Mini fairy tale about geometric shapes. Fun geometry for preschoolers

"The Story of the Square and the Circle"

Once upon a time there was a square. In his country everything was square: houses, flower beds, clocks. Even the pancakes his mother baked were square.

All friends and neighbors were the same. One day Kvadrat asked his mother: “Why don’t we ever go to the neighboring town?”

- “Other figures live there, they are not like us!” - Mom answered.

Square became very curious. Are there really other figures? He decided to go on a trip. And so, Kvadrat entered the neighboring city. And suddenly, he saw something incomprehensible rushing straight towards him. Square closed his eyes.

- "Hello, who are you?" - he suddenly heard. He opened his eyes and saw a boy who had no angles at all.

- “I’m a square. I’m from a neighboring city. Who are you?”

- “And I am the Circle.”

- "How can you move so fast?"

- “This is me on a bicycle. The car goes even faster!”

- “And we have neither cars nor bicycles.”

- “Of course, because square wheels cannot spin.”

Krug took his new friend to see the city. Everything was round: windows, doors, tables.

The boys became friends and began visiting each other. The residents of the square country really liked the bicycle.

One day the guys thought, what if there were other figures. They asked their mothers for time off and went on a trip. There they became acquainted with ovals, rhombuses, rectangles and other geometric shapes. And then, all the cities of different figures began to be friends.

Igonina Tatyana

"A Mathematical Tale"

In two-dimensional space there lived a Circle. She was so round and white. One day the Circle decided to take a walk and met the Circle.

- “Hello, my name is Krug, what’s yours?”

- "My name is Circle. Let's be friends."

All day long they walked along straight, curved and closed lines. And when evening came they did not want to go home.

A week later, early in the morning, the District was awakened by a call. It was Krug calling.

“Hello, this is Krug. Listen, I have an amazing house on Triangular Lane. It has three bathrooms, two kitchens and five bedrooms. Come live with me,” Krug suggested, worriedly.

“I agree,” she said joyfully.

A year later they had two charming circles, and two snooty plump circles!

Ganzha Tatyana


Once upon a time there was a boy, Petya. He went to school in the 5th grade. One day during a math lesson, the teacher asked Petya:

- “Petya, what is a beam?”

But he could not answer, and received a bad mark. Petya is upset and goes home with his head down. And a ray of sunshine saw it all. And I decided to help Petya. A ray turned to the sun:

- “Allow me to descend to Earth and help Petya.”

The sun released its ray. The ray touched Petya's shoulder. Petya was very surprised, because there was no one nearby. Petya looked around and saw a ray of sunshine. Luchik says:

- “Come on Petya, I’ll help you, let’s go home and I’ll tell you what a beam is.”

Petya came home, sat down at the table, took a notebook and prepared to listen. Luchik says:

- “I am a ray of sunshine, I originate from the sun. Now I will turn into an ordinary ray in your notebook. The sun is a point on your sheet. This point is the beginning of me. This means the ray has a beginning. I can move in a straight line indefinitely, I have no end."

And the little ray depicted itself in Petya’s notebook. Petya looked at this drawing and understood what a ray was. And the ray of sunshine smiled at Petya and went on to travel in space. At the next lesson Petya gave an excellent answer.

Tyrykina Lena

Once upon a time there was a segment, and its name was AB. One day, a group of people were going into the forest to hunt. He walked and walked, didn’t kill anyone, and decided to go home. And then suddenly a faithful wolf came to his aid.

- “Why are you hunting in my forest?”

Section AB got so scared, it ran, stumbled, and broke into several sections. We assembled it, glued it together and the segment AB turned into a broken line ACDEV.

Tikhomirova Nastya

Mathematical tales about geometric figures help educators and primary school teachers develop children's cognitive interest in the “queen of sciences.” Mastering complex terms of exact science presupposes certain knowledge of a figurative, abstract nature. Such a didactic technique as about geometric figures makes it possible to combine the specifics of numbers and laws.

The essence of the concept

Children learn the language of numbers in the form of images much faster. Mathematical tales about geometric shapes are fairy tales that introduce children to the world of mathematical concepts. Unusual journeys of numbers contribute to the development of logical thinking in preschoolers. Children, involved in an unusual task, acquire certain skills:

  • establishing cause-and-effect relationships;
  • acquisition of logical thinking skills;
  • argumentation of one's own position.

The heroes of the stories can be geometric figures, numbers, fairy-tale characters engaged in mathematical calculations.

Mathematical tales about geometric figures are a way to activate mental operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison. All these methods are actively used in kindergartens and primary schools.

Goals and objectives of the method

The “Mathematical Tales” project involves the use of digital and geometric stories aimed at developing children’s initial understanding of geometry. For example, you can tell children a story about three brothers: Circle, Square, Triangle.

In the middle group of kindergarten, we are supposed to work with certain fairy-tale characters who are based on mathematical terms and quantities. For example, the project “Mathematical Tales” can be created on the basis of standard measures, including the little men: Meter and Centimeter.

For children in the senior group of a preschool institution, you can prepare a fairy-tale performance in which the main characters will have to perform basic actions: subtraction, addition. The kids will be happy to do this activity. Geometric figures, brought to life in the skillful hands of a teacher, will become real friends for preschoolers and will help children master complex science.


When selecting fairy tales, the teacher must take into account the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers.

For example, there are significant differences in fairy tale mathematical stories offered to preschoolers and schoolchildren. The differences lie in the character's function. If Baba Yaga or Kolobok are engaged in studying the basics of geometry with children, then in history for schoolchildren they perform only an auxiliary function.

Different types of geometric figures are a plot for a puppet show, and children can “voice” fairy-tale characters.

Fairy tales can be short-term, helping to practice specific computational actions.

"Swan geese"

Once upon a time the grandfather and the woman lived and lived. They had a son and daughter. One day they went to work, and their daughters were told to keep an eye on their brother. As soon as her parents left her father's house, the girl forgot about the order, sat her brother in the sun, and ran off to play with her friends. When she returned, she did not find her brother; he was carried away by geese and swans. Alena cried, and then ran to look for the baby. On the way, she met a stove that promised to show the way in response to a correctly solved problem about pies.

Alenka ran along the path and met an apple tree on her way.

In order for her to show her the way to the geese-swans, the girl had to find circles among the figures (the guys help her make the right choice).

The apple tree said that brother Ivanushka lives in Baba Yaga's hut. A girl entered the hut and said: “Hello, Grandma Yaga. Please give me my little brother."

Yaga asked to restore order in the hut, arranging things according to the following criteria:

  • by name: cups, plates, balls, mugs;
  • to size;
  • by color;
  • according to form.

Alena, with the help of schoolchildren, quickly solves Yagi's problem and returns home with her brother.

Tale about a circle

An interesting science is mathematics. Geometric shapes can be “revitalized” by making them the main characters of an amazing plot. Once upon a time the Straight and the Segment lived and lived. I somehow wanted to cut a circle. He says to Straight: “Honey, bake me a circle!” She replies: “Well, how can I bake it for you if I don’t have flour.”

“You have so many points that you can scrape together enough to fill a circle,” answered the Cutoff and went to bed.

The straight line grieved and grieved, and scraped points onto the circle, baked it, and went to rest. The circle jumped from the window and ran deep into Geometry. She rolled, and on the way she met a Trapezoid. She says: “Circle, I’ll eat you now!”

“Don’t eat me, Trapezium, because I will be useful to you: if the sums of your two opposite sides are the same, I can fit into you.”

The trapezoid checked its sides, but they did not fit such a property, so it did not “eat” the Circle. She rolled further and saw a Rectangle on the road. He says: “Circle, I’ll eat you now!” The Circle answers him: “Listen to my song, don’t rush. I left the Straight Line, I ran away from the Trapezoid, and I’ll run away from you, Rectangle.”

The last one on the way was Triangle. While the Circle was about to sing a song to him, he swallowed it. So it became a circle inscribed in a triangle.

Detective story about a bisector

Angle was walking along the road, and Bisector ran past him, who divided him in half and ran away. The divided Angle became upset and contacted the police. Police Chief Square and Sergeant Diamond listened to Citizen Angle, after which they declared Bisector a particularly dangerous criminal. By evening, the city learned about the search for the Bisector, but no one could identify it among the many other rays living in Geometry.

Height also lived in this city and, due to her height, could see all the inhabitants of Geometry. She was able to describe the signs of the criminal to the police. The verbal portrait of the Bisector looked like this: “The little rat that jumps along the Corners divides them exactly in half.” Thanks to the vigilance of the Heights, the criminal was quickly discovered, but they decided to pardon her.

Mathematical tales help teachers in their work and stimulate children’s activities.

ALYONA Boltenko
A fairy tale about geometric shapes.

Collaboration with Sonya Voronova for 5 years

MBOUDOD teacher "DSHI No. 1" Kamensk-Uralsky

Boltenko Alena Anatolyevna

Description of material: I present to your attention a fairy tale about geometric shapes.

Purpose: the material is intended for preschool children for kindergarten teachers and parents.

Target: to arouse interest in mathematics.

Tasks: To develop children's interest in mathematics in preschool age.

Develop a positive attitude and desire to study at school.

A fairy tale about geometric shapes.

Once upon a time there was a boy, Petya, who loved to draw. figures. In his notebook he drew an unusual city from geometric shapes. The houses were made of ovals, the shops were made of triangles, the entertainment centers were made of circles.

One day the square was walking around the city and came across a narrow bridge on its way. In the middle of the bridge, the square met Rhombus. The square asked to give way to him. The rhombus did not agree and the square did not intend to give in.

A fight broke out and the square almost fell into the river. Krug approached them and suggested not to fight and to widen the bridge, because there was a lot of building material in the city. Everyone was happy and got to work.

Now there was a large bridge in the city, on which no one was crowded!

Publications on the topic:

With the help of this game we consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, name and show their elements (vertices, sides, angles, classify.

Abstract of GCD “Geometric Figures” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 191" CONSPEC NOD "Geometric.

Lesson summary "Geometric shapes" Lesson summary in the 2nd junior group Topic: “Geometric figures” Purpose: Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children.

Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Geometric Figures” Objectives: educational: to consolidate the ability to identify a common feature.

Glue previously prepared empty match boxes together using glue, 5 pieces each. If you plan to fill pencil cases.

ECD “Geometric Shapes” for children 6–7 years old Topic: Geometric shapes Purpose: to consolidate and activate children’s knowledge about geometric shapes. Objectives: Educational: - consolidate.

GCD in the middle group “Geometric Figures” Integration of educational areas: “Cognition” (formation of elementary mathematical concepts, “Socialization”, “Communication”,.

GCD in the middle group “Funny geometric shapes” Objectives: Develop visual perception of the shape of planar figures; develop the ability to distinguish and correctly name geometric shapes;

Story one.

Useful rectangle

Rectangle was jealous of Square all the time.
“I’m so clumsy,” he complained. – If I rise to my full height, I will become long and narrow. And if I lie on my side, I will be short and fat.
“And you always remain the same,” he continued, turning to Square. - And standing, and sitting, and lying down!
“Yes, indeed,” the important Square said proudly. - All sides are equal for me. It’s not like some people: sometimes it’s big and bad, and sometimes it’s like crazy.
And the Square turned over from side to side, but its height and width did not change from this.
And one day this happened. One Man got lost in the forest. He walked at random through the thicket and met Square and Rectangle. Since Square looked very important, the Man turned to him for help.
- Can I climb on top of you and see where my home is? – he asked Kvadrat.
The man first climbed to one side of the Square. But he didn’t see anything, because the tops of the trees were in the way.
Then the Man asked Square to turn over and climbed onto the other side. But, as you know, all sides of a Square are the same. Therefore, this time the Man did not see anything from behind the trees.
– Citizen Square! - the Man begged. - Help me at least get across the river!
The square approached the river and tried to reach the other bank. But... plop! Flopped into the water.
- Maybe I can help you? – the modest Rectangle offered to the Man.
He stood up to his full height. The man climbed onto it and found himself higher than the trees.
In the distance he saw his house and finally understood where he needed to go. Then the Rectangle lay on its side and became a bridge.
The man crossed the Rectangle across the river, helped him up and, thanking him warmly, went home.
And Square, who was drying on the shore after a forced swim, said to Rectangle:
– It turns out that you are a useful figure!
- Well, what are you talking about! – Rectangle smiled modestly. “It’s just that my sides are different lengths: two are long, and two are short.” Sometimes this can be very convenient.

The second story.

Triangle and Square

Once upon a time there was a Triangle. Although, to tell the truth, he didn’t live so much as he was bored. Like this...
Kvadrat also missed having him in the neighborhood. After he failed to help the Man get out of the forest, he came to believe that he was completely useless. Now Kvadrat was lying in some ravine and felt useless and terribly lonely. Like this...
He was bored, bored and decided to send a letter to Triangle. “Dear Triangle! Alone, we are good for nothing,” he wrote. – And together we already make sense. What do you think of it?"
Triangle answered him like this: “Dear Square! Out of boredom I forgot how to think. That's why I think almost nothing. But it seems to me that we need to live with meaning.”
And they began to live with meaning, that is, together. And what happened?

Squirrel and geometric shapes

Winter came. The squirrel found an empty hollow and decided to live in it with the squirrels. But they were cold in the hollow because it was always open. In the same forest lived two masters, the figures Circle and Triangle. Triangle was angry and thought of himself that he was the most important master in the forest, and Circle was kind and cheerful. The squirrel went to the figures and asked them to make doors for the hollow. Triangle made the door triangular because he believed that the best doors are triangular, and no one needs all the others at all. The squirrel installed a triangular door. But it did not cover the hollow well, since it was round. The wind blew through the cracks, and the squirrels were cold. Then the squirrel again went to the figures and asked to make another door. Triangle frowned and was offended. And Krug made a round door that went to the hollow, and everyone was warm. Since then, the Triangle has realized that all figures are important.

Kostina Tanya, 6 years old.

One day, Square and Rectangle went for a walk and ended up in the same yard. A boy sat there and was sad. “Why are you sad?” - Rectangle asked him. “There’s just no place to play in our yard,” the boy answered.
And then Square and Rectangle built a slide.
The boy was happy and began to ride.
"I understand! - said Rectangle. “It doesn’t matter what you look like, the main thing is to be useful to someone!”

Bogdan Mukvich, 6 years old.

In the land of Geometry

(Musical fairy tale)


  • Leading
  • Cube
  • Human
  • Parallelepiped
  • Pyramid
  • Ball

Leading. Once upon a time, not in the Far Far Away Kingdom, but in the land of Geometry, there lived two friends: the Cube and the Parallelepiped. They were friends, although they were very different both in appearance and in character. The cube walked all the time with a very important, pompous air and often showed off to the Parallelepiped.

Cube How beautiful and smart I am, all my edges are square, and my ribs are smooth, pink and identical. And you, Parallelepiped, look at yourself, how awkward you are.

Leading. The parallelepiped was very sad because he wanted to be like the Cube, but nothing worked out for him.
One day they went for a walk in the forest and met an alarmed Man there.

Human. I'm so glad I met you! I was walking through the forest and got lost, I just can’t find my way home. Maybe you can help me?

Cube(jumps forward and speaks boastfully). Of course, only I can help you. I am the smartest, the most beautiful! Look how square my edges are. Stand on me and you will definitely see your home!

Leading. And the sad Parallelepiped stood aside and was very upset that, as always, he was out of work. Meanwhile, the Man climbed onto the Cube, looked in all directions, but saw nothing but the tops of the trees. Then he turned to the Parallelepiped.

Human. Parallelepiped, maybe you can help me? Otherwise I don’t see anything.

Leading. The parallelepiped happily offered his help. The man climbed onto it and saw his house behind the forest, across the river.

Human. Thank you, my dears, now with your help I know which way to go. Goodbye!

Cube and Parallelepiped(in unison). Wait, Man, we’ll take you further, in case you need our help again.

Music is playing. In the background, as they walk, the presenter speaks.

Leading. They walked and walked, and suddenly a river appeared on their way. The river was not very wide, but deep, with a strong current.

Musical soundtrack of rushing water.
The man stopped indecisively.

Human. How can I get to the other side? There used to be a bridge here, but apparently it was swept away by the current.

Leading. The cube jumped forward!

Cube Look how even, smooth my ribs are, how strong I am! I will lie down between two shores, and you will walk along my edge to the other shore!

Leading. Without waiting for an answer, Cube tried to reach the other side and... plop! Fell into the water. Wet and unfortunate, they pulled him out of the water. Now he no longer looked so self-confident.

Parallelepiped(timidly). Man, let me try to help you.

Leading. It lay on two banks, and it turned out to be an excellent bridge. Man's joy knew no bounds.

Human. Thank you, my dears, you helped me a lot.

He said goodbye to his new friends and went home.

Leading. The cube was very thoughtful and sad.

Cube I guess I did everything wrong. Forgive me, Parallelepiped, I will never brag again. You are also very smart, beautiful, and most importantly, kind. Let's be real friends! And so that we can have fun, we’ll invite guests.

Leading. And they wrote a letter to the Pyramid and the Shar: “Dear Pyramid and the Shar! Come visit us, together we will have more fun, and we will live together!” The ball and the Pyramid did not take long to arrive and came to visit them.

The Ball and the Pyramid enter the stage to cheerful music.

Cube Let's all build a house together!

Parallelepiped. I will be the foundation!

Cube I will be the walls, because I have the very, very... Oh, forgive me, this is me out of old habit!

Pyramid. And I will be the roof!

Ball. And I will be the sun! I will shine brightly so that you all feel warm and comfortable.

Leading. Soon children settled in this house, it was light, cozy and so fun that they often sang such a cheerful song (sings a song familiar to all children participating and spectators).

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You can and should do math with your child in preschool age. Mathematics for kids is not just numbers and counting. This is also the basics of geometry.

Entertaining geometry for preschoolers will help in a fun way, through games, fairy tales and interesting tasks, to introduce the child to geometric figures and methods of measuring them, lay the foundation for spatial thinking and give ideas about design.

Geometric tales

Geometric tales, as a variation of the broader concept of “mathematical tales,” are interesting stories with a fairy-tale plot in which geometric figures act as characters or serve as scenery against which the story unfolds.

Geometric fairy tales for preschoolers are an important element in the system of activities that form mathematical literacy:

  • they teach the child to reason and justify his opinion;
  • help determine cause-and-effect relationships;
  • deepen understanding of geometric shapes;
  • develop skills in solving mathematical problems;
  • form logical thinking.

ADVICE FOR PARENTS: given that children have a predominance of visual-figurative thinking, when choosing or composing a geometric fairy tale, take care of visual material: these can be plot pictures based on the content of the story, figures cut out of cardboard, complex decorations that will turn the fairy tale into an entire theatrical production .

"Three Comrades"

Far, far away, in the country of Geometry in the magical Figured City, two friends lived in a square house with a triangular roof and round windows: the merry fellow Krug and the daredevil Triangle.

The circle was smooth and rosy, even and fine. He has no corner, no crookedness. Just know, he rolls along the path and sings funny songs. And the triangle - that guy is a little prickly. Of course, there are three whole angles in the figure, no joke. But he was not afraid of anything or anyone. Just a little bit - he puts his sharp corner forward and is ready to stand up for himself and protect his round friend from danger. So they lived, drank tea with round buns and went for walks in the triangular clearing in the forest.

And then one day they go for a walk. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a stranger runs out onto the path. The circle immediately stopped its song and rolled off behind the triangle. Not that he was scared, of course, but it would be more reliable this way. And the triangle bristled, put its hands on its sides, and asked the stranger a little menacingly:

Wait, good fellow, who are you?

“I am an acrobat Square,” answers the stranger. - Don't be scared of me and don't be angry. I am good-looking, kind and cheerful. All my sides are equal, all 4 corners are the same. I'm all neat and cute. I come from the Quadrangular city of our country Geometry. I have many friends there: Diamond, Trapezium, Rectangle, and the main one in our city is Mr. Parallelogram. But no matter where you look, everyone has 4 corners. So I decided to wander around the world, to see who is where and who lives how. Will you take me as your friend?

Then the circle rolled out from behind the triangle and joyfully exclaimed:

Why not take it, brother Kvadrat. Let's be friends together. Three's more fun!

And since then, the three of them often met in a triangular clearing: Circle the merry fellow, Triangle the daredevil and Square the acrobat. And different adventures happened to them, but that’s another story. In the meantime - THE END!

Fairy tale tasks:

  1. Answer the questions:
    • What country did your friends live in?
    • Which cities of the country Geometry are described in the fairy tale? Come up with suitable names for other cities in this country.
    • Name what character traits the Circle and the Triangle possessed.
    • Why did the Circle and Triangle become friends with the Square?
    • What are the names of Square's friends from the Quadrangle City?
    • What are the names of your friends? Why are you friends with them? What character traits of your friends do you value most?
  2. Make a beautiful house for your fairy-tale friends.

For kids 2–3 years old, prepare the figures for appliqué in advance. Older children can be asked to cut out the blocks for the house themselves.

  1. Draw a picture for the fairy tale.

Geometric physical education minute

When drawing up a plan for developmental activities with a preschooler, do not forget how important it is to periodically change the type of activity and be sure to include outdoor games and exercises in intellectual tasks.

Physical education solves important problems:

  • relieves tension and fatigue;
  • provides emotional release;
  • strengthens general motor skills;
  • develops coordination of motor and speech activity;
  • speeds up the thought process.

To make your warm-up useful, educational, and fun, choose your child’s favorite songs as the musical accompaniment, and a previously studied topic as the text.

"Ears on top of your head"

For the game, prepare two cardboard figures. For example, a square and a circle. Announce: “You must look at me carefully and listen to me carefully. If I speak and show the same figure, then you clap your hands. If I name one and show you another, you jump on the spot.”

After that, you turn on the music and start playing. At first it will be difficult for the child, so give him time to think, and until he decides which action will be correct, let him hold his hands on his belt and do light body swings (or shallow squats) in different directions to the music.

"Circles and circles"

A round dance game designed for a group of children. But at home you can walk in a circle and do
playful movements together with the baby.

Show me, my friend ( let's walk in a circle to the music)

Here is such a huge circle ( we stop, stand on tiptoes, reach up with our arms bent at the elbows (show a large circle)),

Show me, my friend ( let's walk in a circle to the music)

The smallest circle ( squat down and stretch out your hands in front of you with your index and thumb closed).

"Catch the Figure"

Place several chairs around the perimeter of the study room with the backs facing the center of the room. Attach large cards with different shapes to the back. Explain the task to your child.

While the music is playing, you dance in the center of the room, and the figures admire you, but as soon as the music stops, one of the figures will try to escape, and we must hold it. I will help you: keep an eye on the figures and tell you which one is trying to sneak away from us. And you must quickly run up and detain the fugitive.

If you attach several repeating shapes of different colors, you can complicate the task by adding a definition of the desired object using two properties.

You can agree that the baby not only dances freely to the music, but follows your verbal commands:

  • walks in circles with high knees;
  • crouches;
  • jumps;
  • spinning in place

Geometric games

Stock up on cards with geometric shapes of different colors in advance. Use them to reinforce your ability to recognize shapes using familiar games:

  • lotto;
  • domino;
  • “find the odd one out”;
  • "what changed";
  • "find a pair."

Use different object properties:

  • form;
  • color;
  • size.

For example, for the “Find the odd one out” exercise, you can offer your child the following drawing:

Look at it carefully. Ask your child a few questions:

  1. How many columns are there in the picture?
  2. How many lines are there in the picture?
  3. How many figures are there in each line?
  4. Tell me all the figures you see.
  5. How many (red | blue | green) figures are there in the picture?
  6. How many (circles | squares | triangles | polygons) are there in the picture?
  7. Cross out the extra figure on each line. Explain your choice.

Friends, use your pedagogical imagination, experiment and get real pleasure from working with your child, and then your efforts will certainly yield positive results.

May your parenting be happy! See you again!