Silent hill new game. Silent Hills cancellation: how Konami came to live like this

It all started with the fact that the name of Hideo Kojima disappeared from the posters of the upcoming film. Kojima then disappeared from the list of executives at Konami Corporation, although he had previously been listed as CEO of Kojima Studios. Rumors spread that Konami was firing him altogether and that he would leave as soon as he finished working on the new part Metal Gear. Comments from both Konami and Kojima himself have not yet brought any clarity on this matter.

And then something even stranger happened - information appeared that they would be removed from PSN P.T., an interactive teaser for the hotly anticipated . A couple of days later it became known that the development Silent Hills stopped. The fans' hearts were broken.

The cancellation of the development of a potentially profitable project and the dismissal of the head of the studio that brings the largest income to Konami's gaming division (accounting for the games in the series Metal Gear each year accounts for half of the total circulation sold by the company), let’s say, not the most far-sighted steps. Therefore, we decided to remember Konami’s past mistakes and figure out how the company got to this point in the first place.

The rebellion is suppressed

The history of Konami began in 1969, when Kagemasa Kozuki (who, by the way, still heads the company to this day) organized an office for the repair and production of jukeboxes. However, two years later the company changed its field of activity and switched to the production of slot machines. Almost ten years later, Konami decided to take a closer look at the dynamically developing video game market, while simultaneously expanding its business beyond the entertainment industry.

Today, Konami Corporation consists of four main divisions - gaming Konami Digital, which controls the Health & Fitness chain of fitness centers and health centers, Gaming & Systems, a gaming division, and Pachislot & Pachinko, which produces and distributes slot machines and pachinko machines.

Slot machines and pachinko do not generate income yet, since the market has long been divided and it is not easy to get into it, but in the summer gambling business may be legalized in Japan, and then money will flow like a river.

The largest income today comes from the gaming department - of $150 million in revenue in fiscal 2015, Konami Digital accounted for 84%. Plus it doesn't stop growing. However, in 2015, the Digital division's revenue growth rate was 22%, while revenue from fitness centers and slot machines increased by 90% and 70%, respectively. This dynamic has been observed for several years, therefore, despite the impressive income, the gaming department in the eyes of the corporation’s management seems to be losing its prospects.

At the same time, Konami's non-gaming business is constantly expanding and transforming, while Digital has existed for many years only through sales of sports simulators and series Metal Gear. Konami also had other profitable series, but the company successfully dealt with them.

Sales of Pro Evolution Soccer are falling every year.

The most expressive example is beloved by many since childhood. Having originated in slot machines, the series has successfully conquered more than one console generation. However, at the peak of its popularity, Konami management gave in, and the development of the new part was given to the unknown Appaloosa. Almost ten years of glory were washed away by two disgusting games and the bloody tears of the players.

Konami admitted the mistake too late. Sales of subsequent parts, again developed by an internal studio, barely reached the half-million mark. Since then, the once famous franchise has lived only on portable platforms and sometimes manifests itself in the form of small downloadable projects.

The last three parts were again developed by third-party studios, but they turned out much better.

The lack of normal quality control at Konami is a much more serious problem than attempts to outsource its intellectual property to cheap. Thus, the company tore apart an excellent role-playing series with its own hands.

Starting its journey in the PlayStation One era, Suikoden I felt great and developed successfully. But a month before the release of the third part, a strange thing happened: Yoshitaka Murayama, the author and ideological inspirer of the series, left Konami. His name was even removed from the game's credits, as was Kojima's from the posters. Metal Gear Solid 5.

Without Murayama, the fourth part turned out to be so unsuccessful that fans didn’t even know how to react. The fifth turned out to be little better, and sales fell so much that the development of a sequel was considered futile. In 2009, Murayama announced that he made the decision to leave himself and no one put pressure on him, but the situation is already painfully reminiscent of the latest events with Kojima.

Contra repeated.");" border="0" src="" width="647" height ="473">

Silence of the Lambs

But most of all, under the wing of Konami, Team Silent, the authors, were unlucky. Having developed three very successful (sales totaled more than three million copies, which is an impressive result for Konami) parts of the series, the team plunged headlong into unrelated horror The Room. However, when much was already ready, Konami bosses simply ordered the developers to redo it The Room V Silent Hill and release it as soon as possible. Considering the popularity of the series at the time, their desire is understandable.

But the result of this trick is known: it is incredibly conceptual, has a crumpled plot and has almost nothing to do with the universe. The players didn't appreciate it. Sales barely reached the half-million mark, and Konami decided to disband the studio, and Silent Hill give it to other developers.

The Room suffered significantly, among other things, from the design of monsters and puzzles. The developers were clearly in a hurry.");" border="0" src="" width="647" height ="485">

IN The Room Among other things, the design of monsters and puzzles suffered significantly. The developers were clearly in a hurry.

True, the industry itself didn’t really lose anything from the disbandment of Team Silent - not a single talent was lost. So, the producer of the first three parts Silent Hill Gozo Kitao managed to work on . Director Katsuhide Nakazawa, who joined Hideo Kojima’s studio, also had a hand in it. Designer Masahi Tsubuyama currently creates games for Nintendo.

Akira Yamaoka, the author of the brilliant soundtracks for the games in the series, worked on Silent Hill until 2009, and now, together with Goichi Suda, he moved to Grasshopper Manufacture. The artist Masahiro Ito also remained faithful to the series; he worked on Silent Hill right up to the latest issues, and now organizes exhibitions of his paintings and sculpts horror.

Silent Hill, the trilogy is worth paying attention to Siren Silent Hill.");" border="0" src="" width="647" height ="364">

To everyone who yearns for the old parts Silent Hill, it is worth paying attention to the trilogy Siren- everything is like the good old days, pure horror without flirting with other genres. Yes, and it was invented by Keiichiro Toyama, the author of the very first Silent Hill.

But, although everything didn’t turn out so badly for the former members of Team Silent, for the Silent Hill These are dark times. It’s not that the series died out - and those that came out of the hands of the British studio Climax turned out to be quite good games. But the “numbered” one, developed by Double Helix, not only further tarnished the reputation of the series with its quality, but also sold a disappointing 400 thousand copies.

Next came the turn, created by then unknown Czechs from Vatra. The game is excellent in many respects, but the series has gone infinitely far from the original concept. Konami desperately tried to turn Silent Hill into a horror film more understandable to Western players, to which Downpour came close and closer: the “King” atmosphere, Korn in the soundtrack... Nevertheless, it was not possible to attract a new audience, and the innovations only repelled old fans. As a result, the proceeds from 700 thousand copies sold barely paid for the development.

Silent Hill: The Arcade and Book of Memories, but we don’t even want to remember them.");" style="width:318px;">

Silent Hill: The Arcade and Book of Memories, but we don’t even want to remember them.");" style="width:318px;">
In the history of the series there were also Silent Hill: The Arcade and , but we don’t even want to remember them.

Then light briefly appeared in the dark kingdom... And we know what happened next. Demo version P.T., announcement Silent Hills with Norman Reedus, Guillermo del Toro and Hideo Kojima - and the sudden cancellation of the game, which surprised even the people who worked on it.

Better for business

The only franchise that hasn't been ruined by either a ton of spin-off projects or being handed over to third-party studios is Metal Gear Solid. And thanks for this we should say to Hideo Kojima himself, who oversaw the development of almost all parts. In addition, the numbered issues were of such quality that you can forgive a ton of consumer goods based on them.

Kojima has earned such a reputation that his name on the cover has an almost magical effect: all games in the series Metal Gear, developed with his direct participation, sold in circulation five to six times more impressive than the circulation of other Konami projects.

Metal Gear, which is confirmed by the latest financial report. But the dynamics of sales of sports games is decreasing, and M.G.S. things are looking up.");" border="0" src="" width="647" height ="255">

If you don't take into account sports simulations, the company's entire gaming division for many years rested on almost only one Metal Gear, which is confirmed by the latest financial report. But the dynamics of sales of sports games is decreasing, and M.G.S. things are looking up.

However, Kojima makes his games slowly, and spends a lot of money on them (budget MGS 4, according to rumors, amounted to 60 million dollars - the figure is quite plausible), and Konami, which ruined its other profitable series, between the releases of new parts Metal Gear there is almost nothing to survive on. As a result, although incomes are growing, they are growing more and more slowly. In addition, when comparing net income and operating profit of the gaming division, it becomes clear that development costs are growing steadily. So, there certainly weren’t any heated arguments between Kojima and his superiors in attempts to speed up the development of new parts of the series.

Metal Gear, owned by the company.");" border="0" src="" width="647" height ="364">

The worst thing is that Konami’s hands are not tied by anything at all, all intellectual property, including the Fox Engine and brand rights Metal Gear, belong to the company.

This is partly confirmed by rumors spread by a certain Konami employee. According to him, the founder of Konami simply hates Kojima for the budgets he consumes and his slowness and is trying in every possible way to survive not only him, but also other employees of Kojima Studios.

Removing Kojima and transferring the development of sequels to more efficient studios and teams is a completely logical step, but only in the short term. Will the quality of new games decrease without Kojima's watch? For sure. Of course, if the series ends up in good hands, it won't be so bad. But Konami bosses have repeatedly demonstrated their indiscriminateness.

Silent Hills, they themselves were surprised by the cancellation of the game.");" border="0" src="" width="647" height ="364">

Guillermo del Toro and actor Norman Reedus involved in development Silent Hills, they themselves were surprised at the cancellation of the game.

Cancel Silent Hills, a potentially profitable project, is a very strange step. It can only be explained by the fact that Konami is curtailing the development of major games. The growth rate of game sales is declining, while the non-gaming sector is growing more and more dynamically. There is an order of magnitude more fuss with games; many studios are located abroad, but the same fitness clubs are in Japan, where it is much easier for Konami to carry out operations. Add in the growing cost of development, which is increasingly difficult to cover.

Mobile projects, which the company has been looking at with interest for a long time, often bring in an order of magnitude more money, but at the same time cost pennies. From a business point of view, it’s clearly time for Konami Digital to reform, which is what Konami has apparently done.

This is also hinted at by the company's decision to leave the New York Stock Exchange. According to Konami representatives, further stay there is not economically profitable. In fact, this often happens when a company is preparing for bankruptcy or internal restructuring. We are still not talking about bankruptcy, but changing the field of activity is a completely possible option.

However, this evidence is more indirect; companies no less often leave the stock exchange due to the small number of shareholders in the country. Other well-known corporations, such as Panasonic, Wimm-Bill-Dann and Rostelecom, have already done this. But why did Konami decide to take such a step almost simultaneously with the dismissal of Kojima and the subsequent cancellation Silent Hills? There is no smoke without fire.

* * *

What will happen next is unknown. Runners based on Silent Hill starring Pyramid Head? Dance arcade games with Snake and Gabriel? After Book of Memories And Silent Hill: The Arcade we won't be surprised. We would like to believe in the best, we would like to think that all this is just an action in support of the exit Metal Gear Solid 5. But this time, it seems, there will be no miracle. However, Konami itself will not disappear; moreover, most of its famous series will remain with us in any case, even if in a slightly modified form.

The creators often use popular computer games as the basis for popular films of modern cinema. The filming of such a project practically guarantees a stir in cinemas and a decent box office profit. The gaming industry is developing very quickly, and many of its products are becoming well-deserved hits. At one time, the film “Silent Hill” received significant excitement around itself, so it is only natural that fans continue to be interested in the appearance of “Silent Hill” Part 3.

The project appeared at the box office in 2006. 6 years later, a sequel was released, in which the DaSilva family continued their confrontation with the monsters of the underworld. Not long ago, information about Silent Hill Part 3 was discussed online. The release date is scheduled for autumn 2021. However, so far, the authors of the project have not given official confirmation or refutation. Less optimistic scenarios for the development of the situation are also possible, in which the new part will remain only in the plans of the creators.

Actors and filming of "Silent Hill"-3

The Canadian film became one of the films based on the best Japanese computer projects. The popularity of the video game is explained by the completely unique sensations of those who play it. The film only enhances these emotions, adding brightness and horror.

The new part of the mystical project will be called “Silent Hill 3: Genesis”. Michael Burhan will direct and will share the screenplay with Chris Days.

Enigmar Entertainment took part in the creation of the film.

Just like the plot of the film, its cast is kept secret. The last part was remembered by the viewer for certain images that may appear on the screen again.

Australian actress Adelaide Clements (“The Great Gatsby,” “Past Mistakes”) played Heather Mason.

Kit Harington, an English theater and film actor, appeared in the film as Vincent Carter. The viewer may recognize him as the same Jon Snow from Game of Thrones. Thanks to this role, he became an Emmy nominee, and is now one of the top highest paid actors.

One of the iconic roles was entrusted to the American actor, screenwriter and director Martin Donovan (“Big Little Lies”, “Lethal Weapon”). Audiences remembered him as Douglas Cartland.

Dahlia Gillespie and Claudia Fulf also joined the list of main characters in the project. The roles were played by Canadian actresses Deborah Kara Unger (“War Hospital,” “The Path”) and Carrie-Anne Moss (“Daredevil,” “Man Seeking Woman”).

What will be shown in the new film

The film is a mystical thriller where the story of Rose DaSilva and her daughter Sharon develops. A child often sees in his dreams the city of Silent Hill, shrouded in mystery. To identify the cause of these painful nightmares, the family goes there by car, but before reaching the final destination, they crash.

In some unknown way, after the incident, Sharon disappeared, who then found herself on a deserted road. Heading straight along it, the girl finds herself in a city infested with a variety of monsters. But even here she is not left without support, as law enforcement representative Sybil Bennett decides to help Sharon in this terrible place.

Upon completion of the plot of the first part of the film, viewers will learn the reasons for everything that happened. It turned out that the young heroine is the reincarnation of Alessa Gillespie, a victim of a religious sect. Its representatives, being fanatics, accused the girl of witchcraft and wanted to set it on fire. The light part was Sharon herself, and the dark part remained in the city near the noticed mistress.

To save her daughter, Rose decides to bring evil into the church using her body. The dark side begins to take revenge on those who hurt it, causing everyone except Sharon to disappear.

The next film again becomes a scene where an older Sharon fights evil. Only this time she intends to save her father and friend. As a result, the girl’s father decides to stay in the mystical city and find his wife.

The third part of the film will be a continuation of the story, from which the viewer will find out whether the family was able to unite and what is the fate of the parallel dimension that brought so much horror and misfortune.

Interesting facts about Silent Hill 3

  1. The film was based on a computer game with the same name.
  2. The leading role could have been Meg Ryan or Milla Jovovich
  3. Creating a painting meant using a minimal amount of graphics. The greatest efforts were devoted to the appearance of fog that shrouded the city. Almost all creations were played by living people dressed in appropriate costumes.
  4. The number of Rose's robes reached one hundred. It all starts with nice, warm shades that fade to grey, and eventually turn to dirty red. Such changes were so consistent with the picture depicted that they were practically invisible to the viewer.
  5. Sony acquired the rights to show the film in the United States and Latin America.
  6. Some creatures were portrayed by professional dancers, as a result of which the movements were smooth and conveyed the necessary tension of the plot.
  7. Obtaining permission to make the film took several years. Everything changed dramatically after director Christophe Gans sent a video message to Konami, in which he spoke about the importance of Silent Hill for him, and also provided scenes filmed at his own expense with musical accompaniment.
  8. In the script being tested, a mark appeared indicating the absence of men. After this, appropriate adjustments took place, and Sean Bean's character appeared on the screens.
  9. In the image of Sybil, Hans saw Cameron Diaz.
  10. The prayers read by Christabella and the townspeople in the church are phrases from the biblical New Testament.

It will be possible to find out who ends up in Silent Hill in Part 3 only after the project appears. So far there is no verified information on the Internet. Let's hope for the return of our favorite movie and keep a close eye on the latest news.


In an interview with Bloody Disgusting, Guillermo del Toro shared his feelings about the canceled Silent Hills, which was developed with Hideo Kojima.

“This makes no fucking sense,” said the director about the cancellation of the project.

The director of Pacific Rim and Hellboy was set to work with Kojima on a reimagined entry in the Silent Hill series. But, unfortunately, the project was killed in April by Konami. The publisher is moving away from big games and retraining for a smaller caliber.

“We had a great experience with this game and had hundreds and hundreds of ideas. Many of the things we designed for Silent Hills often appeared in other games, such as The Last of Us. Moments like these let me know that we were moving in the right direction.

The thing is, we were going to make a great game.

We hoped to cause some sort of panic with the techniques we have already discussed. And it’s really a pity that all this is not destined to happen. So when you ask how things are going, there is no point in it, since the game will never come out.”

In an interview, Norman Reedus (star of The Walking Dead) stated that del Toro and Kojima also worked closely with the famous horror manga writer Junji Ito. After their collaboration came to an end, del Toro expressed his desire and great interest in further working with the famous game creator at Konami.

In the world of modern cinema, the most popular computer games are increasingly used as plots for creating films. Of course, the gaming industry is developing rapidly and many games are becoming real hits in many countries. Making a film based on such a cult game automatically guarantees a lot of movie theater visitors and high box office receipts.

In 2006, the film “Silent Hill” was released, which was based on the popular Japanese video game. Six years later, a sequel was released, in which the DaSilva family again entered into confrontation with the fiends of hell. The release date of the third and final part of the mystical thriller was planned for the fall of 2017, but unfortunately work on the film was suspended. Fans of the previous films have speculated that the third film should be released in six years, but only time will tell if this is true.

The exact release date of Silent Hill 3 and the trailer are presented at the bottom of the page, where you will find the full schedule.

Recently, there have been speculations online that Silent Hill 3 will be released on the wide screen. October 23, 2021 year, but so far the directors have not given any official confirmation of these rumors. Let's hope that work on the film continues and we'll see it in theaters soon.

Hell on earth

The film "Silent Hill" is a mystical thriller that tells us about the mother Rose DaSilva and her daughter Sharon, who is constantly tormented by dreams of the scary and mysterious city of Silent Hill. To understand the causes of nightmares, the family goes to this city, but on the way there they get into a car accident. During an accident, Sharon mysteriously disappears and finds herself in the middle of an unfamiliar and completely empty road. Following it, the girl soon finds herself in a creepy city filled with all kinds of monsters. But Sharon is not alone, because policewoman Sybil Bennett also finds herself in this terrible place and decides to save her daughter Rose DaSilva.

At the end of the film, the audience is given information about the reasons for all these terrible events. It turns out that Sharon is the reincarnation of the girl Alessa Gillespie, who in the past became a victim of a local religious sect. Religious fanatics declared the girl a witch and tried to burn her at the stake. This action caused the division of her soul into two halves. The bright part of Alessa became the incarnation of Sharon, and the dark half remained in this creepy city near Alessa's crippled body. To save her daughter, Rose decides to bring evil into the church in her body. The dark side of the girl’s soul takes revenge on her tormentors, but only Sharon manages to survive this hell.

In the second film, the now adult Sharon again has to face evil. In this case, she already has to act as the savior of her father and friend Vincent. But at the end of the film, Sharon's father decides to stay in this hellish city to find his wife. The third part of the film should tell us whether Sharon’s father managed to find his wife and what will happen to the parallel dimension, which is the real embodiment of human nightmares. We will learn about all this in the third part of the film.

The release date of the film Silent Hill 3 is scheduled for autumn, below is the exact release date in Russia and the world, as well as the trailer.

Silent Hill 3 release date

Silent Hill 3 trailer

The path of darkness, how the world of Silent Hill was created

Silent Hill 3

Script and dialogues 6.8