Read a conversation with Vika Tsyganova. Vika and Vadim Tsyganov: “No matter how much faith is killed, people still come to faith

A beautiful and charismatic woman. With a bright temperament and a strong name - Victoria. A singer who is sincere in her songs, not intended for any specific audience. They are loved by a variety of people, often having nothing in common except that they are fans of Victoria Tsyganova, a singer who is honest about her work and loves it. And most importantly, he respects the audience and his talent.

We met Victoria in Moscow and went to the village of Myshetskoye, where she lives and speaks about with pride. About myself - very simply and not without irony and excitement - about my husband Vadim. Talking to Victoria is easy - no posture, no image, no condescension.

- Victoria, are you the captain’s daughter?

It turns out that way. I was born on October 28, 1963 in Khabarovsk. My mother is from there, and my dad is from near Leningrad. Having received a military education, he went to serve in the Far East, in the Pacific Fleet. My childhood was completely carefree; I grew up in a large, very friendly family. My grandmother had eight children, and I had three aunts, four uncles and many cousins. My grandparents built Komsomolsk-on-Amur, and then moved to Khabarovsk, and the street they built themselves was called Victory Street.

Victory Day was their favorite holiday, there was a good tradition: on May 9, near our house, under a huge spreading bird cherry tree, they set the table. All the relatives and neighbors gathered and brought food. Anyone passing along the street at that time could sit at our table, have a drink and a snack.

- Did your family love music?

Our family was very musical. Grandmother played spoons and balalaika. Grandfather plays the accordion and accordion. and they played a duet. I used to think that everyone should be able to do this. We arranged folk songs into voices and sang. It always seemed completely normal to me. Today I understand that singing, having hearing is a gift from God.

- How did your parents meet?

Mom was still in school at that time, and dad came to Khabarovsk on vacation, and they met at a dance. Dad told the poetic story of their meeting. Mom was buying a ticket to the dance floor, and then dad saw her. “She bent down to the cash register window, and the light was shining from it, I saw the snow-white face of this girl and was immediately captivated,” he recalled. My mother really was a very beautiful woman. And dad looked after him for a whole year, went to his parents, wrote letters and poems. And when my mother graduated from school, they immediately got married.

True, before that she entered a pedagogical school. This was the parental condition. But my grandparents immediately accepted my dad and loved him until the end of his days. My dad was a very cheerful, sociable person. Very kind and handy - he sewed our fur coats, hats, and made furniture himself. He could salt fish and tan skins. There were many other talents. Dad drew wonderfully, he had an absolute ear for music, he played the piano and guitar. And in a jazz band on lead guitar.

He was accepted into the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts without exams, but his grandfather, his father, was a very strict man and an avid communist. He said: “Yurka, all these composers, artists - they are drunkards. You will go to military school." And dad went. Although, of course, there are drunkards everywhere.

And at home we had paintings that my dad painted; he was amazing at landscapes and portraits. Above my bed hung a portrait of Beethoven redrawn by my dad. I fell asleep under his stern gaze. Then, when I was studying at music school, I looked at him all the time and he inspired me.

- Did you like studying?

Everything was very easy for me. I shouldn't have been forced to study. Of course, my favorite subject was literature. I have always written very good essays. And I still sometimes write essays, stories, and travel notes.

I always have a notepad with me, and sometimes I’ll sit down and write something. I try to train myself, not to be lazy. In general, my parents gave me good internal discipline.

- Didn’t your first love distract you from your studies?

It happened to me quite late, in my second year of college. I was already an adult young lady. Everyone already had fiancés, even children were born. And I only have my first love. He studied at our institute, now he has become a famous actor, plays in a very popular theater. At that time he was already married and had a child. Of course, I struggled with my love for a long time, cried, worried. I couldn’t break up my family - it’s not in my rules. But the Lord separated us, he graduated from college, and I was still studying. Then we corresponded, but not for long.

Before my second year, my first love somehow didn’t work out. The boys I went to school with were not interesting to me. In the music group where I sang, there were good guys who were obsessed with music, but to say that I was in love with any of them is not. These were more friendly hobbies.

- What kind of music did you perform in the ensemble?

The first songs I sang were written by Alexander Morozov. Thirty years later I met him and recorded the album “My Blue Flowers...”. And my debut song, which I sang in the eighth grade, was “Old Fire” to the words of Leonid Derbenev, whom I later also met.

- Are you an actress by training?

I graduated from the Far Eastern Institute of Arts with a degree in drama theater and film actress.

- Is it true that upon admission you sang the first verse of the song “Oh, the wide steppe” three times?

I just didn’t know the second verse. And the students who worked in the dean’s office told me that they usually don’t listen beyond the first verse, they stop me. Well, I went away reassured. I sing “Oh, you wide steppe.” I sang the first verse - they didn’t stop me. I think to myself: “Well, I’ll sing it again.” She sang again. Don't stop! I’m singing for the third time and I’m already falling silent. I ask: “Should I sing again?” The dean became indignant: “I didn’t stop you, so sing.” I was somehow scared, I said: “Well, I’ve already sung the same thing three times.” They were slightly embarrassed: “Okay, that’s enough then.”

Basically. I was accepted into the institute only for high marks in the certificate and for the second round. But the fact is that at the time of admission I suffered from terrible speech defects - I had a strong lisp and could not pronounce half of the hissing words. I have a naturally incorrect, very deep bite. Therefore, I was accepted into the institute, in general, in spite of myself. And this was my serious achievement. And when I sang later, the words of the listeners “What impeccable diction she has!” were great praise for me.

- How did you achieve such diction?

I went to a speech therapist for six months. Moreover, it was necessary to earn money for visits to the doctor. And while all the girls from my class were still sleeping, I woke up early in the morning and went to the theater, where I worked as a cleaner. I remember sometimes you’re walking, there’s such a wind, it’s cold. .. Once I slipped, fell, broke my butt, I’m sitting on the asphalt and crying. If I didn’t have time in the morning, I came to clean the offices in the evening, after the performance. It was quite late, the performance ended at the beginning of ten.

And it was scary - the theater was empty, it seemed that a werewolf or monster would appear from every wing. And the most unpleasant thing was that when people left the theater, rats came out. This is where the real horror began. The city is sea, and there are hordes of rats. And as soon as it became quiet, they scampered across my freshly washed floors - greasy. fattened, And I screamed in fear at the whole theater and ran away.

- Then you wanted to be an actress, not a singer?

I thought that I already knew how to sing, there was nothing left to teach me. Our institute had both vocal and music departments, and artists studied. And we all communicated with each other. They posed for artists, could sing in an operetta, and worked part-time in a choir with vocalists.

We went to the musicians for a session. The education was varied. And the theater was right next to the institute. But the most remarkable thing is that our institute was located in the same building with the regional party committee and we had a joint buffet. Therefore, they fed us very tasty. But, when I was already in my last year, this regional committee moved, and, accordingly, the buffet left with it, and we had to go across the road to the canteen of “Dalryba” - the Far Eastern administration.

- How did you finally start performing as a singer?

When I received my diploma. I needed to get a job somewhere. And just then one boy came to us. He was from Moscow and after the conservatory served in the Far Eastern orchestra. He came to the guys and said: “I can get them into a musical theater, I’m friends with the director, I know Khachaturian...” He also knew one of the leaders of the Jewish Chamber Musical Theater. I grabbed onto this because the theater belonged to the Far Eastern Department of Culture, was located in Birobidzhan, and the artists lived in Moscow.

And in my fourth year, I decided to go to the capital for the winter holidays. I think I’ll find this guy, maybe something will work out? I often visited Moscow and St. Petersburg, watched new productions, that’s how it was with us. We made money from Christmas trees and went to watch premieres.

I bought a ticket, arrived in the capital, and called this friend. We met, he brought me to Taganskaya Square to the Jewish Chamber Musical Theater. I showed up at the artistic council, they deliberated for a long time: somehow I sing unprofessionally. but such charisma, such temperament, everything is so convincing. And they took me. Naturally, I was jubilant. I didn’t even think about the fact that I had neither housing nor registration. That’s it - the road to Moscow is open, I thought. I arrived in the summer, rented an apartment, started working in this theater, and my happiness knew no bounds.

But then the situation changed: the Iron Curtain collapsed, the theater began to be invited to other countries. Our team was very small: 25 people including management. The first tour in Germany - and half of the troupe did not return. Then - Hungary. Yugoslavia, and the theater practically collapsed, and I was left without work.

Then there was the Youth Musical Theater. which belonged to the Magadan Philharmonic. I worked as a leading artist. I sang well alone, and there were a lot of vocal parts in the performances. And I received applause everywhere, they even gave me flowers. My first tour was along the Kolyma highway. And when they now scare me with Kolyma, Magadan. I say: “Well, guys!” Then we traveled all over Kolyma, performing at gold mines for prospectors. I remember these tours very well. It was bitterly cold, we traveled in a PAZik or UAZ, slept on iron seats, and were frozen through.

And our stage was something like a barn with benches. A curtain like curtain, behind it are dressing rooms. toilet is outside. But we were paid well. When we arrived in Magadan after Kolyma, it seemed to me simply an earthly paradise. The room was warm and hot water was flowing. And so - just hills. We performed for prospectors and drove from mine to mine - we drove up to the canteen for prospectors, which means we stopped for a parking lot. And the store shelves looked like this: there was some piece of fat, margarine, frozen fish and gold - jewelry. You don’t have money for gold, and there’s nothing to eat. Romance!

- Was it at that time that you met your future husband?

I first heard about Vadim on one of these tours, to Sochi. I remember that in the morning, suddenly there was a revival in the team: “Oh, Vadim is coming!.. Tsyganov is coming!” But I didn’t know him, I thought: “Well, he’ll come - and okay.” The troupe consisted mainly of guys from GITIS. And there were about eight or nine of us in total - “Bremen” musicians. And the director was a very cunning guy. I worked as both an actress and a costume designer, and this director safely put my salary as a costume designer into his pocket, and paid me only the acting rate.

And then Vadim arrived and took everyone to eat barbecue. He has always been a wealthy man. Since childhood I knew how to earn money. When he later told me how, as a teenager, he dived for fish under a hydroelectric power station in Volgodonsk and got some incredible catfish weighing a hundred kilograms, my heart bled.

I might never see my husband.

So: there was a lot of time left before the evening performance, and Vadim took everyone for a walk around Sochi. And I had to iron suits and comb my wigs. It was hot, the costumes became completely wet after each performance, and they simply had to be resuscitated. And my colleagues were walking and relaxing. And so everyone swam, ate, and returned. And this same Vadim throws his wet towel on my ironed suits... I wanted to strangle him. But I couldn’t because I was upset and crying. It was time for me to put on my makeup, but here I had to iron the costumes again.

In the evening, after the performance, there was a feast again, Vadik treated everyone to beer, wine, and barbecue. I remember that I had a small paper cup in which I asked him to pour me beer. This is how we met.

Then our director left for America, leaving us to our fate. I probably earned him a lot of money as a costume designer. (Laughs.) Our theater collapsed. Vadim appeared in my life a little later. Before that, a lot of things happened... At one time I worked in Ivanovo, and it so happened that everything began to collapse for me: career, work, love. The ground was disappearing from under our feet. I had a fight with my loved one and realized that it was forever. He committed a betrayal that I did not want and could not forgive.

I was very worried, and at that moment I was lucky to meet and work with Evgeny Pavlovich Leonov. This is a very bright page in my life. Previously, there were such “hacks” when famous artists came to the province and organized evenings and creative meetings. Yes, this still exists. And so Evgeniy Pavlovich and I also traveled to collective farms in the Ivanovo region and performed. People sat in padded jackets, hats, felt boots, and the halls were always full - such a great artist was received with a bang. I played two excerpts with him, and I’m very proud of it.

I also sang a song from “Belorussky Station”, and he really liked my performance. Leonov encouraged me all the time. Six years later, we accidentally met Evgeniy Pavlovich during a concert, and he called out to me in the voice of Winnie the Pooh, calling me by my maiden name: “Zhukova, where are you going?” I was so happy: “Do you remember me?” - “Well, what about it? You are my partner!”

We worked with Evgeniy Pavlovich for five days, three performances a day. Then he left, and I realized that I had nothing to do in the theater. There was no contact with the main director. I came to the theater when there was another director there - Efim Davydovich Tabachnikov, the man from whom I studied. He was well versed in Russian literature and drama, and was a truly creative person. And when he left, the new leader began to introduce his own laws. He was not an interesting director, and after Efim Davydovich he seemed like a white moth to me.

In addition, he did not behave quite decently towards me. At that time I was friends with Tatyana, a costume designer, she was a gypsy. I have been afraid of gypsies since childhood. My grandmother scared me with them, she said: “A gypsy cart will come, they will kidnap you, make you sing and steal.” I thought: I can still sing, but stealing is both incomprehensible and scary. How can I steal if I don’t know how?

And when I was alone, I looked out from under the gate and locked the bolt so that the gypsies wouldn’t steal it. But Tatyana destroyed my ideas about gypsies. She told me: “Vika, go to church, pray and light a candle to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.” It wasn’t entirely clear to me at the time, but I went.

There was no one in the church; the service had already ended. On this day it was the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. And I cried for a long, long time, complaining about my difficult fate. I had nowhere to go. Pride and vanity did not allow me to return home. I left to conquer Moscow and should be the first. The test of pride and ambition is very difficult. And in the temple it was so warm, cozy, and at some point I felt that I felt better. She left comforted and calm. I wrote a statement at the theater and left for Moscow.

-And then Vadim appeared in your life again?

I remember it was before the New Year. Two days after my return from Ivanovo, his friend Igor called me: “Vika, this is such a guy! He is a famous manager. You must come urgently." At that time there was no word “producer” yet, but the word “manager” had already appeared, which, however, also didn’t tell me much. But it brought me into slight euphoria and fear at the same time. I said: “Igorek, do you know what time it is? Half past three in the morning. Let’s call this manager tomorrow and I’ll come.” I waited the whole next day for a call. It came quite late.

I was collected by the entire communal apartment. They made a fuss - they gave me a new blouse and sprayed two drops of perfume on me. Local alcoholics gave me five rubles. And I went from Lesnaya Street near the Belorussky Station, where I lived then, to Vadim in Medvedkovo. And for five rubles it was possible to get there only during the day. I remember well that I was being driven by a dark blue eight and the driver was talking to me very excitedly.

Apparently, he didn’t really want to go for five, but he had some plans for me. And I began to tell him that I was going to see a famous manager... That’s when I realized that the driver was drunk. All the way I held him back so that he wouldn’t drive somewhere and rush at me. We finally arrived at Polyarnaya Street, and there we met with Vadim.

-What did he look like to you?

A very businesslike, active, assertive and interesting man. And I was amazed by his poems. On the first evening when we met, I sang Russian folk and Cossack songs to him. And I saw that it made an impression on him. I felt a kindred spirit, he wasn’t playing, he wasn’t pretending. If people love jazz and Western music, why would they care about Cossack songs? Their soul will not respond to them, but Vadim really liked it.

In response, he began to read his poems to me. We’ve been together for 25 years now, we’ll soon be celebrating our silver wedding, and I now understand that back then in Medvedkovo it was a moment of revelation. Vadik is indeed talented and very sincere in his creativity, but he didn’t read his poems to everyone, but here he saw a girl for the first time... I listened to him and cried.

I didn’t go home then, it was already late at night, and Vadim offered to stay with him. He rented a one-room apartment and, which made me completely delighted, took starched sheets from the closet, made me a clean bed and said: “I will lie down on the sofa, and you are here.” Don’t be afraid, no one will hurt you.” And he didn’t pester me with any pleasantries.

- How did your relationship develop?

At first there was no question of love. Only work. Vadim wanted to place me somewhere. Took me to different groups, to producers. Somehow he brought me to a very famous person, and he became too interested in my personal life. What hurt my future husband, although we then had a brother-sister relationship. And Vadim decided: “I will do everything myself.” Well. Apparently, he reasoned that the girl seemed to be prominent and could sing well. and everyone likes it - this will come in handy yourself. (Laughs.)

And one day Vadim and I came to the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya to see composer Yuri Pryalkin. Yuri really liked me, he said: “Good girl, let’s try to write something to her.” And Vadim began to write for me. The group “Sea” emerged. With the composition “Caravel of Love” we got on the “Song of the Year-89”. The radio helped us here. There was a program on “Mayak”, something like the “Desk of Orders”, where people wrote letters with requests for their favorite song to be played.

And “Caravel of Love” took first place. We then beat Alla Pugacheva with “Lake of Hope”. Interesting. that we even went to Bulgaria for a rock festival. Although our group was completely pop. We were received very well. On the way we had a serious accident. The next day I went on stage with a bandaged hand, a bandaged leg, but in a leather jacket, and lit it up so much that the rockers sat, afraid to utter a word.

Gradually, our professional relationship with Vadim grew into a personal one. We got to know him better, and it turned out that he, like me, was experiencing a personal tragedy at that moment. It was at that time that his girlfriend left Vadim. He studied at the same school with her. Vadik was very capable, talented, he was accepted into all universities, but she was accepted nowhere. And he helped her enter the theater institute, rushed around with her everywhere, arranged for her, until she one day announced to him that she was leaving for a well-known theater administrator.

And then, although I broke up with my lover, I still had nowhere to go; I had to share the same living space with him in a communal apartment. And Vadim suggested: “If you have nowhere to live until you find an apartment, you can stay with me...” And he and I began to live in this apartment, and then looked closely at each other. Naturally, I started cooking for him and feeding him. It’s not that I used any tricks to win his heart, it’s just that my mother taught me how to cook very tasty food, and I did it with ease.

His old girlfriend didn't cook for him. I put the apartment in order, put up new wallpaper, and he probably liked it, he appreciated it and decided to propose to me. And as soon as I saw him, I felt reliability in him. A man who knows how to make decisions and take responsibility. And then, Vadim is my favorite name. Also some kind of sign. After some time, Vadim proposed his hand in marriage to me, and I became Tsyganova.

- And your solo career began?

In fact, the group “Sea” was already my solo project. After all, only I sang, the rest are musicians who still work with me.

- You and Vadim have been together for 25 years. How did you do it?

The main thing is love and patience. Both Vadim and I are both creative people. Sometimes it’s quite difficult for us, there are just battle scenes to sort things out. He wants it this way, and I want it differently. But I learned to give in to him, to humble myself. And he, in turn, immediately asks for forgiveness and is ready to consider my proposal and listen to my point of view. And then, we are married to him, which means there is God’s support. God always gives a person signs that help him not to go astray.

In addition, Vadim is a passionate and very extraordinary person. His talent is evident in everything he undertakes. My feelings for my husband only become deeper over the years. Vadim is endlessly interesting to me, he delights me and never ceases to amaze me. It is absolutely impossible for me to imagine that my husband could be someone else. Vadim and I have a spiritual relationship. This is the person closest to me and a true man, next to whom I am not afraid of anything.

- Why are you rarely seen on television lately?

I've been over this for a long time. What can you do here? Just beat talent over mediocrity. As I told my balalaika players: “Let’s hit the glamor with balalaikas!” I studied my profession, I heard assessments of my skills from great people: Isabella Yuryeva, Evgeny Leonov, Yuri Lyubimov.

And for me, the heads of TV channels are not the highest arbiters. When I sing romances at a concert, which Izabella Yuryeva blessed me with, my audience is standing still. I know the value of money and I don’t want to pay for mediocre broadcasts in which people with rubber faces sit and clap each other. I'm not interested. I am for creative exuberance. I had a concert where I worked with the “Soul of Russia” orchestra, with a wonderful conductor Vladimir Shkurovsky. I didn’t walk, but rather flew with wings and received tremendous pleasure from my work.

- But you are drawn to perform in “hot spots”, in Chechnya.

I'm an officer's daughter. And she always sang for the military. In my first album I had the song “St. Andrew’s Flag”, then “Golden Epaulets”. Some people simply invent an image for themselves and create a repertoire for it. My songs are a part of my soul, this is not an invented image. Therefore, when the war began, I had to go there. I needed to understand what it was, I needed to support the guys who shed blood there. The Caucasus is a wound that does not subside, from which blood is constantly gushing. And the war simply crippled my soul. I even wanted to leave the stage, to leave.


Having been to war, I realized that there is no justice in the world. But God is not powerful. God is in truth. The situation in show business also upset me. I didn’t want to pay money to be able to demonstrate the talent God had given me. And at the same time I saw completely mediocre people in the front row. It was a difficult moment. I didn't want to sing anymore. But she came to Optina Pustyn for service and met Elder Elijah. He didn't know who I was. Yes, I didn’t tell, I just repented of my sins, said that my soul hurt a lot, that I didn’t want to live according to the laws that the world dictates.

Each person goes through his own trials. One - because he commits mortal sins - robs, kills. And the other one suffers like me, because he is desperate. Despair is also a mortal sin. Father consoled me and asked what I was doing in life. I told you that I sing. He asked what my songs were about. I said: different songs about Russia, about officers, about ordinary people, about life. Life is interesting to me in all its manifestations, and the priest said: “No, no, you still serve, continue to sing, because talent is from God, it must be honestly practiced.” And now, after ten years, I understand how perspicacious the elder was.

I can't do anything else in life. And if what I do finds a response, then I’m doing my job. So it’s a sin to complain about my halls, they are always full. And I am very grateful to Father for that blessing and for his wisdom. Work brings me joy and satisfaction. When I go on stage, I try to accumulate this joy, to give people hope, faith, and love. This is why God gives talent, and through it the opportunity to reach out to people. As my father told me: “Do everything as for God.”

-In addition to singing, you are also interested in fashion design.

Fur outerwear, exclusive women's, children's and men's. Probably, the talent passed on from dad. Actually, my grandfather also sewed outerwear. And not just, but to order for high-ranking officials. And since my childhood, although happy, was low on money, everyone sewed themselves. I also went to a drama school and sang in a musical ensemble. Naturally, I wanted to look interesting and come up with new outfits for every evening.

And fur - because I grew up in the Far East, it’s cold there all the time. They wrapped us in ten trousers, felt boots, fur coats, we walked like snowmen. And I always wanted to make something warm, but at the same time comfortable and very beautiful.

I love dressing up my clients. And I like to involve them in the creative process. My clients are wealthy people, they can sew any branded item, and I am very pleased that they come to me. Author's items are interesting, their creation is more of a creative process, although quite profitable. I always discuss with my customers that part of the money always goes to charity, and people like it.

-Who do you help with money?

I have been friends with the Valaam courtyard for many years; there, in the poorest areas of the Yaroslavl region, there are orphanages - I transfer money to them. For furniture, for medicines, for gifts. We are also not building the first temple. The village of Myshetskoye, where I live, is the estate of Denis Davydov. In 1947, the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary was blown up there, and now we are rebuilding it. It is very bright, spacious, and services are already going on there. Vadim is the headman, and quite a lot of money is spent on the construction of the temple.

-How did you decide to live outside the city?

Even in my youth, I had a dream - to settle on the most central street of Moscow, on Tverskaya. And it came true, we lived there. And then they decided to build a house. We chose Leningradka, next to Firsanovka, where we filmed the video for the song “Love and Death.” The estate of Lermontov's relatives was also located here. And at one time, fascist invaders were stopped in these places. Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsky and Kolomna visited the church under construction on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and said that this place is unique. We do everything here with love and faith.

Interviewed by Olga Bulgakova 1394


Music observer Andrei Orlov made a conversation for the popular program with Vika and Vadim Tsyganov, “the singer and her guardian angel,” as the author himself stated in the title. The conversation turned out to be urgent, sincere, and began with a question that really interests many: “Why are you not on television?” Vadim honestly explained that those who determine policy on television are not the creators of Russia, they are the destroyers of Russia, and that is why those who raise and strengthen the national spirit and awaken national consciousness are not on the screen. Openly and brazenly, the television screen propagates the cult of money and pleasure under the strongly imposed slogan “Take everything from life!” said Vadim.
- The television screen is filled with propaganda of sex, violence, and money-grubbing. The church rings its bells, but few people hear it anymore. They are destroying and tearing up the skeleton of the power, the support of the nation - the Russian language, Russian culture. Those who oppose this are exposed as fascists...
From the tone of the conversation, from what was expressed by both Vadim and Vika, one can feel that it is painful. Sincere, real, deep pain for Russia, for the Russian people.
But what a stunningly evil barrage of responses immediately fell upon the Tsyganovs. A stunning wave of hatred! And this hatred is the most convincing, clearest confirmation of the rightness of the Tsyganovs, that a real merciless war has been unleashed against the Russian people. As Vadim said in an interview with “They are engaged in the collapse of Russia. They need to cheat us, they need to corrupt us...”
They don’t argue with the Tsyganovs, they don’t present counter-arguments, they don’t even try to convince them. Hiding behind the nicknames “Tsynik”, “Zyuzyukva”, “eSMIralda”, “Don’t care”, Vadim and Vika brazenly, impudently, cheekily strive to insult, humiliate, trample in the dirt, mix with the dirt: “two sick people in the head”, “paranoia , multiplied by delusions of grandeur”, “pathos from one’s nationality and place of residence - a clinic”, “Holy Rus', autocratic power, Orthodox faith, to the sound of bells ringing on stage, to fall on your knees, burst into tears and kiss the golden cross - very sovereign and patriotic ”, “outright nonsense”, “delusional conclusions”, “paranoid patriots”, “they carry all kinds of heresy”, “with the songs of Vika Tsyganova the public will slaughter people in the streets”, “their words smell of chauvinism”, “spiritual” sermons extremism is not much different from fascism-Stalinism”, “there is so much anger, bile, envy, and anti-Semitism in the interview!!!”, “xenophobia and Dostoevshchina abundantly presented in the interview”, “don’t shout about your Orthodox faith like that!”, “ It’s good that there are sober-minded people who don’t let them on TV”, “clog the brains of your friends, but there’s no need to dump this Orthodox-patriotic nonsense all over the country”...
Yes, on political websites, on political forums, you will not find as much anger and hatred as I suddenly discovered on the music channel. The Tsyganovs are hated by those who hate Russia itself, by those who hate our Orthodox Faith, and the concept of Holy Rus', and autocracy, and sovereignty, and patriotism, and our songs. They are hated for their songs, because in the Tsyganovs’ songs there is both the Russian spirit and the Russian will. A truly talented, genuine song was and remains a powerful force, a spring, a key, a life-giving source of vigor, spirit and will of the people; in strength, power, scale and direct penetration into the soul of the people, it is incomparable with either an article, a speech, or a book. A talented song is a direct hit to the heart, the key to the people's soul. This is why singers are killed, like Igor Talkov was killed, this is why Vika (Victoria! Victory!) is hated and viciously persecuted. Exactly according to Dulles, whom the Tsyganovs’ opponents do not want to recognize, but act exactly according to his developments: “Let’s replace their values ​​with false ones and make them believe in these false values! Everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings... we will in every possible way support and raise the so-called creators who will plant and drum into human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism - in a word, all immorality... And only a few, very few will guess or understand what is happening, but we will put such people in a helpless position, turning them into a laughing stock, we will find a way to slander them and declare them the scum of society!
Listening to the songs of the Tsyganovs, reading their smart, balanced interview, feeling the anger and hatred, lies and deception of “opponents” - who would dare say that the “Dulles plan” is a fake, if so precisely, literally to the point, Dulles’ students are the same Like him, Russian haters are implementing his program today. Of course, they will hate the Tsyganovs, of course, they will not let them on television, of course, they will not give them radio airtime, close prestigious halls for them, throw lies and mud at them, because such creators, such talents as Vadim and Vika Tsyganov do not allow the Russophobic plans of the Dulles to come true.

Vika Tsyganova is called a Russian pop legend. Her hits “Come to My House”, “Love and Death”, “Kalina Krasnaya”, “Bunches of Rowan” and “Russian Vodka” have not lost their popularity for a quarter of a century. The singer owes much of her stunning success to her husband Vadim Tsyganov, who is not only her faithful life partner, but also the author of most of her compositions. Their love story is like a fairy tale - a chance acquaintance, feelings that flared up at lightning speed and complete unity of souls for many years. In an interview for the site, the singer shared the secrets of a happy family life, and also talked about her musical career and feminine tricks.

Vika Tsyganova is one of the few stars of the 90s who managed to maintain popularity to this day without changing her own style. Her songs, like many years ago, are still as sincere and sincere.

In the process of talking with our heroine, we are convinced that the singer’s work is the personification of herself. In life, Vika is just as open and sincere - from the first minutes she puts you at ease and tries to surround her interlocutor with care and warmth. It is clear to the naked eye that Victoria receives sincere pleasure from her profession and is in harmony with herself.

If the singer gives an interview, she does it with her characteristic frankness - Vika told our portal about the difficulties she faced during her almost thirty-year marriage, about spirituality, and about her views on the institution of marriage. But we started our conversation, of course, with music...

website: Vika, you have been on stage for thirty years. How has your work changed over the years?

I love to change, experiment and try something new, so, of course, my creativity has also undergone changes. Youth is characterized by unpredictability - this was reflected in my songs. And today I became more serious. Now I'm going deeper into the process. I’m working in Italy on a new album with Fio Zanotti, a music producer who has worked with Adriano Celentano, Placido Domingo, Sting and other world-class stars. This is a unique person, a guru who has twelve platinum discs. So today I'm betting on music.

It's nice that my audience changes with me. There are people who have been following my work from the very beginning - I always try to surprise and please them with something. However, in addition to loyal fans, young people are increasingly appearing at my concerts. I think they come for the warmth and reflections on the meaning of life that are in my songs.

V. Ts.: This status comes with great responsibility. It is important for me that my songs are not empty - I am increasingly immersed in the study of my soul and away from the vain. The song must have meaning. It should excite, carry a positive charge, and this requires certain emotional accumulations.

“After years, my songs can be listened to in any situation and in any mood. I myself can dance to “Russian Vodka” or be sad to “Remember May”. I received a talent from God and now I am using it in my creativity. I don’t like to just go on stage and sing - it’s important for me to share my emotions, experiences and thoughts with the audience. Music was and remains first for me.”

website: However, you recently released your clothing collection. What prompted you to take this step?

V. Ts.: The release of the collection became a kind of game for me, proof to myself that I could do it too. Since childhood, I have been engaged in cutting and sewing, altering my mother’s and grandmother’s dresses and creating costumes for performances from them. Previously, there was no such choice of outfits, and indeed there weren’t really any, so we had to get out. We can say that I began to show an ability for clothing design even earlier than for singing.

My items sell well and I get a lot of positive feedback. I presented one of my collections at the Historical Museum on Red Square, where a huge number of foreign guests and journalists came. I am pleased that my work is so highly valued that now I am called an icon of Russian style. However, I don’t want to go deeper into this industry and devote all my energy to developing my brand. I reserve the right to create and be free.

website: If, suppose, your musical career ends, what will you do in this case?

V. Ts.: Honestly, I am sure that my music career will not end - my songs are meaningful and they will always be relevant. But you are right, you never know for sure how everything will turn out, so I would grow flowers or paint pictures - I really love nature. I believe that nature is God's workshop. She inspires us, surprises us and pacifies us.

website: You pay a lot of attention to spiritual development, but judging by how beautiful you look, you don’t forget about your appearance either. How do you take care of yourself?

V. Ts.:“In order to look good, first of all, you need to be a disciplined person. There must be an understanding that under no circumstances (except pregnancy) can you gain extra pounds. I never go on mono-diets. I observe Orthodox fasts. They not only contribute to spiritual formation and development, but also perfectly help keep yourself in shape.”

In addition to following certain nutritional rules, I regularly go for facial and body massages, visit a cosmetologist twice a week - I get “beauty injections” and procedures with a lifting effect. In my opinion, taking care of yourself is important and necessary: ​​now there is a huge selection of cosmetics, plus many good specialists offer their services.

V. Ts.: It seems to me that the most important quality is femininity. Unfortunately, few people currently have it. Today women are very greedy and “thoughtful” - they do not allow men to express themselves and they themselves suffer from this. As a result, even the most beautiful and successful people are left with nothing - that is, with their loneliness and bitterness.

“The Lord awarded a woman with naivety, fragility and tenderness, and we have no right to lose these qualities, otherwise we will simply die out as a species. Women are flowers. And men want to see roses, lilies of the valley, violets or snowdrops in front of them - poisonous and prickly flowers do not attract anyone.”

website: And if we talk about female wisdom, what is its essence?

V. Ts.: It lies in humility and the ability to avoid sharp corners. Personally, I have to work a lot on my inner humility - I try to free myself from pride, and from vanity, and from gluttony.

In my opinion, humility is especially important in your personal life. During quarrels with a loved one, it helps to maintain composure, and this is the surest key to happiness. When I'm angry with my husband, I hold my breath, count to three and calm down. My husband immediately asks for forgiveness and is ready to fulfill any of my requests.

V. Ts.: I believe that everything is laid down in childhood, including the understanding of what love is. My parents loved each other very much, and my grandparents too - I had an example before my eyes. And when I saw my husband, I immediately realized that this is my man. I didn’t have to search for long and make mistakes - my feelings told me.

“Of course, it doesn’t happen without difficulties. 15 years ago, Vadim and I were going through a crisis in our relationship. I cried, prayed, went to Matronushka, and then understanding came to me. I said to myself: “Vika, you grew up in love, and your husband always had conflicts with his parents. He's broken, and you can't just learn to give in. Why aren't you ashamed? Since you have given a lot of love, share it.” This is how our lives are structured, and we need to come to this, so I encourage couples to go to church together, then the marriage will truly be sealed in heaven.”

I have built my whole life according to this principle - the spiritual component is most important to me, and some everyday issues are alien to me. A friend or sister may tell me: “Vika, you’re so stupid, you bought the wrong pan.” I'm not offended by them - to each their own.

website: How do you and your spouse manage to maintain interest in each other?

V. Ts.: My husband and I are interested in each other, because there is always an element of play in our relationship. I want him to see me beautiful, to look with admiration, so I often dress up and do makeup. Moreover, this is appreciated not only by your partner, but also by those around you, which means you feel more confident.

When people live together for a long time, they become one. My husband is a creative partner, a brother, a father, and a child. I know what he likes and what he doesn’t, what can hurt, anger or please him. In my opinion, the most important thing in a relationship is that love and trust should always be at the forefront.

Today, money seems to have replaced everything: the majority no longer care about love, not about conscience, not about the Motherland. But this is not so - there is a soul, there is love, there is faith, there is a Fatherland. The history of Russia began not in 1917, but with the Baptism of Rus'. The priority has always been preserving the faith and serving the Motherland. Remember how you swore an oath in the old days? “For faith, Tsar and Fatherland!”

The singer Vika Tsyganova and her husband, poet, composer and producer Vadim Tsyganov, are known not only in Russia, despite the fact that Vika Tsyganova has not been on television for many years. In the song “Television” the singer sings:

And they removed me on the First,
and they locked me up on the Second,
And in general they will probably remove
maybe tomorrow, or maybe later...

Vadim and Vika have been happily married for twenty years, married more than 15 years ago, both are Orthodox and are convinced that only faith will save Russia today. Few people know that the oak cross near the mine in the Monastery of the Royal Martyrs (Ganina Yama) was donated to the monastery by the Tsyganov couple.
Vadim, in a recent interview, talked about it this way: “Once we had a pilgrimage to Yekaterinburg to Ganina Yama. People have long called this place the Russian Golgotha. When we arrived at the mine, I was greatly shocked by the realization of the crime that had occurred. However, this place itself radiated such grace! I approached the abbot of the monastery, Abbot Sergius (in the world Nikolai Romanov!) and asked: “Father, can I make a worship cross for this place?” He looked at me carefully and said briefly: “Do it.”

The material for the cross was an oak tree that grew on the famous Prokhorovsky field, where a historical tank battle took place at the turn of the Great Patriotic War. It was cut down in 1947. When I bought it, it was full of fragments, and I had to manually pull out these fragments. The cross turned out to be powerful, four meters high, and knotty. When it was installed, it was obvious that it seemed to have grown into the place chosen for it.
They say that by the grace of God there are known cases of miraculous help to people who, in difficult moments of their lives, prayed at the cross. There were, they say, cases of healing... But that’s not all. Archbishop Vincent of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye really liked the cross. They offered him all sorts of crosses to place on that sacred place: iron, stone, even gold, but when he saw this cross, the bishop had no doubts. He suggested that I erect a chapel with a glass floor right on the site of the mine.
I made a sketch and sent it to Yekaterinburg, but after some time I received a message that Ganina Yama was being left open, and my chapel would be erected nearby. I was upset, but I resigned myself to the idea that everything was in God’s hands. The chapel was placed in a low place.

And then one day people discovered that a stream was flowing from under it. It turned out that a key had hammered in right under the chapel.”
Vadim Tsyganov is also one of the authors of the monument to the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. In the same interview, he noted: “I wanted the monument not to be blissful and pretty, but so that, looking at it, a person would think. I thought about myself, about Russia, which has already been crucified for our sins. That’s what I called it for myself - “Crucified Russia”. We are a living people, but at the same time we are already on the cross. We have forgotten that we are a great nation, that we have a great and ancient culture, that the heart of Russia has always been the Orthodox faith. F.M. Dostoevsky, who is very disliked by those who do not like us, said clearly: “A Russian person without faith is rubbish.” We have abandoned faith. We wanted democracy, but what we got was the corruption and genocide of everything Russian.

It's time to get up from your knees. It's time to get out of the state of apathy, indifference, irresponsibility. It hurts your soul when you think that our boys foolishly end up in skinheads and other alien groups. Seeing only lies all around and not having faith in their souls, they cannot resist the onslaught of cruelty and evil. But they are not our golden youth, and not Ksenia Sobchak. Our golden youth is Zhenya Rodionov, who in the face of the enemy refused to take off his Orthodox cross and accepted a martyr’s death” (interviewed by N. Glebova, “”).

Vika Tsyganova flew to Chechnya about ten times, including with a cargo of 200. These trips turned the singer’s consciousness upside down and forced her to evaluate the surrounding reality differently.
The following fragments of conversations with Vika and Vadim are taken from various interviews and, I think, will help our readers become more familiar with the work of the Russian singer Vika Tsyganova.

- How did your family view the Orthodox faith?

At the time when my grandparents were young people, few people decided to openly profess their faith, but I know for sure that they were baptized people, Orthodox. It is also known that one of my great-grandmothers was a deeply religious and devout woman. Now, when I began to remember her in prayers for repose, I felt how she was helping me. I believe that there, in Heaven, she is praying for me.

- Has your life changed in any way after baptism?

From that time on, my life not only changed, but was clearly divided into two segments: before and after my coming to Orthodoxy and meeting my husband Vadim. And this is not surprising. How do we, for the most part, come to the Lord? What do we bring to His feet? Most often - a life disfigured by sins... The Lord, with a caring hand, begins to cleanse away dirt, sores, passions, and vices from us. The human soul is gradually washed, becoming lighter and purer. It is impossible not to feel this relief, healing, sanctification.

- By virtue of your profession, you are obliged to be a person “in the public eye.” Do you have enough time to communicate with God?

There was a moment at the very beginning of my churching when I went to church for daily Liturgy for two months. The soul was calling. But then gradually the feeling appeared that God was always and everywhere with me, and the urgent need to be at divine services as often as possible disappeared. But, nevertheless, if I don’t go to church at least once a week, I feel uneasy.

There was a time when I liked to pray in solitude. Now I prefer to pray in the temple, along with everyone. During these hours I pray for myself, for people, and I feel that someone nearby is praying for me. This is an amazingly blessed feeling of conciliarity, or something... When I go on tour to unfamiliar cities, I catch myself subconsciously looking for the tops of churches with Orthodox crosses. When I find them, I breathe a sigh of relief - I can consider myself at home.

- If you have free time, what do you do?

I really love doing handicrafts. But most importantly, I study vocals with a unique, in my opinion, singer - Gennady Vasilyevich Trofimov. If you remember, it was he who first performed the romance “You Wake Me Up at Dawn...” which later became very famous and beloved by many.
He has a wonderful vocal gift, an aristocratic voice. In addition, he is close to me in religion. In the house of Gennady Vasilyevich, the Orthodox Christian way of life reigns. We always begin our classes with a prayer to Saint Roman the Sweet Singer.

I think that we met him through the Providence of God. Some time ago I came to St. Petersburg to participate in another concert in support of the fleet. Right before my performance, the rock band Leningrad appeared on stage. What started to happen! There is obscene language on stage, behind the stage there are screams and whistles of excited sailors... I call Vadim, I say that it’s scary to go on stage, they say, as if they would throw something at me. And he shouts into the phone: “Don’t be afraid of anything! God is with us! Pray and come out!”

And suddenly, on the radio, right in the car where I was before the performance, I heard the voice of Gennady Vasilyevich Trofimov. He sang: “Sovereign Emperor...”. Then the stage speakers began to rumble and nothing could be heard anymore. But the thought flashed through my head: “Lord, help me find this person, I really want to learn from him.”
So, with prayer, I went on stage. After the second song, I saw that the people standing in front of the stage suddenly stopped being an excited crowd. The boys in caps with ribbons, who five minutes ago seemed ready to burst into flames at any careless word, stood humbly and listened to my songs.

In almost all of your interviews, even on the most “secular” topics, you always speak at least a few words on a moral, spiritual and openly Orthodox topic.

It is a joy to confess Christ. I feel very sorry for non-believers. They live without God and suffer in their loneliness. I know many people who have everything, but do not have God in their souls. These are unhappy people.
With the blessing of my spiritual mentor, I really take advantage of every opportunity to tell people about faith and God. This, believe me, is a great joy! I just always ask the Lord to enlighten me on how and what to say to people: so that it is not fancy, but simple and accessible; for a person to think, to become interested in Orthodox life.

- Aren’t you afraid of the evil one’s revenge for this?

And I’m afraid, and I’m taking revenge! It happens that with God’s help it is possible, for example, to reconcile someone - wait: something is bound to go wrong in your family. But we pray with Vadim and rely on God’s help, on the intercession of God’s saints. Many people help us and pray for us. But if we’re being very serious, I’m actually afraid of one thing: that our guardian angel might turn away from us, that the Lord might abandon us. May this never happen to us, Lord! (Recorded conversation by N. Glebova, newspaper “Orthodox Life”)
- Do you think creativity is God’s gift or also hard work?

I have been singing for six years now with the blessing of the Elder of Optina, Father Elijah. Six years ago I came to see him in Optina Pustyn. I was in a state of confusion, even some despair, I cried for a very long time and told the priest that I did not want to do this work. Because the world of show business is incompatible with my soul.

This was especially influenced by the Chechen war. One day I was flying back with wounded and dead soldiers. And after that I come to Moscow, to some party, where cognac flows like a river, where people are fattening...
And so I came to my father, in tears, and told him: “I can’t work.” And he blessed me, he cried with me. He, of course, had never heard me sing and had absolutely no idea who I was. But he is a seer, has the gift of prophecy. “What are you singing about?” - he asked. “Father, I’m singing about Russia, about St. Andrew’s flag...” He stroked me on the head and said: “Sing again.”

Vika, you recently suffered a serious illness, and the whole of Russia was worried about you. What helped you cope with the disease?

It was indeed a very serious illness. At first, doctors treated me for a completely different disease. But the source of help is from the Lord. When I was lying in the heat, with a temperature of 40, under a drip (and this lasted for several days), I felt precisely spiritual help. You know, no money, nothing can measure this! I felt like I was being fueled by something very powerful.
And they told me: in one monastery they ordered a prayer service, in another, in Optina Pustyn, in the Urals, in Ganina Yama, everywhere, do you understand? (Interviewed by O. Ryndina, newspaper “Courier”)
- Explain to me why it happened that you are absolutely not on television for quite a number of years?

Vadim: Won’t they cut out our answer to this question from you later? Okay, I'll tell you. Everything is very simple. There is a small group of people who have seized power (and this is exactly so, because the press and television are power).
Basically, these are people with dual citizenship, who absolutely do not like Russia, who are only interested in money, and even receive it in other countries. They are engaged in the collapse of Russia. You need to cheat, you need to corrupt - and everything will be fine.
The church rings its bells. Perhaps not all of us, but the most worthy ones say that we are going downhill. Moreover, they persistently push us towards this!

Therefore, the fact that Vicky is not on television now is thank God! Because to participate in this disgrace... All this propaganda of sex, violence, money-grubbing! A TV in the house is worse than a tank now. 24/7 zombies! And how many children are then taken to psychiatric hospitals after all this trash?

- What do they tell you: Tsyganova is unformatted?

Vika: The Russian soul has never been in format. And it won’t happen, thank God. All this show business, all these so-called stars... I figured it all out. And today many of the colleagues I see don’t even turn their heads at me.
And to your health! If they don't want to, they don't need to. I go out to people and carry out the tasks that are assigned to me. I work, educate, awaken those healthy, Russian genes that still remain in our people. And nothing contributes to this as much as prayer and voice, believe me.

- But have you at least maintained friendly relations with anyone?

Vika: My current social circle is mainly actors. I really love Mikhail Nozhkin, Alexander Yakovlevich Mikhailov, Churikova, Gleb Panfilov...
Vadim: We have a lot of colleagues. Exactly in spirit. This was Mikhail Krug. Vladimir Kvachkov, who was accused of the assassination attempt on Chubais, is also a very close person of ours. Mironov Boris. Now we can calmly talk with Alexander Novikov. Igor Slutsky is our comrade. We maintain relationships with spiritual people. Father Herman. With the elder from Optina Hermitage...
Vika: Moreover, we may not see each other for a long time, but I clearly know that, for example, this person always remembers me in prayer, and I remember him when I go to church.

- But for some reason the scythe landed on the stone?

Vika: Because of the truth.
Vadim: People need to read Ilyin, read the “Dulles plan” for the collapse of the Soviet Union! After all, look, there are now people in power who have been specially introduced there, who are practicing on Russia. Isn’t this visible, isn’t it clear? Their task is to cheat. There is a setting on all channels: minimum Orthodox! And if you do let it in, it’s early in the morning on weekends, when no one is looking!
I’m not interested in all these “ninth companies”, all these Bondarchuks. It's empty, you know? This is what is toothless and patriotic, which is what we have today, unfortunately, both a bogeyman and a flag.

- What are your feelings about the film “The Island”?

Vadim: Well, this is probably one of the most powerful films in recent times. Film-repentance. Mamonov... No words! Everyone else, I think, is just dressed up. And here is a person’s deep repentance, it is immediately visible. I'm sure God intervened there, in this film. Because it is impossible to simply comprehend and convey it!

- Do you know Peter?

Vika: No, unfortunately. The Lord has not united us yet. But I read a lot of Peter’s interviews. Of course, the person is just standing on this path! On the path of knowing your soul, your inner struggle.
Vadim: Oh, I remembered, we are still very friends with Lyubov Vasilyevna Rodionova, she just called! We flew with her to Chechnya many times, this is the mother of Zhenya Rodionov, our holy soldier, whose head was cut off with a dull saw.
Vika: Because he didn’t take off the Orthodox cross. Our society would like to have more people like this.

- What else is your life filled with now? What activities, events?

Vika: I don’t know if I need to talk about this, but this is charity.
I work with orphanages, helping in any way I can. Vadyusha helps restore churches, makes windows and doors there (A. Orlov, newspaper “Yuzhnouralskaya Panorama”).

- Isn’t it scary to go to Chechnya?

Hard to say. I knew that I had to come there. It was like that the first time, and I feel the same way now. And this sense of duty, responsibility, it dominates, and everything else becomes insignificant.
The first time I went to Chechnya was on Russia Day in 2001. I remember I didn’t specifically say anything to my parents so as not to worry. They saw me on the news program. They were, of course, horrified. But then they realized that it was impossible to stop me: I myself am the daughter of a naval officer, my grandmother is a Cossack, my husband is a Cossack. Well, how can you keep me? (From an interview in Chechnya, in the Argun Gorge, L. Samarina, “Combat Brotherhood” magazine)

The material for publication was prepared by A. Zueva

P.S. Some materials from the singer’s official website ( were used.

Vika Tsyganova is one of my favorite singers. Who never cheated in her work and her songs were always distinguished by the most important value - they were and remain Russian, in essence, in form, in content. This is why the occupation's scattered TV doesn't like the singer.

St. Andrew's flag
(Words: V. Tsyganov, music: Y. Pryalkin)

How much snow has fallen in the fields
And crazy winds howl in the churches
Gentlemen, our time has come!
Look what happened to Russia

No need to say that the ball is over
There is no need to put an end to our business
Who understood Mother Russia with his heart?
He did not tear off the chain with the cross from his chest

And let our strength run out

How many of us died on the Don,
Near Tsaritsyn and near Simbirsk.
Gentlemen, the whole Fatherland is in smoke
But victory belongs to the Russian flag

The Great Hour has not yet come to us
We haven't lost our Fatherland yet
Our double-headed eagle will fly to us
The day you've been waiting for will come

Russian flag, St. Andrew's flag
You are tested in battles and on campaigns
And let our strength run out
God and St. Andrew's flag are with us

Gentlemen, our St. Andrew's flag
A white bird flies above the stern
We won't take a step aside
And let faith warm us in battle

No need to say that we will leave
And the waves will bury our banner
That we will shed our blood in vain
That Rus' will forget us and is unlikely to remember

Russian flag, St. Andrew's flag
You are tested in battles and on campaigns
And let our strength run out
God and St. Andrew's flag are with us

Vika and Vadim TSYGANOV:

They have been happily married for twenty years. Fifteen as married. She is a famous and wonderful singer. He is her producer, the author of most hits and simply, as she says, her guardian angel, her wingman. Last Sunday they were guests of Chelyabinsk. And after the concert, Vika and Vadim Tsyganov gave a very frank interview to your humble servant.


Explain to me WHY it happened that you are absolutely not on television for quite a number of years?
Vadim: And then they won’t cut out our answer to this question from you?.. Well, okay, I’ll say it. Everything is very simple. There is a small group of people who have seized power (and this is exactly so, because the press and television are power). Basically, these are people with dual citizenship, who ABSOLUTELY do not like Russia, who are ONLY interested in money and who receive it even in other countries. They are engaged in the collapse of Russia. You need to cheat, you need to corrupt - and everything will be fine... The church rings the bells. Perhaps not all of us, but the most worthy ones say that we are going downhill. Moreover, they persistently push us towards this! Therefore, the fact that Vicki is not on television now is both glorious and thank God! Because participating in this DISGRACE is... Sheer bad taste!..
Vika: Sabbat, in a word

– I absolutely agree with you.
Vadim: It’s like a hell of a deal! The most important thing in life is money. Immorality. All this propaganda of sex, violence, money-grubbing! Replacement of everything! But this, alas, is the reality of today's world. Although at the same time they tell us that everything is fine in the country, right?.. A TV in the house is worse than a tank now. 24/7 zombies! And how many children, after all this trash, are then taken to psychiatric hospitals? It's hard to imagine!..

What do they tell you: Tsyganova is unformatted?
Vadim: Yes, of course!
Vika: The Russian soul has never been in format. And it won’t happen, thank God.
Vadim: At first they called Vika an alcoholic, then they began to brand her for singing about thieves (which never happened!), then for being crazy!..
Vika: I suggest we won’t get personal, but if you analyze at least the same radio “Chanson”, then you can hear what songs are played there? A lot of people who came here from abroad, as they themselves say, to earn money and sing for suckers - this is HORROR! You see, there is no poetic, no musical, nothing...
Vadim: Vika, it’s everywhere, all the time! Take any radio. “Europe Plus”, “Russian Radio” - it’s all a screen, in fact it’s all ANTI-RUSSIAN. Russian is not even a nationality. Who? Englishman. Who? German. Only one thing - which one? A Russian person is one who loves and respects this land! And he does everything for the sake of this land.
Vika: This is the definition of spirit.
Vadim: And here Russian is already a fascist. Can you imagine what brand has already been removed?! This is so unfair! But they push this into us, consciously impose it on us. Although the same Ilyin, for example, or Seraphim Sarovsky, our great thinkers, they all claim one thing - only the NATIONAL can save Russia. And this is our culture, our language...
Vika: Our roots.
Vadim: This is respect for our great-grandfathers. Only a CAREFUL attitude towards this, you see, can now save our country from final destruction!
Vika: And these are those commandments, the great holy commandments... You know, Andrei, I have been working on stage for the last six years with the blessing of the elder. I am obedient. All this show business of ours, all these so-called stars - I gave up on this a long time ago. I figured it all out. And today many of the colleagues I see don’t even turn their heads towards me. And to your health! If they don’t want to, they don’t need to. I go out to people and carry out the tasks that are assigned to me. I work, educate, awaken those healthy, Russian genes that still remain in our people. And NOTHING contributes to this as much as prayer and voice, believe me.


But have you at least maintained friendly relations with anyone?
Vika: My current social circle is mostly actors. I really love Mikhail Nozhkin, Alexander Yakovlevich Mikhailov, Churikova, Gleb Panfilov...
Vadim: We have a lot of colleagues. Exactly in spirit. This was Mikhail Krug. Vladimir Kvachkov, who is now accused of the assassination attempt on Chubais, is also a very close person of ours. Mironov Boris. Now we can calmly talk with Alexander Novikov. Igor Slutsky is our comrade. We maintain relationships with spiritual people. Father Herman. With the elder from Optina Pustyn. There are friends among entrepreneurs, many among the military, from Vympel...
Vika: Moreover, we may not see each other for a long time, but I clearly know that, for example, this person always remembers me in prayer, and I remember him when I go to church...
Vadim: People who will always come and help if needed.


- ...My friends, HAVE YOU REALLY never been invited to even one talk show?!
Vadim (smiling): Never. Not a single government program!

Vadim, I don’t believe it, to be honest.
Vadim: Here's a cross for you! (Being baptized.) Let's say Paratrooper's Day. Kalmykov, the commander-in-chief, is calling us. "All! – he says, “I promise you that you will be on the air!” General's word! We sing - they cut it out. And he can't even cope! But because he is not the master in this life. The Ernsts and Goldsteins are standing there - and they are cutting, cutting, cutting, and specifically cutting!.. Just a report comes, so that Vika is not there.

I talked to Alexander Serov not long ago... By the way, do you know what they call him now in show business? "Down down pilot." So he has the same situation with ethers. He says: “I’m ready to pay the lave - how much? Just show me two of my crowbar concerts!” Useless…
Vadim: They don’t need money. Do you know how much money they have?
Vika: This is a principle, a conviction.
Vadim: I also brought money, so what?.. Serov, maybe he had a fight with someone there. But we DID NOT FIGHT WITH ANYONE. Believe me. Not with anyone!.. They consider us... well, I don’t know, maybe lower grade? Maybe we are not human at all for them? Maybe we are fascists for them? Don't know. But personally, I, and Vika, we have never done ANYTHING bad to these people.

But for some reason the scythe landed on the stone?
Vika: Because of the truth.
Vadim: People need to read Ilyin, read the “Dulles plan” for the collapse of the Soviet Union! After all, look, there are now people in power who are SPECIALLY embedded there, who are EXERCISING on Russia. Isn’t this visible, isn’t it clear? Their task is to cheat, I tell you! Instill anti-spiritualism in people!

Serov told me the same thing, guys...
Vadim: Money, you say?! Yes, they have all been living in Miami for a long time, where they have their own banks!
Vika: I filmed a concert for the fleet - and it was with the blessing of the elder that it took place, we spent huge amounts of money by our standards, fortunately a number of fellow businessmen helped - no, it was not shown. With difficulty we were able to break through only “TV-Center”. At the same time, all the people who participated in its recording - cameramen, directors, the sailors themselves - they were in ecstasy! They said: “We haven’t seen anything better! Never before have we worked on such a spiritual upsurge!”
Vadim: Silence. Silence, if you will. This is one of the most powerful weapons.
Vika: Oblivion. Deathly silence. You see, if only they would blame me!
Vadim: There is an installation on all channels - MINIMUM Orthodox! And if they do let it in, it will be early in the morning on weekends, when no one is looking!.. Moreover, for a second, we are not telling you now for the entire church. The church is an institution where there are teachers, both good and bad. We are talking about the ROD. Well, what is a stage? To be honest, I'm not interested in her at all. I’m not interested in all these “ninth companies”, all these Bondarchuks. It's EMPTY, you know? This is what is toothless and patriotic, which we have today, unfortunately, as both a bogeyman and a flag. No calls, no nothing. “I’ll walk across the field barefoot”, “I’ll drive through the most beautiful country” - oh, there’s as much as you want!.. I don’t know, we need such patriots...
Vika: They need to be under the blanket, on the sly!
Vadim: How much do slot machines cost? How many suicides after this? How much burnt alcohol is there around?
Vika: I heard that there is a directive that says that it is enough for Russia to leave only a colony of fifteen million people. And even then only to service the dirtiest nuclear waste and the Siberian road...
Vadim: Dostoevsky spoke about this. John of Kronstadt spoke when he warned us... Chubais recently stated: “I re-read Dostoevsky for the second time. I hate his works!” And this is said by a man looking over Russia?!
Vika: Satan.
Vadim: Do you know why so little is written about him? He gives money so that they don’t write about him ANYWHERE! Can you imagine? He will never appear in any Forbes! Although he has even more money than Abramovich, several times...
Vika: The Lord says: whoever remembers him, he will protect him. We all walk under God. And he sees everything... And without God’s will, not a single hair will ever fall from a person’s head! Therefore, I am absolutely not afraid. Although there were situations when they threw stones at me and asked: aren’t you afraid to speak out so harshly and sing such songs as “Officers of Russia”?
Vadim: And what about the murder of Misha Krug? No matter how many interviews I give on this subject until now, they always cut me out. He wasn't killed for money! I beg you - well, what the hell?! And not because of a showdown! And because he talked a lot. Specific order. He is, after all, unmercenary. He gave almost everything to finance the temple...
Vika: And that’s why he wasn’t allowed anywhere either. Not to any channel, not to any Kremlin. The other day I was supposed to have a solo show in the Kremlin - they didn’t let me in! They said: “Tsyganova will never be on the Kremlin stage!”
Vadim: And they did everything as it should have been: they beat them, scared them, shot them, and so that he would suffer before his death!.. And Talkov?.. I, you know, remember watching some movie about twenty years ago, American fantastic. There’s a scene where a car drives into the city, and there – well, there’s just a landing party of entertainment! Clubs, casinos, restaurants, parties, a sea of ​​lights, garlands, slogans: “Take everything from life!” And people walk around so zombified. Today I stopped by Chelyabinsk and caught myself thinking that... here it is - everything is exactly as it was in that movie! EMPTINESS…
Vika: This “Comedy Club”... It’s some kind of nonsense! Shameful! Immoral! And most importantly - mediocre!


Vika, have you ever had the thought... to give it all up?
Vika: That’s why I went to Optina Pustyn to see the elder. To quit, quit...
Vadim: Father listened and said: “Work obediently, that’s all.”
Vika: Yes, he gave his blessing, and since then it has been much easier for me to work, because my work now has a certain meaning.
Vadim: Artists have a certain amount of pride and vanity, right? The crown grows. And when you realize that you are working for the glory of God...
Vika: If God gave me a talent, then I have to work on it. A person who takes the path of faith understands that here we are JUST LEARNING to live. And life THERE still needs to be earned, you know? That's why I go on stage sincerely and honestly. I know that there (smiling, raises his eyes to the sky) everyone is taken into account.


What are your feelings about the film “The Island”?
Vadim: Well, this is probably one of the most powerful films in recent times. The film is repentance. Mamonov... no words! Everyone else, I think, is just dressed up. And here is a person’s deep repentance, it is immediately visible... I am sure that the Lord intervened there, in this film. Because it is impossible to simply comprehend and convey it! Honestly, I didn’t see the director’s work, I only saw the finds. Apparently, the Lord gave him this, say, piece of ice - he took it off. Because IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to find! Apparently, it all fell from the sky. There are only two or three camera movements...

Do you know Peter?
Vika: No, unfortunately. The Lord has not united us yet. But I read a lot of Peter’s interviews. Of course, the person is just standing on this path! On the path of knowing his soul, his inner struggle, he entered the circulation, began to believe, therefore...
Vadim: Oh, I remembered, we are still very friends with Lyubov Vasilyevna Rodionova, she just called! We flew with her to Chechnya many times, this is the mother of Zhenya Rodionov, our holy soldier, whose head was cut off with a dull saw...
Vika: Because he didn’t take off the Orthodox cross. If only our society could have more people like this...
Vadim: Everyone just needs to understand one basic thing. Orthodoxy is our path, whether we want it or not. We're already on it. And we won't get off again.
Vika: And there is no other choice. Neither for Russia, nor for the world.
Vadim: We have been told for so many years that this is bad, that this is terrible, right? And this is so great, so beautiful! That's why I'm happy that people have appreciated this film so much.


Besides this, what else is your life filled with right now? What activities, events?..
Vika: I don’t know if I need to talk about this, but this is charity. I work with orphanages, helping in any way I can. Vadyusha helps restore churches, makes windows and doors there. He also handles my furniture, its design, and makes, I must say, truly exclusive things...
Vadim: Vika is the same – she has several studios.
Vika: By the way, all the clothes that Chelyabinsk residents saw on me today were all invented and made by me.

Seriously? Very beautiful…
Vika (smiles): Well, everything in a person should be wonderful. I respect the classics! (Laughter.) But for me this is not a business. Rather, it’s just a hobby, a hobby; I’ve been sewing since childhood, and I really liked it. The first theater studios, groups in which I sang - as they say, need forced me to go out in a new dress. And now I have friends, customers who like my style - this is the art decor. Plus I also work with fur...

I look at Vika and admire her beauty and youth... By God, time has no power over a person! (Vika laughs.) We haven’t seen each other for fifteen years, but... it’s as if we’ve never even parted.
Vadim (smiles): In everyday life she is a completely different person. She probably saves energy there. That’s why, apparently, he gets sick and mopes quite often... This is spiritual beauty. Do you understand, yes, what I'm talking about? And Vika shouldn’t be embarrassed. She is not physical. It’s like, you know, sometimes you look at some great old man and don’t understand how old he is? Is it sixty or one hundred and twenty? Of course, I’m not saying now that Vika is one hundred and twenty (general laughter), but... her image is already so established that time, it seems, really has no power over her.
Vika: I agree, this is rather a spiritual transformation. No, of course, I try to take care of myself as much as I can, but, you know, I just looked at the photos we took together, Andrey, from fifteen years ago... There I am still passionate, more daring, (smiles) naughty, or what?
Vadim: So, are you different now? (Laughter.)
Vika: And now I’m working on it! I’m struggling!.. No, in fact, this doesn’t go anywhere, it can only be... perhaps polished, by begging for this help from God, grace, in order to eradicate some bad things in yourself. At least try. You know, Seraphim of Sarov said amazing words: “Save your soul. And then thousands around her will be saved.” O-I would really like my soul to be truly pure. And if possible, help open people’s eyes to the truth. Because it is a great happiness to be Orthodox. This is great joy! This is... AN UNEXHAUSTABLE source of inspiration and creativity! Any ambitions fade away. I look now at some of the artists with whom I started: a dull look, some kind of stupid roughness, some cars, diamonds... But in the eyes there is emptiness. Burnt glade. And I feel so sorry for them! After all, there was talent. It was a gift from God. But everything in these ambitions burned out. Burned...


And the last question. You've been together your whole life, right? Tell me, what is the secret of your happiness?
Vadim: Only in Orthodoxy. In faith... Love is hard work. Love is not sex. Love is not kisses. This is, first of all, SPIRITUAL intimacy.
Vika: Also a creative process! Living with a genius - oh-oh-oh! A psychotherapist will tell you what it is. (Laughter.) But seriously...Vadik and I will have been married for twenty years this year, but it’s as if we met just yesterday. And this despite the fact that in our lives there were many... different...
Vadim: What?
Vika: Showdown! But, you know, when you conquer something, discover for yourself and see a new facet in your loved one, then... And you conquer yourself first of all. Because it is impossible to remake the character of another, you can only reconsider YOUR own view of this person and the situation. (Smiles.) And then? Hmm, well, maybe give in...

March, 2007

Newspaper "South Ural Panorama"
(publication of the government and Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region)

Our songs are for those who are rooting for Russia...
Interview with Vadim and Victoria Tsyganov.

The song album "Officers of Russia", released with the support of the veteran movement "Combat Brotherhood", is undoubtedly your new creative success. Although this is a bold, I would even say, brave step! Patriotic songs born in the Soviet era, once very popular, are mostly forgotten today due to the passage of time or, at best, cause only a condescending smile... However, listening to your songs, you begin to believe in the sincerity of the author. From the first words...
VADIM: The songs you mentioned at the beginning are a monument to our recent past, when through “great construction projects” they tried to build a “bright future for all mankind.” Today, thank God, a difficult but good time is coming - a time of building your own souls... As for sincerity and faith, then, most likely, they are born in our listeners, because there is no fiction in these songs, they were not written in office, and not to order...

– Tell us what was the inspiration for their creation?
VADIM: Since 2001, Vika and I have been to Chechnya several times, to “hot spots”: Grozny, Khankala, Gudermes, and the Argun Gorge. The war was still in full swing then, and we saw with our own eyes the terrible truth about it. There was nothing but lies on the television screens, and the officers and conscripts did not even know what they were fighting for. Later, the whole world learned how corrupt this war was, how money was laundered, how prisoners were traded... That's why the songs turned out like this... Was it possible to remain silent?
VIKA: We wanted to glorify the guys - both the dead and the living, who went through this “meat grinder”. It was very difficult for them. It was necessary to lift their spirit. Even today they must be sure that they are not alone and not abandoned. There are so many kind, good people among them! Not in words, but in deeds, defending the Motherland and bearing an unfair reality on their shoulders, they sincerely want to save the soul, receive spiritual support, grace, strengthen the will... We address these songs not only to military people. The war in Chechnya touched everyone's heart. All of Russia was at war... This is firstly, and secondly, listeners will find in “Officers of Russia” songs on other topics that are important to the soul of any person...

– What do you remember most about those “dangerous tours”?
VADIM: During our creative life, we never had to perform at any concert venues, but there... Vika sang on an armored train, on KAMAZ trucks, on a broken airfield... During our very first concert, militants shot down a helicopter right above us. The situation was shocking... And one day we were met on an armored train. Intelligence reported that a terrorist attack was being prepared and it was better to travel by other means of transport. The armored train moved on, and we flew to Khankala by helicopter. Later it became known that an explosion actually occurred. People died, including innocent civilians. Among them was a woman who brought us bread and salt... I also remember how on one of our last trips to the North Caucasus we flew on a board that carried 200 cargo and 300 cargo - dead and wounded. These were eighteen-year-old soldiers, undressed, barefoot... Horrible... The guys themselves said that sometimes they were forced to take off the clothes of killed militants... Imagine, they washed them with their hands and wore them...
VIKA: I will never forget the trip to the Argun Gorge that we had in 2004. There was a main channel through which, several years ago, weapons, supplies, and medicines for gangs were transported to Chechnya, the wounded were transported, and new groups of militants were transported. And now, after Operation Argun, there was relative calm here... We arrived in bad weather, and in the morning there was a parade. Young guys, border guards, walked in formation along the clay parade ground... After the concert, we took pictures - can you forget how happy their eyes were! Next to us on that trip was Lyubov Vasilyevna Rodionova, the heroic mother of the warrior Yevgeny Rodionov, who was tortured and brutally executed by Chechen militants. They demanded one thing - to remove the Orthodox cross. This eighteen-year-old boy found courage and did not renounce Christ. He went into Eternity as a Hero...
VADIM: I remember how we returned home and the first lines immediately fell on the page: “I will sing these bitter lines like a prayer For the guys who died in a corrupt war. Someone up there, infinitely cruel, unleashed this massacre in brutal Chechnya.” . And so on. This is how the “Golden Crosses” appeared...

– Which songs from the album “Officers of Russia” are most dear to your heart?
VIKA: All songs. Military songs, about Russia, Cossack songs... After all, this blood flows in our veins. My grandmother was a Don Cossack, and Vadim is a descendant of other Cossacks - the Yaik ones... A person must remember his roots... I really love “Golden Epaulets”. Why is she dear to me?.. When I was recording it in the studio, a call suddenly rang and we were told that Igor Talkov had just been killed. We knew Igor, we had seen each other literally the day before. 15 years have already passed... He was a real poet of Russia, talented from God. He said: “I am a Russian Orthodox man... Victory over evil is the goal of my life...” I remember I shrank so much, gathered myself and without panic inside began to sing: “Golden shoulder straps, my Russia, you will wear again, faith in God will wake up..." I recorded the song from the first take. She walked on her own - just inhale and exhale. Not a single blot... I really love performing it... It is always, without exception, warmly received by the audience...

– Vika, you have long been dubbed the “Voice of Russia”; have you tried to take advantage of this during election campaigns for government positions?
VIKA: I won’t do this, because it’s all money and a complete lie. The only person I supported and, if necessary, will support again is Vladimir Vasilyevich Kvachkov, vilely and falsely accused of attempting to assassinate the “main privatizer of the country.” I bow my head to him, because Vladimir Vasilyevich is a unique personality. Our entire Army should look up to him. The people's trust in him is so great that it covers all PR campaigns! What is important is that Vladimir Vasilyevich is a deeply religious person. While in Matrosskaya Tishina, he said: “Everyone pitied me, they thought I was vegetating there, but I prayed more, and wrote so many works on military affairs.” This is a man kissed by God. I am sure that if necessary, he will give his life “for his friends.” By and large, he is already doing this...
VADIM: I want to add a few words about “will give his life.” Once Vladimir Vasilyevich was at our concert and after the song “Officers of Russia” he approached Vika and said: “For your songs, I am not only ready to present all the flowers of the world at your feet, but also to give my life for you.” This, you see, is more expensive...
VIKA: In general, as long as there are such people in Russia, all is not lost...

– I know that you perform the “Officers of Russia” repertoire at almost all solo concerts. Who is the most grateful listener of these songs?
VIKA: Ordinary Russian ordinary people... Thank God, for some reason I am accepted everywhere as one of their own, dear. I don’t sing in nightclubs, and what’s the point of singing there... No one will feed us except provincial Russian cities and villages, the peasants who live and work there. And those who boast of their position in society, their appearance on television channels, their “advancement” - this is all from the evil one. High personalities have always been characterized, first of all, by a high sense of patriotism. All our decisive battles were fought by patriots of the Fatherland. And we have always defeated the enemy. Even when they died, they won, even when they were in the minority, as Evpatiy Kolovrat, the hero, the Ryazan boyar, fought. In the winter of 1237, his regiment defeated a horde of Mongol conquerors. The national hero himself was killed in an unequal battle. What kept him going? - only the Holy Spirit and patriotism of the soul. And our contemporary Zhenya Rodionov, a simple Russian guy?! Russian military guys are still sent to where it is hardest, where there is the most responsibility. Russia always bears this Cross - to fight, save and help... In general, I am very happy when I see young soldiers, officers, cadets who have decided to link their fate with the Army. This means that there is someone to protect us and all is not lost, which means that Russia has a future. I love singing in front of such an audience, and joy comes over me. And not in front of those who do manicures and tattoos in salons, put earrings in their ears and talk about love for foreign subtleties... You need to love your mother, your homeland, a woman, your children. A man should always remain a man...

– In my opinion, the album “Officers of Russia” is very well compiled. The measure is consistent in everything: both in genre and topic. Everything is very harmonious, sometimes you can’t even tell where the patriotism is, where the lyrics are...
VIKA: In the song, as in life, everything has something in common, everything is nearby. And there must be love songs! On our planet, even without this, love has become scarce over the past decades. We have become terrible egoists. Everything for yourself, everything for yourself. It's time to learn to love and give again! A good lyrical song is very useful for our souls... Sometimes it even happens that I always insert something entertaining into the program, but the conversation still turns out to be serious. A recent example is one of the last broadcasts on radio "Chanson". The songs were very funny, and they touched on a very difficult topic, about the events in Kondopoga. People called and said that we cannot remain silent, we must unite, we must define and express our civic position, we must tell the truth...

– Our legislation, to put it mildly, does not really allow this very truth...
VADIM: Yes. Sometimes you think - it’s better to leave something unsaid, and not say something at all. But we are part of our people and must do at least what is in our power, what depends on us. Although, by and large, the time has come when you need to speak the truth head-on and no longer hide. Because everything that is happening now leads to the inevitable catastrophe of the Russians as a people, as a nation... This is an organized campaign. Why can’t we call Russian something Russian? This, it turns out, is synonymous with fascism. Russia and Russian are not a nationality, they are the territory of the spirit. Russia united many different peoples, which is why it once became known as Great Russia. Today we travel through small towns and see that the most powerless population is the Russian... They are controlled by some, protected by others, the flags of others... And these are not our invaders - they were allowed to settle, they are condoned, they turn a blind eye to their lawlessness . The scary and dangerous thing is that this is how we are being pushed together. It is very beneficial for someone to start a civil war.
VIKA: People tried to ask our President questions via the Internet about who is the boss in Russia, who manages our natural resources. There were an overwhelming majority of these “crying calls,” but, unfortunately, other questions came to Putin’s table... The fact that they are afraid to discuss this openly and are not looking for solutions at the state and administrative level brings only evil. After all, this abscess will definitely break through, but it won’t break through in its best shape. Salsk, Kondopoga - this is no longer a bell, these are the rumbles of thunder of an approaching thunderstorm... We do not need a revolution and a civil war. However, you cannot do this to the great Russian people...
VADIM: It is impossible to endlessly endure the fact that Russians in Russia cannot be desecrated... But this does not mean that you need to take up arms: when people do not have sufficient internal purity, fighting one negative, they fall into another, even greater negative. We need very competent, very wise people, pure in soul, who will begin the process of transformation. A crowbar alone will not help here... But if your personal dignity and those close to you are violated, a person has every right to defend himself. How? In different ways, but always guided by conscience and reason... After all, it is very important now not only to have the will, but at the same time not to succumb to provocations. In general, I would urge both Russians and Russian Muslims, whom I respect and with whom I have lived side by side for many years, to sensibly assess any critical situation. People with dirty souls can take advantage of this... Now, in parallel with the video album "Voyage Vintage", we are writing a new military-patriotic album. Most likely, no one will ever hear him, like “Officers of Russia,” either on the radio or on television. Our topics are not suitable for them, but Berl Lazar, who bans our spiritual books - Ilyin, for example, is suitable? And who then incites national hatred? Our army is falling apart, there is no science, no economy, no culture. Homosexuals are given stars and made folk artists. Places are for sale, ranks are for sale, shoulder straps are for sale... Russia stands on the very edge. This is scary!
VIKA: It's time to get up from your knees! It's better to die with music than to bleat and moo. When you understand what you live for, then everything makes sense, then many things are no longer scary. After all, fear only feeds our enemies. We need to join the church! When a person lives with God, he is not afraid of anything. He knows that there are angels, there is grace, there are spiritual forces that will always come to the rescue if a person calls on them... I liked one photograph in the book. It depicts a special forces soldier with a machine gun, and above him is an angel. Bullets don't kill people like that. The angel covers them with his wings. Someone will say that this is a fairy tale, a picture, but in fact it is so. Look, today money seems to have replaced everything: the majority no longer care about love, not about conscience, not about the Motherland. But this is not so - there is a soul, there is love, there is faith, there is a Fatherland. The history of Russia began not in 1917, but with the baptism of Rus'. The priority has always been preserving the faith and serving the Motherland. Remember how you swore an oath in the old days? - “For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland!”...
VADIM: We need to unite only around the Church. Someone says: “We have the wrong Church, there are no real priests.” No, the Church and God are in our chests! Look for your priests. Look for your temples. If possible, decorate them, help them live. After all, the temple, the place where we come to repent and ask for forgiveness, must be well cleaned...

– You are not allowed on television, so why not distribute your songs through monasteries and churches? There will be a hundred times more fans and supporters of your views throughout Russia...
VADIM: We don’t need television to seek recognition for ourselves. Entire cities come to our concerts. We just want to bring this album, Orthodox, Russian, to listeners. We are still not only not allowed on TV, but also carefully “cut out” from television recordings that were made at the main concert venues of the country. In the Kremlin, in the Hall of Columns, in the Central Youth House, spectators received Vika standing. The ovation did not stop, and she sang “Officers of Russia” twice. They cut it anyway!
VIKA: People call, are outraged by this arbitrariness, write to our website: “What kind of idiots do they take us for?” The audience is becoming different before our eyes. The vast majority no longer need the cleaned, licked “Star Factories”. Even young people! She is like fresh grass, fresh flowers reaching for the light. Wants to serve an idea, seeks involvement with this idea. I feel this very well... Apparently, the time has come when people are tired of being lulled to sleep by the sounds of false songs.

The conversation was conducted by journalist Natalya GLEBOVA