Drying the body: diet and training process. What foods can you eat when drying your body and what can you not?

Burning fat in the body does not occur simultaneously with building muscle mass. When a person plays sports, at first the extra pounds are lost, and only after a while one can observe how the muscles “grow”. In order not to waste time, bodybuilders often resort to a special diet when playing sports, and for women such a diet has its own nuances.
As a rule, the goal of playing sports is not only the elimination of fat deposits, but also a beautiful “relief” of the muscles. You can achieve positive results by building muscle mass in the “right” places. However, the process of losing weight is “delayed”, since both of these processes do not occur at the same time.

The first set of workouts for a losing weight bodybuilder, as a rule, consists of strength exercises, during which fat is burned slowly and the muscles get used to the load. When they are “ready”, it’s time to move on to the next stage - drying fat and the process of improving body contour. Most often, a bodybuilder goes on a strict, carbohydrate-free diet consisting of proteins. However, for girls and women this way of eating has its own subtleties, which we will talk about.

The drying process itself is the burning of fat while simultaneously gaining sculpted muscle mass. The main thing is to be sure to exercise. However, bodybuilding has its own nuances, namely:

  • do not switch to “relief” exercises too abruptly. This is fraught with possible problems with the cardiovascular system in the future. Take a rest period between strength training and the start of your core training to make the transition as smooth as possible. The same goes for special diets;
  • regarding rest - for three to five days, reduce the amount and intensity of your usual strength exercises by 10, 25, 20 percent. A gradual transition to relief training is necessary;
  • do not increase aerobic exercise. It is clear that the more you do aerobics, the more fat goes away, but in this case the muscles also go away! Do aerobics according to the previous program;
  • Do not limit yourself sharply in carbohydrates. Do a “pre-drying” diet, which will be based on a gradual reduction of carbohydrates entering the body with food.

The main rules of the diet when drying the body

In bodybuilding, drying the body means almost completely abandoning the carbohydrate menu, i.e. food, which is “quick energy”. Why? The fact is that, when entering the body along with food, carbohydrates are quickly processed into glycogen, and if too many carbohydrates are ingested, the liver does not have time to “process” it, and as a result, fat deposits appear. But there is a pitfall here.

If you completely abandon carbohydrates, the body will lack glucose, and this process will serve to form so-called ketone bodies - insoluble fats that are toxins and, when they enter the blood, poison the body.

What to do?

Of course, don’t go on a long-term protein-free diet! That is, it can last no more than 5 weeks, and each week has its own subtleties, which we will discuss below.

Diet theses

  1. drink water in large quantities. The body needs to “flush out” ketone toxins and fat breakdown products. In addition, water is necessary for muscle building, because it is essentially the main solvent for amino acids, and is a chemical “participant” and transporter.
  2. count calories. In particular, it is recommended to consume no more than 12 kcal per 1 kg of a woman’s weight per day, and the lion’s share of the diet should consist of “natural” proteins - cottage cheese, eggs, milk, cheese, fish, etc. For example, a woman weighing 65 kg can “eat” no more than 780 kcal or about 160 grams of protein per day.
  3. In the diet menu for drying the body for girls, carbohydrates are present, but in small quantities and in no case in the form of simple carbohydrates, that is, sweets, flour, butter, sweets, etc. It should be vegetables, fruits, grain bread, cereals. Be careful with protein bars, please. If you want, then no more than 15% of the diet per day.
  4. Fats in very small quantities are allowed, but not on the day of training. And it’s better if it is included in natural foods - cottage cheese, milk, for example.
  5. meat (beef) is allowed on the days between workouts. It is better to leave it during training for muscle growth. And now the body needs light proteins.
  6. It is recommended to have proteins in your diet in the first half of the day, but you can leave plant foods for the evening.

Contraindications to such weight loss

The no-carbohydrate weekly diet cannot be used:

  • for diabetics
  • knowledge workers
  • pregnant women
  • nursing
  • for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract

What should the diet be like?

As the site already wrote, in the first week, carbohydrate fasting should not be too severe. The main “blow” is done at weeks 2, 3 and 4. We offer you options. So.

The first week of the diet: menu by day in detail

Gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates you eat. For example, a woman weighing 60 kg can eat no more than 120 grams of carbohydrates per day, while reducing the norm every day by 10%. Be sure to write down all your calculations! The best option for carbohydrates is whole grain cereals, such as buckwheat, for example. It is also recommended to eat eggs, chicken fillet, white fish, and cottage cheese. Try not to salt your food or use seasonings. If it’s completely unbearable, have a snack with a green apple (preferably the Semirenko variety), or 100g of grapefruit. You can use this menu:

1 day. Breakfast: three boiled eggs (remove the yolk from two eggs), green tea without sugar, banana
Lunch: 100g boiled chicken fillet, cucumber and herb salad (dressed with lemon juice), orange juice
Dinner: 100g boiled white fish, 1 orange

Day 2. Breakfast: 200g oatmeal, green tea without sugar, banana
Lunch: 200g baked chicken fillet, cabbage salad, grapefruit juice
Dinner: 100g low-fat cottage cheese, 200ml herbal tea

Day 3. Breakfast: three-white omelette, 200 ml low-fat yogurt
Lunch: 200g stewed white fish, cabbage and cucumber salad seasoned with olive oil, orange
Dinner: fruit salad (banana+grapefruit), 100g cottage cheese, herbal tea

4 day. Breakfast: multigrain muesli, green tea without sugar, 2 boiled eggs
Lunch: 250g boiled chicken fillet, vegetable soup
Dinner: buckwheat with water + 200ml yogurt

5 day. Breakfast: scrambled eggs from 1 tomato and 3 eggs, green tea without sugar
Lunch: baked white fish - 250g, buckwheat on water
Dinner: 150g cottage cheese, orange, herbal tea

Day 6. Breakfast: a glass of skim milk, 1 banana, oatmeal
Lunch: 250g boiled squid, 100g boiled durum wheat pasta, cucumber salad
Dinner: 150g boiled white fish, orange juice

Day 7. Breakfast: 200g muesli to taste, green tea without sugar, 1 hard-boiled egg
Lunch: cauliflower soup without potatoes, 250g boiled chicken fillet, cabbage salad
Dinner: 150g cottage cheese, fruit salad (orange+banana)

Second week of the diet: continue

After the body has adapted to the initial stage of the body drying diet for women, it is necessary to strengthen it. Now you should almost eliminate fruits from your diet. The formula for calculating carbohydrate intake will now be in the form “per 1 kg of body weight - 1 g of carbohydrates,” that is, a woman weighing 60 kg will be able to include no more than 60 g of carbohydrates per day in her menu. In addition, this amount should be reduced all the time.

The body should receive 4/5 of the diet, fats - 1/5. The evening menu should include cottage cheese, yogurt, boiled chicken breast, and no seasonings, carbohydrates and fats; the latter should be included in the morning and daytime diet.

It’s interesting that the diet process is already much easier than in the first week, the body gradually gets used to it and no longer protests so much).

Third week: what not to forget?

Carbohydrates are practically absent from the menu; the maximum you can afford is 0.5g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight. Now monitor the body's response - two weeks of carbohydrate starvation may have a negative impact on your condition, for example, you may feel dizzy or acetone may appear in the blood (you will smell it if it appears). We recommend starting to take vitamins.

How to help yourself? At the first sign of such discomfort, drink a glass of fruit juice. Milk, cottage cheese, chicken breast, eggs, and bran are always on the menu. We exclude cereals/cereals. You can drink no more than 1.5 liters of water per day.

Week four: moving on

The menu for the next seven days may be similar to the diet for the third week. Monitor your general health. If you feel uncomfortable, use the second week menu.

Fifth week: “coming out of the state”

We gradually force the body to come to its senses. We repeat the menu of the first week. We “return” a large amount of non-carbonated water, and continue to train individually in the gym.

Can I use other diets when cutting? Which?

Of course, there is an alternative, but it will not be a diet for the lazy. For example, 16/8 is a diet in which it is recommended not to eat anything for 16 hours and eat normally for 8 hours. It is important that the 16-hour fast begins as soon as the person wakes up. For example, Masha went to bed at 22.00, got up at 8.00, and at 14.00 she can eat in peace. Tea and coffee without sugar are allowed within reasonable limits. Of course, you should avoid fatty, spicy, smoked, fried foods, etc. There are vegetables, fruits, meat, grains.

What exercises should you use to dry your body? Video

We invite you to get acquainted with the exercises that are recommended for women to do when drying their bodies:

Who did drying and a special diet help? Reviews

Mark. 26 years. “I was on a body drying diet for just a few days, but I lost 3 kg. Of course, I trained. I really wanted something sweet! And I looked at the bread with hungry eyes... I didn’t feel any side effects, my weight is still normal. I highly recommend the diet."

Maria, 25 years old. “I was on a diet for two weeks - it’s very difficult... I’m always missing something, I’m constantly dizzy... I lost a few kilos, but now I only have balanced nutrition in my diet.”

Margarita. 30 years.“In 4 months I lost 10 kilograms, hair and nails. I haven’t lost weight using this method for a year now, but I just can’t recover...”

Lilia, 35 years old.“For me it was a blow, of course. But I started taking vitamins and fish oil in time. Of course, there were problems and dizziness, but the result was very pleasing. I recommend working out in the gym first before going on a diet.”

Pros and cons of the body drying diet for women

Happy weight loss!

Body cutting is a term that refers to a radical reduction in the volume of fat in the body while maintaining muscle mass. Body drying is used by professional athletes, bodybuilders, fitness trainers and people involved in strength sports. It allows you to give the body a clearly visible relief, outline muscles, and reduce body weight.

A diet for drying the body must be combined with physical exercise, otherwise you simply won’t achieve the desired result – well-defined muscles. The diet menu for cutting consists mainly of protein foods. The amount of fats and carbohydrates in the diet is greatly reduced.

It is necessary to immediately draw your attention to the fact that the cutting diet is a strict and unbalanced diet, so if you are looking for a safe way to lose a few extra pounds, then this diet will not suit you. This is a diet for those whose goal is to reduce the amount of fat in the body as much as possible (one might even say extremely), which is not always healthy.

At the moment, quite a lot of diets for drying the body have been developed, but they are all built on the basis of general principles: fractional meals, a lot of protein, few carbohydrates and fat, calorie restriction, additional multivitamins, mandatory exercise.

For drying the body, diets can be both very strict and not very strict - it all depends on your goals. The most strict diets are used by professional athletes - bodybuilders and powerlifters - during preparation for competitions. To follow them, you need to have truly iron health, since not every body can endure such a diet without consequences. For regular body drying, the diet does not have to be very strict.

Low-carbohydrate diet for drying the body

This diet option is the most strict. The transition to a low-carbohydrate diet should be gradual so that your body does not experience shock from a sharp shortage of the main source of energy. Within 2-3 weeks, you should eliminate most carbohydrates from your diet - first fast carbohydrates are banned, then slow ones. The diet menu for drying the body for 1 week of preparation may contain up to 3 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight, for weeks 2 and 3 - up to 2 g. Then, for a month, consume no more than 1 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight per day. This is very little, almost 10 times lower than normal; this amount of carbohydrates is only enough to break down your own fats for energy. Naturally, during a cutting diet, you will feel weak, somewhat “lethargic,” and tired—your body simply will not have the energy to maintain your activity throughout the day. Make a diet menu for drying the body only from protein products - dairy and fermented milk, eggs, lean meat and fish. You will get the required minimum amount of fats and carbohydrates from these products.

Often, a cutting diet is complicated by such an unpleasant side effect as constipation.– there is no fiber or fat in the diet. To prevent constipation, drink as much water as possible, do not neglect kefir, yogurt and other fermented milk products. When drying the body, the diet allows the consumption of a small amount of fiber in the form of fresh herbs - it can be added to meat, cottage cheese, eggs and other dishes.

Such a diet can deprive you of 20-30 kg of fat in 2-3 months, but only a few can withstand it - both psychologically and physically.

Nutrition for drying the body for girls

This is a less strict cutting diet designed specifically for girls. It is dangerous for the fair half to radically limit their diet, because a sharp decrease in body fat can cause hormonal problems and menstrual irregularities, so the nutritional rules for drying the body for girls contain fewer restrictions.

The diet menu for drying the body for girls contains carbohydrates - vegetables, fruits, grains, but its basis is protein foods. You can use nuts, dried fruits, fermented milk products, low-calorie fruits and vegetables as snacks between main meals.

According to the general rule of all diets for drying the body, the diet for girls recommends consuming low-calorie low-fat dairy products, lean meat and fish, vegetable fats, low-calorie fruits and vegetables, and herbs. Be sure to do strength training while dieting. If your muscles are not under constant stress, the body will decide that there is no special need for them and will use them as fuel (muscle is a less valuable storage for the body than fat tissue, and if it has the opportunity to store fats at the expense of muscles - he will do so).

Approximate nutritional options for drying the body for girls are as follows.

Breakfast (to choose from):

  • oatmeal, 1 banana, green tea;
  • omelette of 5 egg whites, 1 orange, green tea;
  • oatmeal, 1 boiled egg, toast, green tea with honey.

Lunch (optional):

  • vegetable cream soup, 200 g boiled meat;
  • 250 boiled or fried meat, buckwheat, low-fat yogurt;
  • 200 g of stewed fish with vegetables, a glass of low-fat kefir.

Dinner (to choose from):

  • 200 g of boiled or baked meat or fish, vegetable salad;
  • fruit salad, 100 g of cottage cheese, a glass of yogurt or kefir;
  • 250 g of meat with buckwheat, 100 g of cottage cheese.

This is just a sample diet menu for drying the body, you can create your own diet, following the basic rules of the diet - a minimum of fast carbohydrates, a small amount of slow carbohydrates, a lot of protein foods, very little fat.

The dangers of dieting for drying the body

While drying your body, you should listen carefully to your body. The cutting diet is very dangerous, and the fewer carbohydrates you consume, the more danger you expose yourself to. When you limit your carbohydrate intake to an extreme extent, fat breakdown products may begin to accumulate in your body. When fats are broken down, ketone bodies are formed; they are not removed from the body anywhere and accumulate in it, oxidizing the blood. When you consume a small amount of carbohydrates, the body utilizes ketone bodies, but if during a cutting diet there are too few carbohydrates in your diet, ketone bodies accumulate in the blood, poisoning the body. This is called ketoacidosis, and it is very dangerous - with advanced ketoacidosis, a person can fall into a coma. Symptoms of ketoacidosis are:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • feverish conditions;
  • depression or apathy;
  • severe headaches;
  • muscle pain;
  • increased sweating;
  • pain in internal organs;
  • sleep disorders;
  • the smell of acetone from the skin and from the mouth;
  • fainting;
  • dry mouth;
  • skin rashes and non-healing erosions;
  • hair loss, etc.

In this case, the cutting diet must be stopped immediately. Drink some sweet juice or tea with sugar, then gradually (over several days) exit the cutting diet by increasing your carbohydrate intake. Do not immediately include a lot of carbohydrates in your diet, otherwise your body will not be able to cope with them; start eating slow carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables), gradually add fast carbohydrates (fruits, honey) to your diet.

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From time to time, they switch to a 5-6-week sports diet to reduce body fat and, with the help of exercises, give relief to their pumped up muscles. The result is determined by: menu, cooking technology and diet. The principle is built:

  • on a smooth reduction of carbohydrates;
  • introducing a large amount of protein and vegetables into the diet;
  • weekly correction of BJU;
  • 5-6 meals a day.

Low-calorie foods when dried lead to glucose deficiency and force the body to break down fats.

What foods should you not eat?

First of all from the menu completely exclude simple sugars, white flour baked goods. Alcohol and other tonic drinks are prohibited when drying. You can drink coffee, tea and yeast-free drinks. On the menu do not include butter, mayonnaise, products from the permitted menu prepared by frying. Meat and fish:

  • baked in its own juice;
  • boil;
  • grilled;
  • stewed.

The eggs are boiled and the omelet is steamed or microwaved.

Dubious foods that you should avoid

To the question: is it possible when drying soy sauce there is no clear answer. Although this is indeed a low-calorie product that enhances the taste of protein foods, it is useful only if it contains exclusively natural products that have gone through a fermentation cycle.

This also applies cola zero drying. There is nothing in the drink except asparkam, which is much more harmful Sahara. Besides, no one knows the real recipe for the drink. What's wrong with rosehip infusions or herbal teas that supply natural vitamins and strengthen the immune system?

Honey when drying, replace with a handful of dried fruits. Is it worth doing this if it contains simple sugars? It contains up to 80% glucose, fructose and sucrose. In light varieties there are 380 kcal/100 g, in dark varieties 455. In addition, it contains antibiotics. It's better to replace the sweetness walnuts, cashews, almonds. Drying peanuts stimulates nitrogen production and nutrition delivery to tissues.

List of protein products for relief

Athletes increase their protein intake to 2.5/1 kg of weight. The share of animal protein is 70%. The body receives the rest of the organic matter from plant foods. List of products that you can eat 150-200 g per meal:

  • red meat;
  • eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • turkey;
  • white meat chicken.

Useful dried fish, seafood, including seaweed. Vegetable protein source- nuts, seeds, sesame, flax seeds, legumes. Only in women's The body digests beans, peas, chickpeas, and lentils better and does not cause fermentation.

Is it possible to dry cheese and fermented milk products?

A glass of dried milk with a fat content of 1.5 contains 6 g of protein, approximately the same amount of carbohydrates, about 20 micro and macroelements. A warm drink will replace a snack and allow you to forget about hunger.

Those who have Problems with the breakdown of lactose, yogurt and kefir are added for drying.

For breakfasts and snacks Suitable low-fat cottage cheese, hard tofu cheese. Fresh or frozen blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries are added to dried cottage cheese with 1% fat content. In the first week A slice of regular cheese is allowed, but it is better to replace it with unsalted feta cheese, which contains 1.7% fewer calories, or a soy equivalent. The share of milk fat in the daily diet is exactly 2%.

What foods can girls eat when drying their bodies: list of carbohydrates

In the first week, the daily glucose norm does not exceed 200 g; in the 2-4 seven-day weeks the volume is reduced to 50 - 70 g; in the last week it is again increased by 2.5 times. However, these values ​​are approximate and the amount of complex sugars entering the body is determined by how you feel. In any case, you can’t do without slow carbohydrates at breakfast.

  • Dried brown rice and pasta made from rye flour, millet, quinoa, and buckwheat are the main suppliers of slow carbohydrates.
  • When drying, muscle cells receive energy from oatmeal, avocado, carrots, and dried fruits eaten for second breakfast or an hour before training.

What fruits can girls dry: allowed foods

Benefit green apples when dried is undeniable. But is it possible to dry watermelon and banana if they have a high glycemic index (GI)? The pulp of melons, including melon, contains up to 92% water, 7.5% carbohydrates and only 0.6 protein. But along with apricots, mango and watermelon contain a lot of provitamin A, which is necessary for myofibrils and the immune system. There are only 40-50 kcal in 100 slices.

Although bananas when dried undesirable because belong to prohibited starchy foods, but there is no other source of magnesium that relaxes muscles. The fruit affects the synthesis of tryptophan, which improves mood and satisfies hunger for 2 hours. Useful fruits for drying:

  • Grapefruit, citrus, pears.
  • Sour berries - lingonberries, cranberries, currants.

What foods dry out the body?

First of all, these are fresh vegetables. The body loses more energy in their absorption than is contained in the products themselves. So, if a cucumber contains 14 kcal, it requires 16 units of heat to break it down. The list of body drying products for women for every day includes garden products:

  • all types of cabbage;
  • celery;
  • bell pepper;
  • zucchini;
  • green bean.

Useful when drying tomatoes, turnips, radishes, spinach, lettuce.

How to cook low-calorie food

The way they are prepared matters. Vegetables When dried, they are mostly eaten raw. If you stew green beans, turnips and celery with vegetable oil or add a spoonful to a salad, the energy value of the dish will immediately increase. In 1 tsp. (5 g) contains 45 kcal, in the dining room more than 180. However, natural vitamins and minerals are completely absorbed with fats, so 5 g of oil for salad dressing not prevent.

Beets and carrots are eaten only when dried fresh in complex salads. After cooking, their GI increases exactly 2 times. But what to do if not all permitted foods can be eaten without heat treatment? Stew in water or tomato sauce, pour in garlic-lemon sauce with herbs, or cook them as first courses. Soups for drying the body in lean meat broths - an additional source of protein and vitamins.

The first question that arises for those who want to lose excess fat and maintain muscle mass is what do they eat when drying their body?

Indeed, all these newfangled diets - with carb and fat counts, high protein and fiber, detox diets and fasting days - are very complex and confusing. The diet should be simple and accessible, and ideally boil down to two concepts - what is possible and what is not when drying the body. By eating the right foods and following a few simple rules, you can quickly lose weight (more precisely, fat cells) while maintaining muscle mass. At the same time, all diet recipes are prepared easily and quickly, and most of the products are publicly available.

General drying rules

The main rule of cutting is simple - eat fewer calories than the body burns during the day. The best way to do this is through diet combined with exercise.

The second important rule is to eat often (5-6 times a day) in small portions. This means that you should have 3 full meals and 2-3 snacks, between which about 3 hours should pass.

What can you eat while drying your body?

Foods that can be consumed throughout the day in unlimited quantities:

  • Spinach;
  • Celery;
  • Cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower);
  • Green salad and other leafy vegetables;
  • Bell pepper;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Apples;
  • Green beans.

Products that can be consumed in two to four servings per day:

  • Carrot;
  • Bananas;
  • Plums and peaches;
  • Citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, grapefruits);
  • Any berries and fruits that you like.

Products that can be consumed with each meal in the amount of 100-170 grams:

  • Chicken or turkey fillet (breast is best, it has less fat);
  • Lean pork or beef;
  • Fish;
  • Eggs.

It’s best to steam, grill, or stew all this. When drying your body, it is best to avoid fried or breaded foods.

If we list what products girls can use when drying their bodies, then it is better to exclude dairy products from the list. However, if you cannot do without them, then consume them during snacks.

Here are examples of healthy snacks:

  1. Nuts (walnuts, cashews, almonds);
  2. Peanut butter without added sugar or salt;
  3. Natural yogurt;
  4. Skim cheese;
  5. Low-fat milk.

There are different opinions about whether nuts can be dried on the body. But most experts believe that they should still be included in the diet, as they have a high energy value and help fight hunger pangs. Eat 10-15 nuts per meal as a snack.

Foods that should be consumed in very limited quantities (preferably only after training):

  • Oatmeal and oatmeal;
  • Brown rice;
  • Bean and grain products;
  • Potato;
  • Whole grain wheat bread and pasta.

And don't forget about bran. This will have an extremely positive effect on drying the body.

Products that should be avoided completely or consumed very rarely and in limited quantities:

  • Oil;
  • Mayonnaise and other oil or fat salad dressings.

Products that should be strictly excluded:

  • Carbonated drinks (kilograms of sugar and empty calories);
  • Alcohol (increases appetite and leads to overeating, and is also very high in calories);
  • Sugar, including in prepared foods and dishes;
  • Fast food food.

Sample diet for weight and fat loss

6h. 00 min. Cardio workout

7h. 30 min. Omelet prepared without oil, with the addition of onions and sweet peppers. 1 whole grain toast. A plate of fruits or berries. A cup of coffee without milk or sugar.

10 o'clock 30 min. A handful of almonds, an apple.

13:00 00 min. Grilled chicken breast. A large plate of cucumber, spinach and celery salad. You can season with lemon, vinegar, Italian herbs.

16h. 00 min. Walnuts (about 8-10 pieces), orange or grapefruit.

18h. 30 min. Grilled steak from lean meat, garnish with stewed asparagus, tomato and lettuce salad, a little sauce.

21h. 00 min. Four celery sprouts with peanut butter.

This is an approximate diet that shows what you can eat when drying your body. You can replace the products in this diet with similar ones from the list that we have offered you.

And a few more important points:

Drink a large glass of clean water before every meal and snack.

Prepare food for future use throughout the next week. For example, on Sunday. This is much easier to do if your diet contains repeating dishes every day.

Keep a food diary where you write down your menu and how much weight you have lost. Normally, you should lose about a kilogram per week. If your numbers are lower, skip the third snack.

Knowing what you can eat while drying your body, you can easily get the figure of your dreams with minimal effort!


I recently talked about how to eat during the period. As a rule, after this, bodybuilders begin drying out their bodies: they now create a menu in order to minimize fat deposits and draw muscle relief. But the cutting diet is also popular among girls who are not training hard, but just want to lose weight.

One way or another, the goal of cutting is to get rid of excess fat and at the same time preserve muscle mass as much as possible (in small quantities, by the way, it will inevitably be lost anyway). What should you do to dry your body?

Many people think that to do this they should exclude fats from the menu and reduce their carbohydrate intake to almost zero. Either would be a big mistake.

Everyone needs fat in their diet: for the normal functioning of various body systems, to maintain hormonal levels. Even if you are losing weight, about 10% of your diet should be fat. But it must be vegetable, and from animal fats - only fish.

Carbohydrates should also not be thrown out of the diet. Many people hope that the body will begin to use fat deposits as an energy source. Meanwhile, he draws energy from proteins, adding to the work of the liver and kidneys. At the same time, the small amount of carbohydrates that you do eat turns into fat: being hungry, the body tries to accumulate resources. So forget about no-carb diets!

To start the process of drying the body, the menu needs to be balanced in a certain way, including slightly limiting carbohydrates (of course, I’m only talking about grains and fruits, because sweets and starchy foods need to be excluded completely!). And there are two food options here. You need to try each of them to see if it's right for you. The first option is to eat daily according to a plan with a normal amount of carbohydrates, excluding them (grains and fruits) in the last two meals. This is the first day menu which you will see below.

The second option is to arrange carbohydrate rotation. The first day is the norm of carbohydrates, the second and third are a low-carbohydrate diet with a minimum amount of fat, the fourth day is a high-carbohydrate diet. You can study such a rotating menu below. Repeat these cycles throughout the drying period of the body. A menu based on carbohydrate rotation activates the metabolism, and some people use it to burn fat even better than on a low-calorie diet. Here you need to try everything for yourself!

If you are drying after gaining muscle mass, then you need to gain twice as long as drying. For athletes who are preparing for competitions, the period of gaining muscle mass usually lasts six months, and cutting - three months. If we talk about the result, in a couple of months you can gain 5-6 kg (both muscle and fat), and then lose 3-4 kg of fat in a month.

If your goal is to dry your body, the menu needs to be selected individually, based on your weight and body characteristics. I will give an example of a diet for women weighing 60-70 kg and height 152-168 cm and men weighing 80-90 kg and height 175-187 cm.

Drying the body: nutrition program for women (initial weight 60-70 kg, height 152-168 cm)

Day one: normal

1 - 60 g fish, a couple of sprigs of parsley, 30 g boiled rice, 1/2 orange

2 - omelet made from two whites, one whole egg and 1/2 cup milk

3 - 60 g chicken (fillet), 30 g boiled buckwheat, 1 tomato, 3 olives

4 - 100 g cottage cheese (0%), 1 banana, 1/2 orange

1 - omelet made from two whites, one whole egg and 1/2 cup milk

2 - 60 g veal, 1/3 sweet pepper, 2 lettuce leaves, greens

3 - 80 g fish, 150 g cauliflower (broccoli, zucchini, asparagus), 2 lemon wedges

4 - 300 ml kefir or 100 g cottage cheese (0%)

1 - 30 g oatmeal, 1 tablespoon raisins, 3 dried apricots

2 - 3 egg whites, 30 g rice, 1/2 orange, a couple of sprigs of herbs

3 - 70 g veal, 30 g boiled rice, 2 lettuce leaves, 1 tomato, 3 olives

4 - 120 g cottage cheese (0%) or 125 g natural yogurt (0.1%)

Drying the body: menu for men (initial weight 80-90 kg, height 175-187 cm)

Day one: normal

1 - 200 g chicken, 200 g potatoes, 1 leaf of Chinese cabbage, 1 tomato

2 - 250 g cottage cheese, 1 banana, 2 tangerines

3 - 200 g fish, 300 g rice, 1/3 sweet pepper, 3 leaves of white cabbage

4 - 100 g veal, 5 boiled proteins, 150 g boiled potatoes, 2 leaves of Chinese cabbage

5 - 200 g chicken, 60 g boiled rice, 3 lettuce leaves, 1 tomato, 1/3 sweet pepper, 1 tablespoon olive oil

6 - 200 g fish, 70 g pasta, 2 lettuce leaves, 1 tomato

7 - 200 g chicken, 200 ml orange juice

Days two and three: cut carbs

1 - 200 g fish, 100 g white cabbage, 1 tomato

2 - 8 boiled whites, 2 oranges

3 - 200 g chicken, 150 g zucchini, 2 lemon slices, parsley

4 - 8 boiled proteins, 2 grapefruits

5 - 200 g fish, 100 g white cabbage, 1 tomato

6 - fruit salad: 1 orange, 1/3 grapefruit, 10 grapes, 1 kiwi, 1 walnut kernel, 10 almonds, 2 teaspoons pumpkin seeds

7 - salad: 2 cans of tuna in its own juice, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 2 lettuce leaves, 1 green onion, 1/2 tomato, 1 mashed bread

Day four: increase carbohydrates

1 - salad: 100 g chicken, 1 boiled protein, 100 g boiled potatoes, 3 leaves of Chinese cabbage, 1/3 sweet pepper, 1/2 cucumber

2 - 200 g cottage cheese, 200 ml kefir, 4 tangerines

3 - 100 g chicken, 2 soft-boiled eggs, 150 g boiled potatoes, 2 lettuce leaves, 1 tomato, 1/3 sweet pepper

4 - fruit salad: 1 orange, 1/3 grapefruit, 10 grapes, 1 kiwi, 1 walnut kernel, 1/2 apple