Modern Russian celebrities. Latest secular news about Russian stars

When we turn on the TV, we watch all sorts of shows, performances by our favorite artists, without even knowing their nationality. All the heroes of our article are Jews, and this is not a bad thing at all, just looking at these artists it is very difficult to guess that they were born into a Jewish family or at least one of the parents was Jewish. We present to your attention a list of famous artists whom you would never think were Jewish.

Leonid Agutin (Leonty Nikolaevich Chizhov)

Soviet and Russian singer, songwriter, composer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Born in Moscow, into a Jewish family of musician and tour manager Nikolai Petrovich and primary school teacher Lyudmila Leonidovna (nee Shkolnikova).

Angelika Varum (real name Maria Yuryevna Varum)

Born in Lvov in the family of composer Yuri Ignatievich Varum and theater director Galina Mikhailovna Shapovalova. Honored artist of the Russian Federation.
Father Yuri Ignatievich (Itskhakovich) Varum recalls: “My grandfather’s last name is Robak, he comes from Warsaw, where my father was born. When the Second World War began, his brothers and sisters, forced to flee Poland, decided to take the rare surname “Varum” "So that after the war it would be easier to find each other. Stuck in Warsaw, my grandfather Yudka died in the ghetto along with his entire family. A deeply religious man, he enjoyed great authority; people came to him, like a rabbi, for advice and resolution of controversial issues."

Larisa Alexandrovna Dolina (Larisa Alexandrovna Kudelman)

Soviet and Russian pop and jazz singer, actress. People's Artist of the Russian Federation. She was born in Baku into a Jewish family of builder Alexander Markovich Kudelman and typist Galina Izrailevna Kudelman (née Dolina). At the age of three she moved with her parents to Odessa, her parents’ hometown.

Oleg Mikhailovich Gazmanov

Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer and poet, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Father, Major Mikhail Semenovich Gazmanov, was a professional military man, Tatar by nationality; mother, Zinaida Abramovna (1920-2006) - a cardiologist at a military hospital, Jewish by nationality.

Tamara (Tamriko) Mikhailovna Gverdtsiteli

Soviet, Georgian and Russian singer, actress, composer, Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR (1989), People's Artist of Georgia (1991), People's Artist of Ingushetia, People's Artist of the Russian Federation.
"I am a person of the world. I grew up in an international family. My father is Georgian. I am as emotional as he is. And my mother is Jewish. I am like her in mind. For Georgians I am Tamara Gverdtsiteli, and for Jews I am Tamara Kofman - Gverdtsiteli. I was born and raised by a Jewish mother, and over the years I feel more and more my Jewish genes. Do I feel that I belong to the Jewish people? Naturally. First of all, by blood. My mother is a purebred Jew from Odessa. I feel it. This can only be explained by the feelings that I have towards my mother and those closest to me... My grandfather Vladimir Abramovich, whom I remember very well, belonged to the Kaufman family. After the revolution, part of the family emigrated from Russia."


Russian pop singer, actress, model, TV presenter. Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan. Born into a family of Mountain Jews. Great-grandmother lives in Israel.

Leonidov Maxim Leonidovich

Born into a family of actors of the Leningrad Academic Comedy Theater, Honored Artists of the RSFSR Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Lyulko and one of the founders of the famous skits Leonid Efimovich Leonidov (real name Shapiro). The famous Russian singer lived in Israel for six years, recorded two music albums (in Hebrew and Russian), played in a musical, and starred in films. And then he returned to his native St. Petersburg and recorded his hit about “The Vision Girl.” Now Maxim lives in Russia, but continues to love Israel

Lolita Markovna Milyavskaya (Lolita Markovna Gorelik)

Russian pop singer, actress, TV presenter and director. Mother, singer, worked in a jazz band. My father worked with my mother as an entertainer and conducted an orchestra. During her parents' tour, little Lolita was raised by her grandmother. In 1972, the parents divorced; in 1974, the father emigrated abroad to Israel.

Boris Mikhailovich Moiseev

Soviet and Russian dancer, choreographer, pop singer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
The English Wiki has a hint of nationality, but the Russian Wiki does not. He was born in prison because his mother, dissatisfied with the authorities, was a political prisoner in those years. His childhood was spent in a small Jewish ghetto in provincial Mogilev.

Marina Arnoldovna Khlebnikova

Soviet and Russian pop singer and TV presenter.
Khlebnikova was invited to the Jewish theater “Sholom” “- Why do you think you were invited to play in this play?
- Don't know. The reason was probably that I was a student of Joseph Davydovich Kobzon. Secondly, now I have a name. And for the theater this series of performances would be a bright spot. Maybe Klara Novikova’s recommendations also played a role. And most importantly, of course, the roots."

Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky

Russian singer and conductor. Founder, artistic director and art director of the art group “Turetsky Choir” and “Soprano 10”. People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Born into a Jewish family of immigrants from Belarus. Father - Boris Borisovich Epstein. She bears her mother’s surname, since all relatives on her side died during the Holocaust, and she also looks Russian.

Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky

Russian pop singer, pianist and composer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
Born into the Jewish family of war veteran and doctor Zakhar Davidovich


Alexander Nikolaevich Uman and Igor Mikhailovich Bortnik - both went to Israel, Bortnik served in the army.

Elena Vorobey (real name Elena Yakovlevna Lebenbaum)

Russian pop actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Born into a Jewish family, Yankel Movshevich Lebenbaum and his wife Nina Lvovna.

Klara Novikova

Born in Kyiv, in the family of a front-line soldier, the director of a shoe store in Podol, Boris Zinovievich Herzer. The Jewish Klara Novikova reigns supreme among women in the kingdom of the spoken genre of Russia. Novikova got her Russian surname from her first husband, a musician.

Maxim Alexandrovich Galkin

Popular Russian parodist, comedian, TV presenter, film actor and singer. Currently married to Alla Pugacheva. A family from a small village near Chelyabinsk. I even managed to write down some of my grandmother’s memories. On my father's side, there were Larins in our family. According to my mother - Odessa Jews

Alexander Viktorovich Kutikov

Famous Soviet and Russian musician, composer, vocalist, music producer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Born into a Jewish family.

Valery Miladovich Syutkin

Russian singer and musician, author of lyrics for the rock and roll group "Bravo". Honored Artist of Russia, artistic director of the variety department of Moscow State University for the Humanities. M.A. Sholokhov.
Mom was born in Moscow, on Samotek. Her maiden name is Brzezidskaya, she is of Polish and Odessa blood. To put it bluntly (laughs). So I’m a normal Polish Odessa resident. I have Jewish roots. From my mother...I am familiar with Jewish traditions.

Ukupnik Arkady Semenovich

Born on February 18, 1953, Kamenets-Podolsky, Khmelnitsky region. Composer, pop singer, producer of the group "KAR-MAN", director of the studio "Galla" and "Alla." I was born in Ukraine. There, from the age of 5, I learned what it was to be a Jew, to be a "stranger among one's own" ". Having already arrived in Moscow as an adult, I immediately noted that there is no such harsh attitude towards Jews as in Ukraine. Since then, I have achieved a lot in life. And a lot has changed in the country. And yet, I am very concerned about that there is a MEOC, and that here I am always “one among my own.”

Vladimir Natanovich Vinokur

Soviet and Russian comedian, singer and TV presenter. Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the RSFSR. Born into the Jewish family of builder Nathan Lvovich Vinokur.

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    The lives of celebrities, their actions, words - all this arouses genuine interest in the press. However, the stars themselves are happy to pose and give interviews to reporters who make up the social news of Russian show business!

    If you're going to read about the lives of celebrities, do so in a magazine that publishes reliable facts. Covering gossip columns is a special art, and our correspondents truly master it. Secular news from Russian show business appears in the magazine with enviable regularity, and the articles are supplemented with interesting photographs and interviews. Star marriages, awards at film festivals, birthdays, disagreements between star couples - by reading our magazine, you will be the first to know about everything.

    News of social life in Russia

    Not everyone can attend a private party or attend a prestigious film award ceremony. But every reader of WomanHit magazine can easily find out about everything in detail and without unnecessary embellishment. Secular news does not come out of thin air, we receive it first-hand - from the most famous and influential people in show business. Often the stars themselves invite media representatives to visit - casually chatting over a cup of tea, we learn the “hot” news and interesting details. You can read about them in the “Visiting the Stars” section.

    When we receive reports from weddings, festivals, and film premieres, we publish them immediately. This is exactly how secular news about Russian stars is created.

    The online magazine for modern women contains only useful articles and only the latest secular news from Russian show business. Living an interesting and bright life, our readers never tire of rejoicing, being surprised, and dreaming!

    Modern show business surprises us every year with new faces. New popular Russian singers appear on the starry Olympus more and more often, delighting fans with an original and sometimes rather banal repertoire.

    The most popular singers in Russia shine on the largest concert stages, grace glossy magazines, perform at important events and excite fans on TV screens.

    Often, popular Russian singers try themselves in a different role, acting in films, or trying themselves as hosts of grandiose television projects, but at the same time they manage to successfully perform and tour not only in Russia, but also abroad.

    Popular singers of Russia, who have long taken their place in the bowels of show business, and already have their own audience of listeners and fans, cannot always boast only impeccable vocal abilities, they have a special charm, charisma, and, to be honest, gorgeous external characteristics that are a defining feature of their development in show business.

    Young popular singers of Russia confidently compete with Russian celebrities of the older generation, offering the public new songs, new presentation, new creative experiments.

    Many popular singers in Russia, despite their star status, are very simple and open people who do not have star fever at all.

    But there are popular Russian singers whose pathos is off the charts. They are stellar in their behavior, in their demands, in their lifestyle.

    Such popular Russian singers are not just artists, they behave and present themselves like true stars, which is why they often stand out among the crowd of famous personalities in the world of show business.

    Also in our photo top are popular Russian singers from young talents who have been on stage for only a few years, but are already filling concert halls with thousands of people, delighting their fans with good music.

    Who do you think should receive the status of the Most Popular Singer in Russia? Is he on our list of The most popular Russian singers? If not, tell me who he is - the most famous singer in Russia...

    Who are they... The most popular singers in Russia. Our photo rating of famous showbiz men

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