The origin of Russian names: female names starting with the letter E. Writing the letters e and ё in proper names The meaning of names starting with the letter E

You don’t need any certificates or new diplomas

The issue of writing the letters E and E has been resolved by a letter from the Ministry of Education and Science



The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia has repeatedly received requests from citizens regarding the spelling of the letters “e” and “e” when drawing up documents proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation, preparing forms of certificates of state registration of acts of civil status, processing educational documents issued by state-accredited educational institutions , as well as other documents.

Federal Law No. 53-FZ of June 1, 2005 “On the State Language of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law) secures the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to use the state language of the Russian Federation.

Article 3 of the Law defines the areas of use of the state language of the Russian Federation, which include, among other things, the preparation of documents certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation, the production of forms of certificates of state registration of acts of civil status, the preparation of educational documents issued by educational institutions with state accreditation, as well as other documents, including the spelling of proper names.

The law obliges the use of the norms of the modern Russian language and the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation when filling out documents.

In pursuance of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2006 N 714 “On the procedure for approving the norms of the modern Russian literary language when used as the state language of the Russian Federation, the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation” and based on the recommendations of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Russian Language (protocol dated April 29, 2009 N 10) by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 8, 2009 N 195, a list of grammars, dictionaries and reference books was approved containing the norms of the modern Russian literary language when used as the state language of the Russian Federation (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 6, 2009 city, registration N 14483).

In addition, the Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation, approved in 1956 by the USSR Academy of Sciences, the USSR Ministry of Higher Education and the RSFSR Ministry of Education (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), are currently applied, which indicate that the letter “ё” is written in cases where it is necessary prevent incorrect reading and understanding of a word, or when it is necessary to indicate the pronunciation of a little-known word.

Previously, the Ministry sent methodological recommendations to the regional executive authorities on the use of the letter “е” in the writing of proper names (letter dated May 3, 2007 N AF-159/03), which drew attention to the fact that the reason for the distorted entries in the passport and other documents (“e” instead of “e” and vice versa) may be a failure to comply with the requirement established by the Rules for the mandatory use of “e” in cases where the word may be misread. Proper names (including surnames, first names, patronymics) relate to this case, therefore the use of the letter “е” in them should be mandatory.

Judicial practice in this case proceeds from the fact that, on the basis of the Rules, the spelling of the letters “e” and “e” are equated. Writing the letter “e” instead of “e” and vice versa in the last name, first name and patronymic does not distort the data of the owner of the documents, provided that the data on the basis of which the person can be identified in such documents corresponds.

In addition, judicial precedent when considering cases of making corrections or changes in civil status records is resolved in favor of the applicant (plaintiff).

Names starting with the letter E indicate that their owner strives for self-expression, is quite insightful and prone to conflict.

He perceives everything that surrounds him at the level of intuition. He is often talkative, which sometimes leads to awkward situations.

Unsophisticated, wants to take a leading position. Those around them are able to recognize everything that these people are thinking about without much effort.

Individuals with the first letter E in their name love to travel and be in nature. They are sweet and charming. If a name begins with the letter E, then it is impossible to form a correct first impression about such people. Some people are cunning and can use others for their own purposes.

History of the origin of Russian names

Basically, all Russian names come from foreign ones. They came to us along with Christianity from the Greek language. In ancient times, Russian names reflected the quality of a person, his physical ailments, or how a child was born in the family. The names were quite common: Cat, Birch, First, Lesser, Zhdan. These names reflect modern Russian surnames: Zhdanov, Kotov, Menshov and so on.

After the baptism of Rus', all Russian names gradually went out of circulation, they were replaced by church names that came with the Christian faith. Along with Greek names, Jewish, Roman, Egyptian, and Syrian names came into use.

Around the 19th century, all Old Russian names completely went out of circulation, and Christian ones were modified in the Russian manner.

From antiquity to the present day

Greek female names starting with E

In the modern world, all female names are mainly of Greek origin. It was customary to give them to girls at baptism in the church, which explains their wide distribution. The names that have survived to this day are:

Originally from Judea

Names of Jewish origin were quite common in everyday life in Rus'. Several of them have survived to this day:

Many names have fallen out of use and are quite rare in the modern world. We have not sorted out all the female names starting with E. The list of names is actually quite large: Evanthia, Eudoxia, Eulalia, Eulampia, Eustolia, Eutychia, Eutropia, Euphalia, Euphemia, Euphrosyne, Euphrosyne, Elikonida, Elisaveta, Epistimia, Erotiida, Euphemia, Euphrosyne and many others.

In the past, parents might have considered such names if their newborn girls were extremely weak and unadapted to life. There is an opinion that energetically the capital letter E in the name gives the child a positive charge and an internal desire for life.

Women's names starting with letter E

The desire for self-expression, the richness of the inner world, as well as extraordinary friendliness and love for the world around them accompanies such women throughout their lives. The girl's name starting with the letter E also symbolizes her tendency to find a way out in conflict situations without harming others. What names starting with the letter E, Russian and foreign, are the most popular today:

  • Yolka, Slavic name. Such girls are very artistic and often connect their lives with creative professions. They know how to stay afloat even in the most difficult life situations and will never show their weakness. Insightful and powerful;
  • Yozge, Turkish name. Literally translated it means “other”. Such women always strive for financial well-being and have good intuition. They are passionate and always want to show their talents in something;
  • Yokut, Tajik name. In life, such women are very resilient, but it is precisely because of increased nervousness that it can be difficult for them to find a way out of situations. At a young age they are vulnerable and know how to empathize with others;
  • Yorth, English name. Such women are always self-confident and can spend a lot of time searching for their ideal. They are sensitive, but will never allow themselves to be taken advantage of;
  • Yozlem, Turkish name. Literally translated it means “longing.” Such women are artistic, but very petty in life, always looking for opportunities to enrich themselves. They are pedantic and inventive, but at the same time they do not know how to work with large teams.

It is interesting that women with names that begin with the letter E have a rich inner world. When calling girls with such names, you need to remember that in life they will always strive for self-expression by any means. At the same time, it is difficult for them to leave their comfort zone.

A name starting with the letter “E” is typical for girls whose intuition and inner sense are always at their best - they anticipate, feel and internally sense the situation. If we talk about the external side, then these are smart, rather sweet and open people who love communication and are more inclined to live for today. They love to travel, love nature with all their hearts and, in essence, are very simple and friendly. The only thing is that they can be overly annoying - you can’t take that away from them.

  • Eve - A biblical name, in a modern context it can be translated as “living”, “mobile”, “mischievous”. Eva is a tactful, rational, principled, and overall a cheerful and joyful girl. 252
  • Evgenia - from ancient Greek means “noble”. If Evgenia starts something, it is impossible to stop her, even if this business leads to the abyss. (1) 58
  • Evdokia - the name Evdokia is of Greek origin - means “favour”. People with such a name live more with their hearts than with their minds. -45
  • Catherine - (Katya) name from the Greek language, meaning “pure, immaculate.” Catherine is always reserved and prudent, and is known among those around her as a well-mannered, kind and tactful girl, not lacking in taste and some majesty. She is very smart, and from the first seconds she makes you feel it. 92
  • Elena - “chosen”, “bright” - translated from Greek. Elena is sociable, receptive and gullible. She is distinguished by spirituality and increased excitability. She easily gets carried away by any task, but rarely completes it. (3) 51
  • Elizabeth - The name is of Hebrew origin, and translated literally means “My God is an oath.” Elizabeth is a rather categorical girl who often feels underappreciated, so she often commits rather impulsive actions. She knows how to adapt to the people around her, she is curious and balanced, she always brings the things she starts to a victorious end, but in the first place she will always have only personal interests. (2) 79
  • Emelyan - origin goes back to the Latin word “aemulus”, meaning “rival”, “unyielding”. Usually this is a brave, independent girl who knows how to find a compromise. (2) -132
  • Yesenia - According to V.I. Dahl’s dictionary, the word “esen” means “autumn,” but there are many versions of the origin of this light and positive name, which appeared in the 70s after the screening of the film of the same name. Yesenia is an easy-going and positive girl. (1) 64
  • Efimiya - pious, benevolent (from Greek). A practical girl “with character” who does not miss her benefits. -104
  • Euphrosyne - (Euphrosyne) from Greek - “joy”, “fun”. A sociable and demanding girl, a little picky, but self-critical. -123

What does the letter E mean in a name?

  • peacefulness
  • impulsiveness
  • communication skills
  • intuition
  • friendliness
  • life experience
  • energy
  • desire for self-expression
  • the wealth of the inner world
  • tendency to play the role of mediator in conflict situations.

The meaning of names starting with E

People whose names (male and female) begin with E are distinguished by their sociability and friendliness, but they also tend to enter into themselves, reflect on destinies and imagine. They love to fantasize, so their inner world is rich and colorful. Evgenia and Elena are often frivolous and act first, and then think about the consequences, so you should not give in to their determination without checking all the options.
Impulsiveness is associated with the mystery of the name and is expressed with energy and demonstrativeness. People in whose names the letter E is the first accent are especially annoying and picky. Their internal contradictions and excessive sensitivity prevent them from finding the right solutions in difficult situations.
The meaning of a name with a first capital E is reflected in the desire for self-expression, but not everyone succeeds in this without irritating consequences for others. Talkativeness reveals inquisitiveness and sociability in people. People with E in their name love to travel, are ready to help and are peaceful. But their characteristic capriciousness and commercialism sometimes interfere with their lives. They do not know how to hide their feelings - their intentions are easily predicted in advance.
People with the letter E will be better able to realize themselves in creative professions, but in technical professions they will have to put in a lot of effort and work, since they have little natural perseverance. Their characteristic love of luxury and hoarding is expressed at work, but with friends and family they can be generous and sweet.