Great care needs to be taken towards children. Sentences containing the phrase “show great interest”

Explain grammatical errors.

1. He loved and was passionate about reading. (same)

3. Entering the room, he looked at everyone.

4. The children wore Panama hats. (put it on)

5. Upon completion of the experiment, scientists will publish an analytical report. (upon completion)

6. Many of those who knew Chekhov recalled his fierce hatred of self-aggrandizement and arrogance. (to self-aggrandizement)

7. One of the Russian customs valued by many old Muscovites was oral storytelling. (Russian customs) ?

8. The great power of love between Orpheus and Eurydice is described in the book “Myths of Ancient Hellas”, compiled

9. The train arrived according to schedule.

10. One of the Russian writers who described Russian life in detail was Ivan Bunin.

11. I wrote to my friend that I miss her very much. (I miss her)

12. He is not far from the truth in his statements.

13. Spring was early in Rostov.

14. Classes went according to schedule. (according to the timetable)

16. Pay for travel on time. (pay for travel)

17. It seems that the cloud has turned into a monster looking at you from above. (looking)

18. Shakespeare, Gogol, Dostoevsky created not only types of people, but also types of the era.

19. Great care must be taken towards children. (child care)

20. Sad thoughts are associated with loneliness, when a person closes himself in his own little world and has no one to talk to. (the 2nd subordinate clause cannot refer to loneliness (if parallel) and cannot refer to the little world (if sequential))

21. Even in ancient times, amber was used as decoration, which is even mentioned by Homer in the poem “Odyssey”.

22. One of the functional styles, which has a special scope of application - art, is called artistic.

23. Thanks to various stylistic inclusions in artistic speech, an ironic or humorous nature of the narrative is created.

24. Everyone who came to Volgograd came to Mamayev Kurgan.

25. Teachers drew attention to the problems of primary education.

26. In the village they were interested in and believed everything unusual.

27. While in Moscow, I really missed Taganrog. (I missed Taganrog)

28.New materials about the Unified State Exam have appeared in the Education magazine. (in the magazine "Education")

29.My parents asked me if I wanted to go to university. (incorrectly formed subordinate clause)

30. Everyone who knows Chekhov’s work admires him.

31.The magazine “Sovremennik” publishes modern journalistic works. (Contemporary - modern)

32. After finishing school, I will go to college. (after finishing school)

33. When they asked him what your favorite character in the novel was, he said that he didn’t know yet. (incorrectly formed subordinate clause)

34.The library issued eight hundred and one books.

35. Grandmother loved her only grandson and worried about him.

36. These facts indicate that young people have completely stopped reading the classics. (the facts indicate that)

37. In the summer I will go to my grandfather’s village. (I'll go to my grandfather)

38. I returned from Rostov late in the evening. (from Rostov)

39. Contrary to the forecasts of meteorologists, it started to rain.

40. This was a fact obvious to him.

1..Choose the correct answer.
Communion is:
A) a special form of the verb, denoting the attribute of an object by action and answering the questions: which one? which? which?
B) a part of speech that denotes the action of an object and answers the questions: what to do? what to do?
2. Note the signs of the verb that are also characteristic of the participle:
A) gender, B) mood, C) case, D) number, E) conjugation, F) aspect, G) tense.
3. Find a phrase where there is a mistake in the spelling of the ending of the participle:
A) invisible front; B) by a moving train; D) a galloping horse.
4. Mark the sentences in which the participial phrase is correctly separated by commas:
A) Along the edges of the road one could see stunted poplars, with leaves turning gray from dust.
B) The camp, wet from drizzling rains, seemed deserted.
C) They seemed older than us who stayed here.
5. Mark the phrases with passive participles:
A) sky covered with clouds; B) the postman who brought the letter;
C) a scientist who discovered a new element; D) a letter written by a friend.
6. Mark the suffixes of the active participles:
A) -eat- (-om-); B) –ush- (-yush-); B) –enn- (-yonn-); D) –ash- (-box-); D) –vsh- (-sh-); E) –nn-; G) –t-; H) -im- .
7. Highlight cases of continuous spelling NOT with participles:
A) (un)tired work; B) an incomparable day;
B) (not) a sleepy child; D) the meadows are (not) mown,
D) (not) warming sun.
8. Find examples where mistakes were made in the spelling of Н and НН in the suffixes of participles:
A) a wounded soldier; B) glazed veranda; B) sifted flour;
D) boiled egg; D) painted walls; E) unknitted sweater.
9. Mark the phrases in which the letter E (Ё) is written before N or NN: A) illuminated by light; B) crowned with laurels;
C) alarmed by the news; D) unpainted floor;
D) strewn with leaves.
10. Mark the phrases where there is no mistake in the spelling of the letters E and E after the passive participles hissing in the suffixes:
A) lacks talent; B) passionate about business; B) twisted wire;
D) extinguished by morning.
11. Find participles that are incorrectly sorted by composition:
A) unmown; B) grown; D) under consideration; D) yellowed.
12. Mark the words that are PARTICIPLES:
A) lost; B) green; B) build; D) shown; D) heard

Indicate what is strange about this phrase: It has no role and does not matter. Find

errors, prove with how they are related:

a) The young hockey players were disappointed with the result of the first meeting.

b) The poet sings of devotion to the Motherland.

c) Great care must be taken towards children.

1) Find the phrase by its grammatical meaning - the sign and reason for its occurrence.

a) jog
b) walk in the garden
c) red is frosty
d) very soft
2) In which phrase was there an error in management?
a) self-confidence
b) pay for travel
c) I miss you
d) exchange of experience
3) In what phrase is the connection between words and management?
a) dress for winter
b) blossoming lilac
c) too loud
d) be heard in silence
4) Which phrases are not synonymous?
a) cherry jam - cherry jam
b) forest area - forest area
c) read expressively - expressive reading
d) rays of the sun - sun rays

Indicate the pronoun in which the mistake was made:

A) there is nothing to take;
B) nothing to believe in;
B) not adapted to anything;
D) no one to help;
D) some circumstances;
E) there is no one to blame;
G) under any conditions;
H) don’t tell anyone;
I) for no reason.
Indicate the pronoun in which the mistake was made:
A) contacted someone
B) nothing was scary;
B) something interesting;
D) was guilty of something;
D) to any person;
E) don’t ask anything;
G) some people;
H) in someone's hands;
I) didn’t understand something.
Indicate errors in the characteristics of pronouns:
A) any event (n.f. - any, determinative, singular, neuter, etc., is a Definition);
B) in several places (n.f.-several, relative; prev. definition)
B) at those houses (n.f-tot, demonstrative; singular, genitive. Case., yavl. Definition).
Indicate sentences in which there are errors in the use of pronouns.
A) they have no hope of salvation.
B) I had to remember this incident again.
C) at the first meeting, she extended her hand.
D) their views were not shared by the majority of those present
D) he had guests that day
5) indicate the sentences in which the error was made.
A) there’s nothing I didn’t like here
B) several athletes received awards
C) they didn’t remember anyone during the trip
D) he didn’t even know about some facts
D) he treated some people with respect
Please help, I will be very grateful:*^^

The labor market must be civilized in terms of attitude towards working people. This was stated on November 20, 2010 at the first joint meeting of the Center for Social Conservative Policy and on the topic “Ethical aspects of labor and employment” by the chairman.

Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin called for the development of a discussion about the foundations of the social structure of Russia, including the ideological and practical content of the concept of “social state.” “In order for the economy and the state to be successful,” said Father Vsevolod, “care for people must be enshrined in law and in the national idea. And not only at the level of increasing the share of wages in enterprise expenses, which in our country is much lower than in the West, given the same prices. We need to ensure that people have the opportunity for intellectual growth, proper rest, spiritual development, and raising children. Without this, the people, and therefore the economy, have no future.”

The speaker emphasized the importance of the responsibility of government and business to society for the policies pursued towards working people. According to him, if a person “only works, does not have time for prayer, reading, culture, family, reflection, then he very quickly becomes spiritually impoverished and is destroyed as a person.”

The priest recalled that in the Orthodox tradition there is a whole layer of teaching about work, about what kind of work pleases God, how God’s commandments should be implemented in relationships related to work: “Many norms of social ethics that were in use even in Soviet times, go back to Holy Scripture. For example, the phrase “let him who does not work, let him not eat” (see 2 Thess. 3:10), was not invented by the communists.”

Father Vsevolod also noted that it is necessary to show b O greater care for the working person than has been the case in the last 20 years. And we are not just talking about wages, although this is certainly important. It is necessary that labor be held in high esteem at the level of the media, politics, culture, and public discussion. According to the priest, a civilized labor market is very important.

“The state and the generals of our business must orient people towards a different culture, which allows us to preserve and increase the human potential of the country. That is, ultimately it is beneficial for the business itself. If we do not preserve our own people, we will not achieve economic success. It would be reckless to rely solely on migrants,” said Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin.

Executive Secretary of the Patriarchal Council "Economics and Ethics" P.A. Shashkin devoted his speech to the relevance of reviving the ideological motivation of work as a key condition for successful modernization.

“Increasing labor productivity cannot be the result of exclusively technocratic measures; there must be a material incentive for work,” emphasized Pavel Shashkin, “but this is not a panacea or a solution to the problem. Ideological motivation is required. The famous Russian scientist Gilyarov-Platonov correctly wrote about this in his time: mechanical labor itself is neither a source nor a measure of value; on the contrary, the mind and intellect put into work, and finally, a person’s personal assessment of his work is the true essence of the value of a product , its source and its measure. That’s why we talk about the need for a value-regulated economy, in which meaningful and spiritual work is a basic value and a basic incentive.”

Taking into account the mixed reaction of society to the initiatives of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs to tighten labor legislation, the parties spoke in favor of holding a meeting with the leadership of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in order to try to develop a coordinated position regarding labor and employment standards.

1..Choose the correct answer.
Communion is:
A) a special form of the verb, denoting the attribute of an object by action and answering the questions: which one? which? which?
B) a part of speech that denotes the action of an object and answers the questions: what to do? what to do?
2. Note the signs of the verb that are also characteristic of the participle:
A) gender, B) mood, C) case, D) number, E) conjugation, F) aspect, G) tense.
3. Find a phrase where there is a mistake in the spelling of the ending of the participle:
A) invisible front; B) by a moving train; D) a galloping horse.
4. Mark the sentences in which the participial phrase is correctly separated by commas:
A) Along the edges of the road one could see stunted poplars, with leaves turning gray from dust.
B) The camp, wet from drizzling rains, seemed deserted.
C) They seemed older than us who stayed here.
5. Mark the phrases with passive participles:
A) sky covered with clouds; B) the postman who brought the letter;
C) a scientist who discovered a new element; D) a letter written by a friend.
6. Mark the suffixes of the active participles:
A) -eat- (-om-); B) –ush- (-yush-); B) –enn- (-yonn-); D) –ash- (-box-); D) –vsh- (-sh-); E) –nn-; G) –t-; H) -im- .
7. Highlight cases of continuous spelling NOT with participles:
A) (un)tired work; B) an incomparable day;
B) (not) a sleepy child; D) the meadows are (not) mown,
D) (not) warming sun.
8. Find examples where mistakes were made in the spelling of Н and НН in the suffixes of participles:
A) a wounded soldier; B) glazed veranda; B) sifted flour;
D) boiled egg; D) painted walls; E) unknitted sweater.
9. Mark the phrases in which the letter E (Ё) is written before N or NN: A) illuminated by light; B) crowned with laurels;
C) alarmed by the news; D) unpainted floor;
D) strewn with leaves.
10. Mark the phrases where there is no mistake in the spelling of the letters E and E after the passive participles hissing in the suffixes:
A) lacks talent; B) passionate about business; B) twisted wire;
D) extinguished by morning.
11. Find participles that are incorrectly sorted by composition:
A) unmown; B) grown; D) under consideration; D) yellowed.
12. Mark the words that are PARTICIPLES:
A) lost; B) green; B) build; D) shown; D) heard

Indicate what is strange about this phrase: It has no role and does not matter. Find

errors, prove with how they are related:

a) The young hockey players were disappointed with the result of the first meeting.

b) The poet sings of devotion to the Motherland.

c) Great care must be taken towards children.

1) Find the phrase by its grammatical meaning - the sign and reason for its occurrence.

a) jog
b) walk in the garden
c) red is frosty
d) very soft
2) In which phrase was there an error in management?
a) self-confidence
b) pay for travel
c) I miss you
d) exchange of experience
3) In what phrase is the connection between words and management?
a) dress for winter
b) blossoming lilac
c) too loud
d) be heard in silence
4) Which phrases are not synonymous?
a) cherry jam - cherry jam
b) forest area - forest area
c) read expressively - expressive reading
d) rays of the sun - sun rays

Indicate the pronoun in which the mistake was made:

A) there is nothing to take;
B) nothing to believe in;
B) not adapted to anything;
D) no one to help;
D) some circumstances;
E) there is no one to blame;
G) under any conditions;
H) don’t tell anyone;
I) for no reason.
Indicate the pronoun in which the mistake was made:
A) contacted someone
B) nothing was scary;
B) something interesting;
D) was guilty of something;
D) to any person;
E) don’t ask anything;
G) some people;
H) in someone's hands;
I) didn’t understand something.
Indicate errors in the characteristics of pronouns:
A) any event (n.f. - any, determinative, singular, neuter, etc., is a Definition);
B) in several places (n.f.-several, relative; prev. definition)
B) at those houses (n.f-tot, demonstrative; singular, genitive. Case., yavl. Definition).
Indicate sentences in which there are errors in the use of pronouns.
A) they have no hope of salvation.
B) I had to remember this incident again.
C) at the first meeting, she extended her hand.
D) their views were not shared by the majority of those present
D) he had guests that day
5) indicate the sentences in which the error was made.
A) there’s nothing I didn’t like here
B) several athletes received awards
C) they didn’t remember anyone during the trip
D) he didn’t even know about some facts
D) he treated some people with respect
Please help, I will be very grateful:*^^

Humanity is always showed great interest to the basics of managing economic processes, as well as to the role of control in management.

Neither the upper nor the middle classes showed great interest to literature and even less to the sciences, and their pursuits were rarely sublime or intellectual.

Hello! My name is Lampobot, I am a computer program that helps you make Word Maps. I can count perfectly, but I still don’t understand very well how your world works. Help me figure it out!

Thank you! I began to understand the world of emotions a little better.

Question: take possession- is it something neutral, positive or negative?




This means you need show more interest to reality, to what is, instead of complaining and dreaming that everything could be different.

Video camera. Advantages. Uses color, movement, and the ability to look at an object from different angles. To the video image audience shows great interest.

All this time to the restored architectural and historical monument showed great interest members of occult societies and openly satanic sects.

Child shows great interest to activities that require fine and precise motor skills (for example, modeling from small parts for boys and bead weaving for girls); has good hand-eye coordination; loves movement (running, jumping, climbing); has a wide range of movement (from slow to fast, from smooth to sharp); perfectly maintains balance when performing motor exercises (on a balance beam, springboard); has excellent body control when maneuvering (starting, stopping, purposefully changing direction, etc.)

Before the real confrontation at the beginning of the 18th century, the regions showed great interest to each other's literature and language, neither side made much effort to become acquainted with the other's way of life.

It was the heirs of the old Ukrainian elders who began show great interest to the history of his native land - and from this began the long Ukrainian path to independence, which ended in 1991.

This is explained by the fact that children show great interest to words and language in general and therefore do not ignore any “innovations” and strive to immediately use them in their speech.

This explains the fact that such leaders are quite sensitive (sensitive) to disrespect and inattention, show great interest to symbols of status and power, external signs of success, and are constantly concerned about the impression they will make on others.

The Emperor himself showed great interest to Taoism, but not in its “philosophical” version, but in those varieties that developed over time and became very popular among wide sections of the people - in combination with shamanism and magic.

Russian emigrant, in addition to engaging in journalism and political activities, during that period showed great interest to fine arts, visited many art galleries, which allowed him to prepare quite professional articles on European art for “Kyiv Thought”.

Social workers involved in the field of social policy and public organizations, show great interest to the problems of social legislation, the development of social programs and effective assistance to representatives of different social groups through various social services.

Children 3 years old show great interest to the objective world, therefore many outdoor games are based on actions with an object and on the child’s desire to get this object in his hands.

In the second year of life, children show great interest to everything that moves and sounds, so when singing, try to more actively use toys whose movements are accompanied by music, song, and onomatopoeia.

We know of its existence from the records of kings and Egyptian government officials, but they do not showed great interest to record information on overseas trade.