Recipes for the rice cooker. How to cook rice in a rice cooker

An electric rice cooker is similar to a steamer. Rice is placed in the inner bowl and steamed or boiled in water. The device has a keep warm function, when after cooking the rice is no longer cooked, but it does not cool down, remaining warm. Basically, all rice cookers have two modes: cooking and keeping warm. True, some models can be more complex and have advanced options for both cooking and temperature control. There are also those that make beeps when the rice is ready.

Having a rice cooker can save you a lot of time. I just threw all the necessary ingredients into the container, then the rice cooker will do everything by itself.

In a rice cooker, you can cook not only rice, but also many other products.

What can be cooked in an electric rice cooker

1. Eggs. Eggs can be boiled in the steam basket of a rice cooker. This will take approximately 20-25 minutes, depending on what you want to receive.

2. Oatmeal. Depending on your preferred oatmeal consistency, you will need to experiment with the ratio of water to oatmeal at first. However, if you have recipes for a rice cooker, and you have an accurate description of the proportions, making porridge will be quite simple.

Place water and hercules in the inner bowl of the rice cooker, stir, turn on the appliance and wait. To make oatmeal more tasty and healthy, add fruits and spices to it.

3. Mashed potatoes. Steam the potatoes in a rice cooker until softened. At the same time, you can put it both in a steam basket and directly in a pot. Then mash the potatoes with butter and milk to the desired state.

4. Vegetable stew. Most rice cookers come with steam baskets, so it's easy to steam any vegetable in them. You can also add a bag of rice to the vegetables. So it is more useful to use it than in fried form.

5. Chocolate fondue. Melt the chocolate in the bowl of a rice cooker. The keep warm function will keep the chocolate melted. Stick fruits on skewers, dip them in chocolate and enjoy the taste!

6. Macaroni and cheese. Boil pasta in a rice cooker bowl, add cheese and other ingredients. The most delicious dish is ready!

7. Stewed artichokes. Artichokes, if you have ever bought them, are very good to cook in a rice cooker. Trim the stems and prickly spots on the leaves from the fruit. Pour water into the pot of the rice cooker, place the artichokes inside and leave them for half an hour. They will be ready when the leaves can be easily removed from them.

8. Pancakes. Pancakes are also easy to make in a rice cooker. Just pour the dough into the inner pot and turn on the device. You can also add fruits, chocolate, cocoa or any other ingredients there. The machine will do the rest for you.

If you are not afraid of experiments, you can try cooking other dishes in a rice cooker. We hope you succeed!

Much has been said about the taste and benefits of rice, this product is present in many cuisines of the world, but, nevertheless, cooking rice is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Thanks to such a magnificent invention as a rice cooker (cooker), the process of cooking rice has become simply elementary. Many rice cookers have a keep warm function, so the rice stays warm for as long as you need. The rice cooker does not need to be monitored because it has a built-in timer that automatically turns off the rice cooker when the rice is ready. In this article, you will find tips on how to cook rice in a rice cooker so that the rice does not burn and the pan is not spoiled, as well as how to correct the situation if the rice is undercooked or overcooked.


rice cooking

    Measure the rice with a measuring cup and place it in the rice cooker pot. In some rice cookers, the pan is removable, in others the rice must be put directly into the rice cooker. Most rice cookers come with an approximately 180 ml measuring cup or measuring spoons. You can use your own measuring cup.

    Rinse rice if necessary. Many people prefer to wash rice in order to wash off pesticides, herbicides and various contaminants from the product. In some plants with outdated equipment, rice grains sometimes turn out to be ruined, which means that a lot of excess starch can be washed off by simply washing the rice. If you wash the rice, the chances of it sticking together are minimal. If you decide to rinse the rice, place it in a bowl and cover with drinking water or hold it under running water. Stir the rice with your hands so that each grain of rice is immersed in water and rinsed. Slowly drain the rice in a sieve or colander, catch the fallen grains. If the water has changed color, or you notice a lot of broken grains or just debris floating in the water, rinse the rice again. Until the water becomes relatively clear.

    Measure the water. Most rice cookers recommend using cold water. How much water to add depends on what kind of rice you are cooking and how wet you want it to end up. Inside the rice cooker there are measuring marks indicating. How much rice and water to put in, or follow the instructions on the rice package. You can use the following recommendations for the amount of rice and water, depending on the variety of rice. Keep in mind, you can always adjust the amount of water the next time you want to make the rice softer:

    • White, long grain rice - 1 3/4 cups (440 ml) water to 1 cup (230 grams) rice
    • White, medium grain rice - 1 1/2 cups (375 ml) water to 1 cup (230 grams) rice
    • White, round grain rice - 1 1/2 cups (375 ml) water to 1 cup (230 grams) rice
    • Brown, long grain rice - 2 1/4 cups (560 ml) water to 1 cup (230 grams) rice
    • Parboiled rice - 2 cups (500 ml) water to 1 cup (230 grams) rice
    • For Indian rice varieties (such as Basmati and Jasmine), less water should be used as the rice tends to be traditionally dry. Take no more than 1 1/2 cups (375 ml) of water for 1 cup (230 grams) of rice. You can add bay leaves or cardamom pods directly to the rice cooker to enrich the flavor of the rice.
  1. Soak the rice for 30 minutes if you like. This is not necessary, but some people soak the rice to shorten the cooking time. But remember that soaking can make the rice stickier. Take the amount of water indicated above, pre-soak the rice at room temperature, and then use the same amount of water to cook.

    Add spices (optional). The spices must be added to the water before you start to boil the rice so that the rice absorbs the flavors of the spices as it cooks. Many people add salt at this stage of rice cooking. Butter or vegetable oils will also perfectly complement the rice. If you're cooking rice the Indian way, add bay leaves or cardamom seeds.

    Gather the rice from the walls and check that the rice is below the water level. Rice left above the surface of the water can burn during cooking. If water or rice splashes out during cooking, wipe the outside of the rice cooker with a paper towel or cloth. submerge it completely in water.

    Check out the additional features of your rice cooker. Some rice cookers only have an on/off function. Other rice cookers have different programs for cooking brown and white rice, the function of delaying the start of cooking for a certain period. You won't have any problems if you use a couple of basic buttons, but it's still a good idea to familiarize yourself with all the features of your rice cooker.

    Cook rice in a rice cooker. If your rice cooker has a removable pot, place it back into the appliance filled with rice and water. Close the lid, plug the cord into the socket and turn on the rice cooker. When the rice is ready, the key should turn off, like a toaster. In many rice cookers, the rice will remain bitter, thanks to the thermostat, until you unplug the rice cooker from the mains.

    Let the rice sit for 10-15 minutes before you open the lid. This is not required, but this is usually recommended in the instructions for rice cookers, in some models this feature is built in automatically. By turning off the rice cooker or removing the pot from the cooker at this point, you will reduce the amount of rice stuck to the sides of the pot.

    Mix and serve. Since there is no water left in the pot, the rice should be ready to eat. Take a fork and stir the rice after it is ready. This will break up the lumps, let off steam and prevent the rice from overcooking.

    • If the rice is not ready to eat, see the Troubleshooting section.


    1. Reduce the amount of water in the next boil if the rice is watery. Next time, add 1/4 to 1/2 cup (60 to 100 ml) less water for each cup of rice. Rice will cook in less time and absorb less water.

    2. Add some water and cook the rice on the stove if it is not ready. If the rice is too soft or dry, put it on the stove, add 30 ml of water. Cover with a lid, cook for a few minutes, the steam will bring the rice to readiness.

      • If you put the rice back into the rice cooker without adding water, the rice may burn and the rice cooker may deteriorate.
      • Next time, just add 30-60ml of water for every cup of rice in the rice cooker before turning it on.
    3. Remove the rice immediately after cooking is finished to avoid burning the rice. Rice in rice cookers does not burn during cooking, but if you leave the heating mode on, the bottom of the rice may burn at the bottom and around the edges. If this happens frequently, take out the rice as soon as you hear the signal to finish cooking the rice (or when the keep warm light comes on).

      • In some rice cookers, you can turn off the keep warm beforehand, but in this case, you will need to consume the rice immediately or put it in the refrigerator to avoid the risk of food poisoning.
      • If you add other ingredients to the rice, they ''may'' burn during the cooking process. Next time, don't add sugary ingredients or other ingredients that you think will burn. Cook them separately.

This pilaf will delight anyone with its color and taste. I cook it quite often, not only with breast, but also with meat as well. It is very easy and fast to prepare. The main assistant here will be a rice cooker of course. I know many who, having this assistant, cook just rice in it, but in fact, in a rice cooker you can cook a huge number of dishes and not only from rice.

Rinse the chicken breast well, dry it and cut it into a large cube, freeing it from bones and skin (I leave the skin).

Melt the butter in a fairly hot pan.

On which to fry chicken meat. The fire must be medium so that the oil does not start to burn. As soon as the chicken breast acquires a beautiful golden color, put it on a plate and set aside.

We fry the carrots in the same oil so that it becomes softer and gives color and aroma to the oil. After we send it to the chicken breast.

We do the same with onions. Fry until translucent and slightly golden brown.

All three of these components are gently mixed right in the bowl of the rice cooker.

It is better to use steamed rice, as the pilaf will turn out more crumbly. Rice must be washed under running water until it becomes completely transparent. Rice should be added to the bowl with the rest of the products and mixed.

Turmeric is the most important ingredient in this recipe, as it will give the dish its rich yellow color. Turmeric is very useful for digestion and is used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine.

Cumin is also good for this dish, but I didn’t have it. It gives the dish an oriental touch.
All spices must be mixed in a glass.

Then fill them with water and mix well. At this stage, add salt. For several years now I have not added salt at all when cooking, only in forced cases. I advise you to do the same, because without salt you can understand and enjoy the taste of food much better.

After we send this fragrant, yellow "compote" to the rice cooker and add the right amount of water. Do not forget about the extra water that the chicken and vegetables will absorb, otherwise the dish will burn.

Turn on and wait. When the dish is almost ready, you just need to push the cloves of garlic cut in half into it.

Close the lid and let it cook. After the rice cooker turns off, leave it there for 5-10 minutes, after which you can serve.

It is also good to sprinkle with fresh parsley. I didn't have it either. The color of the dish is very beautiful and will please anyone.

Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT00H40M 40 min.