Why do you dream of an open coffin with a dead person? Why do you dream of a closed coffin with a dead person?

Dreams in which we see death and the dead are always disturbing and unpleasant. It’s especially creepy after a dream in which you saw a deceased person in a coffin. Often the dreamer perceives such a dream as an unkind sign that promises trouble. In fact, interpretations of dreams associated with the dead are mostly positive, and sometimes simply mean a change in the weather. Let's try to figure out why we dream of a dead man in a coffin and what does such a dream promise us?

Why do you dream of a coffin with a dead person according to Miller?

We often have frightening dreams that we don’t want to remember. But in order to correctly interpret the dream, you need to remember all the details of the night vision. According to Miller's dream book, sleep means the following:

  • Seeing a loved one in a coffin is a sign from above that life’s trials and adversities await you, which you will find the strength to cope with.
  • If the deceased spoke to you, wait for the news, it may be unpleasant.
  • The coffin with the deceased falling is a good sign; you will successfully overcome all life's troubles and obstacles.

Dead in a coffin - what does Loff’s dream book say?

Loff claims that dreams of the dead occur to those dreamers who have recently attended a mourning ceremony or thought about death. If a person has not been to a funeral for a long time, and he dreamed of a deceased person, this indicates the spiritual poverty of the dreamer, it is necessary to engage in self-development.

  • To see a friend or relative dead in a coffin - this person will be in trouble; if he is unfamiliar to you - change.
  • A deceased person lying in a wooden box instead of a coffin - expect financial income!
  • A dead man coming to life in a coffin is a terrible dream, but with a positive interpretation - expect guests.

Dreams with a dead man in a coffin according to Grishina’s dream book

According to Grishina’s dream book, a coffin in a dream means melancholy and fear in reality.

  • Seeing yourself dead in a coffin promises problems and obstacles in realizing your plans.
  • A closed coffin with a deceased person that you bury in the ground - in real life you are trying to forget about some incident that torments and haunts you.
  • Unearth a coffin with a deceased person - your secret will be revealed.

Why do you dream of an unfamiliar dead person in a coffin?

If you dreamed of a coffin in which a stranger rests, the dream may mean the following:

  • A stranger in a coffin promises life changes. In the future, you will change your job, your field of activity, or break off your relationship with your partner.
  • If the dead man turns over in his grave, your business and any endeavors will go up, success awaits you. But you shouldn’t relax - the dream warns of ill-wishers who don’t want you to achieve success and are pulling you back. Review your social circle.
  • If you dreamed of a stranger dying in a coffin in your house, quarrels with loved ones await you in the near future.
  • The deceased with his eyes open in a coffin means major expenses.

What does a revived dead person in a coffin mean?

Seeing a living dead man in a coffin is a terrible dream; the dream book warns of difficulties and changes.

  • A dead man crying in a coffin - in reality, expect conflicts and quarrels with those close to you.
  • Aggressive dead man - it’s worth repenting of your sins. If in reality this person is no longer alive, order a memorial service for him.
  • If the deceased moves in the coffin, it means loss. It’s worse if he calls you with him - to protracted illnesses and difficulties.

Why do you dream of relatives in a coffin?

Seeing a loved one in a coffin is a terrible dream, but only in a dream. In reality, such a dream promises change.

  • Father in a coffin - pay attention to financial matters.
  • Mother in a coffin - troubles with a partner or children.
  • Grandmother in a coffin - you have to make an important decision in life. What she says in a dream are prophetic words, it’s worth listening to them.
  • Hugging a deceased person in a coffin means big changes are coming; kissing someone means getting rid of fears.

See yourself in a coffin

An incredibly dark and creepy dream is to see yourself lying in a coffin. What do dream books say?

  • The dream indicates that you have many started but unfinished important things in real life.
  • Seeing a closed coffin and knowing that you are there is not the best time in your life; most likely you are experiencing depression or mental anguish. It's time to change your life for the better.
  • Climbing into a coffin in a dream means you lack impressions and emotions in your personal life.

A dream with a deceased person in a coffin should not be taken literally. It is worth considering the interpretation of the dream and drawing appropriate conclusions for yourself.

The sight of a dead person causes discomfort, a feeling of fear and even horror. After dreams with the dead, disturbing thoughts and a state of confusion arise. Dreamers immediately begin to look for explanations: a dead man in a coffin - why do they dream, what do such visions mean? But all fears are justified by fear of the unknown and. In some cases, such night guests can be messengers with good news.

Seeing dead people in a dream: description and interpretation of visions

The very image of a coffin in night dreams symbolizes renewal: new wardrobe items, the purchase of household appliances, a change of job or place of residence. For a long time there has been a belief that the dead dream of a change in the weather. Visions can be interpreted in different ways; dreamers are offered several interpretations:

  1. Laying the deceased in the coffin yourself is a sign of career growth.
  2. To lie in a coffin instead of the deceased means problems and troubles will arise.
  3. Closing the coffin with a lid means remembering the unpleasant event that happened for a long time.
  4. To dig up a coffin with a deceased person - the most intimate secret will soon become apparent.
  5. A dead man in a coffin lies among flowers - to an unsuccessful marriage.
  6. A modestly upholstered coffin means a poor existence, financial ruin; richly decorated - to prosperity, abundance.
  7. A deceased person is buried in an open coffin - this means serious trouble.
  8. The deceased falls out of the coffin - longing for a broken relationship.
  9. The dead man's eyes were not covered - to profit, enrichment.

It turns out that not all dreams of the deceased promise troubles and misfortunes. Some interpretations foretell a long and very happy life.

A living dead person in a dream as a symbol of future failures

Often, dreams with the living dead or people who are definitely already dead, but appear in the guise of a living person, are even more terrifying than visions with the deceased. If the deceased comes to life in a coffin, but does not come out of it and does not try to talk to you, then this does not mean anything bad. It is possible that unexpected guests will arrive in the near future. But conversations with such a zombie speak of extremely unpleasant events. The dreamer will face such difficult trials that it will be very difficult to get out of the current situation.

If a living dead person stretches out his hands towards him, then the problems will come from some offended person. It makes sense to reconsider relationships with others and make amends to whomever is necessary. A dead man crying in a coffin promises disorders in the moral and emotional sphere.

Or maybe you shouldn’t try to solve the puzzles of fate and look for what a dead man in a coffin means in a dream. they say that sometimes the deceased do not find any other way to contact the world of the living than to appear to some people previously familiar and close to their hearts. But how can one not pay attention to such phenomena in such cases? Suddenly, everything that the dead say in a dream is true, and they are trying in any way to warn us about the danger...

Why do you dream about a coffin (closed or a dead person in a coffin) 5.00 /5 (1 votes)

To determine the exact interpretation of a dream in which a coffin was seen, it is necessary to remember small details and the general atmosphere of the dream.

The coffin is a symbol of peace, stagnation and completion. A coffin in a dream is not always a harbinger of death; most often it signifies the end of some important stage in your life, and you need to rest and come to your senses. He represents death and birth, i.e. from a religious point of view, the soul dies in order to rest and incarnate in a new bodily shell. If you dreamed of an empty coffin with the lid removed, then this is a bad sign, indicating that someone is calling you to the other world, perhaps even using dark magic.

Why do you dream of a dead man in a coffin?

If you see a dead person in a coffin in a dream, this means a change in the weather, but if you recognize him as your relative or friend, then perhaps they are facing some kind of trouble or danger - stagnation and deterioration in business, illness and even death. If you dreamed of a deceased relative, and in the dream you do not realize that he is no longer alive, then by doing so he wants to warn you about something, try to remember what he will say.

Dream Interpretation: coffin and various areas of life

In the sphere of love, according to the dream book, the coffin speaks of stagnation in your relationship, as well as the possible fact of betrayal. To check if this is so, tie a night, enchanted red thread on your loved one’s right hand, if in the morning he wakes up out of sorts, then he has another one, if he is in a good mood, then there is no danger. If you are pregnant, then this dream may foretell a miscarriage or the death of your baby in the womb; it would be a good idea to visit a doctor.

In the professional field after sleeping with a coffin, stagnation is possible, that is, in the near future you should not think about moving up the career ladder, leave everything as it is, this is not your time. Also be careful about mistakes, your competitors are just waiting for you to stumble so they can push you down on your way to the pinnacle of success. If you are working on a project, then most likely it will be frozen in the near future, or it will fail.

In terms of health you should also be alert. It is possible that there may be any hidden diseases and inflammations occurring in your body, depression, and depression due to nervous overload and the influence of bad habits. The coffin itself is an allegorical image of a hospital bed, especially if you see a white or black coffin.

Did you happen to see a coffin with a dead person without a lid in a dream? A wonderful time of carefree and good luck awaits you. Why else do you dream about this terrifying plot? The dream book will analyze the various options in detail.

Miller's interpretation

What does this image mean in a dream, according to Mr. Miller? A coffin with a dead person without a lid in a dream promises repentance for unseemly actions, illness or a quarrel. But if you dreamed about how you actually covered the tomb with a lid and hammered in the nails, then you will get rid of your own vices.

Let go and live!

Why do you dream of a funeral coffin with a dead person without a lid? The dream book believes that you are oppressed by old feelings or unpleasant memories. This dream seems to encourage you to let go of the past and move forward without regrets.

If the deceased looks young in a dream, then this is a signal that the wound is still too fresh. If the body is old and wrinkled, then the events are ancient.

It's time to relax!

Did you dream about an open box with a corpse? Rejoice - a significant event or some kind of holiday awaits you. It is also a harbinger of successful fishing or hunting. So feel free to go for game, fish or mushrooms and berries.

Did you happen to see a good, but relatively distant acquaintance die? The dream book thinks that you will receive important information.

Debts or wedding?

If one of the relatives was lying in the coffin, then the dream book is sure that in reality he will become rich. Seeing a friend as deceased means that you will have to borrow a large sum from him and this will have an ambiguous effect on your friendship.

This same dream action indicates his imminent marriage and, as a consequence, the loss of his single life. Being dead yourself in a dream means confidence and inner peace.

Who dreamed?

The dream book reminds that the interpretation of a dream is directly dependent on who exactly dreamed of a dead man in an open coffin.

  • For the elderly - to the end of life.
  • For a family - to prosperity.
  • For the young - for wedding, longevity.
  • For a farmer - a crop failure, livestock illness.
  • For a businessman - to debt.
  • For a lover - to an unhappy marriage.

How did you feel?

Why else do you dream of a wooden coffin with a dead person without a lid? The dream book thinks: this is an eloquent sign that there is only one final touch left before the completion of a certain process.

For a more complete interpretation, it is necessary to take into account the emotions that you experienced in a dream while participating in a funeral ceremony.

If you dreamed that you were happy and even happy, then something good will happen and good luck will come. If your heart was heavy and even scary, then the coming changes will be unpleasant.

Take your time!

To dream that there is a coffin with a dead person without a lid in the room means that you are quite ready for the upcoming changes that will soon happen to you. Moreover, they can be both material and mental.

Why else do you dream of an open tomb with a dead person? The dream book is convinced that seeing him in a dream means a speedy promotion in the service. Did you dream of a fresh corpse in a box? Absolutely unexpectedly you will receive a huge profit.

Seeing a coffin in a dream foretells obstacles; for the elderly - the imminent death or loss of a dear relative; for family people - profit and prosperity; for the young - a wedding and a long, comfortable life.

A coffin seen in a church means an unsuccessful marriage. An open coffin is a sign of a cheerful celebration. Strewn with flowers - to failures and illnesses. Seeing a friend in a coffin means receiving important news. Lying in a coffin means acquiring a calm occupation and a long life. Carrying a coffin in a dream is a harbinger of illness that will darken the upcoming celebration. Seeing others carry him is a sign of sad circumstances and bad news.

Lowering the coffin into the grave is a tragic death. Digging a hole for a coffin is a happy marriage. Burying a coffin is a chronic disease. To nail up a coffin means to be very frightened.

Seeing yourself sitting on a coffin means quarrels followed by repentance and mutual forgiveness. Buying a coffin means incurring large expenses.

Seeing a tomb in a dream means receiving protection in reality, and through it finding good luck. Being locked in a tomb in a dream means disappointment and withdrawal from business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

The dream is favorable. Seeing a dead person means expect changes in fate.

For an unmarried girl, seeing a male deceased means an imminent wedding.

If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her.

If he is young, he will find someone his own age.

The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich.

If you saw a deceased person in a nice expensive suit or a rich shroud, your future husband will be wealthy.

If a married lady dreams of a deceased man, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep his distance. Over time, a romantic interest can develop into a good friendship. Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed.

If a man dreams of a dead man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision.

Seeing a deceased woman in a dream means a long and happy life. Kissing a deceased woman on the forehead means recovery from a protracted illness.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased person, decorated with flowers, and a mournful crowd around - means having fun in the company of friends.

If you dreamed that a coffin with a deceased person was being carried to a cemetery, such a dream promises a long and exciting journey in which you will make many new friends.

If you see yourself sitting over a deceased person, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands.

Washing the deceased is a well-deserved pleasure.

Dressing a deceased person for burial - good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend.

If the deceased is your acquaintance or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person whom you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures.

If you saw several dead people lying nearby, with the help of friends you will make a dizzying career or win a large inheritance.

Closing the coffin with the deceased - you will be able to make a decent fortune in a relatively short time.

Imagine that you are putting flowers in the coffin of a deceased person.

The deceased is dressed in a luxurious, expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. The coffin, decorated with gold and precious stones, is no less luxurious.

Interpretation of dreams from