat. Any illegal actions will lead to only one result - removal from the class and a bad mark for the OGE.

When preparing for the OGE in Russian:

  • Review and practice all the rules and exceptions found in the Russian language school curriculum;
  • Hone your application of language norms by regularly writing dictations and expositions. When writing expositions, time yourself to teach yourself to select points in the allotted time and briefly write them down on a draft;
  • Write 10-15 essays on topics offered in KIMs of previous years. Remember - the commission first of all evaluates the understanding of the topic and the ability to write, without being distracted from the author's thought;
  • Watch interesting programs, read publications about the life and work of Yuri Gagarin, Tsiolkovsky, Pirogov, as well as other famous artists, writers and scientists. Retell what you read to your parents and friends to practice the skill of beautiful and competent oral speech;
  • Regularly read literary and journalistic texts out loud, working with intonation and stress.

To prepare for the exam, we recommend classes with online tutors at home! All the benefits are obvious! Trial lesson for free!

We wish you success in passing the exam!

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Russian language

OGE in Russian language. Test part

The OGE “Russian Language” in 2018 will be held very soon. According to experts, it is more difficult than the 11th grade exam. The topic “OGE in the Russian language in 2018, test part, grade 9” was analyzed in one of the regular webinars by Tatyana Zakharova: the teacher and author of teaching aids presented general tips on preparation and an unusual sequence for analyzing test tasks.

How to prepare for the OGE-2018

  • Decide in what order you will prepare students for the three parts of the exam: presentation, test solving, and composition.

  • Teach ninth-graders to manage time and quickly switch from one part of the OGE to another.

  • Give students instructions to complete tasks according to certain algorithms (if any). At the same time, it is important that examinees work on the questions consciously and do not “adjust” the answers.

  • Offer children educational projects: for example, develop tasks in the OGE format themselves. This helps to identify problem areas and causes of errors.

A study guide for preparing for the main state exam (OGE) in grade 9, which contains 40 practice versions of exam papers, is offered to the attention of schoolchildren and teachers. Each option is compiled in full compliance with the requirements of the state final certification and includes tasks of different types and levels of complexity. A significant bank of examination materials provides an excellent opportunity for intensive training and mastery of the skills and abilities necessary to successfully pass the exam. The book contains answers for self-testing to all tasks in part 2, information about the text of the condensed presentation and recommendations for completing tasks in part 3.

How to solve the test part in Russian. Analysis of tasks from the demo version and explanations

The test part of the OGE “Russian Language” in 2018 includes 13 tasks. For correct completion of each task, the examinee receives one point. For an incorrect answer or no answer, zero points are awarded.

Task 8. The grammatical basis of a sentence. “Write down the grammatical basis of sentence No...”

  1. Find out whether all students understand the meaning of the term “grammatical basis”.

  2. Practice the ability to determine the grammatical basis in which the predicate is a verb. Explain that it is better to start searching for a grammatical basis with the verb, and then establish the subject from it.

  3. Point out to students two common mistakes: missing a word and writing out an extra word. Usually, confusion arises if the words “to be” or “to seem” act as a linking verb or an auxiliary verb. Explain that you need to go from the meaning of the sentence itself: the verb “was” is a predicate if it contains the lexical meaning of the predicate, if it indicates that the phenomenon really took place.

  4. Look at examples of sentences in which errors are often made: “It was at the beginning of the last lesson,” “Was this a consequence of fortune telling?”, “I will be a spaceship pilot,” “There is such a studio here in the House of Culture.”

  5. Discuss with students that a grammatical stem may not contain a subject. Children, as a rule, firmly believe that a sentence must have a subject and a predicate. This stereotype is established in elementary school and in order to get rid of it, you need to do a lot of training exercises.

  6. Look at examples of sentences without a subject: “I didn’t have any other treasures,” “The girl’s name was Alice,” “I wish they brought lunch quickly,” “I don’t have a new piece of glass.”

  7. Explain the axiom: if you encounter a sentence with the word “no,” then this word is a predicate in an impersonal sentence.

  8. Study sentences in which the predicate is not expressed as a verb. Examples: “I’m cold,” “Russian language lesson two.”

  9. In this way, gradually complicate the didactic material.

Task 11. Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence. “Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence No...”

  1. Recommend that students count the verbs in a sentence, but do not forget about homogeneous predicates. Children often mistake homogeneous predicates that refer to the same subject for different grammatical bases.

  2. Reinforce your knowledge of parts of speech. Students can take the participial phrase as a grammatical basis.

  3. Work through the introductory sentences carefully and, preferably, individually. Taking them as a grammatical basis is another common mistake in task No. 11.

A new manual for preparing for the main state exam in the Russian language is offered to graduates of the 9th grade of educational organizations. It is devoted to the most difficult and highly rated topics in the exam - writing a summary (task 1) and an argumentative essay (task 15).

Task 12. Punctuation analysis. “In the given sentences from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating/subordinating connection.”

  1. Explain that the first thing you need to do is find the numbers after which are the conjunctions indicated in the task: coordinating or subordinating.

  2. Understand the basic coordinating conjunctions: AND, A, BUT.

  3. Remind that in addition to conjunctions, allied words are also subordinating means of communication.

Task 13. Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence. “Among the sentences... find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.”

  1. Explain that the sentence you are looking for must consist of at least three parts, due to the fact that it is a sentence with several subordinate clauses. We read the wording of the task: “subordinate clauses” (plural) - which means there must be at least two of them.

  2. Please note: if the task indicates that there are several types of subordinate connections in the sentence (for example, homogeneous and heterogeneous subordination), then the required sentence must have at least 4 parts.

  3. Please note that the basis for successfully completing a task is the ability to find grammatical foundations.

  4. Teach children to use punctuation when searching for an answer. For example, if two parts of a complex sentence are connected by the conjunction And, are not separated by a comma, which means that this is a complex sentence with a common secondary member, or we are talking about two subordinate clauses connected by homogeneous subordination.

  5. Look at the example sentences: “When, imagining that I was going hunting, with a stick on my shoulder, I went into the forest, Volodya lay down on his back, threw his hands under his head and told me that it was as if he had walked too,” “Mama without end invites his daughter to cut her hair so that it would be easier for her and her head would look neater, but Tanya doesn’t want to,” “Grandfather led Afonya along a field road, and they went out to a pasture where sweet clover grew for the cows, where grass sprang and flowers bloomed.”

Task 14. Complex sentences with different types of connections between parts. “Among the sentences... find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and a conjunctive coordinating connection between the parts.”

  1. Practice completing the task by going through the program on the topic “Syntax of a Complex Sentence.”

  2. When preparing, use exercises that help students move away from formalism.

  3. Assignment from the textbook by M.M. Razumovskaya "Russian language". Answer the questions, give examples:

  • What types of complex sentences do you know?

  • What types of compound sentences are divided into? non-union?

  • In what cases in writing is a comma used between parts of a complex sentence? semicolon? colon? dash?

  • In what other cases are the listed punctuation marks used?

Task 7. Word combination. “Replace the phrase (“wooden box”), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management.”

  1. Discuss the meaning of the task with students. To replace means to match the dependent word with a cognate word of another part of speech: Adjective → Noun / Noun → Adverb. Sometimes children simply change words.

  2. Explain that the first step is to determine what part of speech the dependent word is. Next, re-read the task, figure out what type of connection the word combination should have.

  3. Discuss with your students a common mistake: incorrect choice of preposition (“well water”: “water in the well”, “water from the well”).

Task 9. Complex simple sentence. “Among the sentences... find a sentence with isolated homogeneous definitions.”

  1. Imagine two ways to determine which minor member of a sentence stands out:

  • Just what question? - definition; semantic questions where? Where? where? etc. - circumstance; case question - addition.

  • According to the main word in a separate part: participle, adjective - definition; participle, adverb - circumstance; noun, pronoun - object.

  • Pay attention to analyzing the application. Explain that an application is a definition expressed by a noun. If a student has forgotten everything he knew about the application, he needs to determine the part of speech of an isolated part of the sentence. Use the association with digital applications for gadgets: the application (which one?) “Weather Forecast” - this name is an application from a syntactic point of view. Don't forget to clarify that some applications are separated by dashes rather than commas.
  • Task 10. Punctuation analysis. “In the given sentences from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas in the introductory word.”

    Explain that introductory words are divided into 4 groups, and the answer must fit one of them:

    • Introductory words indicating the speaker's degree of confidence.

    • Introductory words denoting the speaker's feelings and emotions.

    • Introductory words indicating the source of the message.

    • Introductory words that help formalize the speaker’s reasoning.

    Task 4. Spelling prefixes. “From sentences 1–7, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “approximation.”

    Explain that if you need to look for a prefix by meaning, then we are talking about pre- and pre-. If the task is related to voicedness or deafness, you need to look for a prefix ending in z- or s-.

    Task 5. Spelling suffixes. “From the sentences... write down a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​an exception to the rule.”

    1. Explain to students that the first thing they need to do is highlight the main information of the task, understand which part of speech the word has, with how many "n"

      Task 2. Text analysis. “Which answer option contains the information necessary to justify the answer to the question:...”

      Teach children to read the text so that they grasp the meaning and be ready to answer the question. There are no other secrets to completing this task.

      Task 3. Analysis of means of expression. “Indicate a sentence in which metaphor is the means of expressive speech.”

      1. Explain to students the concept of “Nature of Image,” which is based on the figurative meaning of the word.

      2. Remind us of the metaphor that students become familiar with in grades 5-6 (“sickle moon”, “birch curls”). Metaphor - the bringing together of words that are distant in reality, is created at the level of phrases.

      3. Give similarities and differences between metaphors and phraseological units (stable combinations of words).

      The presented structure of work with the test part corresponds to the course of M.M. Razumovskaya “Russian Language” (published by the Russian Textbook Corporation). This curriculum allows students in the 9th grade to pay attention to spelling along with punctuation, and in general contributes to successful preparation for the OGE.


    Option 1.


    We wish you success!

    Part 1

    Part 2

    How to show love and kindness?

    (1) Love is one of the greatest mysteries of humanity. (2) A great many works are dedicated to her. (3) Everyone wants to understand the magical nature of love. (4) And most want to feel the taste of this beautiful enchantress.

    (5) What is the most valuable gift anyone can give? (6) Of course, this is love and kindness. (7) They always walk side by side, they are like one whole. (8) Love and kindness can be given selflessly and with the best intentions.

    (9) How to do this? (10)Easy and simple. (11) No special effort is required. (12) Little things that we sometimes don’t pay attention to can lift our mood to the skies. (13) And it is in our power to make the day joyful and happy for others. (14) And that means for myself.

    (15) Simple responsiveness to people already means good.

    (16) You can smile, and you will definitely be guaranteed a smile in return! (17) Try doing this on public transport. (18) You can start with the baby. (19) This is the most grateful man. (20) He won’t think about anything bad, he’ll just smile back, showing a couple of his teeth.

    (21) Support your colleague. (22) Help him do a difficult job or give him a sincere compliment.

    (23) Men can shake hands with a young mother with a child or an elderly woman (old man) getting off the bus.

    (24) Perhaps a sick friend or relative is waiting for attention. (25) If it is not possible to visit in person, you can send a postcard signed with your own hand, or a bouquet of flowers with a box of delicious chocolates.

    (26) Perhaps the old lady next door is waiting - can’t wait for someone to buy her a loaf of fresh bread. (27) And it doesn’t matter that she has children who love her very much. (28) Perhaps right now they cannot be close. (29) And you can bring joy to an elderly person.

    (30) And most importantly, do not forget about those closest to you - your parents! (31) They need our love and kindness no less than others. (32) It is they who receive the least pleasant words from us. (33) Because most often our love exists as a fact, as something taken for granted. (34) However, parents also have the right to our love and gratitude. (35) Call and tell them about it! (36) Or write.

    (37) Or maybe someone just needs to be listened to. (38) Even if it’s a complete stranger.

    (39) Perhaps right now he really needs this. (40) It’s easy to give love and kindness. (41) You just need to start. (42) A little time will pass, and you will not notice how good deeds will cover your whole life.

    *(From the article by Victoria Bessonova “How to show love and kindness?”. Internet magazine “School of Life.ru”)

    2. justification answer to the question: “ How to show love and kindness?”

    1) Parents don’t have to talk about their love, they already know about it.

    2) An old neighbor needs help if she doesn’t have close people nearby.

    3) It is customary to smile only to people you know.

    4) You can sign the card yourself or give flowers.

    3. epithet.

    1) They need our love and kindness no less than anyone else.

    2) Try this on public transport.

    3) Love and kindness can be given selflessly and with the best intentions.

    4) And most importantly, don’t forget about those closest to you – your parents!

    Answer: ________________________________.

    4. From sentences 5 – 12, write down the word, spelling consoles in which it is determined by the rule “At the end of the prefix it is written – C, if it is followed by a voiceless consonant.”

    Answer: ________________________________.

    5. From sentences 1 – 8, write down a word in which the spelling is N- (-NN-) obeys the rule “In an adjective formed with the help of a suffix - N- from a noun with a stem on –N-, is written –NN-.”

    Answer: ________________________________.

    6. Replace book word "enchantress" in sentence 4 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

    Answer: ________________________________.

    7. Replace the phrase in sentence 22 « sincere compliment» , control.

    8. You write grammatical basis sentences 35.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    9. Find an offer among offers 15 – 22

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    10. denoting a commaintroductory word.

    Little things (1) that we sometimes don’t pay attention to, (2) can lift our mood to the skies.

    Perhaps (3) right now they cannot be close.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    11. Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 12. Write the answer in numbers.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    12. creative writing communication

    Perhaps (1) the old lady neighbor is waiting - can’t wait, (2) for someone to buy her a bun of fresh bread.

    You can smile, (3) and you will definitely be guaranteed a smile in return!

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    13. Among sentences 25–30, find a complex sentence with consistent

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    14. Among sentences 33 – 42, find a complex sentence with coordinating and subordinating communication

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    Part 3

    15.1 . Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement taken from the Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov: “Introductory word or sentence - in grammar: an intonationally isolated word or sentence within another sentence, expressing different types of attitude of the speaker to what he is talking about.”

    You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with words from the Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov.

    Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded.

    15.2 . Write an essay based on the material in this article. Explain how you understand the meaning of the sentences in the text: “Giving love and kindness is easy. We just need to start.”

    When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

    The essay must be at least 70 words.

    If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

    Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

    15.3 . kindness? your definition. "What is kindness?" one example – give an argument from other sourcesfirst text, and the second

    The essay must be at least 70 words.

    If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

    Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


    Option 2.

    Instructions for performing the work

    The work consists of 3 parts, including 15 tasks.

    3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) are allotted to perform diagnostic work in the Russian language. The work consists of 3 parts.

    Part 1 includes one task and is a short written work based on the listened text (condensed presentation). The source text for the condensed presentation is listened to 2 times. This task is written down in answer form No. 2.

    Part 2 is performed based on the text read. It consists of 14 tasks (2–14).

    Answers to tasks 2–14 are written as a word (phrase), number, or sequence of numbers in the answer field in the text of the work.

    If you write down an incorrect answer to the tasks in Part 2, cross it out and write a new one next to it.

    Starting part 3 of the work, select one from the three proposed tasks (15.1, 15.2 or 15.3) and give a written, detailed, reasoned answer. This task is completed on a separate sheet (answer form No. 2).

    You are allowed to use a spelling dictionary during the exam.

    When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Entries in the draft are not taken into account when grading work.

    The points you receive for all completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible.

    We wish you success!

    Part 1

    Listen to the text and write a concise summary.

    Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-topic and the entire text as a whole.

    The volume of presentation is at least 70 words.

    Write your summary in neat, legible handwriting.

    Part 2

    Read the text and complete tasks 2 – 14.

    (1) People want to be happy - this is their natural need.

    (2) But where does the very core of happiness lie? (3) Let me note right away that I am only thinking, and not expressing the truths that I myself am striving for. (4) Does it lie in a comfortable apartment, good food, smart clothes? (5) Yes and no. (6) No - for the reason that, having all these shortcomings, a person can suffer from various mental hardships. (7) Does it lie in health? (8) Of course, yes, but in the same time and no.

    (9) Gorky wisely and slyly noted that life will always be bad enough so that the desire for the best does not fade away in humanity. (10) And Chekhov wrote: “If you want to be an optimist and understand life, then stop believing what they say and they write, but observe and delve into it yourself” (11) Pay attention to the beginning of the phrase: “If you want to be an optimist...” (12) And also – “ delve into it yourself.”

    (13) In the hospital I lay in a cast on my back for almost six months, but when the unbearable pain passed, I was cheerful.

    (14) The sisters asked: “Rozov, why are you so cheerful?” (15) And I answered: “What? It’s my leg that hurts, but I’m healthy.” (16) My spirit was healthy.

    (17) Happiness lies precisely in the harmony of the individual; they used to say: “The Kingdom of God is within us.” (18) The harmonious structure of this “kingdom” largely depends on the individual himself, although, I repeat, the external conditions of a person’s existence play an important role in its formation . (19) But not the most important one. (20) With all the calls to fight the shortcomings of our life, which have accumulated in abundance, I still first of all highlight the fight with ourselves. (21) You cannot expect someone to come from the outside and will make you a good life. (22) You must fight for the “honest fellow” in yourself, otherwise there will be trouble. (V. Rozov)

    *V.S. Rozov - Russian Soviet playwright, screenwriter.

    The answers to tasks 2 – 14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

    2. Which answer option contains the basic information needed to justification answer to the question: “Where lies the very core of happiness? ”.

    1) The core of happiness lies in health.

    2) The core of happiness is in a comfortable apartment, good food, elegant clothes.

    3) The core of happiness depends on the individual himself.

    4) The core of happiness depends on the good people around you

    Answer: ________________________________.

    3. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor.

    1 ) People want to be happy - this is their natural need.

    2) F Life will always be bad enough for the desire for the best not to fade away in humanity.

    3) The sisters asked: “Rozov, why are you so cheerful?”

    4) Does it lie in a comfortable apartment, good food, smart clothes?

    Answer: ________________________________.

    4. consoles in which it is determined by the rule “At the end of the prefix it is written – Z-, if it is followed by a voiced consonant.”

    Answer: ________________________________.

    5. From sentences 9 – 16, write down a word in which the spelling is N (-NN) obeys the rule “In complete passive past participles it is written –NN-».

    Answer: ________________________________.

    6. Replace spoken word "get into it" in sentence 12 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

    Answer: ________________________________.

    7. Replace the phrase in the sentence « in a comfortable apartment» , built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with a connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    8. You write grammatical basis proposals 4.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    9. Among sentences 1–8, find a sentence with a separate circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number denoting a commahandling.

    The sisters asked: “Rozov, (1) why are you so cheerful?”

    Of course, (2) yes, (3) but at the same time no.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    11. Specify quantity grammar basics

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between the parts of a complex sentence connected subordinating communication

    Let me note right away that (1) I am only thinking, (2) and not expressing truths, (3) to which I myself am only striving.

    And yes, (4) and no.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    13. Among sentences 2–10, find a complex sentence with consistent subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    14. Among sentences 1–8, find a complex sentence with non-union and subordinate connection between parts. Write the number of this offer.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    Part 3

    Using the read text from part 2, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing your essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

    15.1 . Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky: “There are no such sounds, colors, images and thoughts - complex and simple - for which there would not be an exact expression in our language.”

    When justifying your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the text you read.

    When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

    You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with words Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky. The essay must be at least 70 words.

    Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

    15.2 . “You can’t expect someone from the outside to come and make your life good.” ». In your essay, provide two arguments from this text that support your reasoning.

    When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

    The essay must be at least 70 words.

    If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

    Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

    15.3 . How do you understand the meaning of the wordhappiness? Formulate and comment yesyour definition. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: "What is happiness?", taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples - arguments confirming your reasoning: one example – give an argument from other sourcesfirst text, and the second – from your life experience.

    The essay must be at least 70 words.

    If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

    Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

    OGE-2015 Option 3.

    Instructions for performing the work

    The work consists of 3 parts, including 15 tasks.

    3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) are allotted to perform diagnostic work in the Russian language. The work consists of 3 parts.

    Part 1 includes one task and is a short written work based on the listened text (condensed presentation). The source text for the condensed presentation is listened to 2 times. This task is written down in answer form No. 2.

    Part 2 is performed based on the text read. It consists of 14 tasks (2–14).

    Answers to tasks 2–14 are written as a word (phrase), number, or sequence of numbers in the answer field in the text of the work.

    If you write down an incorrect answer to the tasks in Part 2, cross it out and write a new one next to it.

    Starting part 3 of the work, select one from the three proposed tasks (15.1, 15.2 or 15.3) and give a written, detailed, reasoned answer. This task is completed on a separate sheet (answer form No. 2).

    You are allowed to use a spelling dictionary during the exam.

    When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Entries in the draft are not taken into account when grading work.

    The points you receive for all completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible.

    We wish you success!

    Part 1

    Listen to the text and write a concise summary.

    Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-topic and the entire text as a whole.

    The volume of presentation is at least 70 words.

    Write your summary in neat, legible handwriting.

    Part 2

    Read the text and complete tasks 2 – 14.

    (1) Compassion is an active helper.
    (2) But what about those who don’t see, don’t hear, don’t feel when someone else is in pain and bad? (3) An outsider, as they consider everyone except themselves, and perhaps their family, to which, however, they are also often indifferent. (4) How to help both those who suffer from indifference and the indifferent themselves?
    (5) From childhood, educate yourself – first of all, yourself – in such a way as to respond to someone else’s misfortune and rush to the aid of someone in need. (6) And neither in life, nor in pedagogy, nor in art should we consider sympathy as a demagnetizing sensitivity, a sentimentality alien to us.
    (7) Sympathy is a great human ability and need, a benefit and a duty. (8) People who are endowed with such an ability or who have alarmingly sensed a lack of it in themselves, people who have cultivated in themselves the talent of kindness, those who know how to transform sympathy into assistance, have a more difficult life than those who are insensitive. (9) And more restless. (10) But their conscience is clear. (11) As a rule, they have good children. (12) They are usually respected by others. (13) But even if this rule is broken and those around them do not understand, and their children deceive their hopes, they will not deviate from their moral position.
    (14) It seems to the insensitive that they feel good. (15) They are endowed with armor that protects them from unnecessary worries and unnecessary worries. (16) But it only seems to them that they are not endowed, but deprived. (17) Sooner or later - as it comes around, it will respond!
    (18) I recently had the good fortune to meet an old, wise doctor. (19) He often appears in his department on weekends and holidays, not out of emergency, but out of spiritual need. (20) He talks to patients not only about their illness, but also about complex life topics. (21) He knows how to instill hope and cheerfulness in them. (22) Many years of observations showed him that a person who never sympathized with anyone, did not empathize with anyone’s suffering, when faced with his own misfortune, turns out to be unprepared for it. (23) He faces such a test pitiful and helpless. (24) Selfishness, callousness, indifference, heartlessness cruelly avenge themselves. (25) Blind fear. (26) Loneliness. (27) Belated repentance.
    (28) One of the most important human feelings is sympathy. (29) And let it not remain just sympathy, but become action. (30) By assistance. (31) One must come to the aid of someone who needs it, who feels bad, although he is silent, without waiting for a call. (32) There is no radio receiver stronger and more sensitive than the human soul. (33) If it is tuned to the wave of high humanity.
    (According to S. Lvov) *S. Lvov is a famous author of articles on moral and ethical topics, critic, prose writer.

    The answers to tasks 2 – 14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

    2. Which answer option contains the information needed to justification answer to the question: “How to help those who suffer from indifference?”.

    1) Insensitive people don’t need to be helped, they’re already fine.

    2) People endowed with empathy have an easy life.

    3) Cultivate compassion in yourself from the day you are born.

    4) Cultivate empathy when you have your own children.

    Answer: ________________________________.

    3. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor.

    1) It seems to the insensitive that they are having a good time.

    2) If you tune it to the wave of high humanity.

    3) Sympathy is a great human ability and need, a benefit and a duty.

    4) One of the most important human feelings is empathy.

    Answer: ________________________________.

    4. From sentences 24 – 33, write down the word, spelling consoles in which is determined by the value "approximation".

    Answer: ________________________________.

    5. From sentences 13 – 19, write down the words, spelling - N- (-NN-) in which it is subject to the rule “In short passive participles of the past tense it is written -N-».

    Answer: ________________________________.

    6. Replace the word "wise" in sentence 18 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

    Answer: ________________________________.

    7. Replace the phrase in sentence 19 « according to spiritual need» , built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with a connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    8. You write grammatical basis proposals 20.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    9. Find an offer among offers 24–33 with a separate circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    10. introductory word.

    They (1) as a rule, (2) are respected by others.

    But even if this rule is broken and those around them do not understand, (3) and the children deceive their hopes, (4) they will not deviate from their moral position.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    11. Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 13. Write the answer in numbers.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    12. subordinating communication

    From childhood, education is first and foremost yourself - so (1) to respond to someone else’s misfortune and rush to the aid of someone (2) who is in trouble.

    But it only seems to them, (4) they are not endowed, (5) but deprived.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    13. Among sentences 18–26, find a complex sentence with consistent subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    14. Among sentences 14–21, find a complex sentence with a non-union connection between parts. Write the number of this offer.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    Part 3.

    Using the read text from part 2, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing your essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

    15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky: “There is nothing in life and in our consciousness that cannot be conveyed in Russian words.”

    When justifying your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the text you read.

    When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

    You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky.

    The essay must be at least 70 words.

    Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

    Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

    15.2 . Write an essay based on the material in this article. Explain how you understand the meaning of the sentence in the text: “To someone who needs it, who feels bad, although he is silent, one must come to the aid without waiting for a call.” You can’t expect someone from the outside to come and make your life good.” In your essay, provide two arguments from this text that support your reasoning.

    When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

    The essay must be at least 70 words.

    If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

    Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

    15.3 . How do you understand the meaning of the wordcompassion? Formulate and comment yesyour definition. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: "What is compassion?" taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples - arguments confirming your reasoning: one example – give an argument from other sourcesfirst text, and the second – from your life experience.

    The essay must be at least 70 words.

    If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

    Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

    OGE-2015 Option 4.

    Instructions for performing the work

    The work consists of 3 parts, including 15 tasks.

    3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) are allotted to perform diagnostic work in the Russian language. The work consists of 3 parts.

    Part 1 includes one task and is a short written work based on the listened text (condensed presentation). The source text for the condensed presentation is listened to 2 times. This task is written down in answer form No. 2.

    Part 2 is performed based on the text read. It consists of 14 tasks (2–14).

    Answers to tasks 2–14 are written as a word (phrase), number, or sequence of numbers in the answer field in the text of the work.

    If you write down an incorrect answer to the tasks in Part 2, cross it out and write a new one next to it.

    Starting part 3 of the work, select one from the three proposed tasks (15.1, 15.2 or 15.3) and give a written, detailed, reasoned answer. This task is completed on a separate sheet (answer form No. 2).

    You are allowed to use a spelling dictionary during the exam.

    When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Entries in the draft are not taken into account when grading work.

    The points you receive for all completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible.

    We wish you success!

    Part 1

    Listen to the text and write a concise summary.

    Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-topic and the entire text as a whole.

    The volume of presentation is at least 70 words.

    Write your summary in neat, legible handwriting.

    Part 2

    Read the text and complete tasks 2 – 14.

    (1) What does enormous human love for everything that fits in one word - Motherland - grow from?

    (2) Homeland is a lot. (3) This is a path with a ford across a stream, and a space of one-sixth of the entire earth’s map. (4) This is a plane in the sky, and birds flying north over our house. (5) The homeland is growing cities and small villages of ten courtyards. (6) These are the names of people, names of rivers and lakes, memorable dates in history and plans for tomorrow. (7) This is you and me with our world of feelings, our joys and worries.

    (8) The homeland is like a huge tree on which you cannot count the leaves. (9) And everything that we do good adds strength to him. (10) But every tree has roots. (11) Without roots, even a slight wind would have knocked it down. (12) Roots feed the tree, connect it to the earth. (13) Roots are what we lived with yesterday, a year ago, a hundred, a thousand years ago. (14) This is our story. (15) These are our grandfathers and ancestors. (16) These are their works, silently living next to us, in steppe stone women, carved frames, in wooden toys and outlandish temples, in amazing songs and fairy tales. (17) These are the glorious names of commanders, poets and fighters for the people's cause.

    (18) It is important for a person to know his roots - an individual, a family, a nation - then the air we breathe will be healing and tasty, the land that raised us will be more valuable, it will be easier to feel the purpose and meaning of human life.

    (19) Without the past, it is impossible to understand well or appreciate the present. (20) The tree of our Motherland is one whole: a green crown and roots that go deep into the ground.

    (21) From a children’s toy, from a folk tale, from the first school conversation about the world around us... (22) A person’s idea of ​​the Motherland should be formed from the past and present. (23) Only under this condition will a person grow up capable of looking into tomorrow, capable of being proud of his Fatherland, believing in it, defending it...

    (24) A person must grow up to be a son of his country.

    (25) When doing great things, we must know where we came from and where it all began. (26) Our deeds, together with the past, together with the surrounding natural world and the fire of the hearth, are expressed by the dear word FATHERLAND. (27) It is impossible to force people to love the Fatherland by decree. (28) Love must be cultivated. (V. M. Peskov)

    *Vasily Peskov is a famous journalist, photojournalist, and writer.

    The answers to tasks 2 – 14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

    2. Which answer option does not contain the text information necessary to justification answer to the question: “What does love for the Motherland grow from?”.

    1) Growing cities and small villages.

    2) Toys, fairy tales, the whole world around you.

    3) The symbol of Russia is the birch tree.

    4) Pride in your Fatherland.

    Answer: ________________________________.

    3. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is an epithet .

    1) A man must grow up to be a son of his country.

    2) This is you and me with our world of feelings, our joys and worries.

    3) Roots nourish the tree and connect it to the earth.

    4) These are the glorious names of commanders, poets and fighters for the people's cause.

    Answer: ________________________________.

    4. From sentences 1–8, write down the word, spelling consoles in which it is determined by the rule “At the end of the prefix it is written - Z-, if it is followed by a voiced consonant.”

    Answer: ________________________________.

    5. From sentences 8 – 16, write down the word, spelling – N- (-NN-) in which it obeys the rule “– N- written in adjective suffixes -AN- – -YAN-, meaning “what it’s made of” (exception word).

    Answer: ________________________________.

    6. Replace book word "ancestor" in sentence 15 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

    Answer: ________________________________.

    7. Replace the phrase in sentence 16 « in wooden toys» , built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with a connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    8. You write grammatical basis proposals 12.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    9. Find an offer among offers 19 – 25 with a separate circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) denoting comma(s) whenisolation of clarifying members of the sentence.

    When doing great things, (1) we must know (2) where we came from and how we started.

    The homeland is growing cities and small, (3) ten courtyards, (4) villages.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    11. Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 9. Write the answer in numbers.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) between the parts of a complex sentence connected subordinating communication

    This is a plane in the sky, (1) and birds, (2) flying north over our house.

    And everything (3) that we do good, (4) adds strength to him.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    13. Among sentences 19–25, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    14. Among sentences 12 – 19, find a complex sentence with a non-union and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    Part 3.

    Using the read text from part 2, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing your essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

    15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of V.V. Vinogradov’s statement “A high culture of spoken and written speech, good knowledge and development of a sense of the native language, the ability to use its expressive means are the best support, the surest help, the most reliable recommendation for every person in his own life and creative activity.”

    When justifying your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the text you read.

    When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

    You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of V.V. Vinogradov. The essay must be at least 70 words.

    Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

    Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

    15.2 . Write an essay based on the material in this article. Explain how you understand the meaning of a sentence in the text “When we do great things, we must know where we came from and where it all began.” In your essay, provide two arguments from this text that support your reasoning.

    When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

    The essay must be at least 70 words.

    If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

    Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

    15.3 . How do you understand the meaning of the phrase love to motherland ? Formulate and comment yes newYou definition. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: "What is love for the Motherland?" taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples - arguments confirming your reasoning: one example – give an argument from other sourcesfirst text, and the second – from your life experience.

    The essay must be at least 70 words.

    If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

    Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting

    Option 1. Key

    Behind true completing tasks parts 2 incorrect answer or him absence zero points are given.

    Job number

    Correct answer



    compliment with sincerity

    call tell me

    Option 2. Key

    Behind true completing tasks parts 2 diagnostic work, the student receives one point for each task. Behind incorrect answer or him absence zero points are given.

    Job number

    Correct answer

    I'm thinking


    understand, understand. think

    in an apartment with amenities

    she is hiding (she is hiding)

    Option 3. Key

    Behind true completing tasks parts 2 diagnostic work, the student receives one point for each task. Behind incorrect answer or him absence zero points are given.

    Job number

    Correct answer



    according to the needs of the soul

    he is talking

    Option 4. Key

    Behind true completing tasks parts 2 diagnostic work, the student receives one point for each task. Behind incorrect answer or him absence zero points are given.

    Job number

    Correct answer




    toys made of wood
