Naruto drawing from the series in red pencil. How to draw Naruto with a simple pencil

Today, anime is quickly gaining fans. Fans of Japanese animation don’t just like to look at drawn characters - they collect their figures, various attributes, try to dress the same and, of course, want to draw them.

Naruto is one of the most popular anime. He has a large number of fans all over the world. And many of them want to know how to draw Naruto, and not only him. The manga that formed the basis of the anime, created by the fairly famous Japanese mangaka Masashi Kishimoto, has many magnificent, colorful characters.

How to draw Naruto with a pencil

First of all, you should draw an oval face, taking into account that Naruto’s face is round, with a sharp chin. To do this, you need to draw a circle along with a gentle cone at the bottom. Afterwards you need to draw auxiliary lines. The first such line will intersect the oval of the face, dividing it in half. The second line should be drawn at eye level. Also, before you draw Naruto, you need to remember that all auxiliary lines must then be erased with an eraser. This is quite important: if you leave auxiliary lines, the drawing will not look complete or complete.

Naruto's eyes

To draw eyes for this character, you need to mark a line on the face, and then start drawing huge round eyes on it. It is necessary that they are located at almost the same distance from the line drawn in the center. Just like other anime characters, Naruto's eyes are large and round. The next step is to draw them. They should be somewhat reminiscent of a cat's shape, have the same cut and large pupils. Naruto has light pupils, which is why it is necessary to draw a small dot of the iris in the center, and then draw small strokes around it.

How to draw Naruto headband, nose and mouth

Naruto has a bandage on his forehead. It is not difficult to draw, you just need to sketch it roughly, in particular its central part and general shape. After this, you should boldly draw the Konoha sign and outline the edges of the bandage. In principle, you can hold off on this: when you draw the hair, keep in mind that it falls onto the bandage and covers part of it. Therefore, the edge line will not be continuous. In order to draw a nose, you need to draw a central auxiliary line, and then draw two short lines close to it, which will indicate the nostrils. For the mouth, two lines will be enough. One of them will be the line of the lower lip, with the ends curved upward, and the second will be the upper lip. The bottom line should be wider.

How to draw Naruto hair

Eyebrows are drawn with a downward slope from the inside. Stripes on the cheeks can be drawn using regular strokes. For the hairstyle, you will need to draw a couple of strands near the eyes and little by little move upward, drawing a crew cut hairstyle. You can get by with a few large strands. After that, we finish drawing the ears, neck and collar. The portrait is ready!

In this lesson I will show you how to draw Naruto with a pencil step by step to the full height of an adult. We draw Naruto from the anime “Naruto Shippuden”, or “Naruto: Hurricane Chronicles”. Naruto is a popular anime where the main character is the eponymous character Naruto Uzumaki, who, like others, has different abilities.

To draw the pose in which Naruto stands, we need to make a sketch of the skeleton, these are just segments that are responsible for individual parts of the body. First draw the head, to make it easier, first draw a circle, draw a line for the middle of the head, it is tilted because the head is also tilted, then draw the lower part of the face, draw a line for the eyes, draw the ears and slightly increase the size of the head on the right. Next, we draw the skeleton, the main thing here is to draw the proportions correctly, this is our basis, we will “dance” from it, if at this stage the proportions are very distorted, then the drawing will not look correct no matter how hard you try. We will not draw the body, this is not necessary because... We know that Naruto is of normal build and his clothes are loose and not tight. Therefore, we immediately make a sketch of the clothes, outline the main lines, while at this stage we do not draw anything.

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Make the lines a little lighter; to do this, take an eraser and go over them. Now let's draw the eyes, nose, mouth, the face itself and the headband.

Draw hair, an iron plaque with a sign on the bandage. Next we begin to draw the clothes, draw the collar, folds on the clothes in the shoulder area, because hands raised, then we draw.

We draw a trowel, at the end of it there is an elastic band, the zipper does not go straight down, but is wavy due to the folds. Then we draw the pants, folds, a winding on one leg, and shoes.

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Naruto is the main character of the anime of the same name, which has won hundreds of thousands of fans around the world. If you are one of his fans and wondering how to draw Naruto, then you have come to the right place. In this article we will look at four step-by-step examples.

Full height

In this example, we will learn how to draw Naruto step by step in full growth. To do this we need a blank sheet of paper, a pencil and some free time.

We draw the skeleton of our hero in the form of sticks and circles. At this stage we draw a skeleton, and then we will gradually add arms, legs and a torso to it.

Great, we have the skeleton, now we need to detail it. Let's start with the head, so we draw the hair and give the head human contours.

Now we draw the eyes, nose and ears; there will be no comments on this, since they are depicted in a fairly standard way. In the neck area we will draw a large collar from the clothes.

His signature suit is black and orange, so there are two large rectangles running through the chest and stomach area, which will later be colored orange.

Let's move on to the legs, everything is basically simple here. We draw ordinary trousers, and wrap his right leg with bandages. An important point, the folds in the groin and knee areas give the drawing a more realistic look.

The final stage will be coloring our anime character.

Draw with a pencil

This time we will figure out how to draw Naruto with a pencil, so take a regular pencil and sharpen it. Also, be sure to find an eraser, we will need it.

First we need to outline the top of the sheet. It should be understood that we must place the face of our hero in the central square. To make the lines straight, use a ruler.

Let's draw the contours within which the face will be.

Draw the nose with two short stripes and the mouth with one long line. To make our character look more militant, let’s lower his eyebrows down and make his eyes wide open.

Let's add ears, and draw three stripes on the cheeks.

We depict his trademark on the forehead. The hairstyle should be quite fluffy, draw sharp spikes. The spikes don't need to be minced, they should be large enough and not repeated too often.

We have finished the most difficult part, namely drawing the head. Now let's move on to simple things. Draw the shoulders and arms.

It's time to put the pencil aside and grab a black felt-tip pen. We outline all the lines in black.

Well, at the last stage we need to color our drawing and erase all the auxiliary lines.

Another full-length example

This method will perfectly help beginners draw Naruto. It's similar to the first example in this article, but this time our character will have a slightly different pose.

Draw the skeleton. The hands in this sketch may look very strange, but in reality Naruto will be holding them in front of his chest.

This time we won't go from head to toe. This time we will detail all the details at the same time. Perhaps this may seem quite difficult for beginners, then it is better to scroll a little lower and copy directly from the finished drawing.

Continues to detail the drawing. Draw the contours of the arms, legs and head.

We complete our character by drawing all the small details.

The drawing is ready, all that remains is to color it.


Now we would like to talk in more detail about how to draw Naruto's face. His face is not too different from the faces of other anime characters, so if you already know how to draw them, then you can do Naruto without any problems.

We depict the eyes, nose and mouth. As you can see, they are depicted from elementary lines and you will definitely succeed.

Draw the contours. The chin should be sharp, and the curve of the jaw should be at a height just below the mouth. Also, let's draw the ears.

Let's draw a bandage on the forehead. Pay attention to its left and right sides, you should create the same fold effect. We will depict his symbol on the bandage.

Let's draw the neck and hair. Our hero's hairstyle is quite simple and anyone can draw it.

If after reading something is not clear to you, you can take a look at the video tutorial below. In it you will look at the live drawing process, which will definitely help you.

Naruto is a very popular anime, or to be more precise, it is a manga. To be very specific, Naruto is a teenager, an aspiring ninja, very noisy, but kind. He strives to achieve a certain honor and status of "Hokage", that is, the status of the main ninja in his settlement. If we go into history, then (out of fifty-eight volumes) it was published in the last century, in 1999. Remarkably, new books are still being published. But let’s return to the most desired question: “How to draw Naruto”?

Naruto drawing. What is needed for this

This is a whole science. Many cartoon fans are looking for video tutorials on drawing characters. quickly grew into a new direction, which can roughly be called Narutomania.

In order to draw Naruto figures, you will need a pencil and a piece of paper. Actually, that's all. The pencil should be of medium hardness and well sharpened, since Japanese anime does not tolerate thick lines, as you may have noticed. Although if we take true mangaka, that is, people who draw manga characters, then their preference is given to ink. Although the most important thing in this matter is the training of the hand.

The actual drawing process

So, how to draw Naruto? You should always start with a drawing since that is where the entire emphasis lies. Naruto has a large, round face with a fairly sharp chin. That is, a circle and a gentle cone are drawn, which is this very chin.

We continue to draw Naruto, noting on the above line large and round eyes (which, in fact, is typical for all anime characters), located at the same distance from the first line. Directly drawing the eyes takes a lot of time, since they occupy most of the face. The eyes should resemble a cat's - with an appropriate cut and fairly large, light pupils, which are drawn in the form of a dot, and only then strokes are made relative to it.

Naruto's decoration is a bandage on his forehead. To draw it, sketches of the shape and its central part are made, and a little later its contours are drawn with bold strokes. But do not do this right away, since the bandage is covered by part of the hair.

The nose is drawn with two short lines, which are the nostrils, which recede at a minimum distance from the center line. For the mouth, two lines are enough: a wide one, the tips of which are curved upward - this is the lower lip, and a straight line, which also forms the lower lip. The easiest way to draw stripes is on the cheeks and eyebrows. Eyebrows are made with strokes inclined towards the face, and stripes - with regular strokes.

The hairstyle begins to be drawn from the strands that are located near the eyes. Then gradually move up, ending with a corolla, like flowers, that is, five strands will be enough. Then the ears are drawn.

The collar is drawn taking into account the peeking neck. Therefore, you need to start with it - we denote it with two short lines. After stepping back a little, the collar is drawn. Don't forget to draw the strands of hair that are near the neck and headband.

In a word, it’s clear how to draw Naruto. It is both easy and difficult at the same time. Japanese characters come out alive and emotional, despite the monotony of drawing methods, as the creators put their soul into their work. Those who really want to draw Naruto characters will always be able to do it.