What does it mean to live life without moving on? “Living life is not a field to cross” (essay). Writing tips and example work Life pass not field pass meaning

“Living life is not a field to cross.” Essays on proverbs and sayings can often be found in the school curriculum. Writing such a work will not only teach the student to express information from the textbook, but will also provide an opportunity to discover what is personal that he really considers most important.

What do we want to say?

It is logical to note that “Living life is not a field to cross” is an essay with a clearly defined topic for writing. Clear, but not specific. Life is a multifaceted concept, therefore in an essay you can pay more attention to one of its aspects. Simply put, before writing, you need to decide what, the most important and cherished thing, you want to talk about.

“Living life is not a field to cross” is an essay in which you can write about your main life goal. We can say that no matter how difficult the situation may be, you don’t need to give up, you need to continue to believe in yourself and your ideals. It would also be a good idea to note that it is important to always remain human. You can also mention people who occupy a special place in everyone’s life.

“Living life is not a field to cross” is an essay-reasoning, so you should not restrain your own flow of thoughts for the sake of the curriculum.


Nevertheless, every thought in an essay must be reasoned. So, when starting to write, you need to stock up on a few apt phrases from works of literature in advance.

“Living life is not a field to cross” is an essay, the arguments for which should be taken from the works of the classics. For example, M. Gorky in the play “At the Bottom” created a character who, being at the very bottom of society, did not give up his ideals. It is worth remembering the words of N. Ostrovsky: “Life must be lived in such a way that it does not hurt for wasted time.” Or give preference to Pavlenko’s apt statement: “Life is the days that are remembered.”

It is not difficult to find many arguments that support the value and complexity of life. Based on them, you can write a succinct essay filled with meaning and personality.

Example of work

“Living life is not a field to cross” is an essay that has many formats and conditions for writing. An example of work will explore the theme of the value of every life and every person.

“They say that living life is not a field to cross. There is, perhaps, some truth in this, because it is impossible to exist serenely without ever encountering problems.

Today there are about 7 billion people living on our planet. Every day in the world someone dies and someone is born. Day after day, people's lives and destinies change: new meetings, painful partings, mischievous ideas and giving up. Life can be unbearably difficult, and at times you just want to go with the flow or stop existing altogether. But, as Chekhov said, a person must play his role: cheerfully and with enthusiasm. So that no one after death can say that his life was insignificant. On this we should agree with the classic - human life is priceless. And each of us was born to bring something special into the world.

They say that if a person has a dream, it means he has enough strength to make it come true. But when people encounter everyday difficulties, bright dreams are forgotten or turn into an unnoticed hobby. But if a person has already begun to live, he should not neglect himself, his sincere desires and hopes. Don't forget your best friends. He must strive to do what is worthy of man. Yes, living life is not a field to cross. No matter how good a person is, he can also have troubles, but the main thing is not to deviate from his plans. After all, when there is a goal in life, even in the most hopeless darkness, he will know that his existence has meaning, and temporary difficulties are just another warm-up.”

Essays of this type are a little difficult to write, but very interesting. Free reasoning helps you better understand yourself, and the ability to put your thoughts into text gives you a feeling of pride.

It’s not easy, oh, it’s not easy to live life. To live not the way it turns out, but the way you once planned in your youth. The plans were ambitious and seemed quite feasible.

As time went. Every five to ten years an interim result was summed up. It turned out that planning was grossly violated by external factors: in the country there was perestroika, then Afghanistan, then crisis, then default, then Chechnya, then sanctions. They, these factors, made their own adjustments to life, forcing us to forget about the original plans and teaching us to survive in the most difficult conditions.

This study was difficult: I tore my nerves, scrubbed my soul with rough sandpaper, washed the pink color clean from every dream. The colors remained, changing colors and saturation. Pure deep colors abruptly changed halftones, pastel disappeared completely. Life gradually turned into survival.

Life is not a level field

That life only vaguely resembles a field, and that it is not at all level, usually becomes clear by the age of thirty. Potholes of lack of money, pits of failure, ravines of despair, hillocks of hope - all these stages of the path replace each other with enviable consistency.

Some people give up and go with the flow. Someone desperately fights adversity and stubbornly follows the chosen path towards the horizon. Someone, having fallen into a roadside ditch, begins to desperately feel sorry for himself and blame others for his troubles.

Is life like a flat field a dream?

Such a life is, rather, an illusion or something from the realm of children's bedtime stories. Mom told us before going to bed that a beautiful princess lived in a crystal castle, and an equally beautiful prince on a white horse was rushing to her. And they have everything: they are beautiful and rich, generous and kind, everyone loves them and is ready to serve them selflessly.

Parents inspire us, their children, that life is full of happiness, that achieving it is simple: you just need to want to become happy. Well, it would be nice to put in a little effort, and everything will work out. We believe. We fearlessly step on the field of our life, we fall, we stumble, we get lost, confused in the direction, but we walk stubbornly.

Are there any options?

Certainly. Those who are smarter, more ambitious and more resourceful, before taking their first steps, immediately climb onto the first hillock and carefully look around. For a long time he chooses a path in the field, estimates something, makes calculations, and only after that carefully takes a step, then a second. After walking a couple of kilometers (we read: after a few years), you should stop, find another hillock, look for a new height with your eyes and determine the direction to it.

For such people, life is not a flat field, it is a foothill, and their path is to the mountains. Or rather, to the highest peak. Not everyone manages to get there, but many strive. They fall, they are injured, they die. Everyone knows about this, but the sparkling peak is so dazzlingly beautiful that the path to it is not a narrow mountain path, but a wide, crowded road.

Where do such smart people come from?

They are also raised by their mothers and fathers, but others tell them bedtime stories. They also have princes and princesses, but there are no illusions there. Have a dream? To achieve it, you need to give up a lot. For a gymnast and a ballerina - from sweets, a musician - from football with peers, a singer - from ice cream... There is no free time in the schedule, there is only work. Self-restraint and self-improvement are the path that leads to the top.

There are also smart options. These have a criminal smell. Their path to the top smelled of lies, covered in blood and tears. This option is not for everyone, but here, to be honest, it is always crowded.

Who came up with the proverb “Living life is not a field to cross”?

Nobody knows the author of this proverb. Most likely, this is the result of centuries-old observations of many generations. The proverb was apt and very correctly defined the essence of life. In rare moments, a person’s life still turns out to be a flat and boundless field, which, merging with the horizon, beckons with space. The field calls forward, promising love, happiness, and the blessings of life.

What should I do? Walk across the field or, trampling on the edge, stop there, afraid of failure in advance?

Of course, go. And there, on the field, if not everything, then a lot depends only on the person, his character, his perseverance and optimism. Life without failures, falls and rises is food without seasoning: it is bland and does not promise adventure or excitement.

But the choice of path, of course, is up to the individual. The main thing is not to make a mistake in the direction.

The hum died down. I went on stage.
Leaning against the door frame,
I catch in a distant echo,
What will happen in my lifetime.

The darkness of the night is pointed at me
A thousand binoculars on the axis.
If possible, Abba Father,
Carry this cup past.

I love your stubborn plan
And I agree to play this role.
But now there is another drama,
And this time fire me.

But the order of actions has been thought out,
And the end of the road is inevitable.
I am alone, everything is drowning in pharisaism.
Living life is not a field to cross.

Analysis of the poem “Hamlet” by Pasternak

The immortal tragedy “Hamlet” has not lost its relevance in our time. The universal philosophical questions raised in it interested people of any nationality in all eras. Pasternak owns one of the most successful translations of the tragedy. He did a great job of analyzing it and translating Shakespeare’s thoughts into Russian as accurately as possible. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the poem “Hamlet” (1946) opens the poetic part of the novel “Doctor Zhivago”. In the image of Yuri, Pasternak reflected Hamlet’s painful doubts when choosing a path in life.

The work uses a multi-stage comparison. First of all, the lyrical hero compares himself not with the character of the tragedy, but with the actor who must play this role. The performance of Hamlet is considered one of the most difficult in the theater world. To accurately convey the fullness of the protagonist’s mental conflict, the actor must literally get used to his image and feel the tragedy of his life. Pasternak reproduces the moment the actor appears on stage. All the attention of the audience is directed at him through “a thousand binoculars.” The actor is in a state of highest spiritual elation from the realization of the importance of what is happening.

Another analogy arises. The lyrical hero is compared to Jesus Christ. According to the Gospel legend, Christ had to drink a bitter cup, meaning his consent to accept all human sins and future suffering. “Fearing in his heart,” he asks God to deliver him from this cup, but still finds strength in himself and accepts it. The image of a bowl has become a household word when describing difficult life choices.

In the second part of the poem, Pasternak directly alludes to Soviet totalitarian society. The lyrical hero agrees to play the role of Hamlet on stage, but understands that the same tragedy is happening in his life. It is clear that the play will end as usual, all the words and actions of the characters are known in advance. But what to do if the real life of a living person becomes just a role in a performance played by someone.

The ending of the poem is extremely pessimistic. All the characters being compared (Christ, Hamlet, Zhivago, actor) are ultimately united in the author himself, who is “drowning in pharisaism” (the biblical image also closes the argument). Life in a totalitarian state is deprived of freedom and takes place under the control of the “chief director.” A painful choice is just a game, nothing depends on it.