Earning game money on WASD. WASD - earning game currency

In our previous article, we looked in detail at the possible options for becoming an artisan. But there is another opportunity to top up your gaming account in this game. This is a WASD service.

After registering on the WASD service, you have the opportunity to earn in-game currency from various online games by completing simple tasks. For example, you will be asked to watch 30 seconds of a video (usually entertaining cartoons that you can watch with your child) or play a game and reach a certain level in it. There may also be tasks to register on various sites.

These tasks are paid in local currency, called Richik. 1 ruble is equal to 10 Richikas. And if you bring Richika into the Age of Clones Game, then the rate is 4 Richika = 0.01 gold. For watching 1 video lasting only 30 seconds you will be credited with 1 Richik. The minimum number of Richiks for withdrawal is 10. I.e. if you bring Richiki to the Age of Clones game, then you just need to watch 4 videos of 30 seconds each and you will have 12 Richiki on your account, which you can exchange for 0.03 gold. Not bad, isn't it?

In addition, you can play various games online and also earn Richiki. The cost of such tasks is, of course, higher. But they also take a little longer to complete than watching videos.

Richiki can be brought out not only in the game “Age of Clones”. Using the WASD service, you can top up your game accounts in 122 different games! In addition, it is possible to top up mobile phone accounts. Here are just some of the possible games and operators to which you can withdraw earned Richiki:

Here we also need to mention the three-level referral system. By attracting referrals through your referral link to the WASD service, you will receive income from their activities. Your income from a first level referral will be 20%, from a second level referral - 10%, and from third level referrals - 5%. Therefore, try to attract as many of your friends as possible to this service. Let them too be able to top up their gaming accounts.

In general, in our opinion, the WASD service is a great way to top up your gaming account! Therefore, feel free

For me, WASD is an intuitive key combination for games. But history could have gone differently and we would have ended up with EDSF or ASXC. Let's find out why we play the way we do.

Today, WASD seems to be an inevitable and indispensable keyboard shortcut for gaming. As soon as 3D shooters introduced mouse controls, it became difficult, at least for right-handers, to keep their fingers on the arrows. The keys on the left side of the keyboard are more comfortable, and Shift and Space are easier to reach there. But now WASD seems to be the optimal and only right choice, and twenty years ago few players used this combination.

At the dawn of shooters, there was no single standard for keyboard controls; gamers tried to independently choose the best option. Game developers set various combinations for movement by default, including arrows. The 1994 shooter System Shock offered ASDX. In Descent, you used AZ to move forward and backward, and you could peek around corners using QE. Gamers have tried other combinations, like ZXCV and ESDF.

It took several years for the WASD standard that is generally accepted today to become firmly established among players around the world. It is unknown who was the first to use this combination, but one person made a very significant contribution to its popularization - Dennis "Thresh" Fong, the greatest Quake player.

Founding Father

In 1997, Dennis Fong won the personal Ferrari 328 of John Carmack, the founder of ID Software, in the first national Quake tournament. And at the moment when he killed Tom "Entropy" Kimzey, Fong's right hand was on the mouse, and his left was on the WASD combination.

Dennis Fong played Doom with his brother a few years before the championship, using only the keyboard. But in Doom there was no point in having a mouse because looking up and down was not necessary. You pointed the weapon towards the enemy without focusing on his position along the vertical axis.

Both Dennis Fong and his brother Lyle were excellent players. But Dennis was losing to his brother, who used a trackball, so one summer Fong decided to learn to play with a mouse. And he became invincible. “Once I made that transition, my skills increased exponentially,” says Fong, adding that he stopped losing after that.

This was followed by experiments such as WADX. But in the end, Fong found WASD and began to use only this combination. Did he come up with this scheme? Probably no. Other people also tried using the left side of the keyboard in Doom at the same time. But without Fong's influence, the combination might not have become a standard. There were EDSF, or even the strange ZXC. I wonder what key we would turn on the sight if we were on the ZXC, and to move backward we pressed the right mouse button?

“I'm definitely not going to reap the laurels of the creator of the WASD combination. I came across it by accident. I'm sure other people started using it at the same time simply because they found it convenient. But I definitely think that I helped popularize it for a specific group of gamers, shooter players in particular,” says Dennis Fong. This key combination was spelled out in his Thresh's Quake Bible as an “inverted T,” and this “Quake guide” from an early eSports player made the difference. Fong's opinion was valid even before his career as a Quake player - before that he was a Doom champion.

The first shooters with WASD by default

The history of modern first-person shooters begins in the 1970s. One of the first games in the genre was Maze War - “War in the Labyrinth”. The game with a first-person view involved moving through a maze; the player could go forward, backward and turn to the sides, each time by 90 degrees. There was no need for precise aiming at a specific point; you could shoot at the enemy simply by directing your gaze in the right direction. This granddaddy of shooters could be played on Mac, Palm OS, NeXT Computer, Xerox Star.

Hovertank 3D, one of the first 3D shooters, was released in 1991. Only they played in it not as a person, but as a tank, who rescues hostages and kills monsters in the labyrinth. It was developed by id Software.

Two years later, id Software released Doom, one of the most important first-person shooter games. Is this music playing in your head too? I'm sure most of you know this game firsthand.

As mentioned above, there was no need for a mouse in Doom. There were enough arrows and keys to fire and change weapons. The mouse appeared later. At the same time, Quake is not the first game in which it began to be used; before it there was Marathon. But it became less influential compared to the legendary Quake.

In 1997, options included, for example, A Shift Z X, where A is forward and Z is backward. In 1999, System Shock 2 was released, where movement was carried out by the WADX square, and you could sit on S.

But people asked questions about how Thresh plays and how his controls are set up: “After Phong's winning demo, I was blown away because this guy moves so fast in Quake! It turns 180 degrees so quickly that I don't think it can be done with a mouse. I think he tuned the keyboard for rocket jumps and that spread.”

John Carmack, one of the creators of Quake, added the configuration of Phong's name to the second part of the game. But this is hardly what made the layout the most popular in the world of shooters. Quake 2 still had WASD as a separate layout. But in Half-Life, released in 1998, for the first time for a shooter, the WASD combination left the bench and became the default control.

In 1998, the shooter Starsiege Tribes was released, where WASD again became the default. Quake 3 finally added WASD to the default settings in 1999. Other shooters followed, but it was Half-Life, Starsiege Tribes and Quake 3 that made the main contribution to the popularity of the layout. In 2004, World of Warcraft was released with the same default settings, and if WASD had not already been the main one for everyone, the combination after WoW would definitely have become common among millions of gamers.

The same movement option was used in 1981's Castle Wolfenstein, but it was a 2D game with a left-hand view. Today, the combination is used not only in shooters - it is a way to control the camera in strategies.

If you play shooters and use this configuration, you should understand its advantages. When you keep your fingers on WAD, ready at any moment to shift your middle one to S to move backward, your little finger easily reaches Shift and your thumb easily reaches Space. And at the same time, you can easily change weapons to keys 1-4, if necessary during the game.

What if not WASD?

The WASD shortcut is located on the left side of the keyboard and is used when the mouse is in the right hand. But if you are left-handed, then shifting controls from the usual arrows located on the right to the left side of the keyboard makes no sense. Therefore, it is likely that you use the arrows and the keys surrounding them to control your character in the game.

Fallout 4 uses WASD by default. But there are people who switch the layout to ESDF. Players in this case are faced with a problem: the E key is intended for collecting loot. And they collect everything they see - because they go to this key, and you cannot change this setting in the game. Reddit users in the thread linked above note that 10% of all gamers play on ESDF.

Interestingly, Gabe Newell, founder and CEO of Valve, does not use WASD. His logic is that games shouldn't take your hands away from where they would normally be when typing. Therefore, it also uses a right-shifted inverted T - ESDF. Another Half-Life developer, game designer Dario Casali, prefers ASXC.

There are other options. Some people prefer RDFG. There are TFGH fans. Even 5RTY and EDAF seem more convenient to some. Which camp are you in?

Earning game money on WASD is not a tricky thing, you just need to complete simple tasks and exchange the reward received for game currency

Good day, dear readers of the blog site.

A huge number of people all over the world spend their free time playing a variety of online games and the number of such people is growing every day. To be honest, there was a time when I was also fond of online games and, in order to achieve my goals, I often threw real money into the game. I'm sure many of you do the same, which is why today I will tell you how to earn in-game currency for almost all existing online games.

You can earn play money on the project WASD performing simple tasks. After completing the task, you will receive bonuses that can be exchanged for game currency, because a large number of popular games are linked to this service.

How to make money on WASD?

The path to the long-awaited gold begins with registration. It’s not complicated, you just need to fill out a standard form. Afterwards, a code will be sent to the specified email to confirm registration.

There are many tasks, their conditions are varied, and the more difficult the task, the greater your reward will be. When I say reward, I mean the intra-system currency, which is called “Richiki”. On service WASD Richiki, can only be obtained by completing tasks.

So, in order to withdraw earned richiks, you need to go to the “Withdrawal” section. After you have moved to this section, you will see a huge list of games to which you can transfer your hard-earned money.

Each game has its own minimum amount for withdrawal, and to find out, just hover over the game you are interested in. You can also exchange the money you earn from WASD for votes on social media. networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it does not matter what tasks you complete, the main thing is to collect the minimum amount or more to send rich people to your game.

If you like to play online games and at the same time invest decent amounts of money in them, then I advise you to use the WASD service and thereby save yourself from spending on entertainment. It’s a simple matter and anyone can handle it. Good luck!

Online games are a very common way of spending leisure time; more than half of Internet users play them from time to time. Many projects are positioned as free, they have a client program with a free license and no investment is required from the user to start playing. However, all games have a special internal currency, which can be called by different names (crystals, coins, gold, etc.). It is purchased for real money (donation).

Each user of online games has two development paths:
  • Free. You have to spend a lot of time playing the game to level up your character and gain experience on your own.
  • Paid. Small investments allow you to significantly accelerate development; it requires much less time.

The second development option allows you to get more pleasure from the game. It is not at all necessary to donate (invest) from your online wallet or bank card. There are special services that allow you to earn game currency without investment. One such project is WASDclub, which supports more than 250 games. The resource has existed for 6 years and has become quite famous (more than 1.5 million users), so users have a large number of tasks available to complete. For each completion, “richiki” will be awarded, which can later be converted into internal currency and transferred directly to the balance of the game account or social networks.

Ways to make money on WASDclub

To start working on WASD you need to register on the project and go to the “Tasks” section. There will be a list of many tasks available to complete. Before you begin the task, you should carefully read the description. After completing the required sequence of actions, riches will be credited to your account automatically. There are quite a lot of tasks on the project, the list is regularly updated and expanded.

The project allows you to receive game currency in passive mode through the earnings of attracted users. As part of the three-level WASD affiliate program, users are paid a certain percentage of the earnings of the referrals they attract - 20% from the first level, 10% from the second and 5% from the third. The affiliate link and detailed statistics of affiliate deductions can be found in your personal account on the website.