Glass crafts. Painting on glass: types and methods of production

2. Twenty years ago, “Alexandria” was created as a stained glass studio, and I have already talked about how they work here using this technique. When creating stained glass windows, a variety of glass is used - from transparent to dense. Over time, quite a lot of remnants of dense, opaque glass accumulated, and the studio decided to try to put them to work - to start laying out mosaics. Six years have passed since that moment, and now mosaic can safely be called the second main specialization of the studio. For such important work, craftsmen were trained and workshops were equipped.

3. In one of these workshops - a spacious room with high ceilings - I saw how mosaics were assembled. The light pouring from the high windows illuminated the huge tables on which paintings of varying degrees of completion were laid out. Along the edges of each table, among the scattered pieces of glass, lay all sorts of tools: pliers, intricately shaped wire cutters, glass cutters, knives and markers. The craftsmen were bending over two mosaics and working.

6. Along the walls there were high shelves with bathtubs, each of which contained ready-made modules - small rectangular pieces of glass. A narrow staircase pressed against the wall led to a small balcony. With every step, pieces of glass creaked and crunched underfoot - the craftsmen, in order not to look away from their work, threw the scraps directly onto the floor.

10. At first glance, the mosaic was not much different from stained glass - the same pieces of glass that need to be cut out and fit into the picture. But if you take a closer look, a whole sea of ​​differences opens up. “It all starts with cardboard - a drawing of the future mosaic. Only if he comes to the stained glass artists with marked colors - yellow here, blue here - then we just see the general lines and sketch,” one of the masters, Andrei, told me.

12. Today, mosaics are laid out in two main ways. In one, glass is cut exactly to the size of a certain area - a flower petal or a dragonfly wing - akin to a Florentine mosaic. With another, closer to the Roman mosaic, the picture is assembled from small rectangular pieces. “I don’t like cutting glass - you immediately depend on the colors that are on the finished sheet. Smalt is closer to painting - each module is like a brush stroke. And here we have much more freedom - we are our own artists. Suppose I decided that the hair on the mosaic should be gold - and I make it gold.”

16. But this is far from the only difference between mosaic and stained glass. The work here is much more delicate - sometimes you have to lay out modules a little larger than an eyelash. And they still need to be cut out of glass and, if necessary, polished. The modules have to be fitted tightly to each other, with the smallest gaps. It’s not for nothing that craftsmen call this work jewelry.

19. If necessary, the module can be polished on a special machine

20. “We usually lay out modules starting with a specific element. Here, for example, is a berry,” and Andrey showed me a sketch of a new mosaic and began to move his finger around the angular, stylized berry, “I’ll lay it out first, then a row around it, then another row. But sometimes it happens differently - look at how Andryukha works,” and Andrey nodded towards another master who was working on the mosaic icon of St. Nicholas, “he first laid out the face and brushes, secured them and inserted them into the overall panel. And now everything else is being built around them.”

23. Most of the mosaic artists in the workshop have an artistic education, but Andrey, when I asked how he started doing mosaics, answered with a grin: “I actually came here to work in the garage, I have no artistic education. I come and they ask me: “Have you ever laid out a mosaic?” Well, I answered no. No problem, they say, we’ll teach you. That’s how they taught me that I’ve been working here for six years now.”

24. The modules are laid out on mounting film - a self-adhesive sheet that holds the glass pieces in place. When the whole picture is assembled, arakal, another self-adhesive sheet, is glued on top of the front part. After this, the mosaic is turned over and the mounting film is removed, and in its place they put a base - a special fabric, onto which the mosaic elements knitted with arakal are finally glued. When the modules are firmly fixed to the base, the arakal that has become unnecessary is removed.27. Such cunning manipulations are done so that the artist, when typing, sees the front part of the mosaic - the way it will appear after installation on the base. There is, however, also a so-called reverse set, when the mosaic is assembled in a mirror image directly on the arakal. But glass for mosaics is a whimsical thing: often one side can be strikingly different from the other in design and color, and it will be very difficult to predict what the mosaic will look like in the end when it is set back. “And after that the most interesting part begins – rubbing the seams. The grout is selected to match the color of the modules and, if necessary, the desired color is added. But after this, the work may change beyond recognition: some areas will lighten, others will darken, and some colors may merge. And nothing can be done about it - you can only imagine each time what will happen in the end.”

28. The work went on as usual - small pieces of glass, one after another, lay on the table, forming a future picture. I finished filming, watched the mosaicists at work a little more, and then left the workshop. Before leaving, I looked into the studio office and met Leila there. We started talking - about art, about photography, about the internal affairs of the studio. “You can get tired of any work, even creative work. Any artist can get burned out and then need a break. If we see that a person has fallen into a stupor, then we try to give him some other work - sort out samples, go somewhere.”

29. At the end of the conversation, Leila took out a large black box with glass samples from under the table: “Now I’ll show you something... if you don’t like them, then you have nothing sacred.” With these words, she threw back the cardboard cover, and even rows of thin plates appeared to my gaze. With burning eyes, Leila began to sort through them, and soon took out one piece of glass: intricate multi-colored stains spread inside the thin transparent square. In the thickness of the next square, a colony of mold seemed to have grown, and another sample was pierced by airy white feathers.” “When you’re tired of everything and have no strength, this is what helps you not give up and move on.” And in these words there were feelings much deeper than simple devotion to the profession.

Pictures on glass by Elsa Kolesnikova have the amazing property of changing their shade depending on the lighting, time of day and even the weather outside the window.

And when the sun is outside, it seems that each painting is literally soaked in the sun’s rays, and itself radiates light and warmth...

It's difficult to draw on glass. Firstly, you need to draw from the reverse side, which means that it is difficult for the artist to keep track of what exactly he is drawing and how it turns out.

You have to navigate by memory, following the application of strokes.

And painting on glass does not forgive mistakes, because they cannot be corrected. One small inaccuracy, a tiny “puncture” - and all is lost.

The finished work is secured with enamel and allowed to dry thoroughly.

We create a stained glass window with our own hands. Master Class

Beauty always fascinates. Especially if this beauty is an extraordinary pattern on window glass or a stained glass window playing in the sun’s rays. Looking at painted windows, we often don’t realize that we can do it ourselves - with the help of our master class, conducted by interior designer and artist Natalya Povyakel. She called her technique “home stained glass.” It can be used almost everywhere: to paint windows, glass in interior doors. Home stained glass is ideal for conditional zoning of space: hung on thick twine or chains, stained glass will delimit the territory of the apartment and become a bright decorative element. With the help of such painting you can update the glass tabletop and emphasize the originality of the glass shelf. Small stained glass windows in a frame are a wonderful gift. At the same time, you don’t need to be an artist from God. All you need is imagination, a little time (our master class took 4 hours) and patience (it will take the whole night for the stained glass window to dry).

Step 1. Select tools

We went to an art salon store to buy the instrument. The brushes were chosen from synthetic fiber: natural hair can deteriorate after the first painting with chemical-based paints. We bought special paints and contours for stained glass. It is important that they are from the same company: materials from different manufacturers may not be compatible in consistency, and because of this the stained glass window will spread. It’s easier to buy a special set for this type of work. For window glass it is better to use transparent paints. If you are creating a picture on glass that will not transmit light, matte paints are more suitable.


Brushes, 2 pcs. - 90 UAH.

Paints - 7 colors + 2 tubes of contour - 118 UAH.

Nail polish remover - 2 UAH.

Total: 210 UAH.

Step 2. Prepare the sketch

It could be an original drawing, a copy of a photograph, an outline of a loved one’s hand - it’s better to get your hand drawn on simple drawings.

Step 3. Translate the image

We place the prepared sketch under the glass and transfer the drawing onto it, carefully tracing the lines with a stained glass outline. We start working from the top so as not to smear the outline. Completing the line, we tear off the hand. Each element must be completed separately.

Step 4. Apply paints

The contour should dry well. This will require at least 5 hours. Then we decorate the elements of the finished drawing with stained glass paints (remember children's coloring books). If you don't have enough colors, you can mix the ones you have, creating different shades. To ensure color purity, the brush should be washed with nail polish remover after each paint. We wet a clean napkin or cloth with it and carefully wipe off the lint.

Step 5: Finishing Touches

“You have to love your instrument very much. And it will love you back,” says Natalya, lovingly washing her brushes after the last stroke.

To clean the instrument thoroughly, use a solvent and a cloth. Cleaning up the “sincerities” on the stained glass window. If you need to remove a small element, you can arm yourself with ear sticks.

Step 6. Let's admire it!
The paints must dry very well. If they are damp, they will spread all over the glass. The best option is to leave the stained glass to dry overnight. If you need to finish the job urgently, you can use a hairdryer to speed up drying.

The next day we turn the resulting beauty upside down. After all, we carried out all the work from the inside out. And... enjoy!

If the drawing subsequently gets boring, it can be easily removed using the same solvent.
Tatyana Shaginyan

Stained glass is experiencing a renaissance. Colored glass paintings are increasingly used by designers to decorate interiors in a variety of styles. Such a painting can decorate a room, become its accent, and set the tone for the entire interior. But previously, making stained glass was labor-intensive and expensive, but modern techniques allow you to create masterpieces on glass yourself.

Styles and techniques

There are many styles of stained glass, because stained glass itself dates back to the Middle Ages. Over time, it changed, reflecting the cultures of different countries and eras; the emergence of new techniques made it possible to diversify the materials used. Nowadays, several styles are used to decorate rooms.

  1. Classical. Assumes a symmetrical design, floral motifs or geometric pattern. Made in warm, pastel colors. Suitable for classic interiors with clear lines and good quality, heavy furniture.
  2. Gothic. This is the style of Catholic churches of medieval Europe. Twilight, upward direction of narrow lancet windows and high towers with spiers, dark red, scarlet, gold, green, blue, purple colors. It uses religious motifs or scenes from the life of medieval knights, castles, exploits, dragons, unicorns. Gothic stained glass will give the space a touch of mystery and fabulousness. It was during the Middle Ages that the most famous stained glass windows, recognized as masterpieces, were created.

    Stained glass in Gothic style - a fairy tale and mystery in your home

  3. Modern. Perhaps a universal style for any interior. The main motives of this style are marine, the idea is the priority of form over content. This style is characterized by smooth, fancy lines, one way or another repeating the shape of a sea wave, grace, and sophistication. Pale, muted colors, halftones, blue-green tones. Art Nouveau goes well with modern technology and goes well with a high-tech interior.

    Stained glass in Art Nouveau style is appropriate in any interior

  4. Abstract. Involves a geometric pattern and bright, cheerful colors. Does not conflict with almost any interior, except for the most orthodox one. Brings a special emotionality into the space. In abstract stained glass it is important to maintain a balance between form and color and then it will never get boring, charging you with optimism and encouraging creativity.

    Stained glass in an abstract style is suitable for any interior and will never get boring

  5. Egyptian. Dim paintings in sandy-brown tones. The drawing reproduces Egyptian hieroglyphs, gods, pharaohs and scenes from their lives.
  6. Antique. The paintings resemble antique mosaics with ancient Greek scenes. Characterized by the presence of many small details. Suitable for rooms in a minimalist style.

    Stained glass in an antique style is often a finished product

  7. Byzantine. It is distinguished by the use of not only colored, but also transparent glass, which makes the image seem to be hanging in the air. Such stained glass windows resemble glass painting and are suitable for rooms filled with light.

    The use of transparent glass in the Byzantine style creates the illusion of the design floating in the air

  8. Vanguard. The subject of the drawing can be anything. But thanks to modern execution techniques, it is given a sense of volume. The image is multi-layered, with three-dimensional details, on transparent or frosted glass, glossy, shining. This stained glass window sets the tone for the entire room and makes it trendy.

    Stained glass in an avant-garde style can contain voluminous details

Stained glass in the interior creates a powerful accent, so it is important not to make a mistake when choosing a style. It should be in harmony with the overall style of the room or set it. Then the rest of the interior items will complement and play with it without creating dissonance.

You can decorate any glass or mirror surface with stained glass. This will give the interior uniqueness, originality and a feeling of luxury. It is appropriate to place a stained glass window in any room.

Where to place stained glass in an apartment

  1. Window. Stained glass will give the bedroom a feeling of coziness, and the nursery - a fabulous feel. Stained glass in a window can be used as protection from the sun, hide the bathroom from prying eyes, and add festiveness and comfort to the kitchen.

    A floral pattern on the balcony window will create the illusion of a country house

  2. Doors. You can decorate both fully glass doors and glass inserts. It is better to do the drawing in the same style on all doors.

    It is better to keep the pattern on all doors in the same style

  3. False windows. This glass picture is backlit and is often installed in bathrooms or on staircases.

    A stained glass window will help avoid the feeling of a closed space and additionally decorate the room

  4. Ceiling lamps. Large glass shades or acrylic inserts in the ceiling will add originality to the interior.

    The Gothic interior will be decorated with a stained glass ceiling

  5. Glass partitions. They can be transparent or matte. Such partitions are often installed between the kitchen and the bathroom or the toilet and the bathroom. Stained glass allows light to pass through, but does not allow you to see what is happening behind it.

    Stained glass is a good solution for zoning a room

  6. Furniture fronts, glass countertops. Decorating furniture with stained glass is a good way to give it personality. Even old furniture decorated with stained glass looks expensive and luxurious.

    Stained glass inserts are appropriate for both living room and kitchen furniture

But not every stained glass window can be done independently. There are several types of execution techniques.

Types of equipment

  1. Classic or typesetting. The most complex and ancient technique. Colored glass fragments are inserted into metal frames, assembled into a pattern and soldered. The technique requires special tools and skills. Used for large structures and only by professionals.

    Stained glass using the classic technique is indispensable for large areas

  2. English or film. The pattern is formed on glass from stained glass self-adhesive film. Each fragment is cut out separately and glued to the place determined by the stencil. The pasted fragments are framed with lead tape. With certain skills, you can make such a stained glass window yourself.
  3. Fusing. Stained glass is made without a metal frame by sintering multi-colored fragments into a monolithic pattern. It is impossible to make such a stained glass window at home; a special oven with a high temperature is required.

    Stained glass using the fusing technique amazes with the brightness of colors and integrity of the composition

  4. Tiffany. This technique is similar to the classical one. Pattern fragments are cut out of colored glass and bordered with copper tape. The finished elements are assembled into a pattern and soldered together. This technique is difficult for beginners, but it can be mastered and used at home.

    Stained glass using the Tiffany technique successfully replaces the classical technique

  5. Sandblasting. It involves processing glass using a stencil with sand supplied under high pressure. The treated areas become matte, and the pattern becomes airy. It cannot be used at home; it requires special equipment.
  6. Cast. Each element is cast or blown from glass separately. After this, the fragments are assembled into a picture using reinforcement or mortars. Not used at home.
  7. Etching. By etching glass with hydrofluoric acid, deep relief patterns are created. Using this strong acid at home is hazardous to health.
  8. Painted stained glass window. The pattern is copied onto the glass and outlined. After the contour of the void has dried, it is painted with stained glass paints.

    Using the painted technique you can create real paintings

  9. Contour filler. As with the painted technique, the outline of the design is first prepared. After it dries, the voids are filled with a thick layer of paint. If necessary, the paint is leveled with a brush or wooden stick.

    The pouring technique most successfully imitates classical styles

Video: making English film stained glass with your own hands

Painted stained glass and contour pouring techniques are the most accessible for self-production. They do not require special knowledge, materials or tools, and can imitate almost any other technique. To make such stained glass windows you only need special paints, accuracy and patience.

Video: do-it-yourself stained glass using the Tiffany technique

What you need to make stained glass

Before you start work, prepare everything you need. For painted and filled stained glass you will need paints.


Special stained glass or acrylic glass paints are used. They all have their own characteristics.

Acrylic paints

The composition includes three main components: pigment, water and acrylic polymer emulsion. Sold in tubes or jars.

Acrylic paints are sold in jars and tubes

Acrylic paints dry quickly, after which they become durable and resilient. After drying, they are resistant to temperature and humidity changes. It is very difficult to scrape off a dried coating, as well as to remove it with sandpaper.

Acrylic paints dry quickly and are easy to work with at home.

The color of the finished coating is matte and bright. It is not subject to fading and does not fade over time. Paints of different colors can be mixed with each other. The brush should be washed with water immediately after use; if it becomes dry, you will have to use a solvent.

There are two types: fired and unfired. After application, those fired are heated in the oven, harden and become resistant to external influences. The firing temperature is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Stained glass paints can be fired or unfired

If the paints are not fired, after a week they will dry and harden in the same way as when fired, but before this point there is a risk of smearing them. Paints are water-based, so they are diluted with it. Brushes can also be washed with water.

Unfired paints dry in 1 to 3 days, depending on the manufacturer. The drawing requires fixing by applying a layer of nitro varnish.

These colors are more vibrant. They are thicker due to the synthetic solvent they contain. They fit well and are more convenient to work on vertical surfaces.

Homemade paints

Some craftsmen prefer to use their own paints. They are easy to make yourself from what is sold in construction stores.

  1. Based on nitro varnish. NTs-2141 or another similar one is used. Nitrovarnish is diluted with solvent 647 in a ratio of 1 to 0.4. Can be tinted with artistic oil paint or construction paint. The dye is added little by little until the desired color intensity is achieved.
  2. Based on BF-2 glue. The glue is diluted twice with acetone and tinted with any alcohol-based dye. This could be ballpoint pen paste or other paint. The emulsion is stirred in a glass container and tested on the glass. If necessary, add paint until the required intensity is achieved.
  3. Gelatin based. 5-6 grams of gelatin are brewed with 200 ml of hot water to the consistency of a paste and fabric dye is added. A drawing made from such paint requires fixing with nitro varnish.

In addition to paints, you will need an outline for the work. This is a special thick paste for outlining the borders of a pattern. It imitates metal frames for pieces of smalt in painted and filled stained glass windows.


Relief contours are made on a water basis and are sold in tubes. With their help, the drawing is outlined, which is then filled with paints. Can also be used to create a three-dimensional drawing.

Stained glass contours can be used to create a three-dimensional pattern

At home, contour paste can be prepared using PVA glue. To do this, you will need 50 ml of tableware PVA, 20-30 ml of natural black ink (the best is Dutch), 30-40 grams of silver or bronze powder.

Mascara is added to the glue with constant stirring, and then powder until a creamy consistency is obtained. This paste is prepared as needed and is not stored. Stir each time before use. Masters apply it with a brush, forming a roll; for beginners, it is more convenient to use a pastry syringe.

Required Tools

To make stained glass using different techniques, a special tool is required. In drawing and pouring techniques you will need a minimum of it:

  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • glass marker;
  • tassels;
  • wooden sticks or toothpicks.

And of course, making stained glass is impossible without a stencil of the design. Let's take a closer look at how to do it.

Stencil for stained glass

A suitable stencil can be purchased at a specialty store or from a stained glass artist. But it’s much more interesting to make a stencil yourself by choosing a suitable sketch.

Do not choose a sketch with many details and voids; such a design will look sloppy on the finished stained glass window.

The image can be downloaded from the Internet and simply printed at the required scale, taking into account the size of the future stained glass window. Or take a picture or postcard you like and enlarge it to the required size.

Photo gallery: samples of stencils for creating stained glass yourself

Floral motifs never go out of style and are suitable for any room The stencil details are numbered for easy painting of the stained glass window. The lattice complements the flower and gives the design a finished look. Birds are another timeless subject for stained glass

Number the parts of the drawing with the same color. This will help you avoid making mistakes when coloring.

How to enlarge a drawing

  1. Draw the pattern into cells with a side of no more than 1 cm.
  2. Number the resulting grid vertically and horizontally.
  3. Take measurements from stained glass.
  4. Transfer the dimensions onto paper.
  5. Mark the sheet according to the number of cells in the picture.
  6. Draw a grid on the sheet in accordance with the markings.
  7. Cell by cell, transfer the image from the postcard onto paper on an enlarged scale.
  8. The finished drawing can be adjusted and colors changed.

If you have drawing skills, you can create the pattern yourself. To do this, transfer the dimensions of the future stained glass window onto a sheet of paper and mark the contours of the pattern location. Draw with a simple pencil so that you can correct inaccuracies.

When choosing an image, keep in mind that if you enlarge it, its proportions may suffer. If necessary, draw the drawing not in squares, but in rectangles.

Draw in the details, you should get a complete picture. Trace the finished drawing along the contour with a ballpoint pen or a thin marker.


Having prepared everything you need, you can begin making stained glass. Make sure that the work surface is level, and remember that the glass may break if handled carelessly.

Making stained glass: step-by-step instructions

To protect yourself from cuts, you can first cover the edges of the glass with masking tape before work.

Video: master class on making stained glass using poured technique

Having mastered the painted and poured techniques, you can try yourself in the English film or fusion technique. This will require a lot of expense, materials and skills, but it's worth it.

Photo gallery: several ideas for placing stained glass windows in the interior

Abstract drawing suitable for high-tech style Floral ornament will decorate the living room windows Stained glass on the bathroom window will add a special atmosphere and protect from prying eyes A geometric pattern for a living room can be easily made using stained glass film The stained glass windows of the landing windows are made in the same style Bay windows are well suited for stained glass The ceiling insert can be decorated with stained glass film

Creating stained glass windows is a creative and exciting activity. Even children can make the simplest stained glass windows. And let your work not be similar to the masterpieces of world painting, but they will bring originality and a piece of your individuality to your home.

Among the various creative trends, the top ten has recently been supplemented by the composition of mosaic glass. Modern methods and materials make it possible to create mosaic canvases that are durable, colorful and practical. It’s worth turning your attention to mosaic glass, which is used to create panels of varying complexity at home. As a result of a fascinating creative process, a waterproof coating will be created that can be safely used for interior or exterior decoration.

Mosaic as a form of creativity dates back more than 6,000 years.

This fact is confirmed by fragments of the floor and walls discovered during excavations of Sumerian temples.

In ancient Greece, mosaics were laid out using river pebbles. Despite the meager range of colors, craftsmen created beautiful patterns on the floors of homes even from gray stones.

Ancient Rome had a special love for mosaic tiles. It was in this country that people began to willingly create bright paintings from broken glass, which were durable, matte and colorful. The name of this mineral is smalt.

Description of mosaic glass

When the term “mosaic” is mentioned, many people imagine beautiful stained glass windows of foreign cathedrals. But we hasten to immediately dissuade readers that the technique of creating stained glass and colored glass mosaics are significantly different.

Colored glass for mosaics can be of two types:

  • glass modules;
  • smalt.

The appearance of smalt is disc-shaped. Immediately before the creative process, the disc is split into pieces. Smalt is used mostly by professionals to create high-end mosaics. It does not have a transparent, but rather a matte structure. Broken glass tiles have quite a decorative and colorful look to fit into a modern bathroom interior.

For those who are just getting involved in this creativity, it is worth turning their attention to the modules. These are colored fragments glued to a paper base or packaged in plastic containers. Glass fragments can be of various geometric shapes and sizes. It is more convenient and safer to work with such modules.

Those who want to make mosaic paintings with their own hands will need the following materials:

  1. glass cutters;
  2. liquid nails, PVA glue or transparent silicone;
  3. tile grout for seams;
  4. smalt or glass modules;
  5. marker, construction pencil.

A product made from broken glass should not cause injury, so you should use safety glasses and gloves throughout the entire creative process.

Technology for creating mosaics from broken glass

Do-it-yourself mosaic from glass modules. The creative process begins with visiting a finishing materials store and preparing the work surface.

The surface of the wall must be smooth, with no depressions or cracks on it. On the wall or other surface that is intended to be transformed, a drawing is applied, dividing sectors by color. Then the glass modules are separated from the adhesive base and begin to fix them. Modular tiles can be glued directly to the wall with the front side facing outwards, carefully leaving gaps. If the drawing requires, then The glass is cut with pliers to the required size.. You can make a mosaic. But this will require experience with wire cutters.

After the design is laid out using glass blocks, the surface is left for a day for the glue to dry. Then dilute the tile grout for the joints according to the instructions and carefully fill the space between the fragments of the image. After one day, wipe the mosaic with a damp cloth, and then dry. To give the painting a finished look, it is recommended to open the glass modules with varnish. This will increase the service life and give the painting a holistic look with a pleasant gloss.

Mosaic laying technology - “reverse set”

There are several ways to create mosaic paintings. One of them is reverse dialing. In this case, the mosaic glass is glued face down onto sheets of paper. In this case, choose a glue with a weak fixation, for example, PVA. If paintings of significant size are created, then there may be several such fragments on paper. The technique for creating a mosaic in this case has the following sequence:

  1. prepare the wall;
  2. fragments, pre-numbered, are glued to the wall using silicone or liquid nails;
  3. after all the sheets with modules have been glued, wait a day to dry;
  4. then moisten the sheets with water, wait and remove;
  5. prepare the grout mixture and fill the seams between the mosaic fragments;
  6. after 24 hours, clean the surface of the grout and give the painting a completed look.

What is remarkable about this technology is that fragments of the future image can be created in advance and in another place. And the sheets with mosaic glass will be delivered to the installation site on the eve of their fixation.

Mosaic glass in the interior

What can be made from glass?

Glass mosaics can decorate not only the flat surfaces of the bathroom, an apron over the kitchen work surface or a panel in the living room; this technique can also be used to decorate three-dimensional objects. Examples of this include flower containers, vases, floor lamps, mirrors, garden furniture, bathroom accessories, crafts, tiles, etc.

Crafts made from broken glass can be especially useful for a schoolchild or loved ones as a gift or token of attention.

If you want to create a beautiful wall panel using the mosaic technique, then To do this, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • glass modules or smalt;
  • base for mosaic (glass, plywood, drywall, etc.);
  • transparent silicone;
  • glass cutters;
  • glass cutter;
  • sketch;
  • tile grout;
  • protective gloves and glasses;
  • rags.

It is better to choose glass as a base for mosaics. This is convenient if you use a ready-made image of real size, which is placed under it and slowly, lay out the drawing, exactly following the contour and color of the original. It is recommended to glue colored tiles with transparent silicone; for ease of use of the glue, a syringe is filled with it. Frosted or dark-colored glass is laid out around the perimeter of the picture in the form of a frame. The dried work is treated with grout, wiped with a rag and varnished..

Stained glass mosaic also looks original, but its creation technology has some peculiarities.

What can be made from broken glass?

Experienced mosaic artists can use more than just colored glass as a material. They use fragments of tiles, colored pebbles, shells, eggshells, beads, broken glass, etc. A do-it-yourself glass mosaic, laid out around the perimeter of the photo frame, will attract the views of all loved ones.

You can make a glass mosaic on the wall with your own hands, using wet plaster coated with glue. Mosaic fragments, pre-glued onto sheets of paper, are simply pressed into the wall. After the solution has set, the paper is removed with a damp sponge. To seal the joints, gypsum or tile grout is used. To make the painting more expressive, you can add the desired color to the grouting mixture.

If there is no desire or opportunity to purchase ready-made glass fragments for mosaics, they It is recommended to do it yourself. To do this, you should, armed with a glass cutter, prepare pieces of the required size and shape (triangular, square, rectangular, diamond-shaped). The glass should be approximately 3 mm thick. It is best to paint white glass modules with spray paint.

For convenience, it is recommended to glue transparent pieces of glass to the film and spray paint on top. This method will allow you to obtain a high-quality painted front surface. When the paint has dried, the modules can be separated from the film and arranged according to color scheme. Oil- and alcohol-based paints are suitable for painting glass.

By the way, as an idea for a drawing, you can use simple embroidery patterns for needlewomen.

DIY glass crafts - picture

Today many objects are made from glass, which very often break due to our carelessness. Don’t rush to throw a cracked vase, bottle or lampshade into the trash, because glass is a unique material that designers use for their compositions. In this article you will learn what glass crafts you can make.

- glass bottles of different colors or broken glass;

- hammer;

- tweezers;

— safety glasses and gloves;

- toothpicks;

- brush;

- Frame;

- White paint;

1) First you need to get a lot of broken fragments of different colors. To do this, you can use bottles of water, perfume, medicine, lampshades or other glass objects. You can also take straight glass and use a glass cutter.

2) Before breaking a bottle, it must be wrapped in thick cloth, placed on a flat surface and hit with a hammer. Be sure to wear safety glasses and gloves to avoid injury from flying debris.

3) Sift the glass through a sieve and use tweezers to select the most suitable fragments.

4) Draw some kind of picture on a piece of paper. It could be a butterfly, a cityscape, flowers or something else. If you don’t know how to draw, print a template of any black and white drawing from the Internet.

6) Insert the finished sketch into a frame under glass. Now you need to stick beads and broken glass onto the glass surface, in accordance with the contours of our drawing. Squeeze the glue onto the glass and start gluing. You can pick up beads with a toothpick, and broken glass with tweezers.

7) After the entire picture has been transferred to the glass, remove the sheet of paper with the design. Paint the background of the frame with white paint.

8) Wait until the applique on the glass and the glue on the frame dry. Insert the glass into the frame. The picture is ready!

Glass paintings You can not only do it in a frame, but also on chipboard. Depending on the diameter of the glass fragments, you can create real masterpieces. Glass looks great in daylight, so the paintings will become an original decoration of your interior. DIY glass crafts can be done not only by adults, but also by schoolchildren in grades 5-8.