Boasting itself is punished, the story is short. Bragging punishes itself funny story short

To write any creative work, you need to know some rules.

How to write a creative paper

In any creative work you must follow the following rules:

  • create a plot outline;
  • highlight the beginning, climax and conclusion;
  • use means of artistic expression;
  • think over the characters of the main characters.

The story behind the saying “Boasting punishes itself”

The Hare lived in the forest. And he really loved to boast. He used to climb onto a tree stump, and tell him how strong and brave he is! And his paws are powerful, stronger than those of the Bear himself, and his eyesight is better than that of the Eagle, and his fur is more beautiful than that of the Fox, and he runs the fastest in the forest.

The other animals didn’t listen to the hare, and he really liked to bully. Squirrels jump on the branches, collect nuts, and the hare shouts to them: “Hey, redheads! Why are you jumping so slowly? I can jump higher than you. See, squirrels, what kind of paws I have! You never dreamed of such things!” And the squirrels giggle and go on collecting nuts for themselves.

Once upon a time, the wise old Raven heard about the brave Hare. I came to see such a brave man. And all the forest inhabitants immediately ran to Raven and asked him: “Teach the braggart a lesson, wise Raven, he doesn’t give anyone peace in the forest.”

The Raven agreed and flew to the stump on which the Hare was sitting and boasting.

Ah, Raven, hello! - says the Hare, - look how beautiful my white fur is, not like your feathers are black. And what weak legs you have! Not like mine!

And you, Hare, are you brave and strong? Well, if this is really so, then go to the hunting snares and put your paw into the trap. With your strong paws you will get out, and everyone in the forest will immediately recognize you as the bravest Hare.

The hare snorted and went to the hunting snares, and stuck his paw into the trap. He jerks his paw, but the trap doesn’t let go. The hare tried to get out all day, but nothing worked out for him.

Why don’t you, Hare, break the snare with your strong paws?

The Raven flew off the branch and pecked at the rope of the trap. The Hare got out of his way and cowardly galloped off into the thicket.

Boasting punishes itself, said the wise Raven.

And the Hare never boasted again.

There are plenty of boastful people in our lives. Why does a person brag? To prove your superiority. Others will buzz everyone’s ears: “I’ve been so good, and for a long time, since the times of Tsar Pea...” But here’s a fairy tale for you on the theme of “boasting.”

Fairy tale "The boastful mosquito"
(to the proverb “Bragging punishes itself”)
Author of the story: Iris Review

Once upon a time there lived a boastful Mosquito. He boasted to everyone in the forest:

“I’m not afraid of anyone, I’m not afraid of any obstacles, I will overcome any obstacle.” I am nimble, evasive, agile. Who can scare me? Nobody! I'll fly away from anyone. What can scare me? Nothing, I can get through any obstacle.

Animals and birds listened to him, some agreed with him in their hearts, others did not.

But one day, the chief forecaster of the forest, Zyablik, warned that a strong storm was approaching, and all forest inhabitants needed to worry about their safety in advance. A finch flew over the forest and made a warning sound: “Ting-ting-ting.”

Someone hid in his hole, someone climbed into the reeds. The insects crawled under the bark of nearby trees. And only Komar ignored the warning and continued to boast:

-What is a storm? It's just a strong wind. But I'm not afraid of the wind. He and I are racing.

Before the boastful Mosquito had time to finish his last words, a powerful wave picked him up and carried him to the forest river.

“Ay, ay-yay,” Komar shouted, “save me, help me!”

But there was no one to save. Everyone was sitting in secluded places. Finally, the Mosquito hit a tree and flew down. No one knows how long he lay on the ground. But in the morning the voice of the boastful Mosquito was not heard.

“Our Mosquito has disappeared, that’s what bragging leads to,” the forest dwellers reasoned.

“Boasting punishes itself,” said the wise Owl.

And Mosquito, who received severe bruises, sat silently under a tree. I didn't want to brag anymore. And it’s unlikely that you’ll ever want to...

Questions about the fairy tale “The Boastful Mosquito”

What boastful words did Komar say?

Who warned Komar about the impending danger?

Why didn't Mosquito heed the warning words?

What difficult situation did Komar find himself in?

Did anyone manage to help Komar?

How did the story with Mosquito end?

To the question Please come up with a funny story when this saying could be used. “Bragging is its own punishment.” given by the author Natasha Mironova the best answer is 1.

= Hee! - said Lisa. - How weak you all are. Yes, I can easily lift it alone!
“Okay,” the animals said and went to prepare dinner.


Then the Fox again brags about something a couple of times, and finally asks for forgiveness from the animals. The house was completed and everyone began to live happily. 🙂

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Please come up with a funny story where this saying could be used. "Bragging is its own punishment."

Answer from Nose warmer[newbie]
The animals were building a home for themselves. The hare called everyone and said:
- I built a brick wall. There will be a window here, but we need to put this heavy concrete slab on top, help!
- Hee! - said Lisa. - How weak you all are. Yes, I can easily lift it alone!
“Okay,” the animals said and went to prepare dinner.
But Lisa could not lift the slab. She just moved the stove and the pita pinched the fur on her tail and the Fox could not leave. The fox did not call for help - she was ashamed.
The animals were already sitting at dinner, but the Fox remained.
- Friends! - said the Wolf. -Where is Lisa?
And the animals left dinner and went to look for the Fox. They saw that she could not move and freed her from the slab.
Then the Fox again brags about something a couple of times, and finally asks for forgiveness from the animals. The house was completed and everyone began to live happily.

Answer from Neuropathologist[newbie]
Once upon a time there lived a boy, Sasha. Not a bad boy, but he liked to brag. He studied in 3B class. One day he decided to show off to the guys. And says:
– You know, I know how to light a fire! Set up a tent! And I know how to cook kebabs! Yes I! Yes, I can do everything!
The guys were all surprised and began to ask Sasha where he learned to do all this. And Sasha is happy and continues to praise himself about how irreplaceable he is on the hike.
And it was May 30th. The next day the guys studied for the last day before the summer holidays. They had two lessons, and after that they went on a hike.
The next day, Sasha, as luck would have it, was 20 minutes late. And they wrote a note to him in his diary.
“We should not have taken you on a hike! - the teacher said sternly, “I was just explaining a new topic, and you interrupted me, and now I don’t remember where I stopped.”
It’s good that the last lesson went well for Sasha and the guys.
Finally they got ready for the hike and went. They stopped under a tree with a sign “3v”. Sasha was given the task of setting up a tent and lighting a fire. "Do it! - the guys said - if you can do everything.” But Sasha was of no use. He broke the tent and almost started a fire. The guys barely put out the burning tree. And then they shouted at Sasha:
- You're stupid!
“Calm down, calm down,” Sasha tried to calm them down.
- How can you be calm here! You almost started a fire! Because of you, the whole forest will burn, and you and us too!
The boys' cursing was interrupted by a sudden downpour. And the tent was torn. The guys went to make umbrellas using burdock leaves and oak branches. But they didn’t take Sasha with them, but said:
- Enough! You've already helped us! Stay here!
They said and left.
This is how Sasha violated his relationships with his friends.
This is what boasting can lead to!