How to give your man a lap dance. Private dance for your loved one

cc licensed flickr photo shared by Michail Bormin

Dance is not only the movement of the body, it is, first of all, the movement of the soul. You can say a lot with dance, convey your mood and state of mind. And dancing for a loved one is also very romantic and seductive. If you want to please your loved one with an unusual surprise that will surely be remembered for a long time, we recommend that you learn how to dance, which will be a wonderful addition and “highlight” of your romantic meetings.

Beautiful dance for your loved one

In order to learn how to dance such a dance, you do not need to urgently go to a choreographic school - you canstudy completely free right at home! To do this, you just need to watch the video lesson called “How to dance seductive dances.” The author of this video is the famous dancer and choreographer Keira Lachey. The version of the dance she proposed is designed for a wide range of performers - from beginners to professionals. Therefore, even if you do not have any choreographic training, you should not be upset, because you can learn to dance thanks to this video. It is very convenient that the training lesson allows you to study at home without outside help. This way, you can devote as much time to training as you want, without having to adjust to other people.

Seductive dancing video

The author of this video demonstrates a whole choreographic composition that will allow you to dance a wonderful dance for your partner. Of course, you should start training by mastering individual dance elements, and only then, when you learn to perform each individual movement well, they can be combined into a dance. At the same time, we advise you not to concentrate solely on dance technique; first of all, your dance should come from the heart in order to fully convey your feelings for your partner. Therefore, you should not be upset if you suddenly fail to do something perfectly; in this case, the sincerity of the execution will quite be able to compensate for minor technical shortcomings. We wish you pleasant viewing and successful learning!

Every man likes a woman's body, and when a woman's body performs some kind of dance moves, the man simply begins to melt like a piece of ice and idolizes his woman. It's no secret that every man simply dreams of his chosen one giving him a private erotic dance. Today, dear girls, we will give you some tips that will help you learn how to dance a private dance.

If you have read up to this paragraph, then you have probably decided to learn to dance and surprise your boyfriend. The first thing we need is to overcome ourselves, to throw out of our heads all the prejudices and constraints that may arise in your head. Even if you are not a slim model, even if your body is not perfect, forget about it and remember that your dance will be great. Secondly, don’t worry while dancing, even if something doesn’t work out for you or you do something wrong, there’s nothing to worry about. Any movement can be replaced with something else, and your chosen one is clearly not a professional dance judge.

If you have overcome all your fears, then move on to the next one. To the manner of behavior while dancing. Namely, now let's talk about your view. While dancing, try to look your chosen one in the eyes; the gaze should resemble the gaze of a cat, sometimes playful and cheerful, and sometimes daring. This is the look that will help you awaken passion in your boyfriend.

Behavior and so on are undoubtedly important in dance, but we should not forget about the external environment, namely the lighting. For dancing, not bright light, a night light or a sconce, is suitable. It’s quite good that your movements will also be visible on your shadow.

One of the most important things in a private dance is your clothing. Clothes should be light and fairly easy to remove. So that during the dance you do not suffer with fasteners, buttons and zippers, otherwise your dance will definitely not go according to plan, given the fact that there will still be some kind of excitement. For example, you can take a classic outfit that you have clearly seen in many films. For example, a jacket and a tie that barely hangs around your neck. The jacket can be replaced with a translucent white shirt or something similar. For footwear, you can use high-heeled shoes. From underwear, thongs combined with stockings. When a young man sees you, he will be extremely delighted even without dancing, but the outfit in this case is not yet the key point.

Remember, you shouldn’t immediately take off your clothes and expose yourself in front of a man. As a rule, a man likes mystery more than open nudity.

You can use a chair as equipment for dancing; you can perform a sufficient number of interesting movements on it, or you can simply sit your young man on a chair in the middle of the room and start dancing.

Everyone knows that there can be no dance without music. So for dancing, and especially for something like this, you need to choose a worthy composition. It’s better to choose a track that both you and your chosen one like, but remember that you must repeat the movements to the beat of the music, otherwise the dance may not turn out the way you wanted.

You shouldn’t get carried away with dancing for a long time; 3-7 minutes of dancing will be enough. And so the climax. For you, we have prepared several training videos that were once shown on TV. In our opinion, these lessons are worthy. Alisa Malkova will be your erotic dance teacher for the next 10 lessons.

Year after year, many girls and women ask themselves the question: what to give to their loved one?

Some people do not want to deviate from stereotypes, and without thinking twice they buy something they need in everyday life or for personal hygiene.

For example: a set of screwdrivers, cologne, razors and much more. But, if you want to give an unforgettable gift to your loved one, then we will help you in this choice - erotic dance as a gift for a man will be an excellent option!

The most original gift

What gift can you surprise a man with? It should be original, enchanting and, most importantly, sexy. The most suitable choice is erotic dance. To do this, you need to carry out some plan for its preparation.

First of all, you need to gain skills in the field of erotic dance.

  1. To do this, you can sign up for strip plastic lessons, where professional choreographers and directors will teach you the art of undressing sexually to music. But I warn you, such activities at this stage of life are not cheap! Therefore, there is an option to download online strip dance lessons or watch a number of videos on this topic.
  2. If you think your figure is not ideal, then you can visit strip aerobics. This is a great way to tighten your shape, as well as become more flexible and flexible.
  3. Of course, no one has canceled self-improvement. You will have to devote a little time to understanding the capabilities of your body and preparing a series of clear movements. But, under no circumstances prepare a clearly choreographed dance, because a sexual gift for a man should also include improvisation in order to give free rein to his feelings. You also need to spend some time in front of the mirror to hone your facial expressions.

If you decide to give a man an erotic dance, pay more attention to the beauty of your body, and not to the correct execution of the movements, because this is your beloved man, not a choreographer.


For your unforgettable surprise, your loved one needs to prepare a place where, in fact, everything will happen. The room must be in twilight and candles to create an intimate atmosphere. You can also use an aroma lamp, but first consult with experts in choosing the oils to use.

If you are embarrassed, due to lack of experience, to speak in front of an audience, try to brighten the place of your speech, but at the same time darken as much as possible the place where the hero of the occasion will be, so as not to see his face.
Some women say that in the first minutes of erotic dance for a man, they did not know where to put their hands, so you can use additional objects, such as a hat, scarf, chair, etc.


To make your gift more sexy, choose underwear that fits perfectly and accentuates your assets.

A more suitable color for this type of dance is red. Many scientists consider it the most stimulating.


For erotic dance, choose the music that touches your senses and awakens your passionate desire to dance.

Of course, it is better if it is a slow composition, preferably one with which you and your loved one have positive memories.

Charming look

The key to making your erotic dance a success for a man is your look. Don't look at the wallpaper or the ceiling. Look only into your partner's eyes, without looking away!

Finishing touch

To properly set up a man before your surprise, take a bath with rose petals and wine together. This will set him in the right direction.

Don’t be afraid to be sexy, because in front of you is your loved one who loves you. Be sure that your man will appreciate such an extravagant gift!

Dance- this is another flirting tool that will help a woman seduce a man showing off your sexuality. To look more sexy and seductive during dance try to periodically look a man in the eyes, but this should be natural and in no case should you constantly “stare” at him. When dancing, try to let him know that you are dancing with him and that he is not like everyone else.

For a man to guess that you like him, during slow dance You can hug his neck, but it should not look vulgar or overtly sexual. Also, when you dance a slow dance, you can turn your head to the side and get a little closer to him, so he will feel the captivating aroma of your perfume, which will help awaken desire and interest in you.

To seduce man in dance Your appearance is very important. The most important thing is that when touching you, he does not experience discomfort. Therefore, there should be no hairspray on your hair, cosmetics should be used very wisely, to a minimum, “Amazon war paint” is categorically not acceptable. You should also pay special attention to your wardrobe. The clothes you wear should be soft and pleasant to the touch. Touching plays a very important role in flirting, so when a man touches you, you should do everything so that he wants to repeat his touches.

If a man behaves passively, then you should tickle his feelings a little with the help of some sexy feminine tricks. For example, straighten your hair and casually run your hand over your knee. If, in addition to everything else, there is a romantic atmosphere around - pleasant music is playing and soft lighting is on, then your efforts will soon be rewarded and the man will succumb to your charms.

But don’t forget that you have to be alert and watch the guy’s reactions. By flirting with him while dancing, touching him, you get into his intimate space and this is how the man understands that you want something. It is important here that he understands correctly what you really want. The main thing for you is that he feels the warmth emanating from you and wants to reduce the distance between you and spend his time and energy on you. But if you put too much pressure on him with your charms, he may perceive your desire as a hint of a quick transition to lovemaking in bed, bypassing the bouquet and candy period of courtship. Therefore, if a man behaves actively, then tempt his touching should be kept to a minimum.

I would also like to note that it is welcome if in your evening wardrobe for dancing There will be all sorts of accessories. These could be elegant earrings, beautiful beads, a bracelet or replica Swiss watches. Such little things will give you additional charm and show your individuality.