The meaning of the name Sophia. Living legend of the Soviet stage

It’s hard to say when and how music appeared in my life, it seems that it has always lived in me. I grew up surrounded by music, it sounded everywhere: at the wedding table, at gatherings, at evening parties, at dances..."

Sofia Rotar, born on August 7, 1947 in the village of Marshintsy, Novoselitsky district, Chernivtsi region (Ukraine), and grew up there. Father - Rotar Mikhail Fedorovich, born 11/22/18 - died 03/12/04, mother - Rotar Alexandra Ivanovna, born 04/17/20, died 09/16/97. Spouse: Evdokimenko Anatoly Kirillovich, born 01/20/42, died 10/23/02. The singer’s sisters: Rotar Zinaida Mikhailovna, Rotar Lidia Mikhailovna and Rotar Aurika Mikhailovna; There are also brothers: Rotar Anatoly Mikhailovich and Rotar Evgeny Mikhailovich. Son: Evdokimenko Ruslan Anatolyevich; grandchildren: Anatoly and Sofia.

Sofia was born into a large family of a winegrowing foreman, the second of six children, and from childhood she helped her mother and older sister raise her younger brothers and sisters.
The girl's creative abilities were discovered early; from the first grade she sang in school and church choirs. The first singing teacher was my father, who always loved to sing, having perfect pitch. At school, little Sofia learned to play the domra, as well as the button accordion. The girl loved to organize concerts at home; a choir of six children could be listened to for hours. The creative atmosphere in the family formed in Sofia, while still a child, the style of her future songs. The singer's father always said: "Sonya will be an artist!" and he was right. The singer's first success was her victory in 1962 at the regional amateur art competition; this competition gave Sofia the opportunity to participate in the regional screening, at which she won a first-degree diploma in 1963. As the winner, she was sent to Kyiv to participate in the republican competition of folk talents; at this competition, Rotaru also took the first award. After this victory, Sofia firmly decided to become a singer and entered the conducting and choral department of the Chernivtsi Music College.
In 1968, after graduating from college, Rotaru was delegated as part of a creative group to Bulgaria to the IX World Festival of Youth and Students with the songs: “I’m Standing on the Rocks,” “I Love Spring” and “Step”, here she won a gold medal and first prize in competition of folk singers. The chairman of the jury, Lyudmila Zykina, immediately said about Rotaru: “This is a singer with a great future!” In the same year, Sofia Rotaru married a student at Chernivtsi University and trumpeter of the student pop orchestra - Anatoly Evdokimenko.
In 1971, at Ukrtelefilm, director Roman Alekseev made a musical film about the tender and pure love of a mountain girl and a Donetsk boy - “Chervona Ruta” (Chervona Ruta is the name of a flower taken from an ancient Carpathian legend. Ruta blooms only on the night of Ivan Kupala , and the girl who manages to see the blooming rue will be happy in love). Sofia Rotaru became the main character of the film. Songs by composer V. Ivasyuk and other authors were also performed by V. Zinkevich, N. Yaremchuk and other singers. The film was a significant success. And when Sofia Rotaru received an invitation to work at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic and create her own ensemble, the name of the ensemble appeared by itself - “Chervona Ruta”.
The debut of "Chervona Ruta" was a performance in Star City in front of Russian cosmonauts. Sofia Rotaru and the ensemble "Chervona Ruta" for the first time declared themselves as outstanding representatives of an entire direction of Russian pop art, a characteristic feature of which is the combination in the repertoire and style of performance of elements of folk music with modern rhythms. Then she sang in Moscow on the stage of the Central Concert Hall "Russia", the Kremlin Palace of Congresses and on the stage of the Variety Theater.

Making her debut in the capital, Sofia Rotaru least of all resembled a timid newcomer. By that time she was already a fully mature master. The singer's outward restraint, which left no room for fussiness and unjustified gestures, was in harmony with the flight of her overly expressive voice. Since 1971, Sofia has been counting her professional creative activity. In 1972, Sofia Rotaru and the ensemble "Chervona Ruta" took part in a tour of Poland, and in 1973, the Golden Orpheus competition was held in the city of Burgas (Bulgaria), at which the young singer performed the songs: "My City" and "Bird" , for their performance, Rotaru receives a first degree award.

Her songs “Codry” and “My City” in Moldovan were recorded in the film “Spring Consonances - 73”. The song "My City" became a laureate of the "Song-73" festival.
In 1974, Sofia Rotaru graduated from the Chisinau Institute of Arts named after Muzychescu and became a laureate of the Amber Nightingale festival in Sopot (Poland), where she performed “Memories” by B. Rychkov and “Vodograi” by V. Ivasyuk. For her performance of the Polish song “Someone” from Halina Frontskowiak’s repertoire (Russian text by A. Dementiev), the singer received second prize. In 1975 she became a soloist of the Crimean Philharmonic.
Since the 1970s, songs performed by Sofia Rotaru have constantly become winners of the “Song of the Year”.

In 2001, Sofia Rotaru performed in a new solo concert program “My Life is My Love!” To the expression of the 1970s was added the lyricism of the 1980s, the drive of the 1990s... and the current game of halftones, on which Rotaru the director, Rotaru the singer builds his program, combining new songs and hits of past years, read and refracted in a new way from today's point of view. Many of her songs, no matter how many years ago they were sung, do not fit into the “retro” format, continuing to live in each new concert program of the singer.

During her time on the stage, Sofia Rotaru already managed to act in films without being a professional actress: “The Song Will Be Among Us” (1974), “Sofia Rotaru Invites You” (1985), “Monologue about Love” (1986), “Golden heart" (1989), "Caravan of Love" (1990), "New songs about the main thing" (1996), "10 songs about Moscow" (1997), and also played leading roles in the feature films "Where are you, love?" (1980, the film won a prize at the VKF in Vilnius in 1981) and “Soul” (1981). She continues to star in many New Year's musicals and does it with great success!

Sofia Rotaru has the titles - People's Artist of the USSR (1988), People's Artist of Ukraine (1976), People's Artist of Moldova (1983), laureate of the Republican Komsomol Prize named after N. Ostrovsky (1977), laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1978), laureate of the " Ovation" (1996; 2000 - for a special contribution to the development of Russian pop music), laureate of the Claudia Shulzhenko Prize "Best Pop Singer of 1996" (Moscow), laureate of the All-Ukrainian Prize in the field of music and mass entertainment "Golden Firebird-99" ( 1999), "Prometheus-Prestige" award (2000, Kiev), winner of the honorary prize of the President of Ukraine for outstanding contribution to the development of pop art "Song Vernissage" (1997, Kiev). In 2000 in Kiev she was named Person of the Year and the best Ukrainian pop singer singer of the 20th century, awarded the title "Golden Voice of Ukraine".
In 1996, in Yalta, a personalized star was laid for Sofia Rotaru on the square in front of the Yubileiny concert hall. In May 2002, the laying of the singer's personal star ("Star of Ukraine") took place on the Avenue of Stars at the International Center for Culture and Arts in Kiev, with the presentation of an honorary diploma and a badge "Ukrainian Pop Star" to her. It’s impossible to count all the victories, there are so many of them and there will be more than one!

In the work of Sofia Rotaru, the most important thing is contact with the song, with its creators. When Sofia Rotaru goes on stage and starts singing, you forget about everything in the world. Her transparent, enchanting voice penetrates the soul, excites and captivates everyone who loves the stage and loves song. Here she stands in front of a microphone in the light of a spotlight - slender, festive, like a spring twig. There is so much charm, beauty, so much sincerity and excitement in her, when in the beautiful language of music and poetry she confidentially shares with us everything that makes her happy and sad...


Sofia Rotaru biography family

Sofia Rotaru was born and raised in the song land - in the village of Marshintsy, Chernivtsi region. Not a single celebration or ritual is complete without songs. It seems that here the earth itself gives birth to songs. There were no longer such pure, beautiful voices as those of Mikhail Fedorovich (he was born on November 22, 1918) and Alexandra Ivanovna Rotaru (04/17/1920 - 09/16/1997). Mikhail Fedorovich was the first in the village to join the party, went through the entire war, being a machine gunner and reaching Berlin. He was wounded and returned home only in 1946. Nowadays, the soldier’s memory more and more often returns his father to those terrible years, he remembers the battles, the faces of his dead friends. In addition to Sofia, the family had five children: two brothers and three sisters. The elder sister Zina (born October 11, 1942), who suffered a serious illness, lost her sight in childhood, but the greatest blind man, as we know, is the one who does not want to see. Zina, having perfect pitch herself and easily memorizing new songs, taught Sofia many folk songs and generally became the youngest and second mother, and favorite teacher. Then Sofia, not afraid to seem enthusiastic, will say: “... And we all learned from her - such a musical memory. And the soul!” Zina, spending a lot of time at the radio, learned Russian along with songs. And she taught him to her brothers and sisters. At home, Rotaru spoke only Moldavian. Naturally, as the eldest, Sofia was her mother’s first assistant. In the morning, Sonya and her mother went to the market to trade - they had to live on something.

Sofia Rotaru biography nationality

The surname Rotaru is common in Romania and Moldova. But Sofia’s original surname was not Rotaru but Rotar. The letter “u” was added later. Until 1940, the village of Marshintsi was part of Romania. Sofia Rotaru initially spoke the Moldovan language. During the USSR period, Moldova was part of the Union. The village of Marshintsi, where Sofia Rotaru was born, is a Moldavian village in Western Ukraine. Therefore, the nationality of Sofia Rotaru can be noted as Moldova or Romania.

“Mom woke me up in the dark,” Sofia recalls, “and I was terribly sleepy. She says: “Who will help me?” I slept the whole way. We arrived at six in the morning. It was necessary to take a place in the market in advance and arrange everything. And only when trading began did I come to my senses. It was interesting to me. There was always a queue near us, because my mother was neat, people knew her and waited for her. She had regular customers. Sofia Mikhailovna never bargains on the market. And he forbids his friends and family to do this. “This is hellish work,” she tells her husband, “don’t you dare.” Often, very often, Sofia had to replace her mother and work for her in the fields. It was during these years that her character was formed. “I most likely owe my development as a singer and, probably, as a person,” says Sofia Rotaru, “to those women with whom I worked in the village; it was from them that I learned to understand the meaning of life.” In difficult moments, I received help from them - simple and generous. In this environment, Sofia Rotaru finds the most humane, deepest and most sincere notes for her future songs. Sofia began singing in the first grade in the school choir, and also sang in the church choir, but this was not welcomed at school. She was even threatened with expulsion from the pioneers.

In her youth, Sofia was attracted to the theater, she studied in a drama club and at the same time sang folk songs in amateur performances. Sofia, for example, loves to remember how she took the only button accordion at school and at night, when the kerosene lamp in the house went out, she went into the barn and picked out her favorite melodies of Moldavian songs. Father, Mikhail Fedorovich, who worked as a foreman of winegrowers for about thirty years, remembers how one day professional artists came to the village for the first time, and he brought Sonya to them backstage and proudly announced: “Here is my daughter. She will definitely be an artist!” Being very lively and active, Sofia loved sports, especially athletics, and of course she made progress: she was the school champion in all-around, and went to regional Olympiads. Once, at the regional Spartakiad in Chernivtsi, she became the winner in the 100 and 800 meters...
Sofia Rotaru biography photo

Sofia Rotaru's victory in the regional amateur art competition in 1962 opened the way to the regional show. For her enchanting voice, her fellow countrymen then bestowed upon her the title “Bukovinian Nightingale.” The voice was truly amazing - its strength and breadth, extraordinary sound richness were amazing. He had so much charm and passion, he was so relaxed and excitingly good-looking, that there was no doubt about the happy fate of the young singer. 1963 brought a first degree diploma at the regional amateur art show in Chernivtsi. As the winner, she heads to Kyiv to participate in the Republican competition. The year 1964, in turn, pleased me with a victory at the Republican Festival of Folk Talents. On this occasion, her photo was placed on the cover of the magazine "Ukraine" No. 27 for 1965. By the way, this photo later played an important role in her life. After that competition, People's Artist of the USSR Dmitry Gnatyuk told his fellow countrymen: “This is your future celebrity. Remember my words.” Shows, competitions - isn't the 17-year-old girl really dizzy with success? But no, her parents always taught her to critically evaluate her work and persistently pursue her goal, despite the difficulties. After graduating from school in 1964. Sonya firmly decided to go to Chernivtsi to enter a music school.
Sofia Rotaru biography photo

Much to her regret, Sofia learned that the music school does not have a vocal department. Well, I entered the conducting and choir class... In 1964, Sofia sang for the first time on the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, and Moscow was conquered. “And who will marry you?” my mother used to say. “There’s only music in my head.” Meanwhile, in the Urals, in Nizhny Tagil, a young guy from Chernivtsi served - Anatoly Evdokimenko, the son of a builder and a teacher, who also had “one music” in his head: as a child he graduated from a music school, played the trumpet, and dreamed of creating an ensemble. And the same magazine “Ukraine” with a photograph of a beautiful girl on the cover got into their unit. He showed the photo to his colleagues: “Look at the girls we have in the villages! Can you imagine what’s going on in the city?” And he stuck the cover on the wall next to his bed. And then he returned home and started looking for Sofia. I searched for a long time, finally found a school, Sonya’s friends... Actually, Sonya did not imagine that she would ever sing with a pop orchestra. Apart from violins and cymbals, she did not recognize other instruments for accompaniment until she met her future husband Anatoly Evdokimenko, a student at Chernivtsi University and at the same time a trumpeter in the student pop orchestra. Anatoly intuitively understood that only music and more music could win Sofia’s heart. He was the initiator of the appearance of a soloist in the orchestra. True, at first only folk Ukrainian and Moldavian melodies were selected for Sofia. By the way, even today folk songs occupy a significant place in her repertoire: “I can’t live without them. When I hear them, I cry...” But Anatoly persuaded Sofia to try herself as a soloist in a pop orchestra. And then one day Sofia finally succumbed to persuasion, took a risk - she sang the song “Mama” by Bronevitsky. And the song worked out. In 1968, at a graduation ceremony at the music school, Associate Professor Pulinetz assured: “Even now we can talk about her as a pop actress who will have great success with the widest audience.” It is curious that in 1968 S. Rotaru celebrated her birthday by winning the title of laureate of the IX World Festival of Youth and Students in Sofia (Bulgaria). This is how the then amateur singer made her debut on the stage. Sofia Rotaru was sent to the IX World Festival of Youth and Students as a participant in the folklore competition. Tolik was determined to go to the festival with her. They urgently needed a double bassist for Bulgaria.

And then Tolya mastered the double bass in two months. True, the calluses did not leave his fingers for a long time. A stunning success, first place. When Sofia was awarded the gold medal, she was literally showered with Bulgarian roses. And one orchestra member joked: “Flowers for Sofia for Sofia.” And the newspapers were full of headlines: “21-year-old Sofia conquered Sofia.” This is how the performance of the Ukrainian folk song “I Stand on the Stones” and the Moldavian “I Love Spring”, as well as “Step” by A. Pashkevich and “Valentina” by G. Georgitsa were appreciated. The last song was dedicated to the first female cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, Valentina Tereshkova, who was present in the hall. The chairman of the jury L. Zykina said then: “This is a singer with a great future.” Then the time came for another debut: after graduating from music school, she became a teacher. To this day, Rotaru remembers this day with excitement and joy, as if reliving the feelings that she experienced before the first lesson... On September 22, 1968, Sofia and Anatoly got married in Marshintsy. The parents didn't mind. Mom just said: “Just think about it, Sonya, if you get married, it means it’s for life!” The wedding was “modest” - about two hundred people. In the evening it began to rain, but even that did not interrupt the fun: the happy bride in a long dress, wet to the skin, continued to dance until she dropped... They spent their honeymoon in Novosibirsk - since at that time Anatoly was graduating from university and was sent there for internship . He worked at the Lenin plant, and the young family lived right there, in the dormitory of the 105th military plant. Sonya cooked food for everyone, and in the evenings she sang at the Otdykh club. The newlyweds left after 3 months. However, Sofia had only one thing in her mind... Sofia Mikhailovna once shared: - After a year of our marriage, I began to dream of a child. And she hinted about this to Tolik from time to time. But he made big creative plans and was in no hurry with the child. In addition, we lived with our parents in a 2-room apartment; he had not yet graduated from university. There was not enough money; asking our parents for it was not customary in our family. We are adults. Well, okay, okay, I think... And somehow I tell him: “Listen, the doctor said that I would soon become a mother. Although in fact I was not pregnant at that moment - I had to use a little feminine trick.” Tolik shook his head : “Well, good.” He relaxed, lost his vigilance and began to wait for the heir to be born, but he had to wait not nine months, but eleven, because Sonya became pregnant only two months after that conversation. “Now, I believe that I did everything right,” Rotaru smiles slyly. - Then I simply wouldn’t have time - these endless tours would begin... Rotaru ended up in the maternity hospital on the night from Sunday to Monday. She cried all day the day before: Tolik didn’t take her fishing with him. His parents rebelled: “Where else are you going? Sonya, you’re going to give birth any minute now, and you’re going to catch carp?” Tolik returned in the evening with an unprecedented catch, and together with Sonya they went to visit the musicians they knew. The contractions started on the way home. Do you think Rotaru immediately rushed to the hospital? No matter how it is! She hurried home to iron the dress in which she and her husband went to the maternity hospital. Looking stunning in any situation was her way of life. On August 24, 1970, a son was born. He was given the name Ruslan. He turned out to be an absolute copy of his father. ...We have never seen anything like this in Chernivtsi! Tolik met his wife and son with the orchestra. All the musicians of the city gathered under the windows of the maternity hospital and played. Some on the trumpet, some on the violin, some on the flute. Cars passing by slowed down, trolleybuses and buses stopped, people poured out of all the nearby houses... When Sonya appeared, fireworks of champagne corks flashed in the air. All the way home, the happy father danced with his son in his arms... And in 1971, at Ukrtelefilm, director Roman Alekseev shot a musical film about the tender and pure love of a mountain girl and a Donetsk boy, “Chervona Ruta.” Songs by V. Ivasyuk and other authors were performed by V. Zinkevich, N. Yaremchuk and others. Sofia Rotaru became the main character. The film was a significant success. And when in October Sofia received an invitation to work at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic and create her own ensemble, the name of the ensemble appeared by itself - “Chervona Ruta”...

Also because this was the name of one of the first songs of the brilliant composer and poet Vladimir Ivasyuk. Volodya’s songs amazingly combined the beauty and romance of the Bukovina region, the freshness and chastity of first love, and boundless faith in happiness. Sofia considers the meeting with composer Ivasyuk a happy gift of fate. None of the composers with whom she would work later felt so deeply the singer’s soul, her understanding and perception of life. Most of his songs were written especially for her, for her extremely beautiful voice. They were modern, but at the same time built on the multinational melos of the peoples living in Bukovina. This was a new, surprisingly bright word in the song culture of Ukraine. Indeed, Volodya’s songs gave the singer wings, and it was with them that her pop star sparkled. Assessing the role of Sofia Rotaru in popularizing Volodya’s songs, his father, the famous Ukrainian writer M. Ivasyuk, will literally say the following in front of an audience of thousands of fellow countrymen: “We must bow deeply to the Moldavian girl Sonya, who spread my son’s songs all over the world.” Indeed, all over the world, because in thousands of different concerts of Sofia in many, many countries, Volodya’s songs have always been and are heard, many of which have become classics of song art. The song “Chervona Ruta” itself is still Sofia Mikhailovna’s calling card. For she found her Chervona Ruta... Chervona Ruta is the name of a flower taken from an ancient Carpathian legend. Rue blooms only on the night of Ivan Kupala, and the girl who manages to see the blooming rue will be happy in love. The director of the ensemble was Anatoly Evdokimenko. Despite the fact that he worked at the department for some time, he had scientific articles, he changed his profession. Madly in love with his wife, he then graduated from the directing department of the Kyiv Institute of Culture and became the director of all her concert programs. The debut of "Chervona Ruta" was a performance in Star City for Soviet cosmonauts. It was there that Sofia Rotaru and the Chervona Ruta ensemble first announced themselves as outstanding representatives of an entire direction of Soviet pop art, a characteristic feature of which is the combination in the repertoire and style of performance of elements of folk music with modern rhythms.

Sofia Rotaru short biography

As soon as she finished singing “Chervona Ruta,” the audience literally shook with applause. She was extremely excited by such an unexpectedly warm welcome. For some reason, she thought: if these people, unusual in her mind, find joy in her songs, then she must sing, stubbornly follow her chosen path. And then cosmonaut V. Shatalov, on behalf of his colleagues, wished her great success in songwriting. Sofia only strengthened her desire. Then she sang on the stage of the Central Concert Hall "Russia", the Kremlin Palace and on the stage of the Variety Theater. Making her debut on the capital's stage, Rotaru least of all resembled a timid newcomer. This was a completely mature master, confident in his strength. The singer's outward restraint, which left no room for fussiness and unjustified gesticulation, surprisingly harmonized with the flight of her hyper-expressive voice. She sang as if these were the most important concerts of her life. It seemed that she had been accumulating mental strength for a long time so that today, now, she could express all her passion, all her joy and pain without a trace. Rotaru's stunning creative "generosity" unusually excited the audience, causing a hot wave of reciprocal feeling... All this was the beginning of the widespread recognition of Sofia Rotaru. It is since 1971 that she has been counting down her professional creative activity. Its authors were V. Ivasyuk, music school student Valery Gromtsev, and the head of the Smerichka VIA Levko Dutkovsky. And the deputy director of the Chernivtsi Philharmonic, Pincus Abramovich Falik, and his wife, Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR Sidi Lvovna Tal, were then her second parents. Falik was at that time one of the largest administrators with worldwide recognition. Even before the war, he was the producer of the famous English singer Geri Scott. The very first professional program of “Chervona Ruta” was not approved by the artistic council. Then it was necessary to maintain a certain line. For example, “love, Komsomol and spring” i.e. the whole performance had to be permeated with joy and optimism. And she sang “Enemies burned their home.” The commission of the Ministry of Culture did not like this, and the program was banned. Essentially, their oxygen was cut off. Saved by Falik. He called Moscow, and Chervona Ruta, bypassing all permissions, was included in the “Soviet and Foreign Pop Stars” program. They found themselves in company with the Germans, Bulgarians, Czechs, and Yugoslavs. In Tashkent, after the concert, people asked whether she liked the Soviet Union, where she learned to sing in Russian so well. It turned out that she was mistaken for a Bulgarian. There are unforgettable and funny incidents at concerts. It was in Grozny at the stadium: she came out onto the stage - slender, in a red tight-fitting dress with a zipper on the back. And then, just during the performance, the “lightning” burst. The audience, of course, noticed. She holds the dress with her hands so that it doesn’t fly off, and suddenly some compassionate citizen runs out onto the stage with a huge pin. He turned her back to the audience and saved her to the general merriment. In 1972, with the program “Songs and Dances of the Land of the Soviets,” Sofia Rotaru and “Chervona Ruta” took part in a tour of Poland. In 1973, the “Golden Orpheus” competition was held in Burgas (Bulgaria), Rotaru received 1st prize at it, performing E. Dogi’s song “My City” and “Bird” - a song in Bulgarian dedicated to the memory of Pasha Christ, authored by T Rusev and D. Demyanov. The same year brought her the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. Her songs “Codry” and “My City” in Moldovan were recorded in the film “Spring Consonances - 73”.

At the "Song - 73" festival, E. Doga's song "My City" performed by Sofia Rotaru became a laureate... When Sofia Rotaru goes on stage and starts singing, you forget about everything in the world. Her transparent, enchanting voice penetrates the soul, excites and captivates everyone who loves the stage and loves song. Here she stands in front of a microphone in the light of a spotlight - slender, festive, like a spring twig. How much charm, beauty she has, how much sincerity and excitement, when in the beautiful language of music and poetry she confidentially shares with us everything that makes her happy and sad... In the May Day “Festive Evening in Ostankino” in 1974, she sang with the artist from the GDR by Michael Hansen. In the same year, Rotaru graduated from the Chisinau Institute of Arts and became a participant in the Burshtinovy ​​Nightingale festival in Sopot (Poland), where she performed “Memories” by B. Rychkov and “Vodograi” by V. Ivasyuk. For the performance of a Polish song from the repertoire of Halina Frontskowiak “Someone” (Russian text by A. Dementiev) she received the 2nd prize. At “Song-74” Sofia Mikhailovna performed “The Ballad of Mother” by E. Martynov to poems by A. Dementiev. At the festival "Song-75" "Swan Fidelity" and "Apple Trees in Blossom" reached the finals. The song "Darkie" was performed with the Yugoslav singer Mikki Efremovich. A year later, at the next festival the songs “Give Me Back the Music” and “Dark Night” were performed. The second was performed with Anatoly Mokrenko. In creativity, the most important thing for Sofia Rotaru is contact with the song, with its creators. Other composers also wrote songs for her. Evgeny Doga wrote “My City”, Arno Babajanyan - “Give Me Back the Music”, Oscar Feltsman the song “Only for You”, Yuri Saulsky - “An Ordinary Story”... Sofia proudly says: “I was the first performer of many songs of one of my favorite by composers Evgeny Martynov.

I love his “Swan Fidelity”, “Ballad of Mother”. My repertoire includes songs of different genres, but almost always - a dramatic plot, a dramatic melody. The song for me is a small short story with its own world of feelings, dramaturgical structure, characters..." ... And yet, its main attraction for listeners lies in the fact that the singer remains faithful to the folk style of performance. Nationality is also manifested in the production voices, and in the simplicity, restraint of behavior on stage, and, finally, in the choice of repertoire: Rotaru’s songs are always lyrical, melodious. And yet, in folk songs you will not find random, meaningless, empty words, and this, undoubtedly, taught Sofia Among many new modern songs, choose only those that are filled with deep meaning and provoke reflection.After all, in her opinion, in those three or four minutes that the song lasts, the artist must tell the listener a lot, make him richer.

The world-famous artist and singer Sofia Rotaru was born in the Ukrainian village of Marshintsy on August 7, 1947. The Rotaru family was multinational, because it had Ukrainian and Moldavian roots. Her family respected all traditions and cultures. Sofia’s parents were simple, far from the world of art: her father worked in the vineyards, while her mother traded at the local market. The family was large, the parents had six children, and they needed help. Sofia, as the second oldest, successfully coped with raising her brothers and sisters. A multicultural atmosphere reigned in the family; the Moldovan language was used for communication. Sofia received her first singing lessons from her sister, who became blind as a child. But having lost her sight, her sister gained fine hearing. My father also had excellent hearing and voice. From an early age, her father realized that Sofia was destined for fame and success.

Since childhood, the girl was distinguished by an inquisitive mind, curiosity and mobility. In addition to high achievements in art, singing and music, the future star also had achievements in sports. While studying at school, Sofia took an active part in all school theater performances, mastered playing various instruments and went to the drama club. Sofia was called the “Bukovinian nightingale” for her beautiful voice and artistry. Sofia delighted not only her fellow villagers with her talent, but also residents of neighboring villages, organizing tours.

It only took three years for Rotaru to soar to the peak of fame. While still very young, Rotaru participates and wins in a regional-scale amateur art show. After this, a series of new awards and recognition began in the Soviet Union. Sofia’s photo was published on the main page of the Ukraine publication after receiving first place at the All-Union Talent Festival.

World fame came to Rotaru after winning the World Creative Competition held in Bulgaria in the late 1960s. And in the film “Chervona Ruta”, shot in the early 1970s, Sofia’s songs were used. Newspapers and magazines published articles about the successes and life of the young star.

Sofia Rotaru: personal life, biography

Young Sofia was taken into a pop ensemble operating at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic. A series of performances began not only across the territory of the USSR, but also the performance of songs by pop stars in Europe. The star’s list of achievements was replenished with victories at the “Song of the Year” and “Golden Orpheus” competitions.

Rotaru published her debut album in 1974, and it was then that the decision was made to move to Crimea to start a solo career. She received the deserved title of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR in 1976. Until the end of the 1970s, a couple of significant albums were recorded, thanks to which the singer’s talent was promoted outside the country. Foreign producers paid attention to Rotaru and bombarded the singer with their proposals. By 1983, an English-language album was recorded, and Sofia visited Canada and gave concerts throughout Europe. But soon the government of the USSR decided to ban artists from traveling outside the country for a period of five years. Undeterred, the ensemble goes on successful tours throughout the entire Crimean region.

Solo performances

After the collapse of VIA “Chervona Ruta” in the mid-80s, Sofia had the opportunity to establish a solo career. Despite her experience and knowledge of how to work in the current situation, the singer encountered many experiences and difficulties along the way. After meeting with Vladimir Matetsky, Rotaru made changes in the direction of her work. After working for 15 years with this wonderful man, Sofia received the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

During “perestroika”, a mutually beneficial cooperation contract was concluded with Alla Dukhova’s dance group “Todes”. Together with the People's Artist, the dance group performed throughout the USSR. Adapting to the changed realities after the collapse of the USSR was quite difficult for the singer, but she coped with this obstacle. Sofia gave tours in Russian and Ukrainian in the newly formed independent republics.

Cinema with Sofia Rotaru

It should be noted that Sofia had talent not only as a singer, but also as an actress. She easily gets key roles in many Soviet and Russian films. “Sorochinskaya Fair”, “Soul”, “Where are you, love?” only a few films from the singer’s list of roles.

Sofia Rotaru: new photos, n new husband

Sofia met Anatoly Evdokimenko while working with Chervona Ruta. Anatoly was the artistic director of VIA. They were connected not only by working in the same team, but also by a deep feeling of love. For the first time, Anatoly noticed his future wife on the pages of the publication “Ukraine”. The wedding took place in 1968, and after some time they had a son, Ruslan.

According to Sofia, she and her husband experienced both joyful moments and various troubles. They were not left alone for a moment, spending time together both at work and on vacation. After the sudden death of her husband as a result of a stroke in the early 2000s, the actress canceled tours, filming, and meetings. However, the singer was able to cope with the bereavement and get back on track. An army of millions of fans admires not only the star’s creativity, but also her human qualities.

The name of Sofia Rotaru is known to everyone, young and old. She is truly a legendary singer. Not a single “Blue Light” or “Song of the Year” has passed without her participation for several decades.

Sofia was born into a Moldovan large family shortly after the end of the war. Her native village is Marshyntsi, in the Chernivtsi region. Everyone in the village and in her family sang; any holiday was accompanied by sonorous folk songs. Her parents had magnificent, clear voices. Sonya has three more sisters and two brothers.

The father of the family went through the entire war as a machine gunner, took part in the capture of Berlin, and returned home only in 1946. My father’s surname began to sound like Rotar when he replaced the last letter with “u” with “b” after their village was annexed to Ukraine. The real name is Rotaru.

Sonya was taught to sing mainly by her older sister Zina, who in childhood, having suffered from a serious illness, lost her sight, but did not lose her absolute hearing. Everyone in the family spoke Moldovan, but Zina herself, listening to the radio, learned Russian and taught it to the whole family.

Sonya helped her mother a lot with the housework, went with her to the market early in the morning, and worked in the field. She learned early on the hardships of rural labor, which helped her in the formation of her character and strength of personality. Sonya began singing from the 1st grade; she was a member of both the school and church choirs. She also participated in a drama club and performed in amateur performances. She also adored sports, was fond of athletics, all-around events and, not without success, participated in regional Olympiads and Spartakiads.

Carier start

At the age of fifteen, she won a local amateur art competition, which is where her singing career began. A year later, she became the winner at the regional festival and was published on the cover of the magazine “Ukraine”. Even then they began to talk about her as a future celebrity. And the magazine “Ukraine” played an important role in her life; it was on its cover that her future husband Anatoly Evdokimenko, who also adored music, played the trumpet and dreamed of creating an ensemble, saw her.

After that, there were several more competitions, and after graduating from school, Sofia went to Chernivtsi to enter a music school. But the university did not have a vocal department, Sonya had to enroll in the conducting and choral department. And already at the age of 17 she performed on the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

Soon Anatoly found her, met her and invited her to sing in the student pop orchestra, in which he himself was playing at that time. At first, her repertoire included only folk Moldavian and Ukrainian songs. Then the first pop song appeared - “Mama” by composer Bronevitsky.

At the age of 21, Sofia became a laureate of a youth festival in Bulgaria, taking first place. After graduating from music school, Sonya began teaching, which became a new discovery for her. Soon the newlyweds got married in their native village, and for their honeymoon they went to Novosibirsk, where the newly-made husband was sent to do an internship. He worked at the factory, and Sonya cooked food at home. They lived in a dormitory. But Sofia did not give up singing; she performed as a soloist in the evenings at a local club. So 3 months flew by.

Sofia Rotaru during her speech:

Sonya dreamed of a child, and Anatoly dreamed of a career. In addition, it was tight both with money and with living conditions. Therefore, the girl had to use a trick and say that she was already pregnant. The husband agreed, and Sonya became truly pregnant only after 2 months. And in due time, a son, Ruslan, was born, who was like two peas in a pod.

Despite the slight deception, Sofia does not regret her step, since then a series of tours began. In Chernivtsi they were met with an orchestra by all the musicians of the city, there were even fireworks.

Sofia Rotaru during the filming of the New Year's musical:

In 1971, the film “Chervona Ruta” was released with Sonya in the title role, and after its release she began working at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic. Soon the ensemble of the same name “Chervona Ruta” was created, led by Anatoly Evdokimenko. The group performed songs by composer and poet Vladimir Ivasyuk. This man perfectly felt and understood the artist’s soul, composed heartfelt songs just for her, which later became true pop classics. The ensemble became famous in Ukraine, the audience fell in love with Sofia, and in 1973 she received the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR.

Since then, Rotaru’s songs have invariably become laureates of the “Song of the Year” competition. Many famous Soviet composers and songwriters began to write for her. In 1975, Sofia moved to live in Yalta and began working as a soloist with the local philharmonic. She became a regular participant in the New Year’s “Blue Lights”, and a year later she received another title of People’s Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. Her albums came out one by one. She performed songs at the best concert venues in the country, and her popularity grew.

Sofia Rotaru on the set of her video:

Sofia was one of the first to decide to change the stage fashion of that time and began to sing in a trouser suit. In subsequent years, several films with her participation, as well as about herself, were released. She always performed all the stunts in films herself.

Sofia Rotaru and other famous artists on "Song of the Year":

In 1983, Sofia even released one album in Canada, where she also gave several concerts, but after that she and her entire team did not have the right to travel abroad for 5 years. And in 1986, the Chervona Ruta ensemble broke away from Sofia and Anatoly and decided to conduct independent activities. For the spouses, this was tantamount to betrayal. Having recovered from the shock, Sofia began her solo career. Soon she met the composer Vladimir Matetsky, who wrote her many hits. Sofia worked with the Matetsky-Shatrov tandem for the next 15 years. These were incredibly fruitful years. Her image and performance style have changed.

In the late 80s, Rotaru received the title of People's Artist of the USSR. In subsequent years, she was awarded many titles and prestigious awards. And after the collapse of the USSR, she did not lose her leading position on the domestic stage. By the early 2000s, she was recognized as the second most popular performer in the CIS.

Sofia Rotaru with her husband Anatoly Evdokimenko:

In 2002, her husband, Anatoly Evdokimenko, died from another, not the first, stroke. This was a real blow for the singer; they lived together for more than 30 years. Sofia canceled all concerts and filming for several months and stopped touring.

Sofia Rotaru with her family:

At the end of the same year, her album “The Snow Queen” was released; she returned to the stage a year later. She dedicated the next album, “The Only One,” to her husband’s memory.

All the years of her work, Sofia Rotaru was a favorite performer in Russia and the CIS countries. She is still in great shape and looks great, despite the fact that doctors forbade her to undergo facial plastic surgery. Rotaru enjoys enormous prestige in musical circles. For the 40th anniversary of her creative activity in 2011, she gave several solo concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

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Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru- famous Russian, Moldavian and Ukrainian pop singer, actress.

Sofia Rotar (later the surname was changed) was born in the village of Marshintsy, Novoselitsky district, Chernivtsi region, Ukrainian SSR. The passport officer made a mistake in the girl’s birth certificate, recording her birthday on August 9, which is why Sofia Mikhailovna celebrates the holiday twice throughout her life. Sofia was the second of six children, and owes much of her musicality to her older sister Zina, who lost her sight after a serious illness, but had a unique hearing. She taught her younger sister many songs and the Russian language, since in the Rotar community they spoke only Moldavian.

As a child, Sofia went in for sports - athletics, all-around, and won sports competitions. From the first grade, she sang in the school choir, church choir (even though this was prohibited), studied in the drama club and at the same time sang folk songs in amateur performances, played the button accordion. Later she said:

I grew up surrounded by music, it surrounded me since childhood!

The father was proud of his daughter’s success, saying: “Sonya will be an artist!”

In 1962, Sofia Rotar won the regional amateur art competition, and her grateful compatriots called her “Bukovinian Nightingale.” It seemed that Sofia could do everything: sing alto and soprano, recitative and acapella... As the winner, she was sent to Kyiv to participate in the republican festival of folk talents, where the aspiring singer won again. The young beauty appeared on the cover of Ukraine magazine in 1965. Her future husband Anatoly Evdokimenko fell in love with this photo.

Rotaru decided to become a singer and entered the conducting and choral department of the Chernivtsi Music College. In 1964, Sofia sang for the first time on the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. After graduating from music school, Rotaru began traveling to various festivals, since the talented girl was necessarily included in youth delegations. In Bulgaria, 21-year-old Sofia won a gold medal and first prize at a folk song competition.

Lyudmila Zykina then called her “a singer with a great future.”

After graduating from the music school, Rotaru began teaching there. In 1968, she married Anatoly Evdokimenko, a guy who fell in love with her from a photo and still found his beloved... In 1970, she gave birth to a son, Ruslan.

And in 1971, the film “Chervona Ruta” with Sofia Rotaru in the title role was released; after its release, Sofia received an offer to create the ensemble “Chervona Ruta”. Collaboration with composer Vladimir Ivasyuk raised the singer’s popularity to unattainable heights. Since the 1970s, songs performed by Sofia Rotaru have constantly become winners of the “Song of the Year”.

In 1974, Rotaru graduated from the Chisinau Institute of Arts named after Muzichescu. In 1976, Sofia Mikhailovna became People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR and laureate of the LKSMU Prize. Ostrovsky and began to constantly appear in the New Year's “Blue Lights”. That same year, a German recording company drew attention to her, but a directive came from the State Concert not to perform songs in foreign languages ​​or with non-Soviet content... Nevertheless, the tour in Europe, which was resoundingly successful, took place.

In 1979, the beloved composer Rotaru Ivasyuk died tragically. That happy time period sank into oblivion with the departure of this talented man.

In 1980, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. And in 1981, Rotaru began collaborating with Time Machine. her work shifted towards rock themes. The same year, Rotaru performed a role in the film “Where Are You, Love?”, without an understudy, she rode along a narrow embankment along the sea on a motorcycle.

And in 1983, the Rotaru team was banned from traveling abroad because of the recording of a Canadian album. But she still received the title of People's Artist of Moldova. Subsequently, several musical films were shot: “Sofia Rotaru is inviting you” and “Monologue about love.”

Composer Vladimir Matetsky brought a new spirit to the singer’s work. By the end of the 1980s, Rotaru became the first lady of the Soviet stage, eclipsing Alla Pugacheva herself. She began collaborating with the show ballet “Todes”, which made her concert performances unforgettable.

In 1991, Sofia Rotaru presented an anniversary program in Moscow dedicated to the 20th anniversary of creative activity “Flowers of Sofia Rotaru”. On stage, the singer sang songs of her youth: “Chervona Ruta”, “Cheremshina”, “Maple Vogon”, “Edge”, “Blue Bird”, “Zhovty Leaf”, as well as new ones: “Tango”, “Wild Swans” and others. Rotaru opened its own recording studio in Yalta.

In 1993, the first two CDs of the collection of the singer’s best songs were released - “Sofia Rotaru” and “Lavender”, then “Golden Songs 1985/95” and “Khutoryanka”. In 1995, Sofia Rotaru starred in the musical film “Old Songs about the Main Thing”, at “Song-96” Sofia Rotaru was recognized as “Best Pop Singer of 1996”, in 1997 Sofia Rotaru starred in the musical film “10 Songs about Moscow”, and in 1997, Sofia Rotaru became an Honorary Citizen of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea; winner of the honorary prize of the President of Ukraine for his outstanding contribution to the development of pop art “Song Vernissage” and Knight of the Order of the Republic of Moldova.

Based on the results of 1999, Sofia Rotaru was recognized as the best singer of Ukraine in the “Traditional Variety” nomination. She received the “Golden Firebird” and a special award “for her contribution to the development of domestic pop music.” In the same year, the singer was awarded the “Order of St. Princess Olga, III degree” for special personal merits in the development of song creativity, many years of fruitful concert activity and high performing skills. The Russian Biographical Institute recognized the singer as Person of the Year 1999.

In 2000, in Kiev, Sofia Rotaru was recognized as “Man of the 20th Century”, “Best Ukrainian Pop Singer of the 20th Century”, “Golden Voice of Ukraine”, Winner of the “Prometheus - Prestige” Award, “Woman of the Year”. In the same year, Sofia Rotaru became the Laureate of the Ovation Prize, “For a special contribution to the development of the Russian stage.” In August 2000, the singer’s official website was opened.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of her creative activity, the singer released the concert program “My Life is My Love!” Before solo concerts in Moscow, the film and video association “Close-up” presented a video version of the film “Soul” filmed by the Mosfilm studio in 1981 with Sofia Rotaru in the title role. The film took 5th place at the box office in the USSR and is considered Rotaru's most successful film work.

In 2002, Rotaru’s spouse, Anatoly Evdokimenko, who lived with her all his life, died. However, despite the loss, Sofia Mikhailovna found the strength to live and work further: in 2004, 2005 and 2006, Sofia Rotaru became the most beloved singer in Russia according to polls from sociological agencies.

On his 60th birthday (2007), the President of Ukraine awarded Rotaru the Order of Merit, II degree.

After counting all Rotaru's songs performed in the finals of the Song of the Year festival, it turned out that Rotaru holds the absolute record among all participants in history - 79 songs performed at 36 festivals