Riddles about the ensemble for children. Card index on the topic: musical riddles for children


Riddles about music for children. Riddles about musical instruments, riddles about songs, riddles about musical works. All riddles with answers.
* * *
Seven sisters are very friendly,
Each song is very necessary.
You can't compose music
If you don't invite them. (Notes)

They hit each other
And they sing in response
And they shine like two pennies -
Musical... (cymbals)

Round, sonorous, familiar to everyone,
All the rulers are with us at school.
We always knock on it,
Loud sound is not nonsense.
It’s not in vain that the tool was given to us,
So that they knock on... (drum)

He writes music for us
Plays melodies
He will set the poems to a waltz.
Who writes the songs? (Composer)

Music needs not only a “composer”,
We need someone who will sing. He... (performer)

The one who does not sing songs, but listens,
It's called, guys... (listener)

Five rulers - home for notes,
The note lives in everyone here.
People in the world different countries
The name is the ruler... (“staff”)

He is the key, but the key is not for the door,
He's on the staff ahead. (Treble clef)

If the notes are in a row,
These notes are... (scale)

If the text is combined with a melody
And then do it together
What you will hear, of course,
It's called easy and simple - ... (song)

The drum stopped sounding
They started knocking on him.
We played, we knocked
The drums were checked.
The experiment was a success
Became a worker... (tool)

The string rings, she sings,
And the song is heard by everyone.
Six strings play anything
And that instrument is always fashionable.
He will never get old.
We call that instrument... (guitar)

Mom sang this song to us,
When the cradle rocked. (Lullaby)

There are many tools in it:
The strings beckon with a bow,
These are flutes, and the neighbors are
Group of red copper pipes.
There is a group of altos in it,
Harps busting –
He's ready to perform.
Bravo, conductor! (Orchestra)

Very ancient and simple
Tool, empty inside.
The sticks beat elastically,
The rhythm of the ensemble is set.
He's always happy
Lead the parade. (Drum)

This performer is young
WITH musical notation familiar.
He's gentle thin strings
He moves with a small bow. (Violinist)

The three-row is poured,
AND people are coming squat!
And the three-row is not bad -
There are buttons and bellows.
And funny old ladies
They sing ditties to it! (Accordion, accordion)

I'll tell you, my friend, -
In ancient times
A quiet breeze blew
Into a reed tube.
The man suddenly heard
Delicate melodic sound
And was born at that moment
Musical instrument. (Pipe, flute, pipe, wind instrument)

These black icons are
Not random hooks.
They stand on rulers
And they keep the melody.
Musical alphabet
Unusual to us in appearance (Sheet music)

He is like an older brother to the violin,
I'm glad to help her in the orchestra.
He and viola true friend,
It has a bass sound.
He's a bowed giant
Large important gentleman (double bass)

Guess it in one try
Come on, don't waste time!
I look like a snail
Copper pipes I'm related.
I am a wind instrument
And, sometimes, a regimental one. (French horn)

In this little orchestra
Only four musicians:
Every musician is a maestro,
All are great talents.
Tell me without hiding,
What is the name of the team? (Quartet)

I'm on stage in the twilight
I'll go out in an elegant tailcoat.
I'll wave a thin stick -
The violins will begin to sing,
The harpist will pluck the string,
The pipes will respond.
How wonderfully the orchestra plays!
Well, I’m the most important one in it! (Conductor)

On a piece of paper, on a page -

Either dots or birds.

Everyone is sitting on the ladder

And songs chirp. (Notes.)

Check sound and tone

A tool... (Fork.)

Triangular board,

And there are three hairs on it.

Three strings, and what a sound!

With shimmer, alive.

I recognize him the moment -

The most Russian instrument. (Balalaika.)

I stand on three legs

Feet in black boots.

White teeth, pedal.

What's my name? ... (Piano.)

How is a piano similar?

To a running car?

They have one detail

Entitled... (Pedal.)

(I. Ageeva)

The piano and accordion became friends

And united forever.

Can you guess the name?

Commonwealth of furs and keys? (Accordion.)

The tool has been around for a long time

Decorated the cathedral.

Decorates and plays

The entire orchestra replaces. (Organ.)

This stringed instrument

It will ring at any moment -

And on stage in the best hall,

And on a camping trip. (Guitar.)

The musician takes the bow,

He goes to the instrument.

Let's call it as it is now

Bass in the orchestra pit? (Double bass.)

Ten times bigger than a violin

That tool is... (Double bass.)

(I. Ageeva)

Chaliapin sang to the envy of everyone,

He had enormous talent

All because I studied

Art, what is the name... (Vocals.)

Book word "vocals"

What would be a simpler name? (Singing.)

He performs on stage

Starts a song in the choir.

Performs the entire verse

The chorus sings back. (Soloist.)

At the concert, without a doubt,

This is a cry of admiration. (Bravo.)

So that the artist can dance again,

Guess what the audience was screaming? (Bis.)

There are four musicians in it,

Virtuoso and talent,

They will sing any tune.

What is the name of the team? (Quartet.)

There are eight performers in it,

We ask you to guess the ensemble. (Octet.)

What is a musical monologue called?

When is it sung by an artist on stage? (Aria.)

He waves his hands smoothly,

Every instrument can be heard.

He is the most important in the orchestra,

He is the president of the orchestra! (Conductor.)

Guitar strings, patience, talent

Plus inspiration equals... (Musician.)

(I. Ageeva)

Sleep and rest are forgotten:

Writes a song... (Composer.)

(I. Ageeva)

He sang with his soul, well done!

You will be famous... (Singer.)

And the instrument, so similar to a violin, -

Everything is called one word.

Of course, you guessed which one? (Alto.)

He performs with a musician,

But he himself does not play in the orchestra.

He must just stand silently,

Keep a notebook with notes. (Leader)

They hold a parade to this music,

So that the general and the soldier walk in step. (March.)

The New Year's ball is in full swing,

I'm spinning around the hall in pairs.

This dance captivated us

Strauss composed it. (Waltz.)

But " F"put a beginning in mine,

And I will send a beam into the darkness! (Harp - headlight.)

(N. Kazantseva.)

The first syllable is a note,

The second syllable is a note.

But in general -

Just a part of something. (C + A = Beat.)

Two notes - two syllables,

And the word is one,

And a measure of length

It means. (E + A = Mile.)

The great Czech - the hero of the gray centuries -

And the karateka is an action hero -

According to your will they will fold easily

A famous attribute of the merchant Sadko. ( Gus + Li = Gusli.)

And we hobble around so comically.

But insert for us " L" - and let's sound

Quite melodic. (Geese are harps.)

Add the letter “to the note” M» -

Everyone will immediately need it:

My family lives there -

Mom, dad, brother and me! (Before - house.)

I played in every way

She sang and hummed.

I found myself near the water -

And I lost the letter. (Dudochka - at daughter)

(A. Taraskin)

« D" on fishing rod got caught

And it didn’t come off at all.

Hanged for five minutes -

And a miracle happened here:

The fishing rod has become short,

Suddenly notes began to be heard.

Well, please tell me,

What happened to the fishing rod? (Turned into a pipe: fishing rod - d fishing rod.)

(I. Ageeva)

The first syllable will be solved by the one

Who hasn't forgotten the names of the notes?

The second - in a century, take it,

In him " D" on " T"you will replace.

You will find out the answer at the moment:

He is a musical instrument. (Fa + Goth = Bassoon.)

First- shape of watermelon, Earth.

Have you already guessed everything?

A from the second delicious porridge

Your mommy cooks it for breakfast.

Whole will give music,

If you turn the handle quietly. (Ball + Semolina = Barrel organ.)

(I. Ageeva)

First will rumble in a thunderstorm,

Loves second dog gnawing.

Whole sound is always present

It hurts my ears sometimes. (Thunder + Bone = Volume.)

(I. Ageeva)

I sway from the wind in the field,

I fill myself with grain all summer.

But in order to make it sound,

« TO" on " G" I've changed. (TO olos - G voice)

With the letter " T- everyone knows him:

He brings spring with him.

With the letter " Sh" - always play,

Since the detachment is in formation. (Mar T- Mar w.)

From the first " WITH"I am a huge bird,

That he cannot learn to fly.

From the first " Sh"Everyone should know me:

I managed to write a lot of waltzes. (WITH trous - Sh traw.)

(I. Ageeva)

WITH " D» - power tools,

The hole will be drilled in no time.

WITH " T" - the nightingale will perform

May night among the branches. (D rel - T rel.)

(I. Ageeva)

WITH " E"- fastens the sheets together,

WITH " AND" - the violinist plays it. (Skr e pka - skr And pka.)

(I. Ageeva)

WITH " M" - she is waging war,

Without - the singer sings it. (Ar m iya - aria.)

(I. Ageeva)

I sound when the parade is going on,

I am a piece of music.

And read vice versa,

I am a mark on the skin from a wound. (March is a scar.)

(I. Ageeva)

First unlocks the door locks,

I'm thirsty second soothes our heat,

Third you will meet in the notebook,

Will give you the fourth solution to the riddle,

Fifth will tighten, unscrew the nut for you,

What is it, quickly guess. (Key.)

(I. Ageeva)

First on the branch, look, it’s turning green,

in autumn yellow he has.

In a book, in a notebook second you will find,

You will read this riddle on it.

Third it covers the roof,

The roof doesn't leak that much.

And here fourth lived in Hungary

And he was a famous pianist. (Sheet.)

(I. Ageeva)

First the goat's neck rings,

Loudly second sounds to us in the orchestra.

Third in the garden, in the meadow it blooms,

Blue, purple, it will go in our bouquet. (Bell.)

(I. Ageeva)

First the kids are dancing so briskly,

Girls and boys are jumping in pairs.

In Poland second lives from birth

He will invite everyone who guessed it to him. (Polka.)

(I. Ageeva)

First lives in the camp forever,

He will read your fate from the palm of your hand,

Dancing second she's by the fire

What kind of words, it’s time for you to answer. (Gypsy girl.)

(I. Ageeva)

First the military plays marches,

Guys blow only big ones in them.

And here second standing on the rooftops

Everyone smokes a lot in winter. (Pipes.)

(I. Ageeva)

First they study everything at school,

well and second They shoot from a double-barreled shotgun.

third two drums will play for us

Or the heels will beat her off zealously. (Fraction.)

(I. Ageeva)

First- large bird of prey,

What is circling over the dead animal.

The long part of the guitar is second,

He squeezes tightly with his left hand.

There are secret documents third.

What kind of word is that? Think about it, children. (Vulture.)

(I. Ageeva)

First the detachment convenes under the banner,

There is a flame in the blacksmith second inflates. (horn.)

(I. Ageeva)



  1. I stand on three legs, Feet in black boots,
    Black teeth, pedal. I call myself... (piano).
  1. Which instrument has both strings and a pedal?

What is this? Undoubtedly, this is our glorious... (Piano)

  1. The box dances on its knees, then sings, then cries bitterly. (harmonic)
  1. Young people from different countries dance wildly to... (accordion)
  1. He was born from the accordion and became friends with the piano.
    It also looks like a button accordion, what would you call it? (accordion)
  1. He looks like a brother to the button accordion, Where there is fun, there he is.

I won’t give you any hints, everyone knows it... (accordion)

  1. He can play both forte and piano,
    That's why they called it........ (piano)
  1. Five steps - a ladder, on the steps there is a song. (staff and sheet music)
  1. Seven guys on the stairs started playing a song. (notes)
  1. The smooth movements of the bow make the strings tremble,

The motif murmurs from afar, sings under the moonlit wind.

How clear the sounds are overflowing, there is joy and a smile in them,

A dreamy tune sounds, His name... (Violin)

  1. It’s not a nightingale……. sang.

When the string broke,

All around she sobbed and rang,

Like in a spring grove, silence. (violin)

  1. I put the pipe to my lips -

A trill flowed through the forest, -

The instrument is very fragile

It's called... (Pipe)

  1. There is leather on top, and skin on the bottom too.

And the middle is empty. (Drum)

  1. We'll dance in a circle, sing the song louder.
    Guess what, Veselushka will play for us... (balalaika)
  1. Three strings at ……………….,

But its scope is wide,

Wave your hand and seagulls fly by

With a wave of song. (balalaika).

  1. And now the brushes, the brushes began to crackle like…….……,

And let's rub me, sentence me. (ratchets)

  1. A stalk grows in a garden bed and plays hide and seek with the sun,
    The stalk curls and curls, and a pod grows on it.
    Boil the soup, or boil it, create whatever you love,
    But don’t argue about tastes, name two notes,
    Will you eat...? (beans)
  1. What note is put in the soup? (salt)
  1. What key doesn’t come out of the ground and open nothing? (treble clef)
  1. Who writes musical works? (Composer)
  1. Lives without a tongue, doesn’t eat or drink, but speaks and sings? (radio)
  1. What notes can measure space? (m and la-mi)
  1. Which musical instrument played by the crocodile Gena? (harmonic)
  1. What instrument did the heroes of Russian epics play? (Gusli)
  1. On a piece of paper, on a page -
    Either dots or birds.
    Everyone is sitting on the ladder
    And songs chirp. (notes)
  1. Check sound and tone
    Instrument...(tuning fork)
  1. Triangular board,
    And there are three hairs on it.
    The hair is thin,
    The voice is clear. (balalaika)
  2. How are pianos similar?
    And a running car?
    They have one detail
  3. The tool has been around for a long time
    decorated the cathedral.
    Decorates and plays
    The entire orchestra replaces. (organ)
  4. This string instrument
    Will ring at any moment -
    And on stage in the best hall,
    And on a camping trip. (violin)
  5. Book word "vocals"
    What would be a simpler name? (singing)
  6. So that the artist can dance again,
    Guess what the audience was screaming? (bis)
  7. He waves his hands smoothly,
    Every instrument can be heard.
    He is the most important in the orchestra,
    He is the president of the orchestra! (conductor)
  8. Sleep and rest are forgotten:
    Writes a song... (composer)
  9. He is handsome and vocal,
    Our choir... (soloist)
  10. The voice of a boy and a woman too,
    And the instrument, so similar to a violin, -
    Everything is called one word.
    Of course, you guessed which one? (alto)
  11. They hold a parade to this music,
    So that the general and the soldier walk in step. (march)
  12. The New Year's ball is in full swing,
    I'm spinning around the hall in pairs.
    This dance captivated us
    Strauss composed it. (waltz)

On musical theme perfect for schoolchildren.

On a piece of paper, on a page -
Either dots or birds.
Everyone is sitting on the ladder
And songs chirp.

Check sound and tone
A tool...

Triangular board,
And there are three hairs on it.
The hair is thin,
The voice is ringing.

Three strings, and what a sound!
With shimmer, alive.
I recognize him the moment -
The most Russian instrument.

I stand on three legs
Feet in black boots.
White teeth, pedal.
What's my name? ...

How is a piano similar?
To a running car?
They have one detail
I. Ageeva

The piano and accordion became friends
And united forever.
Can you guess the name?
Commonwealth of furs and keys?

The tool has been around for a long time
Decorated the cathedral.
Decorates and plays
The entire orchestra replaces.

This string instrument
It will ring at any moment -
And on stage in the best hall,
And on a camping trip.

The musician takes the bow,
He goes to the instrument.
Let's call it as it is now
Bass in the orchestra pit?
(Double bass.)

Ten times bigger than a violin
That tool is...
(Double bass.)

Chaliapin sang to the envy of everyone,
He had enormous talent
All because I studied
Art, what is the name...

Book word "vocals"
What would be a simpler name?

He performs on stage
Starts a song in the choir.
Performs the entire verse
The chorus sings back.

At the concert, without a doubt,
This is a cry of admiration.

So that the artist can dance again,
Guess what the audience was screaming?

There are four musicians in it,
Virtuoso and talent,
They will sing any tune.
What is the name of the team?

There are eight performers in it,
We ask you to guess the ensemble.

What is a musical monologue called?
When is it sung by an artist on stage?

He waves his hands smoothly,
Every instrument can be heard.
He is the most important in the orchestra,
He is the president of the orchestra!

Guitar strings, patience, talent
Plus inspiration equals...

Sleep and rest are forgotten:
Writes a song...

He sang with his soul, well done!
You will be famous...

He performs with a musician,
But he himself does not play in the orchestra.
He must just stand silently,
Keep a notebook with notes.

They hold a parade to this music,
So that the general and the soldier walk in step.

The New Year's ball is in full swing,
I'm spinning around the hall in pairs.
This dance captivated us
Strauss composed it.

The first one unlocks the doors,
The second one quenches our thirst in the heat,
You will meet the third in the notebook,
Will give you the fourth solution to the riddle,
The fifth one will tighten, unscrew the nut for you,
What is it, quickly guess.

The first one on the branch, look, it’s turning green,
In autumn it has a yellow color.
In the book, in the notebook you will find the second one,
You will read this riddle on it.
The third one covers the roof,
The roof doesn't leak that much.
But the fourth one lived in Hungary
And he was a famous pianist.

The first rings on the kid's neck,
The second rings loudly for us in the orchestra.
The third is in the garden, blooming in the meadow,
Blue, purple, it will go in our bouquet.

The first one is danced so briskly by the children,
Girls and boys are jumping in pairs.
The second one lives in Poland from birth,
He will invite everyone who guessed it to him.

The first one lives in the camp forever,
He will read your fate from the palm of your hand,
She dances the second one by the fire,
What kind of words, it’s time for you to answer.
(Gypsy girl.)

The first marches are played by the military,
Guys blow only big ones in them.
But the second ones are standing on the roofs,
Everyone smokes a lot in winter.

Everyone studies the first one at school,
Well, the second one is fired from a double-barreled shotgun.
The third will be played for us by two drums
Or the heels will beat her off zealously.
I. Ageeva

The first is a large bird of prey,
What is circling over the dead animal.
The long part of the guitar is the second,
He squeezes tightly with his left hand.
There is a third one on the secret documents.
What kind of word is that? Think about it, children.
I. Ageeva

The first detachment convenes under the banner,
In the blacksmith, the second fans the flame.