No worse than you circus people. A fairy tale about a dragon who wanted to be a clown Read short stories about the circus

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Now I often go to the circus. I made acquaintances and even friends there. And they let me in for free whenever I want. Because I myself have now become like a circus performer. Because of one boy. This all happened not so long ago. I was walking home from the store - we now live in a new apartment, not far from the circus, there is also a large store on the corner. And so I walk out of the store and carry a paper bag, and in it are one and a half kilos of tomatoes and three hundred grams of sour cream in a cardboard cup. And suddenly Aunt Dusya comes towards us, from the old house, kind, she gave Mishka and me a ticket to the club last year. I was very happy, and so was she. She says:
-Where are you from?
I speak:
- From the shop. I bought tomatoes! Hello, Aunt Dusya!
And she clasped her hands:
— Do you go to the store yourself? Already? How time flies!
Surprised. The man is nine years old, and she is surprised.
I said:
- Well, goodbye, Aunt Dusya.
And went. And she shouts after him:
- Stop! Where did you go? I’ll let you into the circus now for the afternoon performance. Want?
Still asking! Kind of weird. I speak:
- Of course I want! What a conversation there could be!..
And so she took me by the hand, and we walked up the wide steps, and Aunt Dusya came up to the controller and said:
- Here, Marya Nikolaevna, I brought you my little man, let him have a look. Nothing?
And she smiled and let me inside, and I went in, and Aunt Dusya and Marya Nikolaevna walked behind. And I walked in the semi-darkness, and again I really liked the circus smell - it was somehow special, and as soon as I smelled it, I immediately felt both creepy for some reason and cheerful for nothing. Somewhere music was playing, and I hurried there, following its sounds, and immediately remembered the girl on the ball, whom I had seen here so recently, the girl on the ball, with a silver cloak and long arms; she went far away, and I don’t know if I’ll ever see her, and my soul felt strange, I don’t know how to explain... And then we finally reached the side entrance, and they pushed me forward, and Marya Nikolaevna whispered:
- Sit down! There's a free place in the front row, sit down...
And I quickly sat down. Next to me sat a boy the same size as me, in the same school suit as me, with a snub nose and sparkling eyes. He looked at me rather angrily that I was late and now I was in the way and all that, but I didn’t pay any attention to him. I immediately fixed my eyes on the artist who was performing at that time. He stood in a huge turban in the middle of the arena, and in his hands he had a needle the size of half a meter. Instead of a thread, a narrow and long silk ribbon was threaded into it. And next to this artist there were two girls standing and not touching anyone, suddenly, for no apparent reason, he approached one of them and - time! - with his long needle he pierced her stomach right through, the needle jumped out of her back! I thought she was going to scream like she was stabbed to death, but no, she stands calmly and smiles. You just can’t believe your eyes. Here the artist went completely wild - chick! - and the second right through! And this one doesn’t yell either, but just blinks her eyes, so they both stand completely stitched, with threads between them, and smile to themselves as if nothing had happened. Well, my dears, that’s it!
I speak:
- Why aren’t they yelling? Are they really being tolerated?
And the boy sitting next to him answers:
- Why should they yell? They don't hurt!
I speak:
- You should! I can imagine how you would scream...
And he laughed, as if he were much older than me, then said:
- And at first I thought you were a circus person. Aunt Masha put you in jail... And it turns out you’re not from the circus... not ours.
I speak:
- It doesn’t matter what kind of me I am - circus or not. I'm a government official, understand? What is a circus? Isn’t it like that?
He said, smiling:
- No, circus ones are special...
I got angry:
- Do they have three legs, or what?
And he:
- Three is not three, but still they are more skillful than others - no matter what! - both stronger and more daring.
I got completely angry and said:
- Let's not wonder! It's no worse than you! Are you a circus guy?
And he lowered his eyes:
- No, I’m mommy’s...
And he smiled from the very corner of his mouth, slyly and slyly. But I didn’t understand this, now I understand that he was being cunning, and then I laughed loudly at him, and he looked at me with his quick eye:
- Look at the show!.. Rider!..
Indeed, the music began to play quickly and loudly, and a white horse, as thick and wide as an ottoman, jumped into the arena. And an aunty was standing on the horse, and she began to jump on this horse in different ways as it moved: sometimes on one leg, arms to the side, and sometimes with both legs, as if through a jump rope. I thought that jumping on such a wide horse was nonsense, just like jumping on a desk, and that I could do it too. This lady kept jumping, and some man in black kept cracking his whip to make the horse move a little more quickly, otherwise it would flutter like a sleepy fly. And he screamed at her and clicked all the time. But she just has zero attention. Some kind of melancholy... But the aunt finally jumped up and ran away behind the curtain, and the horse began to walk in a circle.
And then Pencil came out. The boy who was sitting next to me quickly glanced at me again, then looked away and said indifferently:
-Have you ever seen this number?
“No, for the first time,” I say.
He says:
- Then sit in my place. You'll see even better from here. Sit down. I've already seen it.
He laughed. I speak:
- What are you doing?
“So,” he says, “nothing.” The pencil is about to start doing weird things, it’s hilarious! Let's change seats.
Well, if he is so kind, then why? I moved. And he sat down in my place, but it was worse there, there was some kind of post in the way. And then Pencil began to act weird. He said to the guy with the whip:
- Alexander Borisovich! Can I ride this horse?
And that one:
- Please do me a favor!
And Pencil began to climb onto this horse. He tried this way and that, he kept raising his short leg on it, and kept slipping and falling - this horse was very fat. Then he said:
- Get me hooked on this horse.
And immediately the assistant came up and bent down, and Pencil stood on his back, and sat on the horse, and ended up backwards. He sat with his back to the horse's head and his face to the tail. Laughter, and that’s all, everyone just started rolling! And the guy with the whip says to him:
- Pencil! You are sitting incorrectly.
A Pencil:
- How is this wrong? How do you know which way I need to go?
Then the guy patted the horse on the head and said:
- But the head is here!
And Pencil took the horse’s tail and answered:
- And here’s the beard!
And then they fastened a rope to his belt, it was passed through some kind of wheel right under the circus dome, and the other end was picked up by a guy with a whip. He shouted:
- Maestro, gallop! Hello!
The orchestra struck and the horse galloped. And the Pencil on it shook like a chicken on a fence, and began to slide first in one direction, then in the other direction, and suddenly the horse began to ride out from under him, he screamed at the whole circus:
- Ay, fathers, the horse is running out!
And she probably got out from under him and stomped behind the curtain, and Pencil probably would have crashed to death, but the guy with the whip pulled the rope, and Pencil hung in the air. We were all choking with laughter, and I wanted to tell the boy that I was going to burst, but he wasn’t next to me. Gone somewhere. And at this time Pencil began to make movements with his hands, as if he were floating in the air, and then they lowered him, and he descended, but as soon as he touched the ground, he took off and took off again. It turned out like giant steps, and everyone laughed until they dropped and went crazy with laughter. And he flew and flew, and then his trousers almost fell off, and I already thought that I was going to choke with laughter, but at that time he landed again and suddenly looked at me and winked at me cheerfully. Yes! He winked at me, personally. And I took it and winked at him too. What's wrong with that? And then, quite unexpectedly, he winked at me again, rubbed his palms and suddenly ran with all his might right at me and grabbed me with both hands, and the guy with the whip immediately pulled the rope, and we flew up with the Pencil! Both! He grabbed my head under his arm and held it across my stomach, very tightly, because we were quite high. There were no people below, but solid white stripes and black stripes, as we were spinning quickly, and it was even a little ticklish in the mouth. And when we flew over the orchestra, I was afraid that I would hit the double bass, and I shouted:
- Mother!
And immediately some thunder reached me. Everyone was laughing. And Pencil immediately imitated me and also shouted with tears in his voice:
- Me-me!
There was a rumble and noise from below, and we flew so smoothly for a little while longer, and I was already getting used to it, but then suddenly my bag burst, and my tomatoes began to fly out of there, they flew out like grenades in different directions - one and a half kilos of tomatoes . And they probably hit people, because there was such a noise coming from below that it was impossible to describe. And all the time I thought that now all that was missing was for sour cream to fly out - three hundred grams. That’s when my mother’s blessing will come to me! And Pencil suddenly spun around like a top, and I along with him, and this is exactly what I shouldn’t have done, because I got scared again and began to kick and scratch, and Pencil quietly but sternly said, I heard:
- Only, what are you doing?
And I shouted:
- I'm not Tolka! I am Denis! Let me go!
And I began to struggle, but he squeezed me even tighter, almost strangled me, and we began to swim very slowly, and I already saw the whole circus, and a guy with a whip, he looked at us and smiled. And at that moment the sour cream still flew out. That's what I knew. She fell right on the bald head of the guy with the whip. He shouted something, and we immediately went to land...
As soon as we got down and Pencil released me, I, I don’t know why, ran as fast as I could. But not there; I didn’t know where, and I was rushing about because my head was a little dizzy, and finally I saw Aunt Dusya and Marya Nikolaevna in the side passage. They had white faces, and I ran towards them, and everyone around me was clapping like crazy.
Aunt Dusya said:
- Thank God, I’m safe. Let's go home!
I said:
- What about tomatoes?
Aunt Dusya said:
- I will buy. Let's go.
And she took my hand, and all three of us went out into the darkened corridor. And then we saw that a boy was standing near the wall lantern. It was the same boy who was sitting next to me. Marya Nikolaevna said:
- Only, where have you been?
The boy didn't answer.
I said:
-Where did you go? I moved into your place, what happened!.. The pencil dragged me under the sky.
Marya Nikolaevna said:
- Why did you sit in his place?
“Yes, he suggested it to me,” I said. “He said it would be better to see, so I sat down.” And he went somewhere!..
“Everything is clear,” said Marya Nikolaevna. - I will report to the directorate. You, Tolya, will be removed from your role.
The boy said:
- No need, Aunt Masha.
But she screamed in a whisper:
- Aren `t you ashamed! You are a circus boy, you were rehearsing, and you dared to put a stranger in your place?! What if he crashed? After all, he is unprepared!
I said:
- Nothing. I am prepared... No worse than you circus people! Was I a bad flyer?
The boy said:
- Great! And he came up with a good idea with tomatoes, how could I not have guessed it. But it's very funny.
“And this artist of yours,” said Aunt Dusya, “is also good!” He grabs anyone!
“Mikhail Nikolaevich,” Aunt Masha intervened, “was already heated, he was already spinning in the air, he was not made of iron either, and he knew for sure that in this place, as always, a special boy, a circus boy, was supposed to sit. This is the law. But this guy and that one - they are the same, and the suits are the same, he didn’t notice...
- We must look! - said Aunt Dusya. - He dragged the boy away like a hawk drags away a mouse.
I said:
- Well, let's go?
And Tolka said:
- Listen, come that Sunday at two o’clock. Come visit. I'll wait for you near the control.
“Okay,” I said, “okay... What’s up!.. I’ll come.”

Competition "New Old Tale"

E that happened several years ago. In one small town there lived a rich, successful businessman. He traveled to different countries and was engaged in trade. His first wife died, and he married a second time, and to such a grumpy and arrogant woman as the world had never seen. She had two daughters, very similar to their mother in face, mind, and character.

And he had a kind and very friendly daughter. Her name was Anastasia. The stepmother did not like the girl. She did all the dirty and hard work in the house.

And then one day a circus came to town. A competition was announced for the role of the circus princess. All young girls had to take part in it. Anastasia also wanted to go to the circus, but she didn’t even have time to sew an outfit for herself: she had so much work to do. And so, late in the evening, when everyone went to the competition, her fairy godmother came to Nastya. She asked why the girl was cleaning while everyone was having fun at the circus. Nastenka began to cry and told the fairy that she didn’t even have anything to wear. The fairy was kind. She used her credit card. Together with the girl, they quickly rushed to the “boutique” and dressed Nastya up so coolly that even a real princess would envy her. Then the fairy put the girl in the limousine, but warned that at exactly midnight the car should be in the garage. Nastya thanked her godmother and went to the circus.

How beautiful it was there! The circus director was very excited when he saw the girl. She was very pretty. Not even a few seconds passed before they began to spin in a wonderful dance. Time flew by. Nastya was forced to run away, losing her shoe in the process.

The next morning, the whole circus knew that the beautiful stranger had disappeared in an unknown direction. The circus director announced on television and radio that the one whose shoe fits will become a princess. And the shoe was surprisingly small. Many girls tried on the shoe, but it didn’t fit anyone. The young man was already completely desperate and had no hope of finding the girl. And one day, passing by Anastasia’s house, he saw a girl watering flowers in the garden. She was very similar to that beautiful stranger. The young man asked her to try on a shoe that he always carried with him. And imagine his surprise when the girl took out the second one. How happy he was! And that same evening he proclaimed her “the princess of the circus.”

Then they got married and lived happily ever after.

Katya Glazneva, 3 "a" grade,
School No. 4, Kingisepp
Leningrad region,
children's library

In the upcoming issues, read “New Old Tales” by wonderful young storytellers from St. Petersburg (the sector of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren of the service department of the Central Children's Children's Hospital named after A.S. Pushkin), funny fairy tales from readers of the children's library named after A.P. Gaidar. Yekaterinburg (the guys sent us 23 fairy tales to "Koster" - modern, witty and very interesting) and wonderful fairy tales from students of the Department of General Aesthetic Education of the Children's Music School in Svetogorsk, Vyborg District, Leningrad Region. Look forward to meeting a fairy tale on the pages of our magazine!

Rice. A. Dzhigirey

First time in the arena

For Moscow schoolchildren

Scientists seals,

Dancing lions.

Bear jugglers,

Dog acrobats,

Elephant tightrope walker,

World champion.

The only ones in the world

Strongman athletes

Throwing weights

Like children's balls.



The wrestler's exit

Ivan Ogurets.

Funny scenes

Cheap prices.

Full fees.

Great success.

The chair costs fifty dollars.

Exit back

For free

For all!

The program begins!

Tame hippopotamus,

Sharing the first prize

They perform a waltz-caprice.

Four hands monkey

Plays the piano.

To the whistling and cracking of whips

On a horse in a circle

Tailed little jockey

Running around in fright.

Lady on the Wire

It goes like a telegram.

Hares, sables and squirrels

They beat the timpani and cymbals.

Penguin waves his wand

Citizen of the polar ice floes.

The penguin is dressed in a black tailcoat,

In a white tie and vest.

There are raccoons on both sides of him

They turn over the notes.

A gymnast hangs from his teeth,

How toothy he is!

Such a gymnast would

Sell ​​toothpaste!

Mamzelle Fricassee

On one wheel.

The people in the circus managed to get away with it

Train a bear to do laundry.

And a sea turtle

Iron a washed shirt.

Here is the elephant, the Indian guest performer,

Rope walker and juggler!

Throws up immediately

And he catches it jokingly

porcelain vase,

A bottle and a child.

White jester and red jester

The conversation goes like this:

Where did you buy it, sir?

That red tomato?

This is an impolite question!

This is my own nose.

Negro Mary Gray

Animal trainer.

The cage doors opened.

The animals enter one after another.

Mary cracks her whip.

The lion beats his tail angrily.

Mary asks the lion:

What is two and two?

The lion carries four weights.

So, two and two are four!

Fairy tales for children:

  1. BEAR, HYENA AND GOAT Look at the brown bear cub in Durov's circus. He is clubfooted and baggy, but an excellent acrobat. Who […]...
  2. A boy and a girl were walking down the street. And ahead of them was an old woman. It was very slippery. The old lady slipped and fell. – Hold […]...
  3. In the forest, in a small, rickety house, there lived an old woman. In order to somehow feed herself, she collected brushwood and sold it in the village. Old lady […]...
  4. In the forest, in a small house, there lived an old woman. In order to somehow feed herself, she collected brushwood in the forest and sold it […]...
  5. Once upon a time there lived a poor old woman. She was walking along the road one day and found a bean. She came home and planted that bean at [...]
  6. One day an old lady was sweeping her room and found a slightly bent sixpence. - What could I buy with it? […]...
  7. Let's come up with numbers?! - Let's! C'mon, I'm first! Almost-one, almost-two, almost-three, almost-four, almost-five, almost-six... - These are too small numbers. Listen […]...
  8. The padishah and the vizier decided to see how the people lived. They dressed in the clothes of dervishes, went into one village and stopped in […]...
  9. Without a fairy tale, a fairy tale is like a skid without runners. A fairy tale begins, a fable begins - a good fairy tale, a long story, not from Sivka, [...]
  10. Once upon a time there lived an old woman. She had three ducks, and she went to look for the shepherd. I walked and walked and met a wolf. The wolf asks: “Where are you going, [...]
  11. Let fierce predators howl in the thicket - You are not afraid of any enemies. - Don't be afraid, we are close! – they will calm you down [...]
  12. This tale is about a scarecrow. One spring, when the first leaves appeared on the trees, someone placed a scarecrow in the garden. It waved its arms, [...]
  13. A grandmother, mother and granddaughters lived in the same village. One day, after a hard day in the field, her mother returned home. I put it on the table [...]
  14. A fisherman and a hunter met and started talking. “Once,” says the fisherman, “a pike bit me.” I drag her, and [...]
  15. An old one-year-old man came out, waved his sleeve, and twelve birds flew, each bird had four wings, each wing had seven feathers, [...]
  16. This is my first time in class. Now I'm a student. The teacher entered the class, - Should I get up or sit down? How to open a desk, [...]
  17. There lived a janitor. He had a wife who loved fairy tales with a passion, and she forbade him to let her into [...]
  18. Here are three old women sitting and reading mani, completely lost in prayer. Suddenly a goat appeared in the window. He stood on the back [...]
  19. And now you will hear a fairy tale that someone’s great-great-great-grandmother told her little granddaughter many, many years ago... Once upon a time there lived a little old man and a little […]...
  20. The frost today is severe and the wind is icy. For some reason the teenagers are dressed like spring. A boy is running in a body shirt and a light jacket, bent over, [...]
  21. Fairy tale one One day a little frog sat by the river and watched the yellow sun swim in the blue water. And then the wind came […]...

In one distant and small village lived a boy Fedya. He was a born circus performer and could be anyone in the circus. At least he was a juggler, because he juggled well and did it at every opportunity. Even when I went to the store for apples or tangerines on the way back, I did not miss such a good opportunity to juggle and at the same time hone my skills. Or he could become an acrobat, because he had well-developed physical strength: he could walk on his hands for several minutes, and besides, he had good stretching. He did the splits and knew how to perform various kinds of somersaults. Fedya could also become a clown, since he could make anyone laugh, for example, one of his friends if they were sad, and a couple of minutes after Fyodor began the “laughter therapy session,” everyone immediately became happy. And he could do all this at the age of eleven.

And then one day his finest hour came, because a regional group of circus performers came to their regional center and recruited more people for the team.

However, Fedya did not have all the time to go to the casting, since he lived far from the regional center, and when the opportunity came to get there, everyone had already been recruited, and the circus performers left. The boy was very upset, but did not give up circus training.

And one day a misfortune happened in his family: his sister got sick, and he still had to quit training because he had to help his parents at work so that they would have a higher salary and be able to buy medicine.

Fedya did not forget the circus, he constantly thought about it before going to bed, and he dreamed of how he performed in the circus arena.

And then one day a good fairy came to him in a dream and said: “If you pass my three tests, I will fulfill your three wishes. And you will understand that I am not a figment of your imagination by the fact that tomorrow morning you will have a note in your mailbox with your first test.”

And the next morning, as the fairy said, there was a note in the box with a written test: “You must help three people you don’t know in a difficult situation.” Fedya was puzzled. And somehow, as usual, he went to help his parents at work. Then he saw one little boy drowning in the river. And Fedya, despite the fact that he was strong, did not know how to swim. But, forgetting about the test and the fact that he couldn’t swim, Fedya still jumped into the water and helped the drowning boy. And when I got out of the water, I realized that I had killed several birds with one stone: I helped a man, learned to swim, and completed a third of the fairy’s test. And the boy he saved thanked him and told him that he had no friends and no one played with him.

The next morning, Fedya had a note in his drawer that said: “You helped not only the boy, but also dad and mom, who could have lost their son, so we’ll assume that you passed the first test. Well done! Test No. 2: for the whole day you must not utter a single word, no matter what happens to you.” And Fedya was silent all day, and his parents were afraid that he was sick, and then they thought that he was worried about his sister, and did not pester him with questions. But the main difficulty of the test was that he could not talk to his sister. When she asked something, he was silent as a fish. Fedya felt pain in her heart for her sister, because she was offended, thinking that her illness was preventing her brother from training.

The next morning, Fedya again received a note with a new test, which was the most difficult: Fedya had to tell his sister that he did not love her and did not want to help her overcome the disease. Here Fedya decided to refuse to complete the task. He also talked to his sister and said how much he loved her. But in the evening he was upset and had already said goodbye to his dream. In this mood he went to bed. And in the morning he was woken up by his sister, who had miraculously recovered. She was happy and said: “Look, nothing hurts me anymore, and I can even dance!” And a few seconds later that same good fairy appeared in the room and said: “This test was to test your love for your sister, and you passed it.” With these words, she submitted a ticket to the first round of the competition for young circus performers and spoke again; “I knew about two of your wishes and fulfilled them, tell me about your third wish and I will fulfill it.” Fedya thought for a while and replied, “I want the boy I saved to have friends and for my sister to become friends with him too.” The fairy said “I do” and disappeared.

Fedya won a competition for young circus performers, and the team from his region took the boy with them to performances. During his first performance, he saw his sister and the boy he saved in the audience. Fyodor was incredibly happy because he was performing in the circus and giving people joy, because his sister was alive and well, and the boy he saved had real friends, among whom was his little sister. All's well that ends well.