How the state deceives the people with lotteries. A representative of Stoloto explained why winners do not come for big winnings. Why does someone win the lottery?

How to become a lottery winner, and what to do to avoid problems with big money? We reveal all the secrets!

Read now:

1. How to win the lottery?
2. How can a lottery winner protect his right to win?
3. Why is it better not to advertise your lottery winnings?
4. What should a lottery winner know about tax laws?
5. How can I withdraw my winnings?
6. Why shouldn’t you make drastic lifestyle changes after winning the lottery?
7. The lottery winner must not have any debts!
8. How to choose a financial consultant?
9. How to create an investment portfolio?
10. Why would a lottery winner live on a budget?
11. What measures need to be taken to protect money?
12. What is saving money through charity?

How to win the lottery?

First of all, of course, you are interested in the question: “How to become a lottery winner¹?” After all, as they say, “you shouldn’t share the skin of an unkilled bear.”

So, the answer to the question!

The new system of golden luck and correct bets “GOLDEN FORT” increases the chances of winning to 75%. Tested by personal experience! Special techniques, algorithms and strategies allow you to win from 15,000 to 50,000 per week or more. And win regularly! Follow the link and leave your request to

This unique gaming technology allows you to predict winning lottery numbers!

It has been verified that anyone can consistently guess 3 or 4 numbers out of 6! Winning the jackpot is also possible (although it can be a little more difficult) - it all depends on persistence and practice. And my student, using this system, won a jackpot of 13,600,000 Canadian dollars in the Canadian lottery!

This complete practical guide reveals all the secrets and subtleties on which winning the lottery depends. All that remains is to put them into practice!

Now imagine...

You are a lottery winner! You have millions in your hands, and you no longer need to think about how to make money! You will have enough money for the rest of your life, and you can afford everything you ever dreamed of...

  • What will you buy?
  • Where will you go?
  • Where will you live?

It’s nice to think about these questions... But!

You need to think about something else first! About your safety and how to get and save your money! So, let's go in order.

How can a lottery winner protect his right to win?

The lottery winner must initially follow some unspoken rules so that big money does not bring him big problems.

First of all, when you realize that it was your ticket that won the jackpot, you need to sign it on the back!

A lottery ticket, in case of winning, becomes a document according to which the reward will be paid. If the lucky ticket is accidentally or not accidentally lost, your signature will guarantee that no one else can get the winnings.

Why is it better not to advertise your lottery winnings?

Big money can cause envy, and criminals may find out about it. Before you tell anyone about your winnings, you should take care of your own safety and the safety of those closest to you.

Also, immediately after the news of your wealth, you may have a bunch of distant relatives and forgotten friends who will insist on your participation in their fate...

Therefore, if the lottery rules allow, it is better to remain anonymous.

What should a lottery winner know about tax laws?

Before accepting your winning ticket, the lottery winner must familiarize himself with the tax laws of the country in which the lottery is held and the country of which he is a national. It’s worth finding out about tax payments in advance so you don’t have any problems later.

It is also important to find out within what time frame you need to claim your winnings.

Each country has its own rules and laws regarding lotteries. Typically, winnings can be claimed within six months from the date of the draw, but in some countries the right to the prize remains with the lottery winner for 12 months.

How can I withdraw my winnings?

In some countries, there are two options - receive your winnings immediately or withdraw them in parts over a long period of time. Both options have their pros and cons.

One-time winnings!

To withdraw your winnings immediately, you will need to pay all taxes to the state, and this is usually at least 30% of the winnings. In addition, having a lot of money on hand is a huge temptation, a test of endurance. If a lottery winner knows that he will not be able to control himself and manage his money wisely, then it is better for him to take his winnings in parts or invest his free funds in profitable projects as quickly as possible.

Payment in installments!

This also has its drawbacks. For example, in America the jackpot can be paid monthly for 29 years. That is, the winner will not have enough funds on hand for any serious acquisitions, for example, the purchase of real estate.

Also, the total payout over 29 years will be less than a lump sum payment because taxes will be charged for maintaining and maintaining the remaining amount. Besides, 29 years is a decent amount of time during which anything can happen.

You need to weigh the pros and cons and consult with lawyers before presenting a lottery ticket.

Why shouldn't you make drastic lifestyle changes after winning the lottery?

Psychologists do not recommend quitting your job or changing your lifestyle in the first six months after winning the lottery. A person needs to get used to his new status and his new opportunities. Many people make the mistake of immediately starting to buy real estate or acquire a car collection.

Of course, you need to celebrate your victory and treat yourself to something, but it is better to allocate a fixed amount for this. Don't go to extremes. Money does not like to be neglected and tends to run out if you do not manage it wisely.

It is worth considering all investment possibilities; by the way, a separate section of the system is also devoted to this point.

The lottery winner must be debt-free!

Experts advise paying off all loans and paying off debts at the first opportunity. Without this, it is difficult to truly feel financial freedom. Debts and obligations drain energy from a person. The faster financial holes are closed, the better, otherwise monetary energy will flow away at great speed.

How to choose a financial consultant?

If a lottery winner is not well versed in legal and financial matters, he should seek professional advice. If possible, it is worth hiring a permanent accountant and lawyer who will be responsible for their work and their advice.

It is important to thoroughly research candidates, check their references and track record, so you can safely trust them with your money.

How to create an investment portfolio?

Not everyone knows, but money has its own laws, and one of them says: “Money must work.”

You can't just sit on a pile of money. Sooner or later they will either run out or become worthless. “Money to money” - and this statement is absolutely true. When money works, it brings in new money.

With the help of a financial consultant, it is worth developing an investment portfolio that will include several areas (optimally 6-8). This will make it easier to control financial flows and obtain optimal profits.

Why would a lottery winner live within a budget?

Even with a lot of money in hand, the lottery winner must plan his budget and not spend more than the allocated amount. Why? This habit will allow you to save your winnings and secure your future.

Many lottery winners, having received a big win, spent it within a few years and were left with nothing. Unexpected opportunities inspire you, you want to buy everything that was previously unavailable. I want to live the way really rich people live.

But that's the whole secret!

The rich know how to spend, and they will never spend more than the profit they receive from their investments. Moreover, part of the income should be regularly returned to work, so the wealth will increase and cover possible losses.

What measures need to be taken to protect money?

The lottery winner must be able to protect his money from attacks by people who want to solve their financial problems. These could be ex-spouses, offended relatives, or someone else who, for some reason, wants to sue for part of the winnings.

If the money is protected by state legal regulations, it will not be easy to get to it.

You can create a limited liability company or some kind of partnership, which will provide for control over capital by several persons.

What is saving money through charity?

For those who transfer funds to charitable organizations, many countries provide a tax reduction of up to 50% on total profits and 30% on other valuable assets. Therefore, charity is not only an opportunity to help others, but also a profitable investment of money won in the lottery.

The system of golden luck and correct bets will tell you how to become a lottery winner.

Alexander Kling

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ A lottery is an organized game of chance in which the distribution of gains and losses depends on the random drawing of a particular lottery ticket or number (lot, lot) (

At first glance, the lottery is a very exciting idea. You have a chance to become rich by paying a minimum of money for a ticket. But reality is often not as fabulous as it seems. Wealth comes with many risks, and it does not always bring happiness.

1. Money brings stress to relationships.

Financial issues between two people can become a real headache. Some inevitably make more money than others, or have more savings or inheritances, which creates an imbalance. And this can make someone with less money feel undervalued. Now imagine that one of two people won millions in the lottery. If they are not married, then the funds are usually divided in half. Sounds great, right? But in reality, this often destroys both marriages and lives.

2. Huge finances are difficult to manage

For a lottery winner, the need to have a budget and long-term financial goals becomes a pressing concern. Many “lucky” ones, by the way, quickly went bankrupt due to the lack of financial literacy and a reliable adviser. Without self-discipline, the likelihood of mismanagement and carelessness is very high.

3. Money breeds greed

Even if a lottery winner has never been greedy before, it is quite natural that after a big win his thinking changes. Almost 70% of winners “break down” within seven years, becoming incredibly greedy. The people you once loved turn into vampires, causing a lot of emotional pain to those around you.

4. Money is an incentive to do “bad things”

The more money you have, the higher the risk of getting into serious trouble. In 2002, American Michael Carroll won $15 million and spent it all on parties, cocaine, cars and prostitutes. He was later convicted of drug possession and went to prison. Huge temptations are not a joke, but an ordeal.

5. Money can be dangerous

People who are up to no good will stop at nothing to get what they want. Lottery winners must take extra care because news of big payouts travels quickly. The list of winners who were killed shortly after winning is endless. Are you ready to give up your usual life, hire bodyguards and stop sleeping peacefully at night?

6. It's not as much money as you think.

Yes, it's a tax issue, and another reason why it's critical for lottery winners to have top-notch financial advisors. Of course, it all depends on the nuances of taxation in your country, but you are unlikely to be able to avoid payments. Conclusion: the “lucky ones” need financial and advisory support to properly manage their wealth.

7. You can't trust anyone anymore.

The winners also have problems with this. When everyone wants something from you, you feel uneasy and you begin to suspect everyone around you, even those closest to you. It's like being a celebrity. “Are they really nice to me, or are they just trying to get something from me?”

8. Winning is a motivation not to work

Many winners quit their jobs, thinking that now they can afford a life of leisure. It can be interesting at first, until outright boredom sets in. There are no more work incentives, career goals, bonuses for good work, long-awaited vacations. There are no more colleagues with whom you can celebrate your own victories and achievements. No support. No motivation.

9. People start to treat you with envy and contempt.

In fact, the winners did nothing to earn this money, but were simply victims of a lucky chance. They often begin to feel embarrassed or guilty about their sudden wealth. According to some psychologists, the phenomenon of feeling uneasy and uncomfortable is called “sudden state syndrome.” Money may solve some material problems, but it will destroy emotional health and well-being.

10. Money can't buy happiness

Money can buy a lot of first-class things that will have a positive effect on your level of happiness for a while, but don’t even expect a permanent state of bliss. Lottery winners risk being more unhappy than they were before they won. First of all, this is a change in lifestyle - and not always for the better. People commit suicide, get divorced, die and go crazy. Money is a shock for which they are usually not prepared. What comes cheaply is easily lost.

At the end of last year, Voronezh pensioner Natalya Vlasova won half a billion rubles in the lottery. Congratulations to the lucky winner in the media became excellent advertising for the lottery company. For the New Year's draw alone, she collected over 2 billion rubles from the population. Komsomolskaya Pravda decided to find out whether it is possible to win the lottery. And is it worth buying tickets in the hope of luck? In short, there is no point.


The Stoloto company occupies more than 90% of the Russian lottery market. Monopolist. All the most famous draws go to the cash desk of this company. Her slogans are painfully simple: “They win with us” and “State lotteries.” But few people know that a private company operates under the state brand. According to the Kontur.Focus system, it is owned by entrepreneur Vahan Gevorkyan.

People trust the state. They think it won’t deceive, but a private company takes advantage of it, says video blogger Alexander Dvizhnov, whose video “Exposing Stoloto is a state-scale scam” has received 1.5 million views on YouTube.

There is no deception here. As the Ministry of Finance explained to KP, according to the Law “On Lotteries”, only state lotteries can be held in Russia. Stoloto is a distributor. And 5% of the proceeds of all lotteries it conducts actually goes to finance sports, that is, for state purposes. But this is only 5%. And for some reason these pennies do not go directly to the budget, but to private companies (more on this in the next part of our investigation).

The Ministry of Finance issues licenses for this type of activity. But control is weak. There are still establishments in Russia that pretend to be lottery clubs. There are monitors with screens hanging there, cherries and monkeys jumping on them. These are the same slot machines that were banned many years ago, says Pavel Sychev, a member of the council under the Chairman of the Federation Council for interaction with civil society institutions.

The Stoloto company did not respond to KP’s repeated requests.


The lottery business operates the same way all over the world. The company collects 100 rubles from the population. Of these, 50 rubles. goes to winnings, and the remaining 50 rubles. - to the organizer's box office. From this money, he covers current expenses (advertising, rent of offices and studios, employee salaries, taxes, etc.) and receives a net profit.

A lottery (like a financial pyramid, by the way) needs to give part of the profits to the participants. Otherwise they won't play. According to the official financial statements for 2016, TH Stoloto received revenue in the amount of 10 billion rubles, and net profit - 560 million rubles. But what share of the remaining more than 9 billion rubles. went to the maintenance of the structure itself - unknown.

At the same time, it is impossible to check how much money is given to the winners. There are a lot of scandals. A couple of years ago, a resident of the Trans-Baikal Territory, Evgeny Lapyrev, was denied payment of winnings of almost 6 million rubles. The company said this was a “technical error.” Lapyrev appealed to the Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but did not get the truth.

In Russia, in fact, only one company is engaged in lotteries. She can do anything. Business is opaque, says Igor Kolpakov, creator of the portal. - There should be more large companies in the lottery business. Then there will be competition. And there are fewer incentives to cheat.


Talk to any mathematician. Playing the lottery is a losing strategy. This is proven by the experience of avid players. Conditionally: you spent 100 thousand rubles on tickets, but won a total of no more than 50 thousand rubles. Large number theory is rarely wrong.

In fact, the real percentage is even lower. Not all operators honestly allow the agreed percentage of the collected money to be used for winnings. And without big winnings, it is impossible to recoup many years of “investment” in lottery tickets. The chance of winning the jackpot is one in a million.

I would advise you not to look for wild luck in lottery clubs. And spend the money on something useful, says Pavel Sychev.


A resident of Nizhny Novgorod, who won almost 270 million rubles, will wait until the last minute so as not to receive the money. This conclusion was reached by the organizers of a popular lottery in Russia, who still do not know the name of the lucky winner. Firstly, a person just needs to recover from the millions that have fallen, and secondly, he needs to think about where to put them. However, the reason for anonymity may be trivial - the person simply does not know that he was very lucky.

About how new millionaires are born every day - in the story REN TV.

The lottery timer on the screen is counting down the last moments: there is a solid jackpot at stake - 10 million rubles, in just over six minutes there will be one more millionaire in Russia. The game has begun. This is a unique lottery center, which has no analogues in the world; right from here you can follow the progress of all draws of state lotteries with multimillion-dollar winnings. The broadcast from the lottery center is duplicated on the Internet - absolutely everyone can get lucky.

Tatyana Ivanova has not missed a single draw in a year; she believes that fortune will smile on her, and that a lucky ticket with a winning combination of numbers will change her life forever.

“Grandma always played Russian lotto - it’s a tradition to buy a ticket every week,”- she says, noting that her maximum winnings were 1.5 thousand rubles.

A nice bonus, nothing more. But a resident of Nizhny Novgorod hit the jackpot. The lucky guy, whose name is not yet known, guessed six numbers out of forty-five and won almost 270 million rubles. Interestingly, in 2014, a resident of Nizhny also became the owner of a fortune of 200 million rubles. The super prize of 270 million is among the five largest winnings in the country and is waiting for its owner, who bought a ticket for just 100 rubles.

“According to the experience of lotteries, the winner comes to claim his winnings within one or two weeks. Some didn’t know, others got very excited,”- says the head of the Stoloto press service, Yulia Gavrishova.

The absolute “lottery record” belongs to Natalya Vlasova. A resident of Voronezh won 506 million rubles last year.

No miracle, just an accident. Experts say it is impossible to calculate the probability of winning, but many people somehow miraculously manage to get lucky. Some believe that beginners are lucky, others are sure that money and fortune love consistency.

“There is a formula, but everyone has their own. Someone checks the results of the draws and, based on the results of the draws, draws up a diagram of lucky numbers in his opinion,”- notes Gavrishova.

Gamblers believe: if you didn’t win today, it means you’ll definitely be lucky next time.

According to state lottery statistics, 200 thousand people become winners every day, and 15 of them become millionaires. Anyone can get rich from scratch. All you need is luck, a little luck and a lucky ticket.

If this question worries you more and more often, then our article is just for you. I don’t want to upset you, but in order to hit the jackpot, you don’t need to go anywhere, use some sophisticated methods and strategies, choose lucky numbers, buy tickets on certain days of the week, or run to psychics. Nothing can increase your chances of winning unless you buy as many lottery tickets as there are chances.

What am I doing wrong?

Nothing. Playing the lottery is not like football or any other sport. Here you cannot hone your skills. Playing the lottery is a synergy of pure luck and the right strategy. Personally, I think luck prevails here. Who knows how you can become luckier? The only thing you are doing wrong is focusing on the result! Excessive expectations can ruin your mood and make you feel unhappy. Here are some tips that will lift your spirits and increase your chances of winning the lottery.

Relax and breathe

In today's world, everyone wants quick results. If it can happen tomorrow, then why not now? This is how man is made. We want everything at once. When we buy lottery tickets, we are driven by a strong desire to win. However, not everything happens the way we want it. Relax and take a deep breath - what will happen will not happen.

Don't get hung up

Dreaming about winning the lottery is one thing, but obsessing over it is something completely different! Obsessing over winning will not increase your chances, but will only make you forget about everything in the world. Ultimately, this can lead to depression. Do you need it?

Drop your superstitions

“Buy your tickets at 8am on Mondays. This will increase your chances of winning the lottery!” Complete bullshit! Don't believe superstitions. There is nothing that can increase your chances of winning the jackpot.

Don't choose special numbers

There are people who play the lottery for the first time and win. And there are people who have been picking the same numbers for years, but they have never won. You should not choose the same, consecutive or lucky numbers; there is no need to divide the numbers into “cold” and “hot”. If you are lucky, you will win. If you are unlucky, then no. It's simple!

What will help me?

The question is not easy, but we can speculate. Have you ever thought about joining